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Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Thursday, October 05, 2006

20061005 Breakfast and a class at William and Mary

Now this is breakfast.

October 5, 2006

Breakfast and a class at William and Mary

Posted October 5, 2006 by Kevin Dayhoff

Breakfast at The Gazebo in Williamsburg. Next I get to observe a class at William and Mary. I will be attending a government class: “Govt. 303: Survey of Political Philosophy.”

I can’t find a current syllabus on-line. I received a current syllabus electronically from the student that has facilitated me attending the class. I found a similar syllabus for the class, from 2004, here:

This course will examine the works of several key political philosophers in the Western tradition, starting with the Greeks, through the Romans up to early Christian political thought. We will be concerned to read and analyze these thinkers’ central texts, seeking to discern what is being said, what this tells us about the politics of the societies in which they were written, and how this compares and contrasts with our own society and thought about politics. In addition to the study of specific thinkers and specific texts, we will also seek to consider more broadly what it means to think critically about politics, and the strategies available for doing so.

Course Requirements: Two short papers (6-8 pages) 30% each; Final Examination 30%; and class attendance and participation, 10%.

Required Texts: Available in the Bookstore.

Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian War (trans: Rex Warner)

Plato The Republic (trans: Allan Bloom)

Aristotle The Politics (trans: Carnes Lord)

Cicero The Republic (trans: Niall Rudd)

Augustine The Political Writings

The professor is Simon Stow. Simon Stow HOME - Bio - Publications - C.V. - Courses - Daisy - Government Department

Simon Stow received a BA in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Corpus Christi College, Oxford in 1993; an MA in Political Science from McGill University in Montreal in 1997; and a Ph.D. in Political Science from The University of California, Berkeley in 2002. He joined the Department of Government at the College of William and Mary in the fall of 2002 where he teaches classes in the history of political thought, and Senior Seminars on topics in political theory.

Professor Stow's research focuses on the use and abuse of literature in political thought and analysis. Arguing that -- influenced by a 'Political Turn' in literary criticism -- there has been a 'Literary Turn' in much contemporary political theory, he seeks to identify what is promising and what is problematic about the use of literature in contemporary political thought and analysis…


Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

20061004 Commissioner candidate Zimmer responds to Dangel

Commissioner candidate Zimmer responds to Dangel

October 4, 2006

On Carroll County Commissioner candidate Mike Zimmer’s web site, he responds to some negative campaigning by Ross Dangel.

It boggles one’s mind when folks complain about dirty and negative campaigning by being as equally negative, unpleasant and divisive. In many cases, the very folks who are doing the self-righteous complaining are the same one’s who are just as guilty of dirty and negative campaigning themselves…

In all candor, the folks who have engaged in many of the unpleasant letters to the editor, have been disappointing.

Pasted below, please find Mr. Zimmer’s response. Below that, for balance, please see Mr. Dangel’s letter to the editor

Editor, Mt. Airy & Sykesville Gazette 10/03/06

Dear Editor:

The letter you printed on 9/28/06 from Ross Dangel contained a number of false statements.

For starters, the Republican Central Committee did not endorse me for Commissioner. As a former Central Committee member, I can assure all voters that our by-laws expressly direct neutrality during a primary.

Mr. Dangel’s statements regarding the Central Committee’s voter guide were equally mistaken. This questionnaire was issue oriented. Candidates were free to either participate or not. Commissioner Perry Jones and I both chose to respond. The majority of our answers were identical.

Now let me turn to the ugly campaign tactics that were directed toward me. A supporter of Delegate Susan Krebs attempted to smear me with a series of letters to various papers. How do I know about her Krebs association? I called the author of the letters directly and that was her explanation.

Each paper allowed me to respond and correct the record. Such false mudslinging has no legitimate place in a political campaign.

I, therefore, agree with Mr. Dangel’s final point that voters should reward candidates who stick with the issues and with the facts. That is exactly the sort of primary campaign I ran. I don’t plan on changing a thing for my General Election effort.

Very truly yours,

Michael D. Zimmer


This campaign was full of dirty tricks

Thursday, Sept. 28, 2006

Ross Dangel, Eldersburg

Politics can be a dirty business, but this year’s primary was exemplary for its dirty tricks.

It’s little surprise that Perry Jones was unsuccessful in his re-election bid. While he was arguably outworked by many of the candidates, he was also outmaneuvered by an organized effort on the part of the Republican Central Committee to unseat all three incumbent commissioners by endorsing competitors and creating a misleading Republican voter’s guide.

Campaign sign shenanigans were just the appetizer for questionable full-page ads run the weekend before the primary by an unregistered Republican PAC (the Carroll County Republican Club) claiming to be the voice of the party.

An extremist new tabloid newspaper was also mailed to the entire county claiming official ‘‘Republican” pedigree. This newspaper accused Commissioner Jones of not residing in the county and featured the same questionable ads, which also ran in another local paper.

With such a low primary voter turn-out, all it took was a few hundred people to be deceived for this strategy to be effective.

I noticed many people bringing the deceptive Republican Central Committee’s voters guide with them into the polls. The guide intimated that candidate non-response was an effort to hide positions on issues.

There was, however, no disclosure that the questionnaire itself was done against the expressed wishes of state Republican leadership, or that candidates had been expressly asked not to respond to the questionnaire by John Kane, the head of the Republican party in Maryland.

Even the endorsement of Mike Zimmer by the central committee was done against party guidelines, which specifically require the endorsement of incumbent party candidates.

In addition to Zimmer, the central committee supported the re-election efforts of the entire incumbent delegation, with the exception of Del. Sue Krebs.

Perhaps worst of all was the misleading attack campaign waged by Larry Helminiak, now chairman-elect of the central committee. In his efforts to demonize Krebs, no fewer than six direct mail pieces containing innumerable false statements about Ms. Krebs voting record on taxes, positions on development, immigration and even the schools were mailed to all registered Republicans not listed as Krebs’ campaign supporters.

The investigations of all this primary skullduggery will surely drag-on long after the Nov. 7 election, but voters would be wise to take note of the perpetrators, so as not to reward their efforts by ever voting for them or the other candidates they worked so hard to deceive us into supporting.

These ugly campaign tactics must be eliminated, and the best way to do this is to vote for candidates who run clean campaigns and don’t resort to deceptive ads and dirty tricks.


20061004 Dinner at Tequila Rose

Dinner at Tequila Rose on 7207 Merrimac Trail in Williamsburg, VA.
October 4th, 2006 Kevin Dayhoff

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

20061004 Mayor O’Malley criticizes Hampstead bypass

Mayor O’Malley criticizes Hampstead bypass

Posted by Kevin Dayhoff October 4th, 2006

A journalist-colleague I work with, Chris Cavy, just e-mailed me information that on the Baltimore Transit Alliance Questionnaire for Candidates for Governor. O’Malley went out of his way to single out the Hampstead By-Pass as part of a criticism of Governor Ehrlich’s transportation funding.

Mr. Cavey writes: “Unbelievable it is actually that high of a priority to pick on Hampstead’s long awaited transportation needs rather than any other project in our State.”

In a follow-up phone call with Mr. Cavey, a fellow Tentacle columnist and a regular columnist, every second Tuesday with the Jeffersonian, remarked: “I’m surprised and annoyed that a candidate for governor would have such a shallow grasp on the transportation issues in Carroll County and would go out of his way to criticize a basic infrastructure improvement critical for Carroll County’s future.”

Well – it is unbelievable that Mayor O’Malley would go out of his way to alienate all the moderate voters in Carroll County who understand that without a bypass, Hampstead’s future was being strangled by gridlock.

What was Mayor O’Malley thinking?

Below please find the question and answer. To view a PDF of the entire questionnaire, please find it here: For some background and introduction go here.

The Baltimore Transit Alliance writes:

Gubernatorial Candidates Offer Support for Transit

Responding to a questionnaire issued by the BTA, Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. and his challenger, Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley both voiced strong support for transit in the Baltimore region. The candidates provided written responses on topics such as additional funding, commitment to maintaining the schedule for the Red Line planning process, and bus route restructuring. Although both candidates generally support BTA priorities, including construction of the Red and Green lines, improved connections to Washington, and short term improvements to the local bus network, the responses reveal differing priorities. Ehrlich's list of major issues facing transit in the region included safety and reliability of existing services, improvement of Mobility services for people with disabilities, bus route reform, and completion of the Red Line study. O'Malley called for a "first-class transit system," enhanced public participation in the planning process, bus system improvements, an "overhaul" of the MARC Train service, and incentives for businesses to locate near transit stations. To see the questionnaire and full responses from the candidates, click here.

4. For the Red Line, do you support completing the planning process by 2008 and initiation of construction by 2010?

Governor Ehrlich: My budget includes full funding for planning and engineering of the Red Line and money to start construction in 2010.

Mayor O’Malley: Yes. The Baltimore region has waited a long time for an east-west connector system that integrates the various modes of mass transit within the region. With the continued growth of the region, the upcoming challenges associated with BRAC and the possibility of shrinking federal funds for mass transit, we can ill-afford to wait any longer for implementation of the Red Line. While recognizing the need to follow the federal process, I will work toward achieving the milestones laid out for the initiation of construction of the Red Line in 2010.

As the elected leader of a largely transit-dependent community, I am acutely aware of the current administration’s practice of offering up unpopular, infeasible alternatives for review as a way to delay real progress. Major transit projects demand an open and participatory process, without losing a sense of urgency.

At the current time there is no funding to construct the Red Line, yet during the four years the Ehrlich administration has raided the Transportation Trust Fund, widened I-95, and built the Hampstead bypass. The current debate on funding is largely a zero-sum game because the Ehrlich administration hasn’t shown the leadership to bring fiscal balance to Maryland’s long-term transportation challenges. Instead, his regime assaulted the Transportation Trust Fund, diverting over $500 million to non-transportation programs.


When I get a chance I’ll follow-up with this issue with more commentary and responses from Carroll County leadership.


Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

20061004 Howard Co Blogger’s candidates’ questionnaires

Howard County Blogger’s candidates’ questionnaires

Posted by Kevin Dayhoff Oct. 4, 2006

Hat Tip: David Keelan’s Howard County Blog

For my previous post about the Howard County Gang of Four – go here.

Or here.

I first noticed this on David Keelan’s blog. He also some excellent commentary on the Howard County election scene.

Running for office is an exercise in how to avoid complete physician and mental exhaustion. Hat’s off to everyone who took the time to fill out the questionnaire – and hats off to everyone who has left the comfort and safety of the cocoon of their family and homes to participate in democracy. It is not for the faint of heart and they are all winners.

(Update: I just read on the Howard County Blog: "Nate Sandstrom had an article on the bloggers candidate forum in this weeks Columbia Flier/ Howard County Times.")

Mr. Keelan wrote: “Kudos to Dave Wissing for compiling the responses for the Howard County Blogger Association forum.”

Be sure to read the rest of Mr. Keelan’s post here.

Below, from Mr. Keelan’s post, I have pasted the folks who are running with the hyperlinks to their responses.

Mr. Wissing’s Hedgehop Report post: “HoCo: Online Candidate’s Forum” is here… “… you can see the full list of responses here.”

All of the Howard County Bloggers are to be applauded for serving the public with the candidate questionnaires:


County Executive

Chris Merdon - Republican
Steve WallisIndependent

County Council

Tony Salazar - Republican - District 1
Gina Ellrich - Republican - District 2
Jen Terrasa - Democrat - District 3
Donna Thewes - Republican - District 3
Tom D’Asto - Republican - District 4
Don Dunn - Democrat - District 5
Greg Fox - Republican - District 5

State Senate

Allan Kittleman - Republican - District 9
Ed Kasemeyer - Democrat - District 12
Sandy Schrader - Republican - District 13

State Delegate

Gail Bates - Republican - District 9A
Warren Miller - Republican - District 9A
David Osmudson - Democrat - District 9A
Elizabeth Bobo - Democrat - District 12B
Rick Bowers - Republican - District 13
Mary Beth Tung - Republican - District 13

Board of Education

Allen Dyer
Sandra French
Joshua Kaufman
Roger Lerner
Di Zou


Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

20061003 Dinner at the Taphouse in Williamsburg

Dinner at the Taphouse in Williamsburg
October 3, 2006

20061003 Who was Oriana Fallaci?

Who was Oriana Fallaci?

My latest column is up on the Tentacle:Oriana Fallaci, a refreshing approach.”

On September 15, Oriana Fallaci, the Italian lioness of letters, died of cancer. Although Ms. Fallaci was one of the world's greatest conservative artists of letters; she is - to this day - relatively unknown in the United States.

Born in Italy on June 29, 1929, Ms. Fallaci served in the resistance during World War II. She began her journalistic career in 1950 as a teenager and went on to be a war correspondent in Vietnam, the Middle East, South America and the Indo-Pakistani Wars.

She continued her career by interviewing many of the world leaders of our time and consistently took no prisoners. Her aggressive journalistic style is the stuff of myth and legend.

Ms. Fallaci would often wax philosophical about existentialism and then abruptly switch to calmly delivered, aggressive questioning that disarmed the greatest men of words. The many world leaders she interviewed included Henry Kissinger, the Shah of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini, Lech Walesa, Willy Brandt, Walter Cronkite, Omar Khadafi, Yasser Arafat, Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, and Sean Connery.

In later years she penned a series of books and articles in which she was critical of the Muslim religion and culture.

It was only by a cruel coincidence that she passed away three days after Pope Benedict XVI recited the words of Byzantine emperor Manuel II Palaiologos at the University of Regensburg in Germany, which reflect a view that the religion of Islam is spread by the sword.

Read the rest of the column here.

For my previous posts about this legendary journalist, go here and here.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

20061001 Les chiens ne sont pas admis

Les chiens ne sont pas admis

A sign found in a window in Williamsburg

Par arrete prefectoral – Les chiens ne sont pas admis dans les magasins d’alimentation.


20061003 Attila of the monitor

“Attila of the monitor”

© Kevin Dayhoff October 3, 2006

Above please find an exclusive photo of the Attila, at the Pillage Idiot, in the midst of hand-to-hand combat with his computer equipment.

The Pillage Idiot reports that he has been having technical difficulties with his computer equipment.

Of course, I have never had any such problems. NOOOOO! I’m sure that you noticed how many posts that I made last week – and before it was all over – I moved my site…

Attila remains in our hearts and prayers, there’s hardly anything worse that having a dysfunctionate conversation with one’s technology – well, except if it’s “Chisel guy.”

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

Monday, October 02, 2006

20061002 Aromas Williamsburg

(c) Kevin Dayhoff Oct. 2, 2006

20061002 Drinking the Kool-Aid

Drinking the Kool-Aid

Posted by Kevin Dayhoff October 2nd, 2006

I so enjoyed the latest post by Attila at the Pillage Idiot.

Attila writes: “With my friends, unlike so many liberals I've encountered, we can tactfully avoid contentious political issues to maintain our friendship, and with my friends, you simply couldn't hope to find nicer, more decent people.”

However as his post continues; he has had experiences in which folks just won’t let go of their all-consuming need to tell everyone about their outrage with current politics…

In my experience it is folks who erupt about Republicans or President George W. Bush – or the Carroll County Republican party.

Oh, give it up already.

I take an enormous amount of pride in saying that I have not a clue as to what party many of my friends are registered and often do not give a rats-behind as to what is their political views.

Having many writer and artist friends, my life is full of many folks who hold different political views than me. They are great folks, with integrity and work hard to contribute and make a difference in the community.

For the most part, when I get together with friends, I’m much more concerned with the welfare of their family, their latest vacations, what books and movies or art shows they are interested-in these days or how their children are doing in school.

Talking about food, landscaping, vacations and pets is much more human and ultimately more rewarding.

Although I can enjoy talking politics, I hardly ever talk politics with my elected or appointed official friends and like it that way.

I’m especially am not fond of artists who “get political” in my face. Politicizing the arts is as bad as politicizing a friendship. (Oh yes, I believe that Hollywood-types or performers maintain their first amendment rights; however, I reserve the right to not patronize their movies – or art shows. Shut and sing.)

On a personal level, at best, I can find it amusing that for some folks, everything in their lives is based on their hatred of President George W. Bush and Republicans. But usually I avoid the humor by avoiding their company.

Folks for whom everything is political are clueless one-dimensional bores.

Please go to Attila’s post – and be sure to follow the links and also read the comments… It is way too funny.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

20061002 ScrappleFace reports Rumsfeld out, Woodward in

ScrappleFace reports Rumsfeld out, Woodward in

Posted October 2, 2006

ScrappleFace is reporting that President Bush will soon let go of the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld and hire Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward. Read the report here and be sure to read through the comments.

Meanwhile, if you are not a regular ScrappleFace reader, you should be – go to the ScrappleFace site now and prepare to laugh.

Bush Fires Rumsfeld, Nominates Bob Woodward by Scott Ott

(2006-10-02) — White House sources today said that President George Bush, under increasing pressure to ‘win the peace’ in Iraq, will fire embattled Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and nominate Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward as his replacement.

The unnamed sources said White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card made the recommendation to the president after reading Mr. Woodward’s new book “State of Denial.”

“It’s clear that Bob Woodward gets more solid information from people at the Pentagon, State Department, National Security Council and White House than Rumsfeld does,” said one anonymous official. “Rummy and Bush are arrogant and work in a vacuum which leads to bad decisions. Everybody talks to Woodward, plus he’s humble and nobody has a better grasp on what would have worked in a given situation.”

Mr. Woodward declined to comment for the record, but unnamed associates said the venerated journalist would “jump at the chance to use his fabled powers of hindsight to lead the Pentagon. Plus it would allow him to work more closely with all of his unnamed friends in the top echelons of government.”

Bob Woodward is best-known for a series of anonymously-sourced articles he wrote with Carl Bernstein more than three decades ago that resulted in a movie starring Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman.


20061001 The Pizza Shop

"The Pizza Shop"
(c) Kevin Dayhoff Oct. 1, 2006

20061001 Cheese Shoppe Williamsburg No. 2

The Cheese Shoppe
(c) Kevin Dayhoff Oct.1, 2006

Sunday, October 01, 2006

20061001 They're not talking anymore

"They're not talking anymore"
(c) Kevin Dayhoff October 1st, 2006 Williamsburg, VA

20061001 Who is this Carroll County community leader?

Who is this Carroll County community leader?
Jeff Glass

20061001 has moved to

As of October 1, 2006 has moved to

Posted by Kevin Dayhoff on October 1, 2006 Cross-posted here.

Please add to your bookmarks now.

For my latest posts please click here.

I’ve got lots of work to do on the new site, but little by little, I’ll get it done. I intend on my moving all the links eventually.

I will leave the site, which contains all the previous posts, up indefinitely…

For more information click here.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

20061001 Election Websites

20061001 Election Websites

October 1, 2006

Beard - Dennis Beard, candidate for Carroll County Commissioner

Brinkley Re-Elect David Brinkley, Dist.4 Frederick and Carroll Cos. Sen. David Brinkley

Cardin - Ben Cardin, candidate for US Senate from Maryland

Carroll County Board of Elections

Carroll County Republican Candidates And Contact Information

Carroll County Times 2006 Election Website

Craig - David Craig for Harford Co. Executive

Gouge - Re-Elect Carroll Co. Commissioner Julia Walsh Gouge

Haines - Re-Elect Dist.5 Carroll and Balto. Cos. Sen. Larry Haines

Hogan, Patrick N, (R) Re-elect for Frederick Co. Dist 3A

Kittleman - Elect Dist.9 Howard and Carroll Cos. Sen. Allan Kittleman

League of Women Voters in Carroll County MD

Minnich - Re-Elect Carroll Co. Commissioner Dean Minnich

O'Malley for Maryland Governor election web site

Shewell - Elect Dist.5A Carroll Co. Del. Tanya Shewell

Steele - Elect Michael Steele for Maryland U.S.Senate web site

Stocksdale - Re-elect Dist.5A Carroll Co. Del. Nancy Stocksdale

Vote on Nov. 7, 2006. If you want an absentee ballot, click here

Webb, James - Democratic Candidate for US Senator from Virginia

Zimmer - Mike Zimmer, candidate for Carroll County Commissioner

20060930 Williamsburg

Williamsburg No. 1
(c) Kevin Dayhoff September 30, 2006

20060930 NBC VeggieTales and the Superhero Guidebook

NBC, VeggieTales and the Superhero Guidebook

Posted by Kevin Dayhoff on September 30th, 2006

I’ve been a big fan of VeggieTales for quite a number of years.

While channel surfing this morning, I came across VeggieTales on the television. I had read on Michelle Malkinapparently NBS has a problem with VeggieTales. She makes some excellent points here on Hot Air. recently that

Never mind that NBC finds it okay to air Madonna in a faux crucifix scene…


What I got a kick out of - while watching VeggieTales on TV this morning - was that, yes indeed they don’t refer to G_d or the Bible, (at least in the segment that I saw…) but as I had the show on in the background, I heard them refer to the “Superhero Guidebook.”

What stitch? I can see me referring to the Bible in the future as a “Superhero Guidebook.” I used to carry around a Bible in the farm truck and once someone asked why? My response was that I carried it around for “emergency instructions.”

Meanwhile, “Big Ideas,” the folks who are the creative masterminds behind VeggieTales, has something to say about it all:

VeggieTales & NBC

What's the Big Idea?

September 22, 2006

Two weeks ago, VeggieTales made its debut on national television. After 13 years and 50 million videos sold, many people are familiar with Bob & Larry and their brand of "Sunday Morning Values, Saturday Morning Fun!" But putting VeggieTales on TV has got some people asking, "Hey, what's the big idea?"

Some think that because of its teaching of Judeo-Christian values, VeggieTales should not be allowed on TV -- or at least should be restricted to a time slot or channel for religious programming. Others feel that VeggieTales should be on TV and in the exact same format that is familiar to millions of families. Well, VeggieTales is on TV and is not in the same format as the DVDs -- and that's created a bit of a stir! Keep reading to hear how this all happened.

Read the rest of the Big Ideas’ post here.

God Bless and use the Superhero Guidebook for emergency instructions as often as necessary.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report

Friday, September 29, 2006

20060927 Public Law 109-285: Abraham Lincoln Commemorative Coin Act

Public Law 109 285 Abraham Lincoln Commemorative Coin Act

Abraham Lincoln Commemorative Coin Act

Public Law 109–285

Abraham Lincoln Commemorative Coin Act. 31 USC 5112 note.

Sept. 27, 2006 [H.R. 2808]

109th Congress

An Act

To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of the

bicentennial of the birth of Abraham Lincoln.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Abraham Lincoln Commemorative Coin Act’’.


The Congress finds as follows:

(1) Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President, was one of the Nation’s greatest leaders, demonstrating true courage during the Civil War, one of the greatest crises in the Nation’s history.

(2) Born of humble roots in present-day LaRue County, Kentucky, on February 12, 1809, Abraham Lincoln rose to the Presidency through a combination of honesty, integrity, intelligence, and commitment to the United States.

(3) With the belief that all men were created equal, Abraham Lincoln led the effort to free all slaves in the United States.

(4) Abraham Lincoln had a generous heart, with malice toward none and with charity for all.

(5) Abraham Lincoln gave the ultimate sacrifice for his country, dying from an assassin’s bullet on April 15, 1865.

(6) The year 2009 will be the bicentennial anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln.

(7) The Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission has been charged by Congress with planning the celebration of Lincoln’s bicentennial.

(8) The proceeds from a commemorative coin will help fund the celebration and the continued study of the life of Lincoln.


(a) $1 SILVER COINS.—The Secretary of the Treasury (hereafter in this Act referred to as the ‘‘Secretary’’) shall mint and issue not more than 500,000 $1 coins, which shall—

(1) weigh 26.73 grams;

(2) have a diameter of 1.500 inches; and

(3) contain 90 percent silver and 10 percent copper.

(b) LEGAL TENDER.—The coins minted under this Act shall be legal tender, as provided in section 5103 of title 31, United States Code.

(c) NUMISMATIC ITEMS.—All coins minted under this Act shall be considered to be numismatic items.



(1) IN GENERAL.—The design of the coins minted under this Act shall be emblematic of the life and legacy of President Abraham Lincoln.

(2) DESIGNATION AND INSCRIPTIONS.—On each coin minted under this Act there shall be—

(A) a designation of the value of the coin;

(B) an inscription of the year ‘‘2009’’; and

(C) inscriptions of the words ‘‘Liberty’’, ‘‘In God We Trust’’, ‘‘United States of America’’, and ‘‘E Pluribus Unum’’.

(b) SELECTION.—The design for the coins minted under this Act shall be—

(1) selected by the Secretary after consultation with the Commission of Fine Arts and the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission; and

(2) reviewed by the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee.


(a) QUALITY OF COINS.—Coins minted under this Act shall be issued in uncirculated and proof qualities.

(b) MINT FACILITY.—Only 1 facility of the United States Mint may be used to strike any particular quality of the coins minted under this Act.

(c) PERIOD FOR ISSUANCE.—The Secretary may issue coins minted under this Act only during the 1-year period beginning on January 1, 2009.


(a) SALE PRICE.—The coins issued under this Act shall be sold by the Secretary at a price equal to the sum of—

(1) the face value of the coins;

(2) the surcharge provided in section 7(a) with respect to such coins; and

(3) the cost of designing and issuing the coins (including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, overhead expenses, marketing, and shipping).

(b) BULK SALES.—The Secretary shall make bulk sales of the coins issued under this Act at a reasonable discount.


(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall accept prepaid orders for the coins minted under this Act before the issuance of such coins.

(2) DISCOUNT.—Sale prices with respect to prepaid orders under paragraph (1) shall be at a reasonable discount.


(a) IN GENERAL.—All sales of coins issued under this Act shall include a surcharge of $10 per coin.

(b) DISTRIBUTION.—Subject to section 5134(f)(1), title 31, United States Code, all surcharges received by the Secretary from the sale of coins issued under this Act shall be promptly paid by the Secretary to the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission to further the work of the Commission.

(c) AUDITS.—The Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission shall be subject to the audit requirements of section 5134(f)(2) of title 31, United States Code.

(d) LIMITATION.—Notwithstanding subsection (a), no surcharge may be included with respect to the issuance under this Act of any coin during a calendar year if, as of the time of such issuance, the issuance of such coin would result in the number of commemorative coin programs issued during such year to exceed the annual 2 commemorative coin program issuance limitation under section 5112(m)(1) of title 31, United States Code (as in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act). The Secretary of the Treasury may issue guidance to carry out this subsection.

Approved September 27, 2006.



Sept. 6, considered and passed House.

Sept. 8, considered and passed Senate.

VerDate 14-DEC-2004 22:11 Oct 02, 2006 Jkt 059139 PO 00285 Frm 00001 Fmt 6580 Sfmt 6581 E:\PUBLAW\PUBL285.109 APPS24 PsN: PUBL285

120 STAT. 1216 PUBLIC LAW 109–285—SEPT. 27, 2006

Thursday, September 28, 2006

20060928 New Bedford Herald or

The Tentacle:

Westminster Eagle (click on "Opinion"):

Westminster Eagle pieces on "Soundtrack":

Winchester Report:

Winchester Report Archives:


New Bedford Herald

Linkin Park - Numb

Andrew Bird - "Imitosis"

Andrew Bird - "Imitosis".

From the 2007 release "Armchair Apocrypha"

Directed by Britta Johnson

Produced by Xan Aranda

For more: Andrew Bird

20060927 This site is under construction

This site is under construction
Posted by Kevin Dayhoff on September 27th, 2006

This site is under construction. I have been having persistent problems publishing on my blogger site: and I thought I would try another platform - - “blogger beta,” to see if perhaps it may be any easier?

For right now, my regular posts, when I can get them published, can be found at

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report