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Showing posts with label People Steele-Michael. Show all posts
Showing posts with label People Steele-Michael. Show all posts

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Cross Purposes: Michael Steele Speaks

Cross Purposes: Michael Steele Speaks: This afternoon I had a substantive and positive conversation with former Lieutenant Governor and RNC Chairman Michael Steele. The conversa...


This afternoon I had a substantive and positive conversation with former Lieutenant Governor and RNC Chairman Michael Steele.
The conversation came about in a roundabout way. After I posted my most recent blog piece about his future plans, two Steele supporters started complaining about what I wrote, leaving or attempting to leave aggressive and sometimes antagonistic comments on my blog. One of them even sent me an email telling me I was “demanded” to contact Steele so he could set the record straight.


Monday, April 05, 2010

Washington Post: Republican National Committee chief of staff quits

News Alert: Republican National Committee chief of staff quits
05:57 PM EDT Monday, April 5, 2010

RNC chief of staff Ken McKay resigns

Updated 7:20 p.m.
Republican National Committee chief of staff Ken McKay has resigned in the wake of a controversy over an expenditure at a risque California nightclub, RNC communications director Doug Heye said Monday.

McKay's resignation comes one week after the Daily Caller Web site reported that the RNC's January expenditure report included nearly $2,000 spent at Voyeur in West Hollywood, a topless nightclub.

RNC officials worked to distance Chairman Michael Steele from the controversy -- insisting that not only was he not in attendance but that he had no knowledge of the reimbursement -- and promised changes in the way that people were reimbursed by the committee.

McKay's resignation appears to be the leading edge of those moves, and an attempt by Steele and the broader RNC to show donors worried about the stability of the committee that changes ares being made.


RNC chief of staff Ken McKay has resigned, a week after improper spending by committee staff came to light.

For more information, visit


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Monday, March 29, 2010

Michael Steele and the RNC are alleged to have walked on the wide side

It’s been a month of “explaining” for RNC Chairman Michael Steele – and there’s likely to be more coming.

The Daily Caller reports on some excessive spending from the RNC (and Steele personally), including nearly $2,000 at a “bondage-themed nightclub.”

Here’s some of the Daily Caller’s report:

A February RNC trip to California, for example, included a $9,099 stop at the Beverly Hills Hotel, $6,596 dropped at the nearby Four Seasons, and $1,620.71 spent [update: the amount is actually $1,946.25] at Voyeur West Hollywood, a bondage-themed nightclub featuring topless women dancers imitating lesbian sex.

Let’s go to the Republican ‘please avoid’ checklist: Hollywood? Check. Bondage-themed? Check. Topless women? Check. Lesbian sex? Check.

Needless to say, although Steele wasn’t talking to the Daily Caller, his spokesperson is already speaking out against the “erroneous” report. A spokesman tells National Review:

We are investigating the expenditure in question. The story willfully and erroneously suggests that the expenditure in question was one belonging to the chairman. This was a reimbursement made to a non-committee staffer. The chairman was never at the location in question, he had no knowledge of the expenditure, nor does he find the use of committee funds at such a location at all acceptable.

There’s more in here that just doesn’t look good. $17,514 on “private aircraft in the month of February alone” (and another $12,691 on limos), compared to zero from DNC Chair Tim Kaine in the last three months. And now, according to the story, Steele wants to buy a private jet.

This story is continuing to break – MSNBC has teased an upcoming segment, but it has yet to be mentioned on the three cablers. That will change, and we’ll update as it does.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Friday, August 28, 2009

PolitiFact: Our first parental advisory on a Truth-O-Meter item

Welcome to the new Politifact

We don't expect there are too many kids reading PolitiFact, but just in case, we put a parental advisory on an item we published about Rush Limbaugh. Rush earned a Pants on Fire.

We've also got lots of new items, including:
  • Howard Dean was wrong that Medicare and Social Security were passed without any Republican votes. We also used another statement by Dean to explore the truth about "rationing" in health care. The truth is that there is rationing under our current health care system and there would also be rationing under the reform plan.
  • George Will had a perfect record of True ratings until he twisted the details of stimulus spending and earned a Barely True.
  • Michael Steele was ridiculously wrong with his claim that a VA brochure encourages suicide. Steele earns a Pants on Fire.

Thanks for all the entries for PolitiFact goodies. We'll be sending T-shirts and mousepads and ashtrays to the winners next week.

We're also starting a new giveaway for people who suggest facts we should check. If we end up checking a fact you suggest (send them to, we'll send you a T-shirt. So keep the suggestions coming.


Bill Adair


Saturday, April 25, 2009

More Profiles in Arrogance by Michael Steele

More Profiles in Arrogance by Michael Steele

Recently in his speech in France, Barack Obama called America "arrogant." (1) I'm sure the French loved it -- And so did the liberal press.

But who is this president who calls the American people arrogant?

This is the same politician whose supporters anointed him "The One" and a candidate who boasted that his election would be remembered as "
the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal." (2)

This is the same man who indicated his disdain for small town and working Americans when he said they "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them," while addressing a group of San Francisco caviar and champagne liberal elitists.

How arrogant is that? Arrogant enough?

In truth, President Obama seems to champion the twisted "Blame-America First" mentality of the worst of the American left.

More importantly, it shows an absence of wisdom to criticize the United States while on foreign soil, and then join with the Pelosi-Reid Democrats in Congress to do everything possible to end American exceptionalism and create a weak, dependent socialist state patterned after the examples of Europe.

He has taken steps towards nationalizing American auto companies; firing executives while leaving in power the same Union Bosses who funded his campaign and helped cripple the U.S.'s manufacturing base.

He has refused to let financial firms pay back taxpayer-funded bailout loans (3) so he can make them hostages to the whims of the Federal government.

As a lawyer, Obama once sued the same financial institutions on behalf of radical groups like ACORN for failing to use leftist social engineering criteria for lending instead of an applicant's ability to repay a loan.

He campaigned on "transparency" and "integrity" in government and then has nominated a rogue gallery of tax evaders, Washington bureaucrats, and lobbyists to run his Administration.

Obama brazenly follows his chief of staff's maxim of "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste...This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before" (4) to cripple our free markets with massive taxation and spending that wrests away our freedoms and puts even our great-grandchildren in debt.

And now, anyone who dares speak out against or challenge Obama's ultra-liberal agenda, such as the hundreds of thousands of patriots who attended last week's Tea Parties, should expect to be labeled "unhealthy" by this Adminstration. (5) Now, THAT is arrogance!

You know that Barack Obama's hubris and charisma conceal the inexperience and lack of wisdom that our country cannot afford in its president.
And though the teleprompter and mainstream media liberals may delay America's realization of the peril the Obama White House portends for our future for a while, the eventual failure of leftist policies and ineffective leadership will not.

We must be ready when that time comes.

Please help the Republican Party's effort to spread the word about the Democrats' arrogance of power and support GOP Members of Congress as they work to hold the Obama Democrats accountable to the American people, by
making a contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50, or $25 to the Republican National Committee today.

Your gift will also help support the recruitment and election of principled candidates who will defeat the Democrats in 2009 and 2010 and lay the groundwork for ending Barack Obama's grip on power in 2012. Thank you.


Michael Steele
Chairman, Republican National Committee

P.S. Kevin, the RNC is working hard to hold back the Obama Democrats' damaging, arrogant power grab -- please take this opportunity right now to support our fight against ineffective leadership and failed legislation by making a
secure online contribution of $1,000, $500, $100, $50, or $25 to the RNC today. Thank you.

1 "[A]rrogant." (President Barack Obama, Town Hall, Strasbourg, France, 4/3/09)

2"[T]he moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal." (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks After The Democrat Primary, St. Paul, MN, 6/3/08)

3"[R]efused to let financial firms pay back taxpayer-funded bailout loans..." (Stuart Varney, "Obama Wants To Control The Banks," The Wall Street Journal, 4/4/09)

4"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste...This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before." (Gerald F. Seib, "In Crisis, Opportunity For Obama," The Wall Street Journal, 11/21/08)

5"I think any time you have severe economic conditions there is always an element of disaffection that can mutate into something that's unhealthy," (David Axelrod, "Face the Nation" 4/19/09)

Contributions or gifts to the Republican National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Contributions from corporations, labor unions, federal contractors and foreign nationals without permanent residency status are prohibited.

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Paid for by the Republican National Committee, and authorized by Coleman for Senate '08. 310 First Street, SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500

Copyright 2009 Republican National Committee

20090423 More Profiles in Arrogance by Michael Steele

Kevin Dayhoff

Monday, February 09, 2009

CyberAlert for February 9 2009

CyberAlert for February 9 2009

The 2,821st CyberAlert. Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996 9:25am EST, Monday February 9, 2009 (Vol. Fourteen; No. 27)

1. Steele Stumps Stephanopoulos on 'Make Work' vs. Jobs ABC's George Stephanopoulos was puzzled on Sunday's This Week when new Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele saw a difference between government-created temporary "make work" jobs and jobs created by the private sector: "I guess I don't really understand that distinction." When Steele charged that "what this administration is talking about is making work," Stephanopoulos interjected, "But that's a job," leading Steele to explain: "No, it's not a job. A job is something that a business owner creates. It's going to be long term. What he's [Obama's] creating" are projects that "have an end point." Answering Stephanopoulos' confusion, Steele elaborated: "Well, the difference, the distinction is this. If you got a government contract that's a fixed period of time it goes away. The work may go away. There's no guarantee that there's going to be more work when you're done that job." To which, Stephanopoulos retorted: "But we've seen millions and millions of jobs going away in the private sector just in the last year." Steele tried again: "Yes, but they come back though, George. That's the point. They've gone away before and they come back."

2. NBC Thrills Over 'Brand Obama': 'The Messiah of Madison Avenue' On a day when Barack Obama was struggling to push through a stimulus bill in Congress, journalists on Friday's Today show decided to fawn over the branding of the new President, even referring to the Commander in Chief as the "messiah of Madison Avenue." NBC correspondent Jamie Gangel highlighted a batch of new Obama merchandise and enthused: "And the whole world is apparently going Obama." Speaking of the various products and worldwide commercials featuring the first family, Gangel raved: "Everyone wants to be like Barack. He's being called the messiah of Madison Avenue." As video of the Obama children appeared onscreen, the reporter continued, "They're the 'It girls.' Together, welcome brand Obama." After discussing the new brand of Obama-flavored ice cream ("Yes Pecan") and Michelle Obama-inspired fashion, Gangel extolled, "America has embraced the Obama family and a new sense of chic."

3. Stephanopoulos Links Obama's Islamo Dictatorship Metaphor to GOP On Friday's Good Morning America, George Stephanopoulos turned a statement that Barack Obama made about corrupt Islamic dictatorships and made it into a metaphor on congressional Republican opposition to the President's stimulus bill. Speaking of the difficulty Obama has had with passing his multi-billion dollar spending bill, Stephanopoulos instructed, "And to borrow a metaphor from the President's inaugural address, he might have to replace his open hand with a clenched fist." In comparison, during the President's inaugural address on January 20, Obama spoke to the Muslim world and asserted, "To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist." GMA news anchor Chris Cuomo seemed to understand Stephanopoulos' linkage. He complained: "Who knew that the clenched fist would be about Congress? We thought he was talking about foreign people, foreign countries, then."

4. Olbermann: Time for 'Dick' Cheney to 'Shove It' & 'Leave Country' Now that America has a liberal President, it is apparently no longer acceptable for a private citizen to express disagreement with the White House in Keith Olbermann's world. On Thursday's Countdown show, MSNBC host Olbermann delivered his latest "Special Comment" rant, this time calling for former Vice President Cheney to "leave this country," and made a suggestion that Cheney, who recently criticized President Obama's plans for handling counterterrorism, should somehow be "made to desist" from such criticism: "You, Mr. Cheney, you terrified more Americans than did any terrorist in the last seven years, and now it is time for you to desist, or to be made to desist." The Countdown host, who never showed any concern that his tirades against the Bush administration would "undermine" the war on terrorism, accused Cheney of "trying to sabotage" Obama's "efforts against terrorism," and made a number of vulgar implications in attacking Cheney -- including twice pronouncing the former Vice President's first name with emphasis as if to call him by a vulgar word; saying that he would tell Cheney to "shove it"; and asking which "orifice" Cheney was pulling numbers from about the recidivism rate of former Guantanamo detainees.

MRC Home CyberAlerts Media Reality Check Notable Quotables Bozell Columns

A usually-daily report, edited by Brent H. Baker, CyberAlert is distributed by the Media Research Center, the leader since 1987 in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias.

20090209 CyberAlert for February 9 2009
Kevin Dayhoff

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

20080902 Carroll County Times editorial: Steele gets moment in spotlight

Carroll County Times editorial: Steele gets moment in spotlight

People Steele-Michael
AK Gov. Sarah Palin videos on Kevin Dayhoff YouTube web page
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
Good site for McCain/Palin info
Kevin Dayhoff YouTube web page
November 2008 US presidential election
September 1-4 2008 Republican National Convention

Editorial for Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Steele gets moment in spotlight

Former Republican Lt. Gov. Michael Steele's planned address at the Republican national Convention this evening provides an opportunity to spotlight a state political figure who helped end a Democratic lock on the Maryland governor's mansion.

The election of Robert Ehrlich as governor and Steele as lieutenant governor in 2002 ended 34 years of Democratic control of that office.


As a Republican in a heavily democratic state, Steele faces many challenges as he tries to advance through the party ranks. But his work as a partner to Ehrlich, and his work with the party since the 2006 election, put him in a class of up-and-comers that the party would do well to continue to encourage.


Read the entire editorial here:
Steele gets moment in spotlight

20080902 Carroll County Times editorial: Steele gets moment in spotlight

Friday, April 04, 2008

20080331 GOPAC Chair Michael Steele’s brief web site bio

GOPAC Chair Michael Steele’s brief web site bio

April 3, 2008

In this past Wednesday’s Tentacle[1] column (The McCain Vice President Decision) I said that of my top three dream choices for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Senator John McCain’s vice presidential running mate; one of the three is former Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele.

The other two were Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

When I researching the column I re-read my latest Tentacle column, I came across the brief bio for Mr. Steele pasted below for the couple of folks I heard from who not familiar with him…

Related: 20080402 Campaign 2008: Past Tentacle columns about Sen. John McCain or former Maryland Lt. Gov. Steele

McCain - John McCain, Presidential election 2008, Steele - Michael Steele, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin

The Honorable Michael Steele

GOPAC Chairman Michael Steele was born on October 19, 1958 at Andrews Air Force Base in Prince George's County and was raised in Washington, DC. He graduated from Archbishop Carroll High School, earned his bachelor's degree in International Relations from Johns Hopkins University in 1981 and his law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 1991. Mr. Steele also spent three years as a seminarian in the Order of St. Augustine in preparation for the priesthood.

In 2003, Chairman Steele earned a place in history when he became the first African American elected to statewide office in Maryland. He was the nation's highest-ranking African American Republican elected official and the only sitting African American Lt. Governor in the country.

In 2002, President George W. Bush appointed Chairman Steele to serve a term on the Board of Visitors of the United States Naval Academy. Other affiliations include the State House Trust, the East Baltimore Development Corporation, the Export-Import Bank Advisory Committee and the Prince George's County Chapter of the NAACP.

Among the distinguished awards and honors received by Chairman Steele, he has been named a 2005 Aspen Institute-Rodel Fellow in Public Leadership and was awarded a Bethune-DuBois Institute 2005 Award for his work in the ongoing development of quality education in Maryland.

Chairman Steele is a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Landover Hills, MD, where he attends mass regularly with his wife Andrea and their two sons, Michael and Drew.


[1] April 2, 2008

The McCain Vice President Decision

Kevin E. Dayhoff

Speculation persists as to who presumptive Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain will choose as a running mate. This upcoming decision has sparked a growing debate among many political pundits for a number of reasons…

20080402 Campaign 2008: Past Tentacle columns about Sen. John McCain or former Maryland Lt. Gov. Steele

20080402 Campaign 2008: Past Tentacle columns about Sen. John McCain or former Maryland Lt. Gov. Steele

Campaign 2008: Past Tentacle columns about Sen. John McCain or former Maryland Lt. Gov. Steele

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The McCain Vice President Decision

Kevin E. Dayhoff

Speculation persists as to who presumptive Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain will choose as a running mate. This upcoming decision has sparked a growing debate among many political pundits for a number of reasons.

February 20, 2008

A Presidents’ Day View

Kevin E. Dayhoff

In the wake of “Super Tuesday” and the “Potomac Primary,” all signs point to a November presidential contest between United States Senators John McCain, of Arizona, and Barack Obama, of Illinois.

February 13, 2008

The McCain Maalox Paradox

Kevin E. Dayhoff

At this point in the Republican 2008 presidential primary campaign Senator John McCain has over three times as many Republican National Convention delegates as former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Most people have resigned themselves to the fact that Senator McCain is the de-facto Republican nominee.

June 27, 2007

Striking a Blow for Free Speech

Kevin E. Dayhoff

Many are singing high praise of the Supreme Court's decision handed down Monday which took a bite out of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform law.

November 1, 2006

Michael Steele Endorsement

Kevin E. Dayhoff

Last Monday brought more good news for the Michael Steele campaign for Maryland US Senator.

April 19, 2006

Guess Who’s Coming to the Election

Kevin E. Dayhoff

In a remake of the classic 1967 movie, “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” the royal blue portion of Old Line State just doesn’t quite know what to make of the continuing success of Maryland’s Dr. Prentice – Lt. Gov. Michael Steele.


20080402 Campaign 2008: Past Tentacle columns about Sen. John McCain or former Maryland Lt. Gov. Steele

Campaign 2008: Past Tentacle columns about Sen. John McCain or former Maryland Lt. Gov. Steele

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The McCain Vice President Decision

Kevin E. Dayhoff

Speculation persists as to who presumptive Republican presidential nominee Senator John McCain will choose as a running mate. This upcoming decision has sparked a growing debate among many political pundits for a number of reasons.

February 20, 2008

A Presidents’ Day View

Kevin E. Dayhoff

In the wake of “Super Tuesday” and the “Potomac Primary,” all signs point to a November presidential contest between United States Senators John McCain, of Arizona, and Barack Obama, of Illinois.

February 13, 2008

The McCain Maalox Paradox

Kevin E. Dayhoff

At this point in the Republican 2008 presidential primary campaign Senator John McCain has over three times as many Republican National Convention delegates as former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Most people have resigned themselves to the fact that Senator McCain is the de-facto Republican nominee.

June 27, 2007

Striking a Blow for Free Speech

Kevin E. Dayhoff

Many are singing high praise of the Supreme Court's decision handed down Monday which took a bite out of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform law.

November 1, 2006

Michael Steele Endorsement

Kevin E. Dayhoff

Last Monday brought more good news for the Michael Steele campaign for Maryland US Senator.

April 19, 2006

Guess Who’s Coming to the Election

Kevin E. Dayhoff

In a remake of the classic 1967 movie, “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” the royal blue portion of Old Line State just doesn’t quite know what to make of the continuing success of Maryland’s Dr. Prentice – Lt. Gov. Michael Steele.


Thursday, April 03, 2008

20080402 News Clips

News Clips 04-02-2008


Senate rejects energy bill

Measure is key part of O'Malley initiative,0,2541295.story

The Maryland Senate voted down a major piece of Gov. Martin O'Malley's environmental agenda yesterday amid a squabble among Democrats over how much money should be dedicated to rate relief for consumers coping with rising utility bills. The Senate voted 25-21 to reject the bill setting out how money from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative would be used. The unexpected defeat reflected how anxious lawmakers are about the effect of soaring energy prices on constituents and left the administration scrambling to resurrect the proposal, which proponents say would help consumers in the long run. During a late-night session Monday, senators tried but failed to change that formula. Sen. Joan Carter Conway, the Baltimore Democrat and chairwoman of the Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee, wanted to boost the amount dedicated to help lower-income residents pay utility bills and to direct the rest to efficiency and conservation. Sen. E.J. Pipkin, an Eastern Shore Republican who is influential on energy issues, wanted to give all of the auction funds back to utility customers. Pipkin decried the "boondoggle bill" that creates "a very expensive empire" for the Maryland Energy Administration, which would create the efficiency and conservation programs. "The money should have been returned to ratepayers," he said. Republicans said that a package of bills proposed by O'Malley would increase the cost of electricity in Maryland at a time when rates are soaring. "It's a lovely piece of legislation in theory. Everybody is for a greener world," said Del. Patrick L. McDonough, a Republican representing Baltimore and Harford counties. "But it does not impact consumer rates in any way except for costing them more money."

Tech tax stand-in stymies Senate

Maryland lawmakers are locked on how to repeal a recently approved computer services tax as they go into the final week of the 2008 General Assembly session. Lawmakers began looking for a solution after business leaders fiercely opposed the tax, which they said was approved without warning under the cover of a special session in the fall. Leaders said the tax likely will be repealed but are not sure how. "I think there is a strong consensus that we're going to repeal this computer tax," Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. said yesterday. "The only issue is whether we adopt the compromise proposal that was put forth by the governor, or do we just look for the cuts in the budget." Democrats appear split about whether the governor has done enough to win support for his so-called millionaire's tax proposal.

Struggling with computer tax Lawmakers want to scrap it, but they're not sure how,0,3877343.story

With less than a week left in the annual legislative session, the most contentious issue left to the General Assembly is how to balance a nearly universal desire to scrap the $200 million computer services levy with an equally strong aversion to enacting new taxes. It is not clear whether support exists in the Senate for any of the proposals that have been offered for replacing the revenue that would be lost through a repeal. Gov. Martin O'Malley, a Democrat, is urging lawmakers to pay for the repeal through a combination of budget cuts and a income tax surcharge on people making more than $1 million a year.
But some in the Democratic majority have joined Republicans in calling for a blanket moratorium on new taxes. At the end of the day yesterday, Miller released a statement saying: "We are still working to get a firm sense of the level of support for various aspects of the Governor's proposal to repeal the computer services tax."

Gansler targets alcohol bill

Proposal would allow 'alcopop' to be taxed as beer,0,5983683.story

Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler and public health advocates launched a campaign yesterday to make sure drinks like Mike's Hard Lemonade and Jack Daniel's Black Jack Cola are considered legally the same as liquor, not beer. Lobbyists for the liquor industry, who deny the drinks are marketed to teens and argue they should be classified like beer because of their alcohol content, have been pushing hard for the bill, which passed in the Senate with little fanfare. If the legislation makes it through the House, the drinks would continue to be taxed at lower rates than alcoholic beverages such as rum and whiskey and would enjoy wider distribution than spirits. While industry sources said they expect the alcopops bill to pass in the Economic Matters Committee, it could become the subject of a major fight on the House floor.

Tanning bill spurs heated debate,0,1121337.story

Tanning in artificial devices would be prohibited for minors in Maryland without parental consent under legislation that's headed toward final passage in the General Assembly. Under the bill, a tanning facility must obtain written consent from a parent or legal guardian of someone under 18 on the premises before allowing the minor to tan. "So many people in college or in preparation for proms tan," said Sen. Nancy Jacobs, a Republican representing Cecil and Harford counties. "We're going a little bit overboard on this." Some lawmakers pointed out that other actions taken by minors in Maryland, including abortion, call for less involvement by parents.

McCain stops in Annapolis, says academy food still bad,0,4146187.story

The food's better, but not much, at the U.S. Naval Academy, where Arizona Sen. John McCain stopped for breakfast on a tour to highlight his background. The Republican presidential candidate ate breakfast at the Academy, where the former aviator began his Navy career. Afterward he stopped at a downtown diner where he told a packed house of state Republicans that the food has improved at the Academy, but not by much. McCain had a cup of coffee with former Gov. Robert Ehrlich at Chick & Ruth's Delly in downtown Annapolis, where sandwiches are named for politicians and owners ask diners each morning to stand to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
McCain and his wife joined in for the pledge, then shook hands for about 10 minutes before heading to the Navy football stadium, where McCain planned to continue a national tour designed to introduce himself to a wider audience before being formally named as the Republican presidential nominee.

Speed camera measures roll through legislature

Proposals to put speed cameras on many roads and highways in Maryland are making their way slowly through both House and Senate. Opponents have been unable to muster enough votes to stall what they see as money-grubbing infringements on due process for drivers. “There’s no conclusive study that this improves traffic safety,” said Sen. Alex Mooney, a Frederick County Republican. But “just imagine the money” the cameras are going to raise for the county government. If approved by local jurisdictions, violations would carry fines up to $40, but no points. Volunteer rescue workers en route to an emergency would be exempt.

County’s teachers protest to demand wage increases

About 300 veteran Baltimore County teachers protested Tuesday to demand cost-of-living pay increases that County Executive Jim Smith has denied. The teachers said they will continue their protests and a work-to-rule job action — doing only required tasks within their seven-hour workdays — at least until Smith releases his budget April 15. If the budget includes no COLAs for teachers with more than 25 years of experience, the protest and work-to-rule will continue, said Cheryl Bost, president of the Teachers Association of Baltimore County. Smith has repeatedly said the county could provide the COLA raises only if it raised property taxes, which he wants to avoid. Under Smith’s proposed budget, county teachers would receive step increase but no COLAs. An arbitrator is reviewing the dispute over the COLAs.

Harford budget to include raise for county employees

Harford County must offer employees up to 9 percent pay raises to keep salaries competitive with those of surrounding counties, County Executive David Craig said. The raises, Craig said, would be in line with those given Harford teachers and sheriff’s deputies. “We aim to get our employees’ salaries to the middle of the market — not the top, but not the bottom either,” Craig said. “We cut the hell out of everything else in our government services budget, so no new taxpayer dollars are going to fund these raises,” said Lorraine Costello, Craig’s chief of administration. Craig said he had limited employee travel and training budgets to dedicate more money to the pay raise.

Lawmakers could face a longer session if they fail to agree on the state budget

With only a week remaining in the Maryland General Assembly's regular legislative session, lawmakers still have not reached an agreement on the state budget, forcing Gov. Martin O'Malley to issue a constitutional order Tuesday extending the session by 10 days. Lawmakers usually get through the necessary budget reconciliations before the regularly scheduled end of the session, which falls on April 7 this year. They must stay for the extra time only if the budget is not passed by both chambers before that day. The 10-day extension is required by the Maryland constitution in any year in which the General Assembly has not reached a consensus on the budget by the 83rd day of the session, which passed Monday.

Renewable energy could power I-270 center

Proponents hope to build a sustainable energy demonstration and economic development center in Frederick in as little as a year, now that key legislation has passed the Maryland General Assembly. The state Senate passed the Maryland Clean Energy Center Act on Tuesday. It sets up the framework for the state to take advantage of federal funds set aside to build a demonstration center at a rest stop off I-270. U.S. Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, R-6th, secured funds in fiscal 2003 and 2004 to design and build a visitors center at the Byron Overlook, off I-270 south of Frederick. He suggested the visitors center use renewable technologies, such as solar power and rain water collection. Bartlett said Tuesday he is pleased the state has approved the legislation. The next step will be to ask local renewable energy companies to help design and build the center, which will be self-sufficient and rely on different types of renewable energy. "What I would like there to the extent that we can, I would like each of these things home sized," Bartlett said. "So people would say 'I could do that in my home, couldn't I?'" Frederick County's lawmakers have supported the bill. Delegate Sue Hecht, a Democrat, and Sen. Alex Mooney, a Republican, sponsored identical bills in the legislature's two chambers. Mooney said it's a good idea to promote sustainable energy because it is good for the economy and energy production. "We can be the role models for the state and perhaps even the country in using renewable energy," he said.


Counting graduates

Our view: States must ensure that more students gain diplomas,0,5745634.story

Baltimore's high school graduation rate has been found wanting yet again - an abysmal 35 percent and fourth lowest among the nation's 50 largest districts, according to a new study. Even worse, the gap between the city's rate and the 82 percent rate in neighboring suburban districts was the nation's largest. In a highly mobile society, the best way to know who finishes high school is to track students individually. Last September, MSDE gave each high school freshman an identification number that should follow the student to any school in the state. It should help track students who are at risk of dropping out, allowing for more interventions and support services. But however these students are counted, there's no disputing this: Quality services must be provided to more of them - particularly minority, disabled and non-English-speaking students. A high school diploma has become a necessary ticket for employment and even a healthy life. Maryland and other states must ensure that each student is given every opportunity to gain this credential.

Uniting the Republican Party

A great deal has changed since President Reagan left the national stage. Our enemies have come to our shores, the rising tide of our economy has not "lifted all boats" and our government has increased, not lessened its intrusion into our lives. However, many of the issues that united us during the Reagan Revolution in the 1980s -- lower taxes, less government spending, free markets and strong national security -- are the same issues that motivate voters today.
Reagan's successes were in large part due to his ability to focus on those things that unite us. Rather than trying to divide the American people along philosophical or political lines, he made a connection with average citizens through themes that inspired us and policies that restored our national pride as well as the security and prosperity of a nation. Reagan did the unthinkable: he helped America embrace conservatism and the core beliefs of the Republican Party.

While our party has changed too, the core of who we are and what we believe has not. Republicans are not conflicted by the ups and downs of elections, but rather by the very nature of conservatism in this post-Reagan era. We are conflicted over defining the vision of the conservative movement, its radical nature, and the unique challenges and opportunities that lie before America. We are conflicted over who and how we will lead during these changing times. Republicans stand on the precipice of conservatism, ready to throw each other off because we feel as if we've lost our grip on what conservatism means; indeed, what it means to be a republican. But, we should never lose faith first and foremost in our belief in the power and ingenuity of the individual to create the legacy of a nation through hard work and self-discipline. Conservatives must stand firm once again in our belief that government should be limited so that it never becomes powerful enough to infringe on the rights of the individual. We must reaffirm the principle of lowering taxes so that individuals might keep more of their hard earned wages, and realize the economic power that it generates. Republicans must promote business regulations that encourage entrepreneurs to take risks so that more individuals can enjoy the satisfaction and fruits of self-made success; and our party must always remain steadfast in its defense of a colorblind society, so that each man or woman is treated as an individual and not as a member of some hyphenated class or group.
Conservatives now have a window of opportunity to demonstrate the truth of America: that every American regardless of his or her station in life, upbringing or social status has the opportunity to turn their hopes into action and to realize the promise that is the American dream! Ronald Reagan understood that; and he acted to lift a dispirited nation to become that "shining city on a hill". Republicans must remind America once again that its promise is the promise of endless possibilities and define for countless generations those values we hold dear: the value to the soul of religious faith, complete integrity, loyalty, and truthfulness. Let's honor America with incorruptible public service, a respect for economy in government, self-reliance, thrift, and individual liberty. Let's stand firm in our patriotism, real love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it as those who have gone before us.
The Party of Lincoln is the Party of ideas and leadership that have made and will continue to make this nation great. Republicans must now gather strength from within as we enter a critical period in America's history. We must work to restore faith in our Party by standing on those principles that not only unite us as Republicans, but as Americans. Republicans need to stop looking for Reagan and start acting like Republicans. It is still a long and bumpy road to the White House this November, but I am confident that Republicans and the conservative movement they inspired will regain in strength if we stick to those values that have long-united our Party and stirred a generation to join our cause. These are the values that continue to empower, uplift and remind us that America will always be the one place on earth where possibility meets opportunity. A place we call the American dream.
Michael S. Steele joined FOX News as a contributor in 2007. He is the chairman of GOPAC and the former Lt. Governor of Maryland.