Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

20060522 KDDC Every month is Alcohol Awareness Month for teenagers

Every month is Alcohol Awareness Month for teenagers

May 22nd, 2006 By Kevin Dayhoff

April was “Alcohol Awareness Month” and I wrote a couple of columns on the subject.

On Wednesday, April 19th, 2006, my Westminster Eagle column was: “April is for Alcohol Awareness, but issue of underage drinking lives with us daily.” Another link can be found here.

My Winchester Report post for April 25, 2006 was: “Community Leaders take action against underaged drinking .” Another link for that post is here.

For the Winchester Report posting, my Westminster Eagle editor, Jim Joyner, reworked the warning signs box, for which I was very appreciative.

I would think that the prom season is winding down and now many young adults are looking forward to the end of the school year or graduation ceremonies, err – parties.

Again, this brings with it another set of challenges for young adults who may be exposed to alcohol at these parties.

What can be troubling about this cocktail of alcohol and young inexperienced adults, who nevertheless, “know all the answers,” is the fact that a mistake with alcohol can be life altering or worse yet – fatal. When folks are young and think that they are invincible – the danger is even greater.

Pop culture and Hollywood romanticizes alcohol to the point that many young adults are not aware of the unromanticized and unsanitized pitfalls of alcohol abuse.

It does not necessary sink-in when rock stars, hollywood types and artists are all featured in their rock-bio-documentaries of having awkward moments and problems from drug and alcohol abuse.

After-all, young adults are invincible and “it won’t happen to them,”

In my experience, today’s teenagers are wonderful. Fortunately, you can hear this repeated throughout the community often.

From observing the children of our community involved in, for a few examples, scouting, the Children’s Chorus, 4-H and sports; we can confidently look forward to handing over the future leadership of our country to a very capable and responsible generation.

Former Westminster mayor Ken Yowen would sing the praises of today’s youth often in public and it was one of the many leadership attributes that I tried to emulate when I was an elected official.

Now that I have passed the half-century mark, it is asked in many casual conversations, “wouldn’t you like to be younger?” For right now, we’ll overlook that one thing this question means is that some folks think that I am old…

No way.

I grew up in a simpler and far different Carroll County and I would have no interest in trading in my childhood in the Westminster of the 1950s and 60s for all the tea in China. Sure, as a teenager in Carroll County in the 1960s, the community and our world were changing rapidly. There was turmoil. But it was still a wonderful place to grow-up. For example, I actually remember the 1960s.

Today, Carroll County is still a wonderful place to grow-up.

Often, it is fun to ask a teenager, what do you want to be when you grow-up? The answers are encouraging. So often the answers involve wanting to make a difference and contribution and make the world a better place.

With some segments of today’s teenagers, you’ll hear; I want to be an artist, a writer, a rock musician… or even president?

A writer like Dylan Thomas, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jack Kerouac or maybe even Edgar Allan Poe? Recently there was a movie about Truman Capote, which sparked much interest in Mr. Capote’s writings and life.

Who wants to be a star musician when they get older? Like the legendary blues singer, Billie Holiday? Steve Clark, the guitarist with Def Leppard? Or John Bonham, the drummer with Led Zeppelin? Who wants to be Roy Buchanan, the legendary guitar virtuoso and blues musician who lived much of his life right down the road in Washington, DC?

Who wants to be the artist, Jackson Pollock. It is reported that Mr. Pollack visited Clyfford Still in New Windsor on several occasions.

How about aspiring to be a famous actor like Errol Flynn or William Holden?

Maybe you want to be president of the United States, like our fourteenth president, Franklin Pierce?

All the folks just mentioned are some of the most talented individuals in our nation’s history. And they all have one thing in common, their lives and careers, (with the exception of Mr. Still,) were cut short because of alcohol poisoning or alcoholism.

The tragedy of their untimely death is only surpassed by the loss of their talent on the world. Especially in the instances of alcohol poisoning, the death was avoidable, unpleasant and unplanned. Duh.

Alcohol kills. Like - forever dead.

It only takes one bad experience. One bad day. One bad decision… Parental and interested adult attention to the challenges of teen drinking is critical. Keep prominently in mind, that good kids can make bad decisions and alcohol does not care who it kills or what are the extenuating circumstances.

How often have we heard: “I didn’t know there was going to be alcohol at the party.” Or, “I was only going to try a drink or two.” “I was only about a mile from home… I was late and I thought that I could drive that far without a problem.”

Recently there have been deaths at the hands of alcohol that have alarmed the community. This is not a problem “somewhere else.” It is here in Carroll County. “It” can happen to your child, your friend, your sister or brother. The responsibility to prevent a tragedy is no-one’s but yours. You. Me. Everybody’s.

In an article by Westminster Eagle writer, Heidi Schroeder on November 2, 2005, “Survey offers warning in teen trends,” in a December 2004 survey it was revealed; “46.9 percent of Carroll County seniors … said they had used beer or wine coolers in the past 30 days.

“Statewide, 38.5 percent of seniors had used beer or wine coolers in the past 30 days.

Mark Yount, substance abuse prevention coordinator for Carroll County, said that data is consistent with some of the trends they are seeing at Junction, the county's substance abuse treatment facility.

"Data will tell you one thing, but by the time you get the data things are already happening," Yount said.

Two significant trends in the survey that Yount said is reflected in the young people coming through Junction is alcohol and narcotic abuse.

Yount noted that culturally, alcohol is often separated from drugs in the mind of the community. But he warned, "Alcohol is not a benign substance.

"There is no safe level of alcohol for teens," Yount said.

Now, one cannot imagine that a teenager gets up in the morning and says to themselves, I have plans next week or this summer but this evening I am going to get together with some good friends, get wasted and die.

Heck, even if you don’t die from that one bad experience with alcohol, who wants to get together with friends next week or this summer and re-live drinking to the point where you vomit all over your friends all evening. Now isn’t that a special experience.

One of my favorite musicians was “chicken pickin,” blues, slide guitarist, Roy Buchanan – and his 1953 Telecaster guitar, named “Nancy.” Although he was born September 23, 1939 in California, he settled down in the Washington, DC area in the mid-1960s. He was living in Reston, Virginia when he passed away.

He gained a great deal of attention by way of a PBS documentary in the early 1970s called, “The Best Unknown Guitarist In The World.” He played a lot of the clubs in the DC area, often with “The Snakestretchers.” He toured nationally and internationally in the 1970s.

He recorded about 18 albums before his death. A number of albums have been released posthumously. Perhaps my favorite is “You’re Not Alone,” released in 1978 on Atlantic records.

Mr. Buchanan would be still greatly contributing to the music world if he had not had alcohol and substance abuse problems throughout most of his adult life. Apparently, untreated, the problems only got worse and certainly were not helpful in his marriage with his wife, Judy.

On August 13th, 1988, Mr. Buchanan got into another domestic dispute, after according to the Web-site, “Sweet Dreams of Roy Buchanan,” he came home “from the local bar with some male person, who then along with Roy acted up, so Judy threw them out, then called the cops. The cops picked up Roy and, the county sheriff tells Jim Buchanan, he was jovial when locked up. Sheriff says they didn't even arrest and book him and told him to sleep it off. A routine check supposedly found Roy hanging from his shirt in the cell…

On August 14th, 1988, Roy Buchanan, perhaps one of the greatest guitar players ever, died in a police cell.

Next time, you have plans to go out and get wasted, pull out a couple Led Zeppelin CDs and play the "Immigrant Song" from “Led Zeppelin III;” "When the Levee Breaks" from “Led Zeppelin IV,” "Kashmir" or "Misty Mountain Hop."

These are the Led Zeppelin tunes that especially feature the talent of Led Zeppelin drummer, John Bonham.

As you crank it up, keep in mind, John Bonham died on September 25, 1980.

According to numerous published accounts, (I have used Wikipedia’s account because it was convenient and matched some old notes,) Led Zeppelin was rehearsing for the band’s upcoming U.S. tour when John Bonham passed away.

On the way to the recording studio, Mr. Bonham had a breakfast of about sixteen shots of vodka. “He then continued to drink when he arrived at the studio.” That evening, it “was rumored that he had a total of forty shots…” before he was taken to bed.

The next morning, at the age of 32, he was found dead. “The cause of death was asphyxiation caused by choking on his own vomit. A subsequent coroner inquest found no other drugs in Bonham's body.”

Bummer. Just think, this could be you.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


20060523 How Dems Store Their Bribes

How Dems Store Their Bribes


A Photoshop that I wish I had done.

You can do whatever you wish with the information, I liked the Photoshop art.


Does the word, “schadenfreude” come to mind?

Hat tip: Michelle Malkin


By Michelle Malkin · May 23, 2006 10:39 PM

Hot Air affiliate Flip Pidot of Suitably Flip, inspired by the Rep. William Jefferson case, has the photoshop of the day:

Meanwhile, Roger L. Simon notes Newt Gingrich's tin ear. Denny Hastert's got it, too. Glenn Reynolds has more.


Foiled again!


Monday, May 22, 2006

20060521 KDDC Not Fonda Jane

Not Fonda Jane

Every year, this time of the year, a number of Internet e-mails make the rounds as to what Jane Fonda did or did not do, during the Vietnam War.

Although I am certainly no fan of Ms. Fonda, it is important to have some insight as to what actually happened and what is Internet fiction.

I just went to Snopes and read their take as to what is fact and fiction.


Hanoi'd with Jane

Claim: Jane Fonda betrayed U.S. POWs during the Viet Nam War.

Status: Multiple:

During a 1972 trip to North Vietnam, Jane Fonda propagandized on behalf of the North Vietnamese government, declared that American POWs were being treated humanely and condemned U.S. soldiers as "war criminals" and later denounced them as liars for claiming they had been tortured: True.

Jane Fonda handed over to their captors the slips of paper POWs pressed upon her: False.

In 1999, Jane Fonda was profiled in ABC's A Celebration: 100 Years of Great Women: True.

The article then gives some examples of some of the e-mails that are circulating…

Then, the article goes into great length describing what Snopes believes to be true and what happened. It is a good read. Read the rest of the lengthy article here:

As far as whether or not Ms. Fonda committed treason – here is the Treason Article of the Constitution, you decide for yourself…

The Constitution of the United States of America -- Article 3, Section 3:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attained.


20060521 KDDC Carroll Co. Vietnam Memorial

Carroll Co. Vietnam Memorial

May 21st, 2006

Today I’ve been working on my next Westminster Eagle column and I stopped by the Carroll County Maryland Vietnam Memorial at Willis and Court Streets in Westminster.

The inscription on the black memorial lists has the following inscription and names:

“This memorial is dedicated to mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, wives, husbands, sons, daughters, lovers, friends and most of all dreams of the men and women “from Carroll County” who risked it all in Vietnam.”

Steve Mason, Poet Laureate V.V.A


Ronald Kenny, February 1966

Christopher Miller, Jr., October 1966

Carl Egolf, December 1966


James Byers, January 1967


Russell Amoss, January 1968

Russell Milberry, January 1968

Everett Justice, Jr., February 1968

Michael Kidd, May 1968

John Feezer, July 1968

Sherman Flanagan, Jr., July 1968

Muriel Groomes, November 1968


Joseph Oreto, April 1969

Frederick Magsamen, May 1969

Franklin Underwood, Jr., June 1969


James Zumbrun, January 1970

Joseph Blickenstaff, Jr., December 1970

David Steger, December 1970


Herbert Mulkey, Jr., March 1971


Peter Drabic POW September 1968 – March 1973.

05/21/2006 - ked

20060520 KDDC Mediterraneo Restaurant

Mediterraneo Restaurant

May 20, 2006

Caroline and I had family in town for the Willis Street Tag Sale. We all went out to dinner at Mediterraneo in the Westminster Shopping Center.

20060521 Not Fonda Jane

Not Fonda Jane

May 21st, 2006

Every year, this time of the year, a number of Internet e-mails make the rounds as to what Jane Fonda did or did not do, during the Vietnam War.

Although I am certainly no fan of Ms. Fonda, it is important to have some insight as to what actually happened and what is Internet fiction.

I just went to Snopes and read their take as to what is fact and fiction.


Hanoi'd with Jane

Claim: Jane Fonda betrayed U.S. POWs during the Viet Nam War.

Status: Multiple:

During a 1972 trip to North Vietnam, Jane Fonda propagandized on behalf of the North Vietnamese government, declared that American POWs were being treated humanely and condemned U.S. soldiers as "war criminals" and later denounced them as liars for claiming they had been tortured: True.

Jane Fonda handed over to their captors the slips of paper POWs pressed upon her: False.

In 1999, Jane Fonda was profiled in ABC's A Celebration: 100 Years of Great Women: True.


The article then gives some examples of some of the e-mails that are circulating…

Then, the article goes into great length describing what Snopes believes to be true and what happened. It is a good read.

Read the rest of the lengthy article here:

As far as whether or not Ms. Fonda committed treason – here is the Treason Article of the Constitution, you decide for yourself…

The Constitution of the United States of America -- Article 3, Section 3:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attained.


20060522 KDDC Every month is Alcohol Awareness Month for teenager

20060522 KDDC Every month is Alcohol Awareness Month for teenagers

Every month is Alcohol Awareness Month for teenagers

May 22nd, 2006 By Kevin Dayhoff

April was “Alcohol Awareness Month” and I wrote a couple of columns on the subject.

On Wednesday, April 19th, 2006, my Westminster Eagle column was: “April is for Alcohol Awareness, but issue of underage drinking lives with us daily.” Another link can be found here.

My Winchester Report post for April 25, 2006 was: “Community Leaders take action against underaged drinking .” Another link for that post is here.

For the Winchester Report posting, my Westminster Eagle editor, Jim Joyner, reworked the warning signs box, for which I was very appreciative.

I would think that the prom season is winding down and now many young adults are looking forward to the end of the school year or graduation ceremonies, err – parties.

Again, this brings with it another set of challenges for young adults who may be exposed to alcohol at these parties.

What can be troubling about this cocktail of alcohol and young inexperienced adults, who nevertheless, “know all the answers,” is the fact that a mistake with alcohol can be life altering or worse yet – fatal. When folks are young and think that they are invincible – the danger is even greater.

Pop culture and Hollywood romanticizes alcohol to the point that many young adults are not aware of the unromanticized and unsanitized pitfalls of alcohol abuse.

It does not necessary sink-in when rock stars, hollywood types and artists are all featured in their rock-bio-documentaries of having awkward moments and problems from drug and alcohol abuse.

After-all, young adults are invincible and “it won’t happen to them,”

In my experience, today’s teenagers are wonderful. Fortunately, you can hear this repeated throughout the community often.

From observing the children of our community involved in, for a few examples, scouting, the Children’s Chorus, 4-H and sports; we can confidently look forward to handing over the future leadership of our country to a very capable and responsible generation.

Former Westminster mayor Ken Yowen would sing the praises of today’s youth often in public and it was one of the many leadership attributes that I tried to emulate when I was an elected official.

Now that I have passed the half-century mark, it is asked in many casual conversations, “wouldn’t you like to be younger?” For right now, we’ll overlook that one thing this question means is that some folks think that I am old…

No way.

I grew up in a simpler and far different Carroll County and I would have no interest in trading in my childhood in the Westminster of the 1950s and 60s for all the tea in China. Sure, as a teenager in Carroll County in the 1960s, the community and our world were changing rapidly. There was turmoil. But it was still a wonderful place to grow-up. For example, I actually remember the 1960s.

Today, Carroll County is still a wonderful place to grow-up.

Often, it is fun to ask a teenager, what do you want to be when you grow-up? The answers are encouraging. So often the answers involve wanting to make a difference and contribution and make the world a better place.

With some segments of today’s teenagers, you’ll hear; I want to be an artist, a writer, a rock musician… or even president?

A writer like Dylan Thomas, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jack Kerouac or maybe even Edgar Allan Poe? Recently there was a movie about Truman Capote, which sparked much interest in Mr. Capote’s writings and life.

Who wants to be a star musician when they get older? Like the legendary blues singer, Billie Holiday? Steve Clark, the guitarist with Def Leppard? Or John Bonham, the drummer with Led Zeppelin? Who wants to be Roy Buchanan, the legendary guitar virtuoso and blues musician who lived much of his life right down the road in Washington, DC?

Who wants to be the artist, Jackson Pollock. It is reported that Mr. Pollack visited Clyfford Still in New Windsor on several occasions.

How about aspiring to be a famous actor like Errol Flynn or William Holden?

Maybe you want to be president of the United States, like our fourteenth president, Franklin Pierce?

All the folks just mentioned are some of the most talented individuals in our nation’s history. And they all have one thing in common, their lives and careers, (with the exception of Mr. Still,) were cut short because of alcohol poisoning or alcoholism.

The tragedy of their untimely death is only surpassed by the loss of their talent on the world. Especially in the instances of alcohol poisoning, the death was avoidable, unpleasant and unplanned. Duh.

Alcohol kills. Like - forever dead.

It only takes one bad experience. One bad day. One bad decision… Parental and interested adult attention to the challenges of teen drinking is critical. Keep prominently in mind, that good kids can make bad decisions and alcohol does not care who it kills or what are the extenuating circumstances.

How often have we heard: “I didn’t know there was going to be alcohol at the party.” Or, “I was only going to try a drink or two.” “I was only about a mile from home… I was late and I thought that I could drive that far without a problem.”

Recently there have been deaths at the hands of alcohol that have alarmed the community. This is not a problem “somewhere else.” It is here in Carroll County. “It” can happen to your child, your friend, your sister or brother. The responsibility to prevent a tragedy is no-one’s but yours. You. Me. Everybody’s.

In an article by Westminster Eagle writer, Heidi Schroeder on November 2, 2005, “Survey offers warning in teen trends,” in a December 2004 survey it was revealed; “46.9 percent of Carroll County seniors … said they had used beer or wine coolers in the past 30 days.

“Statewide, 38.5 percent of seniors had used beer or wine coolers in the past 30 days.

Mark Yount, substance abuse prevention coordinator for Carroll County, said that data is consistent with some of the trends they are seeing at Junction, the county's substance abuse treatment facility.

"Data will tell you one thing, but by the time you get the data things are already happening," Yount said.

Two significant trends in the survey that Yount said is reflected in the young people coming through Junction is alcohol and narcotic abuse.

Yount noted that culturally, alcohol is often separated from drugs in the mind of the community. But he warned, "Alcohol is not a benign substance.

"There is no safe level of alcohol for teens," Yount said.

Now, one cannot imagine that a teenager gets up in the morning and says to themselves, I have plans next week or this summer but this evening I am going to get together with some good friends, get wasted and die.

Heck, even if you don’t die from that one bad experience with alcohol, who wants to get together with friends next week or this summer and re-live drinking to the point where you vomit all over your friends all evening. Now isn’t that a special experience.

One of my favorite musicians was “chicken pickin,” blues, slide guitarist, Roy Buchanan – and his 1953 Telecaster guitar, named “Nancy.” Although he was born September 23, 1939 in California, he settled down in the Washington, DC area in the mid-1960s. He was living in Reston, Virginia when he passed away.

He gained a great deal of attention by way of a PBS documentary in the early 1970s called, “The Best Unknown Guitarist In The World.” He played a lot of the clubs in the DC area, often with “The Snakestretchers.” He toured nationally and internationally in the 1970s.

He recorded about 18 albums before his death. A number of albums have been released posthumously. Perhaps my favorite is “You’re Not Alone,” released in 1978 on Atlantic records.

Mr. Buchanan would be still greatly contributing to the music world if he had not had alcohol and substance abuse problems throughout most of his adult life. Apparently, untreated, the problems only got worse and certainly were not helpful in his marriage with his wife, Judy.

On August 13th, 1988, Mr. Buchanan got into another domestic dispute, after according to the Web-site, “Sweet Dreams of Roy Buchanan,” he came home “from the local bar with some male person, who then along with Roy acted up, so Judy threw them out, then called the cops. The cops picked up Roy and, the county sheriff tells Jim Buchanan, he was jovial when locked up. Sheriff says they didn't even arrest and book him and told him to sleep it off. A routine check supposedly found Roy hanging from his shirt in the cell…

On August 14th, 1988, Roy Buchanan, perhaps one of the greatest guitar players ever, died in a police cell.

Next time, you have plans to go out and get wasted, pull out a couple Led Zeppelin CDs and play the "Immigrant Song" from “Led Zeppelin III;” "When the Levee Breaks" from “Led Zeppelin IV,” "Kashmir" or "Misty Mountain Hop."

These are the Led Zeppelin tunes that especially feature the talent of Led Zeppelin drummer, John Bonham.

As you crank it up, keep in mind, John Bonham died on September 25, 1980.

According to numerous published accounts, (I have used Wikipedia’s account because it was convenient and matched some old notes,) Led Zeppelin was rehearsing for the band’s upcoming U.S. tour when John Bonham passed away.

On the way to the recording studio, Mr. Bonham had a breakfast of about sixteen shots of vodka. “He then continued to drink when he arrived at the studio.” That evening, it “was rumored that he had a total of forty shots…” before he was taken to bed.

The next morning, at the age of 32, he was found dead. “The cause of death was asphyxiation caused by choking on his own vomit. A subsequent coroner inquest found no other drugs in Bonham's body.”

Bummer. Just think, this could be you.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


posted by Kevin Dayhoff @ 3:15 AM

20060522 KDDC Every month is Alcohol Awareness Month for teenager


Sunday, May 21, 2006

20060521 KDDC Wake up America Civilization Calls

Wake up America Civilization Calls

"Only in winter can you tell which trees are truly green. Only when the winds of adversity blow can you tell whether an individual or a country has steadfastness." John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States: 1961-1963

20060521 Carroll Co. Vietnam Memorial

Carroll Co. Vietnam Memorial

May 21st, 2006

Today I’ve been working on my next Westminster Eagle column and I stopped by the Carroll County Maryland Vietnam Memorial at Willis and Court Streets in Westminster.

The inscription on the black memorial lists has the following inscription and names:

“This memorial is dedicated to mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, wives, husbands, sons, daughters, lovers, friends and most of all dreams of the men and women “from Carroll County” who risked it all in Vietnam.”

Steve Mason, Poet Laureate V.V.A


Ronald Kenny, February 1966

Christopher Miller, Jr., October 1966

Carl Egolf, December 1966


James Byers, January 1967


Russell Amoss, January 1968

Russell Milberry, January 1968

Everett Justice, Jr., February 1968

Michael Kidd, May 1968

John Feezer, July 1968

Sherman Flanagan, Jr., July 1968

Muriel Groomes, November 1968


Joseph Oreto, April 1969

Frederick Magsamen, May 1969

Franklin Underwood, Jr., June 1969


James Zumbrun, January 1970

Joseph Blickenstaff, Jr., December 1970

David Steger, December 1970


Herbert Mulkey, Jr., March 1971


Peter Drabic POW September 1968 – March 1973.

Names on the Carroll County Maryland Vietnam Memorial in Westminster 05/21/2006 - ked

Saturday, May 20, 2006

20060519 KDDC CO2 We Call it Life

CO2: We Call it Life


Without prejudice – watch the videos…we report - you decide.

The Competitive Enterprise Institute has produced two 60-second television spots focusing on the alleged global warming crisis and the calls by some environmental groups and politicians for reduced energy use. The ads are airing in 14 U.S. cities from May 18 to May 28, 2006.


20060519 KDDC Bad Jocks dot com

Bad Jocks dot com

How’s this for a random post.

If you have not visited the blogsite “Bad Jocks,” – “Where COPS meets SportsCenter,” you are missing an adventure into the shallow end of the gene pool.

Bad Jocks:, should not be visited by those with a heart condition. Then again, if you are judicious as to what links you click on the site is okay for the faint at heart.

I heard the site mentioned on television in reference to the current media frenzy over hazing incidences. I don’t recall what station or program.

First the humor. Check out: Atlanta Hawk on Motorcycle on You Tube.

But back to the serious and sad on Bad Jock; the 64-dollar question is if folks are going to engage in behavior such as hazing, why do they post pictures on the Internet?

I’m looking at the post dated: “Who Did Something Stupid Today? - Updated May 19 2006.”

The site does not appear to use permalinks…

The section that caught my eye was: “It's Here! BadJocks ‘End-of-the-School-Year Initiation Picture Blowout Bonanza’”

Unfortunately, the Christian-based college I attended from 1971 – 1973, Elon College – now Elon University, made the “Dirty Dozen.”

It's Here! BadJocks "End-of-the-School-Year Initiation Picture Blowout Bonanza"- You've waited patiently since Monday for our "Dirty Dozen," (initiation pictures from twelve colleges across the USA) that we've found online over the past few weeks. We wish we could say this is all there is out there, but that's not EVEN CLOSE to the truth. Given enough time and money we could probably post 100 sets like these, maybe more.

Why? Well, first off, it's time to reveal the source for these, and all of our other initiation pictures:

Did you know that if you put in the term "initiation" into their search tool, you'll get more than 135,000 images. 135,000!!!

Granted, not all of those are sports (most are those damn A/V geeks), so try just "soccer initiation."

The result: almost 2800! "Lacrosse initiation or lax initiation?" More than 2200 combined.

And the list goes on and on for every sport you can imagine. Some are just one picture of some guy with his head shaved like a monk, wearing nothing but women's panties with a half-empty 40 ouncer duct taped to his hand . . . others are entire sets that document a whole evening of fun.

Here's the Dirty Dozen.
1) Catholic University Women's Lacrosse Team Initiation 2006
2) Quinnipiac University Men's Baseball Initiation 2006
3) University of California, Santa Barbara Lacrosse Initiation 2004
4) Wake Forest Women's Volleyball
5) Fordham University Women's Softball Team Initiation
6) Elon University Men's Baseball Initiation 2005-2006
7) Fairleigh Dickinson Women's Softball Initiation 2004
8) James Madison University Women's Club Soccer -
Double Play of the Day: Two different years from same team
9) Kenyon College Men's Baseball Initiation 2005
10) Princeton University Cheerleading Initiation 2005
11) Union College Women's Soccer Rookie Night 2004
12) University of Michigan Men's Lacrosse Initiation Pictures for both 2003 and 2004
- Another two-fer!

And this update from our hazing expert, Dr. Susan Lipkins:

Can Hazing Be Prevented?

We may never eradicate hazing, however, we can reduce the amount and intensity of hazings. To do this many programs need to be developed. I have proposed, along with Karen Savoy, of MASH (Mothers Against School Hazing) a NATIONAL HAZING PREVENTION ACT which would provide money to fund:
1. an agency to define, monitor, and investigate hazing
2. several university-based research programs that would create curriculum to train coaches and other leaders of groups, and that would be used with students from age 13-adulthood
3. create a federal law that would deter hazing
For further information please visit my website:

On the page:

I don’t recommend going to the page, but anyway, in the right margin alongside the series of pictures depicting the Catholic University’s Women’s Lacrosse Team entitled: “Catholic University Women's Lacrosse Team Initiation Party 2006 - I'm in Love with a Stripper” is listed a number of links that attempt to provide some intellectuality to the subject of hazing:

Hazing Picture FAQ
by Dr. Susan Lipkins

Why are these photos so significant?

Why is it important to highlight the photos from Northwestern?

Why do teams post their initiations on the internet?
How does hazing happen?
Do the colleges know about these activities?
What do college coaches and athletic directors do to prevent hazing?
If hazing is embedded in the culture of sports then how can the colleges or coaches change it?
Who is responsible for hazing prevention?

What should the public/audience do?

Isn't some hazing acceptable?

What is hazardous hazing?

How can adults know when a hazing will skid into the hazardous zone?


Thursday, May 18, 2006

20060518 KDDC Bunny Report

"1871 Graduating Class of McDaniel College"

May 18th, 2006 Bunny Report

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are all dressed up in honor of this weekend’s McDaniel College 136th Commencement.

According to the McDaniel College Web-site:

McDaniel College Commencement 2006

McDaniel College to Celebrate 136th Commencement

McDaniel College will hold its 136th Commencement at 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 20. More than 400 bachelor’s and master’s degrees will be awarded in the ceremony at Gill Center.

Student awards include the Argonaut Award, which is presented yearly to the graduating senior with the highest cumulative grade point average, and the Edith Farr Ridington Phi Beta Kappa Writing Award for the best honors paper.

Earlier on Commencement day, graduating McDaniel seniors who are members of the College’s Army ROTC program will be commissioned as second lieutenants into the U.S. Army. McDaniel has had an Army ROTC program since 1919.

McDaniel’s annual Baccalaureate Service will be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 19, in Baker Memorial Chapel.

For more information on Commencement weekend activities, call 410-857-2220.


20060518 KDDC Aim

(c) Kevin Dayhoff
May 18th, 2006

20060518 KDDC Tony Snow plays the blues video

Tony Snow plays the blues video

Hat Tip:

Wonkette writes:

Can Snow Men Sing the Blues?

“Until someone finds us the audio of
Tony Snow singing the theme to Spongebob Squarepants (IT EXISTS, WE KNOW IT), we will force you to listen to him play a flute solo over some of the whitest blues you’ve ever done heard…”

Added to “
YouTube” on May 12, 2006, 11:33 AM

tony snow plays the blues

“Tony Snow, White House Press Secretary, plays "Stormy Monday" with Leslie West of Mountain.”

Find the video here:


20060518 KDDC Tony Snow plays the blues video

Hat Tip:

Wonkette writes:

Can Snow Men Sing the Blues?

“Until someone finds us the audio of
Tony Snow singing the theme to Spongebob Squarepants (IT EXISTS, WE KNOW IT), we will force you to listen to him play a flute solo over some of the whitest blues you’ve ever done heard…”

Added to “
YouTube” on May 12, 2006, 11:33 AM

tony snow plays the blues

“Tony Snow, White House Press Secretary, plays "Stormy Monday" with Leslie West of Mountain.”

Find the video here:


20060517 KDDC Jeff Graham and the Power of Friendships

Jeff Graham and the Power of Friendships

May 17th, 2006

My latest column in the Westminster Eagle has been posted.

Kevin E. Dayhoff Wednesday, May 17 Local ride in memory of Jeff Graham celebrates the power of friendships or you may find it here.

The Westminster Eagle does not use permalinks. So, if you are reading this post after about a week or so – you will have to go to: Local news archives to find it in archives. Click on the radio button next to my name and adjust the date span search…

Meanwhile, pasted below is the unedited, album cut version of the same column. Please enjoy.


Much has been written about the value of friends in our lives. The concept of friendships has been the source of everything from the whimsical, to novels and movies, and serious scientific studies.

This Sunday, folks from the greater Carroll County community will come together to celebrate friendships at the “Jeff Graham Memorial Ride and Picnic.”

Last September 14, 2005, Carroll County lost a good friend when Jeff Graham lost his life in Delaware, while doing one of the things he loved best, riding his motorcycle, “Casey,” with friends.

Some of the community knew Jeff as the husband of local businesswoman and community leader, Lori Welsh-Graham, a co-owner of Stewart N. Dutterer Flower Shop Inc. of Westminster.

The flower shop, a Westminster business fixture since 1919, has decorated for the inaugurations for presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. However, you would never know that by spending time with Jeff. Being pretentious was not his style.

Others knew him as a master automotive technician for International Foreign Car Service Inc. in Westminster.

Graduates of Westminster High School class of 1980 knew him as a classmate.

Some knew him as Fluffy and Murphy Graham’s best friend.

Celebrants of St. John Catholic Church in Westminster knew him as a member of the church.

Others knew him from his love of restoring and fixing automobiles and vintage Victorian homes.

However, everyone who had the honor of spending time with Jeff knew him as a soft-spoken, quick witted, big huggable, teddy bear of a guy and a committed friend.

In memory of the life and work of Jeff and in honor of his committed friend, Steve Shatzer, a retired Westminster Police officer, this Sunday there will be a motorcycle ride and picnic in Jeff’s memory and to benefit a foundation started as a legacy to Jeff.

His wife, Lori, to whom he was married for 23 years, recently shared that the foundation called “The NightTrain Foundation,” was named after the model of Harley that Jeff rode. The NightTrain Foundation is a fund within the Community Foundation of Carroll County.

“In (the foundation’s) mission statement it refers to mentoring young people to strive at what they do and to always lead by example. And to make time for friends. I feel that Jeff and Steve both have and are doing just that. The scholarships go to young people interested in Automotive/Motorcycle Mechanics and Law Enforcement,” she elaborated.

The purpose statement describing the foundation states, “A key element of the Foundation is to commit funds for programs with children in mind. Consideration will be given to Shop with a Cop, the Literacy Council, COPS: Concerns of Police Survivors and other funds as deemed by the advisors.”

Of both Steve Shatzer and Jeff, the foundation statement wrote, “It was/is the goal of each of these men to always do the best in his career and to encourage others, especially youth to do the same. They are both good examples of the importance of honesty, hard work and friendship.”

“The Foundation is in memory of Jeff but more so, it is in honor of true friendships,” wrote Lori.

Everyone has their own concept of what is a good friend. Although everyone’s version is different, one thing for certain, most folks place a high value on our friendships.

For the luckiest among us, especially me, our spouses are our best friends.

No matter what your version of friendship is, there is no disagreement that friends give us a sense of belonging to a bigger picture and contribute to our satisfaction with life and our sense of self-worth.
Friends are often the folks with whom we like to spend time doing things together and sharing life experiences. Friends are people we trust. They are folks in whom we confide and believe will always act in our best interests.
Friends are travelers along the voyage of life, whom we respect. Folks in whom it is easy to agree and most importantly disagree and easily respect their right to their opinion.
Friends are always there for you. They are the special folks in our lives in which we enjoy aiding in their accomplishments are supportive in your own endeavors. They are the folks we like to help and enjoy letting them help us.

Recently a memorial plaque in Jeff’s honor was dedicated at Panera Bread. Many friends, including Sam Greenholtz and Pastor Richard Krebs attended.

Former Westminster Common Council Member Sam Greenholtz said in a recent e-mail, “… I really think that you should mention Mark Bomse, Vice President of Greenberg Commercial for donating the space in front of Panera Bread and for providing the monument honoring Jeff. This is something they do in the communities they serve.

“They recognize prominent deceased community leaders by placing these monuments throughout the property. Mark worked through the GWDC (Greater Westminster Development Corporation) to get this accomplished and we look forward to Greenberg providing more as time goes on - although we are in no hurry to find people to honor if you know what I mean.”

Westminster Police Chief Jeff Spaulding shared a few words at the dedication on behalf of the City of Westminster.

In preparing his remarks, Chief Spaulding took the opportunity to speak with many of Jeff’s friends. What he found was why Jeff is such a study in everything a person would want in a friend: Quiet and supportive; quick witted; a keen sense of humor; a big kid at heart:

“Quiet and supportive – Jeff didn’t like to be the center of attention, but was very comfortable… quietly supporting (his wife, Lori’s) efforts to improve our community and make Westminster a better place to live and work. He did the same for all of his friends – if you needed Jeff, he was there to help at any time and in any way he could.

“Jeff had a keen sense of humor that was often 2-steps ahead of his “victims”. There was frequently a little gleam in his eye that reminded you that he was quietly scheming to get you. As Steve Shatzer put it, ‘it would sometimes take me a minute or two to figure our he got me.’

“‘A big kid at heart’ - Jeff loved to have a good time and he greatly enjoyed the simple things in life – such as taking a motorcycle ride with a group of friends to get some ice cream on a warm summer evening. He also enjoyed greatly spending time with kids – typically children of friends such as Tyler Plank and Garrett Wimmer. Jeff helped Tyler get into dirt bike and go-cart racing, and was apparently so successful that Tyler once told his dad that he was firing him and hiring Jeff as his coach and surrogate father. As Willy Plank told me, ‘for a fellow with no kids, he had a lot of kids.’

Chief Spaulding concluded his remarks by saying what we can only hope that our friends would say about us:

“The phrase I heard repeated time after time was “Committed friend” – … once (Jeff) was your friend he was a friend for life. There wasn’t anything that Jeff wouldn’t do for you or your family. This is clearly Jeff’s legacy and our reason for gathering today - to take a moment and celebrate just how much Jeff touched so many of us in his quiet but positive way.

“And this legacy clearly extends to Lori - and to their entire extended family. The Dutterers have been committed friends to the Police Department and the greater Westminster community for decades – never failing to do what is necessary and appropriate to improve the quality of life for our community.

“It is said that “a good friend is hard to find, difficult to lose and impossible to forget”. This garden will serve as a consistent reminder of Jeff’s legacy of friendship, dedication and self-less service to those gathered here today - and through his extended family - the larger Westminster Community.”

Murphy Graham said that Jeff was “a loyal friend, who was always there for me.”

Tony Ott, who helped map out this Sunday’s motorcycle ride, said Jeff “was a good guy and good friend… He loved to ride motorcycles and this (Sunday’s) ride is a celebration of friendship and Jeff’s life by folks whose lives he touched.”

The Memorial Ride on May 21 will take off at 1PM from Westminster Crossing (Bed, Bath and Beyond Center) and tour covered bridges in Frederick and York Counties. At 4 p.m., there will be a picnic in Dutterer Family Park with Food and Fun for all.

“I really hope the events and scholarships that are given by the foundation celebrate Jeff's love for his work, love for his adopted kids and love for his family and friends,” emphasized Lori.

Jeff’s sister-in-law, Jalna Brown has been helping to organize the day. If you would like more information about celebrating friendships with Jeff’s friends this Sunday, contact Jalna Brown at Dutterer Florist at (410) 848-9350. If you would like to make a contribution to the NightTrain Foundation, you can get in touch with either Ms. Brown or contact the Community Foundation of Carroll County at (410) 876-5505.

To paraphrase Chief Spaulding, who said it best, the greater Westminster community owes Jeff and Lori Graham thanks “for their ongoing stewardship of the spirit of “community” and “friendship” that make Westminster such a special place to live and work.”

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.
E-mail him at:

20060517 Power Line gives some context on poll numbers

Power Line gives some context on poll numbers

May 17, 2006

Some Context on Those Poll Numbers

“How many times have we seen headlines like this one, from UPI this morning: "Iraq war drags Bush to record poll low." So many "record lows" have been announced in President Bush's poll numbers that the casual headline-watcher could be excused for thinking that no President in history has ever been so reviled.

“As we noted here, however, Bush's poll numbers are typical for just about any president at his low ebb. Bush, according to UPI, is currently at 33 percent. Here are the low water marks for presidents from Lyndon Johnson through Bill Clinton:

*Johnson: 35%
*Nixon: 24%
*Ford: 37%
*Carter: 28%
*Reagan: 35%
*Bush I: 29%
*Clinton: 37%

“Contrary to what you might surmise from screaming newspaper headlines, every president from Johnson to the present has gone through a period when his poll numbers were around where Bush's are now; in several instances, lower. So maybe it's time to ease off on the poll hysteria and get back to talking about the substantive pros and cons of the president's policies.”

Posted by John at 07:25 AM


20060517 KDDC Guns Cigars and Liberals

I follow a number of blogs that emanate from the eastern shore. “Justice for All” is one such site. I’m behind on my reading and have spent the last hour or so trying to catch up and came across this one that I will post in honor of Ken Kandell of the Westminster Cigar Company.

Hat tip: Justice For All?

May 3rd, 2006

Guns, Cigars, And Liberals....

..... three of my favorite subjects all in one very funny article by my now favorite criminology professor Mike S. Adams. I can vouch for the La Flor Dominica and the 230 grain hollow point. Both have one heck of a bang.

Three great cigars and why I smoked them

May 3, 2006
by Mike S. Adams

I have a new favorite cigar. It is the La Flor Dominica Double Ligero Chisel. This 6-inch, 54-ring wedge is one of the few natural wrapper cigars in my humidor. Once you taste the rich, woody (and slightly spicy) flavor of this full-bodied beauty, you’ll understand why I love it. This Dominican figurado leaves some kind of mild fruity taste on the palate that I can’t identify. I plan to smoke 100 more until I find out just what that taste is.

Read the rest here:
