Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Friday, August 14, 2009

Recent The Tentacle columns by Kevin Dayhoff

August 12, 2009
Free Speech was great while it lasted
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Maryland’s Democrat U. S. Senator Ben Cardin got quite an earful at a town hall meeting Monday night in Towson on healthcare reform. Although I choose not to attend, according to many published accounts, those who did go soundly jeered and booed him throughout the evening.

August 5, 2009
R.I.P. – Dr. Ira Zepp
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last Saturday word spread quickly throughout the greater Carroll County community that Rev. Dr. Ira Gilbert Zepp, Jr., professor emeritus of the Religious Studies department at McDaniel College, had died peacefully at his home. He was 79 years old.

July 29, 2009
Black and blue and stupid, too
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On Thursday afternoon, July 16, the otherwise peaceful and stately Ware Street in Cambridge, MA, within shouting distance of Harvard University, became the latest ground zero for a debate over race relations in our country.

July 22, 2009
The Ironies of Empathy
Kevin E. Dayhoff
As last week’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court quickly becomes a distant summer memory, the ranking Republican member, Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions assured that the nomination will get a full Senate vote on her confirmation before the Senate goes on recess August 7.

July 15, 2009
Remembering the Sacrifice of Vietnam
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On Saturday, at 1 P.M., members of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment Air Cavalry Troop – the Black Horse Regiment, from all over the country – will pause to remember the fallen from the Vietnam War at the Carroll County Vietnam Memorial Park at Willis and Court Streets in Westminster. The public is invited.

July 8, 2009
Palin Derangement Syndrome
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last Friday the liberal hate machine gasped in collective horror at the very idea that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin may not be around in the foreseeable future and be the object of anger looking for a safe victim.

July 1, 2009
Zelaya has left the building
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Early Sunday morning four units, consisting of 200 soldiers of the military in Honduras, stormed the presidential palace in the capitol, Tegucigalpa, at 6, arrested and bundled-up their pajama-clad president, Manuel Zelaya, and carted him off to the airport and flew him to Costa Rica.

June 24, 2009
Irony Deficient
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Half-way across the globe on June 12, the volatile and enigmatic theocratic nation of Iran held elections in which the Iranian government counted 32 million hand-written paper ballots in about three hours and declared the incumbent president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad victorious.

June 17, 2009
The fall'll probably kill ya!
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On Monday, the ever-perpetual campaigner in chief, President Barack Obama, took his health care reform road show to Chicago for a 55-minute speech before the American Medical Association’s annual convention.

June 10, 2009
Obamamobile hits a bump
Kevin E. Dayhoff
With the checkered flag in sight, late last Monday afternoon, with only minutes to spare before the 4 o’clock deadline set by Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg caused the fast-tracked Obama economic recovery plan for Chrysler – and GM - to hit a speed bump.

June 3, 2009
Sotomayor – Break Her and You Die
Kevin E. Dayhoff
At 10:13 A.M. on May 26, President Barack Obama introduced to a breathless nation, a fawning audience, and a mesmerized press, his selection to replace retiring U. S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter – Judge Sonia Sotomayor of the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit of New York.

20090812 sdosm Recent The Tentacle columns by Kevin Dayhoff

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dinner with my wife

Dinner with my wife

August 10, 2009 - August 13, 2009

Dinner with my wife at Ledo’s. It must have been a mistake that neither Caroline nor I had a meeting last Monday evening and we could actually have dinner together. (On Twitpic here:

Of course, we took our child, Mr. Moose.

There were quite a few folks in the restaurant that enjoyed the fact that we took Mr. Moose with us. Mr. Moose has become quite a litmus test about people.

I frequently find it amusing to find folks who do not seem amused with Mr. Moose. For me, it is sort of a test as to who is human and who is not… And yes, I still deny that I am a cylon…q.v. and or

However, some folks do not get it. Usually an indicator that such folks should get a life.

20090810 Cb Mr mb

20081205 Although he denies being a Cylon 20081205 kedesm.jpg

Babylon Mrs Owl, Babylon Mrs Owl photos, Restaurants Ledo's, Dayhoff Adventures of Mr. Moose, Babylon Family,


Emotions run high at Cardin health care forum at HCC

Emotions run high at Cardin health care forum at HCC

The Herald Mail August 12, 2009

U.S. Sen. Benjamin Cardin told a town hall meeting at Hagerstown Community College today that he believes it is the government’s responsibility to make sure affordable health care is available for all Americans.

Cardin took questions from the crowd at Kepler Theater. Some of his answers drew shouts and whistles. Others drew boos.

For full coverage of today's event, go to

Emotions run high at Cardin health care forum at HCC

August 12, 2009

20090812 HHM Cardin health care forum at HCC

Democracy in America By Alexis de Tocqueville

Democracy in America By Alexis de Tocqueville

Related: Alexis de Tocqueville and Charles Carroll of Carrollton July 29 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff

Translated by Henry Reeve eBooks@Adelaide 2008

This web edition published by

Rendered into HTML by Steve Thomas.

Last updated Sunday March 09 2008.

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You are free: to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work, and to make derivative works under the following conditions: you must attribute the work in the manner specified by the licensor; you may not use this work for commercial purposes; if you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the licensor. Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.

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eBooks@Adelaide The University of Adelaide Library University of Adelaide South Australia 5005

Table of Contents

Book One

Special Introduction By Hon. John T. Morgan

Special Introduction By Hon. John J. Ingalls

Introductory Chapter

Exterior Form Of North America

Origin Of The Anglo–Americans, And Its Importance In Relation To Their Future Condition.

The Striking Characteristic Of The Social Condition Of The Anglo–Americans In Its Essential Democracy.

The Principle Of The Sovereignty Of The People In America

Necessity Of Examining The Condition Of The States Before That Of The Union At Large.

Judicial Power In The United States And Its Influence On Political Society.

Political Jurisdiction In The United States

The Federal Constitution

Why The People May Strictly Be Said To Govern In The United States

Parties In The United States

Liberty Of The Press In The United States

Political Associations In The United States

Government Of The Democracy In America

What The Real Advantages Are Which American Society Derives From The Government Of The Democracy

Unlimited Power Of The Majority In The United States, And Its Consequences

Causes Mitigating Tyranny In The United States

Principal Causes Which Tend To Maintain The Democratic Republic In The United States

The Present And Probable Future Condition Of The Three Races Which Inhabit The Territory Of The United States

Book Two: Influence Of Democracy On Progress Of Opinion In the United States.

De Tocqueville’s Preface To The Second Part

Influence of Democracy on the Action of Intellect in The United States.

Philosophical Method Among the Americans

Of The Principal Source Of Belief Among Democratic Nations

Why The Americans Display More Readiness And More Taste For General Ideas Than Their Forefathers, The English.

Why The Americans Have Never Been So Eager As The French For General Ideas In Political Matters

Of The Manner In Which Religion In The United States Avails Itself Of Democratic Tendencies

Of The Progress Of Roman Catholicism In The United States

Of The Cause Of A Leaning To Pantheism Amongst Democratic Nations

The Principle Of Equality Suggests To The Americans The Idea Of The Indefinite Perfectibility Of Man

Why The Americans Are More Addicted To Practical Than To Theoretical Science

Of The Spirit In Which The Americans Cultivate The Arts

Why The Americans Raise Some Monuments So Insignificant, And Others So Important

Literary Characteristics Of Democratic Ages

The Trade Of Literature

The Study Of Greek And Latin Literature Peculiarly Useful In Democratic Communities

The Effect Of Democracy On Language

Of Some Of The Sources Of Poetry Amongst Democratic Nations

Of The Inflated Style Of American Writers And Orators

Some Observations On The Drama Amongst Democratic Nations

Characteristics Of Historians In Democratic Ages

Of Parliamentary Eloquence In The United States

Influence of Democracy on the Feelings of Americans

Why Democratic Nations Show A More Ardent And Enduring Love Of Equality Than Of Liberty

Of Individualism In Democratic Countries

Individualism Stronger At The Close Of A Democratic Revolution Than At Other Periods

That The Americans Combat The Effects Of Individualism By Free Institutions

Of The Use Which The Americans Make Of Public Associations In Civil Life

Of The Relation Between Public Associations And Newspapers

Connection Of Civil And Political Associations

The Americans Combat Individualism By The Principle Of Interest Rightly Understood

That The Americans Apply The Principle Of Interest Rightly Understood To Religious Matters

Of The Taste For Physical Well–Being In America

Peculiar Effects Of The Love Of Physical Gratifications In Democratic Ages

Causes Of Fanatical Enthusiasm In Some Americans

Causes Of The Restless Spirit Of Americans In The Midst Of Their Prosperity

Taste For Physical Gratifications United In America To Love Of Freedom And Attention To Public Affairs

That Religious Belief Sometimes Turns The Thoughts Of The Americans To Immaterial Pleasures

That Excessive Care Of Worldly Welfare May Impair That Welfare

That Amongst The Americans All Honest Callings Are Honorable

That Almost All The Americans Follow Industrial Callings

That Aristocracy May Be Engendered By Manufactures

Book Three: Influence Of Democracy On Manners, Properly So Called

That Manners Are Softened As Social Conditions Become More Equal

That Democracy Renders The Habitual Intercourse Of The Americans Simple And Easy

Why The Americans Show So Little Sensitiveness In Their Own Country, And Are So Sensitive In Europe

Consequences Of The Three Preceding Chapters

How Democracy Affects the Relation Of Masters And Servants

That Democratic Institutions And Manners Tend To Raise Rents And Shorten The Terms Of Leases

Influence Of Democracy On Wages

Influence Of Democracy On Kindred

Education Of Young Women In The United States

The Young Woman In The Character Of A Wife

That The Equality Of Conditions Contributes To The Maintenance Of Good Morals In America

How The Americans Understand The Equality Of The Sexes

That The Principle Of Equality Naturally Divides The Americans Into A Number Of Small Private Circles

Some Reflections On American Manners

Of The Gravity Of The Americans, And Why It Does Not Prevent Them From Often Committing Inconsiderate Actions

Why The National Vanity Of The Americans Is More Restless And Captious Than That Of The English

That The Aspect Of Society In The United States Is At Once Excited And Monotonous

Of Honor In The United States And In Democratic Communities

Why So Many Ambitious Men And So Little Lofty Ambition Are To Be Found In The United States

The Trade Of Place–Hunting In Certain Democratic Countries

Why Great Revolutions Will Become More Rare

Why Democratic Nations Are Naturally Desirous Of Peace, And Democratic Armies Of War

Which Is The Most Warlike And Most Revolutionary Class In Democratic Armies?

Of Discipline In Democratic Armies

Some Considerations On War In Democratic Communities

Book Four: Influence Of Democratic Opinions On Political Society

That Equality Naturally Gives Men A Taste For Free Institutions

That The Notions Of Democratic Nations On Government Are Naturally Favorable To The Concentration Of Power

That The Sentiments Of Democratic Nations Accord With Their Opinions In Leading Them To Concentrate Political Power

What Sort Of Despotism Democratic Nations Have To Fear

Continuation Of The Preceding Chapters

General Survey Of The Subject

Constitution Of The United States Of America

Bill of Rights

20080309 Democracy in America By Alexis de Tocqueville


Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley hires Thomas Russell campaign manager

O'Malley Hires Campaign Manager

From last week: Thursday, August 06, 2009 Scott Wykoff

While he hasn't announced his run for re-election yet, Governor O'Malley has hired a campaign manager for his re-election campaign.

The O'Malley-Brown Committee announced today that it has chosen Thomas Russell to serve as campaign manager for the 2010 re-election campaign. Tom Russell began working earlier this summer for the campaign.

Read the entire article here: O'Malley Hires Campaign Manager

Thursday, August 06, 2009 Scott Wykoff

20090806 WBAL OMalley Hires Campaign Manager

U.S. Web-Tracking Plan Stirs Privacy Fears

Can you only imagine the uproar in the elite Democrat-media industrial complex if this were to have occurred during the administration of President George W. Bush?

U.S. Web-Tracking Plan Stirs Privacy Fears

By Spencer S. Hsu and Cecilia Kang Washington Post Staff Writers Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Obama administration is proposing to scale back a long-standing ban on tracking how people use government Internet sites with "cookies" and other technologies, raising alarms among privacy groups.

A two-week public comment period ended Monday on a proposal by the White House Office of Management and Budget to end a ban on federal Internet sites using such technologies and replace it with other privacy safeguards. The current prohibition, in place since 2000, can be waived if an agency head cites a "compelling need."

Supporters of a change say social networking and similar services, which often take advantage of the tracking technologies, have transformed how people communicate over the Internet, and Obama's aides say those services can make government more transparent and increase public involvement.

Some privacy groups say the proposal amounts to a "massive" and unexplained shift in government policy. In a statement Monday, American Civil Liberties Union spokesman Michael Macleod-Ball said the move could "allow the mass collection of personal information of every user of a federal government website."

Even groups that support updating the policy question whether the administration is seeking changes at the request of private companies, such as online search giant Google, as the industry's economic clout and influence in Washington have grown rapidly.

Two prominent technology policy advocacy groups, the Electronic Privacy Information Center and Electronic Frontier Foundation, cited the terms of a Feb. 19 contract with Google, in which a unnamed federal agency explicitly carved out an exemption from the ban so that the agency could use Google's YouTube video player.

Read the entire article here:

20090811 WaPo US WebTracking Plan Stirs Privacy Fears


Rainy spring brings "vomitoxin" to grain crops

Rainy spring brings "vomitoxin" to grain crops

By Frank Roylance Baltimore Sun “Maryland Weather” blog

Retrieved August 10, 2009

Pictured is the Deoxynivalenol (DON) molecule (Click here for a larger image)

The Maryland Department of Agriculture is warning farmers and grain elevator operators to check their wheat and barley crops for the presence of a fungus known as "vomitoxin" in their stored or unharvested grain. The troublesome pest does well when conditions are wet, as they were across much of the state this spring.

The fungus, more formally known as Fusarium head blight, or scab, produces a chemical called deoxynivalenol that renders the crop unmarketable, and unusable as feed. If animals eat enough of it, it causes excessive salivation, and irritated oral and gastrointenstinal tissues. The name alone suggests its symptoms.

Read the rest here: Rainy spring brings "vomitoxin" to grain crops

By Frank Roylance Baltimore Sun “Maryland Weather” blog

20090810 Roylance Rainy spring brings vomitoxin to grain crops Deoxynivalenol molecule Rainy spring brings "vomitoxin" to grain crops

Deoxynivalenol (DON) molecule Rainy spring brings "vomitoxin" to grain crops Full

Rainy spring brings "vomitoxin" to grain crops

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Standing in the Battle Line
Chris Cavey
Occasionally in political life you have one of those “ah-ha” moments. Late Monday afternoon at Towson University was such a moment for me – and Sen. Ben Cardin, too.

Too Many Adventures and Then Some
Joan McIntyre
Let’s hope my daughters don't read this article. They hate when I talk about them. But, isn't that a mother’s prerogative in some twisted way. Don’t labor pains equate to the right to use your children for article material. Okay, so maybe that isn't an exact interpretation, but work with me here, please.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Free Speech was great while it lasted
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Maryland’s Democrat U. S. Senator Ben Cardin got quite an earful at a town hall meeting Monday night in Towson on healthcare reform. Although I choose not to attend, according to many published accounts, those who did go soundly jeered and booed him throughout the evening.

Of “Birthers” and “Blue Dogs”
Michael Kurtianyk
I love language. I especially like the etymology of words and phrases. Did you know, for example, that the “dog days” of summer actually relates to Sirius, the “dog star,” which rises and sets with the sun?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Poisonous Partisanship
Roy Meachum
The United States Supreme Court has a new associate justice. Despite GOP hard-core opposition, Sonia Sottomeyer was sworn in the day after the Senate approved her appointment, 68-31. On Thursday, the Senate passed the “refill” of “Cash for Clunkers,” 60-37. Republicans lost both times.

Cause, Effect, and Solution
Farrell Keough
We have seen this scenario played out before – in fact, the Holy Bible speaks to third generations not embracing the religion of their parents. In short, it is the values, traditions, and work ethic of our parents and grandparents being pushed aside for a more progressive vision.

Monday, August 10, 2009
Defining Activism
Richard B. Weldon Jr., that bastion of liberal thinking, is now in the business of defining speech. They’ve always considered themselves better than everyone else, now they’re defining by just how much they are better.

Friday, August 7, 2009
Boring Politics
Roy Meachum
If the gods smile, as many as 20 percent may vote in next month’s Frederick City primary elections. Four registered voters will walk by every one that marches into the voting booth. Fellow columnist George Wenschhof puts the blame on the system that created Frederick’s stand-alone elections.

CARS Program’s Unintended Consequences
Joe Charlebois
On the surface the CARS program, better known as “Cash for Clunkers,” looks like a huge success. Traffic into American showrooms, according to reports, is at least double what it was previously. Sales of new vehicles are up substantially and on par with sales number prior to the downturn. So what could be wrong?

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wrong About What’s Right
Patricia A. Kelly
The latest brain child from our president, Barack Obama, is the last straw for me. And it isn’t likely to be the last “idea” whose time has come for this candidate who promised “Change we can believe in.”

Healthcare and The Pittsburgh Pirates
Tony Soltero
When I was younger, the Pittsburgh Pirates were a model baseball franchise, a team that contended almost every year and won its share of championships in the process. Thanks in large part to the Roberto Clemente connection, the Bucs were very popular in Puerto Rico, where I grew up.

Summer Music List
Michael Kurtianyk
Ah! The joys of summer! As the days get longer and I am busy with work, I love listening to music as I drive in the car and head out on the road. Of course, this is in between the Bob Miller and Blaine Young shows! So, herewith is my current summer music listening list, as found on my IPod.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
R.I.P. – Dr. Ira Zepp
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last Saturday word spread quickly throughout the greater Carroll County community that Rev. Dr. Ira Gilbert Zepp, Jr., professor emeritus of the Religious Studies department at McDaniel College, had died peacefully at his home. He was 79 years old.

Rainforest World Music Festival
Tom McLaughlin
Santubong, Sarawak, Malaysia – Shhhhhh! It’s a secret! Don’t tell anybody! I want to hoard this event for just my friends! I don’t want anymore people to come. As far as I am concerned, there were just enough people here a weekend or two ago.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
“Uppity Negro” vs. “Racist Pig”
Roy Meachum
Any American who can see or hear knows exactly who are the “uppity negro” and the “racist pig.” That’s how each is described by radical elements in both camps. Their names may not be remembered. Their professions are: Harvard professor and Cambridge Police sergeant. The reality will probably offend more Henry Louis Gates, Jr., than James Crowley.

Motorcycle Touring – Part 3
Nick Diaz
Everyone needs to eat. On the road you, the touring motorcyclist, have two choices. You could buy food in a grocery store and prepare it yourself, or you can pay someone else to prepare the food. You cannot just go to the refrigerator and grab something, or drive to your favorite restaurant. While touring by motorcycle, you'll have to get food wherever you can.

20090813 sdosm This week in The Tentacle


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Free Speech was great while it lasted

Free Speech was great while it lasted by Kevin E. Dayhoff August 12, 2009 (Click here for a larger image)

Maryland’s Democrat U. S. Senator Ben Cardin got quite an earful at a town hall meeting Monday night in Towson on healthcare reform. Although I choose not to attend, according to many published accounts, those who did go soundly jeered and booed him throughout the evening.

It was apparently a scene that has been played-out across the country for the past several weeks.

Everyday working moms and dads – many of whom have never before been active politically – are showing up in droves to let their elected congressional representatives know that they are worried about the Democrat leadership’s plan for the government to take over healthcare.

The paradox is that during the presidential election last fall, many political observers surmised that it was the middle of the road, average working class moms and dads who put then-Senator Barack Obama over the top for an historic election victory.

Moreover, one may argue that the “independent, working class voters” are once again the very voters President Obama needs to win over in this latest go-round of what to do about a healthcare system in which costs continue to spiral out of control.

Read the entire column here: Free Speech was great while it lasted

20090812 sdosmetal Free Speech was great while it lasted


Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Police Department officer killed in motorcycle accident

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Police Department officer killed in motorcycle accident

UPDATE: @CarrollEagle Westminster man who was a Metro officer, died today after Monday night motorcycle accident

Major Phil Kasten
Carroll County Sheriff’s Office
100 North Court Street
Westminster, MD 2157


Director Lisa Farbstein
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Police Department
600 5th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

“Westminster motorcyclist killed after being struck by pick-up truck”

Westminster, Carroll County, Maryland, August 11, 2009 ---- At approximately 9:45 pm last evening Carroll County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to reports of a vehicle collision on Route 97 at Bartholow Road. Upon reaching the scene, deputies discovered a 2005 Harley Davidson Road King motorcycle laying on the roadway against the guardrail on the southbound shoulder of Route 97, its driver was being treated by paramedics from the Winfield Volunteer Fire Company.

Sheriff’s Office investigation revealed the motorcycle had been traveling North on Route 97 when it was struck by a 2007 Chevrolet Silverado Pick-up Truck, which failed to yield the right-of-way as it crossed Route 97 Westbound on Bartholow Road.

The motorcycle’s operator, Dennis Michael Henley Jr. aged 32 of Westminster was transported by helicopter to York County Hospital and died early this morning as a result of his injuries.

The truck’s operator, George Chochos aged 49 of Westminster was released from the scene uninjured.

Alcohol is not considered a factor in this collision.

Henley, who is a Police Officer with the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, was returning home after attending a training class at the Maryland Police & Correctional Training Commission Facility in Sykesville. Sheriff’s Office Traffic Homicide Investigators are conducting a detailed investigation and reconstruction of the accident, which could take several weeks. Charges are pending the outcome of that investigation.

Anyone with information about this incident, or that may have witnessed the collision is asked to contact Corporal Mike Zepp of the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office at 410-386-2900, or The Sheriff’s Office Investigation continues…

# # #

20090811 DC Metro Transit Auth officer killed in motorcycle accident

@kevindayhoff RT @CarrollEagle Westminster man who was a Metro officer, died today after Monday night motorcycle accident

Long-Ago Collapse of Hawaiian Monarchy Described As U.S.-Assisted ‘Regime Change’

(Pictured is a file photo of Queen Liliuokalani, who was the last reigning monarch of the Hawaiian islands, January 29, 1891 – January 17, 1893.)

Long-Ago Collapse of Hawaiian Monarchy Described As U.S.-Assisted ‘Regime Change’

Monday, August 10, 2009 By Penny Starr, Senior Staff Writer

( – A Senate bill establishing a Native Hawaiian government is necessary to reverse the United States’ role in the "regime change" that led to Hawaii becoming a state, the bill’s supporters said at a Senate hearing last week.

The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs held a hearing on Aug. 6 on the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2009 (S. 1011), sponsored by Senator Daniel Akaka (D-Alaska).

The bill would allow Hawaii's indigenous people to establish a "government-to-government relationship with the United States," similar to the relationship that Alaskan natives and American Indian tribes have, Akaka says. But critics say the bill would establish a “race-based” government for native Hawaiians.

Read the entire article. It has a number of links to source materials and is a good read. It may be found here:

20090810 Long Ago Collapse Hawaiian Monarchy Descd Regime Chng


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The talking fingers

The talking fingers

August 11, 2009

Click here for a larger image:

A colleague’s fingers do all the talking as they glide across the keyboard in an effort to keep up with reports and paperwork.

20090811 Talking fingerse talking fingers 09Aug11 colleagues fingers do all the talking as they glide across keybrd


Tiger Woods to not be fined after all

Tiger Woods to not be fined after all

August 11, 2009 5:37 PM

This just in from: Daniel - Community at Newsy

Hi Kevin,

I just saw you'd posted the news passed on by the AP about the fine that was reportedly to be charged to Tiger Woods, but in fact that report was erroneous, according to BetFirms, which quotes both Woods and Ty Votaw, a spokesman for the PGA, saying that there was never going to be a fine:

I also thought if you're interested in Tiger Woods' progress you'd enjoy our video, which compares his record with that of all-time great, Jack Nicklaus. With only a few PGA wins and majors separating them, Woods may be poised to take his place as the greatest golfer of all time:

"Our approach to our stories is unique in that we provide depth by offering views on different facets of the discussion and inviting viewers to come to their own conclusions."

Community at Newsy

20090811 sdosm Tiger Woods to not be fined after all

Red Maryland: Debunking the Sun's Debunked Healthcare Myth

Red Maryland: Debunking the Sun's Debunked Healthcare Myth

The Baltimore Sun Editorial Board believes that it has debunked a so-called “myth” about the health care bill:


That is technically true but that truth has a five-year half life. Read Section 102 pp 16-17 of HR 3200 and you will find that the bill sets up a five-year grace where you can indeed keep your healthcare. However, when that grace period expires, all plans must meet federally determined requirements, meaning that after five years your healthcare will change. And that means you won’t be able to keep the plan you have nor will you necessarily get a plan you like.

Be sure to read the entire article by Mr. Newgent.

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack:

Eunice Kennedy Shriver Dies at Age 88

Washington Post News Alert

06:13 AM EDT Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Eunice Kennedy Shriver Dies at Age 88, Family Says

By J.Y. Smith Special to The Washington Post Tuesday, August 11, 2009; 7:06 AM

Eunice Kennedy Shriver, 88, died Tuesday morning at Cape Cod Hospital in Hyannis, Mass., after a series of strokes.

For more information, visit

20090810 sdosm Eunice Kennedy Shriver Dies at Age 88
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack:

Linda Collison: “Star-Crossed”

Linda Collison: “Star-Crossed”

Posted August 11, 2009

For a larger image click here:

Linda Collison’s - my Westminster High School Class of 1971 classmate - first novel, Star-Crossed (Knopf; 06) was chosen by the New York Public Library to be among the Books for the Teen Age -- 2007. For more information:

According to published materials:

“The novel was inspired by the three weeks she spent aboard the HM Bark Endeavour, a replica of Captain James Cook's 18th century ship. Linda is a mother and grandmother, and at long last chatelaine of her castle…

“Linda Collison is a jack of all trades and master of none, just as her mother feared she would become.

“Linda has managed to kluge a composite career, making a living as a registered nurse, skydiving instructor, waitress and shoemaker, to name a few of her occupations.

“She has published in a wide and sundry assortment of publications, from literary magazines to Ladies Home Journal.

“In 1992 her life changed dramatically (again!) when she married fellow skydiver Bob Russell. With Bob she wrote two guidebooks, Rocky Mountain Wineries; a travel guide to the wayside vineyards and Colorado Kids; a statewide family outdoor adventure guide (both books by Pruett Publishing.)”

20090810 sdosm Linda Collison Star Crossed “Star-Crossed” a novel by Linda Collison: more Full

MSP release sketch of female murder victim from skeletal remains

Maryland State Police release artist’s sketch of female murder victim from skeletal remains

Click here for a larger image:

(410)486-3101 TTY For Hearing Impaired (410)486-0677
Toll Free: 1-800-525-5555



(Westminster, MD) -- Maryland State Police have obtained a forensic artist’s rendering of what a female murder victim may have looked like whose skeletal remains were found in Carroll County earlier this year.

The identity of the victim remains unknown. She is believed to have been a white female, possibly in her late teen’s or early 20’s, with a petite build.

On March 24, 2009, Maryland State Police were called to the 900-block of Baltimore Boulevard, Westminster. In an overgrown area where construction debris had been dumped years ago behind what is now a manufacturing company, troopers recovered the skeletal remains of the victim.

The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner conducted an autopsy. It was determined the victim had died as a result of homicide.

Since the remains were recovered, Maryland State Police Homicide Unit investigators have been working to identify the victim. Missing person files have been reviewed, police departments have been contacted throughout the country, and multiple dental record comparisons made, but no identity has been made.

State Police investigators obtained assistance from Detective Evelyn Grant, a certified forensic artist with the Baltimore County Police. Detective Grant examined the victim’s skull and through her expertise, was able to develop a composite drawing of what the victim may have looked like.

Investigators are still unsure of when the victim may have been killed and believe it could have been as long as decades ago. Anyone who may recognize the person in the drawing is urged to contact Maryland State Police immediately. In addition, anyone who remembers what the area of Rt. 140 just east of Westminster was like as far back as 25 years ago is urged to contact Maryland State Police investigators as well.

All calls should be directed to Sgt. Tina Becker, Maryland State Police Homicide Unit, at 410-386-3029. Calls may be kept confidential.

CONTACT: Greg Shipley- through HQ duty officer at 410-653-4236

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Tiger Woods to be fined for criticism of rules official

Tiger Woods to be fined for criticism of rules official

By: Doug Ferguson AP Golf Writer August 10, 2009

CHASKA, MINN. — Tiger Woods will be fined by the PGA Tour for his public criticism of a rules official after winning the Bridgestone Invitational, a tour official said Monday.

kevindayhoff RT @dcexaminer Tiger Woods to be fined for criticism of rules official:

20090810 sdsom Tiger Woods to be fined for criticism of rules official
