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Saturday, May 08, 2010

Laura Vozzella cracks me up

Top results Laura Vozzella column archive


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Laura.Vozzella: Dixon had taxpayers pick up $11,600 makeup tab Serial Mayor does it again

Laura.Vozzella: Dixon had taxpayers pick up $11,600 makeup tab Serial Mayor does it again,0,2201982,full.story

Sheila Dixon
billed the city more than $11,000 for cosmetics services, and I'm here to say that's totally appropriate. Not because a poor city should shell out for mayoral makeup sessions that cost $350 a pop, but because the artist who applied that paint also did makeup for John Waters' "Serial Mom."

Debi Young, makeup artist to the sociopaths.

Only someone without a conscience would submit bills for exorbitant make-up sessions to a city struggling to keep enough cops on the street.

Read the rest here: May 5, 2010|Article Dixon had taxpayers pick up $11,600 makeup tab the Mandel event. Other luminaries at his table were Maryland GOP Chairwoman Audrey Scott and scribe Len Lazarick.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Baltimore Reporter: Send this reporter to jail: An update

Send this reporter to jail: An update

Below we note that when the New York Times published its December 2005 exposé of the secret National Security Agency electronic surveillance of al Qaeda-related communications, Times reporters James Risen and Eric Lichtblau granted anonymity to the “nearly a dozen current and former officials” who were the sources for the story.

Risen and Lichtblau stated that they had granted these sources anonymity “because of the classified nature of the program.” Implicit in the Times’s rationale was the recognition that leaks of such classified information are illegal, as indeed they are. They violate the espionage laws of the United States.


Read the rest here: - about half-way down in the story...

Read my Tentacle columns on Operation SHAFT from June 28, 2006 - Kevin E. Dayhoff: Once again, The New York Times has exposed another top secret anti-terrorism plan put in place to protect Americans.

The Times, the favorite daily newspaper of al Qaeda, and quite possibly a satellite property of Aljazeera, has once again chosen to sell out our country’s national security interests in the furtherance of selling newspapers and supporting the media attack on the war in Iraq.

In an article published last Friday, entitled, “Bank Data Sifted in Secret by U.S. to Block Terror,” written by Eric Lichtblau and James Risen, the Old Grey Lady displays senile dementia and details a top secret classified program in which bank transactions – which may involve the transfer of funds for the purpose of promoting or supporting terrorist acts – are tracked and investigated. Read the entire column here:

And this Tentacle column: Operation Mata Hari December 28, 2005 -Kevin E. Dayhoff: In the war against terrorism, folks, whose only goal is to promote themselves in total disregard for our safety, recently launched “Operation Mata Hari.”

It began with shock and awe as insidious as an improvised explosive devise. The New York Times titled its December 16 Christmas gift to our nation, “Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts.”

If you are just waking up from too much eggnog, the not-so-exotic New York Times article reveals – in the midst of a war – our commander-in-chief secretly authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on U.S. citizens and others in the United States who were communicating with potential enemies overseas. Read the entire column here:

And this Tentacle column: London's calling August 16, 2006 Kevin E. Dayhoff: On Tuesday, August 8, Connecticut voters got confused on their dates and thought that it was really September 10, 2001.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Smoking Gun: Frank Memo Exposes Dem Campaign To Protect Financial Crisis Culprits

House Republican Leader John Boehner - - Smoking Gun: Frank Memo Exposes Dem Campaign To Protect Financial Crisis Culprits
GOP Leader: “The Only Reason For Democrats To Continue Coddling Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac Is To Protect Themselves, Not American Taxpayers.”

Washington, May 6 -

Just hours before one of the government mortgage companies responsible for triggering the financial meltdown reported that it will need another taxpayer bailout, one of its chief enablers on Capitol Hill, House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA), issued a memo urging the Obama Administration to circle the wagons.

For years, Republicans consistently raised red flags about Fannie and Freddie’s financial condition and proposed responsible reforms only to be thwarted by Democrats such as Chairman Frank who have deep political ties to the worst offenders. These same powerful Democrats are now pushing for a financial reform bill that doesn’t even address the need to fix these government mortgage companies. Now, with Freddie Mac set to ask American taxpayers for another massive bailout check, Chairman Frank is pleading with fellow Democrats to hold the line.

According to Politico, Chairman Frank’s memo – which was not written for public consumption expresses concern “that the GOP is scoring points with its attacks on housing giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and he’s urging the White House to fight back.” House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) responded to Chairman Frank’s memo and Washington Democrats’ coordinated effort to protect Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac:

“After freely enabling the high-risk lending that allowed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to run our economy into the ground, Washington Democrats are shamelessly propping up their political benefactors at taxpayer expense. The only reason for Democrats to continue coddling Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is to protect themselves, not American taxpayers. But with Americans clamoring for an end to backroom deals and permanent bailouts, Chairman Frank and Washington Democrats have nowhere left to hide.”

A must-read editorial in today’s Wall Street Journal notes how “reforming the financial system without fixing Fannie and Freddie is like declaring a war on terror and ignoring al Qaeda”:

“One sign that the White House financial reform is less potent than its advertising claims is that it doesn't even attempt to reform the two companies at the heart of the housing mania and panic, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Unreformed, they are sure to kill taxpayers again. Only yesterday, Freddie said it lost $8 billion in the first quarter, requested another $10.6 billion from Uncle Sam, and warned that it would need more in the future. This comes on top of the $126.9 billion that Fan and Fred had already lost through the end of 2009. The duo are by far the biggest losers of the entire financial panic—bigger than AIG, Citigroup and the rest.

“From the 2008 meltdown through 2020, the toxic twins will cost taxpayers close to $380 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office's cautious estimate. The Obama Administration won't even put the companies on budget for fear of the deficit impact, but it realizes the problem because last Christmas Eve it raised the $400 billion cap on their potential taxpayer losses to . . . infinity. Moreover, these taxpayer losses understate the financial destruction wrought by Fan and Fred.”

In an editorial last week, The Christian Science Monitor asked the obvious question:

How can Wall Street itself be reformed without a Fannie-Freddie overhaul? The US mortgage market remains the second largest market for securities in global finance. The two GSEs represent nearly half of the residential mortgage market. And even as Mr. Obama promises no repeat of the big bailouts of 2008-09, he’s still putting money into these big players.”

Much like the backroom deal-laden health care law President Obama and the Democratic Congress forced upon a nation that didn’t want it, President Obama’s Wall Street bailout bill contains a host of special-interest carve-outs and loopholes designed to favor Democrats’ most powerful campaign contributors, bureaucrats, and political allies. Today’s Politico takes a look out how “when Democrats set out to reform Wall Street, they also included a few provisions that benefit their allies in the labor movement.” To learn more, visit the GOP Leader Blog.

House Republicans have listened to the American people and introduced comprehensive financial reform legislation that would end the endless bailouts, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and hold Wall Street accountable. For more information on the House Republican plan,
click here.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Baltimore Reporter: The unintended but foreseeable consequences of Obamacare

The unintended but foreseeable consequences of Obamacare


From Powerline

The jobs report for April has been released and the news is mixed. The economy added 270,000 jobs, but this was not enough to offset the rise in the number of people looking for work. Accordingly, the unemployment rate rose from 9.7 percent to 9.9 percent.

Meanwhile, Diana Furchtgott-Roth of the Manhattan Institute explains why Obamacare is likely to cause employers not to hire as many workers as they otherwise would, particularly among the ranks of the unskilled and the young.


Read the rest here:


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Salisbury News: Governor May Veto Self-Defense Bill

Salisbury News:

Governor May Veto Self-Defense Bill

Ask Governor O'Malley to SIGN this Bill

Read Mr. Albero's entire story here:


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: =

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sheriff Jenkins’ Second Term
Roy Meachum

One of the greatest compliments accorded to words was delivered by a GOP opponent of Chuck Jenkins; he was a man of great connections, in solid with the county’s good ol’ boys. I wrote columns informing voters of the problems he would bring, including his wife.

Walk a Mile in My Shoes
Joe Charlebois

If the nation’s capital – Washington, D.C. – was subject to over 1,000 kidnappings over the last three years (tied to illegal immigration), do you think there would be any debate on the passage of Arizona Senate Bill 2070 which strictly enforces illegal immigration?

2010 Election Candidates
John W. Ashbury

As a public service will publish every Friday the list of candidates who have filed for the various elective offices which will appear on the ballot in the September Primary Election. If errors appear, please notify me at

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Varied and Consistent Praise
Joan McIntyre

This past weekend many of us attended Del. Charles Jenkins’ event at the Cracked Claw in Urbana. It was refreshing to see not only familiar faces but just as many new ones.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mount Airy’s New Leadership
Kevin E. Dayhoff

Up for grabs Mount Airy town elections on Monday were two council seats and the mayor’s office. A total 1434 citizens cast their votes at the fireman's carnival grounds activities building.

Drama in the Jungle
Tom McLaughlin

Matang Orangutan Rehab Center, Malaysia – The following account is true. The plot was not stolen from the American television program “Glee’ or any daytime drama. Written by long-term wildlife biologist volunteer Leo reviewed and approved by the Sarawak (Malaysia) Forestry Department and directed by an amazing staff of Sarawakian wildlife orang experts.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Poor Church
Roy Meachum

The New York Times was dragged through pitch-hot coals for reporting on the Catholic Church sexual scandals. The paper has been accused of conducting a campaign of vilification and vituperation against Pope Benedict XVI.

Send in The Lawyers
Farrell Keough

According to Reuters, “Attorney General Eric Holder said on Friday he was dispatching a team of lawyers to New Orleans to monitor the oil spill and that the Obama Administration would vigorously enforce environmental laws.”

Monday, May 3, 2010

First a diagnosis, now the treatment
Richard B. Weldon Jr.

Having written a warning column about the Republican Party’s challenges, it seemed time to turn to other subjects.

Campaign Diary – Being One’s Own Person
Michael Kurtianyk

I had an interesting conversation last week with someone about perceptions. A person came up to me and said: “I’ve been hearing that you’ve been seen at (insert establishment here) and frankly, we’re concerned.”

Friday, April 30, 2010

Blocking the Road
Roy Meachum

My GOP friends may find difficulty in believing that I wear no party brand on my bald head.

Who’s the Real Loser Here?
Joe Charlebois

This week the County of Santa Clara, CA, passed a law preventing restaurants from incorporating give-away items or prizes with meals – targeted at children – that are deemed unhealthy.

2010 Election Candidates
John W. Ashbury

As a public service will publish every Friday the list of candidates who have filed for the various elective offices which will appear on the ballot in the September Primary Election. If errors appear, please notify me at

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Plowing the Road Anew
Patricia A. Kelly

The Republicans turned out in force Monday night for the annual Lincoln/Reagan Day Dinner. More than 300 attended, with a large number turned away.

Belated Thawts
Norman M. Covert

Spring has been a long time coming. The primary symptom of my Cabin Fever from the long winter’s night has been media overload. Getting into the sunlight replenished my deficiency of Vitamin D, but clarity in local and national events is like the weather – partly cloudy.

Tea Partiers and Illegal Immigration
Derek Shackelford

Just a couple of weeks ago Tea Party rallies were held across the country to oppose some of the proponents of government spending and intrusion. Rightly Tea Partiers believe government is not the answer to all of individual or societal problems. And if those in government thinks that it is and everyone can be on equal footing, then some would pronounce this to be socialism.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Conspiracy Theories by Bob Allen

Conspiracy Theories


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Friday, May 07, 2010

The Maryland: Town Residents Vote To Ban Speed Cameras

Maryland: Town Residents Vote To Ban Speed Cameras
Sykesville, Maryland becomes the tenth jurisdiction to ban speed cameras by referendum.

Sykesville, MarylandSykesville, Maryland yesterday became the tenth jurisdiction to reject the use of photo enforcement by referendum. The town was to be the first in Carroll County to operate automated ticketing machines after leaders approved an ordinance designating three speed camera zones on February 22. These plans fell through after a group of residents collected more than enough signatures within the thirty-day deadline to put an ordinance repeal on the ballot. Sixty-one percent of Sykesville voters insisted on repealing the use of speed cameras.

The results are directly contrary to polling data released by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. In a 2008 report on the nearby Montgomery County speed camera program, the insurance company-backed group claimed sixty-two percent of residents supported the use of automated ticketing machines. The institute has a significant financial interest in the issue as states like Arizona, California and Illinois apply license points to certain types of photo tickets. A similar incentive drove town officials to spend taxpayer money in an attempt to convince voters to keep the cameras.

Read the entire story in here:

Related News
Maryland: Town Residents Vote To Ban Speed Cameras

Citizens Around The Country Consider Banning Traffic Cameras

Australia, France: Speed Cameras Attacked In Courts, On Roadside

Speed Camera Hate Grows in Belgium

Alaska Senator Championed Speed Camera Program Rejected by Public


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Anchorage Daily News Breaking News: Platform glitches multiplied - Series of failures led to rig explosion

Series of failures led to rig explosion

ON THE GULF OF MEXICO - The deadly blowout of an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico was triggered by a bubble of methane gas that escaped from the well and shot up the drill column, expanding quickly as it burst through several seals and barriers before exploding, according to interviews with rig workers conducted during BP's internal investigation.

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Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Off Track Art reception for guest artist Jodi O’Connell

Off Track Art reception for guest artist Jodi O’Connell Friday, May 7th between 5:30 and 7:30 PM

April 15, 2010 Off Track Art Newsletter


an E-newsletter of Off Track Art , an artists’ cooperative gallery

March/April 2010

April 15, 2010

11 Liberty Street (Side Entrance) Westminster, MD

Tue-Wed noon -6 PM
Thu-Fri noon -7 PM
Sat 10 AM - 5 PM

GUEST ARTIST, May/June: Jodi O’Connell

Off Track Art welcomes colorful painter, Jodi O’Connell, as our guest artist for May and June. Drop by to the reception on Friday, May 7th between 5:30 and 7:30 PM to meet Jodi. An expressive painter of traditional genres, Jodi renders her subjects in bright, glowing colors.


OPENING: “Off Track goes off track” is an exhibit of creative interpretations of the gallery name and other musings by artists from Off Track Art. It opens April 18th in the Great Hall at Carroll County Community College, and runs through May 21, 2010. Please join us at a reception: Sunday, April 18th, from 2-4 PM.


Gordon Wickes took part of the fund raiser for The Maryland Art Place, “Out of Order,” in Baltimore on Friday, April 9.

Melinda Byrd has an oil painting at the following event: Come and see, and maybe bid and take a piece home with you. Apr 22, Thursday, 6:30 pm Juried Art Show, Benefit Auction and Lecture with Greg Mort at the Howard Conservancy. Greg Mort, Artist and Author of The Artist & the Art of Stewardship, is considered to be one of America’s foremost contemporary painters. His works are included in many prominent collections including the Smithsonian and the Corcoran Gallery. Mort’s painting, Stewardship became part of President and Mrs. Clinton’s collection at the White House. He will talk about his work and how it expresses his passion for the environment and the importance of stewardship. Juried works of art are on display in the Gudelsky Gallery along with the entire Stewardship collection by Greg Mort. An artists' reception begins at 6:30pm followed by Greg Mort's lecture at 7pm. A live auction of the juried works and Greg Mort's pieces will take place, plus a book signing. A great way to celebrate Earth Day! $10 per person. To register, click on this link:

Linda Van Hart is top of the wait list for Craft Boston April 9-11 at The Seagate World Trade Center.

Gail Elwell is involved with The Artchicks, "Gathering," recently on view at the Scott Gallery, Carroll Community College, will be opening in Lubbock, Texas, May 17-June 18, at the Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts.

More of Gail’s works can be seen in her collage project, "52 Weeks," which opens at the Christina Collin-Smith Gallery in Cumberland, Md., in June.


Vestal Abbott
Melinda Byrd:
Kevin Dayhoff:
Mary Decker:
Gail Elwell:
Judy Goodyear
Charlotte Laslo
Cathy Sawdey
Gordon Wickes
Linda van Hart:
Bobby Waddell
Susan Williamson
Pamela Zappardino
GUEST, Thomas Sterner
GUEST, Jodi O’Connell:

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20100415 OTA Newsletter

Labels: Art Artists Culture, Art Artists Culture Carroll Co, Art Off Track Art, Art Off Track Art newsletter, Off Track Artists news info, Westminster Art Culture Artists

20100507 OTA OConnell reception


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

By Golly, life’s too darn short…

Pelosi: It’s Cheaper to Treat Teens for Drug Use Than Interdict Drugs at Border

Today's Headlines

Friday, May 7, 2010

Pelosi: It’s Cheaper to Treat Teens for Drug Use Than Interdict Drugs at Border
- While pointing out that it is the responsibility of the federal government to secure the U.S.-Mexico border, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) said Thursday it is cheaper to treat teens for drug abuse than it is to interdict drugs being smuggled across the border. She said she is “for reducing [drug] demand in the United States.”

House Speaker Pelosi Thanks Nuns for Supporting ‘Life Affirming’ Health Care Bill
- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), a Catholic, thanked American nuns who supported passage of the health care bill. "We believe that the health care initiative was respecting the dignity and worth of every person," Pelosi told the Catholic Community Conference on Thursday.

92 Percent of Americans Believe in God; Only 5 Percent Oppose National Day of Prayer
- Just two weeks after a federal judge in Madison, Wis., ruled that the annual National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional, 92 percent of Americans told the USA Today/Gallup poll that they believe in God and only 5 percent said they oppose the National Day of Prayer.

Sen. Shelby: Financial Reform Violates Privacy
– Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), senior Republican on the Senate Banking Committee, said that provisions in the new financial regulatory bill violate privacy rights by allowing the government to collect any financial information it wants from any financial institution it wants. Shelby said Republicans would offer amendments to “surgically strike” such objectionable provisions.

Franklin Graham: ‘God Used’ Judge Who Ruled National Day of Prayer Unconstitutional ‘to Accomplish His Purposes’
– A standing ovation greeted preacher Franklin Graham as he took the podium at the National Day of Prayer on Capitol Hill on Thursday to give the keynote address. Graham did not back down from criticism that he had disparaged Muslims, telling the crowd that he is a Christian minister who preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Pakistan’s Jihadists Form A Complex Web of Collaborating Groups
– JeM and HUJI, along with others like Lashkar-e-Toiba/Tayyiba (LeT), Hizb ul-Mujahideen and Harkat ul-Ansar are among the sometimes bewildering array of jihadist groups operating in South Asia. Most historically have focused on fighting Indian rule in disputed Kashmir, but they are also part of a broader jihad that views the United States as an enemy and target.

Gibbs Can't Say If Obama Used Sexual Slur Against Tea Party Activists in Interview With Newsweek Editor
– White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said he did not know and could not imagine asking President Barack Obama whether he used the vulgar sexual term “tea baggers” to describe Americans active in the Tea Party movement. But he added that he would check.


Actress Kim Kardashian: Fox News ‘Very Reputable,’ The ‘Only News in the House’
- Actress and model Kim Kardashian turned down CBS’s invitation to attend the White House Correspondents Dinner, but told that she decided to attend as a guest of Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren. Kardashian said Fox News Channel, which is often criticized by liberals, is “the only news in the house” where she resides.

NBC’s Meredith Vieira: ‘Real Shocker To Me’ That Obama Hadn’t Done National Press Conference for 7 Months
– Meredith Vieira, co-host of NBC’s Today Show, also said that a president “should be available to the media as much as possible because that’s the only way the public can get answers.”


Jobless Rate Rises, Even Though Census Hiring Boosted Payroll Growth
Arizona to Eliminate Speed Cameras on Highways
Britain’s Top Two Parties Locked in Election Standoff
New Hampshire Bus Bomb Scare Was A Misunderstanding
Investigators Looking for Money Courier in Times Square Bomb Plot
Third Navy SEAL Not Guilty of Punching Iraqi Terrorist
Oil Spill May Endanger Human Health, Government Officials Say
Past Oil Spill Exercises Did Not Anticipate Scale of Current Disaster
TV Academy Honors ‘Television With A Conscience’
Immigration Reform Will Require ‘Act of Political Leadership,’ Says Border Chief
Shell Oil Ready to Drill in Arctic Ocean to Recoup Its Years-Long Investment
Franklin Graham Prays at Pentagon, Says 'Islam Got a Pass'
Illinois Democrats Moving Budget That Shorts Pensions
Obama White House Reviving Russian Nuke Deal That Bush Scrapped
World Stocks Slide on Dow Collapse, Debt Crisis
Taylor Swift Donates $500,000 to Nashville Flood Relief

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‘Hundreds’ of drivers’ licenses issued to illegal aliens, foreign residents in Philly
Los Angeles DMV workers accused of illegally issuing driver's licenses, vehicle titles
Violent movie trailer declares war on Arizona for immigration law
Homosexual activists challenge federal Defense of Marriage Act as unconstitutional
Republican lawmakers launch states' rights task force
Day of Prayer observed in Denver, but lawsuit looms
University of Utah seniors say goodbye with vulgar send off in student newspaper
Interior Dept. defends raft trip taken by official during oil spill
Michigan elementary school principal investigated for black-students-only class trip
Boehner slams FCC for 'takeover of Internet'
Senate Republicans delay controversial appellate court pick Goodwin Liu
Ancient DNA shows interbreeding between Homo sapiens and Neanderthal
Klamath farmers told to expect 30 percent of normal water supply
California parole agency breaks up sex-offender encampment in Anaheim
U.Va. president wants a law requiring police to report student arrests to the university
Girl, 14, kicks 12-year-old out of car and steals it
Miami airport screener teased after private parts viewed on body imaging machine


The End of La Dolce Vita
By Patrick J. Buchanan
The nations of Europe have made commitments beyond their capacity to keep, given their growing debts and aging populations. And America is not all that far behind. The ever-expanding European and American welfare states of the 20th century will contract in the 21st. A time of austerity is at hand. Indeed, what is about to be tested is democracy itself.

The Go-Fly List for Terrorists
By Michelle Malkin
If America’s homeland security policies were subject to truth-in-advertising laws, the “no-fly” list would be known around the world by its right and proper name: the “go-fly” list. As in: Go right ahead, jihadists, and fly our planes. While grandmas and grade-schoolers and war heroes patiently pass through a gauntlet of wands, checkpoints and screening obstacles, the nation’s safety watchdogs are asleep at the wheel. And nearly nine years after Sept. 11, there is still no functional interoperability among U.S. national security and criminal databases.

Fox Television’s Dung Pile
By L. Brent Bozell III
Barack Obama’s Federal Communications Commission seems to think the agency’s mission of discouraging indecency is as outdated as Glenn Miller, even as the airwaves sound more like Ozzy Osbourne. When it comes to indecency, nobody’s home at the FCC.

Brownie's Chutzpah
By Rich Galen
Mike Brown, the former head of FEMA during the Hurricane Katrina fiasco, has been using the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico to sell some book he's written and to promote his business. As some of you might remember, I was in Baton Rouge with your guy Brownie right after the hurricane hit. Even then, it was all about Mike Brown.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle: