Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

This week in

This week in :

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Exit Iraq
Roy Meachum
Whatever else he promised; Barack Obama celebrated this weekend the campaign pledge to exit Iraq – with 82 percent approval from local residents who voted in The Frederick News-Post daily poll.

Problem? Here’s the solution(s)….
Farrell Keough
As noted in the many writings of Thomas Jefferson, these United States are composed of “little republics” – those communities which create the backbone and strength of the nation as a whole.

Worse Than Marijuana – But Legal
Shawn Burns
Professor John W. Huffman, the man who first synthesized many of the cannabinoids used in synthetic cannabis, has been quoted as saying that "People who use it are idiots. You don't know what it's going to do to you."

Monday, December 19, 2011

More fiddlers amidst the fire
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
So, the Frederick County Board of Education cannot decide who should serve a one year term as President. Big deal.

Drawing the Line in the Sand…
Cindy A. Rose
With atheists, agnostics and other such unaffiliated groups coming out of the woodwork to chip away at Christian American culture and custom, it’s time to look at some statistics on the religious makeup of the United States.

On War, On Taxes and On Politics
Michael Kurtianyk
Well, we finally did it. Last week, President Barack Obama visited Fort Bragg (NC) and paid tribute to the soldiers at that Army post. More than two hundred of the men and women killed in Iraq came from Fort Bragg.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Un-Peace in the Holy Land
Roy Meachum
You may have missed the week’s stories. Palestine was accepted as a full member of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, costing UNESCO 25 percent of its budget: 22 from the United States and 3 from Israel.

Stripping the Power from Washington
Joe Charlebois
Conservative attempts at scaling back the overreaching power that the Washington establishment has garnered over the past 50 years has been like Sisyphus rolling the boulder up the hill time and time again just to watch it roll back down.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Misdirection and Confusion
Joan Marie Aquilino
Plan-Not-Maryland, rather than PlanMaryland, certainly seems to be a better name for this controversial proposal. I came away from a Monday rally in Annapolis clearer on some aspects and more confused on others. The confusion lies with what the state doesn’t say.

Newspapers Changing – Out of Necessity
Amanda Haddaway
Newspaper readership has been on a steady decline for several years, and we can expect to see print publications make additional changes in the future to simply stay alive in the ultra-competitive world of media.

Painful Though It Be, It’s Necessary
Blaine R. Young
As we go into the second decade following the September 11th terrorist attacks, there is one thing that no one can dispute that has changed in the American way of life. That is air travel.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

No Picnic in The Park or Congress
Kevin E. Dayhoff
If you are of the mind that our current session of Congress is mendacious, hapless and incompetent, you may take solace in the knowledge that an 1861 joint committee makes the recent ineffectual “Super Committee” – or other committees formed to conduct congressional investigations in recent memory – seem like Romper Room in comparison.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Russian Winter
Roy Meachum
We’ve seen this before, recently. More noisily. The Arab Spring started in February with Tunisia and Egypt. My October 25 column commented on the “Islamic Autumn” that followed. Now comes the Russian winter.

Christmas Wishes for Frederick County
Earl 'Rocky' Mackintosh
Here it is, almost Christmas, and we are rapidly closing in on another disappointing year for the national and local business climate. Climbing out of this recession is proving to be a much harder and longer ordeal than most of us had hoped.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Recalling the past
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
The many political opponents of County Commissioner Blaine Young will seemingly stop at nothing in their quest to turn the clock back to prior to November 2010.

Answering Transportation Needs
Michael Kurtianyk
Holidays seem to bring out the best in people, what with all the celebrations, etc. However, I was recently a guest at the first annual Maryland Transportation Awards Dinner held at the North Bethesda Marriott.


Maria Conchita Alonso Confronts Sean Penn Over Hugo Chavez | Communist A**hole’ | Video |

Maria Conchita Alonso Confronts Sean Penn Over Hugo Chavez | Communist A**hole’ | Video | "

Cuban-born, Venezuelan-raised actress Maria Conchita Alonso and actor Sean Penn had a contentious exchange at Los Angeles International airport recently, in which Alonso called Penn a “communist a**hole“ and Penn called Alonso a ”pig.”

Over a year and a half after Alonso penned an open letter to Penn asking him why he supports socialist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the two met up serendipitously (or not so) at LAX while both were waiting to claim lost luggage.
Alonso, who starred alongside Penn in the 1988 film “Colors,” described the exchange to Steve Malzberg on WMAL...

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