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Saturday, September 09, 2006

20060908 KDDC Negative ads and fliers plague Carroll County primary election

Negative ads and fliers plague Carroll County primary

September 8th, 2006

In the last week a number of negative ads have appeared in the Westminster Eagle and the Carroll Standard newspapers. Additionally negative fliers have appeared in mailboxes.

Both the Carroll County Times and the Westminster Eagle and Eldersburg Eagle have written about this.

In a statement released late Friday evening, September 8th, 2006, by current incumbent Carroll County Commissioner Dean Minnick, he stated:

“On Monday morning, I will formally ask Carroll County State's Attorney Jerry Barnes to pursue all means of investigating the possibility of criminal action behind the recent spate of malicious campaign literature published in one weekly newspaper and mailed to thousands of county voters in their homes. I believe that we have more than violations of election laws at issue, and I will request an investigation into the possibility of conspiracy and racketeering. The misrepresentation of facts that have been disseminated go beyond differences of opinion or mere ideology. They are the calculated attempt to destroy reputations and derail the electoral processes by which people choose their leadership. It cannot go unchallenged.” Dean Minnich Vice President, Carroll County Commissioners

In a telephone interview with commissioner candidate Doug Howard this Friday afternoon; he said what lots of Carroll County Republicans are saying; “These are not the values of our party.” A statement which was repeated in a piece of campaign literature advanced to KDDC by Mr. Howard. His campaign literature, slated to be released September 11th, 2006, also said; “Throughout this campaign we have presented our ideas without attacking other candidates or existing commissioners. I do not subscribe to or support the methods of personal attack or mudslinging that we have seen. Such negative campaigns undermine the serious business of choosing our elected officials.”

In a Justin Palk article in the Carroll County Times on Friday, September 8th, 2006:

Although Shewell and Stocksdale said they had not seen the ads or not reviewed them in detail, respectively, both distanced themselves from negative advertising generally.

"I've tried to stay on the high road," Shewell said. "Certainly a lot of the nastiness makes it a disincentive for the good people to run."

Stocksdale echoed those sentiments.

"I do not do negative campaigning," she said. "I don't think people appreciate negative campaigning."

You can read the rest of the article here.

Meanwhile - - I’d like to call upon all credible candidates for elected office in next Tuesday’s primary to condemn the negative campaigning. Please send KDDC your statements at and I will be more than happy to post them on KDDC.

In the last issue of the Westminster Eagle and the Eldersburg Eagle, both Editor Jim Joyner and I wrote columns addressing this last minute dynamic in what many recall as one of the most unpleasant election years in 16 years.

The title of my column is: “Just so no to reality TV in Carroll County election campaigns.”

The title of Mr. Joyner’s column is: “Final daze Voters should be aware of wild political finish.”

I also have a Tentacle column addressing this issue of negative campaigning. Why go negative?”

The Eldersburg and Westminster Eagle sent out the following e-mail alert calling attention to an article Editor Jim Joyner has placed on the web sites of the two county publications.

“County refutes ads mailers attacking commissioners”

You have been sent this e-mail alert from The Eldersburg and Westminster Eagle. These stories and other updates are posted on The Eldersburg Eagle Web site, and The Westminster Eagle Web site,

“County refutes ads, mailers attacking commissioners”

09/08/06 By Jim Joyner

Carroll County officials this week refuted several claims made in political ads this past week by a group called the Carroll County Republican Club, saying the bulk of the organization's accusations are false or misleading.

The group has distributed mailers, placed paid advertising in county newspapers - including The Eagle - and is reportedly also operating an automated messaging campaign, phoning homes in the county.

The bulk of the campaign is aimed at unseating the incumbent Board of County Commissioners, and suggests that voters opt for challengers.

Various aspects of the ad campaign claim that the current commissioners - Republicans Julia Gouge, Dean Minnich and Perry Jones - have spent money on extravagant travel, allowed multiple housing units with single building permits, have declined to spend money to build schools; and are proposing legislation that would allow the county to impose a personal property tax.

County officials say all those allegations - and others - are false.

Read the rest of the article here or here.


Meanwhile, Justin Palk, writing for the Carroll County Times has written two articles thus far.

On Thursday, September 07, 2006, Mr. Palk wrote a piece entitled: “State probing election adverts.”

Maryland's State Board of Elections is reviewing negative campaign ads from what appears to be a new Republican club in Carroll County for compliance with state law.

An organization calling itself the Carroll County Republican Club, which has sent out mailings to county residents, among other advertising, is not registered with the state as a political action committee, said Jared DeMarinis, director of the State Board of Elections' candidacy and campaign finance division.

DeMarinis said he could not comment further on the matter because the board is reviewing it.

In general, organizations that raise or spend money for a specific candidate in an election do have to register with the state, he said.

You can read the rest of this article here.

And then on September 8th, 2006, Mr. Palk wrote: “Candidates deny contact with group.”

Some of the Republican candidates being supported in ads being investigated by the State Board of Elections said they have had no contact with the group responsible for the advertisements.

Dave Greenwalt and Michael Zimmer, both candidates for Carroll County commissioner, and incumbent Dels. Tanya Shewell and Nancy Stocksdale, both seeking to retain their seats in District 5A, said they have no connection with and have no information about the group, which identifies itself as the Carroll County Republican Club.

You can read the rest of the article here.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:

Westminster Eagle Opinion and

Winchester Report

20060908 KDDC An advance copy of Howard for Commissioner Ad

An advance copy of a Doug Howard for Commissioner Ad due to be released September 11th, 2006

September 8th, 2006

Pasted above is a Doug Howard campaign ad that Mr. Howard was kind enough to advance to KDDC. The above image may be too small to read well, so below please find the text. I have reformatted some of the paragraphs for readability on a blog…

September 11, 2006

Dear Carroll County Republican Voter,

Tomorrow, you will go to the polls. I respectfully ask for one of your votes for County Commissioner.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the many of you that have supported our effort, volunteered your time and provided encouragement. So many of you have been to our web site, attended forums or contacted me directly.

I am proud of the positive campaign that we have run.

I am proud that we have created plans for the future, set specific goals and offered new ideas.

Throughout this campaign we have presented our ideas without attacking other candidates or existing commissioners.

I do not subscribe to or support the methods of personal attack or mudslinging that we have seen. Such negative campaigns undermine the serious business of choosing our elected officials.

These are not the values of our party.

I do believe that we need a change on the Board of Commissioners. It’s time to bring a business approach to managing our county government.

We need less taxes, control on spending and economic development.

I want to bring my business experience, ability to work with others, command of new technologies, enthusiasm, energy, conservative philosophy and strong family values to county government.

I ask for your vote!

Respectfully yours,

Doug Howard

Candidate, County Commissioner


20060908 KDDC A Carroll County Times article on Bailey Laird

We were very happy to open-up the Carroll County Times this morning and see an excellent article on our friend Bailey Laird by Times writer Penny Riordan. When you get to “From China to Carroll,” you will also see a great picture of Ms. Laird at work in the classroom by Ken Koons.

The article begins:

For Linton Springs Elementary School teacher Bailey Laird, time spent teaching in China prepared her well for her first full year teaching all-day kindergarten.

"It was very challenging for me," she said. "I think it made me much stronger." Laird was a senior at Salisbury State University when she signed up to teach at an international school in Beijing. Students led the program, which meant Laird and her fellow student teachers did most of their lesson planning without a curriculum to follow.

Please read the rest of the article by clicking here.


20060908 KDDC d1 Commissioner candidates discuss approaches to growth

Commissioner candidates discuss approaches to growth
September 8th, 2006

In case you missed it – I had…and just found it… On August 27th, 2006 Justin Palk writing for the Carroll County Times wrote a piece on growth issues in the county.

Anecdotally, I have heard reports that some folks have grown tired of a discussion on growth issues in Carroll County. I have certainly not.

For those of us who were born and raised in Carroll County, we remember “quality of life” in Carroll County from long before it was a campaign issue.

When we were quite younger – growth was an issue for other reasons. Counties and communities after World War II were anxious to attract jobs and new folks to our communities as a matter promoting a continued quality of life. We needed the economic development and candidly we needed new blood.

Of course, Westminster was always a bit of an anomaly because of its history of attracting business because of its position on the routes west. New folks and businesses were attracted to Westminster in the early 1800s; after the Civil War; in the boom years of the 1890s after the “Panic of 1883,”, and in the very early 1900s.

Westminster has also always seen folks settle here as a result of Western Maryland College – McDaniel College.

New folks were a good thing until around when I-795 opened in 1985. At that point the paradigm began to change as agricultural land that had previously been handed down to the succeeding generation began to be more valuable growing houses that whatever economics it could generate as a farm.

It was in the 1980s and 1990s that we started to see a precipitous erosion of our quality of life. Growth and development brought about congestion, complexity, traffic problems and a lost sense of cohesiveness in the community.

Of course, this all came to a head in the election of 2002, when a grass-roots sea-change caused the voters to elect folks who would be aggressive about managing growth.

This aggressive approach to managing growth needs to be maintained as it will take awhile to get properties that have been purchased and zoned for growth to make their way through the system.

The property rights put in place prior to 2002 and purchased by a contract purchaser cannot be removed by plebiscite – whether we like the fact that all those houses are going to come there or not… We cannot deny someone their purchased legal rights because public opinion has changed.

However, we can learn from this lesson and be careful how we go about zoning property and designating appropriate residential growth areas in the future. Which is, as far as I am concerned – few and far between. We have the residential rooftops – what we need are local jobs.

Which bears out my point - now that the paradigm has changed, we need to see it through or the reasons why many of us call Carroll County home, will no longer exist.

The article is titled, “
Candidates put forth policies to manage growth.”

It begins:

Between April of 2000 and July of 2005 - the latest date for which data is available - Carroll's population increased by 11.7 percent, from 150,897 to 168,541, according to the Maryland State Department of Planning.

That makes Carroll the ninth fastest-growing jurisdiction in the state in absolute terms, and seventh in terms of percentages.

MDP estimates that by 2010, the county's population will grow by another 11,000 residents.

That growth increases the pressure to improve infrastructure, such as roads - the state is studying how to increase the capacity of Md. 140 through Westminster, and improve Md. 26 between Md. 32 and Liberty Reservoir - and schools - such as a proposed high school in the northeastern part of the county.

The Times asked each candidate for Carroll's Board of Commissioners whether they think the county is doing enough, too much, or too little to manage growth in Carroll, and to explain why. What follows are the responses we received.

Please find the time to read the rest of the article by clicking here.


20060908 Negative ads and fliers plague Carroll County primary election

Negative ads and fliers plague Carroll County primary
September 8th, 2006

In the last week a number of negative ads have appeared in the Westminster Eagle and the Carroll Standard newspapers. Additionally negative fliers have appeared in mailboxes.

Both the Carroll County Times and the Westminster Eagle and Eldersburg Eagle have written about this.

In a statement released late Friday evening, September 8th, 2006, by current incumbent Carroll County Commissioner Dean Minnick, he stated:

“On Monday morning, I will formally ask Carroll County State's Attorney Jerry Barnes to pursue all means of investigating the possibility of criminal action behind the recent spate of malicious campaign literature published in one weekly newspaper and mailed to thousands of county voters in their homes.

I believe that we have more than violations of election laws at issue, and I will request an investigation into the possibility of conspiracy and racketeering. The misrepresentation of facts that have been disseminated go beyond differences of opinion or mere ideology. They are the calculated attempt to destroy reputations and derail the electoral processes by which people choose their leadership. It cannot go unchallenged.” Dean Minnich Vice President, Carroll County Commissioners.

In a telephone interview with commissioner candidate Doug Howard this Friday afternoon; he said what lots of Carroll County Republicans are saying; “These are not the values of our party.”

A statement which was repeated in a piece of campaign literature advanced to KDDC by Mr. Howard. His campaign literature, slated to be released September 11th, 2006, also said; “Throughout this campaign we have presented our ideas without attacking other candidates or existing commissioners. I do not subscribe to or support the methods of personal attack or mudslinging that we have seen. Such negative campaigns undermine the serious business of choosing our elected officials.”

In a Justin Palk article in the Carroll County Times on Friday, September 8th, 2006:

Although Shewell and Stocksdale said they had not seen the ads or not reviewed them in detail, respectively, both distanced themselves from negative advertising generally.

"I've tried to stay on the high road," Shewell said. "Certainly a lot of the nastiness makes it a disincentive for the good people to run."

Stocksdale echoed those sentiments.

"I do not do negative campaigning," she said. "I don't think people appreciate negative campaigning."

You can read the rest of the article here.

Meanwhile - - I’d like to call upon all credible candidates for elected office in next Tuesday’s primary to condemn the negative campaigning. Please send KDDC your statements at and I will be more than happy to post them on KDDC.

In the last issue of the Westminster Eagle and the Eldersburg Eagle, both Editor Jim Joyner and I wrote columns addressing this last minute dynamic in what many recall as one of the most unpleasant election years in 16 years.
The title of my column is: “Just so no to reality TV in Carroll County election campaigns.”

The title of Mr. Joyner’s column is: “Final daze Voters should be aware of wild political finish.”

I also have a Tentacle column addressing this issue of negative campaigning. “Why go negative?”

The Eldersburg and Westminster Eagle sent out the following e-mail alert calling attention to an article Editor Jim Joyner has placed on the web sites of the two county publications.

“County refutes ads mailers attacking commissioners”

You have been sent this e-mail alert from The Eldersburg and Westminster Eagle. These stories and other updates are posted on The Eldersburg Eagle Web site, and The Westminster Eagle Web site,

“County refutes ads, mailers attacking commissioners”

09/08/06 By Jim Joyner

Carroll County officials this week refuted several claims made in political ads this past week by a group called the Carroll County Republican Club, saying the bulk of the organization's accusations are false or misleading.

The group has distributed mailers, placed paid advertising in county newspapers - including The Eagle - and is reportedly also operating an automated messaging campaign, phoning homes in the county.

The bulk of the campaign is aimed at unseating the incumbent Board of County Commissioners, and suggests that voters opt for challengers.

Various aspects of the ad campaign claim that the current commissioners - Republicans Julia Gouge, Dean Minnich and Perry Jones - have spent money on extravagant travel, allowed multiple housing units with single building permits, have declined to spend money to build schools; and are proposing legislation that would allow the county to impose a personal property tax.

County officials say all those allegations - and others - are false.

Read the rest of the article here or here.

Meanwhile, Justin Palk, writing for the Carroll County Times has written two articles thus far.

On Thursday, September 07, 2006, Mr. Palk wrote a piece entitled: “State probing election adverts.”

Maryland's State Board of Elections is reviewing negative campaign ads from what appears to be a new Republican club in Carroll County for compliance with state law.

An organization calling itself the Carroll County Republican Club, which has sent out mailings to county residents, among other advertising, is not registered with the state as a political action committee, said Jared DeMarinis, director of the State Board of Elections' candidacy and campaign finance division.

DeMarinis said he could not comment further on the matter because the board is reviewing it.

In general, organizations that raise or spend money for a specific candidate in an election do have to register with the state, he said.

You can read the rest of this article here.

And then on September 8th, 2006, Mr. Palk wrote: “Candidates deny contact with group.”

Some of the Republican candidates being supported in ads being investigated by the State Board of Elections said they have had no contact with the group responsible for the advertisements.

Dave Greenwalt and Michael Zimmer, both candidates for Carroll County commissioner, and incumbent Dels. Tanya Shewell and Nancy Stocksdale, both seeking to retain their seats in District 5A, said they have no connection with and have no information about the group, which identifies itself as the Carroll County Republican Club.

You can read the rest of the article here.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.
E-mail him at:
Westminster Eagle Opinion and
Winchester Report

Friday, September 08, 2006

20060908 KDDC Doug Howard candidate for the Carroll County Commissioners

Doug Howard, candidate for the Carroll County Board of Commissioners

Doug Howard, a candidate for the Carroll County Board of Commissioners, owns a business consulting and small business services called BDG Entrepreneurial Services, Inc. He has a B. S. Economics, Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania. Born March 4, 1965, he is the married father of six children; he lives in Eldersburg and is involved in many community activities.

He has a web site which can be accessed by clicking here.


The Candidate

Doug and his wife Bette are the proud parents of six children (four girls and two boys). They live in Quail Meadow in Eldersburg and are active members of Holy Family Catholic Church in Randallstown. Doug owns BDG Entrepreneurial Services; a company based in Sykesville that provides professional and support services to small business owners in three states.

He is also the founder of Start-Up Carroll, a program that provides free services to people that want to start their own business. Doug and Bette are members of the Republican Party and support and participate in many community activities.

Carroll County Commissioner candidate Doug Howard on the

I am committed to…

Driving Economic Development by

• Attracting the right kinds of business to locate in the County by creating a business-friendly environment for business to operate• Studying our workforce to identify economic development opportunities• Continuing to help new businesses start and grow in the county • Creating an economic development fund for new business and business growth

Improving Education by

• Working to attract and retain the best teachers• Shifting more resources into the classroom• Supporting accountability and performance standards in our schools• Seeking more cooperation and coordination between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Education

Reducing Taxes by

• Supporting strong economic development• Changing the way we budget to produce more efficiency in government• Reducing the cap on property tax assessments 1% per year• Reviewing other taxes and fees for possible reductions

Creating a Vision for the Future by

• Developing and implementing his
“Carroll is the Place” Plan• Managing growth and maintaining community services through careful planning• Working with citizens, organizations, the business community and other local and state officials to set priorities, develop strategies and get results.

Read more about this candidate here and here.


20060908 KDDC A Carroll County Times article on Bailey Laird

We were very happy to open-up the Carroll County Times this morning and see an excellent article on our friend Bailey Laird by Times writer Penny Riordan. When you get to “From China to Carroll,” you will also see a great picture of Ms. Laird at work in the classroom by Ken Koons.

The article begins:

For Linton Springs Elementary School teacher Bailey Laird, time spent teaching in China prepared her well for her first full year teaching all-day kindergarten.

"It was very challenging for me," she said. "I think it made me much stronger." Laird was a senior at Salisbury State University when she signed up to teach at an international school in Beijing. Students led the program, which meant Laird and her fellow student teachers did most of their lesson planning without a curriculum to follow.

Please read the rest of the article by clicking here.


September 7, 2006 celebration of the 35th anniversary of Junction

September 7, 2006 celebration of the 35th anniversary of Junction

I’ve been a member of the board of Junction since October 2000. This is a group photo of the staff and board on September 7, 2006, when we celebrated our 35th anniversary.

Junction is a local Westminster Carroll County Maryland private nonprofit agency for substance abuse prevention and outpatient drug treatment. It provides prevention, intervention, and treatment of substance abuse for individuals, their families, and the community through education, counseling, community collaboration, and leadership in Carroll County.

It was incorporated on September 27, 1971. A month after incorporation, on December 6, 1971, it opened its doors in the historic Carroll County Jail on Court Street in Westminster.

Kevin Dayhoff September 7th, 2006

Junction Inc.
(410) 848-6100
98 North Court Street
P. O. Box 206
Westminster, MD 21158

Junction Inc.,, (410) 848-6100, 98 North Court Street, P. O. Box 206, Westminster, MD 21158

20060907b Junction Anniversary

20060907 KDDC Westminster Utility workers repair water leak in Main Street

Westminster Utility workers repair water leak in Main Street

Westminster, Maryland, USA Sept. 7, 2006 - Members of the City of Westminster Utilities Maintenance Department pause for a quick photograph after they have finished repairs to a leaking water main Thursday, September 7th, 2006 in Westminster at Main Street and the Railroad Tracks: LtoR Troy Rhodes, Cory Stouffer, Ted Conlon, Zac Amoss, Shawn Mann and Steve Miller. © Kevin Dayhoff

20060907 KDDC C Scott Stones Primary Election Endorsements

C. Scott Stone’s Primary Election Endorsements

In a recent email, candidate for the District 5A’s delegate seat for Carroll County, C. Scott Stone has weighed in with his endorsements for the Carroll County primary. Pasted below, it its entirety, please find his thoughts:

The outcome of the Republican Primary Election on Tuesday, September 12th,
is critically important to the future of Carroll County.

The battle between slow-growth, moderate Republicans and pro-growth, radical Republicans that began in 2002 is not yet over. The current state legislators in District 5 and many non-incumbent County Commissioner candidates want to return to those days of rampant, unrelenting residential growth throughout Carroll County.

We offer our wholehearted support for the following candidates. These
individuals have demonstrated their commitment to teamwork and possess proven records of accomplishments on behalf of Carroll County citizens.

Together, we believe they represent the best and brightest prospect for
Carroll County’s future.

Carroll County Commissioners:
Julia Walsh Gouge
Dean L. Minnich
Perry L. Jones, Jr.

Maryland State Senate:
David R. Brinkley (District 4)
Michelle Jefferson (District 5)

Maryland House of Delegates:
Donald B. Elliott (District 4B)
Haven N. Shoemaker, Jr. (District 5A)
C. Scott Stone (District 5A)
Susan Krebs (District 9B)

Carroll County Republican Central Committee:
Michael R. Guerin
Roberta J. Windham

Judges of the Circuit Court of Carroll County (non-partisan):
J. Barry Hughes
F. Stansfield

Board of Education of Carroll County (non-partisan):

Gary W. Bauer
Patricia W. Gadberry

We know you are busy, but your vote is crucial. When you go to the polls, please consider voting for these outstanding candidates. Our county, our future, hangs in the balance!

Sincerely,Friends of C. Scott Stone
Authority: Friends of of C. Scott Stone - Theresa A. Stone, Treasurer

20060907 KDDC Joshua Bolten responds to Senator Harry Reid et al

Joshua Bolten responds to Senator Harry Reid et al

September 7, 2007

The following arrived in my inbox recently from one of the many political email distribution list to which I subscribe… As a matter of fact – if I am not mistaken, I received it from several times…

Yesterday Joshua Bolten, the President's chief of staff, responded to a September 4th letter sent to the President by a dozen Democrats.

The letter by Senator Reid, Representative Pelosi and ten other

Democrats recites four elements of a proposed "new direction" in Iraq.

Mr. Bolten points out that three of those elements reflect well-established Administration policy -- and the fourth, beginning to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq by the end of the year without regard to the conditions on the ground, is dangerously misguided.

The letter by Joshua Bolten is substantive, on point, and worth reading. For more, see below.


September 5, 2006

Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid

528 Hart SOB

United States Senate

Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Reid:

Thank you for your September 4 letter to the President. I am responding on his behalf.

A useful discussion of what we need to do in Iraq requires an accurate and fair-minded description of our current policy: As the President has explained, our goal is an Iraq that can govern itself, defend itself, and sustain itself.

In order to achieve this goal, we are pursuing a strategy along three main tracks -- political, economic, and security. Along each of these tracks, we are constantly adjusting our tactics to meet conditions on the ground. We have witnessed both successes and setbacks along the way, which is the story of every war that has been waged and won.

Your letter recites four elements of a proposed new direction in Iraq. Three of those elements reflect well-established Administration policy; the fourth is dangerously misguided.

First, you propose "transitioning the U.S. mission in Iraq to counter-terrorism, training, logistics and force protection."

That is what we are now doing, and have been doing for several years. Our efforts to train the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) have evolved and accelerated over the past three years.

Our military has had substantial success in building the Iraqi Army -- and increasingly we have seen the Iraqi Army take the lead in fighting the enemies of a free Iraq. The Iraqi Security Forces still must rely on U.S. support, both in direct combat and especially in key combat support functions. But any fair-minded reading of the current situation must recognize that the ISF are unquestionably more capable and shouldering a greater portion of the burden than a year ago -- and because of the extraordinary efforts of the United States military, we expect they will become increasingly capable with each passing month. Your recommendation that we focus on counter-terrorism training and operations -- which is the most demanding task facing our troops -- tracks not only with our policy but also our understanding, as well as the understanding of al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations, that Iraq is a central front in the war against terror.

Second, your letter proposes "working with Iraqi leaders to disarm the militias and to develop a broad-based and sustainable political settlement, including amending the Constitution to achieve a fair sharing of power and resources."

You are once again urging that the Bush Administration adopt an approach that has not only been embraced, but is now being executed. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is pursuing a national reconciliation project. It is an undertaking that (a) was devised by the Iraqis; (b) has the support of the United States, our coalition partners and the United Nations; and (c) is now being implemented. Further, in Iraq's political evolution, the Sunnis, who boycotted the first Iraq election, are now much more involved in the political process. Prime Minister Maliki is head of a free government that represents all communities in Iraq for the first time in that nation's history.

It is in the context of this broad-based, unity government, and the lasting national compact that government is pursuing, that the Iraqis will consider what amendments might be required to the constitution that the Iraqi people adopted last year. On the matter of disarming militias: that is precisely what Prime Minister al-Maliki is working to do. Indeed, Coalition leaders are working with him and his ministers to devise and implement a program to disarm, demobilize, and reintegrate members

of militias and other illegal armed groups.

Third, your letter calls for "convening an international conference and contact group to support a political settlement in Iraq, to preserve Iraq's sovereignty, and to revitalize the stalled economic reconstruction and rebuilding effort."

The International Compact for Iraq, launched recently by the sovereign Iraqi government and the United Nations, is the best way to work with regional and international partners to make substantial economic progress in Iraq, help revitalize the economic reconstruction and rebuilding of that nation, and support a fair and just political settlement in Iraq -- all while preserving Iraqi sovereignty. This effort is well under way, it has momentum, and I urge you to support it.

Three of the key proposals found in your letter, then, are already reflected in current U.S. and Iraqi policy in the region.

On the fourth element of your proposed new direction, however, we do disagree strongly. Our strategy calls for redeploying troops from Iraq as conditions on the ground allow, when the Iraqi Security Forces are capable of defending their nation, and when our military commanders believe the time is right.

Your proposal is driven by none of these factors; instead, it would have U.S. forces begin withdrawing from Iraq by the end of the year, without regard to the conditions on the ground.

Because your letter lacks specifics, it is difficult to determine exactly what is contemplated by the phased redeployment you propose. (One such proposal, advanced by Representative Murtha, a signatory to your letter, suggested that U.S. forces should be redeployed as a quick reaction force to Okinawa, which is nearly 5,000 miles from Baghdad).

Regardless of the specifics you envision by phased redeployment, any premature withdrawal of U.S forces would have disastrous consequences for America’s security. Such a policy would embolden our terrorist enemies; betray the hopes of the Iraqi people; lead to a terrorist state in control of huge oil reserves; shatter the confidence our regional allies have in America; undermine the spread of democracy in the Middle East; and mean the sacrifices of American troops would have been in vain. This new direction would lead to a crippling defeat for America and a staggering victory for Islamic extremists. That is not a direction this President will follow. The President is being guided by a commitment to victory -- and that plan, in turn, is being driven by the counsel and recommendations of our military commanders in the region.

Finally, your letter calls for replacing Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld. We strongly disagree.

Secretary Rumsfeld is an honorable and able public servant. Under his leadership, the United States Armed Forces and our allies have overthrown two brutal tyrannies and liberated more than 50 million people. Al Qaeda has suffered tremendous blows.

Secretary Rumsfeld has pursued vigorously the President’s vision for a transformed U.S. military. And he has played a lead role in forging and implementing many of the policies you now recommend in Iraq. Secretary Rumsfeld retains the full confidence of the President.

We appreciate your stated interest in working with the Administration on policies that honor the sacrifice of our troops and promote our national security, which we believe can be accomplished only through victory in this central front in the War on Terror.


Joshua B. Bolten

Chief of Staff

Identical Letters Sent To:

The Honorable Harry Reid, Senate Democratic Leader

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, House Democratic Leader

The Honorable Dick Durbin, Senate Assistant Democratic Leader

The Honorable Steny Hoyer, House Minority Whip

The Honorable Carl Levin, Ranking Member, Senate Armed Services Committee

The Honorable Ike Skelton, Ranking Member, House Armed Services Committee

The Honorable Joe Biden, Ranking Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee

The Honorable Tom Lantos, Ranking Member, House International Relations Committee

The Honorable Jay Rockefeller, Vice Chairman, Senate Intelligence Committee

The Honorable Jane Harman, Ranking Member, House Intelligence Committee

The Honorable Daniel Inouye, Ranking Member, Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee

The Honorable John Murtha, Ranking Member, House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee

# # #

20060907 Thoughts on the Carroll County primary election

Thoughts on the Carroll County primary election on Tuesday, September 12th, 2006.
Posted by Kevin Dayhoff September 7th, 2006

The Baltimore Sun has come out with its endorsements of candidates for elected office in the Carroll County primary next Tuesday. For the complete Sun article, click here.

For my KDDC post listing all the candidates for elected office in Carroll County click here.

**For the District 4 Senate election the Baltimore Sun gives the nod to incumbent Republican Senator David Brinkley “whose district includes parts of Carroll and Frederick counties…”

The Sun notes that Senator Brinkley is a “Republican who works well with and is respected by members on both sides of the political aisle in the legislature.”

I could not agree more. I would add extraordinarily knowledgeable, wise and thoughtfulness to his accolades.

**For the District 4B Delegate race, the Sun says that incumbent Republican Del. Donald B. Elliott should get the vote. The Sun cites his positions on transportation needs and the importance of agriculture reflect his constituents' views.

Another no-brainer. “Doc” Elliott is highly approachable, pleasantly straightforward, hard-working and, his knowledge on health-care issues is renown in Annapolis.

** For the District 5 Senate, Baltimore and Carroll County, the Sun endorses “newcomer Michelle Jefferson, a former chairwoman of the local Republican Central Committee and candidate for the state senate…” The Sun suggests that “Strained relationships between local officials and the county's delegation over home rule need to be smoothed out.”

Well, the strained relationships certainly need to be ironed out, but replacing the long-serving incumbent Senator Larry Haines is NOT the answer. Hopefully as the vote next Tuesday will illustrate, many Carroll Countians have no problem with the Carroll County Delegation to Annapolis disagreeing with the Carroll County Board of Commissioners. We call it “checks and balances.”

In full disclosure, my family and I have counted Senator Haines as a friend for longer than he has been an elected official. I believe personal friendship means something. It has never interfered me with disagreeing with Senator Haines upon occasion, although no examples come quickly to mind.

I believe that as the vote will bear out; many Carroll Countians have been taken aback at the personal attacks on his profession, his church and his religion in his opponents’ overwhelming anxiety to marginalize him for disagreeing with the commissioners on issues.

The pundits, newspapers, opponents and activists have also greatly overlooked Sen. Haines’ excellent constituent service over the many years.

That is not to say I wish Ms. Jefferson to drop-out of her role in community leadership. I have a great deal of respect for her spunk. But perhaps before she eventually goes to Annapolis – or 225 North Center Street, in some capacity before her political career is over - she gets more experience before she ventures into the hallways and aisles of the Maryland General Assembly – where they eat their young and look longingly at friends for desert. At this stage in her career, Annapolis would eat Ms. Jefferson alive.

For the District 5A Delegate race, the Sun likes Republican C. Scott Stone and Del. Tanya Shewell.

I do also – however, no race in memory has given me more heartburn. My colleague as mayor, Hampstead Mayor Haven Shoemaker deserves the consideration of the voters. Quite intelligent, experienced, knowledgeable on the issues and approachable; I think that he would represent Carroll County as equally well as Mr. Stone, Del. Shewell or incumbent Del. Nancy Stocksdale.

Of all of the candidates, I have known Del. Stocksdale for much longer than she has been an elected official and she wrote the book on constituent service.

I feel very strongly that I could go to any of the four with an issue and get a fair hearing. In the long-run, that may very well be how voters make a decision in the voting booth.

All four candidates and their supporters have been very pleasant to me about the enormous quandary in which I find myself. That speaks highly of all four contenders. Of the four, I find myself agreeing with Delegates Shewell and Stocksdale much more than I agree with Mr. Stone or Mayor Shoemaker; however, all four candidates are pleasant in disagreement.

I do not necessarily look for a candidate in whom I agree with across the board, I look for knowledge base, approachability, commitment to constituent service and someone with whom I can disagree without them getting disagreeable.

I wish we could send all four to Annapolis. Take your pick.

There has been some discussion in the community that the negative tone of the election will back-fire on all challengers and voters will return all the incumbents as a result.

For more on this, see my Tentacle column of August 23rd, 2006, “Why go negative?” and my Westminster Eagle and Eldersburg Eagle columns on September 6th, 2006: Eldersburg Eagle opinion: “Just say no to reality TV mentality in Carroll County election” and for the Westminster Eagle opinion: “Just say no to reality TV mentality in Carroll County election

In the District 9B Delegate contest to represent southern Carroll County, the Sun has endorsed incumbent Delegate Susan Krebs.

Another very difficult race for me as I very much like the positions of her challenger Larry Helminiak.

However, Delegate Krebs is quite hardworking, knowledgeable and friendly in any discussion on the issues. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with her over the years and feel that Carroll County would be well served by another four more years by Delegate Krebs.

I think that Delegate Krebs has been done a great disservice by some of her rabid supporters by their negative campaign against Mr. Helminiak – and the commissioner opponents.

How much the behavior of some of her supporters will hurt her election day is to be seen. The approach by some of her supporters is not the Delegate Krebs that I have very much enjoyed getting to know over the years.

I also like what I see and hear from Mr. Helminiak. I disagree with both candidates on several of the issues, however, my experience with both leads me to say that Carroll County would be served well in Annapolis by both contenders.

Ultimately, the nod here may go to the incumbent, in spite of the behavior of some of her supporters – but this may be one of the closer races to watch in the central Maryland area.

The Sun did not address the race for Senator from District 9; however, Senator Allen Kittleman is a rising star in Annapolis and by all means needs to be returned to office. His positions, knowledge and advocacy on agriculture, business and finance and race relations serve him and our community well.

For Board of Education, the incumbents Gary W. Bauer and Patricia W. Gadberry deserve another term, however, the idea of Dave Roush ascending to an elected leadership position will be great for Carroll County in the big picture. Take your pick.

For Judges of the Circuit Court of Carroll County: Judges J. Barry Hughes and Thomas F. Stansfield should be overwhelmingly voted into a fifteen year term. In Carroll County, we don’t take politicizing the judiciary very well. Both jurists will join a legacy of the many great judges that has come from the Carroll County legal community and history will reflect upon them well.


I’ve said it before and I’ll repeat it over and over again; a rule among classier community leaders prohibits promoting oneself by personally sniping at someone who holds a different point of view.

It is not only bad form but it makes you look like someone with the warmth and humanity of a water moccasin. It is always the source of amazement to observe folks who, in the same utterance, plead for understanding and tolerance for their views and then demonize or manufacture a personal attack on anyone who disagrees.

Often a candidate for office can more clearly define what they are against by positively articulating what they are for. Unfortunately, it would seem that many are only against things or persons and have no plan, vision or positive proposals for voters to consider.

In Carroll County the traditionally conservative Carroll County Democratic Party has disintegrated in the last 20 years. In the 1980s, some young and idealistic liberal Democrats hijacked the previously conservative Carroll County Democratic Party and swung it precipitously to the left – and off a cliff.

This has been a great disservice to Carroll County.

Formerly registered Democrats left the party in droves and joined the Republican Party. Traditional and very conservative Republicans have not adjusted well to this change and chaff at the approaches of the liberal “Rockefeller” Republicans.

(I hate to speak poorly of liberal Carroll County Democrats while they persist in a vegetative state but) since the Carroll County Democratic Party has not regained consciousness – (except in the municipalities, where liberals have quite a toehold) and shows no signs of recovering anytime soon; the tension in the Republican Party in Carroll County is palpable and will take a number of years to sort out.

It is imperative that a community have competing ideas and competition for leadership.

As it is, Carroll County must depend on competing ideas to come from the same party – the Republican Party. For many of us – we’re okay with that…

In central Maryland, many new folks have moved into the area and now that they occupy a home in a former corn field, they feel strongly that many of the folks in a leadership role and have handled issues, such as growth and development, poorly.

For someone like me that has become exhausted with the erosion of our traditional Carroll County quality of life, the NIMBYism, the increased complexity – and the growth and expense of government, as a result of poorly planned growth - - there are certainly examples that a sea-change in approach is/was necessary.

However, often many – not all - the new folks aspiring to be community leaders feel a huge sense of entitlement and are vehement about their positions and justify their unpleasantness by their sense of entitled outrage. Often these folks are insufferable.

To repeat a wonderful observation by the Washington Post some time ago – that I sure wish I had written: “The numbing repetition of uncorrected falsehoods creates a phony atmosphere of uncertainty around key questions... Eventually voters throw up their hands and accept the fact that they’ll never know for sure what the truth is, and confusion ensues.

Add to this dynamic: the unpleasantness of the challengers and in some cases, the incumbents, has turned-off many voters. Faced with the devil we know or the unpleasant challenger, many citizens are going to go in the voting booth and choose the incumbent. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, history will tell; besides, there will be more elections and we’ll have a plenty of opportunities to tweak or change the direction of government.

Carroll County has done quite well for almost 170 years, the next four years will work their way into the fabric of history just fine.

This is a wonderful place to live and it can only get better, because of, or in spite of government and elected officials.

Whether you agree or disagree with my thoughts, be sure to vote next Tuesday. In most races, the primary will determine our future.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.E-mail him at: kdayhoff@carr.orgwww.thetentacle.comWestminster Eagle Opinion andWinchester

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

20060905 KDDC 76 PA Ave Fire in Westminster

Press release for the fire at 76 PA Ave. apartment Fire in Westminster

Press release for the Tuesday, September 5, 2006 76 Pennsylvania Avenue apartment fire from Doug Alexander, Public Information Officer for the Carroll County Volunteer Emergency Services Association

I took some pictures which I will put up on the blog tomorrow. WJZ Channel 13 carried the story: "Two alarm Fire Burns Westminster Complex."

Caroline, me and two other Red Cross volunteers and went out to the fire scene later and assisted 6 displaced families with clothes and lodging issues. We were out very late.

It was a great show of mutual aid and cooperation as Tuesday was certainly a busy day for the fire service in Carroll County.

The four-alarm fire in Finksburg had equipment and fire fighters filling-in at other stations and approaching the fire it was unique to see Baltimore County pieces of equipment from Glyndon, Owings Mills, Hereford, Boring on the fireground – in the middle of Westminster.

The press release reads:

Press Release: Carroll County Vol. Emergency Services Assn.
For Immediate Release to all media outlets

Apartment Fire – Second Alarm

76 Pennsylvania Avenue Apt.309, Westminster, Md. 21157

No injuries to civilians or firefighters

1 apartment unit gutted, minor smoke damage to one additional unit

Alarm dispatched at 1720 hours (5:20 pm)

First unit on the scene at 1723 hours (5:23 pm)

Fire under control at 1742 hours (5:42 pm)

Units responded from Taneytown, Pleasant Valley, New Windsor, Reese, Hampstead, Westminster, Mt. Airy, Glyndon, Owings Mills, Hereford, Boring, and Manchester

18 pieces of apparatus responded with approximately 50 personnel

Origin and cause of the fire are being investigated by the Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office

Damage estimate not yet available

Box 3-31 was sounded at 1720 hours, for an apartment fire at the Shaw apartments, 76 Pennsylvania Ave. in downtown Westminster.

Ladder 5 from Taneytown was filling in at the Westminster station while their units were on a 4 alarm fire in Finksburg. Ladder 5 and Utility 6 were first on the scene with fire showing from the front door of an apartment on the third floor. Duty 3, Lt.
Pinner, arrived shortly thereafter and established Command and requested a
second alarm.

A very aggressive attack was made by Ladder 5, supported by Special Unit 3 and Medic 38. The fire was controlled quickly, but many areas had to be checked for extension, and all personnel living in adjacent units accounted for.

The fire was contained to one apartment with very little damage elsewhere. Smoke Alarms did sound in the burning apartment along with one in an adjacent unit. There were no sprinklers in the apartments.

Investigators from the Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office are working to determine the cause of the fire. Building Inspectors and Electrical inspectors from Westminster were on the scene also. Most occupants will be able to return to their apartments this evening.

For further information or details, contact Doug Alexander, Public Information
Officer for the Carroll County Volunteer Emergency Services Association at
410-795-8055 VM16, or page me at 410-890-2918 (P).


Saturday, September 02, 2006

20060902 KDDC BBC dispatches 200 crack reporters to southern Lebanon

BBC dispatches 200 crack reporters to southern Lebanon

Last Updated: Saturday, 02 September 2006, (10:30 GMT) (11:30 UK) (The Big Hand is on the six and the little hand is on the eleven Rhoiders)


By Kant BeTrue – Staff Reporter
Rhoiders Sept. 2, 2006

(Bint Jbeil, Southern Lebanon) As the dust continues to settle in southern Lebanon from the destruction brought on the tiny country in response to the reckless and dangerous actions of Hezbollah, the BBC flag has been spotted in solidarity with the UN and Hezbollah flags at a BBC sponsored outpost just minutes away from an Israeli position.

Michelle Malkin has not weighed-in on this latest development, however, she was one of the first to call to the world’s attention the collaboration between Hezbollah, led by Kofi Annan and the UN lead by Sheik Hassan Nasrallah. No, that’s not right – oh yeah it is…

As the story unfurls, various news agencies point to a recent August 26, 2006 post by
Scott Ott of Scrappleface, in which he revealed, “Unnamed agency sends other half of UN force.”

It can now be confirmed that the BBC is the organization to which Mr. Scott referred when he said, “The organization that will complete our U.N. force has a long history of dealing with armed conflict in the region,” said Mr. Annan. “They know Hezbollah better than anyone else.”

Unconfirmed reports suggest that the BBC contingent will be lead by
BBC bomb expert Martin Asser. “We can hide behind little children with the best of them,” said Asser.

The leadership dynamic of the BBC is further exacerbated by pre-emptive digital fallibility which requires an integrated third-generational triangulated refinement of indefinite managerial potential – the New York Times sending a contingent would do just fine.

It has rumored that Bill Keller, the New York Times executive editor has whispered that the
New York Times is more of a state-within-a-state than the BBC and is therefore more qualified to help Hezbollah in the next go-round than the Beeb.

But there are no reports yet as to whether or not the New York Times will also send reporters, yet it would appear that
Judith Miller may still be looking for work and no-one can manufacture a story line better than Ms. Miller. It has also been suggested that James Risen and Eric Lichtblau may want a leadership role. They have proven their ability to aid and abet the terrorists.

With the BBC in place, what we really need in order to navigate the treacherous waters that lie ahead is a list of specific unknown problems we will encounter.

Joe Wilson immediately said that he would get to the bottom of that and send his wife to Beirut immediately in operation, “The Girl Next Door,” but don’t repeat that as it is a top-secret covert operation.

Meanwhile the French are still haggling over the details of the deployment of their peacekeeping troops and are now insisting that Howard Dean and the Democratic National Committee also be deployed alongside the French contingent.

When asked why, the French responded that “with the DNC co-deployed, in the face of the enemy, we won’t have to outrun the Israelis; all we will have to do is outrun Howard Dean.”

A point of which, Dr. Dean angrily denied, “Yeeowh, Democrats can cut-and-run better than the French any day of the week!”


Kant Betrue, a Carthaginian whose family settled in Westminster after the Third Punic War, has been with the Rhoiders Phoenix Hill Daily Herald Bugle since the 1960s (he can’t remember exactly when in the 1960s…). A Pulverized Prize winner for journalism, he writes about issues ranging from the international syntactic semiotic economics to avatars of hyper-theoretical exploding toilets. Kant BeTrue’s column routinely appears in The Tentacle on Wednesdays. Reach him at

Copyright © 2006 Rhoiders Phoenix Hill Daily Herald Bugle All Rights Reserved. On the essay evolutionary scale, this essay is a monkey on roller skates. The monkey may or may not be wearing a pink tutu - this is for you to decide. Never-the-less, this material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Hat Tips: Posts such as this are always inspired by the work of Uncle R2. Of course, the base photograph from southern Lebanon came from Michelle Malkin – thank you. The medication for my infected root canal came from Dr. Y. Crablaw gets an honorable mention for kindness and keeping me up on current issues while I attended to some family matters in the last several weeks. And, last but not least – my Rhoidershopping is always inspired by the Pillage Idiot.

20060902 KDDC The questionable media priorities of the Ramsey murder

The JonBenet Ramsey murder news coverage – A question of questionable priorities.

September 2nd, 2006

I liked Carroll County Times writer Jordan Bartel’s September 1st, 2006 post on Jordan Bartel, Plugged In Friday: “Morals of journalists come into question with sensitive stories.”

The whole JonBenet Ramsey media phenomenon is quite an enigma for me. At a minimum it was sordid, salacious, manipulative, gratuitous and unnecessary.

Apparently Mr. Bartel and I are not the only ones who feel this way. See David Wissing’s very brief post on August 18th, 2006…

In 2003, there were 318 infant deaths in the United States attributed to homicide, according to Child Trends DataBank. Why is the media so morbidly obsessed with the death of a youngster from ten years ago?

Every senseless preventable death due to violence is to be mourned. I only wish as much attention were given to the tragic deaths of poor urban children played out across our TV screens all too often on the local television news. Their deaths are no less a tragedy, especially since many of them did not have a meaningful chance at a productive life due to circumstances out of their control.

The Ramsey child death is certainly terrible, however, no more, no less than the other 300 or so child deaths that should not occur in our country.

Mr. Bartel’s post began:

You've probably heard the phrase, "If it bleeds, it

It's a disgusting, but somewhat of an unavoidable rule for
media and is one that I never really got behind.

But apparently
media today are so stuck on that rule that it should be amended to, "If it bled
10 years ago, it still leads."

You see, I've been very troubled
lately by the media coverage of the newest "revelations" of the JonBenet Ramsey

Read the rest of his post here.


Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.
E-mail him at:
Westminster Eagle Opinion and
Winchester Report

20060902 KDDC Info concerning election races throughout the country

Information concerning election races throughout the country

If you have not had a chance to graze David Wissing’s Hedgehog Report for information concerning election races throughout the country, you need to go here now. Well, maybe grab a cup of coffee first and plan to spend some quality time on the site.

Hats off to Mr. Wissing for a valuable public service…

Meanwhile, Mr. Wissing, your last post on the Hedgehog Report concerning the Alaska governor’s race was August 22nd, 2006. What’s the latest information on this race? How is Sarah Palin doing?

Check out her great bio here.
Mayor Palin’s next fundraiser: The Anchorage Republican Women's Club and The Alaska Federation of Republican Women invite you to a fundraiser for our next Republican Governor and Lt. Governor at the home of Governor Walter J. and Ermalee Hickel, 1905 Loussac Drive Anchorage on Friday, September 8, 5:30 – 7:30 PM. Contribution requested - $100 - Additional contributions gratefully accepted. RSVP – Cathy Giessel, ARWC President 242-5450

Previous Sarah Palin KDDC post here.


Friday, September 01, 2006

20060831 KDDC Camel Parking

Camel Parking

Punchline here

Hat Tip: The Jawa Report


20060831 KDDC The men of Mary Katharine Ham

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Hat Tip: Thursday fun By Michelle Malkin · August 31, 2006 05:17 PM
Mary Katharine Ham is fed up with guy bloggers having all the fun. So for all the ladies in the house: Man Candy.

Blog Sweeps: The 'Solidarity With Israel' Edition

Posted by:
Mary Katharine
at 3:33 PM

The boys have had so much fun with Blog Sweeps Week Month Year, I thought it was about time to do a little pictorial tribute to the nation of Israel for the lady readers. These pictures have been zipping around on e-mail lists between lady bloggers all month, so why not just put 'em up? Enjoy!

If you're a guy blogger, feel free to link it up for the ladies. They'll appreciate it.

Welcome Michelle Malkin and Mary Katharine Ham readers.


20060831 KDDC USS Reagan Passing The Arizona Memorial


Posted: August 31. 2006

Hat Tip: Grammy

Seeing it next to the Arizona Memorial really puts its size into perspective.

Notice the respect that they give the Arizona Memorial when passing it.

Here's what it takes to run a ship this size:

When the Bridge pipes "Man the Rail" there is a lot of rail to man on this monster. Shoulder to shoulder around 4= acres. Her displacement is about 100,000 tons with full complements.


Top speed exceeds 30 knots

Powered by two nuclear reactors that can operate for more than 20 years without refueling

Expected to operate in the fleet for about 50 years

Carries over 80 combat aircraft

Three arresting cables can stop a 28-ton aircraft going 150 miles per hour in less than 400 feet


Towers 20 stories above the waterline

1092 feet long; nearly as long as the Empire State Building is tall

Flight deck covers 4.5 acres

4 bronze propellers, each 21 feet across, weighing 66,200 pounds

2 rudders, each 29 by 22 feet and weighing 50 tons

4 high speed aircraft elevators, each over 4,000 square feet


Dec. 8, 1994 Contract awarded to Newport News Shipbuilding

Feb 12, 1998 Keel laid

Oct 1, 2000 Pre-commissioning Unit established

March 4, 2001 Christened by Mrs. Nancy Reagan

May 5, 2003 First underway

July 12, 2003 Commissioned

July 23, 2004 Arrived at homeport in San Diego, CA


Home to about 6,000 Navy personnel

Carries enough food and supplies to operate for 90 days

18,150 meals served daily

Distillation plants provide 400,000 gallons of fresh water from sea water daily, enough for 2000 homes

Nearly 30,000 light fixtures and 1,325 miles of cable and wiring 1,400 telephones, 14,000 pillowcases and 28,000 sheets

Costs the Navy approximately $250,000 per day for pier side operation

Costs the Navy approximately $2.5 million per day for underway operations (Sailor's salaries included).
