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Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
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Showing posts with label Planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planning. Show all posts

Friday, January 16, 2015

January 1991 Report of the Governor’s Commission on Growth in the Chesapeake Bay Region

January 1991 Report of the Governor’s Commission on Growth in the Chesapeake Bay Region

Protecting the Future

A Vision for Maryland

Report of the Governor’s Commission on Growth in the Chesapeake Bay Region

January 1991


Since October 1989, the Governor's Commission on Growth in the Chesapeake Bay Region has worked to develop a vision for Maryland's growth over the next 30 years. Answering a charge from Governor William Donald Schaefer, the Commission has made recommendations for reconciling rapid economic growth and development with the conservation of Maryland's natural resources and the preservation of the State's unique quality of life.
The Commission recognized an opportunity to change the way land-use has been managed in the past, and crafted recommendations which carefully consider the challenge of the Visions prepared by the 2020 Panel of Experts.2 Each Vision was considered, and the responses blended into five basic recommendations that are the subject of this report.

1. Designate suitable areas for growth. Sprawl development devours land, harms the environment and the Chesapeake Bay, and uses infrastructure inefficiently. The Commission's proposal would have local governments direct new development to areas they believe can most efficiently accommodate it.

2. Protect sensitive areas. From a list of more than 40 environmentally-sensitive areas, such as den or breeding sites and large contiguous tracts of forest, the Commission focused on four as being most critical to protect from the impact of individual development projects. On steep slopes and in stream buffers, in habitats for endangered species and 100-year floodplains, virtually no development should be permitted.

3. Conserve natural resources. Sprawl development encourages inefficient use of resources. Natural resources such as farmland and forests, once developed, are difficult to restore. Under the Commission's proposal, development will be directed away from farms and forests.

4. Make stewardship of the environment a universal ethic. Mary landers must understand that each individual's actions have a direct effect on the Bay and the environment. The Commission has asked that a statewide Stewardship Council be charged with coordinating existing educational programs and increasing opportunities for individuals to protect the environment.

5. Provide funds to achieve the recommendations. Concentrating development depends on the ability of local governments to fund the planning and infrastructure.  Although local

The 2020 Panel of Experts was convened at the request of the signatories of the 1987 Chesapeake Bay Agreement to study the consequences of population growth and development for the Chesapeake Bay watershed to the year 2020.  Their report described six detailed "visions" and "actions."


From far western Garrett County to the Eastern Shore, the importance of the Bay to Maryland is virtually inestimable. Each year it gives us millions of dollars of seafood, billions of dollars of commerce flow through its major ports, and it is a recreation center for the East Coast. In 1989, the Maryland Department of Economic and Employment Development estimated the economic value of the Bay to Maryland and Virginia to be $678 billion.

Saving the Chesapeake Bay MUST be an overriding priority for all Marylanders and their governments.  Economic Importance of the Chesapeake Bay. 1989.
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

February 5, 1971: Carroll County Maryland Board of Commissioners meet with Town Officials

January 15, 2015 update: I noticed today that the Carroll County Commissioners scheduled a meeting today with the Carroll County Mayors: “Thursday ~ January 15, 2015 7:00 p.m. Joint Board of County Commissioners/Mayors Meeting County Office Building ~ Reagan Room Commissioners Howard, Wantz, Weaver, Frazier & Rothschild”

I would have like to have attended but got behind… Anyway it reminded me of this news brief from February 5, 1971…. If I am not mistaken – I attended this meeting… The commissioners were G. Herbert Rice, Norman Graham, and John Meyer.

Commissioners Meet With Town Officials - The County Commissioners of Carroll County during the week of January 18th scheduled a meeting with the Mayors and Representatives of the incorporated towns of Carroll County to discuss several matters pertaining to the two general governmental units within the county.

Included in the discussions were procedures which could be implemented by town and county in establishing coordination between planning and zoning programs, the development and implementation of the county wide water and sewer plan and cooperation in further studies involving the financing of facilities of joint concern within and without the incorporated area.

General agreement was expressed at the meeting that periodic meetings should be scheduled and that the programs proposed would be given further study, and discussion would be continued at such further meetings.

Community Reporter, February 5, 1971

19710205 CCBOC Meet Town Officials planning and zoning coordination
Kevin Dayhoff is an artist - and a columnist for:

Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: =

Tumblr: Kevin Dayhoff Banana Stems
Google profile:

E-mail: kevindayhoff(at)
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:

Thursday, October 27, 2011 Groups share opinions on tax hikes

MarylandReporter banner
Thursday, October 27, 2011  

Increased tax proposals get mixed reception

Proposals to raise the gas tax and flush tax are getting a mixed reaction, with business groups divided and other groups saying they are reasonable, but shouldn't preclude tax hikes for other needs.
Quick Links

Today's State Roundup: Strategizing against PlanMaryland

Rural politicians to strategize against PlanMaryland; proposals for tax hikes and new fees to pay for roads and Bay cleanup continue to make news; massive new State Police facility near Hagerstown almost complete; Ehrlich takes the stand for Currie; and Charles County focuses on light rail line to D.C.

Have you checked out our new Government Meetings Schedule? It might save you a few clicks.

Editor and Publisher: Len Lazarick; Associate Editor: Megan Poinski; Roundup Editor: Cynthia Prairie is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and contributions are tax-deductible. Donate here.

Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art:
My columns appear in the copy of the Baltimore Sunday Sun that is distributed in Carroll County:


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Carroll County MD Planning Commission suspends Pathways Plan

News Release
Planning Commission suspends Pathways Plan
October 20, 2009 – The Planning and Zoning Commission today voted to halt work on the Carroll County Comprehensive Plan, known as the Pathways to Carroll’s Future Landscape, and direct staff instead to revise the County’s 2000 Master Plan.
That revision is to be submitted along with the state-mandated Water Resources Element by the end of November.
Comprehensive and master plans are different names for the same document, which is designed to direct growth outside of municipalities over 20 years.
Since 1992, the State of Maryland has required that such plans be reviewed every six years. Pathways would have been the first major update to Carroll County’s growth guidelines since 1964.
The Pathways process began in June 2005 with scores of community meetings, surveys and conferences.
Input from the community outreach effort was compiled by the Department of Planning.
In April 2009, a draft of the Pathways Plan was presented by the Planning and Zoning Commission for public review.
For more information, contact: Vivian D. Laxton,Public Information Administrator,
# # #
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Monday, October 05, 2009

Tom Beyard explains comprehensive plan at council meeting

Click here for a larger image:

Westminster director of planning Tom Beyard explains comprehensive plan at recent Westminster Common Council meeting

At the September 28, 2009 meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council, Mayor Kevin Utz conducted a public hearing on the 2009 Comprehensive Plan for Westminster. Planning director Tom Beyard explained that the comprehensive plan was the culmination of two years of work and that it was due to be adopted by October 1, 2009 in order to conform with Maryland State law.

The development of the plan, which began in earnest in October 2007, was broken into three phases, Beyard said. The first phase was a citizen survey, followed by additional public outreach, followed by the drafting phase.

Beyard advised that the municipal planned growth footprint and the planned water and sewer service area had not changed since its boundaries were agreed upon with the county government two years ago.

The plan did incorporate for the first time a water resource and municipal growth element. Both of which are new mandates from the Maryland General Assembly.

The city was “probably one of the first (municipalities in the state) to submit the water resources element… many municipalities had asked for an extension,” said Beyard.

Council president Damian Halstad remarked, “I’d just like to highlight that the state found it to be an incredibly thorough plan… very detailed…”

Later in the meeting the council voted to adopt the plan after more discussion of how proud the council and staff were to have received such good feedback from the state on how well the plan was developed and written.


Photo caption: At the September 28, 2009 meeting of the Westminster mayor and Common Council, Mayor Kevin Utz conducted a public hearing on the 2009 Comprehensive Plan for Westminster. Planning director Tom Beyard explained that the comprehensive plan was the culmination of two years of work and that it was due to be adopted by October 1, 2009 in order to conform with Maryland State law.

From left to right: Westminster planning director Tom Beyard, Westminster public works director Jeff Glass, Westminster recreation and parks director Ron Schroers, Westminster Common Council members Dr. Robert Wack and Tony Chiavacci. (Photo by Kevin Dayhoff)

20090928 sdosm Tom Beyard explains comprehensive plan at council meeting

Westminster Planning Dir Tom Beyard, Westminster Council Mtgs, Westminster Planning Zoning, Planning, Dayhoff writing essays land planning, Westminster PW Dir Jeff Glass, People Chiavacci Tony,


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Friday, July 03, 2009

Carroll County Pathways - the story so far

Carroll County Pathways - the story so far

For more information click here:

Carroll County recommendations for employment zoning campuses stem from 2007 study

20090702 Pathways plan public hearing approaching By Schutt

Pathways plan causing confusion for residents, officials By Charles Schelle

Culleton on Carroll: We need industrial land & insurance it’ll stay that way [20090625 Culleton We need ind land that will stay that way]

And especially read:
Carroll ‘unprepared’ to attract new jobs by Kelsey Volkmann, The Examiner Mar 2, 2007 [20070302 Carroll unprepared to attract new jobs kvbe]

For additional reading go to where you may find previous columns I have written on the history of the Carroll County Comprehensive Plan process in Carroll County: and
Planning a pathway in Carroll County from 1961 into the future

20051005 WE Urban sprawl is no good for all weked

20050929 Agriculture’s new social contract

20090502 SDOSM Comprehensive planning in Carroll County

The Carroll County Planning Commission's public hearing on Pathways will be July 14 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Winters Mill High School, 560 Gorsuch Road, Westminster. Comments are limited to two minutes each.

Public comment to be reviewed by Planning Commission must be received not later than July 10 at 5 p.m. at Carroll County Planning, c/o Pathways Plan Comments, 225 N. Center St., Room 205, Westminster, MD 21157.

A hearing on any proposed rezoning will occur after Pathways is adopted.

Pathways Assistance

Click here to view the Carroll County Economic Development Land and Employment Needs Study. (This is a large file. Right-click to save as a file to desktop.)

Click here to view the executive summary for the Carroll County Economic Development Land and Employment Needs Study.

Click here to view the Frequently Ask Questions about the Carroll County Economic Development Land and Employment Needs Study.

Click here to view the full list of Carroll County studies for the Pathways plan.

Click here to view the Map It Out exercise where residents placed Lego blocks on area they wish to have development. Links to the maps are at the bottom of the linked page.

For more information on Pathways, visit

The Carroll County Times also has plenty of information:

Pathways Maps
Current Map
Proposed Map

Pathways: Explaining Carroll's Comprehensive Plan: (Published May 24 - 26, 2009)

Day 1: Overview, the Water Resources Element and how the municipalities fit into the plan

20-year plan provides blueprint for growth
What will Carroll County look like in 20 years?

County, towns work to address water needs
As the county grows over the next 20 years, the availability of water and wastewater and preserving water quality will be major factors.
Municipalities have own plans for future development
Highlights of Finksburg plan draft to be unveiled
Day 2: Residential growth and agricultural preservation

Protecting farmland a priority in Carroll County
With Carroll County’s agricultural and rural heritage, protecting farmland has long been a county priority. This was recognized in the first county master plan in 1964.

Officials anticipate challenges in downsizing zoning
Carroll residents have shown strong support for the ag land preservation program, and Program Manager Ralph Robertson isn’t expecting much of a challenge to those portions of the comprehensive plan. But the proposed changes to downsize the zoning on the county’s conservation zoning is another challenge altogether.
Plan aims to reduce rural development
Day 3: Economic growth and plans for transportation projects

Pathways goal aims to bring jobs to Carroll
Building a community where residents work where they live is the vision guiding Carroll County’s Comprehensive Plan. County officials hope that vision creates thousands of jobs and builds a diverse tax base.

Plan calls for improvement in transportation
Achieving Carroll County’s long-term goal of communities that are easily accessible for pedestrians and bicyclists will require improvements to the county’s sporadic network of sidewalks, paths and trails.

20090702 Pathways The story so far

Pathways plan public hearing approaching By Bryan Schutt, Times Staff Writer

Pathways plan public hearing approaching By Bryan Schutt, Times Staff Writer

Thursday, July 02, 2009

The head of the county’s planning and zoning commission says he expects revisions to proposed rezoning around Taylorsville and Mount Airy.

With a public hearing rapidly approaching, a public records inbox overflowing and many riled up residents to accommodate, the Carroll County Planning and Zoning Commission is nearing its chance to apply people’s concerns to the proposed comprehensive plan, Pathways to Carroll’s Future Landscape.

And because of the hundreds of comments received and questions asked about the plan, the commission plans to analyze each and every resident’s concern individually, said David Brauning, chair of the Carroll Planning and Zoning Commission.

Read the entire article by Bryan Schutt here: Pathways plan public hearing approaching By Bryan Schutt, Times Staff Writer

20090702 Pathways plan public hearing approaching By Schutt

20090702 Pathways The story so far

For more information click here:

Pathways plan causing confusion for residents, officials By Charles Schelle

Culleton on Carroll: We need industrial land & insurance it’ll stay that way [20090625 Culleton We need ind land that will stay that way]

And especially read:
Carroll ‘unprepared’ to attract new jobs by Kelsey Volkmann, The Examiner Mar 2, 2007 [20070302 Carroll unprepared to attract new jobs kvbe]

For additional reading go to where you may find previous columns I have written on the history of the Carroll County Comprehensive Plan process in Carroll County: and
Planning a pathway in Carroll County from 1961 into the future

20051005 WE Urban sprawl is no good for all weked

20050929 Agriculture’s new social contract

20090502 SDOSM Comprehensive planning in Carroll County

The Carroll County Planning Commission's public hearing on Pathways will be July 14 from 6 to 9 p.m. at Winters Mill High School, 560 Gorsuch Road, Westminster. Comments are limited to two minutes each.

Public comment to be reviewed by Planning Commission must be received not later than July 10 at 5 p.m. at Carroll County Planning, c/o Pathways Plan Comments, 225 N. Center St., Room 205, Westminster, MD 21157.

A hearing on any proposed rezoning will occur after Pathways is adopted.

Pathways Assistance

Click here to view the Carroll County Economic Development Land and Employment Needs Study. (This is a large file. Right-click to save as a file to desktop.)

Click here to view the executive summary for the Carroll County Economic Development Land and Employment Needs Study.

Click here to view the Frequently Ask Questions about the Carroll County Economic Development Land and Employment Needs Study.

Click here to view the full list of Carroll County studies for the Pathways plan.

Click here to view the Map It Out exercise where residents placed Lego blocks on area they wish to have development. Links to the maps are at the bottom of the linked page.

For more information on Pathways, visit

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Urban sprawl is no good for all, but don't ignore the legal realities

Urban sprawl is no good for all, but don't ignore the legal realities

10/05/05 By Kevin E. Dayhoff

Recent articles and letters in local publications regarding water allocation, land use and municipal annexation are well intentioned - but clearly indicate a basic lack of understanding of the laws and past court decisions that govern these activities.

That's understandable, because since the early 1950s these areas of law in Maryland have be-come complex by bizarre, byzantine proportions.

In reality, many public officials don't understand the labyrinth of land use law, or they would be more careful about posturing in front of a public that is understandably clamoring for relief. Many pronouncements and promises are great for applause and votes, but woefully short on being legally possible.

In the end, often there is little a public official can do, retroactively, about water or property rights assigned to a property by a legal process put in place decades ago - unless they opt to spend valuable taxpayer dollars (losing) in court.

The next time anyone considers criticizing the City of Westminster about water allocation, bear in mind that you are preaching to the choir. Westminster painfully understands that it must find more water.

Also, understand that you are criticizing the wrong branch of government. For the most part, allocating Westminster's water was taken out of the hands of local officials, by the courts, almost 40 years ago.

In 1964, the city purchased the water system from a private company, which had historically provided water outside the city limits.

In 1966, the Maryland Court of Appeal (Bair v. Mayor and Council of Westminster, 221 P.2d 642 1966) declared the water system a "public utility" as opposed to a "municipal water supply" and made a ruling that forces the city to provide water to any property near any existing water line or "reasonably within its range of performance" - whether or not that property is annexed or in the city limits.

The 1966 Westminster water case is unique and is still used as national precedent. (In fact, it was used as recently as 1995 in a case before the Florida Supreme Court.) Attempting to overturn it may very well not be a wise use of taxpayer dollars.

As far as future land use, growth and development in Carroll County, planning needs to take place long before the housing development is in the public hearing stage or the subject of a costly moratorium.

A discussion needs to take place long before the business of a farm has been rendered unprofitable.

The debate needs to occur before a property owner has been awarded certain legal development rights - which can take the form of a legally enforceable contract, or in any event usually involves at least an implied contract between government and a property owner.

Sadly, the reactionary conversation - often involving unpleasant public hearings, uninformed conspiracy theories, political spinelessness and personal attacks - distorts and polarizes the collective discourse to such an extent that it renders many citizens skeptical about any discussion over growth and development.

The reality is this: You cannot take away a person's property rights or void a legal contract by plebiscite, politics or screaming mob.

That's just one of the reasons it is important that folks attend the community Grassroots Gatherings ( that are scheduled for residents to get involved in the Carroll County Comprehensive Plan. Go, and ask questions. Many of Carroll County's public servants are the brightest land-use experts in the state.

We may not be able to do much about past land use contracts and court decisions, but the future is up to us. For the sake of that future, a majority of Carroll County residents long for a sober, clearly-worded, intelligent and nonpolitical explanation of farm profitability and the legal issues involving development and growth.

If we don't have that discussion now, our environmental future and the future of our green Carroll County way of life will be history.

Kevin Dayhoff may reached at kevindayhoff AT or visit him at

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Agriculture’s new social contract

Agriculture’s new social contract

September 29, 2005 by Kevin Dayhoff

More than ever, agriculture in Carroll County understands that, like it or not, it now has a new "social contract" with the greater community to operate.

Agriculture understands that simply feeding us, at prices below the cost of production, is not enough and that in today’s world; farmers are obligated with paying for and providing non-farming Carroll Countians with a great view and open space.

Well, I have a surprise for you. There is no such thing as a free lunch or a free view. This is a two way street and non-farmers also have a social contract obligation to become better informed about state mandated water and sewer master plan allocations, land use, zoning laws and the comprehensive planning process.

Economics, population pressure and market forces from outside of Carroll County are going to continue to drive up the value of farm land and ultimately we are all going to have to dig into our pockets and put more money into agricultural land preservation or pay for roads and schools and infrastructure. Read: Roads, schools and other infrastructure costs a great deal more then investing in agricultural land preservation.

For more information on these dynamics, please see two excellent columns written in the Carroll County Times by columnist Tom Harbold on August 30, 2005 and September 27, 2005.

The time to discuss future land use, growth and development in Carroll County needs to take place long before the housing development is in the public hearing stage or the subject of a moratorium. The discussion needs to take place long before the business of a farm has been rendered unprofitable or a property owner has been awarded certain legal development rights.

It is important that folks attend the community meetings, entitled Grassroots Gatherings (, which are scheduled for residents to get involved in the Carroll County Comprehensive Plan. Go and ask questions. Many of Carroll County’s public servants are the brightest land use experts in the state.

Folks need to comprehend that a contract is an agreement between two parties in which both parties have obligations. Unless we want many of these great views to become great houses, we are all going to have to contribute.

The end users of agricultural products are now so far removed from the actual production of food that the public is no longer familiar with the day-to-day struggles of food production.

Non-farmers seem unwilling to give farmers any logical leeway in understanding a farmer's stewardship for the environment; the impact on profitability of increased regulations and bureaucratic expense or how a farm is to remain profitable in the face of increased urbanization.

Many agree that Carroll County is no place for urban sprawl development in the middle of farmland, far from any municipal infrastructure. Not only for the obvious reasons, but because most of the folks who move into these developments are horrible neighbors for farmers and contribute to the domino affect of the farm next to it becoming unprofitable and ultimately sold, for you guessed it, more houses.

We can start by increasing the funding for agriculture land preservation and increasing the funding of the Maryland Cooperative Extension Service, both of which are the immediate life preservers for the business of agriculture in the state.

If we can fully fund the $1.3 billion Thornton school aid plan, we can fully fund the Maryland Cooperative Extension Service and agricultural land preservation. If Maryland can use its bond rating for a low interest loan program for first time homebuyers, we can bond out a low interest-borrowing program for first time farm buyers.

Most Carroll Countians certainly understand that “more” houses means more schools, roads and infrastructure, and increased demand for government services and before too long, someone wants into our pockets to raise our taxes to pay for it all.

Market forces and population pressure from outside of Carroll County are going to continue to drive up the value of the land and ultimately we are all going to have to dig into our pockets and put more money into agricultural land preservation or spend a greater amount for roads and schools and infrastructure.

Meanwhile, the more farms that are put out of business, the more we increase development pressure by way of putting that many more acres of land on the market for growing houses instead of food.

In the next 20 years, Maryland's population will increase by another million. Not all one million new folks have to live in Carroll County, but if we make the land available, they will come.

Here’s where the conversation slips into “The Twilight Zone.” Friends take me aside and tell me; “Kevin, people gotta live somewhere.” My response is that they all don’t need to live in Carroll County. Development needs to take place in municipalities because that is where the infrastructure is but the new houses don’t pay for the increased infrastructure needed and the increased demand for services.

I believe that incentives, such as fast-tracking need to be in place to encourage commercial and employment tax base development in the municipalities so as to provide revenue stream. But when one approaches Mr. or Mrs. Nimby and say how about an employment campus so that you don’t have to travel so far on inadequate roads for a meaningful job, the answer is I want it to be a farm. Well, the tract of land in question, farming is not profitable and can’t pay the bills so that it can remain a farm. Most likely because you hassled the farmer or killed a bunch of her cows by throwing your trash into her hayfield.

You go to the developer and say, how about developing an employment campus, with high end architectural and design standards and lots of trees and landscaping. The developer says I can’t because it is not zoned for that and I can’t get the zoning changed because the neighborhood became an angry mob when that idea was suggested.


(Originally from: 20050909 Outtakes Civility Listening session Gathering Places - C:\Media20040630WE\20051005 WE ListSessionP2 Urban Sprawl Hurts us All)

20050929 Agricultures new social contract