Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Haven N. Shoemaker, Jr ~~ Candidate for County Commissioner District 2

Shoemaker, Ehrlich, and Kane July 10, 2010

Hampstead Mayor Haven Shoemaker and candidate for Carroll County Commissioner - Carroll County District 2; with the Maryland Republican gubernatorial candidate Robert L. Ehrlich and his lieutenant governor running mate, Mary Kane at the Manchester Volunteer Fire Department’s 125th annual carnival on Saturday night, July 10, 2010.  Find the full story on : “Ehrlich joins the party for Manchester's 125th anniversary - Former governor on the campaign trail at annual fire department carnival” By Kevin Dayhoff (Photo by Kevin Dayhoff)

Haven N. Shoemaker, Jr ~~ Candidate for County Commissioner

by Haven Shoemaker for County Commissioner on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 at 9:20pm

Haven Shoemaker, Jr.
Candidate for County Commissioner
Carroll County, District 2

The Voice For The People of Hampstead and Finksburg

My wife, Patty, and I have been married for 22 years and we have one son, Haven. I’m a lawyer, but my roots are as blue collar as you can get. One grandfather was a logger from a mountain in North Carolina where my family has lived since 1755; the other grandfather was a West Virginia coal miner. My Dad worked for GM on the assembly line. He spent the lion’s share of the ‘70’s laid off which is where I developed my affinity for corn and beans. I spent a fair amount of my childhood in trailer camps. I grew up in a town in Cecil County, Maryland, which is a fraction of the size of Hampstead. It’s those small town values, work ethics instilled in me as a child, and my faith in the Almighty that I bring to the table as a candidate for public office.

It has been my supreme privilege to serve as Mayor of Hampstead for the past 7 years. In that period of time, many great things have occurred that will be part of the fabric of this county for years to come. We cut the ribbon on the Hampstead Bypass last August. We converted the old school site into 84 units of affordable senior housing…a $13 million venture. We built a 17 acre park in the heart of our downtown. We increased the size of our police department by 50%. We’ve improved and are still improving our water system. We have not raised any of our taxes a single cent in the 7 years that I’ve been Mayor! When the state cut monies to local government, I took decisive action!

While it has been spectacular serving in town government, I feel that it is time to prepare to turn the reign over. It has become quite clear that things aren’t quite right at the county front. This board of County Commissioners has lost touch with the people they represent. From spending $23.5 million to settle a lawsuit they provoked, to the ill-fated Pathwarp project, to the $1.8 million boon gaggle of an airport expansion, the ridiculous notion that creating a new county police force is cheaper than investing in our already existing Sherriff’s Department. It’s been one thing after another from the County Office. Don’t even get me started on taxes! Carroll County has one of the highest property tax rates in the state.

I know people are hurting. I see it every day in my law practice. I see the pain in their faces and the tears in their eyes. I also know that there is widespread distrust of government and politicians who won’t pull themselves away from the trough even after 20 plus years in office. I know that for government to be restored to the people, we have to start at the local level.

Please join me as I seek to provide a true conservative voice for Hampstead and Finksburg as County Commissioner in the newly formed District 2. Together we will make a difference!

Welcome to the online home for my campaign for County Commissioner.  Thank you for taking the time to visit.

I'm running for Commissioner because I believe that Carroll County is facing huge challenges right now and in the future.  With the expansion of the County Commission (going from 3 to 5, elected by district), it's important that we have common sense, conservative leaders who know the needs of their own areas but will also work tirelessly for the good of the entire county.
As your Commissioner, I will do the following:
  • Fight to keep taxes low and work to reduce property taxes
  • Work to ease the traffic gridlock on our roads
  • Ensure that county government uses our tax dollars efficiently
  • Improve our school system
  • Find solutions to our water needs and help our farmers.
We have a chance in this election to re-make our county government.  I want to do my part to bring transparency, openness, and common sense fiscal management to the Board of County Commissioners.  I would be honored to have your support.
Please check out where I stand on the issues and what I've done to put conservative principles into action as mayor of Hampstead.  Contact me directly if you have any questions at or 410-239-4600.


Saturday, September 04, 2010

Latest News Updates from Michael Zimmer, Carroll County commissioner candidate for District 5

Facts vs Attacks
News - 2010
The Issues - 2010
About The Commissioner
Volunteer / Support
Events & Appearances
Press Releases
Photo Gallery

I serve as a Commissioner for Carroll County because I know I can make a real difference in the lives of everyday citizens of our county. This site contains my issue stands and information about my personal background that help to make that difference.

My temperament, education, experience, skills and talents have uniquely equipped me to be a Commissioner. I ask for your ongoing support. I am a leader who listens. That’s a lot more than a slogan. It’s how I live my life.

Michael D. Zimmer
Latest News Updates:
News 2010 - Main Page
Standing by record of service - Letter to the Carroll County Times. 8/30/10Undecided voters in Commissioner District 5 may be wondering who they can trust on the issue of property tax relief. Securing tax relief has been one of my top priorities during the term of the current Board of Commissioners.
Waste-to-Energy Updates - August 2010
PDF Document - Associated Builders & Contractors of Cumberland Valley Renewable Waste-to-Energy Resolution

Letter to The Baltimore Sun - from Charles J. "Buck" Miller, Jr., Hampstead
Press Release - 8/25/10
Yesterday the South Carroll Republican Club endorsed me for Commissioner in District 5. This follows the endorsement by the Maryland Republican Assembly...
Facts vs Attacks Page - a new page on this site posted 8/18/10
Press Release - 8/10/10
The candidate who continually seems to want to spin my record as Commissioner struck again recently with his attack on my practice of taking one or two meals a month at one of our local senior centers. He alleges this practice lacks an official purpose and is merely politics on my part. The official purpose of these visits is pretty simple. I go to the centers to listen.
Commissioner Zimmer denies wrongdoing in trips to senior centers - Carroll County Times. 8/9/10Commissioner Michael Zimmer said his frequent visits to senior centers in Carroll County aren't campaign-related and don't violate policies prohibiting the centers from holding political events.
County commissioners adopt lower tax cap - Carroll County Times. 8/6/10Carroll residents could see smaller increases in their property tax bills in the future. On Thursday, the Carroll County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to adopt a reduction on the cap of the Homestead Tax Credit. They lowered the cap from 7 percent to 5 percent following a public hearing on the proposal.
Press Release - 8/3/10
My English teachers in high school taught me to cite my sources in my papers. My college speech professor taught the same lesson in that class. Certain attacks have been leveled against my record by one candidate in particular. This candidate has a habit of making outrageous observations of his spin about my votes, yet conveniently he seems to leave out key facts or blatantly misrepresent the facts in these attacks. He also conveniently fails to cite sources for his charges.

Facts vs Attacks Page
Record clear on police issues - Letter to the Carroll County Times. 7/28/10The next Board of Commissioners will tackle many issues. One concern will be the future of law enforcement. Here are the facts about my record.

In 2008 I wrote the governor to ask that he sign a referendum bill passed by the General Assembly to subject the future of law enforcement to a vote by the public. The majority on the board shot this referendum down in a two to one vote...
Press Release - 7/26/10
Recently one of the District 5 candidates has questioned my decision to hire a full time special assistant when I was skeptical of such hires several years ago. His attack ignores a simple reality of what happened during the General Election of 2006.
Carroll County Chamber Position Statement - 7/21/10
Chamber's position statement supports proposed Waste-to-Energy Facility.
"The Frederick/Carroll County Renewable Waste-to-Energy facility appears to be in the overall best interests of the County, its businesses, and its residents, and the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce strongly supports the project."
Support offered for candidate Jim Rutledge - Letter to the Carroll County Times. 6/20/10
Since 2008 voters in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts have expressed their displeasure with the policies of President Barack Obama. Will this be the year for similar voter anger to be displayed in Maryland?
Washington-based policies seem to be oriented to ever-increasing spending and deficits. It is time to send a Senator to Washington who retains a love for freedom and a respect for constitutionally limited government and spending.

We have a choice this year to elect a new U.S. Senator. I'm backing Jim Rutledge for this task. In fact, he's asked me to serve as his honorary chair of his Carroll County campaign...
Press Release: Today I have filed for election as County Commissioner 06/08/10


Friday, September 03, 2010

Ralph Shewell: Why I can’t support two incumbents

Letter to the editor at Soundtrack

September 3, 2010

Ralph Shewell: Why I can’t support two incumbents


Del. Stocksdale voted against the will of her constituents when she voted no to a referendum bill regarding the creation of a county police force. 

A local paper’s poll showed that 80% of respondents wanted the right to vote on this issue; an even higher percentage expressed the same view in letters to the Delegation.

Senator Haines and Delegate Shewell share the same constituents with Del. Stocksdale and both voted for the referendum their constituents demanded. 

Del. Stocksdale also worked against the majority Carroll County Delegation vote by sending a letter to the chairman of the hearing committee stating opposition to the bill and support of the Carroll Commissioners. 

Carroll Delegation policy is that you vote your view, but   you do not try to undermine the passage of a bill sanctioned by a majority vote of the Delegation.

In a letter dated February 8, 2008 addressed to the assigned committee chairman, Del. Stocksdale did just that, worked against the majority vote.  When confronted, she denied it until a copy of her letter exposed her actions.

Complicit with Del. Stocksdale in this tactic was Del. Susan Krebs who wrote a letter to the same committee chairman dated March 3, 2008 to try to derail the referendum bill. 

She too denied working against the bill’s passage until a copy of her letter was presented to the full Carroll Delegation.  (Despite this tug-of -war, Del. Shewell achieved passage of the bill in her subcommittee, her committee, and on the House floor.) 

Is it any wonder that Haines and Shewell have not endorsed Stocksdale or Krebs, but have done the opposite by endorsing their opponents?  This police issue will surface again.

Delegate Stocksdale had no personally sponsored bills passed in the last 4 years. Her excuse at the League of Women Voters’ Forum was that it is difficult for a Republican to pass a bill in the House controlled by Democrats. Why then were the other three Delegates able to pass multiple bills under the same conditions?

In lieu of passing bills, Stocksdale touts her constituent service, but fails to say that all Delegates provide constituent service with the assistance of a legislative aide and legislative liaisons in all departments of state government. Giving good constituent service is just part of performing her job.

For these and other reasons, I will vote for new leadership in District 5A and recommend it in District 9B.

Ralph Shewell

Westminster, MD 21158

[20100903 b Shewell LTE why I cant support two incumbents.docx]

Editor’s note: If you have a letter to the editor that you would like to submit to Soundtrack, please e-mail it to  


Former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee endorses Justin Ready for District 5A Carroll County Delegate

Former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee endorses local candidate for office.

Announcement made Thursday on Huckabee’s national blog.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

By Kevin Dayhoff

On Thursday former Arkansas Gov. and former 2008 presidential candidate Mike Huckabee (R) endorsed Justin Ready, the candidate for District 5A of the Maryland House of Delegates

According to Washington Post political writer, John Wagner; who wrote about the endorsement in the Post’s political blog, Maryland Politics; “Ready, a former executive director of the Maryland Republican Party, served as Huckabee's campaign director for Maryland in 2008.”

Huckabee announced the endorsement on his Huck PAC blog.  Wagner writes that Huckabee “is eying another bid in 2012…”

District 5A includes Westminster, Finksburg, Manchester, and Hampstead and stretches from the Pennsylvania line to the north, the Baltimore County line to the east, Finksburg to the south and Westminster to the west.

Ready had announced his candidacy for House of Delegates relatively early, on January 29, as the last winter session of the Maryland General Assembly began; and long before incumbent District 5A Del. Tanya Shewell announced on July 1 that she would not be seeking re-election.

The other incumbent, Del. Nancy Stocksdale (R) is running for her seat again.  Although there is no Democrat challenger for the seat, two other Republicans have thrown their hat in the ring for the September 14th Republican primary; William Niner of Hampstead, and Dave Wallace of Finksburg.

Ready, who has been quite actively campaigning and has been frequently seen waving his campaign signs along major roads early in the morning and late in the evening as folks commute to work.

He has also gathered quite a few endorsements, including former District 5A Del. Carmen Amedori and retiring Delegate Shewell.

It is not known when the last time such a national know political figure has weighed-in on Carroll County politics or if Huckabee has ever visited the county of if he intends to campaign for ready in the county.

Huckabee wrote on his blog, “Huck PAC and I are proud to endorse Justin Ready for Maryland State Delegate from District 5A.  Justin has the right kind of experience needed to represent the people and he is ready to serve.

“Justin has legislative experience from working in the Maryland General Assembly for two conservative Republican legislators; he’s also served as the Executive Director of the Maryland Republican Party.

“A small business owner, Justin understands firsthand how excessive spending and high taxes wreak havoc on a business and he will fight to reduce taxes and eliminate wasteful spending.  Electing Justin Ready will help bring real positive change to Maryland.

“Justin is pro-life, pro-family and strongly supports 2nd Amendment rights. Just has also been endorsed by Maryland Right to Life, so we will never have to question where he stands on the sanctity of life.

“Please join me in supporting Justin Ready for Maryland State Delegate. We can count on Justin to fight for us in Annapolis.”


Justin Ready at the 2008 Republican National Convention on September 2, 2008.  Photo by Kevin Dayhoff

[20100902 SCE Former Arkansas Gov. Huckabee endorses Ready for Delegate]


Investigative Voice - Dayhoff: Baltimore city police apprehend Pa man suspected in area bank ...

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Repairs are part of an ongoing effort to preserve Westminster MD timepiece.

Repairs are part of an ongoing effort to preserve the city timepiece.

August 4, 2010  By Kevin Dayhoff

There are three versions of my story on the Westminster clock tower.

One, a long and comprehensive story, was published only on the Explore Carroll website at:  It mentions councilwoman Albert’s work and where folks may contribute to the clock tower fund.

An excerpt may also be found on my Westminster community website:

There was a short version published in my Sunday history column, “Archives,” that appears in the Baltimore Sunday Sun.  It only appeared in the print version of the newspaper.

Then, there is a much longer version of the piece that was submitted, but edited a good bit for length.  I will eventually put that on my website… here:

A YouTube of the event may be found at:


In the early morning hours of Tuesday morning, Main Street of Westminster was relatively quiet, with the exception of Westminster street department superintendent Larry Bloom, and Jeff Glass, the city public works director standing on the sidewalk across the street from the old firehouse at 66 E. Main Street in Westminster and looking up into the sky.

Was it a bird, a plane – superman?  Well no, they were staring at the old clock which sits atop the old fire hall - which served our community from 1896 to 1998.

After the fire company moved to its new location on John Street in 1998 and the building was sold, the city retained ownership of just the clock and the clock tower which sits on top of the three-story building that once housed the Westminster city offices until the late 1930s, in addition to the fire company.

A plaque at the base of the clock tower reads: “Henry Baile; Born January 9, 1809; Died October 26, 1891.  The above clock erected to his memory by his wife Margaret Cassell Baile Sept. 1, 1896.”

A newspaper article from January 1896 reports that the clock tower was the source of a great deal of excitement in the community:

“It is pleasant to record the fact that the clock … (built by the) Seth Thomas Clock Company, of Stamford, Conn., for a tower clock which the company lists at $1010, and which will be a contribution to the department...”

Meanwhile, 114 years later, last Tuesday, on the sidewalk below the clock, the assistant city street department superintendent Wayne Reifsnider, and David Booth of Precision Repair, a timepiece restoration company, were busy sorting through brand new clock hands and safety belts.

According to Booth, Tuesday morning’s task was to replace “the cedar hands, which require painting every two years, with powder coated aluminum ones, and stainless steel counterweights.”

It’s neat to be here and be a part of history, said Glass as he and Bloom kept looking up.  It’s exciting to see the clock being preserved, said Bloom.

Moments later, a Thomas Bennett and Hunter crane arrived and city workers Shawn Lockard and Alan Miller joined Reifsnider as they set-up the crane and attached a steel cage on the end of a cable.

Keeping the old timepiece working has been challenging for the city workers in the last number of years.

Miller said it was good to get it worked on, as he looked briefly up at the old clock.  Lockard added, “I’m glad that we’re finally getting it fixed.”

Booth and Reifsnider subsequently jumped into the steel cage and away they were whisked into the air four stories to replace the clock hands on the old historic clock that has been a fixture in the center of town since it was dedicated at 3:30 in the afternoon on Thanksgiving Day, November 26, 1896.

Replacing the clock hands on the old timepiece is part of an ongoing effort to save and restore the clock that has been in need of repair for a number of years. 

Booth said that it was exciting to see the refurbishing come along…

Booth shared that on November 17, 2008 a group of clock historians from Chapter 11 of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors visited the old clock and did an assessment of the clock’s condition.

“After inspecting the clock, this group found the clock to be in surprisingly good condition,” although, “prior to (that) visit, vandals did extensive damage to the mechanism…

“The clock is a Seth Thomas (number 16.)  The nameplate is dated May 16, 1896, and it is clock #897, and marked ‘A. S. Hotchkiss.’” 

Just then, as traffic on Main Street began to increase, Ben Rogers walked up the street as he made his way to his office at Edward Jones, at the corner of Main Street and Longwell Avenue.

“It rings the time…  It will great to see the time on the face,” said Rogers just – as if on cue – the clock bell chimed.

Booth later e-mailed, “The bell was cast by J. Resister & Sons, Baltimore, MD, and measures 37” in diameter at the mouth…  It is inscribed ‘Westminster Fire Engine & Hose #1, Incorporated 1879’...  The other side has several names of officials on an 1881 executive committee.”

Nancy Hernandez of the Community Media Center was also there to film the repairs.  This is fun.  It’s exciting to be a witness… to record this.

Although Booth is donating his time, other expenses incurred in the clock repair are being covered by private donations collected by a fund spearheaded by Westminster councilwoman Suzanne Albert. 

Albert, the granddaughter of David E. Walsh, the city's mayor from 1912 to 1916, told Explore Carroll in 2008 that she has fond memories of the clock from the days when she grew up on Main Street in Westminster.

If you would like to contribute, send a donation to the Westminster Clock Tower Fund at the Community Foundation of Carroll County, 255 Clifton Boulevard, Westminster, Md. 21158.

[20100804 SCE Wster clock tower gets new clock hands sceked]
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Republican Lt. Gov. candidate, Mary Kane, visits Westminster

Republican Lt. Gov. candidate, Mary Kane, visits Westminster August 31, 2010 By Kevin Dayhoff

Find a video of the event here:

The Republican candidate for Maryland lieutenant governor, Mary D. Kane, 48, came to Westminster Tuesday for a listening tour of downtown Westminster merchants, restaurateurs, and agriculture leaders…

The Republican candidate for Maryland lieutenant governor, Mary D. Kane, 48, stops in front of Heinz Bakery on West Main Street on Tuesday, with Joe Getty, (center) the Republican state senate candidate for District 5 and Larry Haines, the current retiring District 5 state senator…

Allen Baugher, center, plays the harmonica at his family restaurant before having a discussion about the challenges of agriculture with the Republican candidate for Maryland lieutenant governor, Mary D. Kane at his family restaurant on Tuesday; as his son, Dwight, looks on…

Allen Baugher goes back to work, after having lunch with the Republican candidate for Maryland lieutenant governor, Mary D. Kane at his family restaurant on Tuesday…

Written and filmed by Kevin Dayhoff for

With editorial assistance by Jim Joyner and Charles Schelle

All rights reserved by Kevin Dayhoff and

August 31, 2010

Republican candidate Maryland lieutenant governor Mary Kane Westminster Explore Carroll Eagle Dayhoff Getty Haines Baugher’s

Explore Carroll: Dayhoff - Republican candidate for Md lt gov Mary Kane came to Westminster Aug 31

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