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Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
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Showing posts with label Carroll Co Budget. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carroll Co Budget. Show all posts

Friday, May 14, 2010

Carroll County MD Commissioners plan to put resident troopers back in budget

Commissioners plan to put resident troopers back in budget

Keeping nine troopers this year would result in $400,000 surplus

By Charles Schelle Posted 5/14/10

— Kevin Dayhoff contributed to this story

A discussion this past week about deferring the transition of nine resident Maryland State Police troopers to Sheriff's Office deputies turned into a political debate between Commissioners Julia Gouge and Michael Zimmer.

"You're strongly in favor of the sheriff, but don't mess it up by putting in this other crap," Gouge said to Zimmer during a heated back-and-forth at the commissioners' May 11 meeting.

In total, the county currently contracts 45 resident troopers to help patrol the county, in addition to Sheriff's Office deputies.

A Zimmer-initiated proposal would have moved to transfer nine resident trooper positions into the Sheriff's Office to save $400,000 in fiscal 2012.

But Gouge and Commissioner Dean Minnich gave county staff direction to keep the nine resident troopers in this year's proposed county budget, based on an offer by state police to reduce its contract cost to the county -- an offer that would save $400,000 in the county's proposed fiscal 2011 budget.

Zimmer fought the move, wanting instead to begin this year the phase-out of the troopers and a gradual hiring of additional Sheriff's Office deputies to take their place.

Two work sessions on the issue, on May 11 and May 13, included heated exchanges between Gouge and Zimmer.

Read the entire article here:

Carroll County MD Commissioners plan to put resident troopers back in budget


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Budget problems continue for Maryland’s local governments

And it is only going to worse…

December 1, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff

I did this piece of art in September 1994. The more things change the more they stay the same. At some point, the entire manner in which local government in Maryland is funded needs to be changed so that all our tax revenue does not get lost in a black hole in Annapolis and gets re-directed to the government that is closest to the citizens. Woman with the Ones above Carroll County

Read: See Charles Schelle’s article on the press conference today when the employee layoffs were announced: 18 county government employees to lose jobs By Charles Schelle Move to save estimated $3 million

See also: Carroll County Commissioners to hold news conference on budget - and - Carroll Co Budget, Carroll Co employees, MD State Budget

18 county government employees to lose jobs:

This is so sad. And at this time of the year; not that any time of the year is a good time to lose employees – or your job...

My heart and prayers go out to the employees who have lost their job – and to the folks who were forced to make theses difficult decisions.

I happen to agree with the Carroll County government press release today, Carroll Co MD Commissioners eliminate positions “Carroll County already has one of the leanest staffs in Maryland. A survey by the Maryland Association of Counties ranks Carroll as the second-lowest number of employees per capita.”

The problem is certainly not with over-staffing on the part of Carroll County government.

The problem is the systematic irresponsible spending in Annapolis and now the state is balancing its books on the backs of local government.

Neither the current administration or the Maryland General Assembly has the stomach for raising taxes – especially after the fiasco from the Maryland Special Taxing Session from November 2007, which only made matters worse…

So instead of doing the correct thing and cutting-out systemic wasteful spending, they want to force local government to raise taxes.

Add this to the incredible amount of money that Maryland has lost to surrounding states in retail sales as a result of raising the retail sales tax. Remember there is barely any location in Maryland that is not within 40 miles of the state line…

And add to this the large number of high income Marylanders who have simply left the state as a result of the prohibitive tax increase that was levied against them…

The result is a net loss of a great deal of state revenue that is above and beyond the turndown in the economy – especially since, until the recent taxing initiatives had such a disastrous result, most economist and political pundits considered Maryland recession proof.

This is a mess. And it is not a mess that will be solved anytime soon because nothing will hold the Maryland General Assembly accountable and the ruling party in Maryland is so arrogant they are completely inaccessible to any contrarian argument or debate, discussion or dialogue…


20091201 sdosmked Budget probs continue for MD local govt
[19940914 0758b Woman w Ones above CC]


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

18 county government employees to lose jobs By Charles Schelle

18 county government employees to lose jobs By Charles Schelle

Move to save estimated $3 million Posted 12/01/09

WESTMINSTER MARYLAND — Moments before Carroll County Government readied to light its holiday tree tonight, officials announced that 18 county workers will lose their jobs as part of eliminating 62 positions.

County Commissioner Julia Gouge and Steven Powell, chief-of-staff for Carroll County Government made the announcement at a 5 p.m. news conference at the County Office Building, wrapping up in time to celebrate the holidays at a 6 p.m. ceremony.

"It has been the single most difficult day of my career in Carroll County, and I'm glad it's over," Powell said as his voice cracked and quivered. "I know that it has only just begun for 18 people."

Read Mr. Schelle’s entire article here: 18 county government employees to lose jobs By Charles Schelle

20091201 18 county govt emps to lose jobs by Schelle
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Carroll Co MD Commissioners eliminate positions

See Charles Schelle’s article on the press conference today when the employee layoffs were announced: 18 county government employees to lose jobs By Charles Schelle Move to save estimated $3 million

Board of County Commissioners
Julia W. Gouge, President
Dean L. Minnich, Vice President
Michael D. Zimmer, Secretary
Carroll County Government
225 North Center Street
Westminster, Maryland 21157
410-386-2043; 1-888-302-8978
fax 410-386-2485; TT 410-848-9747

News Release
For more information, contact: Vivian D. Laxton,
Public Information Administrator, 410-386-2973
For Immediate Release

Commissioners eliminate positions

December 1, 2009 – In recognition of the economic situation and its impact on state and local revenues, the Board of County Commissioners today voted to eliminate more than 60 positions in Carroll County Government.

Eighteen of those positions are filled. “We regret losing these hard-working employees, who we consider to be our friends,” Commissioner Julia W. Gouge said during a news conference this afternoon.

Carroll County already has one of the leanest staffs in Maryland. A survey by the Maryland Association of Counties ranks Carroll as the second-lowest number of employees per capita.

Since July 1, the regular workforce has been reduced by 12 percent through retirements, attrition and lay-offs. The downsizing will result in an estimated $3 million savings a year.

As a result of the reduced workforce, programming at county parks will be reduced, response time for permits inspections will be lengthened, roads will take longer to clear of snow and ice, and services and hours at senior centers will be reduced.

# # #

20091201 sdosm PR Carroll Co Commissioners eliminate positions


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Carroll County Commissioners to hold news conference on budget

Carroll County Commissioners to hold news conference on budget
For an update on the news conference please see: 18 county government employees to lose jobs By Charles Schelle

Click here for a larger image: or here:

Vivian Laxton, Carroll County government public information administrator: The Board of County Commissioners will be holding a news conference at 5 p.m. today in the Public Hearing Room (003) of the County Office Building to discuss Carroll County’s budget. The County Office Building is located at 225 North Center Street in Westminster. Tuesday, December 01, 2009

20091201 sdosm CCCommissioners to hold news confer on budget Carroll Co Budget, Carroll Co Commissioners, Dayhoff Art
[19940914 0758b Woman w Ones above CC]


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Friday, September 12, 2008

Statement from Governor Martin O'Malley on the Board of Revenue

Statement from Governor Martin O'Malley on the Board of Revenue Estimates

BALTIMORE, MD (September 9, 2008) – Governor Martin O’Malley today issued the following statement following the Board of Revenue Estimates:

“Today, the Board of Revenue Estimates announced a budget shortfall for the current fiscal year and 2010. Given the national economic downturn, national foreclosure crisis, and the increased price of energy, gasoline and food, these revenue estimates are not unexpected; and we are preparing to bring hundreds of millions in cuts before the Board of Public Works in the coming weeks to address this challenge.”

“Given the national economy, other states are facing the same or significantly worse budget pictures. In fact, the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities estimates that at least 29 states are facing a total budget shortfall of $48 billion in FY 2009.”

“In Maryland, because of the tough decisions we made to protect public education, public heath and public safety, and expand opportunity for our middle class families, we are ahead of the game. Working with the General Assembly, we have already reduced spending by $1.8 billion and taken actions to address the structural deficit that we inherited.”

“Without these actions and tough decisions, our State would be facing an estimated $2.5 billion shortfall in FY 2010. Instead, Maryland is a facing a shortfall that is significantly less that is the result of a downturn in the national economy, not structural in nature.”

“We have worked hard to restore fiscal responsibility and accountability in Maryland over these last two years.”

“In 2008 and 2009, our state budget grew by less than 4 percent annually – less than the Spending Affordability Guidelines set by the General Assembly – compared to 22 percent in the last two years of our Republican predecessors.”

“We have already cut $1.8 billion from state spending, eliminated over 700 state positions, and yes, we have asked the people of Maryland to play a role in this solution by increasing the sales tax by a penny and enacting a more progressive income tax structure. The people of Maryland will also have an opportunity to vote on a slots referendum in November that is expected to provide an additional $650 million for public education in our State.”

“As we have worked together to address the structural deficit that we inherited, we will come together in the weeks ahead to address this latest budget challenge presented to us by our national economy; and we will do so in a way that recognizes the burden and challenges faced by our middle-class families as the cost of everything continues to rise even as wages remain stagnant.”

“The investments we have fought so hard to preserve in public education, public safety, and public health are intended for one purpose only – to strengthen and grow our middle class over the long-term and create a more sustainable future for our children.”

“This has been our goal from the beginning, and it will continue to guide the actions of this Administration as we work to address this latest challenge.”

20080909 St from O’Malley on the Brd of Revenue Estimates

Friday, June 27, 2008

19470627 State Revenue Sharing

Carroll County To Received $531,108.73 Additional State Revenue Through Gov. Lane — Democratic Advocate, June 27, 1947.

With the beginning of Governor Lane's new fiscal program of July 1, Carroll County will start to receive $531,108.73 additional in State revenues annually for the cooperation of its government functions and relief of taxation at the local level.

The $532,108.73 is Carroll County's share of the $20,411,348.18 in additional State revenues to be allocated each year to the political subdivisions of Maryland.

Of the $531,108.73 increase to Carroll County, some of which will be shared by incorporated towns, $338,710.00 is for schools, bringing the total received by the County yearly from the State for this purpose to $739,087.00. The new school incentive fund adds another $42,416.00 yearly.

Additional road funds for Carroll County to be divided among Cities and incorporated towns on a mileage basis total $71,413,30, bringing the State's yearly allocation for highway purposes to $308,186.71.

Democratic Advocate, June 27, 1947.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

20080503 Dog park not in Carroll County budget – but ya don’t mess around with Jim

Dog park not in Carroll County budget – but ya don’t mess around with Jim

May 7th, 2008

As if developing the Carroll County Budget is not difficult enough this year, here comes a debate and discussion about a “dog park” that is not even in the budget.

I have often wondered why newspapers print letters to the editor that state things that are not true by most accepted standards… In this case, the item was brought to the commissioners’ attention and they voted it down…

As far as the commentary as to what a paper reports upon and what it does not – that has been an item of discussion since the beginning of newspapers and that debate will continue for eons into the future.

Although I can certainly understand the writer’s frustration, writing so caustically about the paper’s sense of prioritization may very well not be a well-considered strategy.

I suggest that the writer pull out an old copy of the Jim Croce classic, “You Don't Mess Around with Jim” the next time he considers hitting the “send” button.

“You don't tug on Superman's cape/You don't spit into the wind/You don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger/And you don't mess around with Jim”


Letters to the editor Saturday, May 03, 2008

Dog park not in county budget

by Carroll County Commissioner Michael D. Zimmer


On April 28 the Times printed a letter to the editor containing inaccurate information regarding county funding for a dog park in our budget process.

The writer was under the mistaken impression that such an appropriation was supported by the Board of Commissioners. This is actually the direct opposite from the truth.

This was a proposal requested by our Parks and Recreation Department, but not recommended by the Budget Department in the recommended budget. Such items receive a direct appeal to the board from the department head and an up or down vote by the commissioners.

In this case when the Parks and Recreation head made his appeal I told him that I could not support such an appropriation under any circumstances and that I was not persuadable on this point.

On April 16 when the board deliberated and voted on various budget requests all three of us voted not to fund the dog park. There were a number of significant proposals from me that occurred at that meeting. As of the writing of this letter the Times has not reported on the content of this meeting.

For example the Times did not report on my suggestion that we offer tax relief during the meeting. It did not report my request to delete a future position from the County Attorney's office and cease having a designated liaison to the General Assembly from the County Attorney's office. And the Times hasn't reported that I suggested defunding the position of Planning and Development Policy Coordinator.

I don't blame the letter writer for not knowing the facts on the dog park being voted down. He's obviously using the Times as his primary news source.

Michael D. Zimmer Eldersburg The writer is a member of the Carroll County Board of Commissioners.

Dog park isn't worth the cost


It was with total dismay and astonishment that I read the article on the county commissioners' support of a dog park costing over $70,000.

A dog park? Talk about government being involved in every aspect of our lives.

This is further evidence that county taxes should be lowered. The commissioners obviously have more money than they know what to do with.

How about giving some of it back to the taxpayers instead of blowing it?

William Yost Westminster