Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Showing posts with label Westminster Estonia Paide Sister City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Westminster Estonia Paide Sister City. Show all posts

Sunday, July 03, 2016

After attending services at the Grace Lutheran Church contemporary service at 9 am, our Estonian guests visited the traditional sanctuary just before the 10:30 am service.

After attending services at the Grace Lutheran Church contemporary service at 9 am, our Estonian guests visited the traditional sanctuary just before the 10:30 am service. Sunday, July 3, 2016 DA CE #estonia

After singing the national anthem between services at Grace Lutheran Church, the next stop for our Estonian dancers is a walking tour of Westminster on their way to the Paide Westminster sign located at the railroad tracks and Main Street in the hearty of historic downtown Westminster. Sun. July 3, 2016 DA CE #estonia

For the past week, June 27 – July 5, 2016, Westminster has hosted two groups of Estonian folk dancers, "Südameke" and "Keerutajad" from Westminster's sister city Paide, thanks, in part, to the hard work of CSM Thomas B. Beyard of the Md National Guard, Audrey Cimino and Jaclyn Mathias-Jones of the Community Foundation of Carroll Co., Aime and Jeff Pringle, and Mari Thalman among many others. Not to be overlooked are members of the Maryland National Guard, Sgt. Matthews Akiba, and Spc. Ronald Maddox for great help with logistics

The visitors include 26 young performers and 10 adults for a total of 36. Among the group are friends of mine, Indrek Kivimäe, a former mayor of Paide, and his wife Tiina, who directs the Paide Girls Choir. Both have visited Westminster before. Most notably Indrek visited us in June 2004 and made a presentation at the Md. Municipal League Convention.

In fact Indrek and Tiina helped host my trip to Estonia in Sept. 2004 when I served as the mayor of Westminster and visited Estonia as part of a diplomatic mission for the Md. National Guard and the U.S. State Department.

After attending services at the Grace Lutheran Church contemporary service at 9 am, our Estonian guests visited the traditional sanctuary just before the 10:30 am service.

After attending services at the Grace Lutheran Church contemporary service at 9 am, our Estonian guests visited the traditional sanctuary just before the 10:30 am service. Sunday, July 3, 2016 DA CE #estonia

After singing the national anthem between services at Grace Lutheran Church, the next stop for our Estonian dancers is a walking tour of Westminster on their way to the Paide Westminster sign located at the railroad tracks and Main Street in the hearty of historic downtown Westminster. Sun. July 3, 2016 DA CE #estonia

For the past week, June 27 – July 5, 2016, Westminster has hosted two groups of Estonian folk dancers, "Südameke" and "Keerutajad" from Westminster's sister city Paide, thanks, in part, to the hard work of CSM Thomas B. Beyard of the Md National Guard, Audrey Cimino and Jaclyn Mathias-Jones of the Community Foundation of Carroll Co., Aime and Jeff Pringle, and Mari Thalman among many others. Not to be overlooked are members of the Maryland National Guard, Sgt. Matthews Akiba, and Spc. Ronald Maddox for great help with logistics

The visitors include 26 young performers and 10 adults for a total of 36. Among the group are friends of mine, Indrek Kivimäe, a former mayor of Paide, and his wife Tiina, who directs the Paide Girls Choir. Both have visited Westminster before. Most notably Indrek visited us in June 2004 and made a presentation at the Md. Municipal League Convention.

In fact Indrek and Tiina helped host my trip to Estonia in Sept. 2004 when I served as the mayor of Westminster and visited Estonia as part of a diplomatic mission for the Md. National Guard and the U.S. State Department.

Last Wednesday, June 29, 2016, the Estonian dancers and singers performed at the amphitheater at Carroll Community College

Last Wednesday, June 29, 2016, the Estonian dancers and singers performed at the amphitheater at Carroll Community College, 1601 Washington Road, Westminster.

For the past week, June 27 – July 5, 2016, Westminster has hosted two groups of Estonian folk dancers, "Südameke" and "Keerutajad" from Westminster's sister city Paide, thanks, in part, to the hard work of CSM Thomas B. Beyard of the Md National Guard, Audrey Cimino and Jaclyn Mathias-Jones of the Community Foundation of Carroll Co., Aime and Jeff Pringle, and Mari Thalman among many others. Not to be overlooked are members of the Maryland National Guard, Sgt. Matthews Akiba, and Spc. Ronald Maddox for great help with logistics

#Dayhoffphotoblog, #estonia, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Music Estonia, Westminster Estonia Paide Sister City, Westminster Estonia Sister City, World Europe Estonia EE, Religion Grace Lutheran Church, Dayhoff photos Grace Ch,  Religion Grace Lutheran Church, Dayhoff photos Grace Ch, 

Last Wednesday, June 29, 2016, the Estonian dancers and singers performed at the amphitheater at Carroll Community College

Last Wednesday, June 29, 2016, the Estonian dancers and singers performed at the amphitheater at Carroll Community College, 1601 Washington Road, Westminster.

For the past week, June 27 – July 5, 2016, Westminster has hosted two groups of Estonian folk dancers, "Südameke" and "Keerutajad" from Westminster's sister city Paide, thanks, in part, to the hard work of CSM Thomas B. Beyard of the Md National Guard, Audrey Cimino and Jaclyn Mathias-Jones of the Community Foundation of Carroll Co., Aime and Jeff Pringle, and Mari Thalman among many others. Not to be overlooked are members of the Maryland National Guard, Sgt. Matthews Akiba, and Spc. Ronald Maddox for great help with logistic

On Tuesday, June 28, 2016, the visiting Estonian singing and dance group enjoyed a picnic at King’s Park in Westminster.

On Tuesday, June 28, 2016, the visiting Estonian singing and dance group enjoyed a picnic at King's Park in Westminster. DA CE #estonia

On Tuesday, June 28, 2016, the visiting Estonian singing and dance group enjoyed a picnic at King’s Park in Westminster.

On Tuesday, June 28, 2016, the visiting Estonian singing and dance group enjoyed a picnic at King's Park in Westminster. DA CE #estonia

Estonian visitors attend orientation meeting at McDaniel College Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Estonian visitors attend orientation meeting at McDaniel College Tuesday, June 28, 2016 with Tom Beyard, Audrey Cimino, Val Westbrook, and me. DA CE #estonia

From June 27 – July 5, 2016, Westminster will host two groups of Estonian folk dancers, "Südameke" and "Keerutajad" from Westminster's sister city Paide, thanks, in part, to the hard work of CSM Thomas B. Beyard of the Md National Guard, Audrey Cimino and Jaclyn Mathias-Jones of the Community Foundation of Carroll Co., Aime and Jeff Pringle, and Mari Thalman among many others. Not to be overlooked are members of the Maryland National Guard, Sgt. Matthews Akiba, and Spc. Ronald Maddox for great help with logistics

Estonian visitors attend orientation meeting at McDaniel College Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Estonian visitors attend orientation meeting at McDaniel College Tuesday, June 28, 2016 with Tom Beyard, Audrey Cimino, Val Westbrook, and me. DA CE #estonia

From June 27 – July 5, 2016, Westminster will host two groups of Estonian folk dancers, "Südameke" and "Keerutajad" from Westminster's sister city Paide, thanks, in part, to the hard work of CSM Thomas B. Beyard of the Md National Guard, Audrey Cimino and Jaclyn Mathias-Jones of the Community Foundation of Carroll Co., Aime and Jeff Pringle, and Mari Thalman among many others. Not to be overlooked are members of the Maryland National Guard, Sgt. Matthews Akiba, and Spc. Ronald Maddox for great help with logistics

Today Grace Church welcomes a visiting troupe of Estonian singers and dancers at the 9 o'clock service

Today Grace Church welcomes a visiting troupe of Estonian singers and dancers at the 9 o'clock service. Sun. July 3, 2016

#Dayhoffphotoblog, #estonia, Dayhoff Daily Photoblog, Music Estonia, Westminster Estonia Paide Sister City, Westminster Estonia Sister City, World Europe Estonia EE, Religion Grace Lutheran Church, Dayhoff photos Grace Ch, 

Today Grace Church welcomes a visiting troupe of Estonian singers and dancers at the 9 o'clock service

Today Grace Church welcomes a visiting troupe of Estonian singers and dancers at the 9 o'clock service. Sun. July 3, 2016

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Annapolis diverts sister city funding

Annapolis Mayor Cohen Diverts Sister City Funding to Reduce Budget Deficit

Annapolis, MD (01-12-10) – As part of his continuing effort to attack the city's financial deficit, Mayor Joshua J. Cohen announced today that he is redirecting the $27,500 remaining in the Sister Cities program to the general fund for the current fiscal year.

"Now is not the time to be spending $27,500 on the Sister Cities program when we are struggling even to fund essential services," said Mayor Cohen, whose administration is focused on eliminating an estimated $6.5 million budget deficit for FY 2011.

The Mayor also is convening a group of community stakeholders to review the Sister Cities program and recommend ways to explore public/private partnerships that would provide long-term benefit to the city.

"A strategically thought-out international exchange program has the potential to add value to our economic development efforts, as well as our educational and cultural institutions within the city," Mayor Cohen said. "It is time to take the Sister Cities program out from under the umbrella of city government and make it a more community-based initiative."

Individuals who have accepted the Mayor's invitation to review the Sister Cities program and make recommendations include:

Linnell Bowen, Executive Director, Maryland Hall for the Performing Arts
Reginald Broddie, Chief Professional Officer, Boys & Girls Clubs of Annapolis and Anne Arundel County
Bob Burdon, President and CEO, Annapolis and Anne Arundel County Chamber of Commerce
Connie Del Signore, President and CEO, Annapolis and Anne Arundel County Conference & Visitors Bureau
Kevin Maxwell, Superintendent, Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Joe Rubino, Director of Governmental Affairs, U.S. Naval Academy

Annapolis first began as a Sister City in 1980, partnering with Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada. Since then, Annapolis has partnered with many other cities, including Wexford, Ireland; Dumfries, Scotland; Tallin, Estonia; Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Rochefort, France; Richmond, North Yorkshire; and Newport, Wales.


20100112 Annapolis diverts sister city funding MD muni Annapolis, Westminster Estonia Paide Sister City, World Europe Estonia EE

Annapolis Mayor Cohen Diverts Sister City Funding to Reduce Budget Deficit
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: Kevin Dayhoff Art: Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Waking Up The Populace
Joan McIntyre
Are we about to see cracks in the glass ceiling in the world of our Frederick County Board of Education and Frederick County Public Schools? Will the Sacred Cow called the public schools system be held accountable?

REVIEW – Riverdance" Has It All!
Roy Meachum
While being amazed in Baltimore's Hippodrome Theatre Tuesday night, the thought occurred: In my 40-plus years reviewing I've never seen a smoother musical show. Put simply: "Riverdance" has it all!

True Measure of Success
Chris Cavey
Our society has many ways to gauge the success or failure of those involved in the political world. One unique measurement of judging those who have mounted the national platform of “being someone of note” is to be a host or to be lampooned on Saturday Night Live. Last Saturday Michael Steele made it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Dangerous Diplomacy of Pandering
Kevin E. Dayhoff
I recently had the delightful opportunity to go to Washington and have lunch with a member of the Estonian Parliament, Tõnis Kõiv.

The Weavers and the Money
Tom McLaughlin
Lombok, Indonesia – We had finished our visit with the stump tailed Macaques and the use of my teaching techniques on the troop. Our next stop, a small enterprise, located only through a side road, winding through a housing estate filled with homes (we would call them shacks) constructed of wood.

Bobby Fischer: Genius or Madman?
Michael Kurtianyk
It has often been said that there’s a fine line between genius and madness. Think of some people whom you consider to be geniuses? Does Albert Einstein come to mind? Thomas Jefferson? Benjamin Franklin?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
GOP Spitting Contest
Roy Meachum
As a non-Republican, I find amusing the recent rhubarb within the GOP party over Michael Steele.

Misinformation and Playing Politics
Farrell Keough
Some interesting events have occurred over the last few weeks that are seemingly disparate, but in fact, have many commonalities. The main connection is the discussion of the Waste To Energy (WTE) plant.

Monday, March 9, 2009
Twitter Me This!
Steven R. Berryman
In an age when the president is only now just picking up on the notion that his public statements and the stock exchange fluctuations are related and important, why is he inviting a business-celebrity from the social networking website, to the White House for cocktails?

Friday, March 6, 2009
Bob McCardell – R.I.P.
John W. Ashbury
The old saying about looking in the dictionary for a definition of a word and finding a picture of someone instead certainly applies in the case of Robert Clingan McCardell, who died January 26 at 95.

"My Littlest Fascist"
Roy Meachum
Early on I addressed him as "my littlest fascist." Alex Mooney asked me once why I said that. My reply: "Because that's what you are."

Class Traders
Joe Charlebois
Those whose trade is to pit one income bracket against another to empower themselves in no way serve our nation. These class warfare instigators are akin to a head coach intentionally creating animosity between two of his own players. It doesn't make the team effective; they'll root for each other to fail; they'll never be championship contenders.

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Time to Kill the Death Penalty
Tony Soltero
In our world there are civilized societies and uncivilized societies. Civilized societies tend to be free and democratic, philosophically based on reason and not superstition, and have a healthy respect for individuals' rights to follow their own consciences.

Winter’s Release
Patricia A. Kelly
Our first snow finally arrived and departed, just in time for spring. I’d been waiting for a real snow, accompanied by cold weather that lasted a few days.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Great Man Theory of History
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Even before his election to the office of the president last November, many in the liberal chattering class were already using hype and hyperbole that then-Senator Barack Obama was destined to be one of our country’s greatest presidents.

Reflecting a Struggling Economy
Michael Kurtianyk
When I first heard the news that The Frederick News-Post was suspending its Monday edition, my first thought was: “Uh oh, it’s the beginning of the end. The FNP will go the way of other newspapers around the country.”

The Adventure Continues
Tom McLaughlin
Sengigi, Lomock Island, Indonesia – Our trip to Lombok was an example where the Internet, advance planning and advice from fellow trekkers exploded into a rusty hulk. Air Asia from Kuching to Singapore and Bali and then by ferry to Lombok, sounds simple.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Weekend Political Wash
Roy Meachum
Only The Frederick News-Post's announcement that it was "suspending" its Monday edition competed; over the weekend there was intense talk about the probability that ex-mayor Jennifer Dougherty will run for her former office again. Everyone acknowledges she could be a tough foe.

Common Sense Solution; Rejection Likely
Nick Diaz
Just as I enjoy riding my Yamaha Venture touring motorcycle on invisible roads in our four-state area, I also like driving a car for pleasure on these same pathways. Three years ago, for example, I persuaded my wife, (who insists on more comfort than even my two-wheel Venture barcalounger can provide), to take the scenic route home from Asheville, NC.

Kevin Dayhoff

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Estonian movie “Headwind Hall” – “ Vastutuulesaal” comes to Maryland

Estonian movie “Headwind Hall” – “ Vastutuulesaal” comes to Maryland

February 14, 2009

The English narrative is cobbled together from an e-mail… The Estonian material is from:

Vastutuulesaal (2007) [Headwind Hall]
Directed by Priit Valkna.
Cinematography by Rein Kotov (Somnambuul), Margus Malm, and Tauno Sirel.

Friends of Estonia,

Because Estonia is now in its final stages of being an official Sister State of Maryland, Estonia has been added to the list of being part of the State's International Art and Film events. In 2009, the first part of this is the showing of some international films around the state. An Estonian film, a documentary, will be shown at the following locations on the following dates at no charge: .

Monday, February 16 – Headwind Hall (Vastutuulesaal (Salisbury University, Caruthers Hall Auditorium);

Friday, February 27 – Headwind Hall (Vastutuulesaal ) (Towson University, Van Bokkelen Hall Auditorium);

Wednesday, March 4 – Headwind Hall (Vastutuulesaal ) (Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, Annapolis); and

Tuesday, March 10 – Headwind Hall (Vastutuulesaal ) (Room 201) (Frostburg University, Lane University Center).

All shows are at 7:00 PM.

Producer and co-writer of Headwind Hall, Artur Talvik, offers a light-hearted summary of the film.

Headwind Hall is a documentary film about the conductor Tõnu Kaljuste and his crazy idea of building an opera house on the estate of the past inventor Schmidt in Naissaar; an island which even today has no regular ferry line, no electricity and only one permanent resident.

In order to carry his idea through, Kaljuste must face situations bordering on the absurd, involving potential investors, snobby bureaucrats, construction workers, and the general public.

He transports construction materials and other necessities to the island with his own small boat.

The press and the representatives of different institutions cannot refrain from gloating - what is he trying to prove? The idea is almost as crazy as inventor Schmidt's erstwhile headwind ship that used the energy of headwind in order to move ahead with double power. However, in the summer of 2006, the Nargen Opera is completed and the first performances are carried through.

This amusing and dynamic film follows the activities of Tõnu Kaljuste during a period of five years.

The building of an opera house may not strike most people as a subject for a very dramatic film. Notwithstanding, sometimes the most extreme circumstances can be the setting for the most compelling stories.

The charismatic conductor Tõnu Kaljuste resigned his position as music director and chief conductor of the world renowned Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir in late 1999 and set out on a quixotic quest to build an opera/concert hall on the island of Naissaar, located about 12 miles north of Tallinn (the Estonian capital).

Naissaar, also known as the Island of Nargen, was once the family home of world renowned telescope and optical lens inventor Bernhard Schmidt (1879-1935) among whose other theoretical inventions was a wind-powered sail/propeller boat which used the force of the wind to sail directly into the wind itself.

The idea of this "against the headwind ship" becomes the metaphor for Kaljuste's dream to realize the construction of his opera/concert hall despite all the forces of bureaucracy, financing, and common sense working against him. Naissaar Island had no electrical supply, a barely functioning harbor, and only one or two permanent residents at the time this story begins.

How Kaljuste overcame nearly endless adversity and ultimately achieved his goal is shown in this exhilarating film.

Headwind Hall ends with the pop hit Minu inimesed [My People] by the Estonian rap/dance-club performer Chalice (the stagename of singer Jarek Kasar) and provides a musical benediction to Kaljuste's efforts.

At the same time, composer Arvo Pärt declares on-screen that "the Estonian people can't begin to appreciate the trouble that Tõnu has gone through"

Thanks to director Priit Valkna's triumphant film, audiences get the chance to see it and appreciate it for themselves.

Headwind Hall was given standing ovations at the 2007 Nordic Film Days in Lübeck. The film runs 60 minutes.


“Vastutuulesaal” on dokumentaalfilm dirigent
Tõnu Kaljustest ja tema hullust ideest rajada kunagise leiutaja Schmidti talumaadele ooperisaal. Idee pöörasus seisneb aga selles, et leiutaja Schmidti maad asuvad Naissaarel. Saarel, mis hiljuti oli Nõukogude Armee kinniseks sõjaväebaasiks ja millel tänaseni puudub regulaarne laevaühendus, kus pole elektrit ja kus elab aastaringselt ainult üks elanik. Kes seal ooperis käima hakkab? Mis mõte see selline on? Karismaatiline Tõnu Kaljuste aga tahab kõigi kiuste ja hoolimata üldsuse ning rahamaailma vastuseisust rajada sinna omanäolist kultuurikeskust, kus traditsioonid ja kaasaeg kohtuvad. Kus ooperi kõrgstiil kohtub looduslähedusega. Idee elluviimiseks peab Kaljuste läbima absurdseid situatsioone potentsiaalsete rahastajatega, üleolevate ametnikega, ehitajate ja laiema üldsusega. Ta veab oma isikliku väikepaadiga saarele ehitusmaterjale ja muud hädavajalikku. Laiem üldsus ja eri instantside ametnikud aga ei suuda oma muiet varjata – mida ta tahab sellega tõestada? Võiks öelda, et idee on sama hull, nagu omal ajal leiutaja Schmidti loodud vastutuulelaev, mis kasutas vastu puhuva tuule energiat topeltjõuga edasi liikumiseks.

Aga 2006. aasta suvel saab Nargen Opera valmis.

Lõbus ja hoogne film jälgib Kaljuste tegemisi viie aasta jooksul.

Režissöör: Priit Valkna
Idee autor: Artur Talvik,
Monteerija: Tambet Tasuja
Muusikaline kujundus: Priit Valkna
Operaatorid: Margus Malm, Rein Kotov, Tauno Sirel
Stsenaristid: Artur Talvik, Andri Luup, Priit Valkna
Produtsent: Artur Talvik
allikas: EFSA
Tags: dokumentaal, RUUT

20090216 SDOSM Headwind Hall Vastutuulesaal
Kevin Dayhoff Art
Kevin Dayhoff

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

20080702 Paide Estonia Wednesday morning July 2, 2008

Paide Estonia Wednesday morning 8:06 AM July 2, 2008

Paide Keskväljak

Wednesday morning, July 2, 2008

2 Juuli 2008


Chairman of the Town Council of Paide Mr.
Ants Hiiemaa (Faction of Civic Union of Fatherland and Social Democrats)

Valimised on läbi ja nüüd me peame õigustama oma valijate usaldust. Seetõttu pean ma enda ja volinike tähtsaimaks ülesandeks valimislubaduste alusel sündinud koalitsioonileppe täitmist.

Volikogu eduka tegutsemise eeldus on hästi tunda linnakodanike vajadusi. Seetõttu pean vajalikuks pidevat koostööd erinevate huvigruppidega. Tuleb muuta regulaarseks volikogu kohtumised noorte, eakate ja teiste linnakodanikega, tuleb moodustada ettevõtjate ümarlaud jne. Pean tähtsaks väärtustada kodanike omaalgatust ja korraldada arutelusid.

Minu arvates on volikogu ülesanne eelkõige linna arengusuundade väljatöötamine. Volinike üheks tähtsamaks tööks saab linna uue arengukava väljatöötamine, mille tegemisse tuleb kaasata võimalikult palju linnakodanikke. Paide tähtsus peab Kesk-Eesti linnana suurenema.

Ants Hiiemaa,
Paide linnavolikogu esimees
tel 383 8604

Kersti Sarapuu – linnapea
Curriculum Vitae
Mayor Mrs. Kersti Sarapuu (Faction of Central Party)

Sünniaeg: 05.05.1954
Perekonnaseis: abielus, 5 last

Haridus: kõrgem
1986 Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut, tööstuse juhtimine ja planeerimine
1972 Tartu 7.Keskkool

1996 finantsjuhtimisalane koolitus Rootsis Göteborgis, praktika Rootsi pankades
1994-1999 Erinevad juhtimisalased koolitused ja seminarid (Mercuri, Invicta)
1973-1994 Erinevad koolitused koolieelse hariduse valdkonnas
1969-1972 Tartu 7.Keskkool, kaubanduse eriala

2005-...Paide linnapea
2005 Paide Linnavalitsus, abilinnapea
1998-2005 AS Kingstor, AS Neli Kuningat, juhatuse liige
1996-1998 Eesti Maapank, regiooni direktor
1994-1996 Virumaa Kommertspank, Paide kontori juhataja
1988-1994 Paide Sookure Lasteaed, juhataja
1973-1977 Karinu 8.-kl. Kool, õpetaja
1977-1988 Alliku Sovhoosi Lastepäevakodu, juhataja
1972-1973 Tartu Kaubandusvalitsus, müüja

Täiendavad andmed:
B kategooria autojuhiluba
Keeled: eesti, inglise, vene
Hobid: reisimine, lugemine


Vice Mayor Mr.
Kaido Ivask (Faction of Civic Union of Fatherland and Social Democrats)

Vice Mayor Mr.
Toomas Ponkin ( Faction of Pro Patria and Res Publica)

Area: 10,036 km²

Inhabitants: 9 272 (1.06.2007)

Budget: approx. 10 900 000 EUR

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

20080604 Eye for Art columns in the Advocate by Lyndi McNulty from Oct. 19, 2005 through June 4, 2008

Eye for Art columns in the Advocate by Lyndi McNulty from Oct. 19, 2005 through June 4, 2008

19.OCT.05 Eye for Art: Roger Lewis — stained glass artist

16.NOV.05 Eye for Art: Lippy named to Master Guild

23.NOV.05 A SEAT AT OUR TABLE: What Thanksgiving means to The Advocate

14.DEC.05 Eye for Art: O’Connell: Faux finish artist

14.DEC.05 Local nurse helped kids in Ecuador

11.JAN.06 Commentary: Lessons from police officers

18.JAN.06 Commentary: More lessons from police academy

22.FEB.06 Eye for Art: Tom Ferguson — wood craftsman

01.MAR.06 Paide means Peace: Where are we now?

08.MAR.06 Commentary: Paide means Peace: Where are we now?

15.MAR.06 Commentary: Paide means peace: Where are we now?

22.MAR.06 Eye for Art: Arc director collects autographs

19.APR.06 Community Briefs – April 19

26.APR.06 Eye for Art: Pencil artist focuses on precision, detail

03.MAY.06 Eye for Art: T-shirt and mural artist loves his job

24.MAY.06 Commentary: City employees our neighbors, too

31.MAY.06 Eye for Art: McDaniel professor pens book on digital collage

14.JUN.06 Eye for Art: McDaniel art professor was artist as child in Ukraine

05.JUL.06 Woodworking: Family tradition

26.JUL.06 Eye for Art: McDaniel prof painting sold for $22k

02.AUG.06 Eye for Art: Art prof travels to Genoa, Italy

23.AUG.06 Eye for Art: The Gists — Enchanted Jewelers

30.AUG.06 News in Brief – Aug. 30

06.SEP.06 Eye for Art: Dentist has love of photography

13.SEP.06 Eye for Art: Artist paints historic buildings

20.SEP.06 Historical society curator publishes photo book

18.OCT.06 Local watercolorist found talents after retirement

25.OCT.06 Community Briefs – Oct. 25

08.NOV.06 Eye for Art: Landscapes without shadows

22.NOV.06 Calendar – Nov. 22

22.NOV.06 Holiday parade, tree lighting kick off shopping season

29.NOV.06 Eye for Art: Florist has designed for inaugurations

06.DEC.06 Eye for Art: Artist paints vertical landscapes

20.DEC.06 Eye for Art: Artist began by carving decoys

10.JAN.07 Commentary: Pecoraro reflects on many changes to Westminster

24.JAN.07 Eye for Art: Singing stock broker performs with singing cab driver

31.JAN.07 Eye for Art: Firefighter collects, restores antique fire trucks

07.FEB.07 Eye for Art: Ruchlewicz an avid photog

07.FEB.07 Community Briefs – Feb. 7

21.MAR.07 Eye for Art: Artists Guild celebrates 30 years

28.MAR.07 Eye for Art: Teacher creates silk paintings

04.APR.07 Community Briefs – April 4

18.APR.07 Eye for Art: Interior designer stays away from trends

25.APR.07 Commentary: Westminster police offer many community programs

30.MAY.07 Eye for Art: Zappardino involved in art, global peace work

04.JUL.07 Eye for Art: Local man collects Napoleon items

11.JUL.07 Eye for Art: Local photographer’s images show ‘Mystic Isles’

18.JUL.07 Estonian visitor studies youth camps in Westminster

01.AUG.07 Eye for Art: Local airbrush artist famous in Hollywood for work

08.AUG.07 Eye for Art: Resident attending Mount St. Mary’s to study art

12.SEP.07 Eye for Art: Resident teaches diving

12.SEP.07 WEB UPDATE: Council hears public comment on two zoning issues

19.SEP.07 Eye for Art: McDaniel student’s family life inspired ‘Mystery Meat’

19.SEP.07 Westminster Common Council: Council hears public comment on two zoning issues

03.OCT.07 Commentary: Seven Estonians visit Westminster through partnership

31.OCT.07 Eye for Art: Award-winning artist joins guild

07.NOV.07 Eye for Art: Commerce president collects comics

28.NOV.07 City celebrates holiday season with tree lighting

02.JAN.08 Eye for Art: Wreath features local wildlife

09.JAN.08 Eye for Art: Behind the scenes at Carroll County Arts Council

09.JAN.08 Concierge service targets busy residents

23.JAN.08 Eye for Art: Retiree, now 92, found art later in life through college

30.JAN.08 Eye for Art: Artist discovered watercolors after 15-year break from art

06.FEB.08 Eye for Art: Local artist did plein air paintings at Grand Teton

13.FEB.08 Eye for Art: Crisis counselor uses art for self expression

20.FEB.08 Eye for Art: Crawford captures personality in portraits of pets

05.MAR.08 Community Voices- Administrator aims to improve Westminster’s customer service

12.MAR.08 Eye for Art: Shop promises Perfect Plants

12.MAR.08 Community Briefs-March 19

12.MAR.08 Eye for Art: Making it fresh with a new hairdo

26.MAR.08 Trend: Buying the basics

09.APR.08 Eye for Art: Local artist travels nation for painting passion

16.APR.08 Eye for Art: Understanding a love of drawing, dislike of science

23.APR.08 Eye for Art: Artist thinks outside of the pot when creating

07.MAY.08 Eye for Art: Local man gets more creative, artistic with age

14.MAY.08 Eye for Art: Young photographer has high hopes for artistic future

14.MAY.08 Eye for Art: Local artist uses jewelry as outlet

04.JUN.08 Eye for Art: Art, math give good foundation
20080604 Eye for Art columns in the Advocate by Lyndi McNulty from Oct. 19, 2005 through June 4, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008

20080110 Singing Revolution Director James Tusty to Speak at Cinema Sundays this Sunday, January 13

Singing Revolution Director James Tusty to Speak at Cinema Sundays 1/13

January 10, 2007

Cinema Sundays is delighted to announce that not only will we be screening The Singing Revolution on Sunday 1/13 but we are thrilled that the Director and Producer of the film James Tusty will be joining us.

We are all looking forward to his insight into this well reviewed documentary. Following the film you can count on the usual stimulating Cinema Sundays Q & A. I look forward to seeing you for this special event this Sunday at 10.

Jonathan Palevsky, Cinema Sundays Host.


20080108 “The (Estonia) Singing Revolution” documentary at the Charles Jan. 13, 2007

The Singing Revolution

A film by James and Maureen Trusty. It is the story of how culture saved a nation.

For posts on “Soundtrack” about the Westminster MarylandPaide Estonia Sister City partnership, click here: Estonia Paide Westminster Maryland Sister City Partnership For other posts on Estonia, click here: Europe Estonia EE

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

20080108 “The (Estonia) Singing Revolution” documentary at the Charles Jan. 13, 2007

20080108 “The (Estonia) Singing Revolution” documentary at the Charles Jan. 13, 2007

The Singing Revolution

A film by James and Maureen Trusty. It is the story of how culture saved a nation.

For posts on “Soundtrack” about the Westminster MarylandPaide Estonia Sister City partnership, click here: Estonia Paide Westminster Maryland Sister City Partnership For other posts on Estonia, click here: Europe Estonia EE

Visit to request a screening of The Singing Revolution in your area.

Most people don't think about singing when they think about revolutions. But song was the weapon of choice when, between 1986 and 1991, Estonians sought to free themselves from decades of Soviet occupation. During those years, hundreds of thousands gathered in public to sing forbidden patriotic songs and to rally for independence.

Learn How Estonia's Non-Violent Singing Revolution defeated a very violent occupation.

Added to YouTube: August 20, 2007


Cinema Sundays Winter 2008 Series 41!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cinema Sundays at the Charles Continues its 41st series on January 13th with the Baltimore Premiere of documentary The Singing Revolution. Directed by James Tusty. Starring Heiki Ahonen, Mari-Ann Kelam, Tunne Kelam, Mart Laar, Marju Lauristin, Ivo Linna and Tija-Ester Loitme.

2007 Estonia/USA, 94 minutes


First occupied by the Soviets in 1939, then by the Nazis, and then by the Soviets again, Estonia lived through decades of terror. By the end of World War II, more than one-quarter of the population had been deported to Siberia, been executed, or had fled the country. Music sustained the Estonian people during those years, and was such a crucial part of their struggle for freedom that their successful bid for independence is known as the Singing Revolution.

"The Singing Revolution" is the first film to tell this historically vital tale. “This is a story that has not been told outside Estonia,” said filmmaker James Tusty, who is of Estonian descent. “We felt it was time the rest of the world knew of the amazing events that happened here.”

In 1999, Tusty and his wife and co-producer Maureen lived in Tallinn, Estonia, while teaching film production at an Estonian University. The experience sparked their interest in the Singing Revolution, and in 2001 they returned to Estonia to teach and also to begin the meticulous research that would anchor their stunning documentary.

To make the film, the Tustys interviewed more than forty movement leaders, Estonian statesmen, and average citizens. They also combed through archives around the world...unearthing rare, forgotten footage of life under Soviet rule.

Four years in the making, "The Singing Revolution" is a moving, intensely human testament to the sustaining power of hope and the motivating strength of song. The film reflects the indomitable human drive for personal freedom, political independence, and self-determination.

Click here for trailer and official site!

Cinema Sundays continues its 41st series with the Baltimore premiere of The Singing Revolution. This is your chance to witness one of the most interesting stories concerning the fall of the Iron Curtain. Where else but at Cinema Sundays can you experience Spanish haunted houses one week and then the Estonian Revolution the next. This documentary has been receiving rave reviews (86% on and CSC is proud to be the first in Baltimore to show it.

Our speaker for this week is as yet unknown but I have a sneaking suspicion that it will be someone intimately connected with Estonia…In fact I have a sneaking suspicion that if I do my homework right there should be a greater percentage of Estonians at Cinema Sundays than ever before. Whether there will be singing or not has yet to be determined!

I would like to thank our speaker for last week’s film, The Orphanage, Paul Zinder…I had no idea he was such a horror aficionado and that film theory could be so pithy! Great job Paul, we look forward to seeing you next January.

A Few quick announcements;

1)The Charles is extremely pleased to present the current season of La Scala on the big screen. The next screening, Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde, will take place January 23rd at 12:30 Pm, and will be repeated twice the following Sunday January 27. All screenings will feature a pre-opera chat by yours truly which will no doubt enhance your five hour long Wagnerian experience. Having sat through Tristan once in my life I can inform you with confidence that it is a life changing experience, and I mean that in a good way! Tickets can be purchased on line through the Charles Web site or at the theatre. Both Aida shows sold out last month, don’t let this epic five hour masterpiece slip by!

2)If you wish to purchase memberships to CSC as gifts for those you care for, the dates for our 41st series are 1/13, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/24, 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/30.

3)Cinema Sundays gift certificates are available on line or at the Charles. You can find out more from Karen Kaufman or any of our fabulous volunteers.

I hope you’ve had a fabulous holiday season and a wonderful New Year. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Jonathan Palevsky

If you’ve never been to Cinema Sundays before, see below for our stimulating, updated, yet official description.

Precisely at 9:45 on a given Sunday morning, while birds chirp in the most musical manner, the doors at the Charles Theatre swing open to reveal a lobby replete with tasty bagels, hot coffee and friendly volunteers ready to serve them to you. All of our volunteers have been pre-tested for a complete lack of morning grouchiness and provide the nicest service.

Guarded carefully by the enormous lobby penguin (which desperately needs a name) bagels, coffee and scintillating yet improvised conversation continues until 10:30. At precisely 10:30:07 some brief opening remarks by yours truly will be followed by a few remarks from our guest speaker who will never do either of two things. First he or she will never ever give away the plot of the film and second the speaker will not go on too long…especially if the film is one of those 2.5 hour Soviet era documentaries on the Romance of the Seven Tractor Drivers.

Following a brief admonition not to talk during the film and a recommendation to sublet your cell phone to a starving student from the third world the screening will take place. Upon completion of the screening a robust question and answer session featuring our guest speaker will include your fascinating observations upon the recently screened movie.

This flowery description barely describes the sublime joy and excitement which is Cinema Sundays. If there is a better way to spend Sunday mornings it simply hasn’t occurred to me….yet!

Jonathan Palevsky
Host of Cinema Sundays and completely reachable at

Please feel free to visit us at… Http://

Tickets: $15 at the door.
Or buy a mini-membership.
1711 N. Charles St.