Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Getty family turns a new page in General Assembly

Getty family turns a new page in General Assembly

By Katie V. Jones February 12, 2012

Madison Getty is just like any other page in Annapolis. She makes coffee, delivers papers to be signed, runs errands for legislators and helps get things ready in the morning for members of Maryland's House of Delegates.
She does have one tiny advantage, however.
Her dad is state Sen. Joe Getty, who serves Carroll and Baltimore counties in the District 5, and so Madison knows her way around the State House buildings, from the tunnels up.
"It's been helpful that I've been here," Madison, 17, said. "I know how to get places." ...,0,2445417.story

I’m a newspaper reporter. I’m pushy, inconsiderate and I do not respect boundaries.
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

European Central Bank in a fix over Greek debt by Joseph Stiglitz

This article ties-in neatly with The Economist: Argentina’s debt default Gauchos and gadflies I’ve read it several times and gain more insights every time I read it…

Creditors’ decade-long battle with Argentina shows just how tangled sovereign defaults can be Oct 22nd 2011 NEW YORK

AS GREECE flirts with disaster and several other European countries buckle under heavy debts, creditors’ experience with Argentina should serve as a sobering reminder about the mess that can follow a sovereign default. A decade after the Latin American country welshed on $81 billion, disgruntled creditors are still chasing their money. The litigation, and Argentina’s defiance in the face of judgments against it, complicate its plans to return to international capital markets.

Argentina’s default, after a severe economic crisis, sparked social unrest and runs on banks. It subsequently presented creditors with a take-it-or-leave-it offer of 35 cents on the dollar. They considered this derisory: previously, delinquent countries had typically paid 50-60 cents. But the government stood firm and roughly three-quarters of the bondholders took part in a debt exchange in 2005. More joined in 2010, bringing the total to 93%...

The ECB may be putting the interests of the few banks that have written credit-default swaps before those of Greece, Europe's taxpayers, and creditors

Nothing illustrates better the political crosscurrents, special interests, and shortsighted economics now at play in Europe than the debate over the restructuring of Greece's sovereign debt. Germany insists on a deep restructuring – at least a 50% "haircut" for bondholders – whereas the European Central Bank insists that any debt restructuring must be voluntary.

In the old days – think of the 1980s Latin American debt crisis – one could get creditors, mostly large banks, in a small room, and hammer out a deal, aided by some cajoling, or even arm-twisting, by governments and regulators eager for things to go smoothly. But, with the advent of debt securitisation, creditors have become far more numerous, and include hedge funds and other investors over whom regulators and governments have little sway.

Moreover, "innovation" in financial markets has made it possible for securities owners to be insured, meaning that they have a seat at the table, but no "skin in the game". They do have interests: they want to collect on their insurance, and that means that the restructuring must be a "credit event" – tantamount to a default. The ECB's insistence on "voluntary" restructuring – that is, avoidance of a credit event – has placed the two sides at loggerheads. The irony is that the regulators have allowed the creation of this dysfunctional system…


Now that the Super Bowl is over there may be no better time to focus some attention on the continuing Greek tragedy that is unfolding over in the economic Twilight Zone, known as the Eurozone.

There is a growing sense that Americans, somewhat exhausted after a decade of foreign wars and international conflict, have grown increasingly isolationist in their worldview.

That may be a good thing to a certain extent. The United States cannot continue to pay the price of maintaining the planet’s police force.

While other nations concentrate that portion of its gross national product to strengthening its industrial base, quality of life and economy – think Germany – that would otherwise go to defense spending if it were not for the United States, our nation continues to wallow in an economic tar pit.

Just when our nation’s economy cheers up a bit, things threaten to get worse quickly.

As we head for the seclusion of the isolationist, padded panic room, it might be a good idea to take a look over our shoulder and keep an eye on Greece – and Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy…


I’ve read it several times and gain more insights every time I read it…

Creditors’ decade-long battle with Argentina shows just how tangled sovereign defaults can be Oct 22nd 2011 NEW YORK

AS GREECE flirts with disaster and several other European countries buckle under heavy debts, creditors’ experience with Argentina should serve as a sobering reminder about the mess that can follow a sovereign default. A decade after the Latin American country welshed on $81 billion, disgruntled creditors are still chasing their money. The litigation, and Argentina’s defiance in the face of judgments against it, complicate its plans to return to international capital markets.

Argentina’s default, after a severe economic crisis, sparked social unrest and runs on banks. It subsequently presented creditors with a take-it-or-leave-it offer of 35 cents on the dollar. They considered this derisory: previously, delinquent countries had typically paid 50-60 cents. But the government stood firm and roughly three-quarters of the bondholders took part in a debt exchange in 2005. More joined in 2010, bringing the total to 93%...


Άρθρα σχετικά με την κρίση στην ευρωζώνη, κρίση δημόσιου χρέους, την Αργεντινή, την Ιταλία, - και ειδικότερα την Ελλάδα - Articles on the eurozone crisis, sovereign debt crisis, Argentina, Italy, - and Greece in particular: on Kevin Dayhoff – Soundtrack

20121202 Rick Steves: June 11, 2012 “Greece in Economic Crisis and Your Travel Dreams” Retrieved December 2, 2012

20111022 Eurozone Crisis: The Economist: Argentina’s debt default Gauchos and gadflies

++++++++++++ Kevin Dayhoff – Soundtrack

Eurozone Crisis - Bus Econ eurozone


Eurozone Crisis: It is all Greek to me! by Kevin E. Dayhoff February 8, 2012

Now that the Super Bowl is over there may be no better time to focus some attention on the continuing Greek tragedy that is unfolding over in the economic Twilight Zone, known as the Eurozone.

There is a growing sense that Americans, somewhat exhausted after a decade of foreign wars and international conflict, have grown increasingly isolationist in their worldview.

That may be a good thing to a certain extent. The United States cannot continue to pay the price of maintaining the planet’s police force.

While other nations concentrate that portion of its gross national product to strengthening its industrial base, quality of life and economy – think Germany – that would otherwise go to defense spending if it were not for the United States, our nation continues to wallow in an economic tar pit.

Just when our nation’s economy cheers up a bit, things threaten to get worse quickly.

As we head for the seclusion of the isolationist, padded panic room, it might be a good idea to take a look over our shoulder and keep an eye on Greece – and Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy…

[20120208 seo TT Eurozone Crisis It is all Greek to me]


February 8, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Now that the Super Bowl is over there may be no better time to focus some attention on the continuing Greek tragedy that is unfolding over in the economic Twilight Zone, known as the Eurozone.

February 1, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Legislation to address how Maryland estate taxes inhibit farmers from passing-down the family farm to succeeding generations has gained some much-needed interest in the current session of the Maryland General Assembly.

January 25, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley’s fiscal year 2013 state budget, released a week ago, is a full menu of difficult choices. However, one of the most troubling is the lack of funding for police protection and highway user revenue for municipalities.

January 18, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
The consensus continues to gather steam that the GOP nomination to challenge President Barack Obama for president this fall will be former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Perhaps all the drama now moves to who will be his choice for vice president.

January 11, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
It is fairly well accepted among keen observers of national politics that the Iowa caucuses of Tuesday a week ago are much more about political and media-theater than a prognosticator of who will vie for the Oval Office this fall.

January 4, 2012
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Next Wednesday, on January 11, the 430th taxing tradition of the Maryland General Assembly opera will once again take center stage.

Eurozone Crisis: It is all Greek to me! by Kevin E. Dayhoff February 8, 2012

See also:

20121205 Why Greece Matters by Kevin E. Dayhoff

20121202 Rick Steves: June 11, 2012 “Greece in Economic Crisis and Your Travel Dreams” Retrieved December 2, 2012


In an ‘NCIS’ Milestone, Mark Harmon’s Agent Gibbs Looks Back -

In an ‘NCIS’ Milestone, Mark Harmon’s Agent Gibbs Looks Back -

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Major Obama Donors Are Tied to Pepe Cardona, Mexican Fugitive -

Major Obama Donors Are Tied to Pepe Cardona, Mexican Fugitive -

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Eurozone Crisis: The Economist: Argentina’s debt default Gauchos and gadflies

I’ve read it several times and gain more insights every time I read it…

Creditors’ decade-long battle with Argentina shows just how tangled sovereign defaults can be Oct 22nd 2011 NEW YORK

AS GREECE flirts with disaster and several other European countries buckle under heavy debts, creditors’ experience with Argentina should serve as a sobering reminder about the mess that can follow a sovereign default. A decade after the Latin American country welshed on $81 billion, disgruntled creditors are still chasing their money. The litigation, and Argentina’s defiance in the face of judgments against it, complicate its plans to return to international capital markets.

Argentina’s default, after a severe economic crisis, sparked social unrest and runs on banks. It subsequently presented creditors with a take-it-or-leave-it offer of 35 cents on the dollar. They considered this derisory: previously, delinquent countries had typically paid 50-60 cents. But the government stood firm and roughly three-quarters of the bondholders took part in a debt exchange in 2005. More joined in 2010, bringing the total to 93%...


Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Doing business in the state of Maryland is an ordeal in hell: Permitting issue ends local firm's recycling of food scraps

Maryland Department of the Environment calls for operations to cease due to lack of permits

By Kevin Rector, February 6, 2012

A Woodbine company that had been processing food scraps into composted materials with commercial applications — a process lauded by state and local officials as the next great frontier in recycling — has ceased those operations after hearing concerns about pollution from the Maryland Department of the Environment.

The impact has been far reaching, causing a string of institutions and the Howard County government, which were all sending food scraps to the facility, to find other, out-of-state facilities to handle the material.

Recycled Green Industries, which is still processing yard waste at its Carroll County facility off Kabik Court, received a verbal request to stop its food waste operations from the department on Dec. 22 because it did not have correct permits or processes in place to handle food scraps, according to a department spokesman…,0,5133383.story

[20120206 ExpCar Permitting issue ends firm recycling]


Monday, February 06, 2012

Final Frederick County comprehensive plan hearing draws large crowd – Frederick News-Post

Frederick County saved the biggest group for last Tuesday night, with more than 40 lawyers and residents speaking at a public hearing about the county's proposed comprehensive plan and zoning review.

The public hearing regarding the New Market region was the last scheduled meeting before the Board of County Commissioners begins its review of individual requests for planning and zoning changes. Written comments will continue to be accepted throughout the process.

There are 42 applications up for consideration in the region that includes Mount Airy, New Market and Lake Linganore. If approved, it could lead to the construction of hundreds of homes on 3,600 acres.

"We are concerned with any properties within a mile of our borders," Mount Airy Mayor Patrick Rockinberg said. "Rezoning these properties would be inconsistent with the will of the people."

Building on properties near the town would lead to housing growth that negatively affects roads, schools and the general standard of living, he said.

"(Our residents) came to escape growth," Rockinberg said. "The citizens did not move to Mount Airy for more growth, they moved away from it."

More than a dozen residents stood when resident Sarah Dorrance spoke against the Wimmer property -- an 86-acre property along Sidney Road.

She questioned the motive of the commissioners to revisit the last comprehensive plan a year after it was approved. The plan adopted in 2010 was designed to set planning and zoning guidelines for the county. In most cases, properties went from being zoned for residential or commercial growth to agricultural.

"I'm not happy with the procedure," Dorrance said. "I think it's a waste of taxpayers' money." …

20120201 FNP Final co land use hearing draws large turnout


Sunday, February 05, 2012

Plenty of time to visit Westminster Coin Currency Show at Westminster Fire Hall

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Posted untitled… LOL, this is what happens when operator head space error causes one to be too dumb to operate a smart phone

Plenty of time to visit Westminster Coin Currency Show at Westminster Fire Hall

Originally posted untitled… LOL, this is what happens when operator head space error causes one to be too dumb to operate a smart phone

Mosaic tile art outside of the Glar dining hall at McDaniel College

Mosaic tile art outside of the Glar dining hall at McDaniel College

Great brunch at the McDaniel College Englar Dining Hall with lots of super folks

Colleges McDaniel, Dayhoff photos, Dayhoff photos McDaniel College,

Great brunch at the McDaniel College Englar Dining Hall with lots of super folks

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Firehouse food at the Westminster Fire Dept.

Firehouse food at the Westminster Fire Dept.

The Westminster Fire Dept. on a dark cold and snowy winter night in February

The Westminster Fire Dept. on a dark cold and snowy winter night in February

Awesome KangoRoos for all my Aussie friends and followers

Awesome KangoRoos for all my Aussie friends and followers

Channeling Valentine's Day

Channeling Valentine's Day

Frederick Police arrest attempted robbery suspect in Carroll Creek park

Frederick Police arrest attempted robbery suspect in Carroll Creek park

Police News

Posted on: February 4, 2012

Attempted Armed Robbery Arrest

At 2:24 AM today, FPD received a 911 call for an attempted armed robbery which had just occurred on Carroll Creek linear park near Wells Fargo bank. 

Responding officers were able to quickly establish a perimeter and detained three subjects running from the scene. 

After contact with the victim and two witnesses, all three were able to separately identify Tyler Lee Shields (01/17/1991) as the person who threatened the victim by saying he had a gun and demanding cigarettes, which the victim did not have.

Shields was arrested and taken to Central Booking, where he was charged with Attempted Armed Robbery, Attempted Robbery and Disorderly Conduct.
Tyler Lee Shields 01/17/1991
11000 block Meeting House Rd
Myersville MD 21773
Arresting officer: CPL Corbett #384
Officer preparing release: CPL Corbett #384


Friday, February 03, 2012

Berlusconi to abandon frontline politics - – Europe

Berlusconi to abandon frontline politics - – Europe

Berlusconi ad abbandonare la politica in prima linea - - Europa

Silvio Berlusconi has declared he is “stepping aside” from front-line Italian politics, revealing he has no intention of running again as prime minister.

In his first interview since resigning amid turmoil on financial markets in November, Mr Berlusconi spoke to the Financial Times at his Rome residence on subjects from what he called a media-inspired furore over his “bunga bunga” parties to his anger at “leftwing” magistrates hounding him in the courts and his drive to promote political and judicial reforms.

Mr Berlusconi also gave his strongest endorsement to date of the technocratic government led by Mario Monti which took over from his own, in particular its intention to implement labour market reforms opposed by trade unions.

Berlusconi ad abbandonare la politica in prima linea – Europa

Silvio Berlusconi ha dichiarato che è "staccato" dalla politica italiana in prima linea, rivelando non ha intenzione di correre di nuovo come primo ministro.

Nella sua prima intervista dopo le dimissioni in mezzo a turbolenze sui mercati finanziari nel mese di novembre, Berlusconi ha parlato al Financial Times nella sua residenza di Roma, su argomenti da ciò che egli chiama un media di ispirazionefurore sopra il suo "bunga bunga" parti per la sua rabbia a "sinistra" magistrati loperseguitare nei tribunali e la sua unità a promuovere riforme politiche e giudiziarie.

Berlusconi ha anche dato il suo forte appoggio alla data del governo tecnocraticoguidato da Mario Monti, che ha sostituito il proprio, in particolare la sua intenzione diattuare le riforme del mercato del lavoro rispetto da parte dei sindacati.


Wednesday, February 01, 2012

The Cheryl Knauer Daily: Does Becoming a Mom Mean Constant Worrying?

The Cheryl Knauer Daily:

“…sometimes you just need to put the crazy on the shelf, even if it’s only for a little while. Just give the crazy a rest.”
The Cheryl Knauer Daily: Does Becoming a Mom Mean Constant Worrying?

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For CIA family, a deadly suicide bombing leads to painful divisions - The Washington Post

For CIA family, a deadly suicide bombing leads to painful divisions - The Washington Post:

Washington Post: For CIA family, a deadly suicide bombing leads to painful divisions

By Ian Shapira, Published: January 28, 2012

The call from the Central Intelligence Agency came on a December afternoon in 2009 while Gary Anderson was skiing with his three children. It’s about your wife, the agency man said.

Standing inside Eagle Rock ski lodge in Pennsylvania, Anderson pleaded for details. The CIA official said simply: Where are you? We’ll meet you.

Anderson suspected dreadful news about Jennifer Matthews, his college sweetheart, his wife of 22 years and a CIA operative on assignment almost 7,000 miles away in Afghanistan. With several hours until the CIA meeting, Anderson and his three children — then 12, 9 and 6 — hit the slopes for one more hour. The father wanted to cling a little longer to normalcy, to a life between before and after.

Finally, the Fredericksburg family got into their silver minivan and headed to a nearby motel. There, in a sterile conference room, CIA officials told Anderson the news: His wife, one of the CIA’s top al-Qaeda experts, had just been killed in an explosion at a base in Khost province, in eastern Afghanistan. There was no mention of a double agent, no indication that six other CIA operatives had died in the deadliest attack on agency personnel in decades.

Anderson, who is commenting publicly on the loss of his wife for the first time, was so stunned that he couldn’t formulate questions, except: Are you sure she’s dead? …

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U.S. News - Iconic skier's death points out U.S. health gap

U.S. News - Iconic skier's death points out U.S. health gap: "By Kari Huus,

Since the death of Canadian skier Sarah Burke in January, fans and supporters from around the world have donated over $300,000 – more than enough to cover the massive U.S. medical bill generated by efforts to save her.

The outpouring of grief for Burke and the influx of funds are a tribute to a young woman who was a pioneer and legend in her sport. The need for a fundraiser — to help her grieving family avert bankruptcy — was viewed by some Canadians and U.S. observers as a condemnation of the U.S. health care system.

"The irony is that had the accident occurred in Canada… her care would have been covered because, unlike the U.S., Canada has a system of universal coverage," wrote Wendell Potter, an insurance executive-turned-whistleblower who writes for iWatch at the Center for Public Integrity. "No one in Canada finds themselves in that predicament, nor do they face losing their homes as many Americans do when they become critically ill or suffer an injury..."" ...

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