U.S.-India Nuclear Chickens Coming Home to Roost by Robin Walker
October 27th, 2008 by Jim Arkedis
The following is the latest in our series from fellows in the Truman National Security Project. Robin Walker writes:
The recently-completed U.S.-India civilian nuclear deal put a major crack in the nonproliferation dam of the non-proliferation treaty (NPT), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). That’s in addition to the the announcement last week that China will build two nuclear reactors in Pakistan. The next president will have to move quickly to prevent the complete destruction of the existing nonproliferation regime and a potentially rapid spread of nuclear weapons that could follow.
Under the U.S.-India deal, the United States agreed to provide nuclear fuel for India and enable U.S. firms to sell nuclear it technology. In exchange, India will allow international inspectors and IAEA safeguards at their civilian (but not military) nuclear sites.
The deal is controversial because it would give India—a non-signer of the NPT like neighbor Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel—the de facto rights of a nuclear weapons state under the NPT, which bans nuclear trade with non-signers and non-nuclear countries.
Options for the next president include:
Read the rest of Mr. Walker’s column here: U.S.-India Nuclear Chickens Coming Home to Roost
Robin Walker is a South Asia and nonproliferation expert . The views expressed here are his own.
The views and ideas expressed here do not necessarily represent those of the Progressive Policy Institute, nor the management staff of AllOurMight.com.
20081027 US India Nuclear Chickens Coming Home to Roost by Robin Walker
Military Nat'l Security AllOurMight, World India, World Asia-Pacific China, World Southeast Asia, World Pakistan, World Korea North, US issues Nuclear Proliferation, US issues Foreign Policy, People Walker-Robin, Babylon Family Walker-Robin,