“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - https://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/ combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see https://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Gallup: Stimulus bill losing support
posted on HotAir at 9:18 am on February 3, 2009 by Ed Morrissey
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid counted on a significant honeymoon period after the inauguration to ensure passage of their bloated Generational Theft Act, or as they call it, the “stimulus” package. After forcing the bill through the House without allowing any Republican input on its makeup, the bill has landed in a more hostile Senate, where even Democrats wonder aloud how many votes it will get in its present form. They seem to have their fingers on the pulse of America, because according to the latest Gallup poll, the honeymoon has already ended:
Read the entire post here: Gallup Stimulus bill losing support
20090203 Gallup Stimulus bill losing support
Kevin Dayhoff www.kevindayhoff.net http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/
Monday, September 29, 2008
Pelosi Floor Statement on Bipartisan Financial Rescue Legislation

For Immediate Release 09/29/2008
Contact: Brendan Daly/Nadeam Elshami
Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke on the House floor this afternoon in support the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008. Below are her remarks, as prepared:
“Madam Speaker, when was the last time someone asked you for $700 billion?
“It is a number that is staggering, but tells us only the costs of the Bush Administration’s failed economic policies—policies built on budgetary recklessness, on an anything goes mentality, with no regulation, no supervision, and no discipline in the system.
“Democrats believe in the free market, which can and does create jobs, wealth, and capital, but left to its own devices it has created chaos.
“That chaos is the dismal picture painted by Treasury Secretary Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke a week and a half ago in the Capitol. As they pointed out, we confront a crisis of historic magnitude that has the ability to do serious injury not simply to our economy, but to the American people: not just to Wall Street, but to everyday Americans on Main Street.
“It is our responsibility today, to help avert that catastrophic outcome.
“Let us be clear: This is a crisis caused on Wall Street. But it is a crisis that reaches to Main Street in every city and town of the United States.
“It is a crisis that freezes credit, causes families to lose their homes, cripples small businesses, and makes it harder to find jobs.
“It is a crisis that never had to happen. It is now the duty of every Member of this body to recognize that the failure to act responsibly, with full protections for the American taxpayer, would compound the damage already done to the financial security of millions of American families.
“Over the past several days, we have worked with our Republican colleagues to fashion an alternative to the original plan of the Bush Administration.
“I must recognize the outstanding leadership provided by Chairman Barney Frank, whose enormous intellectual and strategic abilities have never before been so urgently needed, or so widely admired.
“I also want to recognize Rahm Emanuel, who combined his deep knowledge of financial institutions with his pragmatic policy experience, to resolve key disagreements.
“Secretary Paulson deserves credit for working day and night to help reach an agreement and for his flexibility in negotiating changes to his original proposal.
“Democrats insisted that legislation responding to this crisis must protect the American people and Main Street from the meltdown on Wall Street.
“The American people did not decide to dangerously weaken our regulatory and oversight policies. They did not make unwise and risky financial deals. They did not jeopardize the economic security of the nation. And they must not pay the cost of this emergency recovery and stabilization bill.
“So we insisted that this bill contain several key provisions:
“This legislation must contain independent and ongoing oversight to ensure that the recovery program is managed with full transparency and strict accountability.
“The legislation must do everything possible to allow as many people to stay in their homes rather than face foreclosure.
“The corporate CEOs whose companies will benefit from the public’s participation in this recovery must not benefit by exorbitant salaries and golden parachute retirement bonuses.
“Our message to Wall Street is this: the party is over. The era of golden parachutes for high-flying Wall Street operators is over. No longer will the U.S. taxpayer bailout the recklessness of Wall Street.
“The taxpayers who bear the risk in this recovery must share in the upside as the economy recovers.
“And should this program not pay for itself, the financial institutions that benefited, not the taxpayers, must bear responsibility for making up the difference.
“These were the Democratic demands to safeguard the American taxpayer, to help the economy recover, and to impose tough accountability as a central component of this recovery effort.
“This legislation is not the end of congressional activity on this crisis. Over the course of the next few weeks, we will continue to hold investigative and oversight hearings to find out how the crisis developed, where mistakes were made, and how the recovery must be managed to protect the middle class and the American taxpayer.
“With passage of this legislation today, we can begin the difficult job of turning our economy around, of helping those who depend on a growing economy and stable financial institutions for a secure retirement, for the education of their children, for jobs and small business credit.
“Today we must act for those Americans, for Main Street, and we must act now, with the bipartisan spirit of cooperation which allowed us to fashion this legislation.
“This not enough. We are also working to restore our nation’s economic strength by passing a new economic recovery stimulus package—a robust, job creating bill—that will help Americans struggling with high prices, get our economy back on track, and renew the American Dream.
“Today, we will act to avert this crisis, but informed by our experience of the past eight years with the failed economic leadership that has left us left capable of meeting the challenges of the future.
“We choose a different path. In the new year, with a new Congress and a new president, we will break free with a failed past and take America in a New Direction to a better future.”
20080929 Pelosi Floor Statement on Bipartisan Financial Rescue Legislation
Friday, June 22, 2007
20070621 Earmark Requests Revealed

June 21, 2007
The RSC (Republican Study Committee) has posted a list of earmarks included in the Financial Services appropriations bill and the Interior-Environment appropriations bill. The RSC will continue to post these lists as they are made available by the Appropriations Committee.
For more on earmarks go here: Porkbusters
20070622 May 18th 2007 to President Bush against excessive spending

June 22, 2007
Congressman Roscoe Bartlett was one of 147 Members of the House of Representatives who signed a May 18, 2007 letter to President Bush pledging to uphold vetoes of bills with excessive spending.
146 votes are needed to uphold a veto.
Information about the letter is posted at: May 18th, 2007 to President Bush against excessive spending
“… a list of members who have signed the RSC Spending Veto Letter to uphold the President’s veto of any federal spending bill that exceeds his budget request. Read more here and here.”
20070620 News Clips

News Clips
June 20, 2007
Thousands turn out to greet Ripken
Harford names a day in former Oriole's honor, preceding his Hall of Fame induction
The Iron Man hobbled up the stage showing a bit of rust.
A knee injury during a recent pickup basketball game was responsible for Cal Ripken Jr.'s slight limp. But the former Oriole great knows a little about playing with pain.
"I did have nagging injuries when I played. And in the same spirit, there was no way I was going to miss coming out here today," Ripken told a cheering crowd of thousands in Bel Air yesterday after a parade in his honor down Main Street.
It was Cal Ripken Jr. Day in Harford County, and the Aberdeen native returned t o his roots for an event put on by the county government to celebrate Ripken's coming induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame and mark opening day for his minor league team, the Aberdeen IronBirds.
A drug-war setback
Red tape, doctors say, cuts buprenorphine prescriptions
Faced with Medicaid's low payments and bureaucratic red tape, some Maryland doctors are reluctant to prescribe buprenorphine for heroin addicts, even though the drug has been promoted as a potential magic bullet in the war against addiction, according to a survey set for release today.
The survey, commissioned by the Center for a Healthy Maryland Inc., found that doctors were not always sufficiently reimbursed for their time and services and that there were other "hassles," including medication preauthorization, a process that in some cases can take 48 hours, and varying and confusing protocols among Medicaid providers.
The report comes as state officials are deciding how to spend an extra $3 million earmarked for buprenorphine treatment in the budget year that starts July 1.
Mayor seeks spending changes
Charter amendments would lessen power of council and public oversight of funds
Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon wants to make several changes to the city charter that would make it easier for the city to buy goods and services - but that also would lessen City Council and public oversi ght of how taxpayer money is spent.
Two charter amendments
The legislation comes a year after
Dixon, police meet over crime plan
Facing increases in homicides and shootings and a dip in police morale, Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon outlined yesterday her plan to reduce violence in a closed-door presentation before roughly 500 city officers who were ordered to attend.
"You hear rumors that people don't understand the [crime] plan," she said in a briefing to reporters after her 30-minute meeting with officers at the downtown police headquarters. "I just wanted to make it very clear what the plan is. ... Communicate the mission. Sometimes there's a breakdown."
The meeting, however, drew criticism from union officials who dismissed the mayor's plan as a "PowerPoint presentation," a political opponent who charged the meeting was a publicity stunt and former police chief Edward T. Norris, who introduced his own crime plan on his talk radio program.
During a half-hour, closed door meeting with some 500 police officers who were required to attend, Mayor Sheila Dixon described her plan to cut violence in a city dealing with increasing homicides and shootings.
The meeting was criticized by a union official, who called
It's Ed Norris, armchair commissioner by Laura Vozzella
In Baltimore, even the felons have crime plans.
And if the felon also happens to be the only guy in memory to knock down the city's horrific homicide numbers,
Ex-commish/ex-con Ed Norris unfurled his prescription for a safer city on his radio show yesterday, and no fewer than seven reporters and four TV camera guys flocked to the WHFS studios for the occasion, The Sun's Julie Bykowicz reports.
Lawyer tries to exclude tapes
Bromwell attorney says FBI recordings won't allow fair trial
A new lawyer appointed to represent indicted former state Sen. Thomas L. Bromwell Sr. says that hours of secret FBI tapes peppered with the politician's racial and sexist epithets are irrelevant and should be excluded from his trial because they could impair a jury's ability to reach a fair verdict.
"The vast majority of the recordings simply have nothing to do with the core issues in the case," said Barry J. Po llack, repeating arguments that he made in recent court filings in the case.
Maryland U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein, whose office is handling the prosecution, countered that the tapes of phone conversations and dinner chatter are vital to prove the bribery accusations lodged against Bromwell, a Baltimore County Democrat who served in the General Assembly for more than two decades.
Plan for expanded MARC urged
Metro leaders call on governor to develop strategic study on train service
Top elected leaders from the Baltimore region have called on Gov. Martin O'Malley to begin developing a strategic plan for the expansion of MARC train service to prepare for growth expected from military base realignment.
State fees for assisted living may increase
Proposed state fee increases for assisted-living facilities could have those businesses paying much more for a license.
Under proposed new regulations for the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene published on May 11, license fees for the estimated 1,280 assisted-living facilities in the state could increase by hundreds of dollars. There are 92 such facilities in
Elected school board bid fails
Petition drive for ballot question falls a bit short
A grassroots effort to get more say in selecting Anne Arundel County's school board has failed after a petition drive to put the issue on the Nov. 6 general election ballot came up 275 names short.Citizens for an Elected School Board in Anne Arundel County and freshman state Sen. Bryan W. Simonaire collected 6,726 signatures between the end of the legislative session April 9 and May 30, said Mary Cramer Wagner, director of voter registration for the Maryland Board of Elections.
The group was required to submi t 6,264 -- a third of the total required -- by the deadline
County limits emergency aid to schools
Tensions between elected officials and school leaders were aggravated this week when the Anne Arundel County Council approved an $18.9 million budget transfer that fell $3.7 million short of the school system's request and leaves key objectives unfunded.
The emergency legislation backed by County Executive John R. Leopold does not include money for a human-resources computer system, administrative trainees and substitutes for assistant principals. The transfer also does not reimburse the school system $2.6 million for charter schools.
Others concurred with the c ounty executive. Council Chairman Ronald C. Dillon Jr., a Pasadena Republican, said he doesn't want to establish a "use-it-or-lose-it mentality."
Draft transportation plan unveiled for U.S. 1
With efforts to rejuvenate a long-maligned but potential-laden section of U.S. 1 creeping forward, Howard County officials and the State Highway Administration unveiled a draft transportation plan that calls for adding paths, sidewalks, side roads, bike lanes, bus lanes, car lanes and a median to deal with increased traffic and use as the corridor grows.
Howard County councilman pushes living wage bill
Howard County Council Chairman Calvin Ball is taking steps to require county contractors to pay its workers a sufficient minimum wage - a move he calls "the right to do."
"We should set a higher standard," said Ball, D-District 2.
Commissioners object to power line placement
The Frederick County Commissioners will write a letter to the federal government objecting to a designation that could lead to an expedited process for building large power lines.
In a report released in August, the Department of Energy included
Natural Gas Company Seeks to Run 1st Pipeline Under Chesapeake Bay
A Delaware natural gas company has proposed building the first pipeline under the Chesapeake Bay, to pump gas from Cove Point in Southern Maryland to Delaware starting in winter 2009, according to a federal official
Eastern Shore Natural Gas's $93 million project is in the early stages of the state and federal approval process, but some environmental groups and a state legislator are raising questions about its environmental effects.
Evangelical voters may not help GOP
Here's a bold prediction: Evangelicals will present few if any obstacles for the Democrats in next year's presidential race, but may prove problematic for the Republican nominee.
I'm not suggesting that a majority of evangelicals will vote Democratic next year. What I am saying is the 2008 presidential race could be a turning point for evangelical politics in
Bartlett releases 'earmark' list; Capito and Shuster have not
U.S. Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, R-Md., on Tuesday released his list of fiscal year 2008 pet-project requests - $322.51 million worth - after The Herald-Mail asked for it.
"I am proud of my requests,"
"With greater public interest and the support of Republicans to reform the Congressional budget process, I am releasing the requests for funding that I have submitted."
Progressive Maryland, citizens speak out on Gilchrest voting record
Several co mmunity leaders joined a liberal grassroots organization Tuesday to praise and protest Republican Rep. Wayne Gilchrest's voting record across the street from his District 1 office.
Gilchrest signed a letter Monday siding with the president if he vetoes a Democratic-majority version expected to help
House Primaries Come Early for Three Maryland Incumbents
In most states, congressional primaries in 2008 will be held from March to as late as mid-September. So even most incumbents who face the possibility of primary challenges next year must view full-scale campaigning as still a quite distant prospect.
That, however, is not as true in Maryland, where next year's congressional primaries - dragged along with the "front-loaded" presidential primary contests - will be held on Feb. 12, the earliest-ever date in the state.
The sped-up process has already produced primary challenges, of varying degrees of risk, to Democrat Albert B. Wynn of the 4th District and two Republicans, Wayne T. Gilchrest of the 1st and Roscoe G. Bartlett of the 6th. At this juncture, eight-term incumbent Wynn faces the most serious threat, in the form of a rematch with a challenger who came close to upsetting him in 2006.
NAACP inauguration hosts top politicians
The gala planned by the county's NAACP branch tonight has drawn RSVP's from the state's top politicians, organizers said.
The inauguration gala celebrating Wayne Jearld's ascendancy to the presidency will be attended by Gov. Martin O'Malley; U.S. Sens. Barbara A. Mikulski and Benjamin L. Cardin; House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer; Reps. Wayne Gilchrest, Dutch Ruppersberger and John P. Sarbanes; and Maryland Speaker of the House Michael E. Busch, among others.
Cardin still working to close Oak Hill
In a closed-door meeting Wednesday, U.S. Senator Benjamin L. Cardin said he is still working to close the
House bill puts border security over immigration
Republican leaders bucked President Bush on Tuesday and filed an enforcement-only bill in the House that calls for shoring up the Southwest border before guest worker and earned legalization programs can be offered.
Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said he wasn't opposed to breaking up the bill, but signaled difficulties in passing sweeping reform legislation. "I am for a comprehensive bill if we can work out the appropriate provisions in that bill," he said.
Magnet program eyed for Ft. Meade
Congressional and local officials want to tap into the technical expertise at Fort George G. Meade and create a math and science magnet program at the public schools on post.
Still in the conceptual stages, the magnet program would concentrate on math and science at the elementary, middle and high school levels. The idea is to create standout students who are interested and qualified for the post's civilian jobs, said Heather Moeder Molino, a spokesman for U.S. Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger,
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
20070620 Earmarks: A Bridge to Bankruptcy

June 20, 2007 by Kevin E. Dayhoff
My Tentacle column is up and it involves an issue that crosses party lines and simply must be addressed – pork, earmarks, Congressional discretionary spending…
I have written about this mess before, see: 20060503 Congressional Pork: The Other Red Meat by Kevin Dayhoff
Please also note that since this column was filed early Tuesday morning, June 19th, 2007, Congressman Roscoe Bartlett (R – 6 Dist., MD) has released information on all his earmarks – please see: 20070619 Congressman Bartlett releases his earmarks
Earmarks: A Bridge to Bankruptcy
June 20, 2007 by Kevin E. Dayhoff
After months of bitter fighting, the surge on "earmarks," our own homegrown version of economic terrorism, continues to meet stiff resistance.
The Great Porkbusters War has now raged in a "Twilight Zone" for over 18 months with no resolution in sight. The initial "Porkbusters" grassroots effort was launched in September 2005 by conservative political commentator Glenn Reynolds as an effort "to cut 'pork barrel' spending by the
Sen. Tom Coburn (R.,OK,) whom political commentator Mark Tapscott has credited with spearheading the war on earmarks, quickly saw an opportunity to strike a major blow against earmarks and proposed the "Coburn Amendment" to a broad, sweeping appropriations bill, which had been introduced in June of that year.
The Coburn Amendment attempted to remove money from the bill. It specifically addressed the $220 million so-called "Bridge to Nowhere" in
By now the Democrats had discovered the issue as politically expedient and in March 2006, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D., CA) held a press conference in which she railed against earmarks.
It was political theatre at its best…
Read the rest of the column here: Earmarks: A Bridge to Bankruptcy
20070619 Congressman Bartlett releases his earmarks
June 19th, 2007
See also:
20061006 Congressman Bartlett announces 100M in Federal Funding for 6th Dist. and MD
Note: This arrived in an e-mail after I had filed my Tentacle column for Wednesday, June 20th, 2007 in which I said:
Just yesterday (early Tuesday morning, June 19th, 2007) CNN reported: "Despite the new Democratic congressional leadership's promise of 'openness and transparency' in the budget process, a CNN survey of the House found it nearly impossible to get information on lawmakers' pet projects. Staffers for only 31 of the 435 members of the House contacted by CNN between Wednesday and Friday of last week supplied a list of their earmark requests for Fiscal Year 2008."
Of the
Obviously, Congressman Bartlett has been forthcoming about his earmark requests… In the e-mail in which I received this, there were two PDF documents which delineated his defense funding requests and his non-defense funding requests. Unfortunately, I cannot put PDFs on “Soundtrack.” But hopefully The Tentacle will put them up…
For additional information please Contact: Lisa Wright 202-225-2721
Congressman Roscoe Bartlett Releases His Federal Budget Appropriations Funding Requests for FY 2008
In previous years, I followed the established procedure and waited until appropriations bills were finalized to distribute news releases with my list of requests that received funding. With greater public interest and the support of Republicans to reform the Congressional budget process, I am releasing the requests for funding that I have submitted." Congressman Bartlett's requests are posted on his website at www.bartlett.house.gov.
Congressman Bartlett added, "Each year I am grateful that I can apply more than twenty years of engineering experience along with my fifteen years on the House Armed Services, Science and Small Business Committees to make requests for additional federal funding not included in the President's Budget that will contribute to meet national goals and provide value to the taxpayers."
All requests that Congressman Bartlett makes are thoroughly reviewed through the committee and house processes. Funding for specific projects and the amount of funding will not be finalized until appropriations bills are signed into law.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
20060503 Congressional Pork: The Other Red Meat by Kevin Dayhoff

20060503 Congressional Pork: The Other Red Meat by
Congressional Pork: The Other Red Meat
May 3, 2006, by Kevin E. Dayhoff
A recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll provided insight into the mind of the electorate. We are tired of pork, otherwise known as “earmarks.” And, rightfully so.
Even the least knowledgeable among us of the machinations and meanderings of Congress understands that someday the bill for our elected representative current obsession with credit card debt will eventually have to be paid.
Wasn’t it the
Bold leaders lead and only spineless superficial political sycophants are pre-occupied with news media fad polls. News media polls often involve selective trivialities trumping substance in an obvious attempt to distort the facts or promote an agenda.
Nevertheless, the results of this current Wall Street Journal/NBC poll are resonating as congressional pork has evolved from a minor annoyance into a major irritation. Voters are noticing that Congress has a bad habit of irresponsibly including local project expenditures into appropriation bills, which bypass the budgeting process, are authorized without debate, and have nothing to do with the focus of the national issues being addressed.
Advancing age allows us to ignore the folly of becoming unnecessarily excited about the manic swings and obsessive gnashing of teeth over “inside baseball” issues that ultimately will be but a mere blip in the history books. Thirty-five years from now, the hysteria over the Valerie Plame affair will be little more than a sentence in a chapter on the beginnings of this century. But those reading that sentence still will be cognizant of the debt with which we saddled them.
The agitation over the newfound, undisciplined spending and fiscal irresponsibility of the
Read the rest of the column here: Congressional Pork: The Other Red Meat
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
20051130 Major Actions and all Actions of HR 3058
20051130 Major Actions and all Actions of HR 3058
The Library of Congress Thomas
H.R.3058 Public Law 11/30/2005
6/24/2005 Introduced in House
6/24/2005 The House Committee on Appropriations reported an original measure, H. Rept. 109-153, by Mr. Knollenberg.
6/30/2005 Passed/agreed to in House: On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 405 - 18 (Roll no. 358).
7/26/2005 Committee on Appropriations. Reported by Senator Bond with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. With written report No. 109-109.
10/20/2005 Passed/agreed to in Senate: Passed Senate with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 93 - 1. Record Vote Number: 264.
11/18/2005 Conference report H. Rept. 109-307 filed.
11/18/2005 Conference report agreed to in House: On agreeing to the conference report Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 392 - 31 (Roll no. 605).
11/21/2005 Conference report agreed to in Senate: Senate agreed to conference report by Unanimous Consent.
11/30/2005 Signed by President.
11/30/2005 Became Public Law No: 109-115 [Text, PDF]
6/24/2005 5:12pm:
The House Committee on Appropriations reported an original measure, H. Rept. 109-153, by Mr. Knollenberg.
6/24/2005 5:13pm:
Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 93.
6/27/2005 6:46pm:
Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 342 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 3058 with 1 hour of general debate. Previous question shall be considered as ordered without intervening motions except motion to recommit with or without instructions. Measure will be read by paragraph. Bill is open to amendments.
Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H5276)
6/28/2005 4:30pm:
Rule H. Res. 342 passed House.
6/29/2005 11:24am:
Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 342. (consideration: CR H5376-5433, CR 6/30/2005 H5437-5441; text of Title I as reported in House: CR H5386, H5397, H5400, H5400-5401, H5401-5402, H5402, H5402-5403, H5403, H5413-5415; text of Title II as reported in House: CR H5415-5416, H5416-5417, H5421-5422, H5422, text of Title III as reported in House: CR H5422)
6/29/2005 11:25am:
H.AMDT.394 Amendment (A001) offered by Mr. Knollenberg. (consideration: CR H5376; text: CR H5376)
An amendment to change the amount available for the operating expenses of the National Archives and Records Administration to $283,975,000 from $283,975,000,000.
6/29/2005 11:25am:
H.AMDT.394 On agreeing to the Knollenberg amendment (A001) Agreed to without objection.
6/29/2005 11:25am:
House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the
6/29/2005 11:25am:
The Speaker designated the Honorable John M. McHugh to act as Chairman of the Committee.
6/29/2005 12:35pm:
H.AMDT.395 Amendment (A002) offered by Mr. Edwards. (consideration: CR H5385-5386; text: CR H5385)
An amendment to add a new title addressing funding for Medical Services for the Veterans Health Administration.
6/29/2005 12:42pm:
H.AMDT.395 Mr. Knollenberg raised a point of order against the Edwards amendment (A002). Mr. Knollenberg stated that the provisions of the Edwards amendment sought to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/29/2005 12:48pm:
H.AMDT.396 Amendment (A003) offered by Mr. Knollenberg. (consideration: CR H5386-5387; text: CR H5387)
Amendment increases funding for the Office of the Secretary of Transportation; for IRS tax enforcement; and for the Community Development Fund.
6/29/2005 12:52pm:
H.AMDT.396 On agreeing to the Knollenberg amendment (A003) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/29/2005 12:55pm:
H.AMDT.397 Amendment (A004) offered by Mr. LaTourette. (consideration: CR H5387-5397; text: CR H5387)
Amendment increases funding for the National Railroad Passenger Corporation.
6/29/2005 1:59pm:
H.AMDT.397 On agreeing to the LaTourette amendment (A004) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/29/2005 2:02pm:
Mr. Mica raised a point of order against the content of the measure. Mr. Mica raised a point of order against page 5 line 25-26 stating that the language proposed to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill in violation of the House rules. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/29/2005 2:03pm:
H.AMDT.398 Amendment (A005) offered by Ms. Velazquez. (consideration: CR H5397-5399; text: CR H5397)
Amendment increases funding for lead hazard control grants.
6/29/2005 2:17pm:
H.AMDT.398 On agreeing to the Velazquez amendment (A005) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/29/2005 2:17pm:
H.AMDT.399 Amendment (A006) offered by Mr. Knollenberg. (consideration: CR H5399; text: CR H5399)
Amendment increases funding for FAA safety programs.
6/29/2005 2:19pm:
H.AMDT.399 On agreeing to the Knollenberg amendment (A006) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/29/2005 2:19pm:
H.AMDT.400 Amendment (A007) offered by Mr. Poe. (consideration: CR H5399-5400; text: CR H5399)
An amendment numbered 12 printed in the Congressional Record to increase funding for the Air Traffic Services Account.
6/29/2005 2:22pm:
H.AMDT.400 Mr. Knollenberg raised a point of order against the Poe amendment (A007). Mr. Knollenberg raised a point of order against the amendment stating that it increased approprations for a certain account over the amount authorized by the bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/29/2005 2:23pm:
Mr. Mica raised a point of order against the content of the measure. Mr Mica raised a point of order against page 11 line 22 through page 12, line 1, stating that it proposed to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill in violation of House rules. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/29/2005 2:25pm:
Mr. Mica raised a point of order against the content of the measure. Mr. Mica raised a point of order against page 12, line 12, beginning with "provided further" through line 17 ending with the word "program" stating that it proposed to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill in violation of House rules. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/29/2005 2:28pm:
Mr. Mica raised a point of order against the content of the measure. Mr. Mica raised a point of order against page 16, line 8, beginning with "notwithstanding" through the end of the paragraph stating that it constituted legislation in an appropriations bill in violation of House rules. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/29/2005 2:29pm:
Mr. Mica raised a point of order against the content of the measure. Mr. Mica raised a point of order against Section 110 of the bill stating that it proposed to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill in violation of clause 2 of rule 21. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/29/2005 2:29pm:
Mr. Mica raised a point of order against the content of the measure. Mr. Mica raised a point of order against Section 112 of the bill stating that it constituted legislation in an appropriations bill in violation of House rules. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/29/2005 2:32pm:
Mr. Mica raised a point of order against the content of the measure. Mr. Mica raised a point of order against Section 130 stating that it proposed to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill in violation of House rules. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/29/2005 2:33pm:
H.AMDT.401 Amendment (A008) offered by Ms. Brown, Corrine. (consideration: CR H5403-5408, H5432-5433, CR 6/30/2005 H5437; text: CR H5403)
Amendment deletes language which prevents funding for certain Amtrak routes.
6/29/2005 3:24pm:
H.AMDT.402 Amendment (A009) offered by Mr. Kennedy (MN). (consideration: CR H5408-5412, CR 6/30/2005 H5437-5438; text: CR H5408)
Amendment sought to increase funding for Homeless Assistance Grants.
6/29/2005 4:13pm:
Mr. LaTourette raised a point of order against the content of the measure. Mr. Latourette raised a point of order against page 32, line 25, beginning with "provided further" through page 33, line 3, stating that it proposed to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill in violation of House rules. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/29/2005 4:13pm:
Mr. LaTourette raised a point of order against the content of the measure. Mr. Latourette raised a point of order against page 34, line 4, beginning with "Notwithstanding any other provision of law" through line 23 proposed to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill in violation of House rules. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/29/2005 4:14pm:
Mr. LaTourette raised a point of order against the content of the measure. Mr. Latourette raised a point of order against Section 151 of the bill stating that it proposed to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill in violation of House rules. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/29/2005 4:16pm:
H.AMDT.403 Amendment (A010) offered by Mr. Green, Al. (consideration: CR H5417-5419, CR 6/30/2005 H5438; text: CR H5417)
Amendment increases funding for fair housing programs.
6/29/2005 4:36pm:
H.AMDT.404 Amendment (A011) offered by Mr. Miller,
Amendment increases funding for the Community Development Fund by $24 million for brownfields redevelopment.
6/29/2005 4:52pm:
H.AMDT.404 On agreeing to the Miller,
6/29/2005 4:55pm:
Mr. Thomas raised a point of order against the content of the measure. Mr. Thomas raised a point of order against section 218 of the bill because it constitutes legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/29/2005 4:56pm:
H.AMDT.405 Amendment (A012) offered by Mr. Nadler. (consideration: CR H5422-5427, CR 6/30/2005 H5438-5439; text: CR H5422)
Amendment increases funding for the section 8 housing voucher program.
6/29/2005 5:36pm:
H.AMDT.406 Amendment (A013) offered by Mr. Gingrey. (consideration: CR H5427-5428; text: CR H5427)
An amendment numbered 1 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit the use of funds from being made available to provide assistance under the community development block grant for any private economic development project involving the obtaining of property by the exercise of the power of eminent domain.
6/29/2005 5:41pm:
H.AMDT.406 By unanimous consent, the Gingrey amendment was withdrawn.
6/29/2005 5:42pm:
H.AMDT.407 Amendment (A014) offered by Ms. Kilpatrick (MI). (consideration: CR H5428-5429; text: CR H5428)
An amendment to strike "Provided" in line 3 on page 64 and all that follows through line 19 on page 65, and inserts new language seeking to direct the Secretary to allocate and provide renewal funding for each public housing agency based on leasing and per-voucher cost data for the most recent 12-month period for which such data is available as of the time of the such allocation determinations.
6/29/2005 5:48pm:
H.AMDT.407 By unanimous consent, the Kilpatrick (MI) amendment was withdrawn.
6/29/2005 5:50pm:
H.AMDT.408 Amendment (A015) offered by Mr. Davis (AL). (consideration: CR H5429-5432, CR 6/30/2005 H5439-5440; text: CR H5429)
Amendment provides $60 million for the HUD HOPE VI program.
6/29/2005 7:42pm:
H.AMDT.401 On agreeing to the Brown, Corrine amendment (A008) Agreed to by recorded vote: 269 - 152 (Roll no. 336).
6/29/2005 7:51pm:
H.AMDT.402 On agreeing to the Kennedy (MN) amendment (A009) Failed by recorded vote: 59 - 362 (Roll no. 337).
6/29/2005 7:59pm:
H.AMDT.403 On agreeing to the Green, Al amendment (A010) Agreed to by recorded vote: 231 - 191 (Roll no. 338).
6/29/2005 8:08pm:
H.AMDT.405 On agreeing to the Nadler amendment (A012) Agreed to by recorded vote: 225 - 194 (Roll no. 339).
6/29/2005 8:26pm:
H.AMDT.408 On agreeing to the Davis (AL) amendment (A015) Agreed to by recorded vote: 248 - 173 (Roll no. 340).
6/29/2005 8:26pm:
Committee of the Whole House on the state of the
6/29/2005 8:35pm:
Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR 6/30/2005 H5441-5445, H5445-5469; text of Title III as reported in House: CR 6/30/2005 H5442-5443, H5444, H5445-5449; text of Title IV as reported in House: CR 6/30/2005 H5449, H5450, H5452; text of Title V as reported in House: CR 6/30/2005 H5452-5456; text of Title VI as reported in House: CR 6/30/2005 H5456, H5457-5458, H5459, H5461; text of Title VII as reported in House: CR 6/30/2005 H5461-5462, H5463-5465; text of Title VIII as reported in House: CR 6/30/2005 H5465-5466)
6/29/2005 8:36pm:
The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the
6/29/2005 8:41pm:
H.AMDT.409 Amendment (A016) offered by Mr. Nadler. (consideration: CR 6/30/2005 H5443-5444; text: CR 6/30/2005 H5443)
Amendment increases funding for the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS program.
6/29/2005 8:42pm:
H.AMDT.409 On agreeing to the Nadler amendment (A016) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/29/2005 8:44pm:
H.AMDT.410 Amendment (A017) offered by Ms. Waters. (consideration: CR 6/30/2005 H5444-5445; text: CR 6/30/2005 H5444)
Amendment sought to increase funding for the Community Development Fund to continue the section 108 loan guarantee program.
6/29/2005 8:52pm:
H.AMDT.410 On agreeing to the Waters amendment (A017) Failed by voice vote.
6/29/2005 8:53pm:
Committee of the Whole House on the state of the
6/29/2005 8:54pm:
The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the
6/29/2005 8:54pm:
H.AMDT.411 Amendment (A018) offered by Mr. King (IA). (consideration: CR 6/30/2005 H5449-5450, H5466-5467; text: CR 6/30/2005 H5449)
Amendment sought to reduce funding for salaries and expenses for the U.S. Supreme Court.
6/29/2005 9:05pm:
H.AMDT.412 Amendment (A019) offered by Ms. Herseth. (consideration: CR 6/30/2005 H5450-5451, H5467; text: CR 6/30/2005 H5450)
Amendment sought to increase funding for salaries and expenses for Courts of Appeals, District Courts, and Other Judicial Services.
6/29/2005 9:15pm:
H.AMDT.413 Amendment (A020) offered by Mrs. Maloney. (consideration: CR 6/30/2005 H5456-5457; text: CR 6/30/2005 H5456)
Amendment, as modified, increases funding for the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board.
6/29/2005 9:16pm:
H.AMDT.413 Maloney amendment (A020) modified by unanimous consent. Modification seeks to decrease the amount of $3 million proposed in the original amendment to $1.5 million for the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board.
6/29/2005 9:17pm:
H.AMDT.413 On agreeing to the Maloney amendment (A020) as modified Agreed to by voice vote. (text as modified: CR 6/30/2005 H5456)
6/29/2005 9:19pm:
H.AMDT.414 Amendment (A021) offered by Ms. Hooley. (consideration: CR 6/30/2005 H5458-5459, H5467-5468; text: CR 6/30/2005 H5458)
Amendment increases funding for the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program.
6/29/2005 9:26pm:
H.AMDT.415 Amendment (A022) offered by Mr. Souder. (consideration: CR 6/30/2005 H5459-5461, H5468-5469; text: CR 6/30/2005 H5459)
Amendment increases funding for Federal Drug Control Programs to support a national youth and anti-drug media campaign.
6/29/2005 9:40pm:
H.AMDT.416 Amendment (A023) offered by Mr. Shuster. (consideration: CR 6/30/2005 H5462-5463; text: CR 6/30/2005 H5462)
An amendment numbered 13 printed in the Congressional Recordto increase funding for the GSA's Federal Buildings Fund by $2 million and to reduce funding for official reception and representation expenses by the same amount.
6/29/2005 9:46pm:
H.AMDT.416 By unanimous consent, the Shuster amendment was withdrawn.
6/29/2005 9:47pm:
Mr. Davis, Tom raised a point of order against the content of the measure. Mr. Davis, Tom raised a point of order against section 808 of the bill stating that it proposed to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill in violation of House rules. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/29/2005 10:12pm:
H.AMDT.411 On agreeing to the King (IA) amendment (A018) Failed by recorded vote: 42 - 374 (Roll no. 341).
6/29/2005 10:20pm:
H.AMDT.412 On agreeing to the Herseth amendment (A019) Failed by recorded vote: 188 - 232 (Roll no. 342).
6/29/2005 10:27pm:
H.AMDT.414 On agreeing to the Hooley amendment (A021) Agreed to by recorded vote: 315 - 103 (Roll no. 343).
6/29/2005 10:35pm:
H.AMDT.415 On agreeing to the Souder amendment (A022) Agreed to by recorded vote: 268 - 151 (Roll no. 344).
6/29/2005 10:35pm:
Committee of the Whole House on the state of the
6/30/2005 10:14am:
Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H5483-5514, H5514-5557; text of Title IX as reported in House: CR H5483-5485, H5485-5486, H5486-5487, H5488)
6/30/2005 10:14am:
The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the
6/30/2005 10:16am:
H.AMDT.417 Amendment (A024) offered by Mr. Hinchey. (consideration: CR H5485; text: CR H5485)
Amendment modifies language in the bill which prohibits funds for publicity or propaganda purposes within the
6/30/2005 10:22am:
H.AMDT.417 On agreeing to the Hinchey amendment (A024) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/30/2005 10:25am:
Mr. Issa raised a point of order against the content of the measure. Mr. Issa stated that the provisions of section 928 sought to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/30/2005 10:28am:
Mr. Diaz-Balart, L. raised a point of order against the content of the measure. Mr. Lincoln Diaz-Balart stated that the provisions of section 945 sought to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/30/2005 10:45am:
H.AMDT.418 Amendment (A025) offered by Mr. Simmons. (consideration: CR H5488-5489; text: CR H5488)
An amendment numbered 14 printed in the Congressional Record to prohibit use of funds in the bill for entering into, implementation of, or provision of oversight of contracts between the Secretary of the Treasury and private collection agencies. The provisions of the amendment shall not impact the administration of any tax or tariff. Finally, the amendment provides for a $5 million reduction in funds for the Business Systems Modernization account of the IRS.
6/30/2005 10:51am:
H.AMDT.418 By unanimous consent, the Simmons amendment was withdrawn.
6/30/2005 10:54am:
H.AMDT.419 Amendment (A026) offered by Mr. Flake. (consideration: CR H5489-5491; text: CR 5489)
An amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill to enforce regulations preventing travel to
6/30/2005 11:00am:
H.AMDT.419 Mr. Diaz-Balart, L. raised a point of order against the Flake amendment (A026). Mr. Lincoln Diaz-Balart stated that the provisions of the Flake amendment sought to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/30/2005 11:04am:
H.AMDT.420 Amendment (A027) offered by Mr. Davis (FL). (consideration: CR H5491-5494, H5509-5510; text: CR H5491)
Amendment sought to prohibit funds in the bill from being used to enforce certain regulations restricting family travel to
6/30/2005 11:20am:
H.AMDT.421 Amendment (A028) offered by Mr. Flake. (consideration: CR H5494-5495; text: CR H5494)
An amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill to enforce regulations preventing travel to
6/30/2005 11:31am:
H.AMDT.421 By unanimous consent, the Flake amendment was withdrawn.
6/30/2005 11:31am:
H.AMDT.422 Amendment (A029) offered by Ms. Lee. (consideration: CR H5495-5497, H5510; text: CR H5495)
Amendment sought to prohibit the use of funds in the bill to enforce restrictions on travel to
6/30/2005 11:44am:
H.AMDT.423 Amendment (A030) offered by Mr. Sanders. (consideration: CR H5497-5499, H5510-5511; text: CR H5497)
An amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill to provide for the competitive sourcing of flight service stations.
6/30/2005 12:06pm:
H.AMDT.424 Amendment (A031) offered by Mr. Rangel. (consideration: CR H5499-5501, H5511-5512; text: CR 5499)
An amendment to prohibit the use of funds from being made available to implement, administer, or enforce the economic embargo of Cuba, except that the foregoing limitation does not apply to the administration of a tax or tariff.
6/30/2005 12:22pm:
H.AMDT.425 Amendment (A032) offered by Mr. Souder. (consideration: CR H5501-5504, H5512; text: CR H5501)
Amendment prohibits funds from being used to enforce section 703 of the District of Columbia Firearms Control Act which requires certain firearms to be unloaded and disassembled.
6/30/2005 12:44pm:
H.AMDT.426 Amendment (A033) offered by Mr. Obey. (consideration: CR H5504; text: CR H5504)
An amendment to add a new section requiring that the salary for individual Members of Congress shall be paid out of funds in the bill for the
6/30/2005 12:48pm:
H.AMDT.426 Mr. Lewis (CA) raised a point of order against the Obey amendment (A033). Mr. Lewis (CA) stated that the provisions of the Obey amendment sought to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/30/2005 12:49pm:
H.AMDT.427 Amendment (A034) offered by Mr. Garrett (NJ). (consideration: CR H5504-5506, H5512-5513; text: CR H5504)
An amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill to enforce the judgment of the United States Supreme Court in the case of Kelo v.
6/30/2005 1:04pm:
H.AMDT.428 Amendment (A035) offered by Ms. DeLauro. (consideration: CR H5506-5509, H5513-5514; text: CR H5506)
An amendment to prohibit use of funds in the bill to enter into any contract with an incorporated entity where such entity's sealed bid or competitive proposal shows that such entity is incorporated or chartered in Bermuda, Barbados, the Cayman Islands, Antigua, or Panama.
6/30/2005 1:29pm:
H.AMDT.429 Amendment (A036) offered by Mr. Markey. (consideration: CR H5509; text: CR H5509)
At the end of the bill (before the short title), insert the following: \ SEC. 948. None of the funds made available in this Act may be used in contravention of section 552a of title 5, United States Code (popularly known as the Privacy Act) or of section 552.224 of title 48 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
6/30/2005 1:31pm:
H.AMDT.429 On agreeing to the Markey amendment (A036) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/30/2005 1:56pm:
H.AMDT.420 On agreeing to the Davis (FL) amendment (A027) Failed by recorded vote: 208 - 211 (Roll no. 345).
6/30/2005 2:03pm:
H.AMDT.422 On agreeing to the Lee amendment (A029) Failed by recorded vote: 187 - 233 (Roll no. 346).
6/30/2005 2:10pm:
H.AMDT.423 On agreeing to the Sanders amendment (A030) Agreed to by recorded vote: 238 - 177 (Roll no. 347).
6/30/2005 2:20pm:
H.AMDT.424 On agreeing to the Rangel amendment (A031) Failed by recorded vote: 169 - 250 (Roll no. 348).
6/30/2005 2:28pm:
H.AMDT.425 On agreeing to the Souder amendment (A032) Agreed to by recorded vote: 259 - 161, 1 Present (Roll no. 349).
6/30/2005 2:37pm:
H.AMDT.427 On agreeing to the Garrett (NJ) amendment (A034) Agreed to by recorded vote: 231 - 189 (Roll no. 350).
6/30/2005 2:46pm:
H.AMDT.428 On agreeing to the DeLauro amendment (A035) Failed by recorded vote: 190 - 231 (Roll no. 351).
6/30/2005 2:47pm:
H.AMDT.430 Amendment (A037) offered by Mr. Hefley. (consideration: CR H5514-5515, H5536-5537; text: CR H5514)
An amendment numbered 7 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce total appropriations by $669,350,000.
6/30/2005 2:51pm:
H.AMDT.431 Amendment (A038) offered by Ms. Kilpatrick (MI). (consideration: CR H5515-5516, H5537-5538; text: CR H5515)
An amendment to prohibit the use of funds from being made available to recommend approval of the sale of Unocal Corporation to CNOOC Ltd. of
6/30/2005 3:05pm:
H.AMDT.432 Amendment (A039) offered by Mr. Obey. (consideration: CR H5516-5522, H5538; text: CR H5516)
An amendment to prohibit the use of funds from being used in contravention of that portion of OMB Circular No. A-11, section 22.2, that states that in testimony before Congressional committees and communication with Members of Congress, witnesses will give frank and complete answers to all questions.
6/30/2005 3:55pm:
H.AMDT.433 Amendment (A040) offered by Mr. Tiahrt. (consideration: CR H5522; text: CR H5522)
An amendment to prohibit the use of funds from being made available to promulgate regulations without consideration of the effect of such regulations on the competitiveness of American businesses.
6/30/2005 3:59pm:
H.AMDT.433 By unanimous consent, the Tiahrt amendment was withdrawn.
6/30/2005 4:00pm:
H.AMDT.434 Amendment (A041) offered by Mr. Brown (OH). (consideration: CR H5522-5526, H5538-5539; text: CR H5522)
An amendment to prohibit the use of funds from being used by the Council of Economic Advisers to produce an Economic Report of the President regarding the average cost of developing and introducing a new prescription drug to the market at $800 million or more.
6/30/2005 4:16pm:
H.AMDT.435 Amendment (A042) offered by Mr. Knollenberg. (consideration: CR H5526; text: CR H5526)
An amendment to increase the Management and Administration--Working Capital Fund by $22,000,000.
6/30/2005 4:20pm:
H.AMDT.435 On agreeing to the Knollenberg amendment (A042) Agreed to by voice vote.
6/30/2005 4:26pm:
H.AMDT.436 Amendment (A043) offered by Mr. Clay. (consideration: CR H5526-5527; text: CR H5526)
An amendment to prohibit any of the funds made available in the Act from being used to provide mortgage insurance under the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) for any mortgage or loan made by a lender that has been determined, by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975 (12 U.S.C. 2801 et seq.) to have engaged in lending practices that are not prudent.
6/30/2005 4:32pm:
H.AMDT.436 By unanimous consent, the Clay amendment was withdrawn.
6/30/2005 4:32pm:
H.AMDT.437 Amendment (A044) offered by Ms. Velazquez. (consideration: CR H5527-5528, H5539-5540; text: CR H5527)
An amendment to prohibit funds made available in the Act from being used by the General Services Administration to carry out the eTravel Service program.
6/30/2005 4:44pm:
H.AMDT.438 Amendment (A045) offered by Mr. Wynn. (consideration: CR H5528-5529; text: CR H5528-5529)
An amendment to prohibit funds made available by the Act from being used to pay a Federal contractor with respect to a contract if the contractor fails to enter into a subcontract with a small business in accordance with the contractor's subcontracting plan (under section 8(d) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 637(d)) for the contract, unless the contractor provides written justification or was not in compliance under a previous Federal contract with the contract c lause requred byu section 8(d)(2) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 637(d)(2)) with respect to timely payment, as found by the awarding agency, and is the subject of litigation or an administrative claim relating to a late payment to a subcontractor by the contractor.
6/30/2005 4:50pm:
H.AMDT.438 Mr. Knollenberg raised a point of order against the Wynn amendment (A045). Mr. Knollenberg raised a point of order against the amendment stating that it proposed to change existing law and constituted legislation in an appropriations bill. The Chair sustained the point of order.
6/30/2005 4:51pm:
H.AMDT.439 Amendment (A046) offered by Mr. Van Hollen. (consideration: CR H5529-5531, H5540; text: CR H5529)
Amendment prohibits funds in the bill from being used to implement certain procedures relating to the public-private competition for Federal jobs and services.
6/30/2005 5:04pm:
H.AMDT.440 Amendment (A047) offered by Ms. Jackson-Lee (TX). (consideration: CR H5531-5532; text: CR H5531)
Amendment sought to prohibit the use of funds to implement community service requirements for public housing tenants.
6/30/2005 5:12pm:
H.AMDT.440 On agreeing to the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment (A047) Failed by voice vote.
6/30/2005 5:13pm:
H.AMDT.441 Amendment (A048) offered by Mr. Pickering. (consideration: CR H5532-5534; text: CR H5532)
An amendment to prohibit funds contained in the Act from being used to enforce the Individuals With Disabilities Parking Reform Amendment Act of 2000 (D.C. Law 13--279).
6/30/2005 5:23pm:
H.AMDT.441 By unanimous consent, the
6/30/2005 5:27pm:
H.AMDT.442 Amendment (A049) offered by Ms. Jackson-Lee (TX). (consideration: CR H5535-5536; text: CR H5535)
An amendment to reduce funding made available for "Department of Transportation--Surface Transportation Board-Salaries and Expenses", and increasing the amount made available for "Federal Aviation--Operations" derived from the General Fund by $5 million.
6/30/2005 5:35pm:
H.AMDT.442 By unanimous consent, the Jackson-Lee (TX) amendment was withdrawn.
6/30/2005 6:03pm:
H.AMDT.430 On agreeing to the Hefley amendment (A037) Failed by recorded vote: 88 - 338 (Roll no. 352).
6/30/2005 6:12pm:
H.AMDT.431 On agreeing to the Kilpatrick (MI) amendment (A038) Agreed to by recorded vote: 333 - 92 (Roll no. 353).
6/30/2005 6:20pm:
H.AMDT.432 On agreeing to the Obey amendment (A039) Failed by recorded vote: 208 - 215 (Roll no. 354).
6/30/2005 6:28pm:
H.AMDT.434 On agreeing to the Brown (OH) amendment (A041) Failed by recorded vote: 141 - 284 (Roll no. 355).
6/30/2005 6:35pm:
H.AMDT.437 On agreeing to the Velazquez amendment (A044) Agreed to by recorded vote: 233 - 192 (Roll no. 356).
6/30/2005 6:43pm:
H.AMDT.439 On agreeing to the Van Hollen amendment (A046) Agreed to by recorded vote: 222 - 203 (Roll no. 357).
6/30/2005 6:43pm:
The House rose from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the
6/30/2005 6:44pm:
The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.
6/30/2005 6:44pm:
The House adopted the amendments en gross as agreed to by the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the
6/30/2005 7:00pm:
On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 405 - 18 (Roll no. 358).
6/30/2005 7:00pm:
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.
Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Treasury, the Judiciary, and Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies. Approved for full committee consideration with an amendment in the nature of a substitute favorably.
Committee on Appropriations. Ordered to be reported with an amendment in the nature of a substitute favorably.
Committee on Appropriations. Reported by Senator Bond with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. With written report No. 109-109.
Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 175.
Measure laid before Senate by unanimous consent. (consideration: CR S11350-11410; text of measure as reported in Senate: CR S11350-11401)
S.AMDT.2060 Amendment SA 2060 proposed by Senator Bond. (consideration: CR S11401-11403; text: CR S11401)
To strike section 719, relating to Federal Election Campaign Act contribution requirements.
S.AMDT.2060 Amendment SA 2060 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2060 The committee substitute as amended agreed to by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2061 Amendment SA 2061 proposed by Senator Bond. (consideration: CR S11403-11404, S11407; text: CR S11403)
To clarify the ability of HUD to recover assets used in violation of a regulatory agreement.
S.AMDT.2062 Amendment SA 2062 proposed by Senator Kyl. (consideration: CR S11404-11407; text: CR S11404)
To provide that Members of Congress shall not receive a cost-of-living adjustment in pay during fiscal year 2006.
S.AMDT.2061 Amendment SA 2061 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 93 - 0. Record Vote Number: 255.
S.AMDT.2063 Amendment SA 2063 proposed by Senator Kennedy. (consideration: CR S11407-11410; text: CR S11407)
To provide for an increase in the Federal minimum wage.
Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S11453-11472)
S.AMDT.2062 Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S11453, S11458-11460)
S.AMDT.2063 Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S11453, S11469-11470; text as modified: CR S11469)
S.AMDT.2071 Amendment SA 2071 proposed by Senator Brownback. (consideration: CR S11453-11458)
To make appropriations for the government of the
S.AMDT.2071 Amendment SA 2071 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2062 Amendment SA 2062 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay. 92 - 6. Record Vote Number: 256.
S.AMDT.2079 Amendment SA 2079 proposed by Senator Bond. (consideration: CR S11461; text: CR S11461)
To ensure that public housing agencies will receive adequate funding for section 8 project-based vouchers.
S.AMDT.2079 Amendment SA 2079 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2109 Amendment SA 2109 proposed by Senator Bond. (consideration: CR S11471; text: CR S11471)
To provide the Judicial Branch with certain procurement authorities.
S.AMDT.2109 Amendment SA 2109 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S11512-11555)
S.AMDT.2063 Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S11512, S11529-11545, S11545-11547; text as further modified: CR S11544)
S.AMDT.2113 Amendment SA 2113 proposed by Senator Bond. (consideration: CR S11512-11513, S11516; text: CR S11512-11513)
Limits the availability of funds under this Act for use in paying for eminent domain activities.
S.AMDT.2078 Amendment SA 2078 proposed by Senator Dorgan. (consideration: CR S11513-11516, S11545, S11548-11549)
To establish a special committee of the Senate on war and reconstruction contracting.
S.AMDT.2078 Point of order raised in Senate with respect to amendment SA 2078. (consideration: CR S11516, S11549)
S.AMDT.2078 Motion to suspend Rule XVI on amendment SA 2078 made in Senate.
S.AMDT.2113 Amendment SA 2113 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2115 Amendment SA 2115 proposed by Senator Enzi. (consideration: CR S11516-11521, S11547-11548)
To promote job creation, and small business preservation in the adjustment of the Federal minimum wage.
S.AMDT.2077 Amendment SA 2077 proposed by Senator Reed. (consideration: CR S11521-11526; text: CR S11521)
To provide for appropriations for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
S.AMDT.2077 Point of order raised in Senate with respect to amendment SA 2077. (consideration: CR S11525)
S.AMDT.2077 Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to amendment SA 2077 made in Senate.
S.AMDT.2133 Amendment SA 2133 proposed by Senator Dorgan. (consideration: CR S11526-11529; text: CR S11527)
To restrict enforcement of the Cuban Assets Control Regulations with respect to travel to
S.AMDT.2063 Point of order raised in Senate with respect to amendment SA 2063. (consideration: CR S11547)
S.AMDT.2063 Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to amendment SA 2063 rejected in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 47 - 51. Record Vote Number: 257.
S.AMDT.2063 Amendment SA 2063 ruled out of order by the chair.
S.AMDT.2115 Point of order raised in Senate with respect to amendment SA 2115. (consideration: CR S11548)
S.AMDT.2115 Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to amendment SA 2115 rejected in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 42 - 57. Record Vote Number: 258.
S.AMDT.2115 Amendment SA 2115 ruled out of order by the chair.
S.AMDT.2078 Motion to suspend Rule XVI with respect to amendment SA 2078 rejected in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 44 - 54. Record Vote Number: 259.
S.AMDT.2078 Amendment SA 2078 ruled out of order by the chair.
S.AMDT.2076 Amendment SA 2076 proposed by Senator Harkin. (consideration: CR S11549-11550; text: CR S11549)
To provide that no funds may be used to provide assistance under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, to certain students at institutions of higher education, and for other purposes.
S.AMDT.2076 Amendment SA 2076 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2070 Amendment SA 2070 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Collins. (consideration: CR S11550; text: CR S11550)
To repeal the increased micropurchase threshold.
S.AMDT.2070 Amendment SA 2070 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2101 Amendment SA 2101 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Akaka. (consideration: CR S11550)
To provide for an Internal Revenue Service report regarding tax refund procedures and practices.
S.AMDT.2101 Amendment SA 2101 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. (text as modified: CR S11550)
S.AMDT.2139 Amendment SA 2139 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Boxer. (consideration: CR S11550; text: CR S11550)
To ensure that proper precautions are taken by airports and air carriers to recognize and prevent the spread of avian flu, and for other purposes.
S.AMDT.2139 Amendment SA 2139 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2073 Amendment SA 2073 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Inhofe. (consideration: CR S11550-11551)
To make available funds for ARAC operation and maintenance at
S.AMDT.2073 Amendment SA 2073 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. (text as modified: CR S11550)
S.AMDT.2140 Amendment SA 2140 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Stabenow. (consideration: CR S11551; text: CR S11551)
To provide additional funds to support program established under the LEGACY Act of 2003.
S.AMDT.2140 Amendment SA 2140 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2072 Amendment SA 2072 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Craig. (consideration: CR S11551)
To require the use of a sliding scale match ratio for certain transportation projects in the State of
S.AMDT.2072 Amendment SA 2072 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. (text as modified: CR S11551)
S.AMDT.2123 Amendment SA 2123 proposed by Senator Dayton. (consideration: CR S11551-11552; text: CR S11551)
To prevent gas and oil gouging during natural disasters.
S.AMDT.2123 Point of order raised in Senate with respect to amendment SA 2123. (consideration: CR S11552)
S.AMDT.2123 Amendment SA 2123 ruled out of order by the chair.
S.AMDT.2141 Amendment SA 2141 proposed by Senator Murray. (consideration: CR S11552; text: CR S11552)
To require the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness to conduct an assessment of guidance disseminated by agencies for grantees of homeless assistance programs.
S.AMDT.2141 Amendment SA 2141 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S11603-11653)
S.AMDT.2077 Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S11603, S11616, S11617, S11620-11621, S11622-11623)
S.AMDT.2133 Considered by Senate. (consideration: CR S11603)
S.AMDT.2149 Amendment SA 2149 proposed by Senator Stabenow. (consideration: CR S11603-11604; text: CR S11603)
To provide resources to the Administration so that the Administration can reinforce existing trade agreements and obligations related to trade violations involving currency manipulation, counterfeiting of manufactured products, and pirating of intellectual property.
S.AMDT.2149 Amendment SA 2149 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2084 Amendment SA 2084 proposed by Senator Coburn. (consideration: CR S11607; text: CR S11607)
To require that any limitation, directive, or earmarking contained in either the House of Representatives or Senate report accompanying this bill be included in the conference report or joint statement accompanying the bill in order to be considered as having been approved by both Houses of Congress.
S.AMDT.2087 Amendment SA 2087 proposed by Senator Coburn. (consideration: CR S11607-11608; text: CR S11608)
To limit the Department of Housing and Urban Development's funding for conferences.
S.AMDT.2087 Amendment SA 2087 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2091 Amendment SA 2091 proposed by Senator Coburn. (consideration: CR S11608-11613, S11640; text: CR S11608)
To prohibit any finds under the Act from being used for the
S.AMDT.2093 Amendment SA 2093 proposed by Senator Coburn. (consideration: CR S11613-11615, S11615-11616; text: CR S11613; text as modified: CR S11614)
To prohibit any funds under the Act from being used for a parking facility as part of the Joslyn Art Museum Master Plan, in
S.AMDT.2158 Amendment SA 2158 proposed by Senator Ensign to Amendment SA 2133. (consideration: CR S11615; text: CR S11615)
To amend title 18,
S.AMDT.2093 Motion to table amendment SA 2093 agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 86 - 13. Record Vote Number: 260.
S.AMDT.2065 Amendment SA 2065 proposed by Senator Bingaman. (consideration: CR S11616-11617, S11638; text: CR S11616)
To extend certain apportionments to primary airports.
S.AMDT.2160 Amendment SA 2160 proposed by Senator Grassley. (consideration: CR S11621-11622; S11627-11628; text: CR S11622; text as modified: CR S11627-11628)
To require the division of the court to release the Henry Cisneros independent counsel investigation report and terminate the investigation by the independent counsel.
S.AMDT.2077 Motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to amendment SA 2077 rejected in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 53 - 46. Record Vote Number: 261.
S.AMDT.2077 Amendment SA 2077 ruled out of order by the chair.
S.AMDT.2133 Proposed amendment SA 2133 withdrawn in Senate. (consideration: CR S11623-11624)
S.AMDT.2158 SA 2158 fell when amendment SA 2077 withdrawn in Senate.
S.AMDT.2165 Amendment SA 2165 proposed by Senator Coburn to amendment SA 2065. (consideration: CR S11624-11627, S11636-11637; text: CR S11625)
To make a perfecting amendment.
S.AMDT.2160 Amendment SA 2160 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2162 Amendment SA 2162 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Reed. (consideration: CR S11633-11634; text: CR S11633)
To require a legal basis for the application of arbitrage bond regulations to reserve funds held by the Clean Water and
S.AMDT.2162 Amendment SA 2162 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2174 Amendment SA 2174 proposed by Senator Bond. (consideration: CR S11633-11634; text: CR S11633-11634)
To provide that the Administrator of General Services require all credible sustainable building rating systems that award credits for certified wood products in the rating system be included in the published building design criteria or specifications of any solicitation for offers issued by the General Services Administration for construction of a Federal building or courthouse.
S.AMDT.2174 Amendment SA 2174 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2146 Amendment SA 2146 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Ensign. (consideration: CR S11634)
To provide for free individual tax electronic preparation and filing services by the Internal Revenue Service.
S.AMDT.2146 Amendment SA 2146 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. (text as modified: CR S11634)
S.AMDT.2105 Amendment SA 2105 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Clinton. (consideration: CR S11634; text: CR S11634)
To modify the designation relating to a certain project in the State of
S.AMDT.2106 Amendment SA 2106 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Clinton. (consideration: CR S11634; text: CR S11634)
To modify the designation relating to a certain project in the State of
S.AMDT.2108 Amendment SA 2108 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Voinovich. (consideration: CR S11634)
To modify certain projects relating to highways in the State of
S.AMDT.2120 Amendment SA 2120 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Voinovich. (consideration: CR S11634; text: CR S11634)
To make technical corrections to the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users.
S.AMDT.2105 Amendment SA 2105 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2106 Amendment SA 2106 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2108 Amendment SA 2108 as modified agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote. (text as modified: CR S11634)
S.AMDT.2120 Amendment SA 2120 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2175 Amendment SA 2175 proposed by Senator Bond. (consideration: CR S11634; text: CR S11634)
Of a technical nature.
S.AMDT.2176 Amendment SA 2176 proposed by Senator Bond. (consideration: CR S11634; text: CR S11634)
Of a technical nature.
S.AMDT.2175 Amendment SA 2175 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2176 Amendment SA 2176 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2177 Amendment SA 2177 proposed by Senator Bond. (consideration: CR S11634-11635; text: CR S11635)
To improve the bill.
S.AMDT.2178 Amendment SA 2178 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Reid. (consideration: CR S11634-11635; text: CR S11635)
To provide for the conveyance of certain public land in
S.AMDT.2177 Amendment SA 2177 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2178 Amendment SA 2178 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2179 Amendment SA 2179 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Durbin. (consideration: CR S11635; text: CR S11635)
To require the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to report to Congress on certain properties located in
S.AMDT.2179 Amendment SA 2179 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2180 Amendment SA 2180 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Murray. (consideration: CR S11635-11636; text: CR S11635)
To make improvements to the bill.
S.AMDT.2180 Amendment SA 2180 agreed to in Senate by Voice Vote.
S.AMDT.2165 Amendment SA 2165 was modified to reflect a first degree amendment by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2165 Amendment SA 2165 proposed by Senator Coburn.
S.AMDT.2181 Amendment SA 2181 proposed by Senator Stevens. (consideration: CR S11637)
To ensure reconstruction of the
S.AMDT.2165 Amendment SA 2165 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay. 15 - 82. Record Vote Number: 262.
S.AMDT.2181 Amendment SA 2181 not agreed to in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 33 - 61. Record Vote Number: 263.
S.AMDT.2065 Amendment SA 2065 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2182 Amendment SA 2182 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Levin. (consideration: CR S11640-11642; text: CR S11640)
To prohibit the use of funds for Federal contracts with expatriated entities.
S.AMDT.2080 Amendment SA 2080 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Santorum. (consideration: CR S11640-11642; text: CR S11640)
To modify provisions relating to certain Federal contracts.
S.AMDT.2122 Amendment SA 2122 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Schumer. (consideration: CR S11640-11642; text: CR S11640)
To allow disabled and non-disabled tenant to keep their section 8 contracts on their properties post foreclosure.
S.AMDT.2083 Amendment SA 2083 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator DeWine. (consideration: CR S11640-11642)
To appropriate an additional $6,000,000 for the New Car Assessment Program with a corresponding offset in Department of Transportation salaries and expenses.
S.AMDT.2183 Amendment SA 2183 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Frist. (consideration: CR S11640-11642; text: CR S11640)
To fund Habitat for Humanity.
S.AMDT.2184 Amendment SA 2184 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Murray. (consideration: CR S11640-11642; text: CR S11640)
To make available funds to the Washington State Department of Transportation for track and grade crossing improvements under the Bridging the Valley project between
S.AMDT.2185 Amendment SA 2185 proposed by Senator Bond. (consideration: CR S11640-11642; text: CR S11640)
To eliminate GSA authority to retain proceeds from sale or other conveyance of real and personal property.
S.AMDT.2186 Amendment SA 2186 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Nelson FL. (consideration: CR S11640-11642; text: CR S11640)
To provide the sense of Congress that the Secretary of the Treasury should place al-Manar on the Specially Designated Global Terrorist list.
S.AMDT.2187 Amendment SA 2187 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Lott. (consideration: CR S11640-11642; text: CR S11640-11641)
To modify the provisions on grants to the National Passenger Rail Corporation.
S.AMDT.2188 Amendment SA 2188 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Lautenberg. (consideration: CR S11640-11642; text: CR S11641)
To ensure that airports improve their runway safety areas, and for other purposes.
S.AMDT.2168 Amendment SA 2168 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Landrieu. (consideration: CR S11640-11642)
To make available funds for the conduct of a study and submission of a report relating to catastrophic hurricane evacuation plans.
S.AMDT.2167 Amendment SA 2167 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Landrieu. (consideration: CR S11640-11642)
To set aside funds to provide grants to local governments in the State of
S.AMDT.2189 Amendment SA 2189 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Coleman. (consideration: CR S11640-11642; text: CR S11641)
To improve the safety of all-terrain vehicles in the
S.AMDT.2091 Proposed amendment SA 2091 withdrawn in Senate.
S.AMDT.2182 Amendment SA 2182 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2080 Amendment SA 2080 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2122 Amendment SA 2122 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2083 Amendment SA 2083 as modified agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S11640)
S.AMDT.2183 Amendment SA 2183 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2184 Amendment SA 2184 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2185 Amendment SA 2185 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2186 Amendment SA 2186 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2187 Amendment SA 2187 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2188 Amendment SA 2188 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2168 Amendment SA 2168 as modified agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S11641)
S.AMDT.2167 Amendment SA 2167 as modified agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S11641)
S.AMDT.2189 Amendment SA 2189 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2103 Amendment SA 2103 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Burns. (consideration: CR S11640-11642; text: CR S11641)
To extend the suspended service ticket honor requirement.
S.AMDT.2119 Amendment SA 2119 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Ensign. (consideration: CR S11640-11642)
To amend section 40128(e) of title 49, United States Code, to clarify the
S.AMDT.2103 Amendment SA 2103 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2119 Amendment SA 2119 as modified agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent. (text as modified: CR S11641)
S.AMDT.2190 Amendment SA 2190 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Coburn. (consideration: CR S11640-11642; text: CR S11641-11642)
To ensure fiscal integrity of the payments made by Federal agencies and to prohibit the use of funds until the Department of Housing and Urban Development has reported specific actions taken to estimate improper payments in the community development block grant program as required under the Improper Payments Information Act of 2002.
S.AMDT.2150 Amendment SA 2150 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Snowe. (consideration: CR S11640-11642; text: CR S11642)
To assist certain flight service station employees of the Federal Aviation Administration.
S.AMDT.2173 Amendment SA 2173 proposed by Senator Bond for Senator Coleman. (consideration: CR S11640-11642; text: CR S11642)
To require that purchase card payments to Federal contractors be subjected to the Federal Payment Levy Program and to require improved reporting of air travel by Federal Government employees.
S.AMDT.2190 Amendment SA 2190 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2150 Amendment SA 2150 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
S.AMDT.2173 Amendment SA 2173 agreed to in Senate by Unanimous Consent.
Passed Senate with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 93 - 1. Record Vote Number: 264.
Senate insists on its amendment, asks for a conference, appoints conferees Bond; Shelby; Specter; Bennett; Hutchison; DeWine; Brownback; Stevens; Domenici; Burns; Allard; Cochran; Murray; Byrd; Mikulski; Reid; Kohl; Durbin; Dorgan; Leahy; Harkin; Landrieu; Inouye.
Message on Senate action sent to the House.
Message on Senate action sent to the House.
11/8/2005 12:11pm:
Mr. Knollenberg moved that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to a conference.
11/8/2005 12:12pm:
On motion that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to a conference Agreed to without objection. (consideration: CR H9987)
11/8/2005 12:13pm:
Mr. Olver moved that the House instruct conferees. (consideration: CR H9987-9988; text: CR H9987)
11/8/2005 12:20pm:
The previous question was ordered without objection. (consideration: CR H9988)
11/8/2005 12:20pm:
On motion that the House instruct conferees Agreed to by voice vote.
11/8/2005 12:20pm:
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
11/8/2005 12:21pm:
The Speaker appointed conferees: Knollenberg, Wolf, Rogers (KY), Tiahrt, Northup, Aderholt, Sweeney, Culberson, Regula, Lewis (CA), Olver, Hoyer, Pastor, Kilpatrick (MI), Clyburn, Rothman, and Obey.
Conference held.
Conference held.
11/15/2005 7:23pm:
Mr. Knollenberg asked unanimous consent that managers on the part of the House have until midnight on Nov. 15 to file a conference report on H.R. 3058. Agreed to without objection.
11/15/2005 11:58pm:
Mr. King (IA) asked unanimous consent that managers on the part of the House have until 2:00 a.m. on Nov. 16 to file a conference report on H.R. 3058. Agreed to without objection.
11/18/2005 1:51am:
Mr. Walsh asked unanimous consent that managers on the part of the House have until 6:30 a.m. on Nov. 18 to file a conference report on H.R. 3058. Agreed to without objection.
11/18/2005 5:22am:
Conference report H. Rept. 109-307 filed. (text of conference report: CR 11/17/2005 H10790-10892)
11/18/2005 8:36am:
Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 565 Reported to House. Rule provides for consideration of the conference report to H.R. 3058. All points of order against the conference report and against its consideration are waived. The conference report shall be considered as read.
11/18/2005 9:21am:
Rule H. Res. 565 passed House.
Conferees agreed to file conference report.
11/18/2005 10:17am:
Mr. Knollenberg brought up conference report H. Rept. 109-307 for consideration under the provisions of H. Res. 565. (consideration: CR H10925-10957)
11/18/2005 10:59am:
The previous question was ordered without objection. (consideration: CR H10957)
11/18/2005 12:45pm:
The House proceeded to consider the conference report H.Rept. 109-307 as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H10958-10959)
11/18/2005 1:03pm:
Motions to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
11/18/2005 1:03pm:
On agreeing to the conference report Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 392 - 31 (Roll no. 605).
Senate agreed to conference report by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S13418)
11/21/2005 4:39pm:
Pursuant to the provisions of H. Con. Res. 308, enrollment corrections on H.R. 3058 have been made.
Cleared for White House.
Message on Senate action sent to the House.
Message on Senate action sent to the House.
Presented to President.
Signed by President.
Became Public Law No: 109-115.
TITLE(S): (italics indicate a title for a portion of a bill)
Appropriations bill FY2006, Transportation, Treasury, HUD, Judiciary, District of Columbia, and Independent Agencies (identified by CRS)
District of Columbia FY2006 Appropriations bill (identified by CRS)
Housing and Urban Development Department FY2006 Appropriations bill (identified by CRS)
Independent Agencies FY2006 Appropriations bill (identified by CRS)
Judiciary FY2006 Appropriations bill (identified by CRS)
Transportation Department FY2006 Appropriations bill (identified by CRS)
Treasury Department FY2006 Appropriations bill (identified by CRS)
Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development, the Judiciary, the
Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development, the Judiciary, the
Department of Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act, 2006
Department of the Treasury Appropriations Act, 2006
Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2006
District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2006
Executive Office of the President Appropriations Act, 2006
Judiciary Appropriations Act, 2006
Transportation, Treasury, the Judiciary, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006
Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development, the Judiciary, the District of Columbia, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006
Department of Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act, 2006
Department of the Treasury Appropriations Act, 2006
Department of Transportation Appropriations Act, 2006
District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 2006
Executive Office of the President Appropriations Act, 2006
Judiciary Appropriations Act, 2006
Making appropriations for the Departments of Transportation, Treasury, and Housing and Urban Development, the Judiciary,
Committee/Subcommittee: | Activity: | |
Origin, Reporting | ||
Referral, Markup, Reporting | ||