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Friday, August 10, 2007

20070809 News Clips

News Clips

Aug. 9, 2007


Volunteers Welcome Troops At BWI

After six months overseas in Kuwait, hundreds of troops received a hero's welcome home Wednesday. "We appreciate the fact that they have protected our freedom, our liberties, our freedom of speech, and we are grateful," said volunteer Joyce Thomann. "They are coming off of a very long tour, they are exhausted, they are hungry, and the last thing they are expecting is to have a group of us standing here to thank them and welcome them home," said John Flynn.

Verizon says it missed over 20% of service calls

Executives appear before state PSC,0,470398.story

Verizon Maryland Inc. violated state regulations by missing more than 20 percent of the service appointments it scheduled with phone customers in five of the first six months of the year, the phone giant acknowledged in a state hearing yesterday.

The company provided the information while defending its service record during a sometimes-tense two-hour hearing in downtown Baltimore with the Maryland Public Service Commission, which regulates the utility.

Commissioners on Friday ordered Verizon executives to turn over documents and attend the hearing, saying the agency received 300 complaints this year about the utility's service - or 50 percent more than a year ago. State regulations require telephone companies to answer at least 80 percent of their service calls on time.

But Steven B. Larsen, the new chairman of the commission, said the public has a right to know why Verizon misses appointments and why it sometimes takes so long to restore phone service. He said the service problems were not just annoying, they were a health and safety issue because people without cell phones could not call for help.

New attention to 5 old CSX bridges

'Deficient' city spans are topic of meeting; who pays for repairs is issue,0,6405603.story

Mayor Sheila Dixon and city and state lawmakers demanded yesterday that railroad conglomerate CSX fix its crumbling bridges in Baltimore before it's too late. CSX owns the Locust Point bridge that leads to Fort McHenry, as well as four other "structurally deficient" bridges in Baltimore. For more than a decade, the company and the city have argued over whose job it is to maintain the ailing spans.

Yesterday state Sen. George W. Della Jr. and Del. Brian K. McHale sent a letter to Gov. Martin O'Malley and state Transportation Secretary John D. Porcari, urging them to "exercise the goodwill and strength of your offices to require the responsible party(s) to replace or repair this bridge."

"If the responsible party here doesn't come to the plate, we can't wait until a tragedy happens," Della said.

State officials slam federal Real ID driver's license program

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff boasted about the value of the federal Real ID driver's license program with lawmakers from around the country at the National Conference of State Legislators meeting here, but Maryland lawmakers said he offered little of anything new about an unfunded federal requirement that burdens the states and creates a threat to privacy.

County considers free flu vaccine for kids

A nasal spray that immunizes children against the flu may make an encore appearance this fall at county elementary schools.

Inspired by last year's statewide project to prevent children from spreading the virus, county health officials want $150,000 in tax dollars to help buy the nasal vaccine and distribute 15,000 free doses to elementary students.So far, Anne Arundel appears to be the only county in Maryland poised to launch a self-funded, comprehensive repeat of last year's program. But the county's plans are not finalized.

County Executive John R. Leopold this week asked the County Council to approve $150,000 to buy 8,500 doses, and a public hearing on the matter will be held at 7 p.m. Sept. 4, at the Arundel Center, 44 Calvert St. in Annapolis.


Fueling around,0,1105290.story

Democrats running Congress can blame President Bush and their tiny Senate majority for most of the disappointments of their tenure so far. But on their bid to apply progressive policy to energy and the environment - potentially a signature issue - Democrats are getting beat by their own guys. If House leaders, in particular, can't find the discipline within their ranks to finally muscle past the auto industry and raise motor vehicle fuel-efficiency standards, voters might well ask what difference it makes which party is in charge.

Property taxes make Baltimore intolerable,0,2404506.story

The only sure things in Baltimore are crime and taxes. But since all of our local candidates are focusing on crime, I wanted to take a moment to cry out into the urban wilderness about taxes.

Like migrating birds, it seems as if every three years Baltimoreans can be seen climbing up to their rooftops to protest inflated assessments, only to go back into their nests to mournfully mull their situation. But unlike the recent past, where the patience to bear heavy tax burdens was sustained by the promise of ever-increasing home values, I fear the fortitude of taxpaying families in Baltimore is waning.

Thousands Greet Crew Re-Creating 1608 Voyage

Jefferson Patterson Park played host to more than 3,000 visitors as the crew re-creating Capt. John Smith's 1608 exploration of the Chesapeake Bay sailed into St. Leonard.

Maryland Indian leaders, politicians and park officials shared a stage Sunday to welcome the 12-person crew, which has spent nearly three months in a 28-foot wooden boat attempting to re-create the captain's historic voyage.

When the boat, called a shallop, stopped in Annapolis in July, Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) went on board. At Jefferson Patterson Park in Calvert County last weekend, Senate President Thomas V. "Mike" Miller Jr. (D-Calvert), former Democratic U.S. senator Paul S. Sarbanes and Calvert County Commissioner Susan Shaw (R-Huntingtown) were on hand to welcome the crew.

"It's a very big deal" for Calvert County, Shaw said as she strolled around the park checking out Native American demonstration booths. "This is living history. It's like once in a lifetime. It really is."


Primary Season Getting Earlier

S.C. GOP's Move Could Push Votes For 2008 Into '07

South Carolina's Republican Party on Thursday moved its 2008 presidential primary forward to Jan. 19, a decision almost certain to spark a cascade of calendar changes that could push the start of voting to New Year's Day or even to before Christmas.

The move, announced today, is likely to cause the New Hampshire primary and Iowa caucuses to be shifted at least to early January, and other states are actively angling to stake out spots earlier in the process. The maneuvering has injected a new note of uncertainty into what is already the earliest-starting presidential campaign in history, and top strategists for the candidates said it would force them to revise their carefully worked out plans.

Tom Croft running against Bartlett

Tom Croft insists he's not a gimmick. The Hagerstown native's campaign proposes a new system of voting on Capitol Hill, one where his constituents can directly send him their votes on any legislation.

"I'm going in to wi n; I want to win," said Croft of Middletown, who will run as a Republican against Roscoe Bartlett for Maryland's 6th District seat in the House of Representatives. "...I'm an alternative... If I can get my name out there I have a pretty good chance of knocking (Bartlett) off."

Let's make college more affordable

For decades, the United States has been committed to ensuring that qualified students could go to college, regardless of family income. Student aid programs have made it possible for millions of American students to gain access to college and the American Dream.

Unfortunately, for the last 20 years, Congress has not held up its side of the bargain. During that time, the cost of college has more than tripled, while buying power of student aid prog rams has diminished.

Growing barriers to higher education have a profound effect on our nation, and often affect the most basic life choices of college graduates. College graduates often cannot pursue jobs in the public sector because they typically pay less than private-sector jobs and many college graduates are strapped with large debt.

Army hasn't finished plan for relocating Fort Monmouth staff

Contrary to claims made last week by Maryland legislators, the Army has not finished developing a plan to transfer thousands of employees from Fort Monmouth to Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland.

A spokeswoman for Army Materiel Command - which oversees Fort Monmouth - said this week that the command is still developing its plan to transfer the post's mission to Aberdeen.

And while AMC has outlined construction projects at the proving ground, the command is still working out how and when the fort's more than 5,000 employees would make the move, according to Michelle McCaskill, an AMC spokeswoman.

But in a release issued Aug. 2, U.S. Sens. Barbara Mikulski and Benjamin L. Cardin, along with Reps. Steny H. Hoyer and C.A. "Dutch" Ruppersberger - all D-Md. - said AMC "has developed a step-by-step time line for moving assets into Maryland and a detailed funding plan to support these moves."

Boonsboro schools get technology funding

Washington County Public Schools will receive $55,000 to upgrade technology at three Boonsboro schools. The grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) was announced Wednesday by Sens. Barbara A. Mikulski, D-Md., and Benjamin L. Cardin, D-Md.

The money will be used to install 2,300 feet of fiber optic cable and buy 100 desktop computers, along with routers, switches and other equipment, officials said. The upgrades and equipment will benefit students at Boonsboro Elementary, Boonsboro Middle and Boonsboro High, said Arnold Hammann, director of information management and instructional technology for Washington County Public Schools.

Bowie Night Out attracts large crowd to stadium

The public safety evening became an annual nationwide event in 1984. Since then, countless neighborhoods have embraced the anticrime social gatherings which usual ly feature a community block party with representatives from local law enforcement and businesses.

The Bowie Night Out saw Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Prince George's, the House majority leader, join the large crowd. Hoyer recently got a bill through Congress that allocated $500,000 for the Bowie Police Department to install an interoperable radio system. The communications gear will allow city police to better communicate with nearby jurisdictions and to act more swiftly in the case of an emergency.

20070810 Vangelis - Blade Runner (end credits) Soundtrack and Video

Vangelis - Blade Runner (end credits) Soundtrack and Video

August 10, 2007

I just came across this neat video by herefordmsv posted on YouTube several months ago.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

20070809 Quote of the day - The art of living

Quote of the day – The art of living

Friday, August 9, 2007

“The art of living is always to make a good thing out of a bad thing.”

E. F. Schumacher (1911-1977) Economist

Thanks TC

20070809 Battle at Kruger

Battle at Kruger

August 9th, 2007

Apparently this video was on ABC’s “I-Caught” Tuesday evening, August 8th, 2007…

It is pretty amazing… You have to watch the entire video.


20070807 Area residents comfort Orphans in Africa by Kelsey Volkmann

Area residents comfort, teach AIDS Orphans in Africa

By Kelsey Volkmann, Examiner Staff Writer, Tuesday, August 7, 2007[1]

For other articles by Kelsey Volkmann go here.

One child was found under the bushes, one in a tire and another on the street. All of them alone. Their parents had died of AIDS.

In Namibia, Africa, along the Zambezi River, where hippopotamuses and crocodiles roam, 4,000 to 5,000 children have lost their families to the virus.

It’s these orphans that Carroll County residents hugged and taught this summer at the Children of Mount Zion Village, an orphanage established by Mount Zion United Methodist Church in Bel Air. Twenty members of the Calvary United Methodist Church in Mount Airy, which has donated to the children for years, traveled to Namibia this summer to provide comfort and teach them science, math, guitar, reading, dancing and drawing. For some, this was a return trip to the region.

“We saw this little boy come in last year as a 9-month-old baby, and he was weaker than a newborn,” said Sarah Dorrance, a Calvary seminary student who visited for the second time this year.

“He would have died. It’s a blessing to now see him running around, hugging and playing games.”

The church volunteers returned home last month, but one, Kevin Meadows, remained behind to teach in a region where more than 40 percent of the population has HIV or AIDS.

On his blog, Meadows describes the orphanage’s location in a region called the Caprivi Strip, an intersection of trade routes connecting several southern African countries.

“Despite its favorable location, scenic beauty and exotic wildlife, it also has one of the highest HIV/AIDS infection rates among adults in Namibia and the whole of Africa,” he wrote.


For other posts and information on “Soundtrack” on Children of Zion Namibia Africa, please click here.

Click here for Children of Zion web site information: 20070319 Children of Zion Namibia Africa information

For more information go to:

For a blog on the Children of Zion initiative, to “Kevin Meadows in Namibia” -

[1] Note this article is not online electronically and can only be found in the pdf version of the paper. Since the article is not available easily, I have taken the liberty to keyboard the article into a MS Word document and place the entire article online…

To find the article in pdf go to:
Under the current edition pull down, go to August 7th, 2007 and then go to page 05-Local

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

20070806 Beauchamp Recants by Michael Goldfar

Once again the liberal main stream media has attempted to do what it does best – get it wrong and mislead us… Oh, I’m shocked. Shocked I say…

Beauchamp Recants by Michael Goldfarb

August 6, 2007

THE WEEKLY STANDARD has learned from a military source close to the investigation that Pvt. Scott Thomas Beauchamp--author of the much-disputed "Shock Troops" article in the New Republic's July 23 issue as well as two previous "Baghdad Diarist" columns--signed a sworn statement admitting that all three articles he published in the New Republic were exaggerations and falsehoods--fabrications containing only "a smidgen of truth," in the words of our source.


An investigation has been completed and the allegations made by PVT Beauchamp were found to be false. His platoon and company were interviewed and no one could substantiate the claims.

According to the military source, Beauchamp's recantation was volunteered on the first day of the military's investigation. So as Beauchamp was in Iraq signing an affidavit denying the truth of his stories, the New Republic was publishing a statement from him on its website on July 26, in which Beauchamp said, "I'm willing to stand by the entirety of my articles for the New Republic using my real name."


Now that the military investigation has concluded, the great unanswered question in the affair is this: Did Scott Thomas Beauchamp lie under oath to U.S. Army investigators, or did he lie to his editors at the New Republic? Beauchamp has recanted under oath. Does the New Republic still stand by his stories?

Read the rest of Mr. Goldfarb’s post here: Beauchamp Recants

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

20070807 Join the City of Westminster's National Night Out On Crime!

Join the City of Westminster's National Night Out On Crime!

August 2, 2007

On Tuesday, August 7, 2007, Neighborhoods throughout the City of Westminster, Carroll County, and across the nation are ask to join forces with thousands of communities nationwide for the "24th Annual National Night Out" event. National Night Out, is sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW) and co-sponsored by the various Law Enforcement Agencies and organizations nationwide. This event will involve over 11,000 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities and military bases around the world. In all, over 35 million people are expected to participate in "National Night Out Against Crime" on August 7, 2007.

National Night Out is designed to (1) Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness; (2) Generate support for, and participation in, local anti-crime programs; (3) Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and (4) Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

From at least 6 to 10 p.m. on August 7th, residents in neighborhoods throughout the City of Westminster, will lock their homes, turn on outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors and police. Many neighborhoods throughout the Westminster will be hosting a variety of special events such as block parties, cookouts, sidewalk parades, visits from police, flashlight walks, and youth activities.

In Westminster, Officers have been assigned to various communities, along with McGruff and K-9 demonstrations. Below you'll find a list of communities who are a part of National Night Out 2007.

Contact Sgt. Michael Bible at the Westminster Police Department 410-848-4646 for more details.

Please see page 2 for locations.

Page 2

These locations are only for those residents living in the area.

West Main Street Westminster Union Bank Parking Lot

Pennsylvania Ave

Doreen Capece

Carroll Lutheran Village Luther Drive (Mission Square)

Pat Davis

Middle Grove Court West Parking Lot

Lisa Bowman

Stone Valley N. Burning Tree

Jeff Smith

Greens of Westminster Stacey Lee Drive (City Pool)

Mary Burke

First Church of God Center Street (side lot)

Pastor Duvall

Westminster Police Department

36 Locust Street

Westminster, Maryland 21157



20070806 News Clips

News Clips

August 6, 2007


Groups propose ideas on deficit

Plans under way to present them to O'Malley, public,0,538469.story

As Maryland leaders search for solutions to the state's $1.5 billion budget shortfall, liberals and conservatives, business groups and labor unions are all offering unsolicited plans for how to fix it -- and attempting to sell them to the public.Liberal groups, which have formed the Alliance for Tax Fairness, have gotten the quickest start. With the help of like-minded state senators, they have sparked debate on closing corporate tax loopholes and making the income tax structure more progressive.

"What's important is for us to have the voters realize there is an alternative ," said Republican Sen. David R. Brinkley, the minority leader from Frederick County.

Del. Anthony J. O'Donnell, the minority leader from Southern Maryland, said Republican lawmakers are working on a new proposal and should be ready to unveil it in the next few weeks. He said that if the governor supported the right kind of slots program, it could help mitigate the state's problems without doing any damage. But he said many of O'Malley's other ideas would be harmful.

Officials propose transit plans
Expanded roads, new trails included in regional draft,0,7750799.story?page=1

Within the next 30 years, Carroll County residents could drive along a Manchester bypass, zip through lanes added to expanded state roads or bike half a dozen new trails, according to a draft plan for transportation throughout the Baltimore region.

Prepared by the Baltimore Regional Transportation Board, the plan includes about 90 capital projects planned from 2013 to 2035.

A blaring call for impeachment

Carroll group makes noise to get rid of Bush, but some aren't listening,0,7366752.story

At a busy intersection in the bucolic and conservative town of Hampstead yesterday morning, seven people waved signs calling on Carroll County drivers to honk for President Bush's impeachment -- and yelled "thank you" to those who cursed at them.

"The Democrats in Carroll County, I don't want to say they're desperate, but probably the best w ay to describe it is that Carroll is a red county in a blue state," said Larry Helminiak, chairman of the county's Republican Central Committee, who did not pass by the protest. "Democrats who want to be in public office here switch to being Republicans. That's not a joke."

Helminiak said he often sees bumper stickers that say, "Courage is being a Democrat in Carroll County."

Army to build complex at APG

$500 million project to house operation moving from N.J.,0,589967.story

The Army is scheduled to award a contract next month for the construction of a giant office complex at Aberdeen Proving Ground, one of the largest development contracts in Harford County, officials said.

The office complex will house a military operation being moved into the county from New Jersey as part of the military base realignment, officials said.

"It will be the first major step in the shift of about 10,000 jobs from Fort Monmouth to APG," said James C. Richardson, Harford County's economic development director. "It's a big project, perhaps the largest single development contract in the history of the county."

66 Assembly members in Boston for conference

More than a third of the General Assembly - 54 delegates and 12 senators - are joining 1,700 fellow legislators nationwide for the annual National Conference of State Legislatures this week in Boston.

"Maryland has always played a significant role in the national conference," said House Speaker Michael Busch, D-Anne Arundel, including holding major leadership positions, partly because of Maryland's proximity to Washington.

The 54 delegates include 12 Republicans, among them Minority Leader Anthony O'Donnell of Calvert and Whip Chris Shank of Washington County.

No GOP senators are attending. "I do see value in trying to learn from legislators in other states," said O'Donnell, who will be attending his first NCSL. "In the long run, I believe it will benefit Maryland. The networking opportunity and the ability to learn from others will help people become more effective legislators and deal with some of the vexing issues."

David Taylor rots on banks of Severn

The former David Taylor Research Center on the Severn River remains largely unchanged since th e Navy abandoned operations nearly a decade ago. Despite promises, no progress made on redeveloping abandoned Naval base

The once-thriving David Taylor Research Center at the mouth of the Severn River used to pump $100 million a year into the local economy. Defense cutbacks led the Navy to abandon operations nearly a decade ago.U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, who serves on the House Armed Services Committee, said through a spokesman he's looking to help.

In June, County Executive John R. Leopold sent a letter urging Mr. Cummings to take up the cause. "It's too valuable a piece of property to lay fallow," he said. "I'm not happy about that situation."


A Marylander's Rx for cost of drugs


People may care as much about the cost of prescription drugs these days as they do about getting a good deal on a car. They're up against the breathtaking drug costs a lot more often.

Pushed by groups like Health Care For All, Maryland and several other states recently passed laws that would have allowed them to use the bulk buying power available for Medicaid purchases to negotiate prices as much as 40 percent lower than the sticker price.

Then-Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., a Republican, signed the law, but it couldn't be used unless the federal government issued a waiver of regulations preventing the practice. Mr. Ehrlich requested the waiver, but it wasn't granted. Thousands of Marylanders would have been helped by the bill.

Now, though, a measure similar to the one proposed by Senator Wellstone - requiring no waiver - is pending in the House of Representatives. Maryland's Rep. Chris Van Hollen is the sponsor.

His bill would allow Maryland and all the other states to negotiate reduced prescription drug prices for low-income families - those earning less than three times the federal poverty level of $20,650 for a family of four. Patients would get discount cards for use at the drugstore.

Mr. Van Hollen expects opposition from the drug manufacturers, whose lobby in Washington is as muscular as any. But he said he's optimistic the bill will be passed.

Reports on bay's plight meaningless without action


This week yet another report was issued that concluded that the Chesapeake Bay is heavily polluted with nutrients.

Is that a yawn we heard? It's the same sort of bleak news we have been hearing regularly from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and federal and state environmental agencies.

Now comes another report - a national one - that not only reminds us that the bay is still terribly polluted, but adds that it's one of the most polluted estuaries in the country.

Maryland GOP Takes Aim At Progressive Alliance

Senate Republicans in Maryland are attempting to use a poll commissioned by a liberal coalition to undermine possible tax increase proposals from Gov. Martin O'Malley (D).

At a press conference last week, members of the Alliance for Tax Fairness argued that O'Malley and lawmakers should look to upper-income residents and corporations to help close a looming budget shortfall of nearly $1.5 billion next year

The coalition released a poll showing support for those moves.But Senate Republica ns pointed yesterday to two other findings in the poll: that a majority of Marylanders oppose both a 1-cent increase in the sales tax and a 12-cent increase in the gas tax.

"The deception employed by advocates for tax increases is utterly amazing," Senate Minority Leader David Brinkley (R-Frederick) said in a statement. "They would have the public believe there is widespread support for tax increases. In fact, a close reading of their own data shows the public overwhelmingly opposes the very taxes that would generate the most revenue for the state."


Surveillance bill passes in the House

Measure expands the government's ability to eavesdrop,0,1558019.story

The House handed Pres ident Bush a victory yesterday, voting to expand the government's abilities to eavesdrop without warrants on foreign suspects whose communications pass through the United States. Many congressional Democrats wanted tighter restrictions on government surveillance but yielded in the face of Bush's veto threats and the impending August recess.

In Maryland's congressional delegation, "yes" votes came from Republicans Roscoe G. Bartlett and Wayne T. Gilchrest.

'Bridge Lady' says span is falling down

Years of complaining brings some support but no funds to Fort Avenue,0,2302105.story

To get the bridge near her Locust Point home fixed, Karen Johns says she'll stand naked with a sign.

No one wants it to come to that, but after nearly a decade of ignored letters, phone calls and so many appeals to politicians that she's lost count, it just might. Maryland politicians and inspectors have acknowledged serious problems with the 90-year-old bridge in the 1200 block of Fort Ave. - essentially the only way in or out of the heart of the Locust Point peninsula - but nothing has been done.

She's written and called Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski, former Sen. Paul S. Sarbanes, BGE, former Gov. Parris N. Glendening, Sheila Dixon when she led the City Council, former city health commissioner Peter L. Beilenson, former City Councilman John L. Cain, all of her state lawmakers, and she's pretty sure she wrote to President Bush.

Cardin to Meet With Eastern Shore Farmers About Drought ml

Senator Ben Cardin will be on the Eastern Shore Monday to meet with farmers about the exising drought problem.

Cardin also plans to talk to farmers about the current farm bill pending in the Senate. Governor Martin O'Malley has asked the federal Department of Agriculture to declare a drought emergency in parts of Maryland. A decision on that declaration has NOT yet been announced.

20070806 The Associated Press lays out the welcome mat for vacationing French President

The Associated Press lays out the welcome mat for vacationing French President

August 6th, 2007

Vacationing on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire French President Nicolas Sarkozy has personally discovered the American welcome mat.

Associated Press photographer Jim Cole and freelancer Vince DeWitt took the opportunity to show him the courtesy of getting under his skin while the president is trying to get some personal R and R.

Of course, as told by the Associated Press, it was the French president who was out of line.

Perhaps the next time Messrs. Cole and DeWitt go on a personal vacation with their families, they could tell us their whereabouts so that we may show them the same courtesy of giving them the same treatment in return.

With civility at an all time low in our great country, one wonders when the press might stop reporting or facilitating it and start taking responsibility.

In today’s world of anonymous comments, wall-to-wall coverage of snot-nosed sniveling irresponsible Hollywood moonbats and the highlighting of the lowest common denominator commentary on critical public policy decisions, how far will the coarsening of the American dialogue go before we reach saturation to the point of refusal?

Of course the American media set the standard by reporting – sanctifying and sanitizing Cindy Sheehan every bowel movement while President George W. Bush tried to take a vacation on his personal ranch. But that was OK because the smug, arrogant, and self-righteous liberal media justified that with their typical situational ethics.

When was it that we lost track of the human factor of how we approach elected officials and other community leaders who step-up to the plate to try and make a difference and accept huge responsibilities on behalf of an increasingly ungrateful and disrespectful public

Sarkozy Berates Photographers In N.H.

CONCORD, N.H., Aug. 6, 2007

(AP) French President Nicolas Sarkozy lost his temper with two American news photographers covering his vacation Sunday, jumping onto their boat and scolding them loudly in French.

The confrontation came Sunday afternoon as Sarkozy and companions were headed for open water in a boat on Lake Winnipesaukee when he spotted Associated Press photographer Jim Cole and freelancer Vince DeWitt aboard Cole's boat, which was outside a buoy barrier monitored by the New Hampshire Marine Patrol.

Before Sarkozy spotted him, Cole had driven his boat up to the patrol boat, identified himself and received permission to be there.

"He was happy and smiling and he waved at the security people as he was coming out," Cole said of the president. "And then he noticed us taking pictures and his happy demeanor diminished immediately."

The men said they watched through their lenses as Sarkozy pointed toward them and his boat began moving in their direction. Coming alongside Cole's boat, Sarkozy, clad only in swim trunks, jumped aboard and began shouting at them.



Monday, August 06, 2007

20070805 Auction is the icing on the cakes by Fortin – Baltimore Sun

Auction is the icing on the cakes

August 5th, 2007

The Carroll County 4-H FFA Fair (July 28- August 3, 2007) is “one of the largest in the state that has free admission.” In order to keep the admission free, one of the several ways the fair raises money is by an annual cake auction in which award winning cakes are sold for fantastic amounts of money.

Writing for the Baltimore Sun, Cassandra Fortin gives us an excellent glimpse at how it all works:

Auction is the icing on the cakes

Young bakers support fair with winning entries

By Cassandra A. Fortin, Special to The Sun, August 5, 2007


…of about 195 items sold at the 35th annual cake auction. The auction raised about $58,000.

The proceeds cover the cost of the fair, one of the largest in the state that has free admission, said Amy Petkovsek, the assistant superintendent of the cake auction.


The lemon bars were purchased by Rick Jones, owner of R.J. Custom Homes, a builder and a developer, located in Westminster.


"Last year I ran the price up to $6,000, but I lost the bid to Sen. Larry Haines," he said. "It was an election year, so he had to win. But this year I wanted to win. It's for a good cause, and it's good for business."

Jordan's items were among hundreds sold at the event, Petkovsek said.

The premise of the auction is simple.

First, to participate, children must be 8 to 18 years old. They must bake their items and bring them to the judging area. About 30 judges interview the contestants.

"We use conference judges," Petkovsek said. "The judges might ask the kids how they made their item or how they beat their eggs. Sometimes they ask them how they mixed the ingredients or how they decorated their cake. Their answers are part of the selection process."

The judges also taste the entries, all of which receive a ribbon. To be selected for the auction, an item must be awarded a blue ribbon.

"The kids are not competing," Petkovsek said. "The cakes and other items are scored against themselves."

This year about 250 items received blue ribbons, and about 195 of them were selected for the auction, she said. A grand champion ribbon is awarded in each class.


Read the entire article here: Auction is the icing on the cakes


20070806 CCBOC Agenda for the week of August 6th, 2007

Carroll County Board of Commissioners Agenda for the week of August 6th, 2007

Agenda for the Week of August 6, 2007 ~ Revision 1

Please Note: This weekly agenda is subject to change. Please call 410-386-2043 to confirm a meeting you plan to attend. All meetings will be held at the Carroll County Office Building

Room 311. (Unless otherwise noted)

  • Indicates Outside Activities

Monday – August 6, 2007

10:00 a.m. Issues & Insights with Guest Kim Coble

of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation

Commissioner Gouge

11:45 a.m. Luncheon

South Carroll Senior Center

Eldersburg, MD

Commissioner Zimmer

Tuesday – August 7, 2007

10:00 a.m. Board of County Commissioners Press Conference

Safety of County-Maintained Bridges

County Office Building ~ Room 311

Commissioners Gouge, Minnich & Zimmer

4:00 p.m. Carroll County Chamber of Commerce PM Connections

Westminster Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

Commissioner Zimmer

Wednesday – August 8, 2007

10:00 a.m. Dedication of the Cherrytown Fire Suppression Tank

Westminster, MD

Commissioners Gouge, Minnich & Zimmer

5:00 p.m. Board of Education Meeting

Westminster, MD

Commissioner Zimmer

Thursday – August 9, 2007

9:30 a.m. Board of County Commissioners Open Community Discussion

10:00 a.m. Board of County Commissioners Open Session

Public Hearing ~ Amendments to Chapter 223, Zoning

to Allow Wineries in the Conservation Zone

Department of the County Attorney ~ Ms. Kimberly Millender

Public Hearing ~ Amendments to Chapter 223, Zoning

Prohibiting Any New Billboards around Hampstead Bypass

Department of the County Attorney ~ Ms. Kimberly Millender

Public Hearing ~ Amendments to Chapter 223, Zoning

Reorganization of Procedures Related to Amendments and Rezonings

Department of the County Attorney ~ Ms. Kimberly Millender

Signature Approval

Letters of Credit for Carroll Wood Estates & Wildwood Park

Department of the County Attorney ~ Ms. Kimberly Millender

Tax Abatement on the Corporate Hangars at Carroll County Regional Airport

Department of the Comptroller ~ Mr. Rob Burk

Bid Approval

One (1) New Tri-Axle Roll-Off Truck REBID

Bureau of Purchasing ~ Mr. Rich Shelton

Department of General Services ~ Mr. Ralph Green

Thursday – August 9, 2007 ~ Continued

Bid Approval

One (1) New Paint Striping Truck

Bureau of Purchasing ~ Mr. Rich Shelton

Department of General Services ~ Mr. Ralph Green

Bid Approval

Piggyback Maryland State Highway's Road Striping Contract with

Alpha Space Control, Co.

Bureau of Purchasing ~ Mr. Rich Shelton

Department of Public Works ~ Mr. J. Michael Evans

Bid Approval

Chemicals for Drinking Water and Waste Water Treatment REBID

Bureau of Purchasing ~ Mr. Rich Shelton

Department of Public Works ~ Mr. J. Michael Evans

Airpark Watershed Restoration Bid

Department of Planning ~ Mr. Steve Horn

Bureau of Purchasing ~ Mr. Rich Shelton

Intergovernmental (IG) Agreement

Chief of Administrative Services ~ Mrs. Cindy Parr

Request Approval of Medicaid Waiver for Older Adults Grant

Department of Management & Budget ~ Mr. Ted Zaleski

Department of Citizen Services ~ Mrs. Jolene Sullivan

Award of Byrne Justice Assistance Grant ~ Adventure Diversion Program

Year 2 ~ Local Management Board

Department of Management & Budget ~ Mr. Ted Zaleski

Department of Citizen Services ~ Mrs. Jolene Sullivan

Request Approval of Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Award

Interactive Group Therapy and Psychiatric Services ~ Year 1

Local Management Board

Department of Management & Budget ~ Mr. Ted Zaleski

Department of Citizen Services ~ Mrs. Jolene Sullivan

Thursday – August 9, 2007 ~ Continued

STOP Violence Against Women's Act

State's Attorney's Office Domestic Violence Prosecutor Grant

Department of Management & Budget ~ Mr. Ted Zaleski

State's Attorney's Office ~ Mr. Jerry Barnes

STOP Violence Against Women's Act

Sheriff's Office Domestic Violence Unit Grant

Department of Management & Budget ~ Mr. Ted Zaleski

Sheriff's Office ~ Sheriff Kenneth Tregoning

Modification to Byrne Justice Assistance Grant ~ Sheriff's Office

Jail Diversion to Treatment Grant ~ Year 2

Department of Management & Budget ~ Mr. Ted Zaleski

Sheriff's Department ~ Sheriff Kenneth Tregoning

Chief of Staff Time ~ Mr. Steve Powell

Update ~ Review of State Budget

Department of Management & Budget ~ Mr. Ted Zaleski

3:00 p.m. Carroll County Volunteer Emergency Services Association (CCVESA)

Quarterly Meeting

Commissioners Gouge, Minnich & Zimmer

Friday – August 10, 2007

11:30 a.m. Luncheon

Mt. Airy Senior Center

Commissioner Zimmer

Saturday – August 11, 2007

Sunday – August 12, 2007

8:05 a.m. “The Commissioners’ Report” – WTTR

Commissioner Gouge

1:00 p.m. Eagle Scout Ceremony

Westminster, MD

Commissioner Zimmer

ACCESSIBILITY NOTICE: The Americans with Disabilities Act applies to the Carroll County Government and its programs, services, activities, and facilities. If you have questions, suggestions, or complaints, please contact Ms. Jolene Sullivan, the Carroll County Government Americans With Disabilities Act Coordinator, at 410-386-3600/1-888-302-8978 or TTY No. 410-848-9747. The mailing address is 225 North Center Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157.

Posted: 07/07/06


a great place to live, a great place to work, a great place to play