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Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Sunday, March 10, 2019

John H. Cunningham was a charter member of the Md. State Fireman’s Assoc.

John H. Cunningham was a charter member of the Md. State Fireman’s Assoc.


At the time of his death, Cunningham “was believed to be McDaniel - Western Maryland College's oldest living alumnae… and the State's only living charter member of the Maryland State Fireman's Association


When John Cunningham died, he was America's Oldest Banker in Years of Continuous Service. He was a lifelong member of the Westminster Fire Engine and Hose co. No. 1.


February 24, 2019 by Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co. No 1 Chaplain Kevin Dayhoff


It is only fitting and appropriate that from time to time we take a moment to remember some of the many great Carroll Countians that have gone before us.


On December 31, 1965, John Cunningham passed away within a few hours of 99th birthday. Local historian Jay Graybeal wrote of “his rich life, including his interests in bicycling, walking and poker,” in a March 16, 1997 column in the Carroll County Times.

An earlier shorter version of this story appeared in the Carroll County Times on January 13th, 2019. Please find the article here: This version of a story about Mr. Cunningham is the long version with all the edits restored.

Finding a picture of Mr. Cunningham has been nearly impossible – except, I did finally find a picture of him at the Westminster Fire Engine and Hose Co. No. 1 - although the picture was damaged by the April 6, 1906 H. H. Harbaugh's Palace Livery Stable fire. The livery stable and residence was located next to the Fire House on East Main St in Westminster. The fire, which destroyed the huge building, also burned a portion of the Westminster fire station and the Westminster city offices that were located on the second floor of the station.

To put 1965 and the mid-1960s into some perspective, our country was just beginning a new phase of the Vietnam War; with the introduction of the first combat troops on February 9, 1965. Before we had, “advisors” engaged in the conflict. Later in the year, on November 14, the Battle of the Ia Drang began in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. It was the first major engagement of the war between regular American and North Vietnamese forces. Shortly afterwards, the pentagon told President Lyndon Johnson that the number of troops needed to be increased from 120,000 to 400,000.

At home, the Civil Rights movement was on the forefront of many as around 1965 was the last year that restaurants and such were segregated in Westminster. Malcolm X was assassinated in New York at the Audubon Ballroom on February 21.

Bloody Sunday had occurred on March 7 as 600 civil rights marchers were attacked by state and local police with billy clubs and tear gas. Led by Martin Luther King, Jr. civil rights marchers were finally successful, after three attempts, to walk from Selma to Montgomery in Alabama. On August 6, President Johnson signed into law the Voting Rights Act of 1965. 

It was 1964 that Carroll County administrator George Grier went to New York to begin negotiations with Random House to build a book distribution center in Westminster. At that time in the negotiations, adequate supplies of water was a sticking point, among many issues that were subsequently ironed out before the facility opened on July 14, 1967, according to “From Our Front Porch,” a history of Carroll County from 1900-1999, by Jim Lee.

And oh in 1964 ice cream cost 89 cents per half gallon

Graybeal shared with us Cunningham’s obituary, which appeared on January 1, 1966, in an unidentified newspaper. The obituary began: "John H. Cunningham, believed to have been the oldest banker in the United States, died yesterday at his home… His wife, the former Mary Irwin, died in 1949… He was a past master of the Masonic order and was a member of the Westminster Church of Christ.”

Cunningham was born on New Year’s Day in 1867. According to his obit, “On January 1, 1885, while a senior at Western Maryland College, Mr. Cunningham began his banking career as a clerk with the Farmers and Mechanics National Bank, [at 105 E. Main St. in Westminster] following the footsteps of his father William, who was a clerk there.”

He worked in the same office, with the same employer for his entire life – from 1885 until when he passed away in 1965. “Many days he walked the mile to work from his home at 95 West Green Street.” 

Graybeal reported; “His long career in banking was recognized by a telegram from President Kennedy in 1963.” 

The telegram said: "Congratulations on being named by your friends and associates in Westminster and Carroll County as "America's Oldest Banker in Years of Continuous Service." Your 77 years record as a banker is certainly an impressive one and you deserve all the honors, which have been given you…”

He was well-known for his punctuality and folklore attests that “fellow employees reportedly set their watches by him,” as he would arrive at his desk “every working day promptly at 9 a.m. and would not leave until 3 in the afternoon…” It was also noted “that Mr. Cunningham had not missed a town meeting in Westminster since 1883, the year he became old enough to vote.

Cunningham played poker every Tuesday night between 7 and 11 p.m. sharp, at “Thelma Hoffman's restaurant at 216 E. Main Street [later known as Cockey’s Tavern] in Westminster.” Among his partners were Ben Thomas, Paul Whitmore, Miller Richardson, Ralph Bonsack, Frank Leidy, Theodore Brown and Norman Boyle.”

Cunningham was also well known for his New Year’s Day tradition of an all day poker game, “that began promptly at 11 a.m., broke for dinner at 5 p.m., then resumed until 11 p.m.”

At the time of his death, Cunningham “was believed to be Western Maryland College's oldest living alumnae… and the State's only living charter member of the Maryland State Fireman's Association.”

The January 1, 1966 obituary reported that: “Cunningham's interest in politics was rewarded during the Coolidge Administration with his appointment in 1923 as Surveyor of Customs at Baltimore, a post he held for nine years. In 1911, Mr. Cunningham ran unsuccessfully for State Comptroller.”

“Beside politics and poker, Mr. Cunningham loved walking. On weekends as late as 1964, he hiked along country roads, a white handkerchief tied to his cane, for safety.”

When he was 97 years old, he explained in a November 1964 interview: "I only walk half as far and about half as fast as I used to… It's a strain to walk more than 4 or 5 miles…"

“In his earlier days… [he] was a bicyclist of renown… According to a banker's association bulletin, in 1898 he bicycled 200 miles from Westminster to Atlantic City, N.J…” He waited to give up driving until he was approximately 92 years old.

In full disclosure, I met Cunningham in the early 1960s upon the occasion of one of his visits to City Hall to talk with City of Westminster Mayor Joseph L. Mathias who served on the Westminster Common Council May 1927 to May 1937 and Mayor from May 18, 1942 to December 3, 1963. To the best of my knowledge, I have only written about Cunningham a couple of times. Most notably, a portion of this column was previously published in 2006.

Carroll County is fortunate to have many great community leaders still with us. We should all take time to pause and thank them for their service to our community – whether we agree with them or disagree. 

Every one of them is working hard to meet today’s and tomorrow’s challenges. In 2019, may we all work hard to rekindle a renewed sense of civility and have as full and vigorous a life as Mr. John Cunningham – playing poker, bicycling and walking many four or five miles is optional. God Bless and Happy New Year. 


Westminster, Maryland, Cunningham, history, MSFA, 

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Common Council
Westminster Municipal election May 14, 2019
Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

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Kevin Dayhoff Time Flies:  

Slate: The Uncanceling of Chick-fil-A

The Uncanceling of Chick-fil-A

Why did so many people forget to boycott the infamous chicken chain?


It’s hard to stay mad at a ubiquitous and popular brand, especially when it does the bare minimum to stop pissing you off.


But over the years, the furor has faded, and many progressives have slunk back through the restaurant’s doors. “For several years, the only time you’d catch an LGBTQ person or an ally at Chick-fil-A was for a protest,” the editorial director of HuffPost Personal, Noah Michelson, wrote last year in an essay lamenting the slump in resolve. “For some strange reason I still don’t fully understand, some queer people and their friends and families began eating at Chick-fil-A again and are still eating there.” A Daily Beast columnist called for queer people to “forgive Chick-fil-A” in 2015, citing the Supreme Court decision that year that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. It’s legal, she argued, so who cares what Dan Cathy thinks? When Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey tweeted last June—Pride Month—about ordering from the restaurant, he later confessed that he “completely forgot about their background.”

How did Chick-fil-A gradually become uncanceled? For one, the chain has gotten harder for urban progressives to avoid. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said in 2012 that the company’s values “are not Chicago values,” but there are now multiple Chick-fil-A outlets in Chicago, and they seem to be thriving. The first New York City Chick-fil-A opened in 2015, and the chain opened “the world’s largest Chick-fil-A” in downtown Manhattan a few years later. It is now planning its first outlets in Boston and Brooklyn. Anecdotally, many progressives still feel vaguely guilty about eating at Chick-fil-A—but they eat there anyway, citing factors like convenience, picky kids, and the universally acknowledged excellence of its food compared with fast-food competitors.

Read much more here:

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Common Council
Westminster Municipal election May 14, 2019
Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:
Kevin Dayhoff Time Flies:  

Thursday, March 07, 2019

Twenty years ago: Westminster will conduct a General Election on MONDAY, MAY 10, 1999

Twenty years ago: Westminster will conduct a General Election on MONDAY, MAY 10, 1999

March 1, 1999

The City of Westminster will conduct a General Election on

MONDAY, MAY 10, 1999 between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M., for the election of three members of the Common Council, to serve for four-year terms.

Each candidate for election shall file a Declaration of Intention of Candidacy with the City Clerk, accompanied by a $25.00 filing fee, not later than 5:00 P.M., on Monday, April 12, 1999.


Precinct WE 01 includes the entire section of the City that is located east of Md. Rt. 31. Those persons registered with the County Board of Supervisors of Elections to vote in municipal elections in this precinct, will use as their polling place the social hall of the new Westminster Fire Station, located at 28 John Street.

Precinct WE 02 includes the remaining section of the City that is located west of Md. Rt. 31. Those persons registered with the County Board of Supervisors of Elections to vote in municipal elections in this precinct, will use as their polling place the Westminster Community Center building (swimming pool property), located at 325 Royer Road.




         City Clerk

Labels: Westminster Elections 19990510 Council, Westminster Elections

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Common Council
Westminster Municipal election May 14, 2019
Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:
Kevin Dayhoff Time Flies:  

Sunday, March 03, 2019

Dinner at the Westminster Fire Company

Dinner at the Westminster Fire Company. It's another snow event out. Be safe out there, the roads are getting a bit slippery. Just chill. Spring will be here soon enough. 3March2019

Fire CC Depts 03 Westminster dinner, Food dinner, Fire CC Depts 03 Westminster, Firefighters, 

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

I am the flag of the United States of America

I am the flag of the United States of America.

(Image courtesy of the Westminster Municipal Band – they are awesome. Just saying.)

My name is Old Glory.
I fly atop the world's tallest buildings.
I stand watch in America's halls of justice.
I fly majestically over institutions of learning.
I stand guard with power in the world.
Look up and see me.

I stand for peace, honor, truth and justice.
I stand for freedom. I am confident.
I am arrogant. I am proud.
When I am flown with my fellow banners,
My head is a little higher,
My colors a little truer.
I bow to no one!
I am recognized all over the world.
I am worshipped - I am saluted.
I am loved - I am revered.
I am respected - I am feared.

I have fought in every battle of every war for more than 200 years.
I was flown at Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Shiloh and Appamatox.
I was there at San Juan Hill, the trenches of France, in the Argonne Forest, Anzio, Rome and the beaches of Normandy.
Guam, Okinawa, Korea and KheSan, Saigon, Vietnam know me.
I was there. I led my troops.
I was dirty, battleworn and tired,
but my soldiers cheered me and I was proud.

I have been burned, torn and trampled on the streets of countries
I have helped set free. It does not hurt for I am invincible.
I have been soiled upon, burned, torn and trampled in the streets of my country.
And when it's done by those whom I've served in battle - it hurts.
But I shall overcome - for I am strong.
I have slipped the bonds of earth and
stood watch over the uncharted frontiers of space from my vantage point on the moon.
I have born silent witness to all of America's finest hours.
But my finest hours are yet to come.
When I am torn into strips and used as bandages for my wounded comrades on the battle field,
when I am flown at halfmast to honor my soldier,
or when I lie in the trembling arms of a grieving parent at the grave of their fallen son or daughter,

I am proud.
I am the flag of the United States of America.

Originally entitled, My Name is Old Glory by Howard Schnauber
© 1994 the author [Mr. Schnauber has given permission to the public to use this poem for program or publishing purposes. Please credit the Fort Collins Public Library Local History Archive, Oral History Interview of Mr. Howard Schnauber, the author.]

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Common Council
Westminster Municipal election May 14, 2019
Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.
Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:
Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:
Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:
Kevin Dayhoff Time Flies:  

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Details of the death of KTLA news anchor Chris Burrous released.

Details of the death of KTLA news anchor Chris Burrous released.

Apparently, it is one of those days in which it is not safe to read the news. First, there is the not so family-friendly story coming out of California about the sudden death of KTLA news anchor Chris Burrous.

Burrous, who is married to another journalist, died during a drug-enhanced – crystal meth - hook-up with another partner, who just happened to not be his wife. Oh, the details. You cannot make this stuff up. SMH.

I just do not get it. To rise to the level of accomplishment as Burrous and throw it away and die over a hook-up makes no sense.

According to the article in Yahoo, found here:, that is not really safe for work, “An investigative report on KTLA anchor Chris Burrous has determined that his cause of death was attributed to methamphetamine toxicity, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office. Burrous, 43, was found unconscious at a motel in Glendale, Calif on December 27, and later died at the hospital. The death has been ruled as accidental

“The coroner’s report said that in addition to the Class A drug, ‘Other contributing factors include hypertensive and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.’”

Wait-wait it gets worse, if that were possible.

“Glendale police were contacted by a man who told them “an individual he was with had passed out and was possibly not breathing.” The man he was with administered CPR before Burrous was taken to the hospital. The medical emergency occurred during a sexual encounter, the report specified. It went on to explain that Burrous had met up through the Grindr app with a male companion, with whom he had met four times previously. During the encounter, Burrous inserted two “rocks” of crystal meth through his rectum before falling unconscious.

“GHB was also found at the scene, although the report indicated it had been consumed by the other man and not Burrous. The other man was not charged with any crime.

“The well-known news anchor had been a regular face on KTLA since 2011, co-anchoring the weekend edition of KTLA Morning News as well as serving as a correspondent for other KTLA telecasts. He was also one of the reporters covering the state’s recent wildfires as well as the mass shooting at Thousand Oaks’ Borderline Bar & Grill. He was also known for his “Burrous Bites” segments on local restaurants.

“Burrous is survived by his wife Mai Do-Burrous, a journalist whom he met while working at KGET, and their 9-year-old daughter.”

Somewhere I Belong (Official Video) - Linkin Park


Somewhere I Belong (Official Video) - Linkin Park

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Common Council
Westminster Municipal election May 14, 2019
Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:
Kevin Dayhoff Time Flies:  

The only actor nominated for an Oscar in Spike Lee's film "BlacKkKlansman," is white.

The only actor nominated for an Oscar in Spike Lee's film "BlacKkKlansman," is white.

Feb. 24, 2019

In recent years, watching the Oscars has become tedious. For that matter, when I did media criticism years ago for another publication, I wrote about the Oscars becoming irrelevant mindless drivel. So many pathologically narcissistic Hollywood-types examining their navel with a cracked mirror.

In the latest Oscar death rattle: according to an article I found on Yahoo, “Aubrey Plaza rips on Oscars and Netflix in hilarious Spirit Awards monologue:” which first appeared in USA TODAY, “The host of the Spirit Awards, Aubrey Plaza, used part of her opening monologue to make fun of the Oscars…

“Another part of Plaza's monologue that got plenty of laughs was about Spike Lee's film "BlacKkKlansman," because its only actor nominated is a Caucasian star.

" 'BlacKkKlansman' explores the struggle of a black police officer to find his role in the fight against white supremacy. So congratulations to the sole nominee from that film today, Adam Driver. We are so proud of you. You were the best one. I’m sure they’ll do the white thing."

You cannot make this up. I have not watched the Oscars in years. It is no longer relevant. It killed itself with its pathological narcissistic personality defect.

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Common Council
Westminster Municipal election May 14, 2019
Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

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Kevin Dayhoff Time Flies:  

Experienced U.K. Rider Dies When Lead Rope Wraps Around Her Neck

How many of us have thoughtlessly draped a lead rope across our shoulders when we get busy and aren't thinking... "Take just a minute to remind yourself to be careful when you're working with horses, even when you're not mounted. Casually looping a rope around your arm can lead to disaster before you even know it. Stay safe, be careful, and have fun…”

According to the story by Paige Cerulli Retrieved February 23, 2019:

“In a tragic accident, a rider was killed when a lead rope became wrapped around her neck and the horse bolted.

“Kathryn Bull, 39 years old of Nottinghamshire was killed in a tragic accident. Bull, an experienced horseperson, was dragged 450 feet across a field when the rope attached to a horse she was leading became wrapped around her neck…”

Read more here:  

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Common Council
Westminster Municipal election May 14, 2019
Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

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Dayhoff Carroll:
Kevin Dayhoff Time Flies:  

Saturday, February 23, 2019

David McDonald - former pharmaceutical representative owner of Westminster Rare Coins died Feb. 9, 2019

David McDonald - former pharmaceutical representative owner of Westminster Rare Coins died Feb. 9, 2019

Obituary for David Blaess McDonald 68, of Westminster

David Blaess McDonald, 68, of Westminster passed away peacefully on February 9th, 2019. Born March 3rd, 1950, in Detroit, Michigan, he was the son of the late Arthur and Maxine Blaess McDonald. David was the beloved husband of Patricia Pearce McDonald, his wife of 46 years.

David received his B.A. in political science from Gettysburg College and a Masters of Business Management from Frostburg State University. He retired after being a pharmaceutical representative for Boehringer Ingelheim for 30 years. He was also the owner of Westminster Rare Coins and he specialized in British Commonwealth coins.

In addition to his wife, David is survived by his daughters, Brooke Fritz and her husband, Caleb; Melissa McDonald; and Kelsey McDonald and her husband, Brent Figlestahler; all of Baltimore. He is also survived by granddaughters, Eva Maxine Fritz and Rosie Dean Fritz.

David is a lifetime member of numerous numismatic organizations, a former member of the Lions Club and an alumni supporter of his college fraternity, Tau Kappa Epsilon.

David loved to kayak and ski, but above all else, he was proud of being the father of three wonderful daughters and of being Pop to Eva and Rosie.

A memorial service will be held for David at Ascension Episcopal Church in Westminster, Maryland on Saturday, February 23rd at 11:00 a.m. with the Reverend Samuel Nsengiyumva and the Reverend Ronald S. Fisher officiating.

In lieu of flowers, his family would welcome donations in David’s memory to Heroes on the Water, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to serve veterans, active-duty military personnel, first responders and their families through therapeutic paddling and kayak fishing experiences.

Online condolences may be offered to the family at

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Common Council
Westminster Municipal election May 14, 2019
Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:
Kevin Dayhoff Time Flies:  

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Fallen Hero Escort for Senior Chief Kent KIA Syria 23Feb2019

Sad. God Bless Senior Chief Petty Officer Shannon Kent for her service. According to 1430 WNAV, Senior Chief Kent was a 35-year-old cryptologic technician, stationed at Fort Meade. She was one of four Americans killed in a suicide bomb attack in Syria in January

The remains of U.S. Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer Shannon Kent will be escorted through Queen Anne's County on Sat, Feb 23rd, 2019 around 11:30 am. The escort will leave Dover Air Force Base at 11:00 am and will travel through Route 19 to SB 301 to the Bay Bridge. It is expected the escort will continue through Anne Arundel and Prince George's counties on Route 50 en route to Arlington National Cemetery.

Fallen Hero Escort for Senior Chief Petty Officer Shannon Kent to Pass through Area on Saturday.

The remains of U.S. Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer Shannon Kent will be escorted through Queen Anne's County on Sat, Feb 23rd around 11:30 am.

The escort will leave Dover Air Force Base at 11:00 am and will travel through Route 19 to SB 301 to the Bay Bridge.

It is expected the escort will continue through Anne Arundel and Prince George's counties on Route 50 en route to Arlington National Cemetery.

Such an escort will often have salutes rendered by fire and police departments on highway overpasses. If you are traveling along this route during the escort, please do not stop (on a highway) - give plenty of space for the procession to pass.

Senior Chief Kent was a 35-year-old cryptologic technician, stationed at Fort Meade. She was one of four Americans killed in a suicide bomb attack in Syria in January, which was claimed by the Islamic State group.
Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Common Council
Westminster Municipal election May 14, 2019
Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:
Kevin Dayhoff Time Flies:  

An ice storm on February 21, 1902 paralyzed Carroll County

Dayhoff Time Flies: An ice storm on February 21, 1902 paralyzed Carroll County Time Flies Sunday, February 17, 2019 by Kevin Dayhoff

Almost 120 years ago. Carroll County experienced a rain and sleet storm that the American Sentinel newspaper hailed as “The Great Sleet Storm,” according to a published account written for the Historical Society of Carroll County in Feb. 1994 by local historian and Historical Society executive director, now Judge Joe Getty.


In 1902, Carroll countians were just starting to become dependent on the telephone, telegraph, and electric power. So you can imagine the paralysis which resulted as The Democratic Advocate proclaimed: “The wreck of the system in this city of the Western Maryland Telephone Company was nearly complete. Two-thirds of the poles were down, cross-arms broken off and wires snapped and tangled all over the city, particularly from the railroad east.”


Lately, February in Maryland has been living up to its reputation and turning into an endurance contest. This column goes best with Antonio Vivaldi’s “L’inverno,” the winter movement of “The Four Seasons” violin concerto written in 1723. Who knew Vivaldi invented heavy metal in 1700s?

Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Common Council
Westminster Municipal election May 14, 2019
Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:
Kevin Dayhoff Time Flies:  

Westminster City Elections May 14, 2019 for three members of the Common Council.

Westminster City Elections May 14, 2019 for three members of the Common Council.

Retrieved February 15, 2019 from the city website here:

According to the website:

The next general election will be on May 14, 2019 for three members of the Common Council.

Declarations of Candidacy

Qualifications for Common Council Members:

Must be at least 21 years of age or older; and,

Have resided within the corporate limits of the City for at least one year.

To check the corporate limits, you may visit our map here.

How to become a Candidate:

Each candidate for election shall file a Declaration of Intent.

You may either receive a form from the City Clerk or visit this link.

Each candidate is required to submit payment of $25 at the time of filing with the City Clerk.

All Declaration of Intent forms must be filed no later than 5 p.m. on April 15, 2019.

Announcement of all qualified candidates will be held during the Mayor and Common Council Meeting on April 22, 2019.

Absentee Ballots:

Per City Charter §C-3.1 (d) An absentee resident shall be entitled to be sent an absentee ballot as hereinabove provided only if the application therefore is received by said municipality at least ten days before the date of an election; therefore, the request to submit an absentee ballot will be no later than 5 p.m. on May 6, 2019

Absentee Ballots must be submitted by the close of the voting polls at 8 p.m. on May 14, 2019.

Polling Place Information

Residents living WEST of MD31 will vote at the Community Building, 325 Royer Road

Residents living EAST of MD31 will vote at John Street Quarters, 28 John Street

Election Judge Information

If you would like to apply to be an Election Judge for the upcoming election, please click here for the application form.

For more information on becoming an Election Judge, please send us an email or call 410-848-9000.

Interested in Being on the City Board of Elections?

Are you a Westminster City resident who would like to help out your community? Want to help the City of Westminster have a successful municipal election process?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, then consider submitting an application to serve on the City of Westminster’s newly established Board of Elections!

Applicants must be a registered voter living within the Westminster City limits.
The next City of Westminster municipal election will be held on Tuesday, May 14, 2019. For more information, visit

Submit an Application for Nomination to Boards and Commissions to the City Clerk today!

Voter Registration Information

Not sure if you're registered? Need to change your address? Find out how to do this and more at the Carroll County Board of Elections website or the Maryland State Board of Elections website.
Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Common Council
Westminster Municipal election May 14, 2019
Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

Carroll County Times:
Baltimore Sun Carroll Eagle:

Facebook Dayhoff for Westminster:
Facebook: Kevin Earl Dayhoff:

Dayhoff for Westminster:
Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Dayhoff Carroll:
Kevin Dayhoff Time Flies: