“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - https://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/ combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see https://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Sunday, November 17, 2013
The Carroll County Buckwild Truck and Tractor Pull APRIL 26th & 27th, 2014
The Tentacle: www.thetentacle.com http://www.thetentacle.com/author.cfm?MyAuthor=41
Kevin Dayhoff Art: http://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ or http://kevindayhoffart.com/ = http://www.kevindayhoff.com/
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: http://kevindayhoffwestgov-net.blogspot.com/ or http://www.westgov.net/ = www.kevindayhoff.org
Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: http://kbetrue.livejournal.com/ = www.newbedfordherald.net
Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems www.kevindayhoff.tumblr.com/
Smurfs: http://babylonfluckjudd.blogspot.com/
Google profile: https://profiles.google.com/kevindayhoff/
E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)gmail.com
My http://www.explorecarroll.com/ columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County: https://subscribe.baltsun.com/Circulation/
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Come out and join us today for the Carroll County Ag Center annual tractor pull
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Annual Tractor Pull at the Carroll County Ag Center today
Friday, April 15, 2011
Carroll County MD Tractor Pull postponed until Sunday April 17 2011
Sunday, April 27, 2008
20080427 Past Carroll County Ag Center Tractor Pulls
Pictures and videos from the 2003, 2004, and 2007 Carroll County Ag Center Tractor Pulls
April 27, 2008
This year’s annual Carroll County Tractor and Truck Pull will be held today, April 27, 2008. Please see: 20080427 Carroll County Tractor and Truck Pull
20080425 Carroll County Ag Center Tractor Pulls
Storyboard for video
Carroll County Tractor and Truck Pulls,
The Carroll County Tractor and Truck Pull has been a popular annual event for many years. In this feature are a few pictures and short videos from the 2003, 2004, and 2007 pulls.
In the 2003 photos, take note of the new Carroll County Danele Shipley Arena under construction.
Yes, that is Maryland State Delegate Paul S. Stull (R) District 4A,
Special credit to Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, Reba McEntire, and Natalie Cole.
E-mail him at: kevindayhoff AT gmail.com
His columns and articles appear in The Tentacle - www.thetentacle.com; Westminster Eagle Opinion; www.thewestminstereagle.com, Winchester Report and The Sunday Carroll Eagle – in the Sunday Carroll County section of the Baltimore Sun. Get Westminster Eagle RSS Feed
20080427 Carroll County Tractor and Truck Pull
April 27, 2008
(Rain date - May 4, 2008)
Admission $12 - 8 and under free
Farm Stock 9 a.m. - 12:00 noon
6000 8000 13000
Sanctioned by East Coast Pullers
Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League
Class Pull 1 p.m.
Modified Tractors 3 & 4 Engines
62001b 2WD Trucks
9500 Super Stock/Pro-Stock
Pro Stock Diesel FWD Trucks
Kids Pedal Pull at Noon
For Information and Rules call 410-848-9426
Breakfast served 9-11 a.m.
Food served all day