August 4, 2008
Oh, like you really wouldn’t understand. This photo is posted for Matthew Gunby. It’s a vacuum thing.
Matthew can be found these days at:
20080804 20030500 if men vacuumed
“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
“Let me explain” October 12, 2007 Caption Contest
Please caption this picture.
“Thank Goodness It’s Friday” will be arriving a day early this week as I am on the road much of Friday this week…
This is something right up the alley of Attila over at the Pillage Idiot, but then again considering the amount of talent in the Maryland Blogosphere, I can only imagine – worry – what many of ya will come up with as for suitable caption for the photo above.
The photo was e-mailed to me by “King Harold II” of
How would you caption the photo?
I never drink coffee at lunch
(Well, make that I hardly ever drink coffee at lunch – I’d hate to spoil my afternoon nap…)
February 22, 2007
My suggestion for a caption is:
"I never drink coffee at lunch. I find it keeps me awake for the afternoon.”
If I understood it correctly, “” attributes this quote to former President Ronal Reagan. If he didn’t say – he should’ve - - or I would’ve said it…
The picture above was e-mailed to me by Mrs. Owl. I don’t know who owns the picture – but I sure wish I had taken it.
Meanwhile, if you have another idea for a caption. Let us hear from you. And remember this is a “No Foul Language” web site.