Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

NYT Aggressively Pushing Gun Control in Massacre Coverage, Promises More to Come


NYT Aggressively Pushing Gun Control in Massacre Coverage, Promises More to Come

New York Times' Helene Cooper: Choose Between 2nd Amendment Rights or 'Kids [Being] Safe' at School
New York Times White House reporter Helene Cooper: "And if killing, you know, twenty 5- to 10-year-olds doesn't do it for this country, then than means the other conversation we should be having is just simply saying, 'You know what? The right for older people to bear arms is more important than the right of little kids to be safe when they go to school.'"

NYT Aggressively Pushing Gun Control in Massacre Coverage, Promises More to Come
The Times aggressively promoted Democrats exploiting the massacre to push for gun control legislation. "Democrats seemed to be hoping to seize on the momentum from the shooting, in which 20 first graders were killed, and the resulting outrage and despondency of millions of Americans, to gingerly build a coalition of lawmakers who might be able to create some form of compromise limits on gun sales or types." The Times also ran three editorials pushing gun control on Tuesday, and promised more to come.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The D.A.R.E. mascot at the MD Troopers Assoc. Lodge # 20 Christmas for Kids

Annual Christmas for Kids MTA Lodge 20, MTA MD St Troopers Assoc. Lodge # 20, MD State Police, Annual Christmas, 

A sea of presents awaits families at Md Troopers Assoc Christmas for Kids

Annual Christmas for Kids MTA Lodge 20, MTA MD St Troopers Assoc. Lodge # 20, MD State Police, Annual Christmas, 

A message of perserverance

Tina Becker MSP gives some last minute instructions MSP recruits at Xmas 4 Kids

 Annual Christmas for Kids MTA Lodge 20, MTA MD St Troopers Assoc. Lodge # 20, MD State Police, Annual Christmas,

Saturday, December 15, 2012

NAACP Pardon Wilmington 10

NAACP: Pardon Wilmington 10

The NAACP has launched a campaign to pardon the Wilmington Ten.  Forty years ago, ten young activists were falsely accused and framed for crimes they did not commit.  And though they all went on to become leaders in their community—their names were never cleared.  Add your name to this petition asking North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue to pardon the Wilmington Ten.

The Wilmington Ten included Rev. Benjamin Chavis—who later went on to become the leader of the NAACP and eight African-American male high school students, and an older white women activist. They each spent four to six years incarcerated for a crime they did not commit.

The state of North Carolina has let forty years pass without clearing the names of the Wilmington Ten—it is high time for justice to be served.  Sign your name to the NAACP petition asking for Governor Perdue to pardon the Wilmington Ten and clear their names once and for all.
Diversity Civil Rights, Diversity African-American, Diversity, Diversity NAACP Carroll Co Chap, US st No Carolina, US st No Carolina Wilmington, Diversity Civil Rights 1970s, History 1970s, Diversity Civil Rights No Carolina

The Christmas trees look great in sanctuary of Grace Lutheran Church Westminster

"13 Cent Killers" by John J. Culbertson USMC


"13 Cent Killers" by John J. Culbertson USMC 

(Retrieved Dec 15, 2012)

Mass Market Paperback Published by Presidio Press Jan 01, 2003 | 288 Pages | 4-3/16 x 6-7/8 | ISBN 9780345459145

“It’s not easy to stay alive with a $1,000 bounty on your head.”

In 1967, a bullet cost thirteen cents, and no one gave Uncle Sam a bigger bang for his buck than the 5th Marine Regiment Sniper Platoon. So feared were these lethal marksmen that the Viet Cong offered huge rewards for killing them. Now noted Vietnam author John J. Culbertson, a former 5th Marine sniper himself, presents the riveting true stories of young Americans who fought with bolt rifles and bounties on their heads during the fiercest combat of the war, from 1967 through the desperate Tet battle for Hue in early ’68.

In spotter/shooter pairs, sniper teams accompanied battle-hardened Marine rifle companies like the 2/5 on patrols and combat missions. Whether fighting their way out of a Viet Cong “kill zone” or battling superior numbers of NVA crack troops, the sniper teams were at the cutting edge in the art of jungle warfare, showing the patience, stealth, combat marksmanship, and raw courage that made the unit the most decorated regimental sniper platoon in the Vietnam War. Harrowing and unforgettable, these accounts pay tribute to the heroes who made the greatest sacrifice of all–and leave no doubt that among 5th Marine snipers uncommon valor was truly a common virtue.


John J. Culbertson served with the 2/5, 1st Marine Division, at An Hoa, Republic of Vietnam, from December 1966 to July 1967. Mr. Culbertson served as a Marine Rifleman, MOS 0311, on Operation Tuscaloosa.

He completed 1st MarDiv Sniper School in Da Nang, where he earned the secondary MOS 8541.

He was wounded in action and earned three Purple Hearts. He also was awarded the Combat Action Ribbon, Presidential Unit Citation, Navy Unit Commendation, Meritorious Unit Commendation, Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal, and multiple expert rifleman badge awards. Mr. Culbertson received an honorable discharge from the U.S. Marine Corps in 1971 at the rank of sergeant.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Kevin Dayhoff - Soundtrack: Eurozone Crisis: The Economist: Argentina’s debt d...

Kevin Dayhoff - Soundtrack: Eurozone Crisis: The Economist: Argentina’s debt d...:

I’ve read it several times and gain more insights every time I read it…

Creditors’ decade-long battle with Argentina shows just how tangled sovereign defaults can be Oct 22nd 2011 NEW YORK

AS GREECE flirts with disaster and several other European countries buckle under heavy debts, creditors’ experience with Argentina should serve as a sobering reminder about the mess that can follow a sovereign default. A decade after the Latin American country welshed on $81 billion, disgruntled creditors are still chasing their money. The litigation, and Argentina’s defiance in the face of judgments against it, complicate its plans to return to international capital markets....


20121213 Articles on the eurozone crisis, sovereign debt crisis, Argentina, Italy, - and Greece in particular:

Άρθρα σχετικά με την κρίση στην ευρωζώνη, κρίση δημόσιου χρέους, την Αργεντινή, την Ιταλία, - και ειδικότερα την Ελλάδα - Articles on the eurozone crisis, sovereign debt crisis, Argentina, Italy, - and Greece in particular: on Kevin Dayhoff – Soundtrack


20121213 Articles on the eurozone crisis, sovereign debt crisis, Argentina, Italy, - and Greece in particular:

20121202 Rick Steves: June 11, 2012 “Greece in Economic Crisis and Your Travel Dreams” Retrieved December 2, 2012

20111022 Eurozone Crisis: The Economist: Argentina’s debt default Gauchos and gadflies

++++++++++++ Kevin Dayhoff – Soundtrack

Eurozone Crisis - Bus Econ eurozone


Γιατί Ελλάδα Θέματα από τον Kevin Ε. Dayhoff 5 Δεκεμβρίου του 2012

20121202 In Greek Why Greece Matters by Kevin E. Dayhoff

Γιατί Ελλάδα Θέματα από τον Kevin Ε. Dayhoff 5 Δεκεμβρίου του 2012

Δεδομένου ότι η παγκόσμια οικονομική ύφεση εισέρχεται έκτο χρόνο της, και «δημοσιονομική γκρεμό», η λεγόμενη αποκαλυπτική δεσπόζει στις ΗΠΑ, η ελληνική χορωδία επαναλαμβάνει σε αυτή την παγκόσμια οικονομική όπερα-έπαιξε από ένα all-πολύ γνωστό ρεφραίν την περασμένη Παρασκευή, όταν η γερμανική Bundestag εγκριθεί περισσότερα κεφάλαια διάσωσης για την Ελλάδα.

Ναι, Ελλάδα - ότι η μικρή χώρα των περίπου 11 εκατομμυρίων ανθρώπων στο ανατολικό τμήμα της Μεσογείου, ανάμεσα στην Ιταλία και την Τουρκία, με μόλις δύο τοις εκατό του συνολικού Ακαθάριστου Εγχώριου Προϊόντος της Ευρώπης, και άξια ανταγωνίζεται με την Αργεντινή και τις ΗΠΑ να κερδίσουν πάνω από 100 τοις εκατό του παγκόσμιου, του καθενός χρόνια, η οικονομική ημικρανία.

Θυμηθείτε, δεν ήταν πολύ καιρό μετά την Μεγάλη Ύφεση πήρε επίσημα ξεκινήσει το Δεκέμβριο του 2007, όταν άρχισαν να rumblings να ακούσει ότι η Ελλάδα ήταν τεχνικά σε πτώχευση.

"Η Ελλάδα ξεκίνησε την κρίση το 2009 με την εισδοχή το έλλειμμα του προϋπολογισμού θα είναι 12,9% του ΑΕΠ, πάνω από τέσσερις φορές της ΕΕ όριο του 3%», σύμφωνα με ένα άρθρο που γράφτηκε για από την Kimberly Amado.

Πάνω από τα πολλά χρόνια από τότε που Ελλάδα εισήχθη για πρώτη φορά στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση το 1981, και ιδιαίτερα μετά το 2001, όταν εντάχθηκε στην ευρωζώνη? Ο ιστορικός γη της μυθολογίας, αρχαίου πολιτισμού, και την γενέτειρα των Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων, έχει ζήσει τεράστια, πολύ πέρα ​​από τα μέσα της και ταλαντεύτηκε προς αθέτησης των δανείων της και οικονομικό χάος για πάνω από τέσσερα χρόνια.

Πέστε ότι δεν είναι έτσι. Η Ελλάδα είναι η ουσία της αρχαίας λαϊκές παραδόσεις, οι αρχές της δημοκρατίας και της δυτικής φιλοσοφίας με μια τεκμηριωμένη ιστορία που χρονολογείται από τον 3ο αιώνα π.Χ., με ένα σύγχρονο, υψηλό βιοτικό επίπεδο, ότι το περιοδικό The Economist, εξίσου υψηλή θέση ως 22η στον κόσμο, όπως πρόσφατα ως 2005 ...

Ετικέτες: 20130100 Ελλάδα, λεωφορείων Econ ευρωζώνη, Οικονομική των Επιχειρήσεων, Dayhoff Media Η πλοκάμια, Κόσμος Ευρώπη Ελλάδα

Why Greece Matters by Kevin E. Dayhoff December 5, 2012

As the global financial recession enters its sixth year, and the so-called apocalyptic ‘fiscal cliff’ looms large in the U.S., the repeating Greek chorus in this global economic opera played-out an all-too familiar refrain last Friday when the German Bundestag approved more bailout funds for Greece.

Yes, Greece – that tiny country of approximately 11 million people in the eastern portion of the Mediterranean between Italy and Turkey, with barely two-percent of the entire Gross Domestic Product of Europe, and capably competes with Argentina and the U.S. to command over 100 percent of everyone’s global, chronic, economic migraine headache.

Remember, it was not long after the Great Recession officially got underway in December 2007, when rumblings started to be heard that Greece was technically bankrupt.

“Greece kicked off the crisis in 2009 by admitting its budget deficit would be 12.9% of GDP, more than four times the EU's 3% limit,” according to an article written for by Kimberly Amado.

Over the many years since Greece was first admitted into the European Union in 1981, and especially since 2001 when it joined the eurozone; the storied land of mythology, ancient civilization, and the birthplace of the Olympics, has lived huge, way beyond its means and lurched toward defaulting on its loans and economic chaos for over four years.

Say it ain’t so. Greece is the stuff of ancient lore, the beginnings of democracy and western philosophy with a documented history that dates back to the 3rd century BC, with a modern, high standard of living that The Economist ranked as high as 22nd in the world as recently as 2005…

[20121202 seo In Greek Why Greece Matters by Kevin E. Dayhoff -
20121205 seo Why Greece Matters]

20121213 Articles on the eurozone crisis, sovereign debt crisis, Argentina, Italy, - and Greece in particular:

Άρθρα σχετικά με την κρίση στην ευρωζώνη, κρίση δημόσιου χρέους, την Αργεντινή, την Ιταλία, - και ειδικότερα την Ελλάδα - Articles on the eurozone crisis, sovereign debt crisis, Argentina, Italy, - and Greece in particular: on Kevin Dayhoff – Soundtrack


20121213 Articles on the eurozone crisis, sovereign debt crisis, Argentina, Italy, - and Greece in particular:

20121202 Rick Steves: June 11, 2012 “Greece in Economic Crisis and Your Travel Dreams” Retrieved December 2, 2012

20111022 Eurozone Crisis: The Economist: Argentina’s debt default Gauchos and gadflies

++++++++++++ Kevin Dayhoff – Soundtrack

Eurozone Crisis - Bus Econ eurozone


Articles on the eurozone crisis, sovereign debt crisis, Argentina, Italy, - and Greece in particular:

Άρθρα σχετικά με την κρίση στην ευρωζώνη, κρίση δημόσιου χρέους, την Αργεντινή, την Ιταλία, - και ειδικότερα την Ελλάδα - Articles on the eurozone crisis, sovereign debt crisis, Argentina, Italy, - and Greece in particular: on Kevin Dayhoff – Soundtrack

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

McDaniel College Athletic Stadium December 12, 2012

Westminster Maryland Online: The Rev. John Buchheister, 87, a retired Elder, di...

Westminster Maryland Online: The Rev. John Buchheister, 87, a retired Elder, di...: The Rev. John Buchheister, 87, a retired Elder, died Dec. 8. December 10, 2012 PRAYERS FOR THE PEOPLE The Rev. John Buchhe...

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Rev. John P. Buchheister, United Methodist district leader

The Rev. John P. Buchheister, United Methodist district leader

He led churches in Homeland and Perry Hall and was a gifted singer

By Jacques Kelly, The Baltimore Sun 8:11 p.m. EST, December 10, 2012 People ObituariesReligion United MethodistReligion Westminster United Methodist

The Rev. John Paul Buchheister Sr., a retired pastor who had been a United Methodist Church district superintendent, died of cardiac failure Saturday at Oak Crest Village. He was 87 and had lived in Lutherville.

Born in Baltimore, he was the son of Harry Buchheister, a chocolate candy and taffy confectioner. He grew up on Wilkens Avenue in Violetville in Southwest Baltimore and was a 1943 graduate of Polytechnic Institute, where he was quarterback of the school's football team.

He joined the Navy and was sent to the University of North Carolina, where he took courses at its preflight school. There he played for the school's football and lacrosse teams. He also played sandlot football for the old Wilkens Athletic Association.

After the war he considered joining the family candy business but instead enrolled at the Westminster Theological Seminary in Westminster. He had earlier organized a men's Bible study class at Violetville Methodist Church.

As a student minister, he served United Methodist congregations at Level in Harford County, where he helped organize a volunteer fire company. When assigned to Perry Hall, he built a new church and helped form a recreation council so his son could play football.

A 1956 article in The Baltimore Sun noted that he led the singing at a Methodist youth meeting sponsored by the Temperance League of Maryland and Delaware.

From 1964 to 1971, he was pastor of Westminster United Methodist Church. While in Carroll County, he saw a need for housing for the elderly and began the planning for the Timber Ridge Apartments…,0,6829650.story

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Eagle Archive: Where were you when Twinkie the Kid and Captain Cupcake died?

Eagle Archive: Where were you when Twinkie the Kid and Captain Cupcake died?

Eagle Archive: Where were you when Twinkie the Kid and Captain Cupcake died? By Kevin E. Dayhoff Dec 8, 2012

November 21, 2012, was a sad day.

As many were looking forward to sharing Thanksgiving dinner with friends and family; Hostess Brands, the makers of Twinkies, Wonder Bread, Ding Dongs and many other culinary delights high in the food pyramid, announced it was closing its 85-year old business.

The Hostess Brands website did not mince words, "Hostess Brands is Closed. We are sorry to announce that Hostess Brands, Inc. has been forced by a Bakers Union strike to shut down all operations and sell all company assets.

"Thank you for all of your loyalty and support over the years. …The wind down means the closure of 33 bakeries, 565 distribution centers, approximately 5,500 delivery routes, 570 bakery outlet stores and the loss of 18,500 jobs."

If such treats as Suzy Q's, Dolly Madison Zingers and HoHos are not a critical part of your childhood, then certainly you remember the holy trinity of spokespersons for Hostess: Captain Cupcake, Fruit Pie the Magician and Twinkie the Kid.

Certainly many of the 30 Hostess products are a strong childhood memory for many Carroll Countians. As soon as the news that an expiration date had finally been determined for the Twinkies family, the Eagle Archives crisis lines lit-up with inquiries as whether or not it was true that Dolly Madison and Twinkie the Kid were no longer with us…,0,344660.story

Eagle Archive: Where were you when Twinkie the Kid & Captain Cupcake died?


 Google profile:
Kevin Dayhoff Art: ( New Bedford Herald: Twitter:
Google profile: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Eurozone Crisis: Why Greece Matters by Kevin E. Dayhoff

Why Greece Matters by Kevin E. Dayhoff December 5, 2012

As the global financial recession enters its sixth year, and the so-called apocalyptic ‘fiscal cliff’ looms large in the U.S., the repeating Greek chorus in this global economic opera played-out an all-too familiar refrain last Friday when the German Bundestag approved more bailout funds for Greece.

Yes, Greece – that tiny country of approximately 11 million people in the eastern portion of the Mediterranean between Italy and Turkey, with barely two-percent of the entire Gross Domestic Product of Europe, and capably competes with Argentina and the U.S. to command over 100 percent of everyone’s global, chronic, economic migraine headache.

Remember, it was not long after the Great Recession officially got underway in December 2007, when rumblings started to be heard that Greece was technically bankrupt.

“Greece kicked off the crisis in 2009 by admitting its budget deficit would be 12.9% of GDP, more than four times the EU's 3% limit,” according to an article written for by Kimberly Amado.

Over the many years since Greece was first admitted into the European Union in 1981, and especially since 2001 when it joined the eurozone; the storied land of mythology, ancient civilization, and the birthplace of the Olympics, has lived huge, way beyond its means and lurched toward defaulting on its loans and economic chaos for over four years.

Say it ain’t so. Greece is the stuff of ancient lore, the beginnings of democracy and western philosophy with a documented history that dates back to the 3rd century BC, with a modern, high standard of living that The Economist ranked as high as 22nd in the world as recently as 2005…

Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:


Monday, December 10, 2012

Kevin Dayhoff Art: Dayhoff, Yarish, and Seabolt exhibit art at Grace Lutheran Church gallery in Westminster, MD

Kevin Dayhoff Art: Dayhoff, Yarish, and Seabolt exhibit art at Grace ...:   Dayhoff, Yarish, and Seabolt exhibit art at Grace Lutheran Church gallery in Westminster, MD November 2, 2012 / December 9, 2012 ...

Religion Grace Lutheran Church, Art Off Track Art, Art Artists Seabolt Carolyn, Art Artists Yarish Donna, Dayhoff Art show,
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:
Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Rick Steves: Greece in Economic Crisis and Your Travel Dreams

Rick Steves checking out the impact of the economic crisis in Greece

June 11, 2012 Retrieved December 2, 2012

With all the news about Greece’s economic problems, people are wondering whether it’s a good time to go there or not. I’ve surveyed my Tour Department and our Greek guides who live and work in Greece, and here’s my report…

My guides report that our Greece tours so far this spring have been as smooth and fun as ever — virtually unaffected by the local political and economic events

The big concern among the hotels and restaurants we use in Greece is whether they’ll be able to survive the downturn in tourism as many postpone their travels there, fearing “instability.” And many sights are running on their shorter winter schedules for lack of money to staff the longer summer hours.

… First and foremost, Greece is a safe place to visit. In fact, it’s a good time to visit because you will be made especially welcome. Tourism is Greece’s heavy industry and its leading employer.
It seems to me that US media coverage of Greece has been nothing less than hysterical — just plain silly at times, and woefully lacking in analysis. Greeks are emotional people, and they are given to outbursts of anger — as well as outbursts of joy. Their bad governments in recent times have given them plenty of reasons to be angry. The scenes in Syntagma, the big square immediately in front of the Greek parliament building, are a symptom of this — and act as a release valve. These scenes occur only when the parliament is voting on the hated austerity measures. When you see riots on TV, they are generally the work of a group of anarchists who are limited to Syntagma and know how to get on the news.

The big debate politically is austerity (from the right) versus no austerity (from the left). Until this all sorts itself out, I would recommend that travelers do not wear “Angela Merkel” masks. Regardless of how the debate turns out, and who emerges as the new government, Greeks of all political stripes will take care of tourism, so vital to its struggling economy. The Greeks, a welcoming people at any time, will be doubly appreciative of any visitors in these difficult circumstances.

The main impact on travelers as Greece struggles through this period will be: shorter hours of sights; intermittent strikes; and friends and loved ones back home wondering if Americans traveling in Greece are okay…