EMAIL ARTICLES TO: NBMccormick@taneytown.org
CITY OFFICE 410-751-1100 POLICE DEPT 410-751-1150
MAYOR’S (James L McCarron Jr.) MESSAGE:
Hello Everyone!
Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. Albert Camus
I begin with this thought, this month. As we look forward to the coming holidays with family and friends we think of our blessings and all the gifts in our lives that surround us. It seems, in our busy lives it is often easy to forget to say thank you to all those who work together to make our town the special place that it is. Thank someone today for being special.
We have had a busy month, and by the time you are reading these words, I hope that you have had a chance to enjoy the Oktoberfest activities. The “Pumpkin People” have come to visit and the annual Halloween parade is planned for Halloween evening (October 31st). Trick or Treat is planned for the same evening. Parks Director Bob Mitchell and Economic Director Nancy McCormick have all the details. Make sure you accompany your small children to keep them safe and be sure and check their bag of treats.
The dry weather still continues and we are included in Maryland Department of Environment “Drought Watch” area, along with most of Central Maryland & the Eastern Shore. You are doing a good job conserving water and our wells are still holding their own. We need everyone’s effort to insure our water supply.
We have begun the online payment of water and sewer bills. Visit our web site (www.taneytown.org) to take advantage of the added service.
Chief Tyler and Councilman Heine report that the Community Action Group meeting will resume in December. The first meeting will be on 12/4, for Windy Hills, next is Carnival/ Grand group on 12/6 and Courier Dr on 12/20. Other dates will follow. Become involved in your neighborhood by becoming active in these meetings. Please contact the chief or Councilman Heine for future dates. All are welcome to participate.
Speaking of being thankful, I must take a few minutes to recognize the long time efforts of our City Clerk/Treasurer, Linda Hess. As many have heard, Linda has elected to retire from city service; on November 1st. Linda had worked for the city’s citizens for over thirty-one years. She has been active, statewide too, serving in many offices and as President of Maryland Municipal League’s, Clerks Association. She has been nationally recognized for her dedication. Her accomplishments have been many, and she will be greatly missed.
While it will be impossible to replace someone with such a vast array of experience, we are actively seeking a qualified and experienced candidate and hope to have her replacement named in the near future. I want to wish Linda well, in her retirement and only the best in the future for her and her family. Thank You Linda!
BUSINESS BREAKFAST: November’s Taneytown Business Breakfast will be held on Friday, November 9, 2007 at Thunderhead Bowl. Networking and continental breakfast will begin at 9:15 am with the speaker beginning at 10:00am. John Pocari, Maryland Secretary of Transportation will speak on how they are addressing our transportation issues? Reservations are necessary no later than November 6th by calling 410-751-1100 x 20 or email: nbmccormick@taneytown.org.
STREET SWEEPING: On Monday, November 19, 2007, the following streets will be swept: East and West Baltimore Street, Frederick Street, York Street, Huntinghorn Street, Huntinghorn Court, Kenan Street (Meadowbrook), Bentley Street, Kwanzan Street, Bison Street, and Morning Frost Street. Sweeping occurs between the hours of 7:00am and 3:30pm.
ON-LINE WATER PAYMENTS: The City of Taneytown now has the capability of collecting water and sewer bills on-line with your Master Card or VISA Credit Card. Simply go to the City’s website www.taneytown.org and click on the box for water and sewer bill payment. Fill in the entire questionnaire and submit. The City will receive notice of your payment the next day and will credit your account based on that information. It will be necessary for you to complete this questionnaire each time you wish to pay by credit card. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk’s Office at 410-751-1100.
APPROVED RESOLUTIONS: The Mayor and City Council approved the following Resolutions at their October 8, 2007 Council Meeting: Resolution No. 2007-19, State Retirement System Tax Pickup Program and Resolution No. 2007-20, Water Allocations through November 1, 2007.
LEAF PICK-UP: The Public Works Department will continue curbside leaf pick-up on Tuesdays, through December 4, 2007. Please pack the leaves in plastic bags only and place them at the curb by 7:30am. Bags must be tied, and contain leaves only. No tree branches, sod, or trash will be picked-up. Bags should not weigh more than 30 pounds each and limit bag size to 50 gallons. Leaves will be taken to a local farm and used as compost, allowing the use of plastic bags. Paper kraft bags are still required for grass clipping disposal. Leaves will be collected without scheduling for pick-up, but you must continue to call the City Office before 3:00pm on Monday to schedule for grass pick-up on Tuesdays.
CITY OFFICE CLOSINGS: The Taneytown City Offices will be closed on Monday, November 12, 2007 for Veteran’s Day and on Thursday, November 22, 2007 and Friday, November 23, 2007 for Thanksgiving.
BULL AND OYSTER FEED: The American Legion-Hesson-Snider Post #120 will host a Bull and Oyster Feed on Saturday, November 3, 2007 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm at the Legion. Tickets are $25.00 per person and are available at the Legion Lounge or call Ralph Green at 410-756-4550 or Mike Stonesifer at 410-756-2628.
BINGO: St. Joseph Catholic Church, 44 Frederick Street, Taneytown, will hold bingo on Saturday, November 3, 2007 ~ Theme: Thanksgiving and Saturday, December 1, 2007 ~ Theme: Christmas. Doors open at 5:00 P.M. Early Bird games begin at 6:40 PM. Regular games immediately follow. Soups, sandwiches, desserts are available.
FSK JR. EAGLES FOOTBALL: FSK Jr. Eagles Football Board Meeting is November 14th in the large football field building. We will be voting on bylaw changes and review the season. Everyone is welcome. Visit www.fskjreagles.com for year round information.
MERRY METHODIST CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: Come to the Merry Methodist Christmas Bazaar sponsored by the United Methodist Women, at the United Methodist Church, 20 Middle Street, on Saturday, November 10, 2007 from 9 am until 3 pm. Crafts, Little Angels Room, PaPa's Closet, book nook, all kinds of great food - homemade soups, country ham sandwiches, homemade jellies, candies, cheese balls for holidays, and bake table.
VETERAN’S DAY PROGRAM: The American Legion Hesson-Snider Post #120 will be holding a Veteran’s Day Ceremony at the Post Home at 9 Broad Street in Taneytown on Saturday, November 11th at 11:00am. Everyone is encouraged to attend to show their respect and appreciation to our Veterans. All military veterans please attend so we may formally honor you for your service to our Country. All attendees are invited to a luncheon following the ceremony, compliments of the American Legion. If you have questions, call Elaine May-Stem at 443-340-8017.
BREAKFAST BUFFET: Knights of Columbus, St. Joseph Taneytown Council 11631 will sponsor a Country Style Breakfast Buffet (all you can eat) at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Social Hall, 44 Frederick St., Taneytown, on Sunday, November 11, 2007, 7 am - Noon. Cost: Adults $6.00, Children 7-10, $3.50, (6 & under Free).Early Bird Special: 7 am to 8 am - Adults: $5.00 Children (7 - 10), $3.00. Menu consists of Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Pancakes, Potatoes, Hominy, Sausage Gravy, Chip Beef, Toast, Orange Juice, Tea, & Coffee.
PANCAKE BREAKFAST: The Taneytown Lions Club’s 2007 Fall Pancake Breakfast will be held from 6 am until 11 am on Saturday, November 17, 2007. The breakfast will be held in the building on the Taneytown Carnival Ground on Memorial Drive. The breakfast is an All You Can Eat pancake breakfast featuring sausage, old-fashioned pudding and hominy, eggs fried-to-order, sausage gravy, with orange juice, coffee and tea. Prices continue to be held at $5.50 for adults, $3.00 for children ages 6-12, and children under 6 will be free. This breakfast again will benefit the Sight and Hearing projects supported by the Taneytown Lions, including vision screening for pre-schoolers. Questions- contact Claude Elmore at 410-751-1227, Jim Fair at 410-751-1120, or Mike Garner at 410-751-1977.
19TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS STAR BAZAAR: The Christmas Star Bazaar will be held Saturday, November 24, 2007, 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM at St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church, 44 Frederick Street, Taneytown. Vendor space is available. Please contact Terry Smith (410-756-6758) or the Church office (410-756-2500).
HOLIDAY OF TREES DISPLAY: “Holiday of Trees” display will be reopening November 24, 2007 with its Tree Decorating Contest, Silent Auction and Holiday Celebration at the Taneytown History Museum, 24 East Baltimore Street. This year the popular display/event has added miniature trees. Stop in to vote for your favorites during normal museum hours until December 15 at 3:30 pm. On December 1, 2007, the museum will have special hours to coincide with the City Tree Lighting. For more information call 410 756-4234.
TANEYTOWN LIBRARY: Check out these terrific programs for the month of November. For more information, pick up a copy of Currents at the library, or log onto library.carr.org and click on “Library Events”. For adults/teens: Scrapbooking: Tools & Techniques II Thursday, November 1 at 7. Taneytown Book Club: The Memory Keeper’s Daughter by Kim Edwards. Thursday, November 8 at 6:30 pm (For adults) Digital Scrapbooking Thursday, November 15 at 7 pm (For ages 14-adult). Make-n-Take Razzle Dazzle Holiday Cards (For ages 13 - adult) Thursday, November 29 at 7 pm Kris Buker of Stampin’ Up! For kids: For ages birth-24 mos. with accompanying adult caregiver Read & Play Tuesdays at 9:45 am Wednesdays at 11am. For ages 2-3 with accompanying adult caregiver: Story Pals Tuesdays at 11 am. For ages 3-6: On My Own Storytime Wednesdays at 9:45 am, Thursdays at 1:30 pm. For children of all ages. Year-Round Family Storytime Wednesdays at 7 pm, Thursdays at 9:45 am. For ages 7-17: Yu-Gi-Oh Monday, November 19 at 1 pm Bring your Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards and join other fans. Refreshments served. For ages 11-17: Xbox Party at the Library Monday, November 19 at 3 pm Play games on the library’s Xbox console. To register, go to Information Desk or log onto library.carr.org, click on “Library Events”.
FRUIT SALE: The Taneytown Chamber of Commerce is continuing the former Taneytown Kiwanis Club tradition of providing the Holiday Traditional Fruit Sale. As always the fruit sold is fresh Florida Fruit sold by the box (4/5 Bushel carton). Fruit will be available for pick up at the Taneytown Shopping Center parking lot on Saturday, December 8th from 8 am until 5 pm and Sunday, December 9th from 12 pm until 5 pm. Orders are due by November 23rd. Payment is due on pick up day. You may pay for your order in advance. Payments by check or money order should be made out to the Taneytown Chamber of Commerce. For more information or to place an order by phone please contact Roger Diehl at 410 751-1400 or 410 984-7815 or Donna Sako at 410 756-4234 or 410 371-4265.
FSK LACROSSE: Information for Boys: Boys in grades 5th -8th will be playing at Four Seasons in Hampstead. Games are held during the week on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday evenings. First session begins November 10th. Second session begins January 5th. Information for Girls: Girls in grades 5th – 8th will be playing their first session at the Frederick Sportsplex, with games held on Saturdays. The girls’ second session will be held at Carroll Indoor, with games also scheduled for Saturdays. First session begins November 3rd. Second session begins January 12th. There is open registration for experienced players, no practices - games only: $85.00 for one session, $150 for both. 2008 Season Registration begins November 1st with an early bird discount for returning players (save $10) 11/1/07 (registration will be sent via mail) Early bird discount for new players: 11/15/07 - must contact us for registration materials. Open registration: 12/1/07 - 1/31/08. Open Clinics to be held at Taneytown Elementary for interested players to try out lacrosse for FREE after school in January - Date to announced registration: 2/1/08. Open registration: $75.00, $65.00 with early bird discount. Contact Laura Furbay Maring at 410-751-0224 for more information or lfurbay@yahoo.com. Visit our website at www.fsklax.com for more info.
SLEEP-OUT FOR HOMELESSNESS: The Youth Group of Grace United Church of Christ, 49 West Baltimore Street, Taneytown will sponsor a “Sleep-Out for Homelessness Awareness” on November 17th. After an evening of awareness events and spending a night without a home, the group will gather donated items to be blessed during the 10:15 A.M. worship service themed around “thankfulness and the importance of caring for those in need”. The Taneytown Community is invited to join with us in helping provide for those in desperate need by dropping off personal care items, paper products, laundry soap, and cleaning supplies. Non-perishable food items will also be collected and given to the Carroll Food Sunday Pantry of Taneytown. Residents may drive by the church and drop items off during the week in the outdoor collection boxes or to the youth gathered for the sleep-out between the hours of 7:00-11:00 P.M. on Saturday or 7:00 -10:00 A.M. on Sunday.
FAREWELL MY FRIENDS: It is with mixed emotions that I must say farewell to my friends in Taneytown. I will be retiring November 2nd after more than thirty-one years of service to the Citizens of Taneytown. I have been fortunate in that I have worked most of my life doing what I have enjoyed. I hope I have served you well and will think of the City of Taneytown with the fondest of memories.