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Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Monday, January 08, 2007

20070106 Local accountant Randy Rager died last Saturday

Local accountant Randy Rager died last Saturday

January 8th, 2007

Many of us were shocked to awaken this morning to the news that local accountant and community leader, Randy Rager, had passed away last Saturday, January 6th, 2007.

He was only 53 year-old. It seems just like yesterday, that many of us saw him over the holidays.

I will always remember Mr. Rager for a number of reasons, but the first reason that comes to mind was how helpful he and his CPA firm was, when the City of Westminster, like local governments throughout the nation went through the process of changing our bookkeeping and accounting functions to comply with GASB 34. (Or for more information, go here.)

Rager, Lehman and Houck” has now had Westminster’s, and the Westminster Fire Company’s audit contract for a number of years and his service to the community and to the many non-profits and businesses in town will be remembered fondly.

Not to overlooked, was his great work in the community with the Bonds Meadow Rotary Club of Westminster, Board of Trustees of Carroll Hospital Center, the Board of Governors of the Union Mills Homestead Foundation, the development committee of St. John Catholic Church, the board of Carroll Community College and the Community Media Center.

He was a consummate professional and very well liked in the community and he will be missed.

Our hearts and prayers go out to his family.

Mr. Rager’s obituary can be found on the Carroll County Times here.


20070108 Westminster Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes of City of Westminster Council Meeting

January 8, 2007


A Meeting of The Mayor and Common Council was held in City Hall at 1838 Emerald Hill Lane on the evening of January 8, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Ferguson; Council President Chiavacci; Council Members Albert, Wack, Utz, and Pecoraro; City Administrator Wolf; Acting Director of Planning and Public Works Glass; Police Chief Spaulding; Director of Recreation and Parks Schroers; City Treasurer Unger; City Attorney Walsh; and Manager of Housing and Community Development Ehlers were present.

Mr. William C. Gereny, President of Water Depot Inc. and Vice President of Subsurface Technologies Inc. presented donations in the respective amounts of $5,000.00 and $2,500.00 to assist with the rehabilitation, construction, and sale of housing at 59, 61, and 63 Union Street. Mayor Ferguson recounted that Mr. Gereny and his attorney met at length with Mayor to discuss the City’s affordable/workforce housing projects and to express Mr. Gereny’s support. The Mayor and Council thanked Mr. Gereny for his generosity. The Mayor observed that the funds would help greatly with the projects.

Mayor Ferguson read the following Memorial Resolution in honor of the late Randy Rager and requested that it be placed on the permanent records of the City:


WHEREAS, On January 6, 2007 our community suffered the loss of one of its finest citizens and local professional businessman, and

WHEREAS, Randy Eugene Rager was a highly respected and accomplished certified public accountant widely known for his wise council, personal and professional integrity, and significant contributions to his chosen profession, and

WHEREAS, Mr. Rager was the managing principal and president of Rager, Lehman & Houck, a Westminster based public accounting, audit, and business advisory firm, and

WHEREAS, in addition to the many contributions Mr. Rager made to his firm and his profession, he was also known for his many civic and volunteer activities in our community, including Bonds Meadow Rotary Club, Rotary District 7620, Carroll Hospital Center, Union Mills Homestead Foundation, Carroll Community College, the Community Media Center, St. John Catholic Church development committee, and many others, and

WHEREAS, Mr. Rager and his firm has for many years provided audit services to the City of Westminster and his advice and guidance has been an invaluable resource for city staff and elected officials, and

NOW THEREFORE, Be it resolved that The Mayor Common Council of Westminster express heartfelt sympathy to Mr. Rager’s wife, Margaret, and to his children, Maggie, Sam, and Ally in the sudden and unexpected loss of their beloved husband and devoted father, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That an original of this Memorial Resolution be delivered to Mrs. Margaret Rager and to Maggie, Sam, and Ally Rager as an expression of the high esteem in which Randy Rager was held by the City of Westminster, his colleagues, and his countless friends and the sense of loss felt by his passing, and that a copy of this Memorial Resolution be placed upon the permanent records of the City of Westminster as a lasting tribute to the memory of Randy E. Rager, and

NOW THEREFORE, Let it be known that by affixing their signatures below, The Mayor and Common Council of Westminster acknowledge the loss of a valued friend, colleague, and citizen who shall be sorely missed.

Signed this 8th day of January, 2007

_________________________________ ______________________________

Thomas K. Ferguson, Mayor Roy Chiavacci, Council President

_________________________________ ______________________________

Suzanne Albert, Councilwoman Gregory Pecoraro, Councilman

_________________________________ ______________________________

Kevin R. Utz, Councilman Robert Wack, Councilman

Dr. Wack moved to approve the Resolution. Mr. Utz seconded and the Resolution was

unanimously approved.


Mrs. Albert moved to approve the minutes of the Meeting of December 11, 2006. Mr. Pecoraro seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Schroers presented staff’s recommendation that bids recently received to resurface the basketball court At City Park be rejected. He asked that the project be re-bid to retain the existing poles and to replace the fencing. Upon Motion of Mr. Pecoraro, seconded by Dr. Wack and unanimously passed, the bids were rejected.


Mr. Pecoraro reported that the water level rating remains green.

Dr. Wack reported that the budget season for the City is underway. He also requested that anyone experiencing problems with e-mail during the transition from Adelphia to Comcast report them to the Cable Coordinator.


Mr. Walsh summarized proposed Ordinance No. 757, which would amend the Elections Chapter of the Code to make technical corrections. Mr. Pecoraro moved to introduce the Ordinance. Mr. Utz seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Council President Chiavacci summarized proposed Ordinance No. 758, which would prohibit tattoo parlors and eliminate “specialty shops” as a permitted use in the Downtown Business, Central Business, and Central Commerce districts. Upon Motion of Mrs. Albert, seconded by Dr. Wack and unanimously passed, the Ordinance was introduced.


With regard to the proposed Amended Development Plan for Wakefield Valley, Mr. Pecoraro observed that the decision drafted by staff denying the request clearly reflects the Council’s reasoning. He made a Motion to adopt the Decision. Mr. Utz seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Glass reported that the City received a low bid for construction of the Cranberry Water Treatment Plant from Conewago Enterprises in the amount of $8,429,406. This represents a significant decrease from the first round of bids received. Mr. Glass requested the Common Council to approve a “Letter of Intent to Award” to the Maryland Board of Public Works as the next step in the project. Dr. Wack moved to approve the letter. Mr. Utz seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.


Manager of Housing and Community Development Ehlers requested the Common Council to authorize Mayor Ferguson to execute a purchase agreement for 19 Hersh Avenue as part of the City’s ongoing program to provide housing ownership opportunities. The owner is willing to sell the property for $20,000.00 below the appraised value. As with previously acquired properties, the project would have a fiscally neutral impact on the City. Mrs. Albert moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. Mr. Pecoraro seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Mrs. Albert moved to hold a closed session immediately following the regular meeting pursuant to section 10-508(a)(3) of the State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland in order to discuss the acquisition of real property for a public purpose and matters directly related thereto. Mr. Pecoraro seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.


Chief Spaulding announced that the Police Department hired a new Administrative Captain, Nancy Yeager, who is a 25-year veteran of the Howard County Police Department.

Ms. Wolf reported that she, the Chief, the Mayor, and Mr. Walsh attended a county-wide meeting on emergency preparedness for an influenza pandemic. She further reported that, at the request of the Greater Westminster Development Corporation, lighting on City streets would be studied.

Mr. Schroers advised that the tot lot at Whispering Meadows would be installed soon.

Council President Chiavacci recognized Chris Cull, the new President and C.E.O. of the Westminster Fire Company.


On behalf of a local chapter of the Sierra Club, Mr. Dan Andrews asked the City to become involved in efforts to stop global warming. Dr. Wack offered to work with the club.

Greater Westminster Development Corporation President Lori Graham reported on recent activities of the organization.

City resident Rebekah Orenstein requested the City to consider implementing inclusionary zoning. Council President Chiavacci asked Ms. Wolf to look into Howard County’s requirements for affordable/workforce housing.

Mayor Ferguson advised Amjad M. Waince, owner of the Little Jay’s Store on Pennsylvania Avenue, that they would meet to discuss parking for the store.

Council President Chiavacci adjourned the meeting at 8:05 P.M.

Laurell E. Taylor,

City Clerk

20070108 Westminster Common Council Meeting Agenda

Westminster Common Council Meeting Agenda

City Council

City Council Members | Minutes of City Council Meetings


Mayor and Common Council Meeting of January 8, 2007


1. CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 P.M.

  • Special Presentation


3. BIDS:

  • City Basketball Court Resurfacing


  • Introduction of Ordinance No. 757 – Chapter 14 – “Elections”
  • Introduction of Ordinance No. 758 – Zoning Text Amendment TA06-7- Tattoo Parlors and Specialty Shops




a. Amended Development Plan for Wakefield Valley

b. Cranberry Water Treatment Plant – Letter of Intent to Award


a. Purchase of Real Estate for Rehabilitation

b. Closed Session to Discuss the Acquisition of Real Property for a Public Purpose and Matters Directly Related Thereto




Please note that the January 22, 2007 meeting will be held at the John Street Quarters of the Westminster Fire Company, 28 John Street, Westminster, Maryland. Free parking is available.

20070108 CCBOC Agenda

The agenda for the Carroll County Commissioners for the week of January 8, 2007

Board of County Commissioners

Julia W. Gouge, President

Dean L. Minnich, Vice President

Michael D. Zimmer, Secretary

Carroll County Government

225 North Center Street

Westminster, Maryland 21157

410-386-2043; 1-888-302-8978

fax 410-386-2485; TT 410-848-9747

Agenda for the Week of January 8, 2007 ~ Revision 1

Please Note: This weekly agenda is subject to change. Please call 410-386-2043 to confirm a meeting you plan to attend. All meetings will be in Room 300A, (Unless otherwise noted) Carroll County Office Building.

  • Indicates Outside Activities

Monday – January 8, 2007

8:00 a.m. 5th Annual Pre-Session Breakfast

Frederick, Maryland

Commissioner Minnich

8:30 a.m. Carroll County Health Department Seminar

“Law Enforcement Aspects of a Catastrophic Health Emergency”

McDaniel College

Commissioner Zimmer

Tuesday – January 9, 2007

1:00 p.m. Open Session

Carroll County Public Schools Education Foundation Presentation

Carroll County Public Schools ~ Dr. Charles Ecker and Ms. Robin Kable

Briefing on Upcoming Public Hearing for Amendment to Chapter 44 ~ Pensions

Department of the County Attorney ~ Ms. Kimberly Millender

Department of Human Resources ~ Ms. Carole V. Hammen & Mr. William Bates

Briefing on Upcoming Public Hearing ~ Rezoning No. 210 for 44 Liberty, LLC

Location: 44 Liberty Road, Sykesville

Department of the County Attorney ~ Ms. Kimberly Millender

Department of Planning ~ Mr. Steve Horn

Request Approval of the 2007 Legislative Packet

Department of the County Attorney ~ Ms. Kimberly Millender

Tuesday – January 9, 2007 ~ Continued

Exercise the Option to Purchase a County-held Preservation Easement –

White Rose, LLC

Department of Planning ~ Mr. Steve Horn

Exercise the Option to Purchase a County-held Preservation Easement –

Nelson and Janice Barnes

Department of Planning ~ Mr. Steve Horn

Request Approval ~ Installment Purchase Agreement Resolution

Doris Sherwood

Department of Planning ~ Mr. Steve Horn

Amendment to Zoning Maps 13, 14 and 41

Department of Planning ~ Mr. Steve Horn

Approval of Annual Transportation Plan for FY 2008

Department of Planning ~ Mr. Steve Horn

Department of Management and Budget ~ Mr. Ted Zaleski

Acceptance of Grant Award ~ MD Emergency Management Agency under the

Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant Program ~ Update the Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Plan

Office of Public Safety ~ Mr. Scott Campbell

Management and Budget ~ Mr. Ted Zaleski

Capital Budget Resolution C-06 ~ Transfer of Funds to

Low Volume Road Improvement 07

Department of Public Works ~ Mr. J. Michael Evans

Department of Management and Budget ~ Mr. Ted Zaleski

Capital Budget Resolution C-07 ~ Transfer of Funds to

South Pleasant Valley Road

Department of Public Works ~ Mr. J. Michael Evans

Department of Management and Budget ~ Mr. Ted Zaleski

Request Approval of the YMCA Quarterly Report

Department of Management and Budget ~ Mr. Ted Zaleski

Route 29 Extension Concept Discussion

Commissioner Zimmer

Bid Approval ~ Jasontown Road Improvement

Department of Public Works ~ Mr. J. Michael Evans

Bureau of Purchasing ~ Mr. Rich Shelton

Bid Approval ~ Brush Chipper

Department of General Services ~ Mr. Ralph Green

Bureau of Purchasing ~ Mr. Rich Shelton

Tuesday – January 9, 2007 ~ Continued

Bid Approval ~ Cooperative Research & Development Agreement

Analysis of Piney Run Reservoir between US Army Corp and

Carroll County Government

Environmental and Resource Protection ~ Mr. Jim Slater

Bureau of Purchasing ~ Mr. Rich Shelton

Bond Sale Award - Resolution Awarding the County's Consolidated Public Improvement Refunding Bonds of 2007

Department of the Comptroller ~ Mr. Rob Burk

Administrative Session

Chief of Staff, Mr. Steve Powell

Wednesday – January 10, 2007

2:00 p.m. Carroll Hospice Inpatient Facility Grand Opening

Westminster, Maryland

Commissioner Zimmer

5:00 p.m. Board of Education Meeting

Board of Education Office

Commissioner Zimmer

Thursday – January 11, 2007

12:00 p.m. Annual Chamber of Commerce State of the County Luncheon

Martin’s, Westminster

Commissioners Gouge, Minnich and Zimmer

2:00 p.m. Leadership Carroll Class

Martin’s, Westminster

Commissioners Gouge, Minnich and Zimmer

Friday – January 12, 2007

7:00 a.m. Taneytown Business Breakfast

Thunderhead Bowling Centre

Commissioners Minnich and Zimmer

Saturday – January 13, 2007

5:30 pm. Gamber Volunteer Fire Department Annual Awards Banquet

Gamber Fire Hall

Commissioners Gouge and Zimmer

Sunday – January 14, 2007

8:05 a.m. “The Commissioners’ Report” – WTTR

Commissioner Zimmer

ACCESSIBILITY NOTICE: The Americans with Disabilities Act applies to the Carroll County Government and its programs, services, activities, and facilities. If you have questions, suggestions, or complaints, please contact Ms. Jolene Sullivan, the Carroll County Government Americans With Disabilities Act Coordinator, at 410-386-3600/1-888-302-8978 or TTY No. 410-848-9747. The mailing address is 225 North Center Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157.

Posted: 07/07/06


a great place to live, a great place to work, a great place to play

20070106 Snowzilla


January 7, 2007

The credit for the top photo goes to AP.

Snowzilla under construction Photo by MARC LESTER / Anchorage Daily News Powers family members, with help from neighbors, construct a giant snowman in their Columbine Street yard, Dec. 24, 2006. At top are Jackson Powers and John Woolsey. Billy Powers climbs the scaffolding at left, next to Darrell Estes and Tucker Powers. At bottom is Rod Zieger.

I hate snow, but a 22 foot snowman is kinda cool.

For more – go here and here .

Not everyone is happy.



20070107 Kelsey Volkmann previews Martin Luther King events at CAC

Kelsey Volkmann previews Martin Luther King events at CAC

January 7th, 2007

Kelsey Volkmann, writing for the Baltimore Examiner, has penned two previews of Martin Luther King Legacy Day events at the Carroll Arts Center. The two articles were published in the January 4th and 5th, 2007 editions of the paper.

Westminster theater with segregated past to honor King


Professor credits NAACP’s influence on war movies as aiding future gains

In “Westminster theater with segregated past to honor King” she describes the efforts of a local community leader, John Lewis – and the Baltimore Colts to desegregate the movie theatre in the mid-1960s.

For more information on the history of the Carroll Theatre, go here, or here.

Kelsey Volkmann, The Examiner, Read more by Kelsey Volkmann

Jan 4, 2007 3:00 AM

Westminster - An art-deco theater in Westminster with a segregated past has planned a day of events honoring the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

“About eight to 10 of us held the first demonstration for integration outside the Carroll theater in the early 1960s,” said John Lewis, a civil rights activist and Carroll County native. “People were surprised that somebody had the audacity to demonstrate, but we didn’t disturb the peace. We simply picketed and went home.”

Read the rest of this article here.

Professor credits NAACP’s influence on war movies as aiding future gains

Kelsey Volkmann, The Examiner
Read more by Kelsey Volkmann
Jan 5, 2007 3:00 AM

BALTIMORE - The NAACP’s influence on World War II movies laid the groundwork for the civil rights movement, a local historian said.

With the U.S. government repeating the words “unity,” “tolerance” and “brotherhood” to build support for the war, blacks encouraged Hollywood to include black heroes in movies of that time, said Thomas Cripps, a retired history professor at Morgan State University in Baltimore City.

Using film clips from “Sahara,” “Crash Drive” and “In This Our Life,” Cripps will give a lecture titled “Movies, Race and World War II” as part of the Carroll Arts Center’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Read the rest of this article here.

20070107 MLK breakfast scheduled for January 13

Westminster Eagle Web Update:

MLK breakfast scheduled for Jan. 13

01/03/07 – January 7th, 2007

The Carroll County NAACP will hold its third Martin Luther King, Jr. breakfast at Martin's Westminster on Saturday, Jan. 13. The two-hour event will begin at 8:30 a.m. and precedes the national holiday on Monday honoring Dr. King.

Angela M. Eaves, Associate Judge of the District Court of Maryland in Harford County since 2000, will be the featured speaker. Judge Eaves attended high school in Texas and is a graduate of the University of Texas and its law school. Initially a prosecutor in Texas and a lawyer for the Legal Aid Bureau, she received the Pro Bono Award of the Office of the Attorney General in 1996.

She has been active in several professional committees in Maryland in the areas of family law, domestic violence and correctional reform.

Originally sponsored by graduates of the Robert Moton School, the MLK breakfast has become an annual event of the local NAACP chapter.

Tickets are $25 for adults and $10 for children 12 years of age and younger. They must be ordered by Tuesday, Jan. 9 and are available by calling 410-876-7759.


20070107 An Inconvenient Truth to be shown at the CAC

“An Inconvenient Truth” will be shown at the Carroll Arts Center on January 13th, 2007

“An Inconvenient Truth”

Saturday, January 13 2:00 & 7:00 pm

$5 Adults/$4 Arts Council Members, Seniors 60+ and Students 18 & Under.

Rated PG; 96 min; 2006

Stay for a moderated discussion of this film’s important topics following the presentation by the Catoctin Maryland Group – Sierra Club.

Carroll Arts Center

91 W. Main St., Westminster

For more information: Contact: Dan at 410-857-4129 or

This renowned film offers a passionate and inspirational look at former Vice President Al Gore’s fervent crusade to halt global warming’s deadly progress in its tracks by exposing the myths and misconceptions that surround it.


20070107 MLK Legacy Day at the Carroll Arts Center

Martin Luther King Legacy Day at the Carroll Arts Center on Monday, January 15, 2007

January 7th, 2007

Martin Luther King Legacy Day

“Ruby Bridges”

Monday, January 15 10:30 am


The true story of Bridges, an African-American girl who, in 1960 at age 6, helped to integrate the all-white school of New Orleans. She was the only black girl to come to the school she was sent to, and since all the white mothers pulled their children out of class, she was the only one there at all. She faced a crowd of angry white citizens every day, yet she emerged strong thanks to encouragement by her teacher, a white woman from the North named Barbara Henry. With the help of her teacher and her mother, she eventually broke down a century-old barrier and played a significant role in the civil-rights movement.

Martin Luther King Legacy Day

Sankofa Dance Troupe

Monday, January 15 2:00 pm

$10 for adults and $7 for CCAC Members, Students 18 & Under and Seniors 60+

Colorful and energetic dancers and pulsating rhythmic drumming combine for an unforgettable experience and introduction to traditional African arts.

Martin Luther King Legacy Day

“Movies, Race and World War II”

Lecturer Tom Cripps

Sponsored by The Maryland Humanities Council

Monday, January 15 7:00 pm

Free - Advance Reservations Suggested

Cripps is a retired University Distinguished Professor Emeritus from Morgan State University. He shares his years of research and writing with audiences throughout the state. His talk, which will include screen clips from movies such as “Sahara” starring Humphrey Bogart, “Crash Dive” starring Tyrone Power and “In This Our Life” starring Olivia de Havilland, is sure to stir honest debate and reflection. The audience will learn how film was not merely a form of entertainment during WWII, but also a means of teaching and indoctrination.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

20070106 Fidel Castro says he "remains in the loop"

Fidel Castro says he "remains in the loop"

31 December, 2006 – January 6th, 2007

My January 3rd, 2007 Tentacle column is on US relations with Cuba and South America in the coming year – 2007. Please find it here:

Castro Watch, by Kevin E. Dayhoff, Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007”
We have many things to look forward to in 2007 and certainly at the top of the list is the eventual demise of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

Read the rest here. I’d love some feedback… I have, in the past, done a great deal of research on Cuban-American relations and I plan to re-visit much of my research, brush it, break it down into bite-size and write about it, in the coming months.

Meanwhile, the BBC is carrying an article about Cuban President Castro’s New Year’s message…

Photo from:

According to the BBC on December 31, 2006, Fidel Castro says he “remains in the loop:” “Castro issues New Year's message - In his New Year message, ailing Cuban President Fidel Castro has said he is recovering slowly from his surgery.”

Fidel Castro says he "remains in the loop"

Castro issues New Year's message

31 December, 2006 - Published 19:12 GMT

In his New Year message, ailing Cuban President Fidel Castro has said he is recovering slowly from his surgery.

"Concerning my recovery I always said it would be a long process," he said in the written message, read out by announcers on state-controlled media.

"But it is far from being a lost battle," he added.

Read the rest here.

The 80-year-old leader handed over control of the country to his brother Raul in July, when he underwent urgent intestinal surgery.

President Castro traditionally sends a message broadcast by state TV and radio to Cubans on New Year's Eve to mark the anniversary of the 1 January 1959 revolution that brought him to power.

"I have not stopped being in the loop on main events and information.

"I have had exchanges with our closest comrades always when co-operation has been necessary on vitally important issues," the statement read.

The president also thanked the Cuban people for their courage during his recuperation.

Speculation about President Castro's medical condition has been rife.

Although Mr Castro's health is a state secret, Cuban officials have said that he is not suffering from cancer or any terminal illness, and that he is recuperating.


20070107 The religions of the 535 members of the 110th Congress

The religions of the 535 members of the 110th Congress

January 7th, 2007

Reformed Chicks Blabbing fills us in on different religions of the members of Congress.

They got the information from: “

Catholic 155; Baptist 67; Methodist 61; Presbyterian 44; Jewish 43; Episcopal 37; Protestant nondenominational 26; Christian nondenominational 18; Lutheran 17; Mormon 15; United Church of Christ 7.

Eastern Orthodox 5; Christian Science 5; Assemblies of God 4; Unitarian Universalist 2; African Methodist Episcopal 2; Buddhists 2; Evangelical 2; Seventh Day Adventists 2; Christian Reformed 2; Disciples of Christ 2; Church of Christ 2; Congregational Baptist 1; Anglican 1.

Reorganized Mormon 1; Quaker 1; Church of God 1; Muslim 1; Evangelical Lutheran 1; Church of the Nazarene 1; Evangelical Methodist 1.

No affiliation 6

Read the rest of their post here.


20070106 Church resource web sites that rock.

Church resource web sites that rock.[1]

January 6, 2007

Hat Tip: Pastor Jam – who, has a direct connect with G_d: Genesis, 21:12: “And G_d said to him: … in all that Sarah hath said to thee, hearken to her voice…”

Pastor Jam sent me the following list in a recent e-mail.

~ Of course, for contemporary politics and such, I also read and recommend, “Reformed Chicks Blabbing.” They rule.


1. Seth Godin
Why it Rocks: Seth Godin is a best-selling author and marketing guru who gets the YouTube-fueled market. While he doesn't claim to be a Christian, his valuable insight into marketing strategy is still applicable to your church.

2. Mark Batterson
Why it Rocks: Mark Batterson is a blogging madman, consistently posting multiple times a day. He’s always upbeat and inspiring, and shares very cool stories about his congregation, National Community Church in Washington, D.C., that will get your creative juices flowing.

3. Simply Strategic Guys
Why it Rocks: Tony Morgan and Tim Stevens are the ultra-innovative Simply Strategic Guys (authors of the popular Simply Strategic series), supplying down-to-earth wisdom and laughs about ministry, leadership and life via blog or podcast.

4. Worshiphouse Media
Why it Rocks: Worshiphouse offers a huge collection of mini-movies, motion graphics, still images and editable clips you can purchase online to up your church's creative ante.

5. Lightcast Media
Why it Rocks: Designed to help churches stream their live services online, this site will help your church distribute itself more broadly and efficiently.

6. Relevant Leader
Why it Rocks: This site offers timely church-related news, articles and resources mixed with chic, modern designs—and it can all be delivered straight to your inbox.

7. 37signals
Why it Rocks: Peruse the company’s Signal vs. Noise blog or download the Getting Real PDF book for insights on getting work done smart, fast and cheap. While 37signal’s focus is Web-based software, the same lessons can be applied to your leadership team.

8. Monday Morning Insight
Why it Rocks: Blogger Todd Rhoades heads up Monday Morning Insight, a compilation of stories and resources geared to pastors and church leaders across the U.S. and the world. The site offers a bundle of newsy content on all types of church leadership issues—trends, ideas, worship, technology, and personnel issues. Don’t miss the handy Q&A for ministry questions.

9. Church Relevance
Why it Rocks: Kent Shaffer, one of the founders of a design and marketing firm that caters to churches, offers up loads of useful statistics and practical advice on successful church design, marketing and management.

10. Ridge Stone Backstage/Gary Lamb's blog
Why They Rock: Gary Lamb pastors Ridge Stone, a church plant in Georgia, and his candid blog follows the ups and downs of his personal journey. A companion blog, Ridge Stone Backstage, offers behind-the-scenes tips and insights for other church planters.

11. Lifehacker
Why it Rocks: Discover the software downloads and Web sites that actually save time. This site is a goldmine of practical advice (such as how to automate repetitive tasks) and various techie tips for increased efficiency and productivity.

12. Christianity Today's Weblog
Why it Rocks: This site is your one-stop shop for all the Christian-related news that's fit to print. And we mean all, with at least 100-plus links in every issue, plus commentary on the online feature stories.

13. Lark News
Why it Rocks: Sometimes pastors just need to laugh, and laugh you will at this site featuring satirical news stories a la The Onion, poking good-natured fun at Christian happenings.

14. Effective Web Ministry Notes
Why it Rocks: Maintained by a few members of Campus Crusade for Christ, this site is your guide to more effective Internet ministry. It provides a wealth of helpful tips, as well as news and links about technology and online marketing, delivery and response.

15. eBible
Why it Rocks: Welcome to Bible study version 2.0. Free to join and use, this program is much more than just the Bible onscreen. Check out the loads of commentary and study helps, inter-connected passages and topics; add titles to your personal bookshelf; and bookmark your favorite verses.

16. Bloglines/Google Reader
Why They Rock: Lose the outdated bookmarking system already! These ingenious aggregators track hundreds of Web sites, so you’ll only visit the ones with updated content. The sites rely on RSS (Really Simple Syndication), but all you need to know is they can save you lots of time.

17. Godbit
Why it Rocks: Godbit’s purpose is to help the Church catch up with the rest of the world in adherence to standards given by the World Wide Web Consortium, the governing body of best-practices on the Internet. The site also highlights churches, freelance designers and Web agencies that are on the cutting edge of Web methodologies.

18. Free Church Resources
Why They Rock: Don’t reinvent the wheel. Each of these three churches is offering their marketing and media resources to the world, free of charge. Find mp3 downloads, graphics, sermon materials and more, and then tweak them to suit your church.

19. Church Marketing Lab
Why it Rocks: In this valuable group, you can share your in-process communication pieces and get helpful feedback from other church communicators.

20. Church Marketing Sucks
Why it Rocks: I'm tooting my own horn here, but if you're not checking out this site, you need to be. Find cutting-edge news, ideas, tips and dreams about how the Church can effectively share the greatest story ever told.

-Outreach magazine, "Web Exclusives," January/February 2007

[1] -Outreach magazine, "Web Exclusives," January/February 2007