Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
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Showing posts with label MML Municipal League Dayhoff articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MML Municipal League Dayhoff articles. Show all posts

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Kevin Dayhoff @ExploreCarroll: EAGLE ARCHIVE: MML - Maryland Municipal League marks 75 years at summer convention

It’s also celebrating a birthday this year — the MML was founded 75 years ago in 1936 by Annapolis Mayor Louis N. Phelps.

Phelps’ idea was to create a clearinghouse to help Maryland municipalities obtain funds from the Work Progress Administration (WPA) — part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal.

In addition to education and networking, perhaps the MML has been most effective in advocating for municipalities with the Maryland General Assembly.

It may be argued that state budget cuts to municipalities in recent years could have easily caused much more damage to local governments if it had not been for the efforts of the MML working the hallways and offices of Annapolis during the legislative session.

One of the highlights of every summer is the annual MML convention which runs next week, June 26-29.

According to a history of the MML's first 50 years (1936-1986) published in the Maryland Municipal News in September 1986, the MML held its first June convention in 1949...

Kevin Dayhoff @ExploreCarroll: EAGLE ARCHIVE: MML - Maryland Municipal League marks 75 years at summer convention

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Recent Westminster Eagle and Sunday Carroll Eagle columns by Kevin Dayhoff

Recent Westminster Eagle and Sunday Carroll Eagle columns by Kevin Dayhoff

Be critical of spending, but MML has been worthwhile
Published September 17, 2008 by Westminster Eagle
There has been a fair amount of discussion of late regarding published accounts of the June trip by 15 appointed and elected officials from Westminster...

League of extraordinary gentlemen (and women) serving Maryland
Published September 14, 2008 by Sunday Carroll Eagle
Between scholarships, the cost of conferences and its plan to create geocache sites in local municipalities, the Maryland Municipal League has been the...

Appreciating the composed chaos of the GOP Convention
Published September 10, 2008 by Westminster Eagle
I spent last week at the Republican National Convention at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, Minn. The Xcel Center is a hockey arena...

For many years, the convention 'party' came to Baltimore
Published September 5, 2008 by Sunday Carroll Eagle
This past week I was fortunate to have the opportunity to travel with the Maryland Delegation to the 2008 Republican National Convention at...

Power of art contributes to a community's vibrancy
Published September 3, 2008 by Westminster Eagle
This week's column is a bit of a travel log, but one that relates to life here in Westminster. Recently I had an opportunity to...

A town divided found purpose and prosperity as a unified Westminster
Published August 31, 2008 by Sunday Carroll Eagle
EAGLE ARCHIVE Last Sunday we looked at the early history of the western end of Westminster. It was a little more than 80 years ago...

Economic development will revitalize Pennsylvania Avenue
Published August 27, 2008 by Westminster Eagle
At a recent meeting of the Westminster Common Council, it was announced that Councilman Greg Pecoraro will chair another Pennsylvania Avenue initiative, and that Councilwoman...

Years ago, folks celebrated sticking The Forks in Westminster
Published August 24, 2008 by Sunday Carroll Eagle
The City of Westminster has recently been working to form a group to study the Pennsylvania Avenue of town. In that context, it's interesting that back...

I speak today in favor of adventures in 'behindular zone'
Published August 20, 2008 by Westminster Eagle
Well, I did it. Come a little closer, and I'll tell you all about it. All right, maybe not all about it. After all, this...

20080923 Recent Westminster Eagle and Sunday Carroll Eagle columns


Art Econ Benefits of Art, Dayhoff Media Sun Carroll Eagle, History Westminster, Medicine Health colonoscopy, MML Municipal League, MML Municipal League Dayhoff articles, People Pecoraro-Greg, Westminster Council Pecoraro G, Westminster File PA Ave

Monday, September 22, 2008

Westminster Eagle: Be critical of spending, but MML has been worthwhile by Kevin Dayhoff

Westminster Eagle: Be critical of spending, but MML has been worthwhile by Kevin Dayhoff

Posted on 9/17/08

There has been a fair amount of discussion of late regarding published accounts of the June trip by 15 appointed and elected officials from Westminster to attend the annual Maryland Municipal League summer convention -- which city officials acknowledge cost approximately $19,000 in taxpayer money.

The reaction on the street and in the grocery store checkout line was, to be polite, outrage. "Where were their heads when they made this harebrained decision?" asked an acquaintance while I was munching on fries and a roast beef sandwich at Baugher's.

Well, have a seat and take a deep breath. For you see, I can't entirely go along with the populist rabble on this one.

Yes, I enjoy my reputation as a tightwad penny pincher, for which I have endured eloquent criticism in the past -- criticism that comes from those who believe tax and spend big government is the answer to all the challenges in our community.

At a time when city officials are, to the best of my knowledge, for the first time in Westminster history laying off employees due to budget constraints, raising taxes and actively discussing curtailing city services; was it really wise to spend $19,000 on a convention -- which included a $1,500 "team-building dinner?"

Probably not. As one person said to me, it doesn't meet the smell test.

City officials have defended the expense of attending the MML convention, as well they should, by saying in affect that the conference is cost effective.

However, by all accounts, they missed the big picture in defense of the expenditure in that the real challenge facing Westminster is a community conversation over the growth of city government and the spending priorities and policies of the current administration.

The cost of the MML convention served as a lightning rod for the frustration of many folks in the community concerning the past several years when conflicting messages have been telegraphed to the public about city finances. For example, in the last several years the city has added new administrative positions at a cost of more than $200,000 a year -- all the while pleading poverty.

If you want to be upset over the spending priorities and the lack of fiscal discipline of the current administration; have at it.

However, I would leave the MML out of it. For my money, MML is actually part of the solution.

To be fair, the current administration campaigned on the need for increased spending, taxes, bureaucracy and larger government. To now be angry because they've been true to their word is disingenuous at best.

When I was an elected official with the city, I attended six conferences in Ocean City and I continue to keep in touch with MML officials and stay current with MML initiatives, programs, conferences and seminars.

The annual summer convention has grown over the years into a must-attend event for statewide elected leaders as well as municipal officials. Even though it's held in Ocean City, it is a far cry from a vacation at the beach. It's a great deal of work crammed into too few days.

What city officials ought to have done is give a "show me the money" report on what an invaluable service the MML and the summer convention provides our community. There really is bang for that buck, but it's hard to hear that bang over the sound of public protest.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster. E-mail him at

20080917 WE Be critical of spending but MML has been worthwhile

(564 words)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

20080625 This week in The Tentacle

20080625 This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
The MML and the COPS Program
Kevin E. Dayhoff
The annual Maryland Municipal League summer convention in Ocean City wraps up four days of seminars and meetings at the Ocean City Convention Center today.

Greasing the Wheels
Tom McLaughlin
We purchase billions upon billions of dollars of goods from the Chinese. They, in turn, take those dollars and invest in conservative and safe instruments like American T-Bills. This circular path has caused alarm among some that they have the power to wreck our economy and bring America to its knees. However, to destroy our economy would also mean wrecking theirs.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Political Street Gossip – Part 5
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Yesterday, we ended our discussion of Frederick’s delegation races in 2010 with an observation about Sen. Alex Mooney's vulnerabilities. Here's some proof of that.

What War?
Roy Meachum
Reasonable doubt exists that most readers do not know that a week ago 50 Shiite Iraqis died in a tremendous blast, engineered by al-Qaeda Sunnis. In the same forgotten category: Afghanistan's Taliban seized and held a series of towns and villages.

Enjoying What Life Brings on Two Wheels
Nick Diaz
You’ve seen them on the road – all those guys on motorcycles, parading down the boulevard, on Saturdays or Sundays. Where are they going? I’m sure many of you have wondered the same thing.

Monday, June 23, 2008
Political Street Gossip – Part 4
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
We've looked at federal, city, and county upcoming election cycles. The 6th District congressional race is upon us, the others are more distant and definitely less clear.

Ear to the Ground
Steven R. Berryman
Once again, awash in too much real news, here is a smorgasbord of the events I witnessed last week. You may call it “Short Takes 2,” as I keep my ears to the ground for The Tentacle and Frederick County.

Friday, June 20, 2008
Goodbye, Beautiful Long Legs
Roy Meachum
She danced while others simply walked. Parts of two days I spent with Cyd Charisse; the night belonged to her new husband, Tony Martin. He did all the talking, as I recall. She satisfied herself with smiles and a quiet but fiercely radiated warmth.

Before and After November 4, 2008
Edward Lulie III
I have to concede that my regard for President Bush have been on a sliding scale downwards for several years. I believe going into Iraq was the right thing to do; but we never should have based the reason on weapons of mass destruction without solid proof. He also wasted effort and prestige trying to convince the European Union (EU) to go along when half of its leaders were in bed with Saddam Hussein anyway. It was a waste of time.

Thursday, June 19, 2008
For Freedom and Liberty
Chris Cavey
Last week was Flag Week; Saturday, June 14, was Flag Day. It’s a shame that many Americans take this symbol of our freedom for granted. Here at the “Cavey Compound” Old Glory flies everyday because we are free…and my Dad makes sure it happens.

The Death Toll for the DRRA
Joan McIntyre

Well, it seems the Developers Rights and Responsibility Agreement (DRRA), is about to receive last rites. The county is trying to give it CPR but the family, Land Stewards, has said pull the plug, there are no signs of life. It’s heading to the incinerator; this isn’t recyclable.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Holes in Our Safety Net
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Tim Russert, “a giant in journalism and in politics” passed away unexpectedly last Friday. It followed by less than a week the death of ABC’s Jim McKay.

Quantity vs. Quality
Tom McLaughlin
For the first time, it was announced recently, the life expectancy in the United States reached above 78 years old. Some may rejoice at this news, but one must be very careful because the quantity of life may have increased but the quality of life has decreased. This quality not only affects the individual who has reached the golden age mark, but the many people who care for him or her.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
So Be It
Roy Meachum
Iraq was never about military success; the war has always been a political mess: unwinnable at its best. That truth trumped all American pretensions from the start. But U.S. deaths settled down to a point when the casualties could be tolerated by the public. More or less.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

20070904 An answer to Mr. Duck’s question about Port Tobacco

An answer to Mr. Duck’s question about Port Tobacco

September 4th, 2007

Dear Mr. Delusional Duck,

Of course, you are aware that there is no such thing as a silly question.

Although I have not dealt with Port Tobacco officials in recent years, to the best of my knowledge, Port Tobacco is still a functioning municipality with active government officials and an active government. I just called the executive director of the Maryland Municipal League, Scott Hancock and he confirmed it.

The current information on Port Tobacco can be found on the Maryland Municipal League web site, which can be found here:

A brief description of Port Tobacco can be found here:

A link list for all Maryland municipalities can be found here:

Please save/bookmark the Maryland Municipal League web site address:

For any questions about municipalities in the state of Maryland, the Maryland Municipal League (MML) should be your first stop.

If the information is not readily available on the web site, there are phone numbers on the web site for you to call a Maryland Municipal League staff member ( who you will find to be very much in the customer service business and will be very helpful and knowledgeable. They are a wonderful, friendly, and extraordinarily helpful group of folks.

Please find an overview of the organization here:

Briefly: The Maryland Municipal League, founded in 1936, works as a advocate for municipalities throughout the State of Maryland, strengthening the role and capacity of municipal government through research, legislation, technical assistance, training and the dissemination of information for its members.

MML is a statewide organization in Maryland composed solely of municipal officials.

The Maryland Municipal League represents 157 municipal governments and 2 special taxing districts throughout the state of Maryland. The MML is a voluntary, nonprofit, nonpartisan association controlled and maintained by city and town governments.

Disclosure: I served on the Maryland Municipal League Board of Directors annually for five consecutive years, from June 2000 to May 2005.

I graduated from the University of Maryland Academy for Excellence in Local Government in June 2001.

I served on the Maryland Municipal League’s Legislative Committee in 1999-2000 and 2001-2002.

I served as Secretary/Treasurer of the Carroll County Chapter of the Maryland Municipal League for five years (12/07/1999 – 05/16/2005).

I was first elected to the Westminster City Council in May of 1999 and served as the Mayor of Westminster from May 2001 until May 16th, 2005.]

Any additional questions – never hesitate to be in touch. Although I am no longer an elected municipal official, I remain passionate about the good work most local municipal government performs for the citizens we serve. I have not a clue as to why all urban concentrations are not incorporated. Local folks making decisions for local families is always the best way to preserve and protect quality of life and health, safety and welfare.

Thanks for all the great work on the blog. We were all happy for ya to get the attention of the Washington Post“'Duck' Blog Spreads Its Wings in Charles” on August 26th, 2007

Kevin Dayhoff

Related links: Maryland Municipal League:

Posts on “Soundtrack” about the Maryland Municipal League:

Pasted here for your convenience are links for information on all of Maryland municipalities – on the MML web site:









Bel Air


Berwyn Heights











Capitol Heights




Chesapeake Beach

Chesapeake City



Chevy Chase

Chevy Chase Section 3

Chevy Chase Section 5

Chevy Chase View

Chevy Chase Village

Church Creek

Church Hill

Clear Spring

College Park

Colmar Manor

Cottage City



Deer Park



District Heights

Eagle Harbor

East New Market






Fairmount Heights


Forest Heights


Friendship Heights








Garrett Park


Glen Echo








Havre de Grace



Highland Beach




Indian Head




Landover Hills

La Plata




Loch Lynn Heights





Mardela Springs

Martin's Additions






Mountain Lake Park

Mount Airy

Mount Rainier


New Carrollton

New Market

New Windsor

North Beach

North Brentwood

North Chevy Chase

North East



Ocean City




Pocomoke City


Port Deposit

Port Tobacco


Princess Anne

Queen Anne



Rising Sun

Riverdale Park

Rock Hall




Seat Pleasant





Snow Hill


St. Michaels



Takoma Park





Union Bridge

University Park

Upper Marlboro



Washington Grove






Saturday, May 14, 2005

20050513 The Maryland Unemployed Mayor’s Association MMLUMA

The Maryland Unemployed Mayor’s Association MMLUMA
Main Street
Anywhere Everywhere, MD 21158-1245

Exulted Ruler elect: Presently Unemployed
Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff

Exchequer of the Treasury elect: Presently Unemployed
Berlin Mayor Rex Hailey

Exceptional Secretary elect: Presently Unemployed
Forest Heights Mayor Paula Noble

May 13th, 2005

MML President Barrie Tilghman
Maryland Municipal League
1212 West Street
Annapolis, MD 21401-3635

Dear Maryland Municipal League President Barrie Tilghman,

Unemployed Berlin Mayor Rex Hailey, Unemployed Forest Heights Mayor Paula Noble and myself would like to take this opportunity to petition the MML for the formulation of a new Maryland Municipal League Department to be so entitled “The Maryland Unemployed Mayor’s Association” (MMLUMA).

The MMLUMA could be of invaluable service to elected and appointed Maryland public officials, although, we would agree to not ever give anyone, any election advice. We anxiously await your decision, please advise.

Meanwhile, as I am sure you are aware, Tom Ferguson was elected Mayor of the City of Westminster on May 9th, 2005. Mayor Ferguson will do a fine job for our community. Please join me in welcoming and wishing Mayor Ferguson, Godspeed and the best of luck. Please take every opportunity to speak with Westminster Mayor Ferguson about the benefits and value of the MML.

It is with deepest regret that I resign my position as Member at Large of the Maryland Municipal League Board of Directors.

I was first elected to Maryland Municipal League’s Board of Directors, Member-at-Large on June 13th, 2000. I have had the honor to serve on the Board of Directors for the past five years.

It has been a great pleasure working with you, the other Board members, MML Executive Director Scott Hancock and the wonderful, capable and competent MML Staff, elected and appointed public officials throughout the State of Maryland.

It has been an enormous joy to have witnessed the MML continue to grow, prosper, and make an invaluable contribution to all the citizens of Maryland, for whom we have the honor to serve.

If the Board should decide to appoint a replacement for my vacated Member at Large seat, I highly recommend Mt. Airy Council President John Medve.

As I look forward to taking some time off to spend with my family and look forward to whatever opportunities await in the future. I will greatly miss working the MML.

Again, it has been my pleasure to work with you and I wish everyone associated with the MML the very best future. Thank you for all your work.

With best regard, I am

Very truly yours,


Kevin Dayhoff

Kevin Dayhoff, P. O. Box 1245, Westminster, MD 21158-1245