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Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

20070424 The Washington Post Sleuth

The Sleuth - Mary Ann Akers

Compilation as of Tuesday, April 24th, 2007

Posted at 2:15 PM ET, 04/24/2007

Kucinich Halts Impeachment Hunt Against Cheney

UPDATE, 3:45 p.m. ET: Kucinich now plans to hold his news conference announcing articles of impeachment against the vice president at 5 p.m. ET today. (Kucinich was in the Speaker's Lobby off the House chamber just moments ago personally handing out press releases announcing that the big event is back on.) Let's hope Cheney doesn't have a dental appointment or anything between now and then!...

Open Government, What Open Government?

UPDATE, 4:00 P.M. ET: After the letter circulated widely on the Internet, Rep. Obey changed his mind and will now allow cameras into the conference committee proceedings. Original Post: Radio and television reporters who cover the House aren't so pleased with Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (Calif.) notion of transparency. After the Democrats won control of the House, Pelosi promised to make Congress "the most open...Congress in...

Rich Little Bravely Answers Washington's Call

Most people who endured Rich Little's performance at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner Saturday night had the same reaction ... bless his heart. Rich Little brought his presidential voices to Washington on Saturday night. (Getty Images) Bless his heart for getting trapped in a time warp that won't let him escape 1981. (The man is still hinging his act on Richard "Tricky Dick" Nixon...

White House Dinner: Stomping Ground

Tomorrow's White House Correspondents' Association Dinner is shaping up to be a Republican presidential primary cattle show. The most bizarre cattle show ever, considering the side attractions include the singing, faux-hawked pop culture icon Sanjaya and oh-so-last century icons Jane Fonda and Rich Little, who's emceeing the event. While none of the major Democratic presidential contenders are taking a break from campaigning to attend the...

Congressman Hits on Actress Kerry Washington

Who knew that a Congressman's funding request for sewer projects in his district could be so... so sexy? When Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.) went before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Thursday, he found himself appealing instead for the affection of famed silver screen beauty Kerry Washington. Washington, who starred in "Ray" and "The Last King of Scotland" among other films,...

Rummy and Newt, War and (In)Fidelity

Donald Rumsfeld and Newt Gingrich have more in common than being out of power. They're both apparently fans of the legendary German composer Richard Wagner (that's pronounced VAHG-ner, while lifting your head and looking down your nose).

Rummy and Newt were spotted Tuesday night - separately - at the Kennedy Center enjoying Placido Domingo's stirring performance in Die Walkure, the second of four operas that make up Wagner's Ring cycle.

Brownback Wins This Week's Fundraising "Award"

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner. Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas) has won this week's Most Outrageous Fundraising Solicitation award. In an email to potential supporters today, Brownback, who is running for president, prays for the families of those killed in the Virginia Tech shooting tragedy, then segues to Tuesday's Supreme Court ruling on partial birth abortion, and then - you guessed it - to...

Romney: In the Bunker on Shooting Incident

It seems Mitt Romney, who's been working hard of late to establish his pro-gun bona fides, is the only major presidential candidate whose campaign web site does not prominently feature the candidate's reaction to the Virginia Tech massacre. Others have made the incident front and center on their web sites. Take, for example, former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani. The very first thing you see...

Articles of Impeachment To Be Filed On Cheney

Looks like he's reached his boiling point.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), the most liberal of the Democratic presidential candidates in the primary field, declared in a letter sent to his Democratic House colleagues this morning that he plans to file articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney.

Kucinich has made ending the war in Iraq the central theme of his campaign. He has even taken aim at the leading Democratic presidential candidates in the field for their votes on authorizing the war.

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution
gives Congress the authority to impeach the president, vice president and "all civil Officers of the United States" for "treason, bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Bush Administration: Breakdown

Is this is a metaphor for something? Congressional oversight committees and reporters covering the U.S. attorneys firing scandal waited with bated breath Thursday night for yet another huge document drop revealing more details in the Bush administration's plan to fire eight U.S. attorneys. They waited, and waited. But the documents weren't delivered to the House and Senate Judiciary committees until this morning because -- no...

Flacking the Good Flack

Here's a good one: Guess who's giving crisis communications advice on how Don Imus should have spun his way out of the derogatory slur he made about the Rutgers women's basketball team? Answer: the former spokesman for ex-Sen. Conrad Burns (R-Mont.), whose racist and sexist gaffes contributed to his downfall in the 2006 mid-term elections. That's right, Burns' former press secretary, Matt Mackowiak, is dispensing...

The Imus Factor

Finally, a meaty issue that divides Democratic presidential candidates -- Don Imus. To shun or not to shun the embattled radio show host for uttering some demeaning remarks about the Rutgers women's basketball team, that is the question. Sen. Chris Dodd(D-Conn.), who announced his presidential candidacy on "Imus in the Morning" instead of some place in his home state, won't rule out going on Imus's...

Race for the Golden Gavel

Two freshman senators are locked in a tight race over who will be class geek. Both Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) want to be the very first among their class of nine senators to win the Golden Gavel Award, which was created in the 1960s as an incentive to get wide-eyed new senators to learn the rules and procedures of the snootier...

Edwards Campaign Modifies Online Fundraising Practice

John Edwards's presidential campaign has modified its online fundraising approach to give visitors an "opt-out" option if they are just trying to send a sympathy note to Elizabeth Edwards about her cancer recurrence. The change reflects an apparent attempt to separate the handling of Mrs. Edwards's illness from the incessant need for money to fund her husband's campaign for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. The...

Biden Slams Sam Fox Recess Appointment

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Joe Biden (D-Del.) finally weighed in today on the Bush administration's surprise recess appointment of Sam Fox to be ambassador to Belgium. Democrats are outraged, arguing it is illegal for President Bush to use a recess appointment to install someone whose nomination was no longer even pending before Congress. Biden, who is running for president and was stumping in Iowa...

April 22, 2007 - April 28, 2007
April 15, 2007 - April 21, 2007
April 08, 2007 - April 14, 2007
April 01, 2007 - April 07, 2007
March 25, 2007 - March 31, 2007
March 18, 2007 - March 24, 2007
March 11, 2007 - March 17, 2007
March 04, 2007 - March 10, 2007
February 25, 2007 - March 03, 2007
February 18, 2007 - February 24, 2007
February 11, 2007 - February 17, 2007
February 04, 2007 - February 10, 2007
January 28, 2007 - February 03, 2007
January 21, 2007 - January 27, 2007

20070424 Indicted Bowling Brook counselors surrender

Lieutenant Phil Kasten: Indicted Bowling Brook counselors surrender

Carroll County Sheriff's Department

Posted Apr 24, 2007

“Indicted Bowling Brook counselors surrender; released on personal recognizance”

Apr 24, 2007 11:44 AM

Westminster, Carroll County, Maryland, April 24, 2007 ---- Through their attorneys, the six (6) Bowling Brook counselors indicted this past week in connection with the death of 17-year-old Isaiah Simmons have surrendered to sheriff’s detectives as part of the arrest process. This morning, the following five (5) counselors were processed at Carroll County Central Booking.

Mark Richard Sainato, age 36

Shadi (NMN) Sabbagh, age 33

Jason Willie Robinson, age 25

Brian Gerard Kanavy, age 31

Michael Paul Corradi, age 31

All five (5) were released on personal recognizance following a bail review before the District Court Commissioner. A sixth counselor, Dennis (NMN) Harding aged 31 has arranged through his attorney to surrender later this week. All six (6) counselors were indicted each with a single count of Reckless Endangerment, which is a misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of five (5) years incarceration, and a $5000 fine.

# # #

For additional information about the Bowling Brook matter please refer to:

"The high cost of twin tragedies at Bowling Brook" March 14, 2007 Westminster Eagle column

Bowling Brook Preparatory School web site

Bowling Brook: A Sad Tale The Tentacle March 13, 2007

“Community Rallies behind Bowling Brook” Westminster Eagle Winchester Report March 13, 2007

“Soundtrack” blog posts and information about support for Bowling Brook Preparatory Academy, Keymar, Carroll County MD.

20070423 Welcome to the Carnival of Maryland 5

Welcome to the Carnival of Maryland 5

April 23rd, 2007

Welcome to the Carnival of Maryland 5 or what I have come to perhaps understand as the bi-weekly Maryland Blogger Alliance magazine of the mind.

All the articles are great and we’re sure that you will enjoy the variety and talent in each piece.

Table of Contents:

Article No. 1: “Delmarva Shorebirds 2007 home opener,” by Michael Swartz writing on “Monoblogue,” Saturday, April 14th, 2007

Article No. 2: “Three gentleman ducks” by The Ridger writing on “The Greenbelt,” Sunday, April 8th, 2007.

And a bonus feature, a sequel from The Ridger’s article on Carnival Of Maryland 4 hosted by W. Crodhil on “Politics, Hon,” on April 8th, 2007: “The Redwings in the Park,” on April 2nd, 2007. The sequel is titled, “Nature Red in ... Beak and Shoulder?” which is dated April 11th, 2007.

Article No. 3: “Baltimore's inner harbor” by Soccer Dad, writing on the web site, “Soccer Dad,” on Wednesday, April 18th, 2007.

Article No. 4: “Guns guns guns…” by Robert C. Carter writing on the web site, “Escape from Pianosa,” on Saturday, April 21st, 2007.

Article No. 5: “Maryland Voters Officially Irrelevant” by W. Crodhil, E.I.C. writing on “Politics, Hon,” on Wednesday, April 11, 2007.

Article No. 6: 20070422 Media Smackdown” by Kevin Dayhoff writing on “Kevin Dayhoff – Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies,” on Sunday, April 22nd, 2007.

Sports Section:

Article No. 1: “Delmarva Shorebirds 2007 home opener,” by Michael Swartz writing on “Monoblogue,” Saturday, April 14th, 2007

Mr. Swartz introduces the article by saying; “Just a slice of life on the Eastern Shore. Politics gets sort of boring after awhile, and I'm a big fan of my adopted hometown team!”

“… I had a good time watching the opener and getting back to baseball again. I also rectified an oversight from last year, now I’m a paid member of the Shorebirds Fan Club…”

Read the entire article here: Delmarva Shorebirds 2007 home opener. Enjoy the pictures and the enjoyable commentary…

Nature Section:

Article No. 2: “Three gentleman ducks” by The Ridger writing on “The Greenbelt,” Sunday, April 8th, 2007.

And a bonus feature, a sequel from The Ridger’s article on Carnival Of Maryland 4 hosted by W. Crodhil on “Politics, Hon,” on April 8th, 2007: “The Redwings in the Park,” on April 2nd, 2007. The sequel is titled, “Nature Red in ... Beak and Shoulder?” which is dated April 11th, 2007.

In the “Three gentleman ducks,” we’re introduced to three gentleman mallards, who are possible named Ping, Pong, and Po? “So here they are, Three Gentleman Mallards who hang out together in the park.”

One can only imagine what they were discussing?

See the pictures here: “Three gentleman ducks

On April 2, we learned that “Last year there was a pair of redwings nesting in the cattails. This year - this past week - I've seen three males, chasing each other at times. Today, two of them were sitting in trees next to each other calling loudly, and the females were there…” In “Nature Red in ... Beak and Shoulder?” we learn that “the redwings have a winner ... he got the prime real estate ...”

The Ridger then introduces us to “a duel between cardinals.”

Catch the great pics here: “Nature Red in ... Beak and Shoulder?

Travel Section:

Article No. 3: “Baltimore's inner harbor” by Soccer Dad, (With something like a 10-60 record as coach of my children's soccer teams why do I do it? Because I'm Soccer Dad!” – He can coach my nieces and nephews anytime – Winning may or not be everything but values are forever…) writing on the web site, “Soccer Dad,” on Wednesday, April 18th, 2007.

In his article he has posted a number of pics “of Baltimore's Inner Harbor” from a “recent trip to the Maryland Science Center…”

And for a bonus Soccer Dad threw in a Westminster image, in a Brechtian mode of ironic distance, which is of “Ansel Adams meets Rainer Werner Fassbinder” quality. It is a must see photo (scroll to the bottom of the post…) – although it may take a few sessions with the GEICO Cavemen’s therapist to understand it.

[My favorite recent post by Soccer Dad is here: “My blog as refrigerator.”]

Political Commentary section:

Article No. 4: “Guns guns guns…” by Robert C. Carter writing on the web site, “Escape from Pianosa,” on Saturday, April 21st, 2007.

Mr. Carter writes, in part: “…in the wake of the horror at Virginia Tech this past week, I’ve been reading a lot about what people have to say about guns… A no-guns allowed policy doesn’t guarantee a killing spree, but it certainly makes it easier…”

Mr. Carter, a “a student, writer, satirist, webTV creator, photographer, athlete, thinker, traveler, blogger and improv comedian,” obviously put some time in his commentary…

Read his entire thought-provoking essay here: “Guns guns guns…

Article No. 5: “Maryland Voters Officially Irrelevant” by W. Crodhil, E.I.C. writing on “Politics, Hon,” on Wednesday, April 11, 2007.

Mr. Crodhil laments “With the signing of the so-called "popular vote" bill this week, MD Governor Martin O’Malley has in essence, deemed the votes of every single Marylander completely, and totally, irrelevant on the national level.”

Read his thought-provoking explanation here: “Maryland Voters Officially Irrelevant (And he calls to our attention that Pillage Idiot and Pubcrawler also have thoughts on this matter…)

Media Commentary section:

Article No. 6: 20070422 Media Smackdown” by Kevin Dayhoff writing on “Kevin Dayhoff – Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies,” on Sunday, April 22nd, 2007.

Last week was a long and hard week for our nation and by the end of the week I had “had it” with the media coverage of the tragedy at Virginian Tech and I had been reduced to a NJ Turnpike toll collector stare.

As an uncle, I already have a Doctorate in Modern Anxiety with a minor in ennui… when it comes to being concerned for the next generation. I have three members of my family in college, two that just graduated, and two that will enter college shortly – all nieces and nephews.

I love talking with them as they are arguably some of the neatest folks on the planet. But the idea of some of the slobbering, feckless, pandering media-types interviewing the students at Virginia through the cracked mirror by which much of the media views its navel, got burdensome.

I was impressed that the Virginia Tech students consistently presented with poise and outclassed the media hacks.

Another thing for certain, in today’s obsessive media, last week proved once again, that the media certainly have been well trained to bark on cue…

The other day, I had but only minutes to stop for a moment and catch-up with the news and all I got were psychologically violent images of “the killer” and the media “interviewing the ghost.” Unhappy, I made, what turned out to be, one too many cups of coffee and turned to my local newspaper…

I opened the paper – “and lost it.”

“Why anyone would want to trivialize the tragedy at Virginia Tech by taking the opportunity to promote a political agenda is beyond comprehension.

Right now I have no time for folks who wish to ride their favorite political hobbyhorse on the back of what is otherwise an enormous human tragedy.

What we need right now is the steady glow of a prudent and human response and not a series of blinking lights.

Read the rest of my “media commentary” (rant) here: “20070422 Media Smackdown.”

Oh yes, I’m feeling a little better today. Thank you for asking.


Thank you for joining us for Carnival of Maryland 5 – the Maryland Blogger Alliance bi-weekly magazine of the mind. It’s been a pleasure hosting this great event. For more information on the CoM, click here.

If you’re a MD blogger, and you’d like to join the Maryland Blogger Alliance (MBA), you can contact the Pillage Idiot’s Attlia at- pillageidiot -at- hotmail -dot- com.

If you have not had a chance to read our previous four Carnivals, please take this opportunity to review some of the best that the Maryland blogosphere has to offer:

Carnival of Maryland #1 - 2/25/2007 was hosted by Bruce Godfrey on “Crablaw Maryland Weekly” on February 25, 2007.

Carnival of Maryland - second edition hosted by Attila of the Pillage Idiot on March 11, 2007.

Carnival of Maryland #3 was hosted by The Ridger on “The Greenbelt” on March 26th, 2007

Carnival Of Maryland 4 hosted by W. Crodhil on “Politics, Hon,” on April 8th, 2007.

For more simply great reading, click on any of the following web sites that belong to the mid-Atlantic’s premier blogger collective:

Members of the Maryland Blogger Alliance are:

Pillage Idiot (Rockville)

Soccer Dad (Baltimore)

Maryland Conservatarian (Baltimore)

The Baltimore Reporter (Baltimore)

The Sun Lies (Baltimore Area)

The Not So Free State (Woodlawn)

monoblogue (Salisbury)

Crablaw (Reisterstown)

Kevin Dayhoff (Westminster)

Politics, Hon (Baltimore)

blogger1947 (Gwynn Oak)

Jousting for Justice (Owings Mills)

The Voltage Gate (Frostburg)

Howard County Md. Blog (Ellicott City)

The Hedgehog Report (Columbia)

Rockin' Catoctin (Frederick)

The Pubcrawler (Gaithersburg)

C. Dowd's Blog (Lansdowne)

Oriole Post (Silver Spring)

Escape from Pianosa (Baltimore)

Maryland Politics Today (Laurel)

The Greenbelt (Laurel)

Snail's Tales (Germantown)

Leviathan Montgomery (Silver Spring)

Going to the Mat (Frederick)

The AT Wire (Cumberland)


20070423 Welcome to the Carnival of Maryland 5

Welcome to the Carnival of Maryland 5

April 23rd, 2007

Welcome to the Carnival of Maryland 5 or what I have come to perhaps understand as the bi-weekly Maryland Blogger Alliance magazine of the mind.

All the articles are great and we’re sure that you will enjoy the variety and talent in each piece.

Table of Contents:

Article No. 1: “Delmarva Shorebirds 2007 home opener,” by Michael Swartz writing on “Monoblogue,” Saturday, April 14th, 2007

Article No. 2: “Three gentleman ducks” by The Ridger writing on “The Greenbelt,” Sunday, April 8th, 2007.

And a bonus feature, a sequel from The Ridger’s article on Carnival Of Maryland 4 hosted by W. Crodhil on “Politics, Hon,” on April 8th, 2007: “The Redwings in the Park,” on April 2nd, 2007. The sequel is titled, “Nature Red in ... Beak and Shoulder?” which is dated April 11th, 2007.

Article No. 3: “Baltimore's inner harbor” by Soccer Dad, writing on the web site, “Soccer Dad,” on Wednesday, April 18th, 2007.

Article No. 4: “Guns guns guns…” by Robert C. Carter writing on the web site, “Escape from Pianosa,” on Saturday, April 21st, 2007.

Article No. 5: “Maryland Voters Officially Irrelevant” by W. Crodhil, E.I.C. writing on “Politics, Hon,” on Wednesday, April 11, 2007.

Article No. 6: 20070422 Media Smackdown” by Kevin Dayhoff writing on “Kevin Dayhoff – Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies,” on Sunday, April 22nd, 2007.

Sports Section:

Article No. 1: “Delmarva Shorebirds 2007 home opener,” by Michael Swartz writing on “Monoblogue,” Saturday, April 14th, 2007

Mr. Swartz introduces the article by saying; “Just a slice of life on the Eastern Shore. Politics gets sort of boring after awhile, and I'm a big fan of my adopted hometown team!”

“… I had a good time watching the opener and getting back to baseball again. I also rectified an oversight from last year, now I’m a paid member of the Shorebirds Fan Club…”

Read the entire article here: Delmarva Shorebirds 2007 home opener. Enjoy the pictures and the enjoyable commentary…

Nature Section:

Article No. 2: “Three gentleman ducks” by The Ridger writing on “The Greenbelt,” Sunday, April 8th, 2007.

And a bonus feature, a sequel from The Ridger’s article on Carnival Of Maryland 4 hosted by W. Crodhil on “Politics, Hon,” on April 8th, 2007: “The Redwings in the Park,” on April 2nd, 2007. The sequel is titled, “Nature Red in ... Beak and Shoulder?” which is dated April 11th, 2007.

In the “Three gentleman ducks,” we’re introduced to three gentleman mallards, who are possible named Ping, Pong, and Po? “So here they are, Three Gentleman Mallards who hang out together in the park.”

One can only imagine what they were discussing?

See the pictures here: “Three gentleman ducks

On April 2, we learned that “Last year there was a pair of redwings nesting in the cattails. This year - this past week - I've seen three males, chasing each other at times. Today, two of them were sitting in trees next to each other calling loudly, and the females were there…” In “Nature Red in ... Beak and Shoulder?” we learn that “the redwings have a winner ... he got the prime real estate ...”

The Ridger then introduces us to “a duel between cardinals.”

Catch the great pics here: “Nature Red in ... Beak and Shoulder?

Travel Section:

Article No. 3: “Baltimore's inner harbor” by Soccer Dad, (With something like a 10-60 record as coach of my children's soccer teams why do I do it? Because I'm Soccer Dad!” – He can coach my nieces and nephews anytime – Winning may or not be everything but values are forever…) writing on the web site, “Soccer Dad,” on Wednesday, April 18th, 2007.

In his article he has posted a number of pics “of Baltimore's Inner Harbor” from a “recent trip to the Maryland Science Center…”

And for a bonus Soccer Dad threw in a Westminster image, in a Brechtian mode of ironic distance, which is of “Ansel Adams meets Rainer Werner Fassbinder” quality. It is a must see photo (scroll to the bottom of the post…) – although it may take a few sessions with the GEICO Cavemen’s therapist to understand it.

[My favorite recent post by Soccer Dad is here: “My blog as refrigerator.”]

Political Commentary section:

Article No. 4: “Guns guns guns…” by Robert C. Carter writing on the web site, “Escape from Pianosa,” on Saturday, April 21st, 2007.

Mr. Carter writes, in part: “…in the wake of the horror at Virginia Tech this past week, I’ve been reading a lot about what people have to say about guns… A no-guns allowed policy doesn’t guarantee a killing spree, but it certainly makes it easier…”

Mr. Carter, a “a student, writer, satirist, webTV creator, photographer, athlete, thinker, traveler, blogger and improv comedian,” obviously put some time in his commentary…

Read his entire thought-provoking essay here: “Guns guns guns…

Article No. 5: “Maryland Voters Officially Irrelevant” by W. Crodhil, E.I.C. writing on “Politics, Hon,” on Wednesday, April 11, 2007.

Mr. Crodhil laments “With the signing of the so-called "popular vote" bill this week, MD Governor Martin O’Malley has in essence, deemed the votes of every single Marylander completely, and totally, irrelevant on the national level.”

Read his thought-provoking explanation here: “Maryland Voters Officially Irrelevant (And he calls to our attention that Pillage Idiot and Pubcrawler also have thoughts on this matter…)

Media Commentary section:

Article No. 6: 20070422 Media Smackdown” by Kevin Dayhoff writing on “Kevin Dayhoff – Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies,” on Sunday, April 22nd, 2007.

Last week was a long and hard week for our nation and by the end of the week I had “had it” with the media coverage of the tragedy at Virginian Tech and I had been reduced to a NJ Turnpike toll collector stare.

As an uncle, I already have a Doctorate in Modern Anxiety with a minor in ennui… when it comes to being concerned for the next generation. I have three members of my family in college, two that just graduated, and two that will enter college shortly – all nieces and nephews.

I love talking with them as they are arguably some of the neatest folks on the planet. But the idea of some of the slobbering, feckless, pandering media-types interviewing the students at Virginia through the cracked mirror by which much of the media views its navel, got burdensome.

I was impressed that the Virginia Tech students consistently presented with poise and outclassed the media hacks.

Another thing for certain, in today’s obsessive media, last week proved once again, that the media certainly have been well trained to bark on cue…

The other day, I had but only minutes to stop for a moment and catch-up with the news and all I got were psychologically violent images of “the killer” and the media “interviewing the ghost.” Unhappy, I made, what turned out to be, one too many cups of coffee and turned to my local newspaper…

I opened the paper – “and lost it.”

“Why anyone would want to trivialize the tragedy at Virginia Tech by taking the opportunity to promote a political agenda is beyond comprehension.

Right now I have no time for folks who wish to ride their favorite political hobbyhorse on the back of what is otherwise an enormous human tragedy.

What we need right now is the steady glow of a prudent and human response and not a series of blinking lights.

Read the rest of my “media commentary” (rant) here: “20070422 Media Smackdown.”

Oh yes, I’m feeling a little better today. Thank you for asking.


Thank you for joining us for Carnival of Maryland 5 – the Maryland Blogger Alliance bi-weekly magazine of the mind. It’s been a pleasure hosting this great event. For more information on the CoM, click here.

If you’re a MD blogger, and you’d like to join the Maryland Blogger Alliance (MBA), you can contact the Pillage Idiot’s Attlia at- pillageidiot -at- hotmail -dot- com.

If you have not had a chance to read our previous four Carnivals, please take this opportunity to review some of the best that the Maryland blogosphere has to offer:

Carnival of Maryland #1 - 2/25/2007 was hosted by Bruce Godfrey on “Crablaw Maryland Weekly” on February 25, 2007.

Carnival of Maryland - second edition hosted by Attila of the Pillage Idiot on March 11, 2007.

Carnival of Maryland #3 was hosted by The Ridger on “The Greenbelt” on March 26th, 2007

Carnival Of Maryland 4 hosted by W. Crodhil on “Politics, Hon,” on April 8th, 2007.

For more simply great reading, click on any of the following web sites that belong to the mid-Atlantic’s premier blogger collective:

Members of the Maryland Blogger Alliance are:

Pillage Idiot (Rockville)

Soccer Dad (Baltimore)

Maryland Conservatarian (Baltimore)

The Baltimore Reporter (Baltimore)

The Sun Lies (Baltimore Area)

The Not So Free State (Woodlawn)

monoblogue (Salisbury)

Crablaw (Reisterstown)

Kevin Dayhoff (Westminster)

Politics, Hon (Baltimore)

blogger1947 (Gwynn Oak)

Jousting for Justice (Owings Mills)

The Voltage Gate (Frostburg)

Howard County Md. Blog (Ellicott City)

The Hedgehog Report (Columbia)

Rockin' Catoctin (Frederick)

The Pubcrawler (Gaithersburg)

C. Dowd's Blog (Lansdowne)

Oriole Post (Silver Spring)

Escape from Pianosa (Baltimore)

Maryland Politics Today (Laurel)

The Greenbelt (Laurel)

Snail's Tales (Germantown)

Leviathan Montgomery (Silver Spring)

Going to the Mat (Frederick)

The AT Wire (Cumberland)


Monday, April 23, 2007

20070422 A Jimi Hendrix guitar

April 22, 6:21 PM

“A guitar owned by Jimi Hendrix was sold for …”

jimi hendrix plays piano and violin rare footage 1967


Bonus video: 20070422 A Jimi Hendrix guitar...


20070422 A Jimi Hendrix guitar ...

April 22, 6:21 PM

“A guitar owned by Jimi Hendrix was sold for …”

jimi hendrix plays piano and violin rare footage 1967


Jimi Hendrix All Along The Watchtower


20070421 Pandering Hillary

Pandering Hillary

April 23, 2007

Captain’s Quarters has a post that caught my eye in the latest example of “Hillary will say anything” to be president.

The more we learn about the Rutgers team – the more we learn that they are certainly poised and classy. Good for them.

The more we continue to learn about New York Senator Hillary Clinton, the more we learn that she is an empty, unprincipled political hack. What a shame. A little depth and integrity would go a long ways at this point if she is to ever rescue her bid to be president. That is, if her effort can be rescued.

What a world we live in when the likes of an Al Gore running for president for the Democratic ticket is starting to look like a reasonable alternative. At least he knows the ropes. Senator Barack Obama is a clueless neophyte; way out of his element and Hillary seems to have forgotten that she is actually bright and has some depth – if she could ever do something about her perceived character, integrity and the perception that she is a pandering political pariah.


Hillary Pandering To The Pimp Culture

April 21, 2007

Hillary Clinton takes two shots over her involvement in the degrading language of gangster rap. Last night, the women's basketball team at Rutgers blew off a meeting with their neighboring state's Senator, claiming Imus fatigue and a renewed sense of perspective on victimhood after the Virginia Tech shootings.

This morning, Colbert King blasts Hillary for taking almost a million dollars from a fundraiser hosted by a man who gets rich on lyrics that would make Don Imus blush.

First, the Rutgers team passed on a chance to meet with Hillary and hear her sympathy for their victimhood:

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton finally dropped by Rutgers to meet with the school's women's basketball coach -- but the players themselves skipped the half-hour meeting, citing their studies and Imus fatigue.


King has Hillary pegged. She can't castigate Imus for talking about women in the same language as Timbaland while taking almost a million dollars from the rapper. The fact that she tried to wheedle her way into a meeting with the target of Imus' insult while getting funding from Timbaland makes her the worst kind of hypocrite -- the kind that makes money on the practices she derides.


UPDATE: Bruce Kesler has further thoughts.

UPDATE II: Adjoran had prior thoughts at Wizbang.

Read the entire post here: Hillary Pandering To The Pimp Culture. The post has more good links and be sure to read the comments. For a refreshing change, many of the comments actually add value to the post as opposed to the usual cringe worthy drivel found in way too many comment sections…


20070423 Westminster Council Meeting Minutes

Westminster Council Meeting Minutes

City Council

Minutes of City Council Meetings | Agenda for next City Council Meeting

Minutes of City of Westminster Council Meeting

April 23, 2007


A meeting of The Mayor and Common Council was held in City Hall, 1838 Emerald Hill Lane, on the evening of April 23, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. Council President Chiavacci; Council Members Albert, Wack, Utz, and Pecoraro; City Administrator Wolf; Acting Director of Planning and Public Works Glass; Chief Spaulding; City Treasurer Unger; City Attorney Walsh; and City Clerk Taylor were present.

On behalf of United Way of Central Maryland, Ms. Linda Knott presented Council President Chiavacci and Ms. Wolf a “Company that Cares” award.

Council President Chiavacci read a Mayoral Proclamation declaring the week of May 6-12, 2007 as Goodwill Industries Week.


Mrs. Albert moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of April 9, 2007. Mr. Pecoraro seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Glass presented staff’s recommendation that the Common Council accept a proposal from East Coast Liner Co. Inc. to replace the floating cover at the Clear Reservoir for $33,199.83. The funding source is a specific $40,000.00 line item in the current water budget. The existing cover was installed in 1989 and had a 15-20 year life expectancy. The reservoir will be removed from service for approximately two weeks during the installation. Upon Motion of Mr. Pecoraro, seconded by Mr. Utz and unanimously passed, the proposal was accepted.


Mr. Pecoraro reported that the intersection of Green and Bond Streets would be closed for work on the West Green Street Project. He advised that the intersection would be posted in advance.

Mr. Pecoraro noted that the Growth and Annexation Committee would hold another meeting in the near future.


Mr. Walsh and Mr. Unger summarized Ordinance No. 764, which would levy municipal taxes for Fiscal Year 2008. Mr. Unger advised that the tax rate would remain the same as that for Fiscal Year 2007. Mrs. Albert moved to introduce the Ordinance. Dr. Wack seconded and the introduction was unanimously approved.


Chief Spaulding reported that a new officer would being working on April 24, 2007 and that the Department would be fully staffed. He further reported that Cadet Workman is doing well in the Police Academy.

Council President Chiavacci noted that he and the Chief were serving on an ad hoc committee to develop interior and exterior enhancements for the Westminster Branch of the Carroll County Public Library.

Ms. Wolf distributed materials from her recent attendance at the Maryland City/County Management Association spring meeting. She reported that the General Assembly was expected to take up a regional planning initiative in the next session. She also reported that concern exists that the State might change its formula for distributing monies for parks. Finally, Ms. Wolf noted that revenue bills had all been shelved during the last General Assembly session.

Dr. Wack complimented Officer Angela Anderson on her assistance with a matter that resulted in an emergency room visit the preceding Saturday. He requested the Chief to convey his appreciation.

Mr. Schroers reported that his department recently received two awards from the Recreation and Parks Association. Council President Chiavacci asked Mr. Schroers to congratulate his staff on behalf of the Council members.

Mr. Schroers advised that the State had fully funded the Program Open Space for the upcoming fiscal year.


City resident Rebekah Orenstein requested that a tree be planted in memory of the husband of Administrative Assistant Marianne Sheehan, Grant, who passed away in March. Ms. Orenstein also expressed concern about a collapsed fence near her house. Ms. Wolf advised that she would look into both matters.

Council President Chiavacci adjourned the meeting at 7:32 P.M.

Laurell E. Taylor

City Clerk