Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
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Showing posts with label People Miller-Thomas V Mike MD Sen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People Miller-Thomas V Mike MD Sen. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Memo to Md Gov. Larry Hogan: Always understand the context in which you serve.

The newly-elected Md. Gov. Larry Hogan, is a likeable-enough guy; but now is the time to stop campaigning and start governing.

Kevin E. Dayhoff, February 9, 2015

Apparently, the Baltimore Sun sees it as many do; now is the time for Gov. Hogan to govern. Gov. Larry Hogan’s State of the State address February 4, 2015 was a page from the playbook of President Barrack Obama that has failed so miserably.

That is, know when it is the time to be a statesperson and govern and when to stop campaigning.

Now President Obama cannot help himself. He suffers from a destructive narcissistic personality disorder.

But the newly elected Republican governor of Maryland ought to have known better.

As much as many in his base agreed with every comment uttered in the state of the state address, it was mistake to say it. We get it. And it was an unnecessary exposure to say it.

To say much of what he said in the hallowed halls of Md. State Senate President Mike Miller and Md Speaker of the House Mike Busch is tantamount to the old adage, don’t tug on superman’s cape, and don’t spit in the wind….

Now is the time to move-on to the business of governance in the Maryland General Assembly, a government whose feudal middle-ages roots were laid before the birth of the modern Westphalian State in 1648 - a medieval byzantine environment that is ruled by feudal lords of the manor that are inherently hostile to dissent and have no concept of accountability or being held responsible for their behavior.

The governor should take a memo; now is the time to stop preaching to the choir and reach out into the Maryland General Assembly audience and start winning folks over. In this business one accumulates enemies, do not go out of your way to make any.

All the state of the state did was feed red meat to the liberal lions of the Maryland General Assembly and they reacted predictably. It was the mistake of someone who had never held elected office before. It was the sophomoric mistake of a rookie and candidly, the governor is surrounded by enough veterans that the mistake ought to have been avoided.

That said, it is often been stated that the reaction to a problem is often as critical as to the problem itself. Fortunately the governor is a likable-enough guy who roots in real estate transactions have taught him that it is better to be loved than feared.

The Senate President on the other hand, is so powerful – arguably one of the most powerful elected officials in the entire nation - - that he does not care whether or not you like him. He is simply to be feared.

In this case the reaction by the Senate President Mike Miller was the mistake of someone so arrogant as to believe that he so powerful that the rules do not apply - that he would not be held responsible for his actions or behavior. President Miller’s behavior was a manifestation of how dare this conservative Republican upstart tread into my pond and row around spewing such blasphemy.

It brings to mind another rule: Always understand the context in which you serve.

Candidly, if the shoe were on the other foot, and a liberal had rowed into a conservative stronghold and thumbed their nose at the powers-that-be; conservatives probably would not have reacted any better. We hope they would have, but maybe not.

In this case, the case of the Senate President; the reaction was so over-the-top and cringe worthy that even the Baltimore Sun cringed.

Read the first two paragraphs of the Sunpapers’ response here and be sure to go to and read the rest. It is well worth the time.

Baltimore Sun Editorial: Miller overreacts, Hogan benefits February 9, 2015

We doubt Gov. Larry Hogan intended to make Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller's head explode with his State of the State speech last week, but it might wind up working out for him politically, if not for the people of the state substantively. The governor's address was heavy on recycled bromides from his stump speech and not equal to the occasion, but it looks downright statesmanlike in comparison to the ensuing petulant overreaction from the Senate president and his loyal lieutenants. Nonetheless, it may have given Democrats an excuse to kill legislation they didn't like anyway.

On Friday, the Senate delayed confirmation votes for the first five of Mr. Hogan's cabinet secretary nominees to come before it, and senators were not at all subtle about the connection between that decision and the State of the State speech. The contrast with Mr. Miller's attitude on the opening day of the legislative session, when he predicted before even holding any hearings that all of Mr. Hogan's nominees would be confirmed, is not flattering. It suggests that the Senate's role to advise and consent is a function of the Senate president's mood and not the quality of the nominees…

Also be sure to read: Miller’s joke with one appointee could prove prophetic By: Bryan P. Sears Daily Record Business Writer  February 9, 2015

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Steve Kelly – Gazette: Miller wants to ensure gas tax revenue would go to transportation projects

Miller wants to ensure gas tax revenue would go to transportation projects

Some say constitutional amendment is stronger, hands-off measure

By Steve Kelly, Staff Writer Friday, November 18, 2011

Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller said last week that he favors a super-majority vote in the legislature to transfer transportation money to other uses rather than a constitutional amendment that would keep the money off limits for other purposes.

The issue surfaced recently with talk of a possible gas tax increase to fund transportation projects, which the General Assembly could address in its upcoming session.

Transportation advocates and some business leaders have said they could support a gas tax increase to bolster the state’s depleted Transportation Trust Fund, but with the provision that a firewall be erected so the money only could be used for needed transportation infrastructure projects…


Friday, September 22, 2006

20060921 Unhinged Maryland Democrats behaving badly

“MD Senate President Mike Miller, aka the “Silver Fox” can punch.

– He’s a contender”

September 21, 2006 © Kevin Dayhoff

MD Senate President Mike Miller allegedly punches opponent supporter

The WBAL radio web site is carrying a story that A Prince George's County developer is accusing Maryland Senate President Mike Miller of punching him:”

I got a phone yesterday (Wednesday) evening that at a land-use hearing in southern Maryland - Maryland Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. (D-Calvert and Prince George’s Cos.) took offense at an individual’s verbal support of the President Miller’s opponent and it was alleged that he hauled-off and punched him.

I appreciated the tip (from a very reliable source,) however, I held back with the blaze-on fingers at the keyboard because of the serious nature of the mere suggestion of an act of violence by none-other than the president of the Maryland Senate. If that really happened, it is a serious miss-step on the part of our Maryland Senate president. One of many in the last year or so.

Before you draw any conclusions, bear in mind that this will undoubtedly quickly become a “he said – she said.”

And true to form, as I scoured for addition news reports on the incident, early Thursday afternoon, the Baltimore Sun has come riding-in to the rescue. In their version of the story, “Miller said the charges are "absolutely, unequivocally" not true.”

Advancing age allows me to recognize political silliness when I see it and when nonsense like this blazes across my computer screen, I look for reliable sources. Not included on that list when it comes to politics is the Baltimore Sun. I’ve been there and got the t-shirt.

Many of the Sun’s business writers, arts, … and many of the other features of the paper, I can read and enjoy. However, I take whatever the Sun’s political writers say with a grain of salt and plenty of collateral reading before I draw any conclusions.

To that end, one writer I have followed for a number of years, S. A. Miller of the Washington Times also reported exculpatory information: “Mr. (Mike) Miller's spokeswoman, however, said nothing happened. ‘It's not true,’ Lisa McMurray said last night. ‘I don't know what to tell you.’”

Well, I know what to tell ya. Considering the erratic behavior of the Senate president in the last year, many are going to be predisposed to believe that President Miller has become unglued.

Meanwhile, as this latest Sumu wrestling match plays itself out, the fracas needs to moved to the side of the road while potential leadership in the state sticks to the real issues that affect the average voter at the family dinner table. Politicians behaving badly rains on everyone’s parade, no matter what party.

Which brings us to one more thing, before the humor begins.

For Pete’s sake, one can easily characterize the behavior of a number of the members of Maryland’s Democratic leadership as exhibiting the behavior of a two-year old in a high chair throwing food. But, whatever your politics, no-one wants to believe that the president of the Maryland Senate really physically struck someone – anyone, for that matter.

The once proud Maryland General Assembly is already the laughing stock of the nation. However, as much as any of us can mutter under their breath that the august institution deserves that accolade, ultimately, such a characterization of Maryland’s lawmaking body is a reflection upon all of us and eventually, inevitably, all of us are hurt by the Maryland General Assembly’s recent lapses in judgment and childish behavior.

Anyway the Sun reports that it is all a misunderstanding. The paper managed to dig up additional information and reports, “Yates Clagett, who works for the Prince George's County Soil Conservation District and attended the meeting, said” President Miller was just playing with the alleged victim, a developer, Leo Bruso of Land and Commercial Incorporated.

However, for those of us who have read the Sun for years, we have certainly never-ever witnessed the Sun only tell part of the story or engage in selective quotation to promulgate a liberal-biased point of view. Of course not.

None of the other publications that have covered the story have provided extensive exculpatory information. One only wishes that the Baltimore Sun would work as hard to find “the rest of the story,” when it reports upon the activities of Republicans.

As far as the alleged boxing match incident with President Slugger Miller (aka Slugger,) one cannot be everywhere to witness the random acts of violence that are the foundation of Maryland politics. But usually, these days, the violence is only verbal. But how many of us would have paid good money to have been there for a ring-side seat to see the Senate president once again come unhinged?

Hopefully we have come a long way since the election riots of 1856 in Baltimore City. These days the only “riots” are of the verbal and parliamentary variety in the Maryland General Assembly.

I mean, everyone is aware that politics in Maryland is often referred to as a “blood contact sport,” however; this is to be understood as a euphemism to explain how seriously folks in the Old Line State take issues of governance and the promulgation of public policy.

I usually like to refer to politics in Maryland as a Sumu wrestling match between big heavy sweaty guys in diapers, grunting loudly and hugging each other to the mat. Now that leaves you with an endless possibility of visuals, doesn’t it?

Only apparently it is being alleged that President Miller didn’t get the memo - that we can take our politics seriously but we’re not supposed to actually “contact” one another in a public discourse.

Sticks and stones can break your bones but words will never hurt you.

Allegedly, President Miller is finished with the hurtful words and is now “taking off the gloves” to duke it out with his opponents.

It has not been a good year for President Miller. All the warning signs have been evident for those of us who are trained to recognize the potential of a person to resort to violence.

Then in the same article, Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley picked up the rhetoric by saying: “‘The Democratic Party’s message has become clearer with every passing year with the failures of the Ehrlich administration,’ O’Malley said. ‘’We are prepared for battle.’”

Surely, the fit and buff soft-spoken mayor did not expect his lieutenants to put up their dukes?

But the Gazette writers then warned Governor Ehrlich and Maryland’s Lt. Gov. Michael Steele that violence loomed when they wrote: “… Miller’s comments in The (Baltimore) Sun that Dems would shoot down high-flying GOP members and bury the GOP ‘face down.’ We’re going to put them in the ground, and it’ll be 10 years before they crawl out again,’ quoth the Silver Fox. Miller looked chagrined at having his words repeated, and laughed off the remarks as being directed at Bob Ehrlich and Mike Steele, not Senate Republicans.”

President Slugger Miller’s quotes were subsequently ubiquitously posted on the second floor of the Maryland State House.

On January 23rd, 2006, Jon Ward wrote a Washington Times piece, “Miller’s words fire up rivals,” which reflected: “Mr. Miller said Thursday that he knew his quote was put on the doors on the second floor. But he said he didn't think he had given Republicans any extra motivation. "They don't need motivation," Mr. Miller said. "They're Kool-Aid drinkers."

Well apparently in addition to Kool-Aid, any opponent that crosses President Slugger Miller’s path may also need smelling salts.

In the same article by Jon Ward: “Lenny Alcivar, Mr. Steele's campaign spokesman, said his office was aware of Mr. Miller's quote. ‘think it's safe to say that given the broad support that the lieutenant governor and the governor are clearly showing and given the feedback from Marylanders ... [Mr. Miller] will wake up one day soon and regret that lapse in judgment,’ Mr. Alcivar said.”

Perhaps the day that President Slugger Miller woke up to regret those words was earlier this morning. Meanwhile there is no confirmation that President Miller is awaked to the theme song from the Sylvester Stallone movie series, “Rocky.” One can just see President Slugger Miller in front of the mirror in the morning, repeating to himself, “I’m a contender. I’m a contender,” as he shadow boxes his way to some orange juice, yogurt and toast.

And speaking of toast there have been many whispers in the hallways that Senate president’s longstanding run may be coming to a close. Chances are that Anne Arundel voters will return President Miller to the Senate as they have for the past “31 years, 19 of them as Senate president.” (S. A. Miller, Washington Times, Sept. 21, 2006)

However, many believe that it is time for the Senate president to retire. It is looking like there will be some changes in the Democratic make-up of the Senate for the next legislative session and whispers in the hallway are that folks want a change. The courts have overturned several legislative initiatives of the Democratic leadership in the last several months and many voters are having conversations over the kitchen table and the backyard fence that all the anti-gubernatorial gotcha obstructionism and partisan politics are getting old.

President Mike Miller – oh he’s a contender all right – for retirement.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report

20060921 KDDC Unhinged Maryland Democrats behaving badly

20060921 KDDC Unhinged Maryland Democrats behaving badly

“MD Senate President Mike Miller, aka the “Silver Fox” can punch.

– He’s a contender”

September 21, 2006 © Kevin Dayhoff

MD Senate President Mike Miller allegedly punches opponent supporter

The WBAL radio web site is carrying a story that A Prince George's County developer is accusing Maryland Senate President Mike Miller of punching him:”

I got a phone yesterday (Wednesday) evening that at a land-use hearing in southern Maryland - Maryland Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. (D-Calvert and Prince George’s Cos.) took offense at an individual’s verbal support of the President Miller’s opponent and it was alleged that he hauled-off and punched him.

I appreciated the tip (from a very reliable source,) however, I held back with the blaze-on fingers at the keyboard because of the serious nature of the mere suggestion of an act of violence by none-other than the president of the Maryland Senate. If that really happened, it is a serious miss-step on the part of our Maryland Senate president. One of many in the last year or so.

Before you draw any conclusions, bear in mind that this will undoubtedly quickly become a “he said – she said.”

And true to form, as I scoured for addition news reports on the incident, early Thursday afternoon, the Baltimore Sun has come riding-in to the rescue. In their version of the story, “Miller said the charges are "absolutely, unequivocally" not true.”

Advancing age allows me to recognize political silliness when I see it and when nonsense like this blazes across my computer screen, I look for reliable sources. Not included on that list when it comes to politics is the Baltimore Sun. I’ve been there and got the t-shirt.

Many of the Sun’s business writers, arts, … and many of the other features of the paper, I can read and enjoy. However, I take whatever the Sun’s political writers say with a grain of salt and plenty of collateral reading before I draw any conclusions.

To that end, one writer I have followed for a number of years, S. A. Miller of the Washington Times also reported exculpatory information: “Mr. (Mike) Miller's spokeswoman, however, said nothing happened. ‘It's not true,’ Lisa McMurray said last night. ‘I don't know what to tell you.’”

Well, I know what to tell ya. Considering the erratic behavior of the Senate president in the last year, many are going to be predisposed to believe that President Miller has become unglued.

Meanwhile, as this latest Sumu wrestling match plays itself out, the fracas needs to moved to the side of the road while potential leadership in the state sticks to the real issues that affect the average voter at the family dinner table. Politicians behaving badly rains on everyone’s parade, no matter what party.

Which brings us to one more thing, before the humor begins.

For Pete’s sake, one can easily characterize the behavior of a number of the members of Maryland’s Democratic leadership as exhibiting the behavior of a two-year old in a high chair throwing food. But, whatever your politics, no-one wants to believe that the president of the Maryland Senate really physically struck someone – anyone, for that matter.

The once proud Maryland General Assembly is already the laughing stock of the nation. However, as much as any of us can mutter under their breath that the august institution deserves that accolade, ultimately, such a characterization of Maryland’s lawmaking body is a reflection upon all of us and eventually, inevitably, all of us are hurt by the Maryland General Assembly’s recent lapses in judgment and childish behavior.

Anyway the Sun reports that it is all a misunderstanding. The paper managed to dig up additional information and reports, “Yates Clagett, who works for the Prince George's County Soil Conservation District and attended the meeting, said” President Miller was just playing with the alleged victim, a developer, Leo Bruso of Land and Commercial Incorporated.

However, for those of us who have read the Sun for years, we have certainly never-ever witnessed the Sun only tell part of the story or engage in selective quotation to promulgate a liberal-biased point of view. Of course not.

None of the other publications that have covered the story have provided extensive exculpatory information. One only wishes that the Baltimore Sun would work as hard to find “the rest of the story,” when it reports upon the activities of Republicans.

As far as the alleged boxing match incident with President Slugger Miller (aka Slugger,) one cannot be everywhere to witness the random acts of violence that are the foundation of Maryland politics. But usually, these days, the violence is only verbal. But how many of us would have paid good money to have been there for a ring-side seat to see the Senate president once again come unhinged?

Hopefully we have come a long way since the election riots of 1856 in Baltimore City. These days the only “riots” are of the verbal and parliamentary variety in the Maryland General Assembly.

I mean, everyone is aware that politics in Maryland is often referred to as a “blood contact sport,” however; this is to be understood as a euphemism to explain how seriously folks in the Old Line State take issues of governance and the promulgation of public policy.

I usually like to refer to politics in Maryland as a Sumu wrestling match between big heavy sweaty guys in diapers, grunting loudly and hugging each other to the mat. Now that leaves you with an endless possibility of visuals, doesn’t it?

Only apparently it is being alleged that President Miller didn’t get the memo - that we can take our politics seriously but we’re not supposed to actually “contact” one another in a public discourse.

Sticks and stones can break your bones but words will never hurt you.

Allegedly, President Miller is finished with the hurtful words and is now “taking off the gloves” to duke it out with his opponents.

It has not been a good year for President Miller. All the warning signs have been evident for those of us who are trained to recognize the potential of a person to resort to violence.

Then in the same article, Baltimore Mayor Martin O’Malley picked up the rhetoric by saying: “‘The Democratic Party’s message has become clearer with every passing year with the failures of the Ehrlich administration,’ O’Malley said. ‘’We are prepared for battle.’”

Surely, the fit and buff soft-spoken mayor did not expect his lieutenants to put up their dukes?

But the Gazette writers then warned Governor Ehrlich and Maryland’s Lt. Gov. Michael Steele that violence loomed when they wrote: “… Miller’s comments in The (Baltimore) Sun that Dems would shoot down high-flying GOP members and bury the GOP ‘face down.’ We’re going to put them in the ground, and it’ll be 10 years before they crawl out again,’ quoth the Silver Fox. Miller looked chagrined at having his words repeated, and laughed off the remarks as being directed at Bob Ehrlich and Mike Steele, not Senate Republicans.”

President Slugger Miller’s quotes were subsequently ubiquitously posted on the second floor of the Maryland State House.

On January 23rd, 2006, Jon Ward wrote a Washington Times piece, “Miller’s words fire up rivals,” which reflected: “Mr. Miller said Thursday that he knew his quote was put on the doors on the second floor. But he said he didn't think he had given Republicans any extra motivation. "They don't need motivation," Mr. Miller said. "They're Kool-Aid drinkers."

Well apparently in addition to Kool-Aid, any opponent that crosses President Slugger Miller’s path may also need smelling salts.

In the same article by Jon Ward: “Lenny Alcivar, Mr. Steele's campaign spokesman, said his office was aware of Mr. Miller's quote. ‘think it's safe to say that given the broad support that the lieutenant governor and the governor are clearly showing and given the feedback from Marylanders ... [Mr. Miller] will wake up one day soon and regret that lapse in judgment,’ Mr. Alcivar said.”

Perhaps the day that President Slugger Miller woke up to regret those words was earlier this morning. Meanwhile there is no confirmation that President Miller is awaked to the theme song from the Sylvester Stallone movie series, “Rocky.” One can just see President Slugger Miller in front of the mirror in the morning, repeating to himself, “I’m a contender. I’m a contender,” as he shadow boxes his way to some orange juice, yogurt and toast.

And speaking of toast there have been many whispers in the hallways that Senate president’s longstanding run may be coming to a close. Chances are that Anne Arundel voters will return President Miller to the Senate as they have for the past “31 years, 19 of them as Senate president.” (S. A. Miller, Washington Times, Sept. 21, 2006)

However, many believe that it is time for the Senate president to retire. It is looking like there will be some changes in the Democratic make-up of the Senate for the next legislative session and whispers in the hallway are that folks want a change. The courts have overturned several legislative initiatives of the Democratic leadership in the last several months and many voters are having conversations over the kitchen table and the backyard fence that all the anti-gubernatorial gotcha obstructionism and partisan politics are getting old.

President Mike Miller – oh he’s a contender all right – for retirement.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report

Miller – Md Senate Pres. Thomas V. Mike Miller

Humor Political, Miller – Md. Sen. Pres. Mike Miller, Maryland General Assembly Opera, Art,

“MD Senate President Mike Miller, aka the “Silver Fox” can punch.

– He’s a contender”

20060921 SDOSM Unhinged Maryland Democrats behaving badly

20060921 KDDC Unhinged Maryland Democrats behaving badly

20060921 NBH Unhinged Maryland Democrats behaving badly