Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Coalition Asks EPA to Regulate Greenhouse Gases and Other Toxic Air Pollutants From Factory Farms

Article printed from

My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Monday, September 21, 2009

Susquehanna River

Susquehanna River

Susquehanna River from the I-95 bridge

Click here for a larger image:

September 20, 2009

Kevin Dayhoff

20090920 SusRiver Susquehanna River from the I-95 bridge in MD

My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Definition of 'journalist' scaled back in federal shield bill

Click here for a larger image:

Definition of 'journalist' scaled back in federal shield bill

Washington, D.C. · September 18, 2009 · Newsgathering

Keywords: National Security; Shield Law

An amendment to the bipartisan Senate bill that would create a federal shield law for journalists will likely exclude many bloggers and internet journalists, according to the text of the amendment introduced by Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer of New York.

The amendment to the Free Flow of Information Act was quickly adopted when Sen. Schumer, a co-sponsor, introduced it yesterday at the end of a somewhat contentious Senate Judiciary Committee meeting.

Read the rest here:

20090918 RCFP Def of journalist scaled back in fed shield bill
20070510d Sender Def of journalist scaled back in fed shield bill

amend 2 bipart Sen bill that would create fed shield law likely excl many bloggers & internet journos


My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Sunday, September 20, 2009 My run-in with a towing company My run-in with a towing company

Wow, in this economy, Dan Thanh documents how NOT to promote a business... Click on the link above to read about Ms. Thanh's adventures with the Blair Shopping Center and their predatory towing practices. Sounds like a shopping center to avoid.

“I was waiting in the waiting room when…”

“I was waiting in the waiting room when…”

Sep. 18, 2009 Kevin Dayhoff

Click here for a larger image:

There I was. Just waiting in the waiting room, when all of the sudden…

20090918 The Happy Heart There I was. Just waiting in the waiting room, when all of the sudden… The Happy Heart


My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fox News Ad Starts Fight With All Their Competition, Competition Fights Back by Steve Krakauer

FNC Ad Starts Fight with All Their Competition

Click here for a larger image:

Ya know, the fact that the other media outlets are complaining about the Fox ad is a good thing. At least this is a tacit acknowledgement that an adjustment needs to be made in their approach to the news.

At least we hope so.

Yes, other news outlets ran some of the September 12, 2009 protests in DC, albeit reluctantly and after it took them by surprise that the protests were so well attended.

However, what continues to cause the other networks heartburn is the continuing perception that “they” remain in the liberal Obama camp and are shilling for the liberal agenda and the Obama administration.

The other networks certainly worked hard to marginalize and trivialize the protests by showcasing accusations that the protests were not really about ( the economy, national debt, nationalization of key sectors of the means of productions, such as the banking industry and the auto industry.

The perception remain that opposition voices will continue to not be heard over the fear many citizens have over health care being nationalized, it will cost more, the government will get in between you and your doctor and that Obamacare will bankrupt the nation.

It is paradoxical that the networks who have complained in the wake of the ad are calling attention to the dynamic that they have missed the boat on fair and accurate and comprehensive coverage of the public policy initiatives of the Obama administration.

And that is why the “public’s assessment of the accuracy of news stories is now at its lowest level in more than two decades of Pew Research surveys…



Fox News Ad Starts Fight With All Their Competition, Competition Fights Back by Steve Krakauer 4:34 pm, September 18th, 2009

The Washington Post ran a full-page instigating ad in today’s paper from Fox News that asks: “How Did ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC And CNN Miss This Story?” referring to the D.C. tea party protests on 9/12.

CNN’s Rick Sanchez said “you lie!” (seriously, he said that) – since his network and all the others did cover the protests. He also played a clip of Bill O’Reilly saying CNN covered the protests. But Fox News is sticking to their guns, and WashPost is defending the ad buy. What?

Every network defended their coverage today, and TVNewser has a rundown of those defenses, plus this from Michael Tammero, VP of Marketing for FNC.

“Generally speaking, it’s fair to say that from the tea party movement … to Acorn … to the march on 9/12, the networks either ignored the story, marginalized it or misrepresented the significance of it altogether.”


It’s also pretty much why the Post is totally fine with their decision. A spokesperson tells Politico


Here’s the bottom line: Fox News didn’t “miss” this story because they were the story. They’ve driven the story, promoted the protests and covered them because they are the protests. The Fox Nation, the FOX opinion/community arm of the network’s web properties drove this story by actively helping register people to attend tea parties around the country. Glenn Beck promoted the D.C. protest (“It’s Time To Stand Up” he implored his audience) because he started the entire 9/12 movement.

Just look at the way’s supposed “news” story covered the protests in D.C. From their “news” report:


Read the entire article by Mediaite here:

Follow Mediaite on Twitter

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20090918 FNC Ad Starts Fight With All Their Competition Fox News Ad Starts Fight With All Their Competition by Steve Krakauer


My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Recent The Tentacle columns by Kevin Dayhoff on Obama over-exposed

Is President Obama media over-exposed?

Recent The Tentacle columns by Kevin Dayhoff on Obama over-exposed

Click here for a larger image:

September 16, 2009
Enough Already…
Kevin E. Dayhoff

In the last week, we have witnessed a full-court press by President Barack Obama, in his efforts to push forward broad sweeping health care reform. He’s everywhere. He’s everywhere…

September 9, 2009
Two Plus Two Equals Five
Kevin E. Dayhoff
By now we have all had an opportunity to either read or watch President Barack Obama’s national address to our schoolchildren that aired yesterday at high noon.

20090918 sdsom Recent TT on Obama overexposed
20090422 Smiling Sheep

Recent columns by Kevin Dayhoff on Obama over-exposed Recent columns by Kevin Dayhoff on Obama over-exposed

Dayhoff Art, Dayhoff Media The Tentacle, Dayhoff photoshop, Pres 2009 44 Obama-Barack Is Obama media over-exposed

My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Irving Kristol Dies at 89

Irving Kristol Dies at 89

Irving Kristol, Architect of Neoconservatism, Dies at 89

Click here for a larger image:

Adam Bernstein The Washington Post Friday, September 18, 2009

Irving Kristol, 89, a forceful essayist, editor and university professor who became the leading architect of neoconservatism, which he called a political and intellectual movement for disaffected ex-liberals like himself who had been "mugged by reality,... Read Full Article

20090918 sdsom Irving Kristol Dies at 89 Full story: Irving Kristol Dies at 89


My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

I Gotta' Love You Rosh Hashanah

I Gotta' Love You Rosh Hashanah

Download the song, lyrics and more at

Taglit-birthright israel presents "I Gotta' Love You Rosh Hashanah"

Starring birthright alumna Michelle Citrin as Rosh Hashanah Girl

Music by Michelle Citrin and William Levin Video Edited by Simon Weaver Created and Directed by William Levin -

20090918 sdsom I Gotta Love You Rosh Hashanah
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Liberal Media Hypocrisy Test

Liberal Media Hypocrisy Test

PaulWilliamsWorld September 13, 2009

Watch this video and try to find the hypocrisy in this MSNBC news report. It's tough to spot, so pay close attention! Have fun!

This video has everything to do with demonstrating media bias and nothing to do with supporting Bush.

Press Accuracy Rating Hits Two Decade Low:

20090913 sdsom YT Liberal Media Hypocrisy Test
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Friday, September 18, 2009

Welcome home from the sand box D 9000

Welcome home from the sand box D 9000

September 18, 2009

Kevin Dayhoff

Click here for a larger image:

20090524 D9000 in the sandboxb

Twitpic: Welcome home from the sand box D 9000

My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

“Question the patio in the rain”

“Question the patio in the rain”

September 12, 2009 Kevin Dayhoff

Click here for a larger image:

20090912 patiointherain

Twitpic: “Question the patio in the rain” Sep 12, 2009

My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Let’s run away together again and stop thinking

My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Let’s run away together again and stop thinking

My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Enough Already…
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In the last week, we have witnessed a full-court press by President Barack Obama, in his efforts to push forward broad sweeping health care reform. He’s everywhere. He’s everywhere…

Monks, Monkeys and a Mad Englishman
Tom McLaughlin
Krabi, Thailand – This beach resort has the atmosphere of a quiet upscale scene as opposed to the honky tonk of Phuket Island or Ocean City, Maryland. The beaches, hotels and restaurants are filled with sexy Swedes. I can't seem to get away from those blue eyes and blonde hair, nor do I want to. They have taken over South Thailand.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
From the Desk of the Publisher:
John W. Ashbury
Once again, our Roy Meachum has discovered that recovery from surgery is far more difficult than he had expected. Progress is being made, but, as most people know, set-backs are a part of the game. Hopefully he’ll be fit enough to resume on Friday.

Addressing the Algebra Crisis
Nick Diaz
In recent years, many jurisdictions throughout our country have experienced their share of educational crises – such as “whole language“ and “fuzzy math“ in general – and “TERC” in particular. Even now, the state is still in the grips of an “algebra crisis.”

Monday, September 14, 2009
9/11 Rally Meets the Tea Party
Steven R. Berryman
The convergence of local politics with national is impossible to escape now, even to the casual observer. With the timeframe overlap between the newest “Tea Party” style rally, the observances of 9/11s “Patriot Day,” and municipal primary elections tomorrow in Frederick, the relationship between party and constituent becomes even more blurred.

Down to The Wire
Michael Kurtianyk
Well, tomorrow (September 15) is Primary Day for Frederick City. More than ever, the city’s registered voters must go out and vote for those candidates who represent them in their parties.

Friday, September 11, 2009
Historic Hypocrisy
Roy Meachum
During my New Orleans childhood, street vendors walking along beside colorful horse-drawn wagons peddled bananas for “ten cents a dozen, two dozen for fifteen cents.” Why so cheap? They paid nothing.

Have you forgotten?
Joe Charlebois
Eight years ago today, an earthquake shook the American psyche as four passenger airliners carved scars into the New York skyline, the Pentagon and a farm in Somerset County, PA. When the tremors subsided – in true American fashion – we came together as one to start healing the wounds that a group of Islamic extremists – sponsored by al Qaeda – inflicted on that beautiful September morning.

The Good and The Ugly
Michael Kurtianyk
Last Friday I attended a “Music on the Terrace” program at C. Burr Artz Library. It was a beautiful midday, with a gentle breeze blowing over Carroll Creek. The terrace was packed with citizens enjoying the salsa music (as performed by Sin Miedo), and the free Rita’s ice cream.

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Two for the Money – I Mean – City
Joan McIntyre
There is no excuse good enough to NOT VOTE!!! It is a privilege and honor to have – and use – that single vote that belongs only to you. Your vote does make a difference.

What’s up with that?
Chris Cavey
The strict definitions of political parties are changing driven by the thought patterns of a disgruntled populace. Election 2010 will not be exclusively “R’s” and “D’s.” Instead it will be directed by where you fall in place on the liberal/conservative political spectrum.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Two Plus Two Equals Five
Kevin E. Dayhoff
By now we have all had an opportunity to either read or watch President Barack Obama’s national address to our schoolchildren that aired yesterday at high noon.

Vignettes of West Sumatra
Tom McLaughlin

Padang, Sumatra Indonesia – They reminded me of Dad. I could see him in their eyes and faces. Soldiers who had fought the Japanese in World War II and then the Dutch for independence had gathered for ceremonies and stayed at my hotel.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
From The Desk of The Publisher:
John W. Ashbury
Roy Meachum has discovered – belatedly – that healing from surgery requires recovery of the mind as well. While expecting to be able to compose a column for today, Mr. Meachum found that his convalescence from knee replacement has drawn more of his attention that he planned. So, we at The Tentacle are hopeful that his commentary will restart on Friday.

Exposing the Real Agenda…
Farrell Keough
Now is the summer of our discontent – made glorious winter by this sun of the Statis. Shakespeare may not have been pleased, but my literary license is paid in full and allows for such word play.

From the Desk of The Publisher:
John W. Ashbury
WE GET LETTERS!!! Two Republican candidates for the Board of Aldermen of the City of Frederick weigh in on the annexation votes taken last week. And due to technical difficulties, it will be posted in this manner! Please ignore the byline and look at the end of the letter for the contributors.

20090916 sdosm This week in The Tentacle


My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Explore Carroll: Kanye West grabs mic from Taylor Swift at the MTV VMAs

Explore Carroll: Kanye West grabs mic from Taylor Swift at the MTV VMAs

DAYHOFF: what should we think when Kanye West grabs the mic from Taylor Swift? DAYHOFF: @CarrollEagle what should we think when Kanye West grabs mic from Taylor Swift?

Also see: Kanye West grabs mic from Taylor Swift at MTV VMAs makes a fool of himself

I can’t wait to read the reaction of my colleague and good friend, Kenny Burns, who is my resident Kanye West authority. Read, “Red Maryland: Memo to Kanye: Liberals Do Not Care About People, period,” By P. Kenneth Burns, the editor of Maryland Politics Today.

See Mr. Burns’ response here: @ kevindayhoff RT @pkennyburns So Former Wster Mayor @kevindayhoff wanted 2 know my thoughts about Kanye ...

Kanye West grabs mic from Taylor Swift at the MTV VMAs and makes a complete fool of himself – it wasn’t hard for Mr. West. He’s a professional troll.

Remember his September 2, 2005 outburst during a live-television Katrina fund-raiser: “George Bush doesn't care about black people.”

Click here for an image of the actual moment West grabbed the microphone from a visibly startled Swift:

September 14, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff

By now many folks are aware of the hip-hop musician and rapper, Kanye West’s cringe worthy YouTube moment when he jumped up on the stage Sunday night at Radio City Music Hall during the MTV Video Music Awards and grabbed the microphone away from Taylor Swift and ranted that Beyoncé had been overlooked for the “Best Female Video” award.

Swift, 19, a country music sensation, had won the award for “You Belong With Me,” was just beginning to say, “I always wondered what it would be like to maybe win one of these someday, but never actually thought it would happen...”

Well, her moment in the sun did not happen as a result of the crass, bizarre behavior of Kanye – anything goes, cuz I’m self-absorbed and narcissistic – West.

Our hearts went out to Swift. It was her first award, and, well, West rained on her parade ‘real good.’ An obviously shaken Swift not finish her acceptance remarks…

Fortunately as tacky and classless as West was; the hero of the hour was the singer Beyoncé, who showed some grace, poise and class; and invited Swift up on stage to say a few words, when Beyoncé was awarded “video of the year” for “Single Ladies.”

Read the rest here: DAYHOFF: what should we think when Kanye West grabs the mic from Taylor Swift?

Related: Kanye West grabs mic from Taylor Swift at MTV VMAs makes a fool of himself

20090913 sdosm d3 filed WE KED Kanye West grabs mic
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Route 32 improvements opposed years ago

Route 32 improvements opposed years ago

September 15, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff

Years ago, the improvements to, what is now deemed to be a dangerous portion of, Route 32 in Carroll and Howard Counties, were vigorously opposed to by proponents of Smart Growth and environmentalists.

Actually, those who wanted to improve the stretch of highway cited safety as the one of the biggest reasons.

I just checked through my history-research files and I don’t seem to have any the newspaper articles that referred to the opposition.

I would be curious as to what is the current position of the folks who have opposed the improvements, now that the loss of life continues to escalate?

Does anyone out there in the Maryland blogosphere remember the opposition and do you have any of the articles available?


Howard County executive calls governor to press for Route 32 improvements
Renewed demands follow second fatal crash in three months

By Mike Santa Rita Posted 9/14/09

A fatal three-vehicle collision on Route 32 near the Carroll County line Thursday has reinvigorated support for fixing a stretch of road that nearby residents have long described as dangerous.

Howard County Executive Kenneth Ulman said Friday he had called Gov. Martin O’Malley within hours after the fatal crash to press for immediate improvements along the road, which is state-owned and maintained.


20090915 sdosm Route 32 improvements opposed years ago
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Mediaite: Wal-Mart to Get Homeless Elle Intern’s Trailer Out of Impound

Wal-Mart to Get Homeless Elle Intern’s Trailer Out of Impound by Tommy Christopher 4:21 pm, September 15th, 2009

On September 3, I
filed a story about Brianna Karp, the homeless blogger who was thrust into the national spotlight when Ell’s E. Jean Carroll offered her a prestigious internship. I spent a good part of the rest of that day reading every word of Bri’s gripping, thoroughly entertaining blog.

That’s how I learned that, on August 23, her truck and trailer had been
impounded from a Wal-Mart that had given her permission to park there, and that she was accruing impound fees that included an $80 a day storage fee.

I called Wal-Mart’s media relations department that day to see what they had to say about it. They said they would get in touch with Brianna to find out more, and to work on a resolution.

I’m happy to report that Brianna emailed me last night to tell me that Wal-Mart officials will be meeting her…


Things are definitely looking up for Bri, who
appeared on CNN and the Today Show last week. Every step of the way, however, she reminds me that she wants to continue to focus on, and advocate for, the homeless.


Read the entire post by Tommy Christopher on Mediaite here:


My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

The Baltimore Reporter says: Jim Pelura has resigned as Maryland State GOP Chairman

The Baltimore Reporter says: Jim Pelura has resigned as Maryland State GOP Chairman
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: