Westminster Common Council Meeting Minutes
City Council
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Minutes of City of Westminster Council Meeting
July 9, 2007
A meeting of The Mayor and Common Council was held in City Hall, 1838 Emerald Hill Lane, on the evening of July 9, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. Council President Chiavacci; Council Members Albert, Wack, Utz, and Pecoraro; City Administrator Wolf; Chief Spaulding; Director of Recreation and Parks Schroers; City Treasurer Unger; City Attorney Walsh; and City Clerk Taylor were present. Mayor Ferguson and Chief Spaulding congratulated Captain Randy Barnes for his graduation from the 229th class of the F.B.I. National Academy. Captain Barnes, one of 300 attendees from the United States and 25 other countries, described the curriculum.
Council President Chiavacci announced that the airport expansion will be discussed at the August 13, 2007 meeting of the Mayor and Common Council, which will be held at the John Street Quarters of the Westminster Fire Company.
Mr. Pecoraro moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 11, 2007. Mrs. Albert seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.
Council President Chiavacci observed that the City would partner with Carroll County Government to purchase a new computer aided dispatch (“CAD”) system from the County’s supplier, Public Safety Systems, Inc. The arrangement will reduce the cost by nearly 80 percent. Mr. Utz moved to approve the sole source procurement. Dr. Wack seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Ferguson reported on the Maryland Municipal League Convention held in Ocean City at the end of June.
On behalf of the Public Works Committee, Mr. Utz reported on several matters. He noted that paving on West Green Street would begin on July 10, 2007 and that the target completion date for the project is July 20. He announced that the City would likely set its water level code at yellow (voluntary water conservation) in the near future due to the lack of rain. Lastly, Mr. Utz commented that the State Highway Administration is nearing completion of its Maryland Route No. 31 study. The recommendations will be presented at a public meeting soon after the report is completed.
Mr. Pecoraro reported that the City would begin considering some of the annexation petitions that were delayed pending execution of the Consent Order with the Maryland Department of the Environment. However, action on the larger parcels will wait until completion of the permanent Water Allocation Policy.
Dr. Wack and Mr. Pecoraro advised that they met with the new Secretary of the Maryland Department of the Environment, Shari Wilson, at the Maryland Municipal League Convention and that they had a very frank conversation about the Department’s policies concerning water.
Mr. Pecoraro encouraged everyone present to consult the “Downtown Westminster Main Street News” for upcoming events in the City.
Dr. Wack noted that the Cable Regulatory Commission would meet at the end of July. He further noted that the Carroll County fiber optic network is moving forward and that the network will result in substantial savings.
Council President Chiavacci summarized the lone bid received to replace two vehicles for the Street Department. Jeff Barnes Chevrolet submitted the bid, which totals $60,820.00. Upon Motion of Mrs. Albert, seconded by Mr. Pecoraro and unanimously passed, the bid was accepted.
Council President Chiavacci summarized Ordinance 767, which would amend the Property Maintenance Code to ensure that property owners remain primarily responsible for conditions on their properties regardless of whether third parties contribute to those conditions. He observed that, if adopted, the amendments would be placed on the City website and the Mayor would notify the Landlords’ Association. Mr. Pecoraro moved to suspend the Rules of Order and Procedure to introduce and adopt the Ordinance. Dr. Wack seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Upon Motion of Dr. Wack, seconded by Mr. Pecoraro and unanimously passed, the Ordinance was adopted. Mr. Pecoraro remarked that the Ordinance takes effect immediately.
Council President Chiavacci summarized Ordinance 768, which would allow the City to finance the purchase of certain vehicles. BB&T Bank has offered an interest rate of 3.99 percent, payable over a period of four years. Mr. Pecoraro observed that Section 2 of the Ordinance should be corrected by replacing the word “Financing” with “Finance.” Mr. Pecoraro moved to suspend the Rules of Order and Procedure to introduce and adopt the Ordinance as corrected. Mrs. Albert seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Dr. Wack moved to adopt the Ordinance. Mr. Pecoraro seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.
Dr. Wack requested the Council to approve the budget for the Carroll County Regulatory Commission. Proposed amendments to the Town-County Agreement will alleviate the need for the City to approve the budget in future years. Dr. Wack moved to approve the budget. Mr. Pecoraro seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.
Dr. Wack next presented proposed amendments to the Town-County Agreement. The amendments would give the County oversight of the Regulatory Commission and the Community Media Center. The amendments would also clarify the City’s financial obligation. Dr. Wack moved to approve the amendments. Mr. Utz seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.
Upon Motion of Mr. Utz, seconded by Dr. Wack and unanimously passed, the regular meeting of July 23, 2007 was canceled.
Westminster Fire Company President and C.E.O. Chris Cull reported that the Company has applied for a grant to upgrade its breathing gear. He further reported that tickets were still available for Company’s crab feast on July 14, 2007.
Chief Spaulding reported that the County Office of Fleet Management has begun servicing City police vehicles, cutting the cost by about 50 percent. He also advised that the Baltimore Regional Pawn Shop Database began operating on July 9.
Ms. Wolf observed that the County’s recent purchase of Hyde Quarry was of great assistance to the City and demonstrated the County’s willingness to work together on water issues. Ms. Wolf reported that the Community Media Center has agreed to produce the educational film about water required by the Consent Order with the Maryland Department of the Environment.
Ms. Wolf commented on two pending requests for proposals, one for the water/sewer rate study and the other for an actuarial evaluation of health care costs for retirees.
Mr. Glass reported that he and a representative of Stearns and Wheler gave a presentation at the recent Annual Conference and Exhibition of the American Water Works Association in Toronto.
Mr. Schroers provided an update on summer programs offered by the Department of Recreation and Parks. He reported that construction of Phase 2B of the Community Walking Trail is well underway. The trail should be completed in spring of 2008. Mr. Schroers added that he plans to use some Program Open Space funding to connect the trail to West Main Street.
Mayor Ferguson and City resident Lyndi McNulty welcomed Margit Udam, a recreation specialist visiting from Paide, Estonia. Ms. Udam remarked that the number and quality of local recreation opportunities has impressed her and that she would take several ideas back to Estonia.
City resident Roger Voter described his recent visit to Paide, Estonia as part of the cultural exchange program.
City residents Henry Hepner, Paula Cook, and Ann Babylon Martinson and County resident Sidney Shore expressed concerns about neighborhood safety and the recent death of a 16-year old City resident.
County resident Jim Myers requested the Mayor and Common Council to take any steps possible to facilitate a ban on the use of cell phones by drivers.
Ms. Cook thanked the Mayor and Council members for their support of the former students of Robert Moton. She added that she would submit a formal request for a plack commemorating the former Robert Moton School site on Church Street.
City resident Rebekah Orenstein suggested the scheduling of a series of town hall meetings to address issues such as trash and traffic. Several in attendance agreed that certain areas of the City contain large amounts of trash and junk.
City resident Bob Shamberger thanked the police, Ms. Wolf, and staff from the Streets Department for helping Middle Grove residents with their annual neighborhood clean-up.
Council President Chiavacci adjourned the meeting at 8:53 P.M.
Laurell E. Taylor
City Clerk