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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

MRC Alert Special: Latest Notable Quotables

Media Research Center

Monday May 14, 2012

MRC Alert Special: Latest Notable Quotables

    As a bonus for CyberAlert subscribers, below is the text of the May 14 super-sized edition of Notable Quotables, the MRC's bi-weekly compilation of the latest outrageous, sometimes humorous, quotes in the liberal media. It was compiled by the MRC's Rich Noyes.

    Highlights from this issue include the media "getting chills" upon hearing President Obama utter the "historic words" that he's flip-flopped in favor of gay "marriage," even as NBC's Savannah Guthrie dares to state the obvious, that everyone in "the media seem to uniformly support same-sex marriage."

    Also, reporters blame conservatives for the defeat of Indiana Republican Senator Richard Lugar in a primary, with CBS's Bob Schieffer suggesting the GOP "has moved too far right for its own good," while NBC's Brian Williams helps the Obama campaign spike the football one year after the death of Osama bin Laden, admiring the "even keel" Obama kept while at the White House Correspondents Dinner amid fears that a botched mission would be "a Waterloo" for his presidency. And, ABC's Diane Sawyer does a little pro-Obama campaign work, too, oozing over the pretentious poetry Obama wrote to a girlfriend decades ago: "Oh, we were all so romantic when we were young."
    To read it online, posted with five videos with a matching MP3 audio:

    Quotes marked with [VIDEO] have an accompanying video file that you can access by visiting the online version.

    The four-page, fully-formatted, full-color PDF good for printing:

NewsBusted: The green light for conservative laughter!

Check out the MRC's two-minute long twice a week comedy video show where we make fun of the liberal media and liberal politicians.

Two new episodes were posted last week and a fresh one will go up tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. You can watch the latest episode on this page where you can also sign up for an e-mail alert which will deliver links to new episodes direct to your in-box:

Enjoy all the episodes on the MRC's own MRCTV:


    Now the quotes from recent weeks, as featured in the May 14 Notable Quotables, Vol. 25; No. 10:

"Getting Chills" Upon Hearing Obama's "Historic Words"

  [VIDEO] Co-host George Stephanopoulos: "What a watershed moment. You know, whatever people think about this issue, and we know it's controversial, there's no denying when a President speaks out for the first time like that, it is history."
  Co-host Robin Roberts: "And let me tell you, George, I'm getting chills again. Because when you sit in that room and you hear him say those historic words — it was not lost on anyone that was in the room."
— ABC's Good Morning America, May 10.

Too Obvious to Deny: Media "Uniformly" Back Obama on Gay Marriage

"So many people in the media seem to uniformly support same-sex marriage. Do you think that this dialogue we're having nationally doesn't adequately recognize that for many people, this is an issue that they struggle with and don't believe in?"
— Savannah Guthrie on NBC's Today, May 10.

"I think that the media is as divided on this issue as the Obama family — which is to say not at all. And so he's never going to get negative coverage for this....When you have almost the entire media establishment on your side on an issue in a presidential campaign, it's very hard to lose politically."
— Mark Halperin on MSNBC's Morning Joe, May 10.

Watch Out for Evil "Wolves... Giggling With Delight"

[VIDEO] "It is a pretty profound statement by our President. I don't want to get past that too quickly. That's the good news for everybody in the country in terms of freedom and the long march towards liberalism in the country.... But there has always been another army out there that feeds on those who resent it. That army has been out there during Jim Crow. It was out there during abolition, during suffrage. There's always an army that feeds on change and feeds against it — the wolves, and they're being released right now and they're probably giggling with delight at how they're going to use this."
— Chris Matthews during MSNBC live coverage during the 3pm hour, May 9, shortly after ABC released clips of Obama's statement on same-sex marriage.

The "Too Far Right" GOP vs. "Voice of Bipartisanship"

"Do you think that the Republican Party has moved too far right for its own good? I mean, when you see the situation that's happened out in Indiana, where Richard Lugar, who's probably passed more significant legislation than any single member of the Senate right now, I would say — that I can think of — he might actually get beat in the primary because they think he's not conservative enough."
— Bob Schieffer to Peggy Noonan on CBS's Face the Nation, May 6.

  Anchor Erin Burnett: "This is pretty tragic that we have gotten to this point where working together is a negative thing...."
  CNN Contributor John Avlon: "If you are frustrated with the way Washington isn't working, with the division and dysfunction, this primary is an important reason why. Right now reaching across the aisle to try to solve a problem is a hanging offense in the Republican Party primaries."
— From CNN's Erin Burnett OutFront, May 8.

Loving Lugar's "Prescient" Anti-Conservative Manifesto

"Indiana Sen. Dick Lugar did not go quietly, after losing his primary contest Tuesday in Indiana to a Tea Party-backed challenger, Richard Mourdock. And if there is one thing the American people need to read today, it is his farewell missive, which may prove to be as prescient and long lasting as Dwight Eisenhower's 1961 exit speech warning of the coming military industrial complex."
— Time magazine White House correspondent Michael Scherer in a May 9 post for the magazine's "Swampland" blog.

"Not only was it a manifesto, it was an incredibly eloquent manifesto. There have been a number of people who've been chased out of the party now, and none have either had the courage or the position [of Lugar]."
— Scherer on MSNBC's Daily Rundown, May 10.

"Diverse" Democrats vs. "Conservative White Guys"

"Do you have a problem with being inclusive, because most people do look at Republicans, going ‘They're a conservative bunch of white guys who want to protect Big Oil.' And now you're even hearing Republicans saying, ‘It's not big enough. We haven't opened up the tent door.'...It's not as diverse as the Democratic Party. You'd concede that."
— Host Candy Crowley to former presidential candidate Newt Gingrich on CNN's State of the Union, May 6.

Can We Blame Obama's Woes on the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy?

"We've talked before. I've asked you about the — the fact that Washington doesn't work very well right now, and hasn't for now a number of years that coincides with — Obama-Biden being in the White House. And you've been very critical of Republicans. Do you think that there is a modern right-wing conspiracy that has aligned against this President?"
— Moderator David Gregory to Vice President Biden on NBC's Meet the Press, May 6.

CBS Entranced by Liberal Plea for More Massive Spending

  New York Times columnist Paul Krugman: "If we could get our politicians to move and do the right thing, we could be out of this [bad economy] very fast....The right thing is, actually, to spend more. Right now, you know, we have a long-term budget problem, but now is not the time to be slashing. Now is not the time to be laying off school teachers...."
  Co-host Gayle King: "But you say that it could take seven years if we keep going the way we're going. And if we follow your advice, it would take-?"
  Krugman: "Eighteen months, two years."
  King: "So why aren't people listening to you, Paul Krugman? I love that President Obama, in Rolling Stone — did you see that? — he called you one of the smartest economic reporters?...I have a feeling, Paul Krugman, they might take your call if you called up the White House and said, hey, guys, I've got an idea."
— CBS This Morning, April 30.

Which Way Is It?

"Economy Continues on Path of Growth"
"Americans have ratcheted up their spending on cars, clothes and furniture, new figures show, and their fortitude at the cash register is energizing the recovery."
— Headline and lead sentence of a front-page Washington Post story by Peter Whoriskey, April 28.


"Economic Growth Slows Unexpectedly to 2.2%"
"The economic recovery slowed more than expected early this year, raising fears of a spring slowdown for the third year in a row and giving Republicans a fresh opportunity to criticize President Obama's policies."
— Headline and lead sentence of a "Business Day" section item by Shaila Dewan in the New York Times, same day.

Awed by Obama's "Even Keel" Amid Fears of a "Waterloo"

  [VIDEO] "Keeping this secret also meant going on about the business of the presidency. Touring that awful storm damage in Alabama, while knowing at that very moment U.S. Navy SEALs were already on the move halfway around the world. (to Obama) You had to go to Tuscaloosa. You had to go have fun at the Correspondents' Dinner. Seth Meyers makes a joke about Osama Bin Laden. How do you keep an even keel? Even when we look back on the videotape of that night, there's no real depiction that there's something afoot."...
  "If this had failed in spectacular fashion, it would have blown up your presidency, I think, by all estimates. It would have been your Waterloo and perhaps your Watergate, consumed with hearings and inquiries. How thick did the specter of Jimmy Carter, Desert One hang in the air here?"
— Brian Williams to President Obama during his May 2 Rock Center special on the first anniversary of the Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

A Campaign Between "Gordon Gekko" and "Henry V"

"Well, that's great stuff. I was so proud of the President there, I must say. This has nothing to do with partisanship. This is a commander-in-chief meeting with the troops, as it was right out of Henry V, actually, a touch of Barry in this case in the night for those soldiers risking their lives over there....I was so proud of him there, because I imagine being a soldier over there, this is what you want to hear, that the troops are backed up by the people at home, and there you had your commander-in-chief there with you personally. It's great stuff."
— Host Chris Matthews on MSNBC's Hardball, May 1, after live coverage of Obama's speech to troops in Afghanistan.

  The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza: "He is pitching himself as a guy who has spent his life fixing the problem, which is turning things around. You can agree or disagree with this concept, but turning things around: the Salt Lake City Olympics; companies with Bain he would put in there; he would put Massachusetts in there, though many people would disagree. Turning things around, that he is a fix-it artist."
  Host Chris Matthews: "Chris, how's that different than Gordon Gekko in Wall Street, greed is good?"
— MSNBC's Hardball, May 7.

Don't Pick on Jimmy

  Host Ed Schultz: "I think he [Mitt Romney] owes Jimmy Carter an apology. I mean, Jimmy Carter put lives on the line and made a tough call....It's low rent, it's a cheap shot...."
  MSNBC contributor Richard Wolffe: "Here's a President who had a ten times better job record than President Bush did. He was responsible for Camp David. That's not a bad record for anyone, certainly for someone who's had one term as a Massachusetts governor. It's time to pay a little bit more respect than that."
— MSNBC's The Ed Show, April 30, talking about Romney's statement that "even Jimmy Carter" would have ordered last year's raid on bin Laden.

How Low Will MSNBC Stoop?

"We know that Ann Romney has herself had some suffering in the form of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). She's also suffered with breast cancer. Do you think that he's intentionally using her to close the gender gap?"
— MSNBC's Martin Bashir, April 25.

"Toxic" Fox News Exploiting America's "Suckers"

"At least for Americans — Fox News is Murdoch's most toxic legacy....I doubt that people at Fox News really believe their programming is ‘fair and balanced' — that's just a slogan for the suckers....We [other news organizations] try to live by a code, a discipline, that tells us to set aside our personal biases, to test not only facts but the way they add up, to seek out the dissenters and let them make their best case, to show our work. We write unsparing articles about public figures of every stripe — even, sometimes, about ourselves. When we screw up — and we do — we are obliged to own up to our mistakes and correct them. Fox does not live by that code."
— Former New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller in a May 6 column.

Oozing Over "So Romantic" Obama's Pretentious Poetry

[VIDEO] "One of the perils of being President: Everything you ever wrote will become public. And today, Barack Obama, age 22 — long before he met Michelle — new letters and diary entries revealed in Vanity Fair from a biography out soon....The future president writes adoringly about life in New York. Quote, ‘Moments trip gently along over here. Snow caps the bushes in unexpected ways. Birds shoot and spin like balls of sound. My feet hum over the dry walks.' Oh, we were all so romantic when we were young."
— Diane Sawyer on World News, May 2.

Bizarre Bashir: Plan to Cut Spending Makes Romney a European Socialist?

"Now we know that Mitt Romney loves to paint the President as a European-style socialist, which is incredible. And he weighed in today....How does Romney do that when he knows that it's him who supports rank austerity measures? He supports Paul Ryan's budget. He wants to go cut, cut, cut. It's not [the] President, it's him. He's the European socialist."
— Host Martin Bashir on MSNBC's Martin Bashir, May 7.

Scolding a Play "Straight Out of a Far-Right Handbook"

[VIDEO] "Ever since that failure [of the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion], exploiting anti-communist fears to portray Castro as a monstrous boogeyman has been a cottage industry in Florida and Washington. While many have certainly assailed Fidel and still do for very legitimate reasons, others simply hate that he overthrew their dictator, Fulgencio Batista, whose corrupt government helped enriched privileged Cubans and American interests at the expense of the country's poorest people....Whipping up a frenzy over slights real and imagined is a play straight out of a far-right handbook, and Florida's electoral cloud has often given Fidel's critics far more leverage than their arguments merit."
— HBO Real Sports host Bryant Gumbel, April 17, talking about the uproar over Florida Marlins manager Ozzie Guillen telling Time magazine "I love Fidel Castro," a comment for which Guillen later apologized.

Family Turned Out Fine, Except for Brother Who "Became a Republican"

  MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski: "It happened overnight, and all of a sudden we were going to the White House all the time and traveling around the world...."
  Host David Letterman: "What about the brothers? How did they fit into this? Did they take it in the stride?"
  Brzezinski: "Well, one became a Republican, so I don't think he turned out so well."
— Brzezinski on CBS's Late Show with David Letterman, May 8, talking about her childhood after her father, Zbignew Brzezinski, became President Carter's National Security Advisor in 1977.

As America Deteriorates, Celebrities Like Obama "More and More"

"I've grown to like him more and more. You know, I was always — I've just been a fan of his, if you could say that about a President. So that's the other kind of good part of it, is you know, getting to like him more and more."
— Saturday Night Live's Obama impersonator Fred Armisen on NBC's Meet the Press "Press Pass" segment, April 29.

Mitt Just a Puppet of "Women Hating Tea Baggers"

"If ROMNEY gets elected I don't know if i can breathe same air as Him & his Right Wing Racist Homophobic Women Hating Tea Bagger Masters"
— Actress/singer Cher in a May 8 Twitter posting that was later deleted (grammar and punctuation as in the original).

PUBLISHER: L. Brent Bozell III
EDITORS: Brent H. Baker, Rich Noyes, Tim Graham
NEWS ANALYSTS: Scott Whitlock, Brad Wilmouth, Matthew Balan, Kyle Drennen and Matt Hadro
INTERNS: Jeffrey Meyer, Josh St. Louis and Lillian Smith

    END Reprint of the May 14 Notable Quotables

Monday, May 14, 2012

Maryland Reporter:Monday's roundup of state news - Special session starts today amid protests

Monday's roundup of state news

It's here: The special session has arrived, bringing with it talks of tax hikes on the wealthiest Marylanders, pushback from conservatives and attempts to throw in other legislation, including a non-discrimination bill targeting pit bulls; restaurants can soon allow patrons to bring their own wine; Del. Jacobs outlines opposition to gay marriage law, while U.S. Rep. Hoyer says he'll fight to keep law; President Obama to hold two fundraisers in Baltimore; Henson found guilty on one count; many "temporary" Montgomery laws become permanent; and Carroll commissioner sends out prayer service invites to county employees.

Maryland Reporter:Monday's roundup of state news - Special session starts today amid protests

Peter Franchot's commentary on the Special Taxing Session

Comptroller Peter Franchot

Today, the Maryland General Assembly will reconvene in a special session, and is expected to pass a Fiscal Year 2013 budget by raising income taxes on middle-class families throughout the State. I have high personal regard for my former colleagues in the legislature, and I sincerely appreciate their desire to sustain our state’s longstanding commitment to priorities such as education and health care. As Maryland’s Chief Fiscal Officer, however, I respectfully believe this is simply the wrong approach at the wrong time, for the following reasons.

First and foremost, Marylanders are still struggling to balance their personal household budgets, provide for their families and build a secure future in an economy that remains exceedingly fragile, and which has yet to truly recover from our nation’s financial crisis.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, for example, Maryland ranked 47th in the nation in average private sector weekly earnings during that period, and was just one of nine states to experience a decline. Finally, despite recent report of job growth, we must still create nearly 150,000 additional jobs in Maryland just to return to pre-recessionary levels. While we can share optimism that Maryland’s job figures will continue to trend in the right direction, so too must we acknowledge that far too many people remain unemployed or underemployed, have settled for lower-paying jobs and are therefore taking home smaller paychecks.

At the same time, Marylanders have seen the value of their homes – for many, their primary source of personal equity and mobility – continue to decline. According to the Maryland Association of Realtors, the median price of existing homes in this state has fallen from $323,838 to $225,601 – a drop of about 30 percent.

None of this bodes well for an economy that is powered by consumer activity. Needless to say, people who have lost jobs, are underwater on their mortgages or feel as if they are barely making ends meet simply will not be putting money back into the Maryland economy. It should also go without saying that the worst thing we can do to a struggling, consumer-powered economy is dig deeper into the pockets of consumers who are already strained financially. We cannot afford to jeopardize the long-term health of our economy for the sake of a questionable, short-term budget fix.

Second, this will serve as merely the latest in a long and seemingly endless line of changes to the State of Maryland’s tax code. Over the past five years, Marylanders have seen an increase in the State’s personal income tax rate, a reduction in the amount of personal exemptions for individual filers, an 18 percent increase of the corporate income tax rate, a 20 percent increase to the motor vehicle excise tax, a 20 percent increase to the sales tax, a 50 percent increase of the sales tax on alcohol beverages, the adoption and subsequent repeal of a computer services tax, the adoption and sunset of a special tax bracket on high income earners, and the adoption and sunset of an unprecedented set of new filing guidelines for Maryland corporations.

In my travels throughout the State, the one thing I hear above all else is a desire for a stable tax climate – one that allows both businesses and families to budget responsibly and to engage in sound, long-term financial planning. By comparison, the process by which we adopt changes to our tax laws appears, far too often, to be arbitrary, improperly vetted and highly politicized. This does little to reinforce Maryland’s hard-earned reputation as a desirable place to live and conduct business, and it does even less to inspire public confidence in our state government.

My final objection to this strategy of resolving our fiscal challenges through tax increases – as well as through slots, which I understand could be the topic of yet another special session – is that it simply won’t work. Most will recall that the legislature convened for a special session in 2007. That special session led to the largest tax increase in history, which was intended to resolve our state’s structural budget deficit, and the adoption of a statewide slots program that was designed to generate $600 million for education.

As we all know, neither of those outcomes occurred. We still have a structural budget deficit and, more than three years after slots were legalized in Maryland, we have still spent far more taxpayer dollars to buy the slot machines than we’ve actually raised for our public schools. I simply do not believe it would be wise to repeat history and expect a different outcome this time around.

In closing, I would respectfully ask that in the future, you expect better from your state government. I would ask that you reject this patently false choice between destructive tax increases and thoughtless cuts to education, health care and public safety.

Instead, I would ask that you demand that our state government follow the lead of working families throughout Maryland by living within its means. We must seize this opportunity to deliver a better product to the taxpayers of Maryland for less money through technology, sensible priorities, innovative management and a renewed commitment to old-fashioned customer service. We must also remember that Maryland’s fiscal well-being depends entirely on the strength of our economy, and that a true economic recovery cannot be achieved through state government spending, but rather, through meaningful private sector growth.

While I do not believe this special session will yield a positive outcome for the taxpayers of Maryland, I do believe that our best days are still ahead of us. It remains an extraordinary privilege to serve as your Comptroller, and I look forward to working with you in the coming years to build a truly prosperous state and a government that is truly worthy of the people we serve.

Helt retains seat, Everich and King added to Mount Airy council

Helt retains seat, Everich and King added to Mount Airy council

Mount Airy residents reaffirmed one sitting Town Council member to new term, added one previous member to return to the group, and also added a new face to the council in the town's May 7 election.
In the process, voters filled a seat vacated by a member who declined to run, and ousted a 24-year veteran of the council.
Three seats on the five-member council were up for grabs. The top vote-getter was incumbent Council President Peter Helt, who garnered 645 votes...,0,3770997.story

Ire over income tax plan to get louder Monday

Ire over income tax plan to get louder Monday

A Maryland family making more than $175,000 will pay at least $254 more in income taxes this year under a revenue-raising plan theMaryland General Assembly is expected to take up when it convenes for special session on Monday.

The same family of joint tax filers with two children reporting more than $1.1 million in gross income would pay an extra $3,269 — a larger hit to the very rich.

The tax proposal would target the state's more affluent — pleasing liberals because it spares everyone in the lowest tax brackets and ensures that education and other programs won't be cut. Conservatives, however, warn it would turn away wealthy residents and hurt small businesses...,0,185259,full.story


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Eagle Archive: Budget and the economy were worries in 1837 ... and still are

Eagle Archive: Budget and the economy were worries in 1837 ... and still are

by Kevin Dayhoff

This is the time of the year when many citizens turn their attention to the budget processes of Carroll County government and its eight municipalities. No matter where you live in Carroll County, money matters.

Statewide, Gov.Martin O'Malleyhas announced that on Monday, May 14, the General Assembly will get together for a couple of days to raise taxes and enact more laws, rules and regulations. (For more on this read, "Delegation says county stands to lose $1 million in special session," on,0,1799107.story

Hagerstown Herald-Mail: Thurmont preparing, cautiously, for the world by Andrew Schotz

Hagerstown Herald-Mail: Thurmont preparing, cautiously, for the world by Andrew Schotz

May 12, 2012 Main Street of the town of Thurmont, Md. will be gearing up for the G-8 Summit that will be held May 18th and 19th.

When world leaders convene this week at Camp David for the G-8 Summit, Thurmont plans to be ready.

Mayor Martin Burns said shop windows and sidewalks will be clean and the grass in the park will be mowed…,0,396669.story

Businesses will brace for a flood of visitors, including many American and foreign journalists covering the G-8, or Group of Eight. The Group of Eight nations are the United States, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, France and the United Kingdom.

A White House statement said the summit, to be held on Friday and Saturday, “will address a broad range of economic, political and security issues.”


Saturday, May 12, 2012

That's cool. Would. Be good to not be bothered for a little bit

That's  cool. Would. Be good to not be bothered for a little bit

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Picnic at hanging dock

White trash

The Chesapeake Bay writer's thinking chair awaits

The chicken is piqued with the Bergman moments and soliloqueys

Friday, May 11, 2012

This week in @explorecarroll

This week in

#Carroll photojournalist, photographer and author Phil Grout will appear for the opening of his latest exhibition:

Updated: 11:22 p.m.
Carroll County Public Schools will implement a higher academic requirement next school year for high school students participating in...

Debate over the meaning of gold-colored sheets of paper passed among members of the Carroll County Board of Commissioners has pitted the...

Three members of the Board of County Commissioners said they were joining three delegates from Carroll County this week to file a Maryland...

Carroll County's Delegation to Annapolis said this past week that the county would be better off under the state's "doomsday" budget, and...

Halfway through the story about his life, Zeus rolled over to have his belly rubbed. He than sat patiently with his tongue lolling out of...

Award-winning Carroll County photojournalist, fine art photographer and author Phil Grout will appear for the opening of his latest...

Weeks ago, when 5th District County Commissioner Doug Howard scheduled his April 30 meeting with Eldersburg residents, he assumed it would...

WESTMINSTER — The Board of County Commissioners is continuing its slate of public meetings on the Fiscal Year 2013 Proposed...


Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Lonely is the runner. 2 miles at the McDaniel stadium track.

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Monday, May 07, 2012

Baltimore Sun – Sloane Brown: Pictures: What's in Store in Westminster

Pictures: What's in Store in Westminster – Off Track Art

Perhaps it's something in the air. But Westminster seems to be a center of creative expression.

Whether it's something created by a local artist or artisan or a home accent carefully chosen by a local business owner, you're sure to find something here that can bring a little self-expression to your home. -- Sloane Brown


What's in Store: Off Track Art
(Sloane Brown, Special to The Baltimore Sun / April 26, 2012 )
Two businesses share this artistic space. Walk in the door and on the left, you'll enter Off Track Art, an artists cooperative which currently shows the work of 10 local artists.

On the right is Carousel Stained Glass, with work mostly by owner Roger Lewis, who also teaches locally and shows the work of his students.

From Off Track Art: a 20-inch-x-22-inch mixed media collage displayed in a 6-panel window, titled “Egg Visions” ($250) by Bob Waddell; a 32-inch-30-inch “Reclining Nude” laminated plywood sculpture by Linda Van Hart; and an 18-inch-x-12-inch red and black patchwork small laundry basket ($150) by nationally acclaimed basket maker Joyce Schaum.

Off Track Art and Carousel Stained Glass are at 11 Liberty St., Westminster.

 Google profile:
Kevin Dayhoff Art: ( New Bedford Herald: Twitter:
Google profile: “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10


Generations have been touched by Frock's 4-H and church leadership

Generations have been touched by Frock's 4-H and church leadership

Eagle Archive: Generations have been touched by Frock's 4-H and church leadership,0,7820360.story

Fourteen years ago — on April 12, 1998 — the Baltimore Sun carried an article about my neighbor and good friend, Kathryn Myers Frock, in which it was noted:

"The Westminster woman, who is believed to be the longest-serving 4-H volunteer in the country, was surprised recently to be honored for 58 years of volunteer service.

"Fifty-eight years? thought Frock. Why 58?

"'Maybe they don't think I'm going to be here for 60 years,' she said with a smile."

Well, Frock made it to 60 years. As a matter of fact, make that 74 years that she was a 4-H leader and volunteer fair judge.

That said, with Frock, it was not as much about the quantity of years, but the quality.

Related and Updated for Kathryn Frock:


Thursday, April 26, 2012


Westminster Eagle - Katie V. Jones: Kathryn Frock touts merits of 4-H life

Fair 'queen' touts merits of 4-H life 07/26/06 By Katie V. Jones

When Kathryn Frock joined 4-H in 1934, there were girl 4-H clubs and boy 4-H clubs. If you lived on a farm and worked with animals, however, you were allowed to belong to a "co-ed club."

In those days the fair was held in Taneytown, before moving to its current location behind the Agricultural Center in Westminster.

To build the buildings at the new site, the 4-H clubs raised money through various methods such as making moccasins and selling household "guidebooks."

At 89, Frock has more than 60 years of memories of being in 4-H, first as a member, then as a leader and currently as a judge…


Accolades mark a life of volunteering Westminster woman lauded for 4-H service April 12, 1998 By Sheridan Lyons

Accolades mark a life of volunteering Westminster woman lauded for 4-H service

The Westminster woman who is believed to be the longest-serving 4-H volunteer in the country was surprised recently to be honored for 58 years of volunteer service.

Fifty-eight years? thought Kathryn Frock. Why 58?

"Maybe they don't think I'm going to be here for 60 years," she said with a smile last week.

If there were a grandmaster of homemaking, Frock, 80, would qualify: Her skills range from the "seven-day pickles" she puts up to the carefully centered daisy buttons on a dress she made in 1936 that swept 4-H Club local, state and national needlework honors.


"This woman is phenomenal," said Bob Shirley, Carroll County's recently retired extension agent for 4-H. "The amount of volunteer work she's still doing and the number of organizations she's giving support to. And she still is a very strong, active leader," he said.
