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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

20070709 Armed Liberal’s personal note

Armed Liberal’s personal note about his son joining the army

July 9th, 2007

Hat Tip: Patterico’s Pontifications: Armed Liberal’s Son Joins the Army

Marc Danziger, who writes under the nom de plume “Armed Liberal” on the web site “Winds of Change” has written a personal note that his son, a graduate of the University of Virginia, has joined the army.

If you are not aware of “Armed Liberal,” Austin Bay wrote on April 3rd, 2007 that he self-describes himself:

"As most of you know, I'm a liberal Democrat (pro-gay marriage, pro-choice, pro-progressive taxation, pro-equal rights, pro-environmental regulation, pro-public schools) who supported and supports the war in Iraq. As I tell my liberal friends, "Did I miss the part where it was progressive not to fight medieval religious fascists?"

Read “Armed Liberal’s” poignant post here: A Personal Note.

Join me in best wishes and Godspeed for both son and father.


20070709 Louisiana Sen. David Vitter’s name appears on “D.C. Madam’s” list

Sen. Vitter apologizes for ‘a very serious sin in my past’


Updated: 8 minutes ago

AP WASHINGTON - Sen. David Vitter, R-La., apologized Monday night for “a very serious sin in my past” after his telephone number appeared among those associated with an escort service operated by the so-called “D.C. Madam.”

Read more.

Monday, July 09, 2007

20070709 Westminster Common Council Meeting Minutes

Westminster Common Council Meeting Minutes

City Council

Minutes of City Council Meetings | Agenda for next City Council Meeting

Minutes of City of Westminster Council Meeting

July 9, 2007


A meeting of The Mayor and Common Council was held in City Hall, 1838 Emerald Hill Lane, on the evening of July 9, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. Council President Chiavacci; Council Members Albert, Wack, Utz, and Pecoraro; City Administrator Wolf; Chief Spaulding; Director of Recreation and Parks Schroers; City Treasurer Unger; City Attorney Walsh; and City Clerk Taylor were present. Mayor Ferguson and Chief Spaulding congratulated Captain Randy Barnes for his graduation from the 229th class of the F.B.I. National Academy. Captain Barnes, one of 300 attendees from the United States and 25 other countries, described the curriculum.

Council President Chiavacci announced that the airport expansion will be discussed at the August 13, 2007 meeting of the Mayor and Common Council, which will be held at the John Street Quarters of the Westminster Fire Company.


Mr. Pecoraro moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 11, 2007. Mrs. Albert seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.


Council President Chiavacci observed that the City would partner with Carroll County Government to purchase a new computer aided dispatch (“CAD”) system from the County’s supplier, Public Safety Systems, Inc. The arrangement will reduce the cost by nearly 80 percent. Mr. Utz moved to approve the sole source procurement. Dr. Wack seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.


Mayor Ferguson reported on the Maryland Municipal League Convention held in Ocean City at the end of June.


On behalf of the Public Works Committee, Mr. Utz reported on several matters. He noted that paving on West Green Street would begin on July 10, 2007 and that the target completion date for the project is July 20. He announced that the City would likely set its water level code at yellow (voluntary water conservation) in the near future due to the lack of rain. Lastly, Mr. Utz commented that the State Highway Administration is nearing completion of its Maryland Route No. 31 study. The recommendations will be presented at a public meeting soon after the report is completed.

Mr. Pecoraro reported that the City would begin considering some of the annexation petitions that were delayed pending execution of the Consent Order with the Maryland Department of the Environment. However, action on the larger parcels will wait until completion of the permanent Water Allocation Policy.

Dr. Wack and Mr. Pecoraro advised that they met with the new Secretary of the Maryland Department of the Environment, Shari Wilson, at the Maryland Municipal League Convention and that they had a very frank conversation about the Department’s policies concerning water.

Mr. Pecoraro encouraged everyone present to consult the “Downtown Westminster Main Street News” for upcoming events in the City.

Dr. Wack noted that the Cable Regulatory Commission would meet at the end of July. He further noted that the Carroll County fiber optic network is moving forward and that the network will result in substantial savings.


Council President Chiavacci summarized the lone bid received to replace two vehicles for the Street Department. Jeff Barnes Chevrolet submitted the bid, which totals $60,820.00. Upon Motion of Mrs. Albert, seconded by Mr. Pecoraro and unanimously passed, the bid was accepted.


Council President Chiavacci summarized Ordinance 767, which would amend the Property Maintenance Code to ensure that property owners remain primarily responsible for conditions on their properties regardless of whether third parties contribute to those conditions. He observed that, if adopted, the amendments would be placed on the City website and the Mayor would notify the Landlords’ Association. Mr. Pecoraro moved to suspend the Rules of Order and Procedure to introduce and adopt the Ordinance. Dr. Wack seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Upon Motion of Dr. Wack, seconded by Mr. Pecoraro and unanimously passed, the Ordinance was adopted. Mr. Pecoraro remarked that the Ordinance takes effect immediately.

Council President Chiavacci summarized Ordinance 768, which would allow the City to finance the purchase of certain vehicles. BB&T Bank has offered an interest rate of 3.99 percent, payable over a period of four years. Mr. Pecoraro observed that Section 2 of the Ordinance should be corrected by replacing the word “Financing” with “Finance.” Mr. Pecoraro moved to suspend the Rules of Order and Procedure to introduce and adopt the Ordinance as corrected. Mrs. Albert seconded and the Motion passed unanimously. Dr. Wack moved to adopt the Ordinance. Mr. Pecoraro seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.


Dr. Wack requested the Council to approve the budget for the Carroll County Regulatory Commission. Proposed amendments to the Town-County Agreement will alleviate the need for the City to approve the budget in future years. Dr. Wack moved to approve the budget. Mr. Pecoraro seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Dr. Wack next presented proposed amendments to the Town-County Agreement. The amendments would give the County oversight of the Regulatory Commission and the Community Media Center. The amendments would also clarify the City’s financial obligation. Dr. Wack moved to approve the amendments. Mr. Utz seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.

Upon Motion of Mr. Utz, seconded by Dr. Wack and unanimously passed, the regular meeting of July 23, 2007 was canceled.


Westminster Fire Company President and C.E.O. Chris Cull reported that the Company has applied for a grant to upgrade its breathing gear. He further reported that tickets were still available for Company’s crab feast on July 14, 2007.

Chief Spaulding reported that the County Office of Fleet Management has begun servicing City police vehicles, cutting the cost by about 50 percent. He also advised that the Baltimore Regional Pawn Shop Database began operating on July 9.

Ms. Wolf observed that the County’s recent purchase of Hyde Quarry was of great assistance to the City and demonstrated the County’s willingness to work together on water issues. Ms. Wolf reported that the Community Media Center has agreed to produce the educational film about water required by the Consent Order with the Maryland Department of the Environment.

Ms. Wolf commented on two pending requests for proposals, one for the water/sewer rate study and the other for an actuarial evaluation of health care costs for retirees.

Mr. Glass reported that he and a representative of Stearns and Wheler gave a presentation at the recent Annual Conference and Exhibition of the American Water Works Association in Toronto.

Mr. Schroers provided an update on summer programs offered by the Department of Recreation and Parks. He reported that construction of Phase 2B of the Community Walking Trail is well underway. The trail should be completed in spring of 2008. Mr. Schroers added that he plans to use some Program Open Space funding to connect the trail to West Main Street.

Mayor Ferguson and City resident Lyndi McNulty welcomed Margit Udam, a recreation specialist visiting from Paide, Estonia. Ms. Udam remarked that the number and quality of local recreation opportunities has impressed her and that she would take several ideas back to Estonia.


City resident Roger Voter described his recent visit to Paide, Estonia as part of the cultural exchange program.

City residents Henry Hepner, Paula Cook, and Ann Babylon Martinson and County resident Sidney Shore expressed concerns about neighborhood safety and the recent death of a 16-year old City resident.

County resident Jim Myers requested the Mayor and Common Council to take any steps possible to facilitate a ban on the use of cell phones by drivers.

Ms. Cook thanked the Mayor and Council members for their support of the former students of Robert Moton. She added that she would submit a formal request for a plack commemorating the former Robert Moton School site on Church Street.

City resident Rebekah Orenstein suggested the scheduling of a series of town hall meetings to address issues such as trash and traffic. Several in attendance agreed that certain areas of the City contain large amounts of trash and junk.

City resident Bob Shamberger thanked the police, Ms. Wolf, and staff from the Streets Department for helping Middle Grove residents with their annual neighborhood clean-up.

Council President Chiavacci adjourned the meeting at 8:53 P.M.

Laurell E. Taylor

City Clerk

20070709 CCBOC Agenda for the week of July 9 2007

Carroll County Board of Commissioners Agenda for the week of July 9th, 2007

Agenda for the Week of July 9, 2007 ~ Revision 1

Please Note: This weekly agenda is subject to change. Please call 410-386-2043 to confirm a meeting you plan to attend. All meetings will be held at the Carroll County Office Building Room 311. (Unless otherwise noted)

  • Indicates Outside Activities

Monday – July 9, 2007

9:00 a.m. Long Term Treatment Facility Tour

Sykesville, MD

Commissioners Gouge, Minnich & Zimmer

Tuesday – July 10, 2007

3:00 p.m. Baltimore Metropolitan Council Board Meeting

Baltimore, MD

Commissioner Minnich

6:30 p.m. Environmental Advisory Council (EAC)

County Office Building ~ Room 003

Commissioner Gouge

Wednesday – July 11, 2007

11:00 a.m. Maryland Association of Counties (MACo) Legislative Committee

Annapolis, MD

Commissioner Gouge

5:00 p.m. Board of Education Meeting

Board of Education Office

Commissioner Zimmer

Thursday – July 12, 2007

9:30 a.m. Board of County Commissioners Open Community Discussion

10:00 a.m. Board of County Commissioners Open Session

Presentation of Picture on the Hoff Barn

Mr. Harry Conover

Mr. Bob Jones

National Therapeutic Recreation Week

Introduction of Camp Children

Department of Recreation & Parks ~ Mr. Jeff Degitz

Execution of Resolution Declaring the County's Official Intent to Reimburse

FY08 Community Investment Plan (CIP)

Expenditures with Debt Proceeds

Department of the Comptroller ~ Mr. Rob Burk

Freedom Water Treatment Plant Expansion ~ Change Order for Metcalf & Eddy to Include Transmission Main

Department of Public Works ~ Mr. J. Michael Evans

Update on Document Management System Process

Update on Fiber Network

Update on HP3000 Conversion

Office of Information & Technology Services ~ Mr. Mark Ripper

Appeal of Determination of Vicious Animal

Department of the County Attorney ~ Ms. Kimberly Millender

NACo Achievement Awards Presentation

Department of Planning ~ Mr. Steve Horn

Department of Economic Development ~ Mr. Larry Twele

Consolidated Police Dispatch Task Force

Office of Public Safety ~ Mr. Scott Campbell

Request Approval ~ FY08 Program Open Space Allocation to the Municipalities

Department of Recreation & Parks ~ Mr. Jeff Degitz

Thursday – July 12, 2007 ~ Continued

Update on Airport Tree Harvest

Chief of Administrative Services ~ Mrs. Cindy Parr

Chief of Staff Time ~ Mr. Steve Powell

Administrative ~ Closed

Friday – July 13, 2007

7:00 a.m. Taneytown Business Breakfast

Taneytown, MD

Commissioners Minnich & Zimmer

National Association of Counties (NACo) Annual Conference

Richmond, Virginia

Commissioner Gouge

11:30 a.m. 3rd Anniversary Celebration of the Community ServicePoint

Westminster, MD

Commissioner Zimmer

Saturday – July 14, 2007

9:00 a.m. Waste-to-Energy Forum

Frederick, Maryland

Commissioner Minnich

National Association of Counties (NACo) Annual Conference

Richmond, Virginia

Commissioner Gouge

Sunday – July 15, 2007

8:05 a.m. “The Commissioners’ Report” – WTTR

Commissioner Minnich

National Association of Counties (NACo) Annual Conference

Richmond, Virginia

Commissioners Gouge & Zimmer

ACCESSIBILITY NOTICE: The Americans with Disabilities Act applies to the Carroll County Government and its programs, services, activities, and facilities. If you have questions, suggestions, or complaints, please contact Ms. Jolene Sullivan, the Carroll County Government Americans With Disabilities Act Coordinator, at 410-386-3600/1-888-302-8978 or TTY No. 410-848-9747. The mailing address is 225 North Center Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157.

Posted: 07/07/06


a great place to live, a great place to work, a great place to play

20070709 What is Contempt of Congress?

Contempt of Congress: What Is It?

Monday, July 09, 2007

By JESSE J. HOLLAND, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON — Congress and the White House appear headed for a showdown over President Bush's decision to invoke executive privilege to deny documents to House and Senate committees and prevent former aides from testifying about the firing of U.S. attorneys.

Lawmakers, in turn, have threatened to hold subpoenaed officials in contempt of Congress.

Here are some questions and answers about the contempt of Congress process:

Q: What is contempt of Congress, and why would Congress want to use this power?

A: Congress can hold a person in contempt if that person obstructs proceedings or an inquiry by a congressional committee. Congress has used contempt citations for two main reasons: (1) to punish someone for refusing to testify or refusing to provide documents or answers, and (2) for bribing or libeling a member of Congress.


Q: Is the contempt of Congress power used often in fights between the legislative branch and the executive branch?

A: Since 1975, 10 Cabinet level or senior executive officials have been cited for contempt for failure to produce subpoenaed documents.

The 10 officials are Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Commerce Secretary Rogers C. B. Morton in 1975; Health, Education, and Welfare Secretary Joseph A. Califano, Jr., in 1978; Energy Secretary Charles Duncan in 1980; Energy Secretary James B. Edwards in 1981; Interior Secretary James Watt in 1982; EPA Administrator Anne Gorsuch, known as Anne Gorsuch Burford after a 1983 marriage, and Attorney General William French Smith in 1983; White House Counsel John M. Quinn in 1996; and Attorney General Janet Reno in 1998.

The White House and Congress came to negotiated agreements in each case before criminal proceedings could begin.

Read the entire article here: Contempt of Congress: What Is It?


20070709 Senator Pipkin This is Fiscal Magic at its Clumsiest

Senator Pipkin: “This is Fiscal Magic at its Clumsiest”

Proposed budget cuts will do nothing to fix the looming deficit

Press Release

For release: July 9, 2007

Contact: Mathew Palmer - 410.841.3639

Senator Pipkin: “This is Fiscal Magic at its Clumsiest”

Proposed budget cuts will do nothing to fix the looming deficit

“This is fiscal magic at its clumsiest,” said Pipkin. “For the Governor to suggest that $153 million in cuts, of which some will be replaced by federal dollars, some are simply not filling vacant positions, and still more is from the savings of shutting down the House of Corrections, is nothing more than window dressing.”

“I am pleased to see that the Governor is willing to make these types of efficiencies,” said Pipkin. “But there is much more work to do, and not a lot of time to do it.”

“I hope everyone in Annapolis is not going to point to these cuts and say ‘This is the best we can do, now we need to raise your taxes!’” added Pipkin. “As the Governor’s own spokesperson said ‘these are the first cuts, they certainly may not be the last’.”

Governor O’Malley’s meager cuts represent only ½ of 1% of the states total $30 billion budget and only 10% of the looming $1.5 billion deficit.

“Who’s kidding whom?” asked Pipkin. “I have suggested putting a lid on spending increases as an effective way to fix the budget shortfall, and that would save $955 million.”

Sen. Pipkin’s plan is a combination of holding the states spending growth to 2.5% for 2008, reallocation of a portion of the teacher’s pension and retirement back to the Counties where it is incurred, and legalizing video lottery terminals. The plan could net the state as much as $1.9 billion in combined savings and revenue for the 2008 fiscal year.

“This combination of belt-tightening, reallocation of fiscal responsibilities, and realizing revenue from slots, would allow the state to get its fiscal house back in order,” said Pipkin, “and would not dig even deeper into the pockets of the hard working families of Maryland.”


20070709 Mayor and Common Council Meeting


Mayor and Common Council Meeting of July 9, 2007

City Hall-1838 Emerald Hill Lane, Westminster, MD

City Council

City Council Members | Minutes of City Council Meetings


Mayor and Common Council Meeting of July 9, 2007


1. CALL TO ORDER – 7:00 P.M.



Request for Sole Source Procurement for CAD System – Chief Spaulding



6. BIDS:

Vehicle Bids for the Street Department – Jeff Glass


Suspend the Rules of Order and Procedure to introduce and Adopt Ordinance No. 767 – Amendments to Property Maintenance Chapter

Suspend the Rules of Order and Procedure to Introduce and Adopt Ordinance No. 768 – Authorization to Obtain Equipment Installment Financing


a. None as of July 6, 2007


a. Approval of Town-County Agreement Amendment for Cable Television




Saturday, July 07, 2007

20070706 MDGOP: Democrats Set To Raise Taxes

MDGOP: Democrats Set To Raise Taxes

Please find below a statement from MDGOP Chairman James Pelura regarding Democrat plans to raise taxes.


July 6, 2007

Democrats Set To Raise Taxes

ANNAPOLIS Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. stated that the Maryland sales tax will likely be going up, and he recommended that state legislators also look at raising the state gasoline tax.

House Speaker Michael Busch has also indicated that increasing the Maryland sales tax will be considered in the next session of the General Assembly.

Dr. Jim Pelura, Chairman of the Maryland Republican Party, released the following statement:

It is despicable that Martin O’Malley, Mike Miller, and Mike Busch are going to slam Marylanders with higher taxes.

Marylanders are already challenged to make ends meet with O’Malley’s electric rate hike, record gas prices, and prices of other consumer goods on the rise.

By cutting the State budget by a mere 4.8%, Martin O’Malley and the Democrat leadership can balance the budget without raising taxes on citizens that are already overtaxed.

It is shameful that the Democrats continue to look at Maryland families as ATM machines with unlimited funds.


Love Reconciled with Death

Love Reconciled with Death by Union Bridge native William Henry Rinehart (1825-1874.)

July 7, 2007 by Kevin Dayhoff

Updated August 16, 2009

While we were in Union Bridge for dinner on July 5, 2007, we had the opportunity to study and admire the sculpture at the corner of North Main Street and East Broadway, which is a reproduction of “Love Reconciled with Death” by Union Bridge native William Henry Rinehart (1825-1874.)

For a larger image click here:

See also: “The Dinners at the Buttersburg Inn” July 5, 2007
Find this post on Kevin Dayhoff Art, here:

Find all posts on the Buttersburg Inn on Kevin Dayhoff Art, here:

For all posts on Union Bridge on Kevin Dayhoff Art – go here:

20070705 sdosm Love Reconciled with Death

Reproduction of “Love Reconciled with Death” by Union Bridge native William Henry Rinehart Corner of North Main Street and East Broadway Kevin Dayhoff July 5, 2007 “Love Reconciled with Death” by William Henry Rinehart in Union Bridge

Friday, July 06, 2007

20070706 Quote of the day - Wish you were here

Quote of the day - Wish you were here

July 6th, 2007

“Why is it that we travel hundreds of miles to get away from everyone at home and then send them postcards that say, ‘Wish you were here?’ ”

Author unknown

Or... "Weathers here. Wish you were beautiful."

Thanks TC

The Dinners at the Buttersburg Inn

The Dinners at the Buttersburg Inn

July 6, 2007 Kevin Dayhoff
Updated August 15, 2009

We had a wonderful dinner yesterday at the Buttersburg Inn on Main Street in Union Bridge.

The Buttersburg Inn, Union Bridge, Carroll County, Maryland
Locally owned and operated by Jim Rowe and Frank Tunzi
The Buttersburg Inn
9 North Main Street
Union Bridge, MD 21791-9100
Phone: (866) 920-5608
Fax: (410) 775-0541
Hours of Operation:
Sunday, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Tuesday-Wednesday 7:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.
Thursday–Saturday, 7:00 a.m.–8:30 p.m.

Enjoy the pictures:

20070505 UB (3) Click here for a larger image:
20070505 UB (4) Click here for a larger image:
20070505 UB (5) Click here for a larger image:
20070505 UB (6) Click here for a larger image:

Updated August 15, 2009

Restaurants Buttersburg Inn, Carroll Co Dist Union Bridge, Dayhoff Art, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Restaurants, The Dinners at the Buttersburg Inn 3 Union Bridge MD 7/6/2007 The Dinners at the Buttersburg Inn 4 Union Bridge MD 7/6/2007 The Dinners at the Buttersburg Inn 5 Union Bridge MD 7/6/2007 The Dinners at the Buttersburg Inn 6 Union Bridge MD 7/6/2007

Thursday, July 05, 2007

20070705 CyberAlert

20070705 CyberAlert


9:35 am EDT, Thursday July 5, 2007 (Vol. Twelve; No. 114)

1. Panic Over Possible Pardon, ABC Contrasts Libby to Cocaine Dealer

Broadcast network anchors and reporters on Tuesday night seemed to be in a near panic over the possibility President Bush might yet pardon Lewis "Scooter" Libby, while ABC's Martha Raddatz illustrated special treatment for Libby by highlighting a man sentenced to 20 years for selling cocaine, whose commutation request Bush rejected, and Martha Stewart who served five months for violations similar to Libby's.

With "Libby PARDON?" on screen, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams warned that Bush is "not ruling out the possibility of a full pardon."

Bush remarked on Tuesday that "as to the future, I'm, you know, rule nothing in and nothing out." CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric made that her hook, citing "a lot more fireworks today...sparked by what the President said he may or may not do in the future." Bill Plante began: "A day after he commuted Lewis Libby's prison sentence, President Bush raised the ante by leaving the door open to an eventual pardon." ABC anchor Charles Gibson teased World News: "Angry reaction to President Bush sparing Scooter Libby jail time while the President doesn't rule out granting Libby a full pardon."

2. Olbermann Calls on Bush and Cheney to Resign, Congress to Impeach

On Tuesday's Countdown, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann used his latest "Special Comment" to demand President Bush and Vice President Cheney resign because of the commutation of Scooter Libby's prison sentence, contending that President Bush is only President of a "rabid and irresponsible corner of the Republican Party."

Olbermann further accused Cheney of being "without conscience" and compared the two to a "ventriloquist" and "dummy." After calling on Congress to "pressure, negotiate, impeach," Olbermann concluded: "Display just that iota of patriotism which Richard Nixon showed, on August 9, 1974. Resign. And give us someone, anyone, about whom all of us might yet be able to quote John Wayne, and say, 'I didn't vote for him, but he's my President, and I hope he does a good job.' Good night and good luck."

3. Vieira Plugs NBC's Al Gore-athon for the Earth with Singer Nutini

NBC invited aboard singer/songwriter Paolo Nutini to perform on Tuesday's Today show, but Meredith Vieira didn't let the artist get away without using his spot, in Saturday's Live Earth concert, as an excuse to plug NBC Universal's sweeping coverage of the Al Gore musical marathon which she trumpeted as "a worldwide event to save the planet."

After Nutini gushed about how "Al Gore, himself, has been, for 16 years, been fighting to, to be heard. And for this to be made, in such and an event like this to happen," Vieira enthused: "And hopefully this will affect people and impact on people's desire to, to help save the environment." Vieira helpfully informed viewers: "We want to remind the audience, too, that you can see all the concerts this Saturday, July 7th, on the networks of NBC Universal at 8/7 Central....We're also gonna have live coverage from the U.S. concert at Giants Stadium in New Jersey, all right here on NBC."

Check Out the MRC's Blog

The MRC's blog site, NewsBusters, "Exposing and Combating Liberal Media Bias," provides examples of bias 24/7. With your participation NewsBusters will continue to be THE blog site for tracking and correcting liberal media bias. Come post your comments and get fresh proof of media misdeeds at:

A usually-daily report, edited by Brent H. Baker, CyberAlert is distributed by the Media Research Center, the leader since 1987 in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias.

The 2,441st CyberAlert. Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996

20070705 Quote of the day - Experience

Quote of the day – Experience

Thursday, July 5th, 2007

“One is taught by experience to put a premium on those few people who can appreciate you for what you are.”

Gail Godwin Novelist

Thanks TC…

But this is the quote of the year.

20070705 OMG Best headline Ever

OMG - Best headline Ever

Posted July 5th, 2007

Hat Tip: Best. Headline. Ever, July 4th, 2007 by donsurber

“That’s what an L-Dotter called it. … Read it for yourself to see if you agree. … Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit: ‘Maybe the decade.’”

Read Mr. Surber’s post here: Best. Headline. Ever

Winner of the Dr. Pepper Award. Before you click on: “Read it for yourself” safely secure all liquids…


20070703 News Clips

News Clips

July 3, 2007


State residents challenged on energy savings
O'Malley wants to cut electric use 15% by 2015,0,3314779.story?coll=bal-home-headlines

Gov. Martin O'Malley challenged Marylanders yesterday to cut their electric consumption at least 15 percent by 2015 and pledged that state government would lead the way by making its buildings more efficient and by tracking state energy use.

O'Malley unveiled a seven-step plan for how the state government will achieve the goal, but he gave no specifics for how businesses and individuals - who use the vast majority of the state's power - could follow suit. O'Malley said yesterday that he is exploring a variety of options f or easing future increases, such as a partial re-regulation of the industry, the building of power plants and the development of renewable energy.

O'Malley, not taxpayers, should bite the deficit bullet

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley says taxpayers must "bite the bullet" to fix the state's $1.5 billion "structural deficit." He also calls for debate on the issue to be characterized by "candor, openness and honesty." He - and the General Assembly - should start by being more honest with Maryland taxpayers about why state government has such a huge deficit.

In that spirit, let's dispose of the governor's assertion that the "pandering" 1997 income tax cut caused $1 billion of the current deficit by reducing state revenues. State revenues increased after the tax cut, but state spending went up much faster.

Md. official denies land deal conflict
DNR chief says state found no problem with consulting job,0,7051721.story?coll=bal-home-headlines

Maryland Natural Resources Secretary John R. Griffin said yesterday that before joining the O'Malley administration this year, he did consulting work for the company that is selling 270 acres of Eastern Shore farmland to the state and Queen Anne's County for more than its appraised value. State Sen. Andrew P. Harris, a Baltimore County Republican, said he was troubled by reports of Griffin's link to U. S. Land Alliance and that he has requested an investigation by the attorney general's office.

Comptroller Seeks Delay in Land Buy

Franchot Questions the Price Tag On State's Purchase of 271 Acres

Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot yesterday asked Gov. Martin O'Malley's administration to delay final purchase of 271 acres of undeveloped land in Queen Anne's County, asking whether the state was vastly overpaying for the property.

"In order to ensure that Maryland's taxpayers are getting the best possible deal for their money . . . I am writing today with several questions," Franchot (D) wrote in a letter to the Department of Natural Resources, which is buying the land for $5 million for use by the county under the state's preservation program. State Sen. Andrew P. Harris (R-Baltimore County) also has asked the attorney general's office to investigate the deal. He has raised questions about work that John R. Griffin, Department of Natural Resources secretary, did before his appointment to design a possible park on the site.

2007 city candidates set

Filing deadline passes with little fanfare,0,4636137.story?coll=bal-local-baltimorecity

With a mere handful of candidates entering city races, Baltimore's primary election ballot took its final shape after last night's candidacy deadline came and went without surprises. Though no major names appeared for the top citywide offices - mayor, comptroller and City Council president - a steady stream of candidates jumped into the races for the 14 City Council seats that are also up for election this fall.

FSU Foundation receives $325,000 gift to support J. Glenn Beall Jr. institute

The Frostburg State University Foundation has received a gift of $325,000 from the J. Glenn Beall Family Foundation, through his daughter Victoria Beall Muth, to support the J. Glenn Beall Jr. Institute for Public Affairs at FSU. The institute provides access to the Beall Archives, located in the Ort Library on campus.

The archives holds the personal papers of J. Glenn Beall, who represented Maryland in the U.S. Senate from 1953 to 1965, and his son Sen. J. Glenn Beall Jr., who represented Maryland from 1971 until 1977.

Council Wants Residents to Vote on Phone Tax Increase in 2008

The Prince George's County Council tentatively agreed yesterday to ask voters whether to increase the telephone tax to pay for education, rejecting a proposal by County Executive Jack B. Johnson (D) to impose the increase without giving residents a say. Council members agreed that the phone tax is subject to a tough county charter provision in place since 1996 that requires voter approval for any local tax increase. By a vote of 6 to 2 with one abstention, a council committee approved a bill that would put the tax increase on the ballot in November 2008. The council must hold a public hearing before it takes a final vote.


Delegation secures $4 million BRAC grant,0,3909194.story?coll=bal-local-headlines

The Maryland congressional delegation has secured a $4 million federal grant to help prepare the state work force for the coming military base realignment, Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski announced yesterday.

Veteran's work sparks benefits bill

It took three years and the aid of a congressman for Gulf War veteran Richard Vandervlis to receive federal benefits.

"Trying to pay a house payment and feed a family on $285 a month was certain ly a challenge," said Vandervlis, 48, of Lansdowne, whose benefits were bound by red tape between the Social Security Administration and Veterans Administration. Vandervlis' efforts were the catalyst for legislation introduced by U.S. Rep. John Sarbanes, D-District 3, aimed at cutting through bureaucracy and speeding up benefit allotments to veterans who cannot work because of disabilities or injuries.

"Not only does this reduce the delay and frustration veterans experience in this process, but also reduce the stress caseworkers experience," said Sarbanes, who represents parts of Anne Arundel, Baltimore and Howard counties as well as Baltimore City.

20070704 Mrs. Owl's tools of the trade

20070704 Mrs. Owl's tools of the trade
July 4th, 2007 Kevin Dayhoff

20070630 Daily Photoblog - Jim Pullen in the spotlight

Daily Photoblog - - Jim Pullen in the spotlight

June 30, 2007 – posted July 4th, 2007

Last Saturday, Grammy, Mrs. Owl, and I had dinner at “Legends Café” off Rte 140 in Westminster. We had a great dinner.

On our way out, we noticed that Westminster Police Officer Jim Pullen - who is well known for his “Thurmont Maryland accent,” and which is often mistaken for a special English accent, was on the bulletin board for an eating accomplishment…

Police officer Pullen (he has received a promotion or two since I worked with him in an official capacity… so I am no longer aware of his rank… Professor R1 will need to tell me…) is one of my many favorite officers in the Westminster Police Department – in a department full of common-sense and community oriented police officers that are just wonderful folks with which to work.


Legends Café is owned by Jim and Amy Fields and is located at 532 Baltimore Blvd., Westminster Maryland, 21157. Their phone number is (410) 871-9599.

Why not give them a try sometime soon. It is not a chain and it is locally owned…

We really enjoyed our meal, the atmosphere and decorations. Our server was attentive and very pleasant.
