This week in The Tentacle
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Trapped in a Metaphorical CageI’ve been driving through downtown Baltimore a lot lately. I am perfectly capable of losing my own gas cap, but am quite sure it was stolen from the top of my car while I was prepaying for gas at a Hess station in an inner city neighborhood.
Changing The Game Plan
In the business world there are relatively few stories about people who became a success "overnight." Typically even businesses that are on the fast track to success have laid the ground work, done years of due diligence and secured a financial base before achieving public notoriety as the up and coming business.
Having It Both Ways
It is a question which has been asked and debated seemingly everywhere, for many years: Does residential growth pay for itself or not?
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Lawrence Eagleburger: The Real DealMany who have closely follow the intrigues and personalities of the United States Foreign Service and the implementation of American foreign policy for the last 50 years were saddened to learn of the death last Saturday of former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger.
Scouting Legacy and Airport Farewells
Boy Scouts of America (BSA) hasn’t strayed too far from its founding in the United States 100 years ago. Marketing strategies and media technologies have improved, but BOYS LIFE still arrives in my mail box each month. I’m clinging to my youth, the “groaner” jokes on the back page and those values I hold dear.
The World’s Largest Cavern
Mulu, Borneo – The 40-seat plane had about eight of us aboard as it banked toward the runway in the middle of the jungle. We slowly taxied to the terminal which was as large as my home in Middletown. The men unloaded the few bags from the craft onto a gurney and pulled it to the open luggage receiving counter.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Remember the Liberty!The profuse apologetics for Israel’s performance in 1967’s Six Day War seek to derail attention from the sometimes brutal occupation of the West Bank; it’s lasted 44 years.
Good or Bad? At Least It’s A Start
To grow or not to grow? That is the question, one that the Frederick County commissioners are attempting to address with their proposed school mitigation fee.
Ride Like Plácido Sings
I sing. Music is in my mind and heart almost every moment of my day. I’ve sung practically all my life, interrupted here and there by concentrating on this or that recreational venture or professional interest.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Stop the NCAA MadnessMadness is an overused term that describes the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) annual basketball tournament in March of each year. Madness seems to be a fitting jump-off point for a discussion about the nature of amateur athletes and higher education.
Naked Radio WFMD
Okay, now that I have your attention, the rest should be easy. Getting people to read any more is quite the trick; the story of my recent airwaves weekend was fun to relive, though. It was naked. It was dirty. It was a dark and stormy night…
On Bob Dylan
So, Bob Dylan recently turned 70 years old. It’s hard to believe for me, as I’ve listened to his words and songs my entire life.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Serious Moral ProblemThe Frederick News-Post’s Wednesday front-page ran the headline: “Hispanic father, son demonstrate drive to succeed…” Quickly the story reveals that Guatemalan Victor Arevalo and son Jorge Perez did not start the business.
Defining Leadership
This past week outgoing Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates spoke to the United States Naval Academy graduates at commencement for the last time as secretary. His speech applauded the graduates, their families and those you supported them through four difficult years.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
From Lowering Fees to Roasting AdamThe Dog Days of Summer arrived a bit before any of us wanted them. I don’t know about the rest of you but my concentration waves just like the heat during this time of year. I don’t want to concentrate but since I have to on a daily basis unfortunately I tend to do it in dribs and drabs between the heat waves.
Are Unemployment Benefits a Racket?
Maryland’s unemployment rate is currently at 6.8 percent, which equates to 203,416 people collecting unemployment benefits from the state. This number has actually decreased every month since September 2010, but many Marylanders are still out of work.
Refusing to Bite One’s Lip
Okay, so here we raise the curtain on Act Two of the drama over the members of the Charter Writing Board as appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
One Day in AmericaA touch of Americana was on display Sunday as the Woodsboro Memorial Day Parade kicked off. Residents have enjoyed this event for many years.
An Unusual Financial Wizard
Mark Haines, the popular, well-respected, venerable financial news anchor with CNBC, died unexpectedly a week ago at his home in Marlboro, NJ. He was 65.
Expat or not, I’m loving life
Kuching, Malaysian Borneo – Not too many other westerners live here in Kuching. Mostly they are Australians or British who work for companies manufacturing or assembling various components for computers. They are the managers who ensure whatever they are making proceeds smoothly.
A REVIEW – Silences and Sexuality
Washington Shakespeare Theatre is offering a seldom glimpse into the world according to London’s Harold Pinter. Artistic Director Michael Kahn has mounted a generally admirable, “Old Times.” It’s been almost 40 years since I first reviewed the play.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Political ExperienceIn last Tuesday’s column, I wrote how I professionally wait for newly elected officials to make their mark.
Making Housing Pay Its Way
The debate over whether residential real estate growth pays for itself has been reignited over the last few months. The Frederick Board of County Commissioners have been moving forward with a school mitigation proposal for future housing projects that have been stuck in the Catch 22 of its very strict Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (APFO).
Inspection Privatization: Good Idea or Bad?
When a company increases a cost, they must weigh the benefits as they will lose customers if the costs become too high. When a government raises a cost, we the taxpayer suffer the penalty with few options, (short of moving) available to us – we cannot walk down the street to another government office competing for our business.
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