Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
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Showing posts with label Politics MDGOP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics MDGOP. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Md Senate GOP Offers Amendments To Stop Tax And Fee Increases

Annapolis - GOP Senators tried to fix the Maryland budget today by keeping spending at last year's level; creating an incentive for state agencies to fix their bad audits; and rejecting any special fund transfers to the general funds. All three amendments were rejected.
Senator Pipkin called for the Senate to adopt a "live within your means" budget instead of the current proposal that grows the budget by $1.1 billion and depends on new taxes and fees.
Senator Reilly stated from the Senate Floor, "Maryland's budget does not make fiscal sense and is irresponsible."
In the last audit cycle, 38 state agencies had audits with three or more repeat bad findings:
·         DHMH paid $426,000 in Medicaid benefits to dead people;

·         SHA improperly used $11.3 million without BPW approval;

·         MDE mismanaged the Bay Restoration Fund (Flush Tax) -a $300,000 wastewater treatment plant was upgraded with money earmarked for septic systems; MDE also gave almost $60,000 worth of septic system grants on land without any structures.

·         MTA spent hundreds of millions of dollars without verifying bills and had little control over payroll.

Senator Pipkin offered an amendment that would decrease funding in these agencies until the agencies fix the egregious audits.
Senator Reilly proposed stopping all special fund transfers to the general fund to shore up the budget.  Each year, these funds, like the Transportation Trust Fund (TTF), the Waterway Improvement Fund, and many others are raided.  Consequently taxes and fees are raised to pay the deficit. This year, DNR is trying to raise the boating fees by 400% to fund the depleted Waterway Improvement Fund that was raided by the tune of $48 million since 2002.
The Senators will be offering more amendments as the Senate Floor votes on the three other budget bills this afternoon.


Sunday, December 04, 2011

MDGOP Announces Hiring of Executive Director

ANNAPOLIS - Chairman of the Maryland Republican Party, Alex X. Mooney, announced the hiring of David A. Ferguson to serve as the next Executive Director of the Maryland GOP.
After a long, exhaustive process which included over 40 applications and 15 interviews, Chairman Mooney and First Vice-Chairman Diana Waterman agreed that Mr. Ferguson was the best choice for this important position.
Currently, David is the principal of Ferguson & Associates, a full-service marketing, advertising and public relations firm headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia and Montgomery, Alabama. Ferguson & Associates works with small businesses, public figures, community and sports organizations, educational institutions, as well as Republican and conservative nonpartisan candidates for public office. He has managed several small businesses under the banner of David Ferguson Enterprises.
At 24, Ferguson was the campaign manager when he led now-Governor, Dr. Robert Bentley's, campaign to a surprise victory in Alabama's 2010 Republican Primary. Since his days as a College Republican, he has managed and worked on campaigns at numerous levels.
Mooney, said, "David's understanding of business management, fundraising, and the political environment makes him the right choice to lead the day-to-day operations of the Maryland GOP. I look forward to serving with David as we go onward as a party united in the mission of winning elections."
Ferguson said, "I am thankful for the new and exciting opportunity to work with the Maryland Republican Party. Despite the challenges we face, I have promised to lead an effective organization that will communicate a conservative vision of lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, and creating the best environment in America to live, work, and raise a family."
Ferguson is replacing interim-Executive Director State Delegate Justin Ready, as he prepares to return to the Maryland Legislature in January. Ready temporarily served in the capacity vacated by Kim Jorns, who now serves as the Executive Director of the Michigan Republican Party.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Washington Examiner - Hayley Peterson: Md. GOP teams with minorities on alternate congressional map

By: Hayley Peterson | 10/12/11 8:05 PM

Maryland Republicans will present the General Assembly with several alternative redistricting maps next week in an effort to save Western Maryland's 6th District -- one of the state's two Republican-majority districts -- from turning blue.

Under a plan supported by Gov. Martin O'Malley's council on redistricting, the 6th District would lose four Republican-leaning counties and gain a slew of voters from liberal Montgomery County. O'Malley is expected to introduce a version of the plan to the General Assembly when it begins its special session on Monday.

Three alternative maps floated by state lawmakers would preserve the Republican solidarity of the current District 6, create a new conservative-leaning district in Anne Arundel County and parts of Southern Maryland, as well as add a majority-minority district along the Montgomery County border with Prince George's County.


Among the Republicans proposing alternative maps are Sen. E.J. Pipkin, R-Eastern Shore, Sen. Joseph M. Getty, R-Carroll and Baltimore counties, and Del. Michael Hough, R-Frederick and Washington counties. Hough's proposal, which was crafted by the Fannie Lou Hamer PAC, would create a black-majority district by adding Charles County to Prince George's County.

20111013 WEx Md GOP teams w minorities on alt map


Friday, February 18, 2011

Stop the Gas Tax

Stop the Gas Tax  February 16, 2011

Dear Supporter, 

I wanted to give you a sneak peak of the Maryland Republican Party’s new website ( aimed stopping new Gas Tax increases in their tracks.  The website will officially launch later today but I wanted to give our loyal supporters the first look at the new site.

For years Democrats have raided the Maryland Transportation Fund to pay for increases in government spending and to paper over historic budget deficits – by nearly a quarter billion dollars in the last year alone.  Now, they plan to ram through a variety of potential new taxes on the already record gasoline prices to pass the costs of their fiscal irresponsibility on to you.

Everything from taking your kids to school, commuting to work to running a business is about to get more expensive and we just can’t afford it. Use to let the politicians in Annapolis know that it’s time to trim their budget before they start taxing us at the gas pump.

Here are a few quick and simple ways you can let Annapolis know you won’t stand for new taxes at the pump:

Contact your state Senator or Delegate.
Sign the Stop the Gas Tax Petition.
Join the Stop the MD Gas Tax on Facebook for the latest news and updates.

Visit to get started.


Alex X. Mooney
Chairman, Maryland Republican Party

20110216 Mooney Stop the Gas Tax

Md Gen Assembly 2011 428 Gas Tx


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

MDGOP Announces Commission for Environmental Solutions

MDGOP Announces Commission for Environmental Solutions

Maryland Republican Party

James Pelura, DVM, MS Chairman


April 21, 2009

CONTACT: Justin Ready, 410-269-0113

Maryland Republicans Celebrate Earth Day

MDGOP Announces Commission for Environmental Solutions

ANNAPOLIS - Our most treasured asset, the Chesapeake Bay is in trouble. Millions of dollars are spent each year on finding solutions to pollution in the Chesapeake Bay, while each year the reports are the same….the Bay is unhealthy and more must be done.

The Maryland Republican Party realizes that more money is not the answer. The time has come for reason, rational thinking and science to lead the way for developing a responsible approach for saving our most precious natural resource, the Chesapeake Bay.

As a result, the Maryland Republican Party is proud to take this opportunity on Earth Day 2009 to announce the formation of the MDGOP Commission for Environmental Solutions.

This commission includes representatives from the Maryland General Assembly, the recycling industry, green construction, water and sewage treatment, agriculture, the power industry as well as experts from the field of natural resources.

The Maryland Republican Party firmly believes that real solutions to our environmental problems will result from a scientific and rational approach that will provide for clean air and water while maintaining strict fiscal efficiency.
Tomorrow is too late, we must act today.

15 West Street • Annapolis, Maryland • 21401 • (410) 263-2125 Annapolis • (410) 269-5937 Fax

20090421 MDGOP Announces Commission for Environmental Solutions
Kevin Dayhoff