Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

20060624 KDDC Coverage of the Carroll County Fair

Coverage of the Carroll County Fair

July 24th, 2006 by Kevin Dayhoff

Whether you are new to the area or a Carroll County native of many generations, the Carroll County 4-H and FFA Fair is one of the highlights of the year.

A history of the Fair appeared in the Sunday edition of the Carroll Sun. Still going strong after a century of change” by Ellie Baublitz is great review of the history of the beginnings of the Fair, that I sure wish that I had written.

This year as in the last several years, some of the best coverage can be found in the Carroll County Times.

Be sure to check out the several articles in the Sunday, July 23rd, 2006 edition.

As usual, staff reporter Carrie Knauer does a great job with bringing to the readers attention that the Fair is coming and what goes into the making of the Fair.

If you have any questions, check out: “Notes from the Carroll County 4-H & FFA Fair,” a Fair blog by Ms. Knauer. There you can type in questions – and get answers. Click here to access the blog.

And oh, someone please get whoever took the latest picture of Ms. Knauer to take another picture of Jamie Kelly. See my previous post on this matter – here: “20060622 KDDC A picture suggestion for Jamie Kelly.”

The Carroll County Times does not use permalinks, so go to the following articles as soon as possible to check Ms. Knauer’s stories from the Sunday Carroll County Times: “Fair's events appeal to city folk, too,” and “NEW COMPETITIONS, events REFLECT PAST, PRESENT,” and “Tricked out tractor: Harney youth takes part in new mechanical arts competition.”

In the last hyperlink referring you to the “Tricked out tractor…,” there is a great photo by Kyle Nosal, “Kevin Ridinger, 16, stands on his restored 1941 Farmall H tractor, right, and an original, unrestored 1940/50's Farmall H tractor outside of his home Wednesday afternoon.”

Then again, the Times has a history and tradition of excellent photographers and great use of photos in the paper.

It will be interesting to see what the paper does with the newly introduced use of video with the Fair. The possibilities are endless.

As the Fair approaches and gets into full gear, be sure to follow Ms. Knauer’s coverage.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


Monday, July 24, 2006

20060723 KDDC Annual Tawes Clam Bake

The annual J. Millard Tawes Crab and Clam Bake in Crisfield

The annual dinner theatre of Maryland politics

July 23rd, 2006 by Kevin Dayhoff

Caroline and I have attended the Crisfield event in the past, but our family schedule did not allow us to make the pilgrimage this year.

We’ve always enjoyed it when we have attended in the past. It is quite an experience. It has, over the years, taken on a larger than life, cult-like politico-religious aura. Sorta like going to church once a year at Easter. The annual political pilgrimage to the Holy Grail of politico-religious ceremonies.

Caroline and I have been traveling down to the Eastern Shore for many many years, especially after my brother was transferred to the Easton Black and Decker plant in 1983.

Not only is the shore visually beautiful, but native Eastern Shore folks are a special breed. After spending a few days on the shore, one really comes to understand that there really is no life west of the Bay Bridge.

If it were not for the force of family that has been in Carroll County for generations since the 1700s, I would’ve moved to the shore many years ago for the quality of life.

I’ll bet that folks on the shore have a longer life expectancy that those of us who persist in the hectic hornet’s nest we call the Western Shore. Well, now that I think of it, I’ll bet that folks who live in Southern and Western Maryland have longer life expectancies also.

We were first drawn to the Tawes festival because we are history buffs and enjoy the fact that the legacy of J. Millard Tawes has lived on for so many decades after his celebrated public service for the citizens of Maryland.

We also like seafood.

For a previous post about J. Millard Tawes, see my April 28th, 2006 entry: “20060426 Sept. 2000 Tawes Card Crisfield Museum Presentation.

For more about Governor J. Millard Tawes or the Clam Bake, click on “J. Millard Tawes Historical Museum;” and here, or here.

The soap opera that we know as Maryland politics has also certainly been a bonus for us. It is the dinner theatre of Maryland politics. Crisfield has great food, great company and great theatre.

Actually, many really nice folks go there and it is the one occasion to see colleagues and leaders in a relaxed social setting.

Except when the event occurs during an election year. Then all the possers come out of the woodwork, as if most regular folks can’t tell when someone is obviously out of place at an event in which they only appear when it is in their own self-interest.

Apparently two of the best political writers in the Maryland region made the annual trek, Tom Dennison and Alan Brody, who write for the Gazette. Things would be different – as in, for the better – if we had more writers like Messrs. Dennison, Brody and Doug Tallman, who also writes for the Gazette.

In a Friday, July 21st, 2006 article in the Gazette, filed by Messrs. Dennison and Brody entitled: “Retail politics, wholesale fun - Candidates! Voters! Apparatchiks! Crab guts! Tawes shindig has something for everyone,” the event has been brought to life in a manner that makes other writers envious.

The only thing that could have made it better is if a scratch and sniff could have been provided to allow the readers the smells of Old Bay, crabs, beer and thousands of folks all crowded together in the heat and humidity of the lower shore.

They introduce the piece by saying:

CRISFIELD — Politicians came by land and by bay — one even left by air — to Maryland’s premier political frat party, known as the J. Millard Tawes Crab and Clam Bake, a sweaty 30-year tradition that serves as the kickoff for the fall’s busy election season.

Read the rest here, it is worth the effort of the click and the time to read it.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


Sunday, July 23, 2006

20060723 KDDC PA Guardsman cleared of charges in Iraq

Pennsylvania Guardsman cleared of charges in Iraq

July 23rd, 2006

Good news for the American military.

However, in the big picture, decisions in combat are made on the nanosecond level and the last thing we want American soldiers to do in combat is to start hesitating as that will only result in the needless death of more American soldiers.

This is exactly what the enemy wants American men and women in uniform to do - hesitate and worry that the next shot will subject them to baseless second-guessing-charges and months of hassles and humiliation at the hands of the liberal main stream media and the Democratic Party.

Meanwhile, MSNBC is carrying a Reuters story: “U.S. military clears soldier of killing Iraqi - - Pa. Guardsman had been accused of murder, cover-up in Ramadi,” - Updated: 1 hour, 33 minutes ago

BAGHDAD - The U.S. military has cleared a soldier of unlawfully killing an Iraqi civilian after investigators concluded Specialist Nathan Lynn had reason to believe the man was carrying a gun when he opened fire.

Charges were brought against Lynn last month at a time when several murder investigations into U.S. troops in Iraq have prompted questions about their behavior and complaints from the new Iraqi government about a culture of impunity among soldiers.

“The commander ... has withdrawn ... the charges,” a military spokesman said on Saturday. “He is now authorized to rejoin his unit in Pennsylvania.”

Read the rest of the story here.


20060723 Annual Tawes Clam Bake

The annual J. Millard Tawes Crab and Clam Bake in Crisfield

The annual dinner theatre of Maryland politics

July 23rd, 2006 by Kevin Dayhoff

Caroline and I have attended the Crisfield event in the past, but our family schedule did not allow us to make the pilgrimage this year.

We’ve always enjoyed it when we have attended in the past. It is quite an experience. It has, over the years, taken on a larger than life, cult-like politico-religious aura. Sorta like going to church once a year at Easter. The annual political pilgrimage to the Holy Grail of politico-religious ceremonies.

Caroline and I have been traveling down to the Eastern Shore for many many years, especially after my brother was transferred to the Easton Black and Decker plant in 1983.

Not only is the shore visually beautiful, but native Eastern Shore folks are a special breed. After spending a few days on the shore, one really comes to understand that there really is no life west of the Bay Bridge.

If it were not for the force of family that has been in Carroll County for generations since the 1700s, I would’ve moved to the shore many years ago for the quality of life.

I’ll bet that folks on the shore have a longer life expectancy that those of us who persist in the hectic hornet’s nest we call the Western Shore. Well, now that I think of it, I’ll bet that folks who live in Southern and Western Maryland have longer life expectancies also.

We were first drawn to the Tawes festival because we are history buffs and enjoy the fact that the legacy of J. Millard Tawes has lived on for so many decades after his celebrated public service for the citizens of Maryland.
We also like seafood.

For a previous post about J. Millard Tawes, see my April 28th, 2006 entry: “20060426 Sept. 2000 Tawes Card Crisfield Museum Presentation.

For more about Governor J. Millard Tawes or the Clam Bake, click on “J. Millard Tawes Historical Museum;” and here, or here.

The soap opera that we know as Maryland politics has also certainly been a bonus for us. It is the dinner theatre of Maryland politics. Crisfield has great food, great company and great theatre.

Actually, many really nice folks go there and it is the one occasion to see colleagues and leaders in a relaxed social setting.

Except when the event occurs during an election year. Then all the possers come out of the woodwork, as if most regular folks can’t tell when someone is obviously out of place at an event in which they only appear when it is in their own self-interest.

Apparently two of the best political writers in the Maryland region made the annual trek, Tom Dennison and Alan Brody, who write for the Gazette. Things would be different – as in, for the better – if we had more writers like Messrs. Dennison, Brody and Doug Tallman, who also writes for the Gazette.

In a Friday, July 21st, 2006 article in the Gazette, filed by Messrs. Dennison and Brody entitled: “Retail politics, wholesale fun - Candidates! Voters! Apparatchiks! Crab guts! Tawes shindig has something for everyone,” the event has been brought to life in a manner that makes other writers envious.

The only thing that could have made it better is if a scratch and sniff could have been provided to allow the readers the smells of Old Bay, crabs, beer and thousands of folks all crowded together in the heat and humidity of the lower shore.

They introduce the piece by saying:

CRISFIELD — Politicians came by land and by bay — one even left by air — to Maryland’s premier political frat party, known as the J. Millard Tawes Crab and Clam Bake, a sweaty 30-year tradition that serves as the kickoff for the fall’s busy election season.

Read the rest here, it is worth the effort of the click and the time to read it.

(Originally posted on at: )

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.
E-mail him at:

20060722 KDDC Mr and Mrs Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson

July 22nd, 2006

Lorie Byrd calls to our attention an insightful column about Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame in a post on Wizbang: “The Joe and Val Story Remains the Same.”

In a July 21st, 2006 post on Wizbang, she says:

The Joe and Val Story Remains the Same

My Townhall column today is about how even as more and more facts become known that contradict Joe Wilson's tale, the Plame story in the mainstream media remains unchanged. I also compare the media unraveling of the Duke lacrosse rape case to that of the Wilson-Plame story. I would welcome anyone to convince me that I am wrong about this one, because I really want to be.

Update: Eric commented that media reaction to Katrina would have been a better example than the Florida Recount example I used. It is a better example, especially since it is so recent. The Recount example is good, too, because it shows how even now, six years later, the myths remain. I wish I had thought of the Katrina one first, though. There are literally dozens of examples of media myths that remain unchanged in the face of facts, but the Duke Lacrosse rape case is actually much more rare. Can anyone else think of a big news story in which perception changed so rapidly when new facts became known? If this doesn't make much sense, it will help to read the column first.

Be sure to read her column on Town Hall.

And be sure to find such good tips by reading Wizbang regularly.


Saturday, July 22, 2006

20060722 KDDC The Radical Islamist paper of record

The latest from the Radical Islamist paper of record

July 22nd, 2006

The favorite radical Islamists’ newspaper of record, the New York bureau of the Al Jazeera, otherwise known as the New York Times, is at it again.

Michelle Malkin calls to our attention the July 22nd, 2006 issue of the New York Times with its feature article: “U.S. Speeds Up Bomb Delivery for the Israelis.”

For more interesting information on the New York Times - go here : Grey Lady Traitor



WASHINGTON, July 21 — The Bush administration is rushing a delivery of precision-guided bombs to Israel, which requested the expedited shipment last week after beginning its air campaign against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, American officials said Friday.

The decision to quickly ship the weapons to Israel was made with relatively little debate within the Bush administration, the officials said. Its disclosure threatens to anger Arab governments and others because of the appearance that the United States is actively aiding the Israeli bombing campaign in a way that could be compared to Iran’s efforts to arm and resupply Hezbollah.

The munitions that the United States is sending to Israel are part of a multimillion-dollar arms sale package approved last year that Israel is able to draw on as needed, the officials said. But Israel’s request for expedited delivery of the satellite and laser-guided bombs was described as unusual by some military officers, and as an indication that Israel still had a long list of targets in Lebanon to strike.

Read the rest here. Hezbollah has already read it, you may as well be just as informed as our enemies.


20060722 KDDC The Black Pelican

"The Black Pelican"
(c) Kevin Dayhoff
July 22nd, 2006
Nags Head Art

20060722 KDDC Visions of Rachael Ray

"Visions of Rachael Ray"
(c) Kevin Dayhoff
July 21st, 2006

20060721 KDDC The Hillbillies are coming

"The Hillbillies are coming... the hillbillies are coming"
(c) Kevin Dayhoff
July 21st, 2006

20060721 KDDC Cruisin with Mr. Dave

"Cruisin' with Mr. Dave"
(c) Kevin Dayhoff
July 21st, 2006

20060721 KDDC Fred and Not Fred play the Blues

“Fred and Not Fred play the Blues”

(c) Kevin Dayhoff

July 21st, 2006

Any questions, ask Mr. Smurf’s brother from Anchorage Alaska.


20060721 Wikipedia's IDF Deathstar cannon

Wikipedia's IDF Deathstar cannon

July 21st, 2006

Wonkette reported today that the above posted picture is “From the Wikipedia entry on the Israel-Lebanon conflict, earlier today (since fixed).”

What a hoot.

No report as to whether the “IDF K-5 laser cannon” is considered a part of a “proportionate response.” Perhaps we will need to wait for the liberal (radical Islamist’s apologists) main stream media to tell us what to think.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


20060721 KDDC Wikipedia's IDF Deathstar cannon

Wikipedia's IDF Deathstar cannon

July 21st, 2006

Wonkette reported today that the above posted picture is “From the Wikipedia entry on the Israel-Lebanon conflict, earlier today (since fixed).”

What a hoot.

No report as to whether the “IDF K-5 laser cannon” is considered a part of a “proportionate response.” Perhaps we will need to wait for the liberal (radical Islamist’s apologists) main stream media to tell us what to think.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


Friday, July 21, 2006

20060721 KDDC S Ruchlewicz's great picture of the Clydesdales in Westminster

Great Stan Ruchlewicz photograph of the Clydesdales in Westminster on July 17th, 2006

July 21, 2006

Stan Ruchlewicz is one of the better artists/photographers around. Since he first came to Westminster on Monday, June 11, 2001, he has amassed a wonderful set of downtown Westminster photographs. The photo posted above is no exception.

Mr. Ruchlewicz was the primary lead on getting the Budweiser Clydesdales to come to Westminster. He swung into action and put together the visit in literally a day, just a couple days before the Clydesdales arrived on Monday, July 17th, 2006.

For additional information on the Clydesdale’s visit please see:20060716 KDDC Budweiser Clydesdales in will be in Westminster Monday.”

Although Mr. Ruchlewicz came to Westminster five years ago as an economic development expert, he also has an extensive background in urban planning

For many years before he came to Westminster, Mr. Ruchlewicz handled economic development and planning issues for several municipalities such as Havre de Grace, MD and Reading, PA. In Havre de Grace, where he worked for twelve years, Mr. Ruchlewicz was the Director of Planning

Additionally, Mr. Ruchlewicz has served as President of the Maryland Downtown Development Association since 1997. He has also served on the Main Street Maryland Main Street Review Committee since 1997.

What many in Carroll County are not aware is that Mr. Ruchlewicz, a musician, is also the Chapter 5 Coordinator for the “Tournament of Bands” (TOB.)

According to information on the TOB web site, the TOB “is one of the largest competitive band organizations in the country…” It “sanctions approximately 140 field band events, about 100 indoor events and several comprehensive music festivals each year.”

“Tournament of Bands is a non-profit educational organization that is available to any middle, junior high, senior high, college or university. Founded in 1972 by the National Judges Association, Tournament has grown to over 400 active schools. Tournament provides performance opportunities in field band, indoor guard, majorette, percussion and dance team as well as comprehensive festivals with instrumental and choral events.”

When he is not promoting economic development for the City of Westminster or taking pictures, most any Saturday evening in the fall, you can find Mr. Ruchlewicz on a band competition field working with young adult musicians in a band event.

Until I can find an extra minute to post the number of pictures I took last Monday when the Clydesdales in town, please enjoy the picture posted above graciously provided to KDDC courtesy of Stan Ruchlewicz.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at: kdayhoff AT


Thursday, July 20, 2006

20060719 KDDC April 1979 YMCA

April 1979 YMCA

The bottom picture posted above is of the Carroll County YMCA when it was located in the former “Keefer’s Fine Foods” store opposite from the old Westminster Post Office on Main Street in Westminster.

While I am posting old photos, the top photo is of this area around 1910 or so? The middle photo is this area around 1920?

On June 21st, 2006, my column in the Westminster Eagle was on the very early beginnings of the YMCA: "45 years ago, when residents said 'Y,' our community leaders said, 'why not?'

45 years ago, when residents said 'Y,' our community leaders said, 'why not?'

By Kevin E. Dayhoff

Forty-five years ago on June 29, 1961, a group of 16 community leaders met at the old Davis Library to begin the formation of one of Carroll County's premier institutions - the Carroll County Family Branch of the YMCA.

The YMCA has been a basic building block in the social fabric of our community for so many years that many have come to take it for granted.

It all started with a grand total of $22. A "group of teenagers" donated $12.00 and Charles Mooshian, editor of the then-Westminster Times, chipped in another $10.

As with the formation of most groups that have become critical components of our county (others coming to mind include the Carroll County Farm Museum, Carroll Hospital Center, the Carroll County Agriculture Center, the Historical Society of Carroll County, Carroll Community College), it was not easy.

Westminster has its dreamers, its dream keepers and its dream slayers.

The dreamers and the dream-keepers are the stuff that make the community a home; a great place to live, do business and raise a family.

The dream-keepers are citizens, not spectators. They say, "let's do it," and then roll up their sleeves and get it done.

Read the rest of my column here.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


20060719 KDDC New North Carroll Senior and Community Center opening

Pictures from the grand opening of the
New North Carroll Senior and Community Center.

Last Friday, July 14th, 2006 at 10 AM, was the grand opening of the New North Carroll Senior and Community Center at 2328 Hanover Pike, in Greenmount (former Ames Building.)

I was not able to attend; however, Carroll County government public information officer Vivian Laxton was kind enough to send KDDC some pictures. Please enjoy.

If you have any questions about the New North Carroll Senior and Community Center, or any other aspect of Carroll County government, please contact Ms. Laxton at 410-386-2973.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


20060719 KDDC Chenopodium ambrosioides

July 19, 2006

Preliminarily, the plant pictured above will be the subject of my next Westminster Eagle column. It grows in Carroll County and has been used as a medicine since the days of the Mayans and Aztecs. Do you know the common name of this plant?


 学名:Chenopodium ambrosioides


 前橋市にて Sep 06, 1998 フレーム版  非フレーム版


Ch.ambrosioides es una planta de amplia distribución. Se trata de una planta de hasta 1 m, aromática y cuyas hojas, lanceolado-elípticas y de hasta 10 cm, son glandulosas y tienen el margen entero o sinuado. Las inflorescencias son terminales, formadas por densos glomérulos axilares. Los lóbulos del caliz de las flores son verdes en la madurez, tocándose unos a otros. Se conoce como "pasote".

ambrosioides: epíteto que alude a la semejanza de la planta con las del género Ambrosia.

20060719 KDDC The Flower Lady

"The Flower Lady"
(c) Kevin Dayhoff
July 19th, 2006

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

20060719 KDDC Who is he?

"20060719 ?"
(c) Kevin Dayhoff
July 19th, 2006
Steve Powell

20060719 The Flower Lady

"The Flower Lady"
(c) Kevin Dayhoff
July 19th, 2006

20060715 KDDC WFD Crab Feed

Saturday, July 15th, 2006 Westminster Fire Department Crab Feed

July 18th, 2006

The crab feed at the Westminster Fire Department last Saturday was a great success. Over 300 folks from throughout Carroll County came out for plenty of crabs, good company and the music of the “Salem Bottom Boys,” who performed on "Mobile Stage #1."

The event lasted until 12 midnight. We finally got the engine bays cleaned-up by about 1:30 AM.


20060718 KDDC “Thank You For The Hezbollah View” (Video)

July 18th, 2006

By Greg Tinti

This is must view video of the Tony Snow in a verbal tete a tete with the curmudgeon – read – constantly confused - Helen Thomas. Everyone and every community has a “Helen Thomas” in their life. It’s worth taking notes as to how Tony Snow handles her.
I agree with the one poster in the “Outside the Beltway” comments section that I think Tony Snow ought to be our next president… Mr. Snow is a refreshing change in the White House.

Mr. Tinti’s introduction to the video is worth repeating:
“Although that’s the quotable moment of this exchange between Tony Snow and Helen Thomas, the entire thing is worth watching simply for its entertainment value alone. It’s old school Helen Thomas, trying to “Scott McClellan” Tony Snow. And somehow Tony has already mastered the art of dealing with the queen of combativeness and irrationality. It’s really quite impressive.”
Enjoy the video here - update - find it here:

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

20060718 Harry Serenade

Dinner at Harry’s
© Kevin Dayhoff
July 18th, 2006

Caroline and I enjoyed dinner out Tuesday evening at Harry’s Main Street in Westminster.

While we ate, we enjoyed the mellow sounds of “Blue suede shoes - blue note Harry.” The food was delicious, the service attentive, the company and conversation grand and a great time was had by all.

Doesn’t that look just like Harry? Whadda ya think?

For past posts about Harry’s Main Street, please see: “20060614 KDDC Dinner at Harry's” and “200600603 KDDC Can you guess who this community leader is?” After the page comes up, scroll down a bit to view the post…

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.
E-mail him at:

20060717 The President tells it like it is

Bush to Syria to Hezbollah

July 17th, 2006

Hat Tip: Wonkette

Video: President Swears Into Live Mic, BBC Giggles

This is the clearest and most concise analysis of the Middle East conflict I have heard yet. How many times have you heard folks lament that they want an elected official to speak their mind in plain english.

Well click here or here and here, and the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah will become clear in the fewest words possible. Michelle Malkin also carried a post (""STOP DOING THIS *^&%"") on this - click here. This is precious.


20060717 KDDC It is serious iced tea weather

This is serious iced tea weather.

20060717 KDDC Disproportionate Response

Disproportionate Response
July 17th, 2006

Click here or here for more information... Yeah, the narrative that goes with the cartoon is good reading... Click here.

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin


Monday, July 17, 2006

20060717 KDDC The President tells it like it is

Bush to Syria to Hezbollah

July 17th, 2006
Hat Tip: Wonkette

Video: President Swears Into Live Mic, BBC Giggles

This is the clearest and most concise analysis of the Middle East conflict I have heard yet. How many times have you heard folks lament that they want an elected official to speak their mind in plain english.

Well click here or here and here, and the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah will become clear in the fewest words possible. Michelle Malkin also carried a post (""STOP DOING THIS *^&%"") on this - click here. This is precious.


20060717 KDDC Ken Lam's picture of City Workers on the Baltimore Sun's web site

Ken Lam's picture on the Baltimore Sun's web site
High temperatures grip region:
July 17th, 2006

Ken Lam's picture of the Westminster City Workers appeared in the Baltimore Sun's web site moments ago. By the way, Mr. Lam was simply wonderful to work with as he interacted with the guys and worked hard to get a great picture. Hat's off to Mr. Lam.

The picture can be accessed by clicking here.

The caption reads: "
Westminster maintenance worker Donald Hann, left, finishes repairing a storm drain as Butch Duvall drinks water under a canopy today on Ralph Street. (Sun photo by Kenneth K. Lam) (11:55 AM)"

For the accompaning article click here:
High temperatures grip region:

20060717 KDDC Westminster Workers labor in the heat

Taking care of business in the heat of the summer

Monday, July 17th, 2006

Another in a series, in tribute to Westminster City Workers

by Kevin Dayhoff

As the temperature approached 100 degrees, Westminster Street Department employees Butch DuVall. Corky McClain, Donald Hann and Larry Bloom worked on.

Here, they are pictured repairing a storm water management drain at Ralph and Center Street in Westminster.

Folks, it is workers like these guys who really make the city run and they all deserve our thanks and gratitude.

Mr. Bloom and I accompanied Baltimore Sun photographer Ken Lam as he captured the City Workers at work.

For a previous post recognizing the work of City Workers see “20060706 KDDC A Picture of Community Policing in Westminster,” and “20060712 KDDC Westminster City Workers repair water main break.”

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

E-mail him at:


20060716 Budweiser Clydesdales in will be in Westminster Monday

The Budweiser Clydesdales in will be in Westminster Monday, July 17

July 16, 2006 by Kevin Dayhoff


If you have ever had the interest in seeing the gentle giants of the horse family, the Budweiser Clydesdales, Westminster is the place to be on Monday July 17th, 2006 during the lunch hour.

The Clydesdales visit to Westminster is sponsored by Wantz Distributors, Inc. of Hagerstown, Maryland, the local Budweiser distributor.

According to Westminster’s administrator of economic development Stan Ruchlewicz, the Clydesdales will be visiting Westminster on their way from Major League Baseball’s All-Star Game in Pittsburgh to the NASCAR race festivities in Long Pond, PA.

Mr. Ruchlewicz advises that: “Beginning about 12:30 p.m., the magnificent Clydesdales will travel down Longwell Avenue from the Westminster Skate Park to Willis Street where they will travel Willis Street to Court Street. After making a left onto Court Street, they will make a right onto Greenwood Ave. following it to Manchester Road.

“They will make a right onto Manchester Road crossing Main Street onto Washington Road. At Green Street, they will make a right and stop at Maggie’s for a photograph. They will continue down Green Street to Center Street where they will make a right and stop for a photograph at Maria’s and the Westminster Inn. They will then make a left on Main Street.

“They will then travel down Main Street to John Street also stopping at Johansson’s Dining House and Rafael’s for photographs before heading to City Hall for pictures and then returning to the Skate Park.”

For a cute video (Budweiser commercial) featuring a baby Clydesdale, click here.

There are six “hitches” - eight-horse teams of Clydesdales - which pull a red, white and gold 1903 Studebaker-built beer wagon. Five of the hitches are traveling hitches. The hitch that will be visiting Westminster is the St. Louis team. The other hitches are based in Menifee, California; San Diego, California; Merrimack, New Hampshire and San Antonio, Texas

The tradition of the Clydesdales began as a celebration of the repeal of Prohibition on April 7, 1933, when August A. Busch Jr. had the team of horses ceremonially deliver the first case of post-Prohibition beer from the St. Louis brewery to his father.

Published reports reflect: “Realizing the advertising and promotional potential of a horse-drawn beer wagon, Mr. Busch had the team sent by rail to New York City, where it picked up two cases of Budweiser beer at New Jersey's Newark Airport. The beer was later presented to Al Smith, former governor of New York and an instrumental force in the repeal of Prohibition.

From there, the Clydesdales continued on a tour of New England and the Middle Atlantic States. The hitch even delivered a case of beer to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt at the White House.”

Over 70 years later, the tradition continues as the “Clydesdale hitches travel some 100,000 miles a year…”

The especially large breed of horses traces its beginnings in the early 1800s in Lanarkshire, Scotland, along the River Clyde.

Today, Clydesdales have evolved to a horse that is six foot tall (18 hands) at the shoulder and weigh approximately one ton each – between 1,800 and 2,300 pounds.

To qualify to be a Budweiser Clydesdale, they must be “geldings, bay in color, have four white stockings and a blaze of white on the face, as well as a black mane and tail. A gentle temperament also is important, as hitch horses meet millions of people each year,” according to promotional accounts.

And oh, a Clydesdale’s horseshoe measures more than 20 inches from end to end and weighs about five pounds.

They eat two meals a day, which includes 20 to 25 quarts of feed, 50 to 60 pounds of hay and up to 30 gallons of water.

When they arrive in Westminster Monday morning, they will arrive in “three 50-foot tractor trailers, custom-built for the horses with rubber flooring, air suspension and vent fans…”

The Clydesdales will probably be accompanied by one or more Dalmatians, which have traveled with the horses since the 1950s.

In the early days, the Dalmatians “were bred and trained to protect the horses and guard the wagon when the driver went inside to make deliveries. The black-and-white spotted dogs were swift enough to keep up with the wagons, and their light-colored bodies and markings made them easier to see during the twilight hours.”

I’ll see ya in Westminster Monday during the lunch hour. Should be plenty of good pictures available.


Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA.

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