Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Showing posts with label Annual April Fools Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Annual April Fools Day. Show all posts

Thursday, April 01, 2010

City to annex Dundalk-Edgemere

City to annex Dundalk-Edgemere

Wednesday, 31 March 2010 12:17

Expects to add tax revenue, population

Dundalk and Edgemere will become part of Baltimore City as part of a multijurisdictional attempt to improve efficiency and attract more federal dollars.
The news was announced Tuesday in a press release in which Baltimore County revealed that it was giving up its southeastern section for $25,000.


Read a statement from the editor about this story.

About our April Fool’s Day story

Thursday, 01 April 2010 15:30 Baltimore City’s annexation of Dundalk-Edgemere – touted elsewhere on this home page and on the front page of this week’s Eagle – is not going to happen. Because the whole thing was made up for the April 1 edition.



Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Media Research Center CyberAlert Newsletter Latest Notable Quotables

Media Research Center CyberAlert Newsletter

April 01, 2010 13:47 ET

Latest Notable Quotables

As a bonus for CyberAlert subscribers, below is the text of the April 1 edition of Notable Quotables, the MRC's bi-weekly compilation of the latest outrageous, sometimes humorous, quotes in the liberal media. It was compiled by the MRC's Rich Noyes.

Topics this week include media vitriol unleashed against the Tea Party; a Newsweek reporter suggesting ObamaCare’s passage should earn the President two more Nobel prizes; and a CBS News anchor gets a radical make-over.

To read it online, posted with four videos with matching MP3 audio:

Quotes marked with [VIDEO] have accompanying audio and/or video that you can access by visiting the online version.

The three-page PDF which matches the hard copy version:

Now the quotes from recent weeks, as featured in the April 1 Notable Quotables, Volume 23, No. 7:

Those Ignorant, Racist Tea-Baggers

"The collective IQ of Searchlight, Nevada plunged over the weekend as the Tea Party Tart, Sarah Palin, brought her flannel-and-flapjacks followers to Harry Reid's hometown. ‘Send Obuma (sic) Back to Kenya,' read one T-shirt, suggesting that Palin's staunchest supporters attempt to make up for their lack of intelligence with white-hot, visceral race hatred. The hot saliva launched in the face of Rep. Emanuel Cleaver on Capitol Hill is a fitting metaphor for the entire Tea Party, a movement that not only aerobically hates government, but drives across the country for the chance to spit in the face of a black man trying to lead."
— Time's Joe Klein writing on the magazine's "Swampland" blog, April 1.

"By now, there should be no disputing the racist and Nazi elements that signify the tea-baggers, but the wing-nuts still try to dress up their bigotry as public policy — ‘government health care,' ‘too much spending,' ‘cap and tax,' yada, yada, yada. As if these clowns wouldn't have been the first in line to support Ronald Reagan if he'd come out for socialist health care or the feds taking over General Motors. But, because now the President happens to be black, suddenly conservatives think these things are big no-nos...."
— MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan on The Dylan Ratigan Show, April 1.

Meredith Shakes Her Broomstick

Co-host Meredith Vieira: "Now Senator DeMint, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was walking into the Capitol, I noticed one of the Tea Party protesters was brandishing a broom in her direction. Was he calling the Speaker a witch? And by-"
Sen. Jim DeMint: "Oh, c'mon Meredith. I saw that protester, too. He was chanting ‘Sweep the bums out!'"
Vieira: "-and, and no Senator, as I was going to say, by implication aren't the protesters implying that they want to burn Nancy Pelosi at the stake? Like they did at the Salem Witch Trials? And if so, will you, sir, condemn this kind of atrocious language? And if this happens again, will you have these protesters arrested?"
— NBC Today show, April 1.

"Ugly" Tea Partiers "Swarming" the Streets Again?

"Now, as many of you know, the health care debate turned ugly when too many citizens still not over how African-Americans earned equal rights in this country set their sites on denying all of us access to health care. Now, in what some see as another ugly turn, those same so-called ‘Tea Party' activists have turned their sites on President Obama's noble dream of providing a free college education to all. So, Jake, should we fear more protesters swarming the streets of D.C., yelling racial slurs and gay epithets, trying, once again, to slow social progress?"
— Anchor Diane Sawyer to White House correspondent Jake Tapper, ABC's World News, April 1.

Decoding Palin's Right-Wing Threats

[VIDEO] "Richard, is this something that's going to backfire on the Republicans? I mean, when Sarah Palin says that she wants to ‘beat' Democratic Representative Gerry Connolly in the fall, and that supporting ObamaCare will ‘pull him down,' is she not calling for the dragging death of the Congressman? And wouldn't this be comparable to the racist murder of James Byrd in Texas? Something that, I believe, former President George W. Bush supported?"
— Anchor David Shuster to contributor Richard Wolffe during the 10am ET hour of MSNBC Live, April 1.

And the Nobel Prize in Idiocy Goes to....

"You know, Keith, I really think Barack Obama could finish the year with not just one Nobel Prize, but three. This health care bill is bound to save literally millions of lives, and the legislative language itself is a masterpiece. Given the good sense of the Norwegians, I think the President could easily win the Nobels for medicine and literature this year."
— Newsweek's Howard Fineman to MSNBC's Keith Olbermann during live coverage of the health care bill signing, April 1.

Imagining "Giant, Empathetic Ears of Granite"

"Remember when right-wingers talked about putting Ronald Reagan's likeness on Mount Rushmore? Now with health care reform passed and conservatism in the dustbin of history, I propose the commemoration on Rushmore of none other than Barack Obama. Imagine a future Black Hills eagle, perched atop giant, empathetic ears of granite, approvingly surveying a land our 44th President did so much to heal."
— Eleanor Clift, April 1 Newsweek.

Chris Doesn't Want to Stop at First Base

[VIDEO] MSNBC's Ed Schultz: "[Mississippi Governor] Haley Barbour is attacking the media for giving Obama a big wet kiss over health care. As if that's a bad thing!...I've said it before and I'll say it again, Chris, President Obama really does deserve a big wet kiss for this health care bill — from all 40 million Americans who are uninsured right now and stand to gain from this historic legislation."
Host Chris Matthews: "Well, I'd go a lot further than that, Ed, but a sloppy wet kiss is a good start."
— MSNBC's Hardball, April 1.

Obama Creates the Perfect Jobs Program

"Tonight on World News, Helping Hand. The President acts to get paychecks to thousands of young people caught in recession....For 50 years, the federal government has helped college students who want to make a difference overseas — the Peace Corps. Now, the Obama administration has unveiled a new plan to help young people here at home, by using up to $3 billion in re-paid TARP money to fund the Democrats' 2010 and 2012 campaigns, ensuring a living wage for thousands of youthful activists who are already signing up in droves."
— Diane Sawyer on the April 1 World News.

Scalded in Hot Tub of Their Own Bigotry

"In Hot Tub Time Machine, four old friends spend a drunken night of revelry in a ski resort hot tub and find themselves hurled back in time — back to Reagan's America — only to find that returning to the supposed good old days only makes their lives worse. Similarly, Tea Party activists, drunk on ideology and simmering in their own soothing bath of grievance, wished for an improbable return to that same blessed era, before such travesties as Internet porn or a black president. But as they learned last month, you can't stop history on the march...."
— New York Times critic A. O. Scott, April 1.

Amanpour Wants to Help "Ugly Drunk" America Sober Up

Host Howard Kurtz: "How will your experience as an international correspondent help you as you take over hosting ABC's This Week in August?"
CNN's Christiane Amanpour: "You learn a lot by hearing how others view America from outside the country. We tend to think of ourselves as on a shining white horse saving the day, but the rest of the world sees America's ugly side, like a drunken cowboy — second only to Israel in notoriety. So I hope to do for America some of what Barack Obama is doing — by being willing to level with the American people about our shortcomings."
— Exchange on CNN's Reliable Sources, April 1.

Rick Needs Help

"We're receiving word of an impromptu demonstration in San Francisco's Castro district. They're carrying flags with rainbow patterns on them. Do we know which political cause is being represented here?"
— CNN's Rick Sanchez on his Rick's List, April 1, asking his executive producer about a protest against California's Proposition 8, which ruled out same-sex marriage.

"I'm hearing that the latest CBO estimate is that the health care legislation will cost, approximately, $940 billion. Help out our audience — do we know how much that is in American money? Just a rough guess?"
— Sanchez to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius a few minutes later on the same program.

Church in Your Palm Better than the Real Thing

Barack Obama: "I get a daily devotional on my BlackBerry, which only takes me a few seconds to read."
Matt Lauer: "One could quip, ‘it's spirituality meets high-tech.' But, I think I can speak for a lot of Americans, Mr. President, when I say that in a time of such meanness and vitriol aimed at derailing your great efforts on so many fronts, it's very reassuring to hear you don't waste your time in church."
— From an interview at the White House aired on the April 1 Today show.

Let's Try to Remember Who Really Walks on Water

[VIDEO] Newsweek editor Jon Meacham: "Now that he's gotten health care through, President Obama's approval rating is up five points, and this really could save his presidency. You know, it's fitting that this happened so close to Easter, the time of resurrection, and with John Boehner and Mitch McConnell trying to play the part of Pontius Pilate and Caiaphas."
Host Bill Maher: "Except I wouldn't want to insult Obama by comparing him to Jesus."
— Bill Maher on his Real Time HBO show, April 1.

Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington

[VIDEO] "After making television history by having a colonoscopy live on the air, Harry Smith will now do it again by having a sex change operation live this morning. Harry is hoping to fully experience what it's like to be a woman in America's patriarchal society."
— CBS Early Show co-host Maggie Rodriguez opening the April 1 broadcast.

"The operation was a complete success and now here's Harry — I mean, Harriet — with some cooking tips."
— Rodriguez at the start of the program's 8:30am ET segment.

ABC's Salute to Mr. Objectivity

Co-host Robin Roberts: "The thing I like most about George Stephanopoulos is his infectious smile. George is never happier than when I pop in his dressing room and see him talking to his White House source, furiously scribbling notes."
Weatherman Sam Champion: "He is such an unflappable journalist. I remember walking into the shower room at the ABC gym. There was George and Rahm [Emanuel], naked, of course, and discussing the next day's GMA. And George says, ‘Hey, Sam. Up for a tickle fight?' That is so George."
— ABC's Good Morning America, April 1, part of a series of features designed to make Stephanopoulos more likeable.

PAY CZAR for CBS NEWS: Katie Couric






April Fools!

END Reprint of April 1 Notable Quotables

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Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Baltimore Brew to join Sarah Palin, Zig Ziglar, Michael Phelps and Michael Oher for Motivational Seminar

Baltimore Brew has posted a new item, 'Brew to join Sarah Palin, Zig Ziglar,
Michael Phelps and Michael Oher for Motivational Seminar'

by Brew Intern Sheila Dixon

Acknowledging that their flagging energy levels are hampering their ability to
cover Baltimore's pressing issues, the entire Brew staff today signed up for a
May 4 motivational seminar at 1st Mariner Arena.

Featured speakers include "America's Mayor," Rudolpoh Giuliani, former Redskins
coach Joe Gibbs, General Colin Powell, billionaire-publisher Steve Forbes,
Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps and former Alaska Governor and vice presidential
hopeful Sarah Palin.

"We need inspiration! It's beyond belief around here! We've got buildings
collapsing in Fells Point, sewage spilling all over downtown, oil rigs coming
to Ocean City and a Baltimore city council member showing reporters his
underwear drawer," said editor Fern Shen.

"And don't get me started on the lesbian-themed strip-club parties the
Republicans funded under the watch of our own former Lieutenant Governor," she
added. "We're talking about a club where the women have horse-bits in their
mouths and the patrons have cucumber sandwiches in theirs. Yuck!"

Shen acknowledged that today's date may have something to do with this post, but
pointed out that 90 percent of it is fact-based.

You may view the latest post at


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Murphy the “Don” in surprise bid for the Maryland Statehouse

Murphy makes a surprise announcement just after midnight on April 1, 2010 that he will run against former Maryland Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, who had just announced on March 30, 2010 that he will be seeking his old office back.

Photo caption: Murphy is pictured in front of the NH State Capitol after testifying for a GPS client. Murphy, who is also known to have made recent trips to New Hampshire, is rumored to be a presidential contender in 2012. Photo courtesy of Genn & Murphy. Click here for a larger image:

April 1, 2010 by Kevin Dayhoff for Soundtrack

In a surprise announcement, former Maryland Delegate Donald E. Murphy (R) has announced that he will be running for governor of Maryland in the September 14, 2010 Republican Primary.

Many political insiders had speculated privately that Murphy, known as the “Don,” in political circles, may toss his hat in the ring.

Murphy, who is also known to have made recent trips to New Hampshire, is also rumored to be a presidential contender in 2012.

Recently, noted political analyst Joe Steffen wryly wrote, “Murphy told me last night that a potential run for governor on his part was ‘in the mix.’ As MD point man for the 2008 McCain Presidential campaign and Senior Advisor to MD GOP U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Eric Wargotz to go with his other credentials, Murphy undoubtedly has a set of...bona fides.

“While discussing a possible gubernatorial run, Don Murphy did joke, however, that he ‘didn’t want to split the Murphy (primary) vote,’ a reference to young GOP businessman and upstart candidate, Brian Murphy, who is already running for governor in the GOP primary,” continued Steffen.

“Who knows? Maybe an actual Ehrlich run will entice Don Murphy into the campaign, concerns over splitting the Murphy vote be damned,” wrote Steffen.

Opening shot across the bow…

Steffen noted, “Beyond then-Governor Ehrlich's 2006 taxpayer-dollar-spending-spree-for-votes, THAT brings us back to the libertarian leaning conservative Don Murphy, who when talking about Mr. Ehrlich in the context of being conservative with the tax dollars offered this priceless observation:

“‘Saying Bob Ehrlich is a fiscal conservative is like saying Ocean Gallery ( is an art museum.’

“That wasn't the beer and bravado talking - but it was the best line of the night. And, hey, isn't the best humor always rooted in the truth?”

Are you experienced?

Murphy is experienced and known to be comfortable in his own skin and in the political arena.

Murphy previously represented District 12A, which covered portions of Baltimore and Howard County Maryland in the Maryland General Assembly from January 1995 to January 2003.

He is a graduate of Andover High School in Linthicum Maryland and graduated from the University of Baltimore with a degree in real estate in 1983.

In recent years, Murphy has been affiliated with the lobbying firm of Genn & Murphy and is a well known and popular GOP Strategist and advisor to U.S. Senate Candidate Dr. Eric Wargotz of Maryland.

In 1994, Murphy defeated the House Majority Leader in a legislative district that had never elected a Republican, according to the Genn & Murphy web site.

While a member of the Maryland House of Delegates, Murphy was a member of the Judiciary Committee and the Civil Law & Procedure Subcommittee. He served as Deputy Minority Whip from 2002 until 2003. Murphy did not seek reelection in 2002.

The Gunn & Murphy web site also reveals “After his reelection in 1998, he became an unlikely advocate for Medical Marijuana legislation as a result of being approached by a Green Beret constituent who was dying of cancer.

“The passage of the Darrell Putman Compassionate Use Act in 2003 placed Mr. Murphy in exclusive company with substantial national media recognition.

“When The Washington Post, The Baltimore Sun and The Gazette listed their “winners and losers” for the Legislative Session, he was one of three, and the only non-incumbent legislator, named to the “winners” list in all three publications.”

“Murphy, a nationally-known campaign advisor, travels extensively at the request of candidates and focus groups who seek his advice,” according to his web site, Genn & Murphy.

Well-liked, well dressed and handsome.

The handsome, well-dressed Murphy is well-liked on both sides of the political aisle and many keen political observers, speaking on background noted, that he has the best chance of anyone to garner the vote in the General Election this November in the heavily Democrat cobalt-blue state of the Maryland.

“Murphy’s congeniality and work-ethic make him a favorite with members of both Maryland Legislative Houses controlled by Democrats,” notes his web site.

“During Mr. Murphy’s first term, the Guidebook of Maryland Legislators called him ‘the nicest Delegate in Annapolis.’ Near the end of his second term, the Montgomery Gazette concluded in its analysis of legislators that Mr. Murphy was unquestionably ‘liked by everyone,’” according to the Genn & Murphy web site.

“Mr. Murphy’s congeniality and work-ethic make him a favorite with members of both Maryland Legislative Houses controlled by Democrats, in addition to the new Republican Administration that has many of his former colleagues and friends in key policy and decision-maker roles,” notes the web site.

Most of the folks in Maryland tend to be more moderate

In a 2008 interview with MSNBC, Murphy, a political moderate, observed, “Most of the folks in Maryland tend to be more moderate,” said Don Murphy, who is the chairman of the Maryland delegation at the (Republican National) convention.”

The web site also notes that “Prior to running for office, Mr. Murphy held key positions in the commercial real estate field, including real estate analyst for Baltimore City’s Economic Development office and as Director of Leasing for a million square foot office and industrial park….”

Murphy is a life-long resident of Maryland with his wife, Gloria, who will be just as surprised as the “Don” and the rest of us that he is running for governor.

Then again, how could they have known – after all it is April Fools’ Day.

20100401 sdosmked Murphy in surprise run for the Maryland Statehouse Labels: Annual April Fools Day, Gov Ehrlich-Robert, People Murphy Don, People Steffen Joe

Murphy the “Don” in surprise bid for the Maryland Statehouse


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Monday, May 11, 2009

Dayhoff: A brief review of the Westminster Navy, and its role in American history

Dayhoff: A brief review of the Westminster Navy, and its role in American history Published April 1, 2009 by Westminster Eagle

Folks have been asking where they may find my brief review of the Westminster Navy, and its role in American history… Here you go:

The Westminster Eagle column for Wednesday, April 1, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff (649 words)

She was once a proud ship, a ruler of the waves and a queen of the sea. The “Patapsco Militia Ship Westminster” was her name.

The days of glory for the PMS Westminster are now gone as she sits askew on the ground with a list and sigh on the shores of the Patapsco River in back of the Westminster utilities work shop on Manchester Road.

The once proud ship is hardly noticed by passersby in their hustle and bustle traveling to and from Westminster. It's an inglorious plight for the once proud master of the seas.

No one knows, for example, that the PMS Westminster was the ship used by George Washington in his famous crossing of the Delaware River.

This event has become confused with the passage of time. Initially George Washington crossed the Patapsco River on his way to the Battle of Brandywine.

The event stirred such emotion and passion that the news media wanted it recreated for the 5 o'clock news. By then General Washington had travelled far from the Patapsco River so they used the Delaware River for the reenactment.

It's only fitting that the Patapsco River near Westminster should have such a rich and colorful nautical history.

This area of Carroll County was founded by the Carthaginians shortly after the 3rd Punic War which raged in the Mediterranean Sea from 149 to 146 BC.

After Carthage was destroyed by the Romans, a small band of seafaring Carthaginians set sail for a new home and settled in the valley by the natural port offered by the Patapsco River in what we now know as the Lucabaugh Mill Road and Manchester Road area near the new Westminster Cranberry water treatment plant.

The Carthaginians named the Patapsco River after Patroclus, the gentle and amiable friend of Achilles in Homer's “Iliad.” A rival group of natives at the time confused Patroclus to be "Petapsqui" – the Native American word for backwater or tide water covered with foam which was actually the froth formed by the discharge pipes of the large stills operated at the time by the Patapsipiss tribe of brewing Native Americans.

The well read Carthaginians were also aware that the site where Ulysses successfully sailed past the Sirens was actually on the Patapsco River.

The exact spot is the bridge over the railroad and the Patapsco River on Manchester Road just north of Westminster.

The Sirens, if you'll remember, were sort of a sea goddess who lured to destruction those who listened to their songs. When Ulysses sailed under the bridge towards Westminster to attend a public hearing, he stopped-up the ears of his companions with wax and had himself tied to the mast of his ship.

Ulysses thereupon passed safely, and the Sirens, disappointed at their loss, drowned themselves – which is exactly what many of us want to do after attending most public hearings in Westminster.

George Washington wrote in his “Maxims: Transcripts of Revolutionary Correspondence” that he felt that Westminster-on-the-Patapsco ought to have been the site of the nation's capital. The planners confused the name Patapsco with the name Potomac and well, the rest is history.

When President Abraham Lincoln began his trip to Gettysburg to deliver the Gettysburg Address; the plan was for him to travel up the Patapsco River on the PMS Westminster, disembark, and travel by land for the balance of the trip.

Upon reaching Westminster, Lincoln was thereupon informed that Carroll County's road system was a bad collage of stoplights, confusion, and overcrowded roads which go from nowhere to nowhere. So he took the train.

These are but a few of the legendary exploits of the PMS Westminster and the Westminster Navy. A proud heritage only a few Carroll Countians know. Now you know it too!

Well, maybe not. Happy April Fool’s Day.

That’s my two-cents. What’s yours?

I’ll look forward to your comments in the readers’ comment section below.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster.
Kevin Dayhoff Art: (
SDOSM 20090510

Annual April Fools Day, History, History Westminster, Dayhoff writing essays, Dayhoff writing essays history, Art literature of the absurd, Dayhoff "Five Easy Pieces",

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack:
Kevin Dayhoff Art:
Kevin Dayhoff Westminster:

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Swiss even clean their mountains!

Swiss even clean their mountains!

March 25, 2009

Official video of the Swiss Association of Mountain Cleaners, which is recruiting new volunteers.

Apply at


20090325 SDOSM Swiss even clean their mountains!
Kevin Dayhoff
GM and Chrysler Ordered Out of NASCAR

Time magazine listed some April Fools Day hoaxes from last Wednesday that are fairly sophisticated and in several instances, quite funny.

Thankfully CAK posted a link to the article on her Facebook page.

Fake Pandas! And Other April Fools' Day Hoaxes By Howard Chua-Eoan Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2009

The annual assaults can be either subtle or brazen. And, really, people should see them coming. But in a media world addicted to drama and the bizarre, credulity will always take a hit. April Fools' Day 2009 is no different. From the Middle East, where peace threatened to break out, to Switzerland, where the national obsession with neatness created jobs for mountain cleaners, the world once again fell prey to an array of hoaxers, fibbers and tellers of tall tales — all excused by a strange yearly tradition of mysterious origin. Here are a few of the bogus news items that have appeared on our radar:


Read the entire article here: Fake Pandas! And Other April Fools' Day Hoaxes By Howard Chua-Eoan Wednesday, Apr. 01, 2009

GM and Chrysler Ordered Out of NASCAR

"In a move sure to spark outrage, the White House announced today that GM and Chrysler must cease participation in NASCAR at the end of the 2009 season if they hope to receive any additional financial aid from the government. Companies around the globe — Honda and Audi, to name two — have drawn down racing operations, and NASCAR itself has already felt the pinch in the form of reduced team spending.

A complete withdrawal from America's premier racing series is expected to save more than $250 million between GM and Chrysler, a substantial amount considering the drastic measures being implemented elsewhere." [April Fools!]

Related: See pictures of famous pranksters at
Read about April Fools' Day pranks to try in the office.,8599,1888820,00.html

20090401 SDOSM GM and Chrysler Ordered Out of NASCAR

Kevin Dayhoff

Thursday, April 02, 2009

CyberAlert April 1 edition of Notable Quotables

CyberAlert April 1 edition of Notable Quotables

***Media Research Center CyberAlert Special***

12:20pm EDT, Wednesday April 1, 2009

As a bonus for CyberAlert subscribers, below is the text of the April 1 edition of Notable Quotables, the MRC's bi-weekly compilation of the latest outrageous, sometimes humorous, quotes in the liberal media. It was compiled by the MRC's Rich Noyes and Stu James posted it.

To read it online, posted with five videos with matching MP3
audio clips, go to:

Those marked below with an * have video/audio.

The PDF which closely matches the new HTML version of the April 1 issue:

Now the quotes from the past two weeks featured in the April 1 Notable Quotables, Vol. 22; No. 7:

* Brilliant Performance by America's Passenger-in-Chief

Co-host Diane Sawyer: "As we said, President Obama is in London today, his first trip to Europe since becoming President. ABC's George Stephanopoulos has been watching all of this, and is here with his report card...."

George Stephanopoulos: "Barack Obama arrived at the G-20 summit just hours ago, too soon for a real assessment of his diplomacy. But, Diane, the flight over the Atlantic was just spectacular. Our pool correspondent tells us there was very little turbulence, the food was delicious, and the view of London on the approach was magnificent. So, I'm giving the President an 'A' for this trip -- if he can keep this up over the next couple of days, it's going to be a very successful summit."
-- ABC's Good Morning America, April 1.

Just What the Venus de Milo Needs

"Coming up in the next half hour: Esquire magazine's fallen hard for their latest 'Women We Love' cover girl. The editors will be here to confess they dream at night of being cradled in Michelle Obama's amazing arms."
-- Today co-host Meredith Vieira, April 1.

* Journalists as Loyal to Obama as a Dog

"One last question, Mr. President. This week I went down to Monticello, and one of the guides down there reminded me that Thomas Jefferson -- who, I must say, his historic life and ideals remind me a lot of you -- once said the presidency had brought him, quote, 'nothing but increasing drudgery and a daily loss of friends.' I just wonder, with all the tough decisions you've had to make to fix the messes you inherited, have you suffered the loss of friends? You certainly have a lot of friends in the press who are sure to remain as loyal to you as any dog."
-- CBS's Bob Schieffer interviewing President Obama on Face the Nation, April 1.

"Before he left for Europe, President Obama could be seen walking his new dog on the South Lawn of the White House. One wonders if this little Portuguese water dog knows how lucky he is, how historic he is. And as the puppy does his business near the Rose Garden, you have to ask yourself, is this a metaphor for his owner's ascent to power? One man, cleaning up the smelly mess of a cheerful, but uncomprehending being?"
-- ABC Nightline co-anchor Terry Moran, April 1.

Barack Obama, Already Destined for Mt. Rushmore

"March saw the best stock market gains in some time, deaths in Iraq are at their lowest level in six years, and we just saw CIA drones successfully kill another al-Qaeda leader in Pakistan. I have to ask, has Barack Obama caught on to the job of President in record time?"-- Harry Smith to political analyst Craig Crawford on CBS's Early Show, April 1.

"President Obama quickly apologized for his quip comparing his bowling skills to those of disabled athletes. Recognizing the slip at once, Mr. Obama called the chairman of the Special Olympics, Tim Shriver, from Air Force One. 'He apologized in a way I think was very moving,' Mr. Shriver said. Indeed, one of Obama's signature traits is an almost uncanny unflappability. From his quick recovery after misspeaking the presidential oath to graciously confessing fault over his Cabinet nominees, this President handles his mistakes with such impressive grace that one is left almost glad that he makes them."
-- New York Times White House correspondent Sheryl Gay Stolberg, April 1.

* How Bigger Government Makes Us All Richer

"For many Americans, it can be tough to grasp how all this deficit spending will turbo-charge our economy and end the recession. Tonight, with the help of a few visual aids, we'll show how everyone gets a macro-cosmic boost whenever Uncle Sam opens his wallet....Think of each dollar in the economy as a jelly bean. You and I each have a few jelly beans, but the government has a whole lot of them. In a recession -- a jelly bean shortage -- we might feel like holding on to our jelly beans instead of sharing them, but that would bring our jelly bean party to a grinding halt. But if Uncle Sam re-fills the jelly bean bags of those who are running low, our party can go on and on....And if we ever find ourselves running out of candy, Uncle Sam can always make more -- he owns the jelly bean factory! The fun never has to stop...."
-- Katie Couric explaining the economics of bailouts on the April 1
CBS Evening News.

Clamoring for Some Real Government Intervention

"We've seen government intervene in the banking industry, mortgage industry, insurance, automobiles, chasing down problems after they happen. Wouldn't it be better to try and get ahead of the next crisis by just, right now, nationalize the whole economy and let government experts take over for failing CEOs?...According to our polls, the public has a lot more confidence in President Obama than these executives we in the media have demonized for the past year, so why wouldn't it be better for the Obama administration to take everything over?"
-- ABC's Chris Cuomo to New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman, April 1 Good Morning America.

Commiserating with Flummoxed White House

"Top White House officials confide they feel caught in a bind. Whenever they pretend to care about the populist backlash against Wall Street, they hear it from top Democrats like Chris Dodd, who fear a loss in campaign donations. But when they try to appease the business community, the public rises up and threatens their chances to succeed in this once-in-a-generation chance to enact universal health care. Being President, it turns out, Charlie, is a lot tougher than they ever imagined when we were ridiculing Bush on the campaign trail."
-- ABC's George Stephanopoulos on World News, April 1.

Now That's a Quota Queen

"In a previous blog post, I urged gendermandering congressional districts after the 2010 Census to boost the ranks of women in Congress. I realize now that's not enough. We need one woman for every man on the Supreme Court, even if it takes an FDR-like court-packing plan. Even Rupert Murdoch's American Idol has now advanced to a two-man, two-woman judging panel. President Obama, if you don't have the progressive stones to do this in your first term, the women of America will vote for a female Democratic nominee in 2012 who does!"
-- PBS's Bonnie Erbe in an April 1 blog post at U.S. News & World
Report's Web site.

* Countdown to Crackpot Conspiracies

"Tonight! A stunning new revelation from Karl Rove's past! Could the man known as 'Bush's Brain' have been the personal political protege of Joseph Stalin himself? Also, which of the Bush administration's former officials had family members who were distantly related to Pol Pot? Condi Rice knows! Finally, new information regarding the Cheney Death Squads: The commander of this unit was directly involved in the Kennedy assassination! Which Kennedy assassination? We'll find out next, on Countdown!"
-- Keith Olbermann opening MSNBC's Countdown, April 1.

"Our 'Worst Person in the World' tonight, for only the 1280th time, Bill-O, the sad clown of Fixed News, for somehow prosecuting what he calls the 'Woodstock generation' for the violence of Mexican drug cartels. It doesn't matter how many Viagras he pops, or how many painkillers Rush Limbaugh has washed down with Dominican rum, the right-wing hypocrites are desperately trying to put Crosby, Stills, and Nash in Guantanamo. To quote James Taylor, Bill-O's still a fool playing his stateside games. Hillary Clinton is right: American demand for narcotics is a major part of this problem. Mexico even has a hot black market in anti-paranoia suppositories -- not that I know from personal experience."
-- Olbermann later in the same show.

* Admiring an Environmentalist's Principles

"We have an update of a story we first told you about two years ago. Colin Beavan won a lot of admirers for his devotion to our planet. To try and keep his carbon footprint to a bare minimum, Colin -- dubbed 'No Impact Man' -- would not use modern transportation, only ate food grown close to his home, no electricity, and even no toilet paper. Last week, he came down with some sort of infection, but refused to ride in a gasoline-powered ambulance. Colin Beavan was admired by so many of us for his idealism; he was 45 years old."
-- Weatherman Sam Champion on ABC's Good Morning America, April 1.

Choosy Eaters Don't Choose Chips

"Is that bag of potato chips you have with lunch everyday just a guilty pleasure or potentially lethal?" "Coming up, we know junk food can make you gain weight, but could it also cause you to lose your life?" "And later this half hour. Vending machines: convenient snacks, or death for 75 cents?"
-- CBS anchor Julie Chen on The Early Show, April 1, teasing a segment on the purported dangers of snack food.

Tweets You Can't Beat

"It's time for 'Twitter Watch,' where we allow you to talk about us, talking about you. DonkeyLvr7 wonders, 'Where's the investigation into the GOP's efforts to secretly manipulate Barack Obama's NCAA tournament picks?' DNCChairTK says House Republicans are the 'Special Olympians of Congress.' Pow! Good one, TK."
-- MSNBC 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue host David Shuster reading "Twitter Mail," April 1.

Bill Maher Goes Down Under

"In Australia, they've come to terms with the poisonous cane toads. They stick them in freezers to die, grind them up, and use them as mulch on the sugar cane fields. Why can't we do this with our toxic homegrown pests, with all of our American ingenuity? Who wouldn't want to euthanize Dick Cheney and toss his pellets to refertilize some humanity in Iraq?"
-- Bill Maher on his HBO Real Time, April 1.

Journalists Celebrate Their Bro-Mance with Obama

"Our dear leader Obama has that inner serenity, that special something which is needed to bring our nation out of that darkness of the eight years of George W. Bush and his cronies. While he's bodysurfing in Hawaii, his wife Michelle is buffing up her arms. I just have a crush on the two of them. It may not give me any tingles like my colleagues at MSNBC, but that may be because of my old age. That is, unless you can spare me a few of your pills, Larry."
-- CNN's Jack Cafferty, during an interview on Larry King Live, April 1.

Chris Matthews: "Before we go, Democratic strategist Steve McMahon, there's a New York Times blogger who claims women are dreaming about having sex with Obama. Do you think that's just limited to women?" Democratic political consultant Steve McMahon: "Uh-" Matthews: "Sometimes, I think I'm in that movie Wild Things? Have you seen it? Pretty steamy. There's a three-way between Neve Campbell, Denise Richards and Matt Dillon....And, maybe, Neve Campbell represents America being embraced by the strong arms of Matt Dillon, who obviously represents Barack Obama....And in this scenario, I would be Denise Richards. I've often thought about the President pouring champagne over my bare chest."
-- MSNBC's Hardball, April 1.




ADVISER to the CHIEF of STAFF: George Stephanopoulos

MOST PARANOID PERSON in the WORLD: Keith Olbermann



END Reprint of April 1 Notable Quotables

- Brent Baker

20090401 CyberAlert April 1 edition of Notable Quotables
Kevin Dayhoff

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

OBAMA RESIGNS Enlists in Peace Corps!

OBAMA RESIGNS Enlists in Peace Corps!

April 1, 2009

Saying he is practicing what he preaches, Barack Obama has resigned from the Presidency, effective April 1, moved his family out of the Oval Office and enlisted in the Peace Corps, circa 1969.

In response to the seemingly shocking transition to citizen volunteerism, pundits at CNN, Fox and MSNBC said they saw it coming and said they saw the foreshadowing on the wall when they detected a subtle secret code word slipped into all 70 of candidate Obama’s campaign paraphernalia: The word: CHANGE!

Fox News’ prime time heavyweight Bill O’Really? Responded to the surprise move, saying, “No surprise here. I simply applied one day for each of bumper stickers, yard signs and billboards and deduced that on day 70 of his term, Barack would simply pack his bags and join the Peace Corps or at least the Americorps. What else could he do?”

MSNBC’s Keith Uberman responded to the stunning move, stating, “Friedrich Nietzsch spelled it out for us on January 3, 1889 during what historical revisionists called a psychotic break. What really happened was Nietzsch simply had a vision just 24 years after the conclusion of the Civil War that in exactly 120 years, or 144 years from the end of the Civil War, a future global superpower with wings of eagles would see a freed slave elevated to lead that nation to embrace more changes in one month than the prior millennium, with no need to finish his term. Actually, it’s quite elementary!”

CNN’s Larry Bling said, “When I interviewed Barack and saw the way he eyeballed my suspenders, winking at me with that sly smile that he was saying he was about to suspend his campaign. After all, we know that 90% of all communication in nonverbal!”

But Enquiring-minded Americans, not content hearing hearsay from irrationally exuberant Lush Rimbaugh or Schlosh Hannity, and wanting to hear about the unprecedented move from the former President, locked arms across Pennsylvania Avenue, trapping the exiting Volkswagen Bus, forcing the former First Lady to stop the vehicle, allowing the populist former President to speak. Standing by the van, flashing a peace sign to the adoring crowds, Citizen Obama spoke but a single Orswellian word: “Rosebud.”

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20090401 OBAMA RESIGNS Enlists in Peace Corps!

Kevin Dayhoff