Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Monday, April 26, 2010

Town of Sykesville Speed Camera letter from Town Manager

 Town of Sykesville Speed Camera letter from Town Manager

Dear Sykesville Resident,

On Tuesday, May 4, 2010 Town residents will have the opportunity to vote in a special election to decide whether or not the Town will retain a recently adopted ordinance that allows the Town to use photo enforcement to help address the chronic speeding problem in Town.  The election is scheduled from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and will be held at the Town House. 

We have received a number of emails and phone calls from residents who have expressed concern about outside special interest groups that have knocked on your door gathering signatures on a petition to oppose the adopted ordinance.  Some of you have indicated that they were spreading misinformation about several issues including the Town’s rationale and intent for adopting the ordinance to allow photo enforcement.

In the interest of dispelling some of this misinformation we felt that it would be appropriate to outline why the Town adopted the ordinance.  We will send two informational letters, this one and another one a week or so later.  This first letter will describe (1) the speeding problem in Town and its potential consequences, (2) how we have tried to reduce speeding over the past decade and how effective these efforts have been, and  (3) other possible alternatives to reduce speeding. 

The second letter will explain (1) how the photo enforcement program would work, and (2) the benefits of photo enforcement. 

The Speeding Problem

For well over a decade the Town has wrestled with the speeding problem.  In fact, speeding has consistently been the number one complaint of town residents for many years.  We have heard from concerned parents that speeding in our neighborhoods has and continues to present a serious safety hazard to children and adults alike. 

Speeding in our neighborhoods increases the likelihood of serious injury and even death.  Findings of a 2002 National Highway Safety Administration study revealed that a child struck by a vehicle traveling less than 20 mpg has a 90 percent chance of surviving, while a child struck by a vehicle traveling faster than 35 mpg has a 95 percent chance of dying.  This study, and others, confirms that speeding can kill.

Our police department has conducted numerous speed surveys in targeted areas.  While some have shown moderate speeding, others have confirmed what residents have been telling us for years:  we have a speeding problem in Town. 

How Have we Addressed The Speeding Problem in the Past

To combat this chronic problem the Town has utilized a variety of means to try to reduce the speeding problem.  The Town has increased its educational outreach to discourage speeding.  We have constructed speed humps and installed rumble strips.  We have installed additional signage and deployed an electronic “Your Speed Is” sign that shows motorists how fast they are traveling.  We have parked unmanned police vehicles in strategic places and have increased radar enforcement. 

In fact, we have utilized about a dozen different strategies to try to reduce speeding.  A list of some of these is available on a fact sheet that can be found on the Town’s web page.   Unfortunately, these measures have not proven effective in consistently reducing speeding in our neighborhoods and, as a result, the problem remains.

Are There Other Alternatives?

Are there other alternatives that may reduce speeding in addition to the ones we have already implemented?  Yes, however, they can be very costly and may or may not be effective in certain applications.  For example, like speed humps, installing “chokers” can help reduce speeding at targeted areas but may not help on other parts of the street.  In some cases “chokers” can simply move a speeding problem to another part of the street.  The cost for “chokers” can also be significant, even greater than humps. 

The Town could physically narrow streets.  Research has shown that this can reduce speeds, however, this can be extremely costly and often reduces on-street parking.

We could also have an even greater police presence with increased radar enforcement.  Given the limited size of our police force and the fact that calls for police service have been increasing every year over the past decade, this would likely require hiring additional personnel.   This too would be very costly. 

With respect to cost it is important to remember that the Town does not currently receive any part of the fines that are paid for speeding tickets.  These funds go directly to the State.  So, while increasing radar enforcement can reduce speeds, at least temporarily, it will likely require additional funding; none of which the Town would be able to recover.  

The above, and other alternatives may or may not work depending upon a number of factors, but it is clear that they are very costly.  With the Town’s limited budget and in light of the current economic climate raising additional funds to implement these alternatives is not feasible. 


Matthew H. Candland
Town Manager

Media Matters: Fox News' ever-expanding ethics nightmare

Media Matters: Fox News' ever-expanding ethics nightmare

April 23, 2010
Ben Dimiero, Jeremy Holden, & Simon Maloy

Another week, another handful of ethical scandals that should permanently sink Fox's claim of being a legitimate news organization. 

To recap: Last week, they gave us twin scandals starring Fox News stalwarts Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. "Furious" Fox News execs pulled Sean Hannity from his planned show filming/fundraiser for the Cincinnati Tea Party after numerous news veterans and watchdogs called foul

O'Reilly spent last week reminding us of his willful ignorance by repeatedly falsely asserting that "no one" on Fox promoted the falsehood that "jail time" was a penalty for not buying insurance under the health care reform bill. He was outrageously wrong.

Though Howard Kurtz reported that Fox plans to "keep a tighter rein on Hannity and others" in the wake of the tea party scandal, we remain skeptical. Fox has a long history of promising change in the wake of damaging ethics scandals, then failing to deliver on those promises.


Read the rest of the Media Matters piece of...

Ben Dimiero, Jeremy Holden, & Simon Maloy


Investigative Voice SUNDAY OPINION: COMMISSIONER CENSURES QUARTERBACK - Takes bold step toward ‘a higher standard’

GOOD FOR GOODELL — I.V. Editorial Comment

Investigative Voice SUNDAY OPINION: COMMISSIONER CENSURES QUARTERBACK - Takes bold step toward ‘a higher standard’

By —Alan Z. Forman Sunday, 25 April 2010


Like it or not, celebrities are role models. Fans identify with them, teenagers emulate them. Children long to grow up to be like them. They are praised, loved, envied, glorified. Virtually everyone wants to trade places with them and to be their friend. They can associate with thugs, shoot themselves in the foot; torture dogs, cheat on their spouses, abuse their mates. Grammy winners run back to them, fans forgive them, franchises re-hire them. For some, they can do no wrong. Some of them can even get away with allegedly raping their dates.

Not so this week.

National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell has made what will no doubt be considered by many fans to be a highly unpopular move: suspending two-time Super Bowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger for six games, at a cost to the star player of more than $2.8 million in salary. After all…


Read the entire commentary by Mr. Forman here:

20100425 sdosm Good For Goodell IV Editorial Comment


Sunday, April 25, 2010

New York Times: Democrats’ Long-Held Seats Face G.O.P. Threat

Democrats’ Long-Held Seats Face G.O.P. Threat April 24, 2010

ASHLAND, Wis. — Representative David R. Obey has won 21 straight races, easily prevailing through wars and economic crises that have spanned presidencies from Nixon’s to Obama’s. Yet the discontent with Washington surging through politics is now threatening not only his seat but also Democratic control of Congress.

Mr. Obey is one of nearly a dozen well-established House Democrats who are bracing for something they rarely face: serious competition. Their predicament is the latest sign of distress for their party and underlines why Republicans are confident of making big gains in November and perhaps even winning back the House.

The fight for the midterm elections is not confined to traditional battlegrounds, where Republicans and Democrats often swap seats every few cycles. In the Senate, Democrats are struggling to hold on to, among others, seats once held by President Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Democrats are preparing to lose as many as 30 House seats — including a wave of first-term members — and Republicans have expanded their sights to places where political challenges seldom develop.

Read the entire piece By JEFF ZELENY and ADAM NAGOURNEY here:


The Herald-Mail: Tornado warning in effect

The Herald-Mail: Tornado warning in effect

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A tornado warning has been issued for south-central Washington County, west-central Frederick County, Md., northern Jefferson County and southern Berkeley County in West Virginia until 6:15 p.m., according to a National Weather Service spokeswoman.
The warning area covers Shepherdstown, W.Va., and Martinsburg, W.Va., said Trina Heiser, a technician for the National Weather Service in Sterling, Va.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Recent stories in Explore Carroll by Kevin Dayhoff

Recent stories in Explore Carroll by Kevin Dayhoff
    WTTR part-time announcer waives hearing on Internet charges
    Published April 20, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
    A part-time radio sports announcer for WTTR Radio, in Westminster, last week waived his right to a preliminary hearing against charges of unlawful contact with a minor over the Internet.As a result of the April 16 filing, Bryan McLean, 44, of Hanover, Pa ... ...
    Cell phone ban follows a long tradition of driving Miss Nanny
    Published April 18, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
    ... �� which often winds up as a laptop device —
    Amedori to run for Maryland lieutenant governor
    Published April 16, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
    Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Murphy today announced that former state delegate (R-District 5A) Carmen Amedori will join his ticket as his lieutenant governor running mate.In a press conference at Lawyers’ Mall in Annapolis on Thursday at 4:30 p ... ...
    Westminster Tea Party steeped in voter discontent
    Published April 16, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Eldersburg Eagle, Westminster Eagle
    Billed as the Westminster Tax Day Tea Party, a gathering of some 300 people formed Thursday in the parking lot at Legends Café, on Route 140 in Westminster.The group presented a sea of American and Gadsden, “Don't Tread on Me,” flags, as well as protest and ... ...
    DAYHOFF: Plenty of ways over the years to have a hot time in Westminster
    Published April 11, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Eldersburg Eagle, Westminster Eagle
    ... not until the machine was greatly damaged." So you see, there's more than one way to have a hot time in the old town. When he is not out back working on his "log-rolling" technique,
    Sykesville police recover stolen wheelchair
    Published April 8, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Eldersburg Eagle
    ... his car to his bed."Police did not release details of how the wheelchair was recovered, but said the case remains active. Anyone with information is asked to call 410-795-0757 or e-mail— Charles Schelle and Kevin Dayhoff...
    Patti Anne Battaglia, nationally known artist, teacher, 56
    Published April 7, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
    Patricia Anne “Patti” Battaglia, 56, of Catonsville, a nationally known artist and teacher, died March 13 at home after an extended illness.  She was well known in the Carroll County art community for her unique jewelry, collages and printmaking; and  ... ...
    Easter egg hunts, distillery raids signaled spring in county
    Published April 4, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
    ... quot; So here's the history lesson for today: Chocolate bunnies also might wind up on your "hide," but are doubtless not as painful as buckshot. When he is not eating too much Easter candy, 
    Strangers, celebrities offer to pay Marine family's court-ordered expenses
    Published April 4, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
    People across the county — including Fox News cable host Bill O'Reilly — have pledged to help pay a $16,500 legal bill being levied against the father of U.S. Marine Lance Corp. Matthew Snyder, of Westminster, whose 2006 funeral was picketed by members of ... ...
    Strangers, celebrities help pay expenses for family of fallen Marine
    Published March 31, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Eldersburg Eagle, Westminster Eagle
    People across the county — including FOX News cable host Bill O’Reilly — have pledged to help pay a $16,500 legal bill being levied against the father of fallen U.S. Marine Lance Corp. Matthew Snyder, of Westminster, whose 2006 funeral was picketed by ... ...
    Mount Airy town elections a little over a month away
    Published March 29, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Eldersburg Eagle, Westminster Eagle
    The mayor’s office and two council seats are up for grabs this coming May 3 when Mount Airy citizens go to the polls to select new leadership for the town.It was standing room only at the Mount Airy Board of Supervisors of Elections citizens’ meeting March ... ...
    Palm Sunday blizzard was winter's final revenge in 1942
    Published March 28, 2010 by Westminster Eagle
    ... as you read this column on Palm Sunday 2010, history has not repeated itself. If it has, you may find me spending Easter in Florida ... bonnet and all. When he is not delusional with spring fever, Kevin Dayhoff may be reached at ...
    Pennsylvania attorney general says WTTR sports announcer exposed himself to agent
    Published March 25, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Eldersburg Eagle, Westminster Eagle
    Bryan McLean, a part-time sports announcer for WTTR Radio in Westminster, is facing charges of unlawful contact with a minor stemming from an allegation that he exposed himself to an undercover agent for the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General. ... ...
    Maryland's 1864 Constitution: Alas, we hardly knew ya
    Published March 21, 2010 by Carroll Eagle, Westminster Eagle
    ... rejected it on Feb. 26, 1870. It was finally ratified here on May 7, 1973. When he's not studying the second verse of "Maryland My Maryland," written in April 1861 by James Ryder Randall,
    Shall we dance?
    Published March 21, 2010 by Carroll Eagle
    Rules include no swords or spurs on the dance floor, and courtesy toward both Blue and Gray revelers is as important as dance form. The third annual Corbit's Charge Civil War Ball will be held Saturday, March 27, transforming the gymnasium of the old ... ...
    BB&T bank on East Main Street in Westminster robbed
    Published March 16, 2010 by Westminster Eagle, Carroll Eagle
    The BB&T bank at 193 E. Main St. was the scene of a robbery Monday at approximately 2:20 p.m., say Westminster Police Department officials.At that time, a man entered the bank and passed a note to a bank teller announcing a robbery. Although the ... ...
    Richard Dixon's son recalls a life of his father's firsts
    Published March 14, 2010 by Westminster Eagle, Carroll Eagle
    ... ; said Tim, "is a result of his Carroll County education." For more information about Tim Dixon's book, go to When he is not reading Tim Dixon's book,
    No bail for man accused of attacking his wife with a hammer
    Published March 11, 2010 by Westminster Eagle, Carroll Eagle
    A bail review hearing for Anthony Troy Soligny, accused of attacking his wife with a hammer on March 2, was held Thursday. In the hearing in Carroll County District Court, visiting Judge Paula J. Brown, noted that Soligny is accused of a violent crime and ... ...
    New Windsor man suspected in hammer attack returns to Maryland
    Published March 10, 2010 by Westminster Eagle, Carroll Eagle
    On Tuesday, the Maryland State Police brought Anthony T. Soligny, of New Windsor, back to Maryland to face charges stemming from allegedly attacking his wife with a hammer on March 2.  He was arrested March 3 on I-85 just outside of Lavonia Georgia and had ... ...
    County man accused of hammer attack to be returned to Maryland
    Published March 9, 2010 by Westminster Eagle
    Maryland State Police said Monday that a Carroll County man who was arrested in Georgia on March 3 for allegedly assaulting his wife with a hammer the previous night will be brought back to Maryland today.Anthony T. Soligny, 33, of the unit-block of ... ...

Recent stories on Investigative Voice by Kevin Dayhoff

PART-TIME SPORTS ANNOUNCER AMONG 6 CHARGED BY PA. A. G. AS BEING INTERNET PREDATOR By Kevin Dayhoff Westminster radio sports announcer Bryan Neal McLean, facing charges of unlawful contact with a minor, ...
By Kevin Dayhoff Route 140 in Westminster was the scene of an accident Friday evening from which three individuals were flown by two Maryland State Police medevac helicopters to the University of Maryland's ...
OPPONENT NAMES EX-CARROLL COUNTY DELEGATE AS  RUNNING  MATE  FOR  GOP  PRIMARY  IN  SEPT. Murphy taps Amedori as No. 2 on long shot ticket By Kevin Dayhoff As Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.’s ...
By Kevin Dayhoff SYKESVILLE — Two juveniles were arrested Tuesday for stealing a wheelchair from a Sykesville resident who is paralyzed from the chest down.  Sykesville Police Chief John Williams said ...
We have no suspects at this point —Sykesville Police Chief By Kevin Dayhoff Folks in the small town of Sykesville are shaking their heads in disbelief today (Monday) upon learning that over the weekend ...
BELL BECAME FIRST BLACK TO BE NAMED STATE'S CHIEF APPEALS JUDGE IN 1996 By Kevin Dayhoff Robert M. Bell, long-serving chief judge of the Maryland Court of Appeals, will be the keynote speaker at ...
That is an outrage… I will pay Mr. Snyder’s obligation. —Bill O'Reilly, host of TV's 'The O'Reilly Factor' By Kevin Dayhoff Fox News' cable-TV host Bill O'Reilly has said he will pay the $16,500 ...
By Kevin Dayhoff Friends, family, loved ones, students, and fellow teachers crowded into Our Lady of Victory Church in Catonsville on Saturday to pay their last respects to Patricia Anne “Patti” Battaglia, ...
By Kevin Dayhoff   Police have identified a body found last week in a burning car in the 4600 block of Black Rock Rd., in Upperco, in northern Baltimore County, near Hampstead in Carroll County. A ...
MAN ALLEGEDLY SHOOTS HIS WAY INTO EX-WIFE'S HOME, KILLS HER FIANCE THEN TURNS GUN ON SELF By Kevin Dayhoff (Hampstead, MD)  – Maryland State Police were called to the scene of an apparent murder-suicide ...
NO INJURIES REPORTED; SUSPECT FLEES WITH UNDISCLOSED AMOUNT OF LOOT By Kevin Dayhoff A BB&T Bank in Westminster (Carroll County) was the scene of a holdup Monday afternoon, Westminster Police reported ...
DEFENDANT EXPRESSES CONCERN FOR OWN SAFETY By Kevin Dayhoff Westminster — In a hearing held Thursday morning in Carroll County District Court, visiting Judge Paula J. Brown ordered Anthony Troy Soligny ...
... troopers on a State Police plane. There were no problems reported during transport.” Soligny remains behind bars in Westminster. —Kevin Dayhoff    ...
By Kevin Dayhoff A Carroll County man, who was arrested on March 3 while on the run on Rte. I-85 outside Lavonia, Ga., will soon be returning to Maryland to face charges for allegedly assaulting his ...
15. NABBED! — Carroll Co. man arrested in Georgia after alleged hammer attack
(Gangs, Drugs and Crime/Gangs, Drugs and Crime)
ACCUSED OF BEATING WIFE WITH TOOL By Kevin Dayhoff A Carroll County man who allegedly beat his wife with a hammer is behind bars after being quickly apprehended in Georgia. Anthony T. Soligny, 33, ...


Sykesville Mayor and Council agenda for Monday April 26 2010



MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2010, 7:00 P.M.


QUORUM:            Mayor                                                                         
MINUTES:            Town Clerk                                     
TREASURER’S REPORT:  Town Treasurer      



  1. Public Safety Report
  2. Swearing in New Police Officer
  3. Appointment to Board of Elections
  4. Citizen Request to Amend Zoning Code re: Raising Chickens
  5. Draft FY 2011 Budget – Budget Research Committee Recommendation 
  6. Mayor and Town Council Stipend Allocations
  7. Speed Camera Ordinance – Petition for Referendum – Update
  8. Sykesville & Patapsco Railway, Inc. - Utility Grant Application


  1. The Flower and Artisans Festival on Main Street – Saturday, May 8, 2010 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

     2.   Sykesville Federal Savings Bank meeting – Wednesday, May 12, 2010 at
            7 p.m. at the Town House.


1.       Legal Consultation
2.       Property Acquisition  
3.       Personnel   

WBAL defends decision to keep Ehrlich on air

WBAL defends decision to keep Ehrlich on air
Washington Post (blog)
... campaign-finance laws, now that former Maryland governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) has announced he is challenging Martin O'Malley (D), the incumbent. ...
See all stories on this topic

Interview of FCC President Carol Eaton by Adam Avery of Seniors Talk Radio

 For the interview of FCC President Carol Eaton and Nick Diaz and others, by Adam Avery of Seniors Talk Radio, click on this link: 

It will be broadcast tomorrow, Sunday the 25th, on WFMD radio, AM-930. 

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Recent columns in The Tentacle by Kevin Dayhoff

Recent columns in The Tentacle by Kevin Dayhoff

April 21, 2010
Judge Bell, a Witness to History
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Recently, on April 9, Robert M. Bell, chief judge of the Maryland Court of Appeals, was the featured speaker at the Carroll County National Association for The Advancement of Colored People Branch 7014 Freedom Fund Banquet.

April 16, 2010
Gwen Ifill: The Dreams
Kevin E. Dayhoff
These days, the only people who seem to care about race are the political hard right, left-wingers, and the media-elite who are pounding that narrative in order to appear relevant or desperately wanting to impugn critics of President Barack Obama.

April 15, 2010
Gwen Ifill: The Scars
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last week a noted Public Broadcasting host spoke at Gettysburg College for about 25 minutes from prepared remarks and then took 16 questions from the audience for another half-an-hour on everything from her thoughts on the “Tea Party” movement, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, to the national debt.

April 14, 2010
Gwen Ifill: The Difficulties
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In the pursuit of gaining more insights into the caustic vagaries and vituperative whims of all things divided and bitter that is Washington these days, I attended a presentation recently by a distinguished Public Broadcasting Service journalist and left the building with more questions than answers.

April 7, 2010
Plan B solution to unemployment
Kevin E. Dayhoff
The rate of unemployment continues to harry the local and national economy as the nation continues to try to figure-out an exit strategy to an entrenched recession. Last Friday the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the national jobless rate held steady at 9.7 percent.

March 31, 2010
“We are done”
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On March 23 President Barack Obama signed into law the obese 2,032-page, 25-pound “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.”

March 24, 2010
The Mount Airy Lottery
Kevin E. Dayhoff
The “awful aughts” were not kind to Mount Airy. The last decade seemed to have been on the minds of citizens who crowded into the Mount Airy town hall on March 8 to nominate candidates to vie for elected offices in the upcoming election.

March 17, 2010
At the Edge of the Cliff
Kevin E. Dayhoff
At the dawn of this New Year, many expected much more in the way of fireworks from the current 427th session of the Maryland General Assembly. It is an election year and the state is entering another fiscal year of huge budget deficits.

March 10, 2010
The Problem with “Antique Furniture”…
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Many Marylanders were beside themselves with premature irrational exuberance at the rumor – which briefly circulated last month – that U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D., MD) would finally retire.

March 3, 2010
Horton Hatches the Egg
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Yesterday was the 107th birthday of Theodor Geisel from Springfield, MA. I say with a smile, my little crocodile, you may know him better as an early trendsetter, as the good Dr. Seuss, you may deduce, because I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. To you I’m so faithful one-hundred percent.

February 24, 2010
Sarasota Snowbird
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Sarasota FL – The Orioles’ pitchers and catchers took the field last Thursday for the first day of spring training in their new training facilities in Sarasota after spending the pre-season the last 14 years in Fort Lauderdale.

February 17, 2010
Charlie Wilson’s Legacy
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On Sunday, Charlie Wilson, the former 12-term Democrat who represented the 2nd District in East Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1973 through 1996, was remembered in a memorial service in Texas.

February 10, 2010
A Complex and Complicated Life
Kevin E. Dayhoff
John P. Murtha, the Democrat congressman from Pennsylvania, died at Virginia Hospital Center Monday at the age of 77 after complications from gall-bladder surgery.

February 3, 2010
Standing up by sitting down
Kevin E. Dayhoff
On Monday February 1, 1960, four students from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College walked into the historic 1929 F. W. Woolworth Five-and-Dime building at 301 North Elm Street in Greensboro, N.C., and ordered lunch.

January 27, 2010
“Mac” Mathias: A Civil Rights Lion
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Former Republican U.S. Senator Charles McCurdy (Mac) Mathias, a native son of Frederick, has died at the age of 87. He was living in Chevy Chase, where his family reported that he died Monday from complications of Parkinson's disease.

January 20, 2010
Hating over Haiti
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In a moment that could warm all but the coldest of hearts last Saturday, in the midst of all the despair that is now Haiti, Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton set aside their political differences for a joint appeal to raise money for that earthquake-ravaged country.

January 13, 2010
Spontaneous Incompetence
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In an incident, almost totally ignored by the dominant United States major news media, comes word that an American hero, the renown Army Green Beret-turned-Iraq/Afghanistan war correspondent, Michael Yon, was “arrested” January 5 as he entered the country for failing to disclose his income.

January 6, 2010
The Problem with Underwear
Kevin E. Dayhoff
The tranquility of the holidays was rudely interrupted by reality Christmas morning as the news spread quickly that a terrorist with an explosive device concealed in his underwear attempted to bomb Northwest Airlines flight 253 as it approached Detroit.


Daily Caller: Graham blasts Reid’s ‘cynical ploy’ on immigration

Graham blasts Reid’s ‘cynical ploy’ on immigration

Published: 04/24/10

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham is lashing out at Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for apparently putting immigration reform ahead of climate change as a Senate priority...

Read more:


Recent articles by Bryan Sears in the Baltimore Sun

 Recent articles by Bryan Sears in the Baltimore Sun
