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Friday, May 11, 2007

20070509 In Hampstead Shoemaker, Nevin re-elected, newcomer Zynel picked

In Hampstead Election May 8th, 2007, Incumbent Hampstead mayor Haven Q. Shoemaker, incumbent councilman Chris Nevin re-elected, newcomer Joe Zynel picked for council seat.

Running on ticket pays off for Hampstead candidates

By Marjorie Censer, Times Staff Writer Wednesday, May 09, 2007

HAMPSTEAD — A ticket of incumbents and one newcomer succeeded in winning four-year terms in Hampstead’s municipal election Tuesday.

Incumbent Haven N. Shoemaker won the uncontested mayoral race, while incumbent Councilman Christopher M. Nevin and newcomer Joe Zynel captured the two available council seats. The three had campaigned as a ticket.

Shoemaker earned 425 votes from the 495 participating voters, which represented about 13 percent of those registered.

Nevin garnered 280 votes, while Zynel received 250, according to Town Manager Ken Decker.

Three of the other five candidates received more than 100 votes. Herbert E. Raver Sr. received 115, Danny R. Lee earned 106 and David Unglesbee garnered 105.

Kristi A. Yowell received 38 and Matthew M. Szybalski received seven, Decker said.



20070510 Baltimore’s 15 minutes of fame

Seems Robert Murrow of the Baltimore DPW is no Limbaugh Fan

May 10th, 2007

Laura Vozzella and Nicole Fuller have a story in the Baltimore Sun about how Baltimore has had 15 minutes of national spotlight fame…

Meanwhile, it seems that Baltimore Department of Public Works employee Robert Murrow is no Rush Limbaugh fan.

Gee, imagine that. In Baltimore. In cobalt-blue Maryland. Oh, I’m shocked.

In a town so tough that most murders get just a few paragraphs in the paper, somebody called The Sun about 8 a.m. Thursday with a tip about a vandalized billboard.

By noon, the story was all over the Internet, Rush Limbaugh was kicking off his national radio show with it, and City Hall was fielding calls from as far away as California. By 5 p.m., the story had become one of the three most popular individual articles in the history of the paper's Web site, with nearly 200,000 page views.

There's a reason the story had legs. The paint-splattered billboard featured Limbaugh's mug. And the tipster was a spokesman for a city agency -- the one responsible for cleaning up graffiti -- who let it be known that he was no "dittohead."

I was amused with the quip:

Sometimes public officials have second thoughts after they say something on the record and try to take it back. And sometimes, especially if the officials aren't very high-ranking and the news value isn't that great, reporters will let them off the hook.

Since when has a Baltimore Sun reporter had the humanity to not punch-up a story with a trivial off-moment at someone’s expense?[1]

"Something can go from zero to a million miles an hour in a couple of clicks," said Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Internet and American Life Project. "That makes us sort of a hair-trigger world."

With the increased mercurial nature of “news” these days (especially when it represents a manifestation of the coarsening of the public dialogue) comes an increased responsibility. Always think before one engages the mouth and taps on the keyboard and contemplates hitting the “send” button.

In the words of one of my liberal critics, who has never seen fit to follow his own advice, “Words have meaning.”

In the past, words only had meaning if you were a conservative. Liberals were exempt and seem too frequently to get the benefit of “reporters will let them off the hook.

Aside from how repugnant Imus’ words were about a class women’s basketball team, was the fact that Imus was often considered the darling of the left - - and many of us conservatives were dumbfounded to watch the likes of the Reverend Al Sharpton and the Reverend Jesse Jackson go after him with such alacrity and success.

For many, the differences between the mouths of Rev. Sharpton, Rev. Jackson and Imus are relatively indistinguishable. At least so I am told. Imus was never my cup of tea and I don’t believe I ever listened to a minute of his show. And I have always avoided bestowing any credibility to Rev. Sharpton or Rev. Jackson.

Often the relatively unspoken cynical humor when someone like Imus commits a faux paux is to suggest they change parties and everything will be forgiven.

But apparently Mr. Murrow’s taste for Mr. Limbaugh did not get him a pass from the Baltimore Sun either.

I pay little attention to the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Rosie O’Donnell, or Ann Coulter – except for the occasional humor factor.

And at the kitchen table level of most American families the red-blue thing is not real and only fodder for cable news and partisan newspapers who masquerade as neutral news providers…

I thought Alec Baldwin’s vituperative outburst was a private matter and should not have been fodder for “news.” As was also Senator Barack Obama’s recent gaffe about “10,000 dying in the Kansas tornado…

So is the mercurial nature of what some folks consider to be “news” these days really doing the public a service?

Perhaps what is “news” these days is the level of unchecked violence in Baltimore City with seemingly no hope for an end…

Many folks have suggested that as a result of the last election which saw the Democrats re-take the Maryland Statehouse and make gains in the Maryland General Assembly; the Baltimore Sun would have to start going after liberals… Too few conservatives to misrepresent…

Well, maybe yes and maybe no. Many of the recent dynamics in Maryland politics that would have caused uproar when there were conservatives in decision-making roles have barely been mentioned since last November’s election…

So should have the Baltimore Sun identified Mr. Murrow and gained fifteen minutes of fame off the back of an otherwise hardworking city employee who is actually a human being?

You be the judge. He is – for the most part - not a spokesperson for the Baltimore Public Works Department; Kurt Kocher is.

Mr. Murrow’s chief sin was being a paper cut in shark infested waters.

Unfortunately the Baltimore Sun was rewarded for it and that only encourages more folks to lose their voice when working with a Baltimore Sun reporter. One doubts that the Baltimore Sun thought of that as accountability is not in the lexicon of that august Calvert Street institution.

Mr. Kocher’s response did not surprise anyone. For those of us who have worked with him for many years, he is well known for being a squared-away kinda guy.

Of course, the other relatively un-discussed portion of this story is the fact that anyone would find Rush Limbaugh threatening enough to feel the need to deface his picture. And that is a subject for another moment of stolen time at the keyboard.

Meanwhile, yes, Mr. Kocher’s admonishment was appropriate. Now that we’ve covered that base; let’s give Mr. Murrow a raise… for being a real person.


[1] Then again, maybe I should take that back… After a disastrous string of reporters in Carroll County who would bash their mothers in order to hype a misleading story – and attempt to get reassigned away from the Carroll County beat; recently folks are saying that they are getting to a comfort level with Laura McCandlish, who seems to be human after all. Ms. McCandlish seems to be overcoming the distrust the Carroll County office of the Sun took years to earn. Nevertheless, there are still folks who avoid the Carroll Sun like the plague and that is really not fair to Ms. McCandlish, who seems to be trying hard Hiring an actual human being to be the lead on the Carroll County beat must have been a mistake. But I digress.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

20070509 Susan Katz Keating says that Tenet should write another book

Slam Dunk

May 9th, 2007

TIME FOR ANOTHER BOOK: Susan Katz-Keating says that George Tenet should write another book on why he presided over the dismantling of the CIA's human-intelligence assets.

posted at 07:04 AM by Glenn Reynolds

20070510 Buying the conversation

Buying the conversation

May 10th, 2007

UPDATE: Soccer Dad said in a comment on May 11th, 2007 ... more here

It was Crablaw who first called this to my attention. Thanks.

I finally got a chance to read it for comprehension and I am still attempting to digest it: Phil Kent’s May 8th, 2007 Washington Times column, “Liberal Money Talks.”

Mr. Kent writes…

The liberal wealthy super-elites who control private tax-exempt foundations have discovered success in controlling politicians and bankrolling activist organizations ranging from open borders advocates to radical environmentalists. It is especially frightening, though, to witness a recent phenomenon whereby just one of these amoral financiers, George Soros, manipulates the media by stifling and smearing center-right political voices.


The billionaire George Bush-hater is perhaps best known for massive funding of, a group that opposed the 2003 Iraq invasion and supported Sen. John Kerry for president in 2004. Its mission: create pressure upon the Democratic Party to move it more to the left. But Mr. Kerry was defeated, so new tactics were required by the left-wing elites to hasten the changing of America.

The left promulgating talking points to further their point of view is not a concern for me, however, what is of concern is the point he made when he said:

Yet few journalists dare to criticize the group or its bankrollers for fear of inviting attacks upon themselves.

Folks disagreeing is a good thing, but all too often – on the right and the left – folks do not disagree with a particular person’s point of view; they attack the person and there’s the rub. I’ve been there and got the t-shirt…

Take a look at Crablaw’s post and follow the links…


20070510 Quote of the day

Quote of the day – Middle Age

Thursday, May 10th, 2007

“Middle age is when your age starts to show around the middle.” Bob Hope (1903-2003) Entertainer

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

20070509 US House pushes new war funds bill Bush would veto

US House pushes new war funds bill Bush would veto

09 May 2007 21:22:31 GMT

Source: Reuters

By Richard Cowan

WASHINGTON, May 9 (Reuters) - Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday said they would press ahead with a new Iraq funding bill, despite a White House veto threat and a cold Senate reaction to a bill that would dole out combat funds in pieces and force a July vote on withdrawing troops.

"The House bill is going to change," promised Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat.

White House spokesman Tony Snow told reporters President George W. Bush would veto the House bill if it reached his desk.

While House Democratic leaders want to pass the new war funds bill by late Thursday, support was being measured and some aides said the vote could slip to Friday or next week.

Under the bill, which is not expected to become law, Bush would get a $42.8 billion down payment. Then, after getting White House war progress reports in July, Congress would cast votes late that month on whether to release an additional $52.8 billion to continue fighting in Iraq through September, or whether to use the money to withdraw most of the troops by the end of this year.

Bush wants all the money for fighting the war now and without conditions.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates told a Senate panel that the two-step funding idea would create budget nightmares in the Pentagon.

Read the rest here: US House pushes new war funds bill Bush would veto


20070509 Steakhouse Owner Refuses to Serve OJ Simpson

Steakhouse Owner Refuses to Serve O.J. Simpson

Wednesday, May 09, 2007,2933,270879,00.html


The owner of an upscale steakhouse in Louisville said he asked O.J. Simpson to leave his restaurant the night before the Kentucky Derby because he is sickened by the attention Simpson still attracts.

"I didn't want to serve him because of my convictions of what he's done to those families," Jeff Ruby said in a telephone interview Tuesday. "The way he continues to torture the lives of those families ... with his behavior, attitude and conduct."

Simpson, an NFL Hall of Famer and Heisman Trophy winner, was found innocent in 1995 of killing his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ron Goldman but was found liable in a civil trial that followed.


Simpson's attorney, Yale Galanter, said the incident was about race, and he intended to pursue the matter and possibly go after the restaurant's liquor license.


20070509 This is not Hobson either

This is not Hobson either

May 9th, 2007

Nor is Hobson in this picture.

So, who’s “Hobson?” And what would have to do with the Merrimac?



20070509 Quote of the day

Quote of the Day

Wednesday, May 9th, 2007

Be good

“To be a good friend remember that we are human magnets: that like attracts like and that as we give we get.” Wilfred Peterson Writer

Thanks TC

20070509 The 110th Do nothing Congress

The 110th - "Do nothing" Congress

May 9th, 2007

Dave Wissing over at the Hedgehog Report calls to our attention that the Washington Post published an article on how little Democrats have actually accomplished since taking power.”

He’s posted some interesting numbers that shows the longer the Democrats are in power, the less people actually think it is good for the country.”


Wasn’t January 25th, 2006 that New York Senator Hillary Clinton said that when the Democrats regain power in the Congress gasoline prices will go down?

How about the “first 100 hours” political rhetoric.

I touched upon lots of this in an October 25, 2006 Tentacle column, called “When It Rains Frogs.” It was a piece in which I inaccurately predicted that the “Democratic Wave Theory” would not prevail… “Perhaps I have my head in the sand and suffer from a great reality disconnect, but I'm just not buying the grand Democratic Wave Theory that is being drubbed into everyone's head these days by the main stream media.”

But I did predict: “Not to mention the potential of two years of endless congressional hearings undermining our national security and non-stop partisan attempts to impeach the president on groundless charges and lay the groundwork for a Democrat to occupy the White House in 2009. If you thought the 109th Congress was a waste, you ain't seen nothin' until you see what a Democratic majority would do in the 110th.”

Thanks Dave.

Kevin E. Dayhoff

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

His columns appear in The Tentacle,; Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report.


20070508 Historic Glyndon House and Garden Tour this Saturday

"Doorways to the Past" Historic Glyndon House and Garden Tour

Saturday, May 12th, 2007 11 AM to 5 PM

Posted May 9th, 2007

For a previous post and more information go here: “20020227 Glyndon, Maryland to host House and Garden Tour on May 12, 2007.”

PRESS RELEASE – Historic Glyndon, Inc.

Kathy Ziese, Publicity Chair

"Doorways to the Past" Historic Glyndon House and Garden Tour

A self-guided walking tour of the unique and varied Victorian homes, cottages, and gardens of Baltimore County's First Historic District – Glyndon, Maryland, founded 1871

Saturday, May 12th from 11:00 to 5:00pm. For ticket information please visit our web site: or contact Ann at 410.526.0688. (email: prospect1990 AT

See also: Crabopedia’s current events


20070511 Baltimore School for the Arts spring dance performance

Baltimore School for the Arts spring dance performance

Posted May 8th, 2007

Crabopedia’s current events

Baltimore School for the Arts spring dance performance this Friday and Saturday May 11th and 12th, 2007. For more details and other information on other currents events – please see Crabopedia’s current events at:


Maryland Daily Record, April 30, 2007:

For more information on “Maryland Daily Record: A Wikipedia for All Things Maryland,” click here.


20070507 News Clips

News Clips May 7th, 2007

State News

Selling higher taxes puts O'Malley to the test by C. Frazier Smith,1,4803961.column

As it attempts to erase a $1.5 billion difference between spending commitments and income, the O'Malley administration faces a classic test of political leadership.

During the recent General Assembly session, Gov. Martin O'Malley and the legislative leaders agreed to lead - next year. They put off the $1.5 billion problem for another day. But that day is near.

By late fall, the O'Malley administration must have clear outlines of a solution in hand. It will have to assume that additional revenue will be available to balance the books.

O'Malley Fills Cabinet Post; Signs Bills This Week

Governor Martin O'Malley is expected to fill at least once vacancy in his cabinet today.

O'Malley's spokesman couldn't be reached for comment to confirm this, but The Sun reported Sunday that the governor will name James Adkins, as the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, in a ceremony set for 11 this morning , in Annapolis.

Adkins has previously served as a deputy secretary of the department.

Md. veterans chief to be named,1,1911021.story

Gov. Martin O'Malley will announce tomorrow that James A. Adkins, a veteran of the Army and National Guard, will serve as secretary of the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs, according to sources close to the administration.

"While I'm honored to serve Maryland veterans, I'm also fully aware of the responsibility that comes with the job," said Adkins, who worked previously as the department's deputy secretary.

O’Malley to tap new veterans affairs chief

Gov. Martin O’Malley will name James A. Adkins as secretary of veterans affairs at a Monday morning news conference.

Adkins, a former deputy veterans affairs secretary, will replace George W. Owings III, a former Calvert County delegate who was appointed by Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) in 2004.

Owings departure is “a mutual decision,” said Rick Abbruzzese, O’Malley’s press secretary. Owings was one of three Ehrlich appointees - State Police Superintendent Thomas E. “Tim” Hutchins and Adjutant General Bruce F. Tuxill are the others - carried over during O’Malley’s first months in office.

Ehrlich is keeping his options open

Former Governor Robert Ehrlich is keeping his options open for a possible return to elective office. While at the Washington County Republican dinner last week, he told The (Hagerstown) Herald-Mail that he's eyeing the political environment to see if last year's Democratic gains were an aberration or a new standard. And he said it's possible he would run for governor again in the right political climate. Ehrlich told WBAL that he did not say anything new or different Thursday night than he said the day after he lost the election to Martin O'Malley.

ICC poses challenge to O'Malley's green record

His support for highway upsets environmentalists,1,7543554.story

Gov. Martin O'Malley fully funded open space programs, pushed for stricter emissions controls for cars, joined a regional initiative to cut down on greenhouse gases and backed new fees to clean up the Chesapeake Bay. But amid their jubilation, many Maryland environmentalists still find they have an 18.8-mile thorn in their sides: the Inter-County Connector.

The League of Conservation Voters, the Sierra Club, the Audubon Naturalist Society, 1,000 Friends of Maryland and other groups have called for O'Malley to rethink his support for the $2.4 billion toll road that would run through Montgomery and Prince George's counties.

Bill seeks to regulate crime labs in state

Forensics and legal analysts say a sweeping crime lab oversight measure passed by Maryland lawmakers after a discredited state police ballistics specialist committed suicide takes innovative steps to safeguard the integrity of forensic labs.

The General Assembly unanimously passed the bill, which was introduced before the suicide of Joseph Kopera. It directs the state health department to create Maryland's first regulations for licensing state, county and municipal crime labs. The secretary of the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene would be able to suspend or revoke licenses. Gov. Martin O'Malley is considering whether to sign the bill, passed in the legislative session that ended last month.

Uneasy goodbye to 'The Cut'

Officers, families tour the closed House of Correction,0,1858389.story?coll=bal-local-arundel

Sharon James can hear the echoes of inmates' voices when she passes the vacant cells at the shuttered Maryland House of Correction in Jessup.

Her visit yesterday to the prison hit close to home: Two prisoners wielding homemade knives fatally stabbed her colleague, David McGuinn, last July. James tearfully eulogized McGuinn at a ceremony yesterday during which House of Correction Road was renamed in honor of the slain officer.

Budget reflects Leopold's philosophy

If the county's new spending plan had a personality, it would look familiar to voters.

The $1.22 billion document reflects the man who authored it.

County Executive John R. Leopold promised during the campaign to slash government waste and assured voters he was beholden to no one.

Charter school faces more probation

The county Board of Education last week took its closest step yet to closing a charter school that has frustrated administrators with persistent management problems.

A 2-6 vote to close the Chesapeake Science Point Public Charter School in Hanover ultimately failed at the school board's Wednesday meeting, but it surprised parents who didn't expect officials to go that far.

History of gun points to tracking problems

Weapon used to kill city officer had been in police hands,0,953484.story?coll=bal-home-headlines

The investigation into who killed Detective Troy Chesley moved quickly. Within hours of his death, police found a suspect, witnesses and the weapon used in the killing - a Sig Sauer handgun customized with a laser targeting system.

The serial number: U540876.

At a news conference held the day Chesley died, police commanders angrily complained that the suspect, Brandon Grimes, had been arrested 17 times - twice for handgun possession - yet was still on the street.

But police later learned some disturbing news: The gun used to kill Chesley in January had slipped through their hands - twice.

She heart's suburban life by Laura Vozzella

You have the right to run for mayor,0,5291309.column?coll=bal-local-columnists

Running (maybe) for Baltimore mayor: Ed Norris.

I wrote the other day that the way seemed clear for the ex-con/ex-commish to run now that Maryland had restored voting rights to felons. Norris responded by e-mail:

“I am seriously exploring the possibility of running."

National News

In His Weekly Radio Address, President Bush Calls On Congress To "Quickly Craft A Responsible War Spending Bill." "US President George W. Bush urged Congress Saturday to approve a new and 'responsible' funding bill for the Iraq war, warning of new violence if the money fails to materialize quickly. 'I call on Congress to work with my administration and quickly craft a responsible war spending bill,' Bush said in his weekly radio address. 'By working together, I believe we can pass a good bill quickly and give our troops the resources and flexibility they need.' ... He has appointed a high-level team led by his chief of staff, Josh Bolten, to negotiate with Congress a new version of the measure." ("Bush Asks Congress To Swiftly Fill Iraq War Chest," Agence France-Presse, 5/5/07)

Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY) Says "We Must Give [Today's War Plan] Time To See If It Works." "The fact is we have a new strategy in Iraq led by Gen. David Petraeus. Today's war plan is different than it was a year ago or even a few months ago. We are increasing American and Iraqi troop strength in Baghdad and surrounding hotbeds of insurgent activity. And we must give it time to see if it works. We should send President Bush a clean emergency war supplemental bill that will fund the troops to complete their mission instead of setting arbitrary withdrawal deadlines like the bill Bush vetoed. A pullout and loss in Iraq will likely result in terrorists following us home. Most Americans would rather us stay and build a stable Iraq now than send American forces back to a terrorist haven a few years down the road." (Sen. Jim Bunning, Op-Ed, "Iraq War Is Not Lost," Cincinnati Enquirer, 5/5/07)

Military Service Members Collect Signatures To Support Completing The Mission In Iraq. "A couple of military guys in Iraq have found a way to speak up for completing the mission there without getting into any trouble. Navy Lt. Jason Nichols and Staff Sgt. David Thul from the Minnesota Army Natio nal Guard have rolled out an Internet petition to finish the job. Nichols tells us that his colleagues 'think the war is worth fighting but there wasn't a way for us to express that fact.' Then they discovered that they could file a grievance with Congress, which in this case asks them to back the war. With, they've collected nearly 3,000 signatures and will deliver them to Congress this week. 'I ... think we're winning the fight in Iraq on the ground,' says Nichols, but frets over losing the political battle in Washington." (Paul Bedard, "The Troops Petition: Let's Finish The Job," U.S. News & World Report , 5/6/07)

Bill intended to help us stay on course in Iraq By Congressman Wayne Gilchrest

The last time this country was embroiled in a lengthy war, I was a young Marine serving in South Vietnam. I gave little thought to the impact the war was having back home. My thoughts were on my comrades and the men in my platoon, and our desire to make sure we all got home safely. We assumed our military and political leaders were competent and informed, and would lead us to successful resolution of the conflict.

This time I'm a policymaker. My actions today have consequences for the lives of soldiers on the front lines. I take that job seriously.

City Notes - Thanks for the jobs. Now, about this road ...

That's the pitch Alderman David Koontz made at Thursday night's meeting, when he asked city residents to phone Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, R-6th, and speak in favor of federal funding for some local road projects.

At issue is Fort Detrick, and roughly 1,400 jobs coming to the installation under the Base Realignment and Closure process.

Hoyer's First Telephone Town Hall Meeting Draws More Than 2,000 Participants

Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) reported that his first telephone town hall meeting, which he conducted on the evening of Tuesday, May 1, fulfilled his hope of providing an additional forum to communicate directly with his 5th district constituents and allow citizens an opportunity to voice their views and questions about issues important to them. More than 2,000 participants from across Southern Maryland joined the telephone town hall at some point during the 45-minute call to hear Rep. Hoyer address a range of topics and take part in an interactive question and answer session.

"It is my duty and obligation to be accessible and responsive to those who I represent," stated Rep. Hoyer in a released statement. "By all measures, I would say the telephone town hall provides one of the most effective means to reach out to thousands of people and provide them with a convenient forum to participate in our representative democracy."

Pastors in Md. Stage Rally For Path to Legal Residency

Group Seeks Meeting With Hoyer on Immigration

Frustrated by the lack of congressional action to change immigration laws, a coalition of Maryland pastors rallied hundreds of Hispanics and others at a Brandywine church this week to push for legislation that would create a path to legal residency or citizenship.

Union Bethel AME Church was filled Tuesday night with prayers and personal testimonies of people slipping into the country. The event attracted several hundred people, including many who are undocumented immigrants.

The Rev. Kathy Hlatshwayo, president of PRISCM and pastor of the Bethany Lutheran Church in Forestville, complained that Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.), the House majority leader, did not immediately schedule a meeting with the groups despite repeated calls.

Hlatshwayo said a group of the religious leaders and immigration activists met with Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-Md.) Wednesday on Capitol Hill to discuss immigration legislation.

Mail Staying Put

What's mailed in Cumberland stays in Cumberland, at least for outgoing processing on a weekday.

On Friday, the U.S. Postal Service officially announced it was ending the Area Mail Processing study of the Cumberland Post Office. The study examined whe-ther it would be more efficient to move all of Cumberland's processing to Frederick.

Sen. Barbara Mikulski first alerted the Times-News through e-mail Friday morning. The senator had mailed a letter to U.S. Postmaster General and CEO John Potter in February expressing her opposition to the consolidation and has been widely credited with helping to save the current operation.

Letters to the Editor

GOP fought gamely against takeover of left

by John Dunlap, Washington County Republican Central Committee Chairman

The 2007 General Assembly session proved that the far left has taken over in Maryland. In just 90 days, not only did the Democratic leadership of the General Assembly squander a $2.3 billion surplus inherited from Gov. Bob Ehrlich's administration, but has enacted some of the most left-wing legislation that Maryland has ever seen.

Career violent criminals who rejected the laws of our society will now have the opportunity to vote after Gov. Martin O'Malley signed legislation that extends the voting franchise to felons.

This means that convicted burglars, rapists, and even murderers will now be able to walk out of prison and vote against the sheriffs who arrested them and the state's attorneys who prosecuted them.

20070513 Westminster Fire Hall Coin And Currency Show


May 13th, 2007 – posted May 8th, 2007


DATES: May 13, 2007


LOCATION: Westminster Fire Hall – John Street Quarters

28 John Street

Westminster, Maryland 21157

HOURS: Open to public: 9:00 A. M. to 4:30 P. M.

CONCESSIONS: Open from 7:00 A. M. to 3:00 P. M.



CONTACT: Robert W. Ruby

365 Pleasanton Road, #-14

Westminster, MD 21157


Bobruby AT

SPONSORED BY: Carl E. Ostiguy, Jr.


P. O. Box 92

Savage, MD 20763

Previously...20070213 Coin and Currency Show announcement:


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

20070502 Looking up to appreciate local Westminster history

'Looking up' to appreciate local history

May 8th, 2007

Contest promotes city's historic architecture

05/02/07 By Jim Joyner

Members of the City of Westminster's Historic District Commission believe preservation efforts in the city are "looking up," and they hope local residents will also look up -- literally -- to participate in a contest designed to promote the community's historic architecture.

This month the commission is conducting its historical scavenger hunt, dubbed "History is Looking Up in Westminster."

The contest challenges local residents -- or anyone -- to identify specific features on a dozen historic buildings in downtown Westminster, and send in an entry that lists the addresses.

"We wanted to figure out some way to spark interest in historical preservation, and at the same time help people appreciate the unique facets of Westminster architecture," said Greg Goodell, chairman of the contest for the commission.

The contest is being conducted in May as part of Historic Preservation Month, and has a deadline for entries of May 31.

Winners will be chosen at random from all those who identify the addresses correctly.

(Photos of all the historic features to be identified, and a list of "clues," appears on the link below.)

First prize is a framed limited edition print depicting 27 historic buildings in Westminster, created last year by artist Connie Ward Woolard.

Other prizes will include gift certificates from area merchants. And beginning May 14, participants who bring their entries to city hall during business hours will receive a commemorative poster.

Goodell has been a member of the Westminster Historic District Commission since 2004, and works in the history business -- he is employed by the National Park Service as superintendent of Museum Services at Gettysburg National Battlefield.

He said the commission thought of the contest as a fun way to pique the curiosity of local residents, and also to get people to walk around Main Street and "rediscover" the downtown area.

"That's certainly the other part of it," he said. "We hope people will go out, look for these buildings and also explore Main Street."

The commission led by example -- Goodell said members toured downtown to look at, and discuss, possible sites to be part of the contest.

"We went out as a group, walked around downtown and took some pictures, then we sat down as a commission and tried to pick the 12 most compelling," he said.

The result is a mix of eras and styles, from ornate iron detailing to chimney pots, and styles that reflect Gothic, Greek Revival and French influences. And here's a clue: All of the sites chosen are along Main Street and its immediate side streets, Goodell said.

"We hope people have fun, and learn a little bit more about their community," he said.

"I think people appreciate history in Westminster -- we know people come out in large numbers to the Memorial Day Parade and for other events," Goodell said.

"We hope that seeing some of the city's historic architecture will help people have a deeper appreciation of it, and feel strongly about wanting to preserve it, and asking, 'How can I help?' "

Mission of preservation

The history contest is part of the current Historic District Commission's goal to raise awareness about the city's rich history -- and its preservation efforts.

The commission is composed of five residents who work with city staff on issues relating to preservation. Some of the members, like Goodell, make history their living; others simply have a keen interest in preservation.

Though it's not a requirement, all of the current members of the commission live within Westminster's Historic District.

It is a requirement that they be city residents.

The current members, in addition to Goodell, are Chairman Dean Camlin, Vice Chair Kristen Stevens, Laurie Walters and Susan Thomas.

Goodell said the commission can review applications for changes in historic properties -- but the city has no ordinance mandating that property owners must comply.

The panel's big focus, he said, is helping to make residents aware of tax credits and other programs that exist to help owners of historic properties improve their homes and businesses.

A recent workshop on the subject resulted in a few new applications for tax credits -- which makes Goodell happy.

"Maryland is really a good state in terms of preservation," he said. "We try to make people more aware of what's out there to help."

For more information on the work of the Historic District Commission, call Tim Rogers at City Hall, at 410-848-4628.

Ready, set, hunt ...

The Westminster Historic District Commission is promoting its "History is Looking Up in Westminster" contest. The contest appears on the link below, and the commission will also have copies of the entry "poster" available at its booth at the Westminster Flower and Jazz Festival on May 12 along Main Street.

In addition to being available below, additional copies of the form are available at the office of The Westminster Eagle, 121 E. Main St. So click away and start looking up -- entries are due at City Hall by May 31.

20070507 France to US Take us back by Don Surber

Don Surber nails it…France to U.S.: Take us back

May 7th, 2007 by Don Surber

AP reported that in their April 28 debate on MSNBC, the 8 Democratic presidential candidates promised to restore America’s standing in the world.

Said New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson: “We are today internationally and domestically a nation that is no longer a leader.”


Really. Hmm. Said the French people on Sunday: Take us back, America. We’re sorry.

CNN reported a record 85% of French voters turned out to give Conservative Nicolas Sarkozy a landslide win by 6 points. He’s going to cut taxes and to stop the strikes by unions. Sacre bleu, he’s Ronald Reagan.



The French elected him because of the November 2005 riots by Muslim youths: L’Intifada. The French are scared to death of the Muslims.


Read the entire post: France to U.S.: Take us back


20070508 Quote of the day

Quote of the day

Tuesday, May 8th, 2007


“I will guarantee you that the day you step outside your comfort zone by making success your goal is the day you discover that adversity, risk, and daring will make life sweeter than you ever imagined.

Mark Burnett Founder of the Eco Challenge