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Showing posts with label Md Gen Assembly 2010 427. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Md Gen Assembly 2010 427. Show all posts

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Carroll County MD receives bond bill money By Adam Bednar

Carroll receives bond bill money By Adam Bednar

Posted: Friday, April 16, 2010 By Adam Bednar, Times Staff Writer

Some state dollars are on the way to help pay for capital improvements in Carroll.

The General Assembly amended the state’s Capital Budget Bill to include $150,000 for the Carroll County Agriculture Center.

Sen. Larry Haines, R-District 5, said that he was happy the ag center is receiving state funding this year.

Both the House and Senate each funded $7.5 million in legislative projects for the 2010 session.

According to a list of bond bills being funded, the General Assembly reviewed more than $35 million in requests.


The bond money will be used on capital improvements at the agricultural center, said Caroline Babylon, the center’s treasurer. However, the specific uses haven’t yet been decided by the center’s board, she said.

Carroll Hospital Center also was awarded $700,000 to help pay for creating extra space for Access Carroll on its campus. However, these funds were included in Gov. Martin O’Malley’s capital budget and were not considered a legislative project, said Sen. David Brinkley, R-District 4.

Read the entire article by Mr. Bednar here:

20100416 Carroll receives bond bill money By Adam Bednar


Saturday, April 10, 2010

MD General Assembly: Sex Offender Legislations Stalls in Session's Final Days

MD Senate GOP Header

Sex Offender Legislations Stalls in Session's Final Days

If meaningful progress is to be made in the 2010 session, it will require last-minute heroics by Citizens for Jessica's Law over the next three days.

Governor Martin O'Malley's package of sex offender bills has passed - but his measures are viewed as administrative tinkering that fail to accomplish the stricter penalties viewed as most effective by supporters of "Jessica's Law."

The Senate has passed both measures that are the focus of lobbying by Citizens for Jessica's Law. The first measure requires a mandatory minimum sentence of 20 years without parole for a second degree rape or sex offense against a child. Senate Bill 622, sponsored by Minority Whip Nancy Jacobs, passed the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee and the full Senate and now sits in the House Judiciary Committee.

However, when the House of Delegates passed House Bill 254, the companion bill to Senate Bill 622, it was amended to a shorter 15 year mandatory minimum sentence. The Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee has conformed the House bill to the Senate bill by amending it back to the 20 year sentence. The conformed bill will be voted on the Senate floor today and sent back to the House Judiciary Committee.

If the 20-year mandatory minimum sentence is not adopted by the House Judiciary Committee, the House can hold the bill (and they fail) or appoint a conference committee to reconcile their differences. If conference committees are appointed by both chambers, they must complete their work by midnight on Monday when the session adjourns.

Joan Harris of Citizens for Jessica's Law questions the legislature's priorities when a bill banning hand-held cell phones is praised as a major accomplishment but critical measures to protect children from heinous crimes fail to pass.
For last minute updates from "Citizens for Jessica's Law," visit their website click here or their Facebook fan page click here.

To see prior posts about the 2010 Legislative Session of the Maryland General Assembly, visit our website at


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Lost Opportunity on Pension Reform - What Maryland Can Learn From Richmond

MD Senate GOP Header
Maryland Senate Republican Slate: Lost Opportunity on Pension Reform - What Maryland Can Learn From Richmond

It appears that the 2010 Session will be a lost opportunity for long-term pension reform in Maryland.

That is unfortunate. Significant progress towards restoring stability in the state pension system could have been made under two proposals before the General Assembly: (1) the Senator Richard Colburn bill to create a "defined contribution" plan for new hires of state employees (see our prior post) and (2) the alternative plan to the Brinkley-Pipkin budget proposal to bring the counties in as partners with the state for future cost-sharing of teachers' pensions (see our prior post).

The blame for the lost opportunity falls directly on Governor Martin O'Malley and Speaker Michael Busch. That's the view of Gazette columnist Barry Rascovar who writes: "Who's afraid of an $8 billion deficit over the next four years? Not Gov. Martin O'Malley. Not House Speaker Mike Busch. Not the Maryland House of Delegates. For them, there's no need to worry today about what might happen tomorrow. That's the attitude that helped plunge Maryland into its current, woeful deficit, as governors and legislators over the last decade repeatedly supported huge spending commitments without bothering to find revenue to pay for them. Now, when faced with an opportunity to downsize that mind-boggling deficit by redistributing the obligations for paying teacher pensions, these politicians refused." To read the entire column, click here.
It's another example of where O'Malley and his policy advisors need to learn from lessons taught by their counterparts in Richmond. In commentary titled "What Washington Can Learn From Richmond," an editorial writer of the Richmond Times-Dispatch extols the budget balancing virtues of Republican Governor Bob McDonnell. Unlike O'Malley, who patched together a series of one-time fund swaps and federal stimulus funds as a temporary fix Maryland's budget trauma, McDonnell chose long-term solutions to Virginia's budget crisis.

On pension reform, McDonnell persuaded his State Senate (Democrat majority) and House of Delegates (Republican majority) to adopt a "defined contribution" plan for new hires - exactly what was proposed by Colburn in Maryland. While Maryland's Democrats cower before the public employee unions, the Times-Dispatch underscores the importance of rebuffing such union demands in order to secure the long-term budget security of the state:

"The most significant piece of McDonnell's budget -- though not widely noted -- was the decision to trim the pension costs of future state employees. By shifting the model for those hired after July 1 to one that more closely resembles private-sector retirement plans, McDonnell took an enormous step in ensuring the state's solvency -- which should soon emerge as a distinct competitive advantage for Virginia's economic development -- while keeping faith with past promises made to current state workers.This essential reform would have been impossible if Virginia politics were dominated by the public-sector unions that seem determined to drive California and New York, to name the most prominent examples, into bankruptcy, crippling tax increases -- or perhaps both. McDonnell has set an important precedent here." To read the full commentary, click here.
To see prior posts about the 2010 Legislative Session of the Maryland General Assembly, visit our website at

or sign up to be our fan on Facebook at


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Bond bills approved for Carroll County by the 427th session of the Maryland General Assembly.

Bond bills approved for Carroll County by the 427th session of the Maryland General Assembly.

Carroll Hospital Center. Provide a grant to the Board of
Directors of the Carroll Hospital Center to assist in the
construction and renovation of the Carroll Hospital Center to
create additional space for the Access Carroll program,
subject to the requirement that the grantee provide an equal
and matching fund for this purpose. Notwithstanding the
provisions of Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may
consist of funds expended prior to the effective date of this Act
(Carroll County)...................700,000 (Which is, in reality, a good thing because under ObamaCare, we will all be using free clinics...)

Carroll County Agriculture Center. Provide a grant equal to
the lesser of (i) $150,000 or (ii) the amount of the matching
fund provided, to the Board of Directors of the Carroll County
Agriculture Center, Inc. for the repair, renovation, capital
equipping, and utility upgrades of the Carroll County
Agriculture Center, located in Westminster. Notwithstanding
Section 1(5) of this Act, the matching fund may consist of in
kind contributions or funds expended prior to the effective date
of this Act (Carroll County) .......................150,000

And that seems to be all that Carroll County received from the Capital Budget of $1,031,794,000

Related: See my The Tentacle column from March 17, 2010 about the bond bill process in the current legislative session: "At the Edge of the Cliff."


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Senator Nancy Jacobs: Please continue to help us pass Jessica's Law in MD

Senator Nancy Jacobs: Please continue to help us pass Jessica's Law in MD

Senator Nancy Jacobs, District 34, Maryland, Harford and Cecil Counties,

April 3, 2010

Senator Jacobs with Mark Lunsford at the recent hearings.

I know that you agree that as a state we cannot afford to be lenient on child rapists. I strongly believe our children are our most precious asset and each day of delay in passing tougher child sexual predator laws puts more Maryland children at risk.

But the good news is that our battle for tougher child sexual predator laws crossed another hurdle this week when Senate Bill 622 "Crimes--Sexual Offenses Against Children--Penalties" passed the Senate on 2nd reader on Friday (2nd reader is where other Senators may offer amendments and ask questions. 3rd reader is the final vote which will be early next week.

In case you forgot, SB622 increases the mandatory minimum sentence from 5 to 20 years for child sexual predators 18 years or older convicted of a second degree rape or second degree sex offense against a victim younger than the age of 13.

While we may have won this battle, the war is far from over. SB622 faces a series of more hurdles until it goes to the governor for his signature to become law. The next step when SB622 clears the Senate is that it will go the House of Delegates' Judiciary Committee. The Judiciary Committee previously passed a weaker version of this bill which called for a 15 year mandatory minimum. We will need your help in asking members of the House committee to support the full 20 year mandatory minimum sentence for rape.

Please Contact the Committee

  • You can contact (via e-mail and phone call) members of the House Judiciary Committee by clicking on their name at this link:
  • Your message to the House Judiciary Committee Chairman and committee members should be:
    "Please pass SB 622 with the full 20 year mandatory minimum sentence for the rape of a child."

Watch the story on Fox 45 Baltimore

Our children who were raped were never given a choice, but as legislators we do have a choice to make our children, families and communities safer. I appreciate all of your efforts to date and your support of my legislation.

In this blessed weekend, I wish you and your family a safe holiday.


Nancy Jacobs
Senate Minority Whip – District 34 (Harford and Cecil County)


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Friday, February 26, 2010

Baltimore Sun: GOP offers constructive ideas for Md. budget

Our view: The plan drafted by two Republican Senators has its flaws, but it is comprehensive and merits consideration

February 24, 2010,0,3431141.story

For years, Republicans in the General Assembly have been carping that Democrats spend too much, but rarely have they said what they would do instead. They occasionally propose an across-the-board spending cut -- a bad idea that fails to set any priorities. But often they eschew specifics, saying that if they offered any, they would only be fodder for Democratic demagoguery. Their grandstanding has been particularly galling since the vast majority of them voted for the biggest spending increases in decades when a Republican held the governor's office.

Republican Sens. David Brinkley and E.J. Pipkin, then, deserve a lot of credit for the proposal they released yesterday. It sets out two goals that are hard to argue with: making progress toward eliminating long-term imbalances between state revenues and expenditures, and doing it in a way that does not lead to more tax increases. Their plan is specific, and many (though not all) of their ideas are good.

Read the entire opinion here: Baltimore Sun: GOP offers constructive ideas for Md. budget -,0,3431141.story

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Message from the Governor

A Message from the Governor

January 13, 2010

427th Legislative Session

Today, the 427th Maryland General Assembly convened for its 90-day legislative session.

Our task as public servants, as Marylanders, and as Americans is to continue making the choices and connections that will allow our families to get through these tough times even stronger. As I know you'll agree, there is no government program that is as important and empowering as a job that allows a family to raise their kids with dignity and respect and a roof over their heads. In these tough times, everything we accomplish this legislative session must be seen through the lens of whether or not it creates jobs, protects jobs, or improves the environment for creating and protecting jobs.

And it begins with maintaining the era of fiscal responsibility we returned to Annapolis. Rather than increasing spending, for the first time since the Great Depression, spending levels are less today than they were four years ago – and state spending has reduced $4.6 billion under our Administration. Maryland remains one of only seven states that continue to defend a Triple A Bond rating – a measure of fiscal responsibility certified by all three major agencies.

Every year for the past three years, we've submitted a budget that is not only balanced, but that comes in within the spending affordability guidelines. It is all with the goal and the motive and purpose of maintaining fiscal responsibility so we can make progress on schools, progress on public safety, progress that strengthens and grows our middle class and creates more opportunity for hardworking people in our State

Martin O'Malley

20100113 A Message from the Gov 427 MGA Gov O'Malley Admin, Md Gen Assembly 2010 427, MD Gen Assembly Opera, People O'Malley-Martin


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: