Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The new year means a new city attorney in Westminster

Last Monday was the second meeting of the Westminster mayor and common council for Westminster’s new attorney, Elissa Levan of the law firm of Funk & Bolton.

Folks have asked where my story appeared on the new attorney. It may be found here: 1/12/10 or here:

Posted below is the original copy I filed, before it was edited for length, for the newspaper:

January 26, 2010

Photo caption: Westminster appoints new city attorneys. New Westminster city attorney Karen Plumer Ruff (right) looks up to follow the discussion at the Westminster Common Council meeting last Monday as Elissa Levan (left in the background) studies her meeting notes. Seated beside Ms. Levan is the Westminster director of planning Tom Beyard. Picture by Kevin Dayhoff [20100111 MCCmtg (15)d]

Click here for a larger image: or here;

Twitpic: Elissa Levan Karen Plumer Ruff Funk & Bolton appted new Westminster city attorneys


The new year means a new city attorney in Westminster

Elissa Levan and Karen Plumer Ruff of the law firm of Funk & Bolton appointed to be the new Westminster city attorneys

By Kevin Dayhoff for the Westminster Eagle January 12, 2010

The new year for Westminster city government will begin with new municipal attorneys for the first time in 30 years.

At the first meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council for 2010, the city announced the appointment of Elissa Levan and Karen Plumer Ruff to take the place of Westminster city attorney John Walsh who retired last December after serving the city for over 30 years.

In the meeting the council voted to authorize the Westminster mayor Kevin Utz to execute a letter of engagement, dated December 23, with the law firm of Funk & Bolton, with offices in Baltimore, Annapolis, and Chestertown, to represent the town.

A city press release, noted that the process for finding a new attorney began last November. Westminster council president Damian Halstad said that the city had sent out a request for proposals for legal services and received six responses. “We interviewed all of them and it was really, I think, an impressive crew. I think we hired – um … we made an excellent choice,” said Halstad.

Halstad introduced both attorneys who were in attendance for the council meeting. “We welcome them and look forward to a long relationship because we sure don’t like interviewing lawyers. The last one we kept for what, 30 years. So ah, that would make me 78, when they retire, and that would be fine.”

Councilman Greg Pecoraro responded when Halstad asked if there were any questions by saying “… it was a very good process as you mentioned. I was pleased that everyone was able to participate. I think that we did have a difficult choice to make…”

“It was helpful to go through it for learning. I mean you learn things when you go through the interview process... This firm … and ah, Ms. Levan and Ms. Ruff had read our comprehensive plan. They had a lot of good questions for us. And they just knew - I think they knew the most about the city. And that goes a long way towards winning over a prospective employer. We were all impressed,” said Halstad.

The firm’s web site notes that “Funk & Bolton, P.A. is a Mid-Atlantic-based law firm practicing primarily in five areas: commercial litigation, insurance regulation, government relations, local government law, and creditors' rights.

“We provide counseling, litigation and legislative services to insurers, other financial services companies, health maintenance organizations, managed care organizations, health plans, dental plans, counties, municipalities, businesses, and trade associations.”

According to the city press release, “With eleven attorneys, this firm is the most experienced of its kind, providing representation to numerous municipal corporations, counties, and other public entities in the state of Maryland, including the cities of Bowie, College park, Church Hill, Rock Hall, St. Michaels, Upper Marlboro, and Forest Heights.”

The release explained that Levan will be designated the city attorney and that Ruff will serve to “provide backup representation… Levan will have the overall responsibility of coordinating the legal services to the city.”

Funk & Bolton announced in April 2009 that Levan had “rejoined the firm after a year as a Maryland Assistant Attorney General. Ms. Levan is a member of the Local Government Practice Group in the firm's Baltimore office. With over 20 years of experience, Ms. Levan will resume her practice of counseling Maryland municipalities and public entities.”

Levan’s web site bio indicates that she “has been representing governmental clients since 1992, when, after a few years at other firms, she joined Levan, Schimel, Belman & Abramson, P.A. in Howard County (later, a regional office of Miles & Stockbridge, P.A.)

“Since then, Ms. Levan has provided advice and counsel to a diverse group of Maryland municipalities, including several of the largest jurisdictions in the State, the Cities of Bowie, and College Park, and many smaller towns, such as the Town of Church Hill on the Eastern Shore.

“She has recently been designated as the town attorney for the Town of Chesapeake Beach. She also spent a year in the Office of the Attorney General, representing the twenty-four Maryland sheriffs and their sworn deputies.”

Her bio also indicates she “has also provided general representation to private sector businesses, including several not-for-profit entities, such as the Corridor Transportation Corporation.

“Ms. Levan has been active for many years in the Maryland Municipal Attorney's Association and served, among other capacities, for several years as its liaison to the Maryland Municipal League's Legislative Committee. She has also been a member of the Maryland State Bar Association's Local Government and Administrative Law Sections, for both of which sections she has served on the governing Councils. She is currently completing her term as Chair of the Administrative Law Section (2008-09).

“She is a Fellow of the Maryland Bar Foundation. Ms. Levan was previously a member of the Board of Directors of the Baltimore-Washington Corridor Chamber of Commerce and for several years chaired its Public Affairs Group, which undertook legislative education and advocacy functions for the Chamber.”

Levan is a 1985 graduate, with distinction, from University of Michigan. She was awarded her J.D. from George Washington Law School, where she graduated with honors in 1988.

Ruff’s Funk & Bolton web site bio indicates that she “began her career practicing in the area of zoning and land use law at Zanecki, Lally and McDonough, in Prince George's County, Maryland. In 1989, she joined the Howard County firm of Levan, Schimel, Belman & Abramson, P.A. (later, a regional office of Miles & Stockbridge, P.A.)

“For the past twenty years, Ms. Ruff has provided advice and counsel to a diverse group of Maryland municipalities, including the City of Bowie, the City of College Park, the Town of Church Hill, the Town of Edmonston and the Town of St. Michaels.

“Additionally, from 1998 until 2002, Ms. Ruff was the Assistant City Attorney for the City of Annapolis. Ms. Ruff has also served as counsel to the Annapolis Board of Appeals. Ms. Ruff has been a member of the Maryland Municipal Attorney's Association of the Maryland Municipal League for many years. She has served as President and Secretary. Ms. Ruff is a member of the Maryland State Bar Association and the Anne Arundel County Bar Association.

Ruff earned her J.D from Catholic University of America in 1987, and graduated with a B.A. cum laude, from LaSalle University in 1984.

Halstad later indicated that Funk & Bolton will charge the city a rate of $150.00 per hour which is a slight increase over the $125.00 an hour charged by the previous city attorney.

A review of past court cases and council minutes of other municipalities throughout the state indicates that both attorneys have an extensive background in all aspects of municipal law ranging from zoning and land use law to immigration law enforcement.

After the meeting, the two attorneys then got right to work as the mayor and council convened a closed meeting to discuss property acquisition and emergency response procedures for the city.


Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Dayhoff Media Explore Carroll, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff photos Wster gov't, Dayhoff writing essays, Dayhoff writing essays Westminster, Westminster Council Mtgs


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Text of the upcoming Obama's State of the Union speech

Since everything that Obama says in public is on a teleprompter, we have been able to see in advance his upcoming speech:

"My fellow Americans.

It’s Bush’s fault.

It was always Bush’s fault. It will always be Bush’s fault. Bush, Bush, Bush. His fault, his fault, his fault. Maybe his daddy’s fault too.

It’s Bush’s fault and it’s Bush’s fault. But, my friends, it’s Bush’s fault.

The economy? It’s Bush’s fault. Healthcare? It’s Bush’s fault. The wars? It’s Bush’s fault!

Bush, Bush, Bush!


Why is it Bush’s fault? Because it’s Bush’s fault! That’s right! It’s Bush’s fault.

Let’s remember where we were a year ago. It was Bush’s fault. And today, it’s still Bush’s fault.

Let us not forget, it is Bush’s fault!


George W. Bush. George W. Bush. Bush, Bush, Bush.

Let me elaborate. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault..

And I won!


Furthermore, it’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault.


My administration will correct the errors and the policies of the previous administration. Why? It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault.


Finally, my friends, it’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault.

Let us never forget, it’s Bush’s fault.

Thank you."

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Monday, January 25, 2010

WBAL Ch. 11 says: Former Sen. Charles Mathias Dead At 87
A family member said former U.S. Sen. Charles Mathias, a liberal Republican from Maryland, has died.

Congressional Biography: Charles McCurdy Mathias Jr.Mathias championed civil rights and protection of the Chesapeake Bay during his 26 years in Washington.
Former U.S. Sen. Charles Mathias
Congressional Archives
Former U.S. Sen. Charles Mathias

His sons, Charles and Robert, said Mathias was 87 and died Monday from complications of Parkinson's disease.

He lived in Chevy Chase.Parkinson's diseaseMathias' career spanned the turbulent years of the Vietnam War and the civil rights movement, and he often found himself at odds with his party on those and other issues.

Mathias was born in Frederick in 1922.

He attended public schools there and later earned his law degree from the University of Maryland in 1949.

Read more here:

UPDATE: For an in-depth tribute to Senator Mathias, see the Washington Post -
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Missing the mark in Massachusetts By Howard Kurtz

Missing the mark in Massachusetts

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, January 25, 2010; 8:40 AM

If Martha Coakley's defeat in Massachusetts was a political earthquake, most journalists were slow to hear the tremors.

Her chances of beating an obscure Republican in the race for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat seemed so overwhelming that national news organizations largely ignored the contest until the stretch run. The mainstream media were lulled into complacency by Coakley's big lead in the polls and Massachusetts's reputation as the bluest of blue states.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Thursday, January 21, 2010

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Hating over Haiti
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In a moment that could warm all but the coldest of hearts last Saturday, in the midst of all the despair that is now Haiti, Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton set aside their political differences for a joint appeal to raise money for that earthquake-ravaged country.

Almost in a sewer….
Tom McLaughlin
Medan, Indonesia (Sumatra Island) – The guide books all said I should avoid this place. They were right. What a dump! The city stretches from the Straits to the mountains in one long unending blur of low rise buildings, smog and horrific traffic.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
January 19, 2010
Roy Meachum
Barack Obama marks his first anniversary in the White House tomorrow. Ironically, the first major test of his administering the nation’s problem comes today in the election for the late Ted Kennedy’s senate seat.

Politics, Motorcycles, Basketball and FCC
Nick Diaz
Oh, what fun it is to ride the waves of local and state news these days. There’s never a dull moment. Something will happen.

Monday, January 18, 2010
Humorous Politics
Steven R. Berryman
Don’t “mis-underestimate” the value of humor in the politics of the day ’round this county of late. Pardon the Bush-ism, but it seems to fit the chaos. The amount of inherent comedy now is limited only by your personal perspective in our political matters at hand here in Maryland.

Marriage, Politics, Haiti and Conan O’Brien
Michael Kurtianyk
So I asked my best friend, my wife Brenda, what I should write about this week. Her response was: “How about love and marriage?”

Friday, January 15, 2010
Mooney Lost, Jenkins Won!
Roy Meachum
Give Michael Hough credit: When asked by The Frederick News-Post how his position differed from Charles Jenkins on illegal immigration, he said: “I don’t know that we’d vote differently on the issue.”

Separation of Race and State
Joe Charlebois
This year April 1st, our constitutionally required decennial enumeration of citizens – the census – will begin. As from the beginning more than simple counting of heads will take place. This year’s census form will include 10 questions, including the required accounting for each member of the household.

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Northrup Grumman Takes a Hike
Chris Cavey
Tuesday, while listing through the drone of testimony and fighting to stay awake at a Joint Republican Caucus Briefing, I was suddenly aware of a collision between the world of business and the bureaucratic world of government.

Keeping A Watchful Eye…
Joan McIntyre
Do I write yet another article about the Frederick County Board Of Education spending, begging for and wasting our money? Seeing as they still spend, beg, and waste, I’m still writing.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Spontaneous Incompetence
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In an incident, almost totally ignored by the dominant United States major news media, comes word that an American hero, the renown Army Green Beret-turned-Iraq/Afghanistan war correspondent, Michael Yon, was “arrested” January 5 as he entered the country for failing to disclose his income.

The Best Laid Plans….
Tom McLaughlin
Kuching, Malaysia – "Dad you really need to snap out of it!" Mary admonished as I had screwed up the departure day for Chengdu, China. I had lost all track of time and was, to put it mildly, blindly in love.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
“My Littlest Fascist”
Roy Meachum
When Alex Mooney’s political fuzz still rested on his cherubic cheek, I took to calling the state senator “My littlest Fascist,” to the point he replied: “I don’t like that.” To which I answered: “Please stop acting like one, Alex.”

To Abide By The Constitution or….
Farrell Keough
This is actually the second column and submission by Delegate Don Dwyer of Anne Arundel County on this topic. The initial column spoke to the need for Mayor Sheila Dixon to be removed from office based upon a clear reading of the Maryland Constitution.

Monday, January 11, 2010
General Assembly Journal 2010 – The Final Chapter
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
It ended in a scene not unlike the day it all began. Standing in the threshold of Room 324B of the Thomas Hunter Lowe House of Delegates Office building, staring at a small office furnished with well-worn but very nice wooden desk, cabinets, side tables, and credenza.

Kicking the Dog
Steven R. Berryman
Last week two separate Republican Central Committees duked it out over the official appointment – short term – for the remainder of the term of the 3-B delegate seat being vacated by Rick Weldon.

The Impact of Heritage…
Michael Kurtianyk
I am proud to be a first-generation American. You see, my father (rest his soul) was born in western Ukraine, outside Lvov.

20100120 sdsom This week in The Tentacle
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Clair de lune (Moonlight), 1925.

Can ya hear us now

Barack Obama Cursing REMIX

Barack Obama Cursing REMIX! - "Got Nothin' On Me." (Now on iTunes!)

NSFW – but pretty funny

20100119 Barack Obama Cursing REMIX
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Too Late Windows 7

"Too Late, Windows 7" - OneRepublic feat. Timbaland - "Apologize" Parody

20100119 Too Late Windows 7
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Hating over Haiti

January 20, 2010

Hating over Haiti

Kevin E. Dayhoff

In a moment that could warm all but the coldest of hearts last Saturday, in the midst of all the despair that is now Haiti, Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton set aside their political differences for a joint appeal to raise money for that earthquake-ravaged country.

This is what our country is all about and it should make all of us proud.

The stories and pictures that have illuminated the disaster are heartbreaking. Hold your breath when you view the photo gallery posted yesterday by The Boston Globe’s “The Big Picture – news stories in photographs,” which may found here:

The earthquake which struck 16 miles west of Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, which shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic, measured 7.0 on the “moment magnitude scale,” and was followed by at least 33 aftershocks.

A CBS/AP news article reported that the “International Federation of the Red Cross estimates that up to three million people” were affected by the powerful earthquake.”

“While earthquakes are not uncommon in the Caribbean island country, the recent Haiti earthquake's intensity surprised experts,” observed the National Geographic Daily News web publication.

“‘It's quite strange’ from a historical perspective, said Julie Detton, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey… The last major earthquake to strike Haiti's side of the island was in 1860.”

Red Cross spokesman “Paul Conneally says the fact that the quake occurred very close to Port-au-Prince was ‘not a good indicator.’ He says Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the northern hemisphere and is ill-prepared to handle a major disaster.”

What should not be strange about the response to the disaster, which has befallen our Caribbean neighbors to the south, is the outpouring of solidarity in relief efforts from all over the world.

One reaffirming news report on television showed Mexican and Israeli search and rescue teams working side-by-side, hand-in-glove, while Jordanians provided security.

“In addition,” observed National Geographic, “the Haiti earthquake was very shallow, being centered just 6.2 miles (10 kilometers) below Earth's surface…”

What was also a surprise and just as heartbreaking, strange and shallow, was the intensity of hate just beneath the surface of the American response from people who have chosen to utilize the horrific disaster to promote an enigmatic ideological agenda.

Read the rest of the column here: Hating over Haiti

20100120 TT Hating Over Haiti ttked

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What was that you said?

News Alert 09:19 PM EST Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mass. state Sen. Scott Brown wins special election to U.S. Senate

Massachusetts state Sen. Scott Brown was elected to the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, winning a special election over two opponents, the Associated Press projected. Brown -- the first Republican senator from the Bay State in 31 years -- will give the GOP 41 seats in the Senate, enhancing the party's ability to demand changes in legislation.

For more information, visit -

20100119 Pigs will fly when

People Brown Scott, Politics Democrats Liberals, Pres 2009 44 Obama admin, Pres 2009 44 Obama-Barack, US st Massachusetts

What was that u said? Pigs will fly when a Republican wins a Senate seat in Massachusetts

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Brown upsets Coakley in Massachusetts race

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

State Sen. Scott Brown wins a remarkable upset victory over state Attorney General Martha Coakley (D) in a Massachusetts Senate special election. (AP)

Monitored by the FBI

Your Take With reports that the FBI illegally collected telephone records, are you worried about data they might be collecting on you?

Monitored by the FBI

Focus on leadership

Lincoln's brutal first year
Nancy Koehn Like Lincoln, Obama has faced a difficult war and unhappy supporters. Like Lincoln, he needs to seize the moment and lead.
Obama and Lincoln
Election dramatically alters the trajectory of Obama's agenda

While a historic win within Massachusetts for the GOP, the implications of Brown's victory for the national political scene are even more critical.

Chris Cillizza 9:19 p.m. ET

Brown showed a winning way

Victory may well have less to do with ideology and more to do with old-fashioned retail politics.

Lois Romano 9:23 p.m. ET

First thoughts on the results

The Fix Shocking finale is likely to set off a multitude of repercussions both large and small.

Chris Cillizza 10:11 p.m. ET

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

WBAL: Baltimore I-695 at Wilkens traffic problems is reporting: “The State Highway Administration is detouring all traffic off the outer loop of I-695, the Beltway, at Wilkens Avenue, because of an apparent water main break. Some lanes are said to be buckling. Be listening for Traffic and Weather Together on the 5’s…on AM 1090 WBAL, and

Click here for a larger image: or here:
Go here for more info:

20100119 WBAL: Baltimore I-695 at Wilkens traffic problems MD SHA is detouring all traffic off the outer loop of I-695, the Beltway, at Wilkens Avenue…

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Coakley’s Top Ten by Jillian Bandes

Jillian Bandes :: Columnist
Coakley’s Top Ten by Jillian Bandes

Here are ten things you should know about Democrat Martha Coakley going into Tuesday’s Massachusetts Senate election.

(On the somewhat lighter side, read this by Ms. Bandes, and weep: Not Interested In Dating Me? Do This. ... "Society, meet decline."
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Scott Brown on the issues

Scott Brown, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senator from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:

Why I'm Running...
America is a great country but we also have some challenges that we need to solve if we're going to remain the world's superpower. The most important of our challenges is getting the U.S. economy moving again. People are hurting as they struggle to make ends meet. They're worried about their future, and that of their children and grandchildren. I want to ensure that we leave them an America that is financially stronger and independent: minus a national debt that we can never repay.

Health Care
I believe that all Americans deserve health care coverage, but I am opposed to the health care legislation that is under consideration in Congress and will vote against it. It will raise taxes, increase government spending and lower the quality of care, especially for elders on Medicare. I support strengthening the existing private market system with policies that will drive down costs and make it easier for people to purchase affordable insurance. In Massachusetts, I support the 2006 healthcare law that was successful in expanding coverage, but I also recognize that the state must now turn its attention to controlling costs.

I am a free enterprise advocate who believes that lower taxes can encourage economic growth. Raising taxes stifles growth, weakens the economy and puts more people out of work. Our economy works best when individuals have more of their income to spend, and businesses have money to invest and add jobs. I have been a fiscal watchdog in the state legislature fighting bigger government, higher taxes and wasteful spending.

Energy and Environment
I support common-sense environment policy that will help to reduce pollution and preserve our precious open spaces. I realize that without action now, future generations will be left to clean up the mess we leave. In order to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, I support reasonable and appropriate development of alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, nuclear, geothermal and improved hydroelectric facilities. I oppose a national cap and trade program because of the higher costs that families and businesses would incur.

I am passionate about improving the quality of our public schools. Accountability and high standards are paramount. I support choice through charter schools, as well as the MCAS exam as a graduation requirement. I have worked to ensure that all children have access to a quality education. I am a strong advocate for the METCO program, which provides lower income students with broader educational opportunities.

I recognize that our strength as a nation is built on the immigrant experience in America. I welcome legal immigration to this country. However, we are also a nation of laws and government should not adopt policies that encourage illegal immigration. Providing driver’s licenses and in-state tuition to illegal immigrant families will act as a magnet in drawing more people here in violation of the law and it will impose new costs on taxpayers. I oppose amnesty, and I believe we ought to strengthen our border enforcement and institute an employment verification system with penalties for companies that hire illegal immigrants.

As a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army National Guard, I am uniquely aware of the importance and sacrifice of our men and women serving in the military. I have been a vigorous supporter of legislation providing benefits to returning service members, as well as, benefits for the families of those killed in action. I believe we need to recognize the sacrifice of all of our servicemembers by keeping better track of returning military personnel so they get the services they deserve. That includes providing them with first-class medical care and other benefits to which they are entitled. I am known as a leader on veterans' issues through my work on the Veterans and Federal Affairs Committee, the Hidden Wounds of War Commission, and the Governor's Task Force on Returning Veterans.

Gun issues
I support the Second Amendment and believe that citizens have the right to keep and bear arms as a basic constitutional liberty. I support safe and responsible gun ownership.

Death penalty
I believe there are some crimes that are so heinous that they deserve capital punishment. Our Government should have the ability to impose the death penalty in cases where it is justified.

While this decision should ultimately be made by the woman in consultation with her doctor, I believe we need to reduce the number of abortions in America. I believe government has the responsibility to regulate in this area and I support parental consent and notification requirements and I oppose partial birth abortion. I also believe there are people of good will on both sides of the issue and we ought to work together to support and promote adoption as an alternative to abortion.

I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. States should be free to make their own laws in this area, so long as they reflect the people's will as expressed through them directly, or as expressed through their elected representatives.

Israel has made enormous sacrifices in an attempt to secure peace – including unilateral withdrawal from Gaza. I support a two-state solution that reaffirms Israel’s right to exist and provides the Palestinians with a place of their own where both sides can live in peace and security. As our closest ally in the Middle East, Israel lives every day under the threat of terror yet shares with America a dedication to democratic ideals, a respect for faith, and a commitment to peace in the region. Until a lasting peace is achieved, I support the security barrier erected by Israel which has proven successful in protecting Israeli civilians from terrorist attacks.


I support the bi-partisan Iran sanctions bill and believe that until Ahmadinejad gives up his nuclear ambitions he should be isolated from the rest of the world. With its reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons, Iran represents the biggest threat to Israel. Ahmadinejad is a Holocaust denier who has threatened to wipe Israel off the map. Meeting with him confers legitimacy when the only correct response is to treat him as an outcast. A personal meeting with Ahmadinejad, as suggested by my opponent, would embolden him and be used as a propaganda tool to strengthen his position.

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:


Jack is back

[20100118 24 season premier logo]

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Monday, January 18, 2010

Gail Collins Blames 'National Angst,''Bad Mood,' Florida Guppy Shortage for Coakley's Struggles in Mass.

TimesWatch Tracker

Gail Collins Blames 'National Angst,''Bad Mood,' Florida Guppy Shortage for Coakley's Struggles in Mass.

Documenting and Exposing the Liberal Political Agenda of the New York Times
Monday January 18, 2010 @ 05:27 PM EDT

Paul Krugman's Explains Obama's First-Year Failure: He's Not Blaming Bush Enough!
Krugman in his Monday column: "Whatever the reason, Mr. Obama has allowed the public to forget, with remarkable speed, that the economy's troubles didn't start on his watch." Barack Obama, quoted in the same edition: "We have had one year to make up for eight."

Times Cites Study to Admit 'Journalism...Dominated By Liberals'
You don't say: "Journalism, art, fashion, social work and therapy are dominated by liberals," writes Patricia Cohen about a study claiming that conservative accusations of discrimination in academia are misguided.

The Times 'Ethicist' Said He'd Lie to Insurance Co., Plugs Universal Health Care
The Times liberal "ethics" columnist said he would "lie without remorse" to an insurance company asking a question about marijuana smoking, and worked in a plug for Obama-style health reform: "The real solution here is to guarantee access to medical care to all people, not just those pot-smoking liars."

Calling Massachusetts a Liberal State: Just a 'Political Stereotype'?
While Utah, Oklahoma, and any Deep South state is bluntly called conservative by the Times, the Times entertains doubts as to whether Massachusetts really qualifies as a liberal enclave. An alternate headline shows the Times clearly approves of at least one political stereotype, the “angry” red-state conservative: “In Reliably Blue State of Massachusetts, Pockets Red With Anger.”

Gail Collins Blames 'National Angst,''Bad Mood,' Florida Guppy Shortage for Coakley's Struggles in Mass.
Columnist Gail Collins, in denial: "Did you know that the cold snap in Florida hit the people who breed tropical fish so hard that there is a national guppy shortage? Things are bad, bad, bad. If Coakley loses, the inevitable conclusion will be that the message was a repudiation of Obama. My own theory is that the national angst is causing people to ignore the issues and just react to candidates' personalities."

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Bardelys The Magnificent 1926 The Boat Ride

Bardelys The Magnificent 1926 The Boat Ride

Theaterpalace wrote: This is an exclusive Valentine Special. John Gilbert and Eleanor Boardman from King Vidor's long lost Silent Classic. Now Beautifully restored by David Shepard's group Film Preservation Associates, and Lobster of Paris. That is except for the missing Third reel.

Jack Gilbert was at the height of his fame and popularity. Reigning as MGM's biggest Star. Boardman the new "Mrs. King Vidor" was never more lovely as the "Lady Roxalanne"

Since this movie is coming out on DVD in the next few months from Flicker Alley, (not with this music by Antonio Coppolla), I won't be posting anything else from the picture anytime soon on these boards.

Hope everyone will buy the DVD! This two disc set is also expected to include another Lost and Found Gilbert feature MONTE CRISTO (1922) with Estelle Taylor!


There are many great lines in the movie. The one that really made me smile was : “Roxalanne, my beloved – unworthy wretch that I am – I have no right to your love- - ” “Je suis tellement indigne d’un amour comme le votre!” John Gilbert and Eleanor Boardman from King Vidor's long lost 1926 silent classic, “The Boat Ride.”

Of course, this movie is not to be confused with “I’m on a boat” Hmmmm – please heed the strong language warning – NSFW!

19260000 YT Bardelys The Magnificent 1926 The Boat Ride Art Artists Culture 1920s, Movies, Movies Silent

Photo caption: “Je suis tellement indigne d’un amour comme le votre!” John Gilbert and Eleanor Boardman from King Vidor's long lost 1926 silent classic, “The Boat Ride.”

John Gilbert Eleanor Boardman Bardelys magnificent 1926 silent movie The Boat Ride

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: