Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

This week in The Tentacle - Wednesday, July 23, 2008

This week in The Tentacle - Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Kevin E. Dayhoff

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fetching Food and Politics
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Every third Wednesday in July the Maryland State Capital, if not the center of the Maryland political universe, moves from Annapolis to Crisfield for the annual J. Millard Tawes Crab and Clam Bake.

This year marked the 32nd occasion for the storied unique mixture of great southern Eastern Shore hospitality, tradition, Maryland seafood, and some of the best people watching of the year.

Last Wednesday was a beautiful, hot, and humid Maryland summer day at the quintessential Eastern Shore community situated within sight of the Chesapeake Bay on Tangier Sound, where the Manokin, Annemessex, and Pocomoke Rivers come together.

I, along with fellow columnist Chris Cavey, spent a delightful afternoon at the event with a number of good friends from Central Maryland.

Read the rest of the column here:
Fetching Food and Politics

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Cartoons Capture Cinema
Roy Meachum
As readers know, Bob Miller has me on his Morning News Express (WFMD*930AM) to talk about films and plays. We chat every Friday shortly before nine, when his program ends. This is why I can be spotted hanging around movie theatres.

Ireland or Bust
Nick Diaz
My wife and I are leaving for Dublin tomorrow. No, not Dublin, Virginia, nor Dublin, Ohio. Not even Dublin, California.

Monday, July 21, 2008
Building Community Capacity
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
How do we measure the health of a community? Is it wealth-based? Maybe a healthy community is one wherein there are enough jobs paying a sufficiently high wage to sustain a family.

The Enemy Within
Steven R. Berryman
Vacationing in Bethany Beach, Delaware, took me past the iconic sub-watch towers, still positioned as they were during World War II, standing guard at the shoreline. These fortified cylindrical monoliths at one time dotted the East Coast from Maine to Florida, protecting our borders from invasion.

Friday, July 18, 2008
I Am Not Amused
Roy Meachum
A great deal of ruckus happened in the national media; the chuckling and tsk-tsking came over that New Yorker cover. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, please go back to your computer war game.

The Suicide of Earthworms
John W. Ashbury
Is there a reason that earthworms have taken to committing suicide by crawling out of the ground and crossing sidewalks all over Frederick County, only to die from the heat before getting to the other side? Why the chicken crossed the road poses a similar explanation.

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Bull Hockey and The Reverend Jackson
Chris Cavey
Last Saturday was the 5th Annual D.C. Testicle Festival sponsored by the Montana State Society. The event was in Arlington, Virginia, and once again just a little too far for me to travel for a four-hour event on a busy summer Saturday.

The Implications of Illegal Immigration
Joan McIntyre
There are so many hot issues to talk about this week, such as Waste To Energy (WTE), the economy, gas prices, housing foreclosures, car sales, layoffs and many more. But one, which seems to be slipping from the Number One spot it used to fill, needs to be brought back to the forefront again.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
R.I.P. Tony Snow
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last Saturday former White House press secretary, Fox News commentator and well-known columnist, Tony Snow, died of cancer at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington. He was but 53 years old.

The Good Reverends
Tom McLaughlin
Sen. Barack Obama sure is having problems with preachers. First it was the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and now the Rev. Jesse Jackson. Both have added a sense of amusement to the campaign.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Killing the Messenger
Roy Meachum
In the 25 years my writings have appeared in local media, I have become accustomed to being measured for a virtual coffin. My publisher for most of the time, George Delaplaine, put up a strong shield around the News-Post's right to print diverse opinions, including mine.

A Beautiful Friendship?
Farrell Keough
So many interesting events have taken place since my last entry here that it was difficult to decide what to write about. But, a Herculean accomplishment is taking place within this county, and it needs to touted.

Monday, July 14, 2008
Obama's Dilemma
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Presidential campaigns are fraught with challenges and obstacles. One of the biggest is how, in a national race in the cable television age, can a candidate define himself and his opponent in a way that highlights differences without alienating too many voters.

From The Desk of the Publisher!
John W. Ashbury
Steve Berryman, whose column usually appears in this space every Monday, is on vacation. His unique views will return next week.

20080723 This week in The Tentacle

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 7, 1958 – Anchorage Daily News: Ike signs statehood bill

July 7, 1958 – Anchorage Daily News: Ike signs statehood bill

Ike signs statehood bill

Puts Signature to Legislation at White House

(July 7, 1958) WASHINGTON — President Eisenhower today signed into law the bill to make Alaska the 49th state.

The president put his signature on the historic legislation at 3:20 p.m. EDT in his White House office.

After signing the bill, the president looked up and commented to Gerald Morgan, White House special counsel, "Now we have 49 states." But the president quickly added, "Maybe we don't do it until the plebiscite."

Morgan replied, "We don't do it until the plebiscite."

They were referring to the fact that Alaskan voters still must approve the terms of statehood in a referendum to be held in December. Only after that will Alaskan statehood become a reality.

The president advised Gov. Michael A. Stepovich of Alaska by letter that the bill had been signed as required by one of its provisions.

"As you start the procedure that will, I hope, result in the admission of Alaska into the union as a state, you and the people of Alaska have my very best wishes," Eisenhower wrote.

In his statement, the president said he had requested Defense Secretary Neil H. McElroy to review U.S. military needs in Alaska in accordance with a provision authorizing "special national defense withdrawals to assure that the defense requirements of our nation are adequately protected."

In a statement issued shortly after the signing, the president said he was pleased with the Alaskan action but "extremely disturbed over reports that no action is contemplated by the current Congress" on legislation to admit Hawaii.

"I personally believe that Hawaii has qualified for statehood equally with Alaska," he declared. "The thousands of loyal, patriotic Americans in Hawaii who suffered the ravages of World War II with us and who experienced the first disastrous attack upon Pearl Harbor must not be forgotten."

19590630 Col Marston and Mayor Anderson stand in front of 49 star flag

US state Alaska, US state Alaska Anchorage, US state Alaska history, President 1953 34 Eisenhower - Dwight David Eisenhower, US state Hawaii, US state Hawaii history,

19580707 Anchorage Daily News: Ike signs statehood bill

June 30, 1958 – Col Marston and Mayor Anderson stand in front of 49 star flag hung from the Federal Building in Anchorage

June 30, 1958 – Col Marston and Mayor Anderson stand in front of 49 star flag hung from the Federal Building in Anchorage

June 30, 1958 – July 2008

Anchorage Daily News

This year, in celebration of Alaska becoming the 49th state in the United States in 1959; the Anchorage Daily News has been publishing, once a month, a vintage broadsheet of the paper from 50 years ago.

It has been a delightful series. My brother-in-law, from Anchorage, just gave me the latest installment and I really enjoyed the photograph of:

“Col Muktuk (Marvin R.) Marston, left, with Mayor Anton Anderson in front of a 48-star flag with a 49th attached, hung from the Federal Building in Anchorage in celebration of statehood on June 30, 1958. Marston was a member of the Constitutional Convention.”

19590630 Col Marston and Mayor Anderson stand in front of 49 star flag

Monday, July 21, 2008

20080721 Nags Head Outer Banks North Carolina The Three Lifeguards

Nags Head, Outer Banks North Carolina: "The Three Lifeguards"

© Kevin Dayhoff

20080721 Nags Head Outer Banks North Carolina The Three Lifeguards

AP: Facebook gets a facelift to help users share

20080721 AP Facebook gets a facelift to help users share

Facebook gets a facelift to help users share

By ANICK JESDANUN, AP Internet Writer, Jul 21, 7:33 AM EDT

NEW YORK (AP) -- The popular online hangout Facebook is sporting a new look to reflect changes in how its members communicate with each other and how they share photos and updates about their lives.

Central to the redesign, to be unveiled Monday, is an expanded Wall, the section of a member's personal profile page where friends can leave comments and photos. People will now be able to add items more easily, and the Wall will incorporate reports on a user's activities previously found on a user's "Mini-Feed."

The development comes as Facebook and rival MySpace from News Corp. vie to become the central hub of online communications. Both sites are reorganizing their layouts this summer to reduce clutter and make information easier to find.


Read the rest of the article here: Facebook gets a facelift to help users share

Virginian Pilot: Tropical Storm Cristobal grazes coast, mostly skips wildfires

20080721 Virginian Pilot: Tropical Storm Cristobal grazes coast, mostly skips wildfires

By Alicia P.Q. Wittmeyer The Virginian-Pilot © July 21, 2008

The first tropical storm of the season to threaten the United States grazed the Outer Banks, bringing some showers and wind but saving most of its fury for the Atlantic Ocean to the east.

"There is little to nothing on land now," National Weather Service meteorologist Mike Rusnak said about 9:30 p.m. Sunday. Most of the Outer Banks, he said, "just saw a showery day."

As of 8 p.m., Tropical Storm Cristobal was 25 miles southeast of Cape Hatteras, N.C., moving northeast at 8 mph, heading out to sea.

A cold front coming from the northwest is expected to help push the storm out to sea today, Rusnak said, although the front will bring its own set of showers and thunderstorms.

The strongest winds at the coast were recorded at Cape Hatteras, which got up to between 30 and 35 mph, Rusnak said. Winds of up to 50 mph were recorded offshore, but "nothing near that by the coast," he said.

Rainfall was expected to be 1 to 2 inches, with up to 4 to 5 inches expected in some areas. Not much of that rain fell on either the fire burning in the Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge or the fire at the Great Dismal Swamp, Rusnak said.

And none of it fell in Duck…


Read the rest here: Tropical Storm Cristobal grazes coast, mostly skips wildfires

20080716 Being and artist and growing up in Carroll County by Lyndi McNulty

20080716 Being and artist and growing up in Carroll County by Lyndi McNulty
16.JUL.08 Eye for Art: Being an artist and growing up in Carroll

Eye for Art: “Being an artist and growing up in Carroll” by Lyndi McNulty

“There is no better place to be an artist than Carroll County,” exclaimed Kevin Dayhoff of Westminster. “Lots of people have asked me what it is like to grow up an artist here. It’s great. Growing up in Carroll County you learn self-sufficiency, independent thinking and personal responsibility. You learn that the world doesn’t owe you a living because you are a writer and an artist,” he said.

“There is a great sense of artistic collaboration in Carroll County that comes from our agricultural heritage, such as when folks got together and did barn raising,” he said.

“I grew up an artist and a writer. My mom, my dad and my friends were very supportive. My father was a painter and a woodworking artist, creating both art and beautiful furniture out of wood, and mother is a culinary artist,” Dayhoff reflected.

“One of my earliest discoveries with art was drawing cartoons and caricatures. I used to sit in class and draw caricatures of the teachers. Even today, I continue to draw postcard size caricatures of daily events, vacations and people in the news. I make my own vacation ‘mail art’ postcards,” he said, laughing.

“‘Mail art’ opened up the world for me long before the internet. After almost two decades, I still have a collaborative mail art partner in Japan.”

Combination of talents

“My main preoccupations growing up were reading, art, writing short stories, and plants. I was very fortunate to put them all together and make a living. That is how I got into landscaping. After all, landscaping is a 3-D mixed media assemblage with plants,” Dayhoff said.

“I also learned that if I spent hours doing a collage I ended up with a storage problem. But, if I drew a landscape design and did a landscape collage with plants, I got paid for it.” In 1974 Dayhoff started a landscaping, designing and nursery business. That business also gave him time to do art and write.

Dayhoff’s work from the 1980s and 1990s included art created on copying machines, color experimentation, collaging and new technologies.

Since his first art show at the Theatre Project in Baltimore in 1981, Dayhoff has been exhibiting art, including mixed media collages, drawings, sculpture and photography.

“I have had a lifelong interest in color [and] spatial relationships putting together incongruent objects. In recent years I have expanded my use of technology to collage with a digital camera, a scanner and a computer. I was inspired by Sue Bloom, a McDaniel art professor, who uses computers to create art,” he said.

“The collages are about putting seemingly disparate items and qualities together to give them a new meaning and a new purpose,” Dayhoff explained. “A lot of the collages began to come off the page into a much more sculptural element as a result of the inspiration of Wasyl Palijezuk, a now retired art professor at McDaniel College.”

Dayhoff has taught art, horticultural and landscape design as an adjunct faculty member for Carroll Community College.

On display

He has exhibited his art for the Carroll County Arts Council for the past two decades as well as at other venues.

“There are so many opportunities for art and culture to flourish in Westminster,” he said. “Capitalizing upon the successes of Common Ground on the Hill, the McDaniel and Carroll Community College Art community and the Carroll Arts Center Carroll, Westminster is the perfect place for art studios, art galleries and artists to live and work, especially on Pennsylvania Avenue and Main Street.”

“Growing up an artist has always been an advantage in my life as it teaches you to be a collaborative and creative problem solver and think outside of the box,” Dayhoff said.

He can be contacted at
kdayhoff AT carr DOT org.

— Lyndi McNulty is owner of Gizmos Art in Westminster.

, ,

Meeting to address water and sewage rate structure by Bryan Schutt for the Carroll County Times

Meeting to address water and sewage rate structure by Bryan Schutt for the Carroll County Times

Meeting to address water and sewage rate structure

By Bryan Schutt, Times Staff Writer

Monday, July 21, 2008

A water and sewage rate structure study will likely show the need for Westminster to raise its water rates and correct deficiencies in the current billing structure, according to several city officials.

The study, which was started last winter by Municipal and Financial Services Group, will be unveiled during the July 28 meeting of the mayor and Common Council. The meeting will not be a public hearing and the rate structure will not be set then, but residents will have the chance to voice their concerns or thoughts on the study.

Although the city has not made the study available to the public, Mayor Thomas Ferguson said the current rate structure is essentially upside down and the city is generating insufficient reserves from the current billing system.

He said the rate structure, which has been in place for decades, basically has a quantity discount, which is one point the study examines.

Another area that he believes the study will address is the rate structure and financial risks involved for residents in and outside of city limits. Currently, people out of the city limits pay slightly higher water rates, the mayor said.


Reach staff writer Bryan Schutt at 410-857-7886 or

If you go

What: Second monthly meeting of the mayor and Common Council

Why: To discuss the water and sewer rate structure study

Where: John Street Quarters of the Westminster Fire Hall, 28 John St.

When: 7 p.m. July 28

Information: City Hall, 410-848-9000

Read the rest here:
Meeting to address water and sewage rate structure

20080721 Meeting to address water and sewage rate structure by Bryan Schutt for the Carroll County Times

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Grammy and Aunt Betty patrol for dolphins

Grammy and Aunt Betty patrol for dolphins

The Babylons at Nags Head, Outer Banks, North Carolina July 18-26, 2008

Grammy and Aunt Betty take a walk on the beach and keep an eye out for dolphins...

07/20/2008 © Kevin Dayhoff

20080720 Grammy and Aunt Betty patrol for dolphins

20080718 Real Clear Politics: The Audacity of Hope by Charles Krauthammer

20080718 "The Audacity of Hope" by Charles Krauthammer

Real Clear Politics: The Audacity of Hope by Charles Krauthammer

July 18, 2008
The Audacity of Vanity By Charles Krauthammer

WASHINGTON -- Barack Obama wants to speak at the Brandenburg Gate.
He figures it would be a nice backdrop. The supporting cast -- a cheering audience and a few fainting frauleins -- would be a picturesque way to bolster his foreign policy credentials.

What Obama does not seem to understand is that the Brandenburg Gate is something you earn. President Reagan earned the right to speak there because his relentless pressure had brought the Soviet empire to its knees and he was demanding its final "tear down this wall" liquidation. When President Kennedy visited the Brandenburg Gate on the day of his "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech, he was representing a country that was prepared to go to the brink of nuclear war to defend West Berlin.

Who is Obama representing? And what exactly has he done in his lifetime to merit appropriating the Brandenburg Gate as a campaign prop?


Does Obama not see the incongruity? It's as if a German pol took a campaign trip to America and demanded the Statue of Liberty as a venue for a campaign speech. (The Germans have now gently nudged Obama into looking at other venues.)

Americans are beginning to notice Obama's elevated opinion of himself.

There's nothing new about narcissism in politics…


Obama is a three-year senator without a single important legislative achievement to his name, a former Illinois state senator who voted "present" nearly 130 times. As president of the Harvard Law Review, as law professor and as legislator, has he ever produced a single notable piece of scholarship? Written a single memorable article? His most memorable work is a biography of his favorite subject: himself.


At this point Mr. Krauthammer was just warming up. To read the rest of the column go here:
The Audacity of Vanity.

Related links: 20070612 Ronald Reagan Tear Down This Wall June 12 1989

20080718 Real Clear Politics: The Audacity of Hope by Charles Krauthammer

Friday, July 18, 2008

Westminster will impose job cuts by Katie Jones for the Westminster Eagle

20080718 Westminster will impose job cuts by Katie Jones for the Westminster Eagle

Westminster will impose job cuts

Layoffs, revision of benefits announced

By Katie V. Jones

Originally Posted on the Westminster Eagle 7/16/08

Westminster Mayor Thomas Ferguson announced Monday the elimination of several jobs within city government as a means to cut the city’s budget in the face of what he called a “challenging year.”

A press release issued Monday said the cuts are needed “to facilitate a balanced budget.”

The city will not fill two vacant positions in the Office of Finance and the Mayor’s Office, and will eliminate the position of Housing Rehabilitation Coordinator and Manager of Planning.

Additionally, the city’s Code Enforcement Officer and Section 8 Housing Inspector positions will be merged into one job, and the City Clerk position will be trimmed from a full-time position to part-time.

Two administrative assistant positions will be cut, but two “staff assistant” positions will be created.

The release said a severance package, including pay and benefits, will be set up for employees whose positions have been eliminated.

In addition, the release announced changes to current city employees’ benefit packages.

Employees will be asked to double their contribution to health care policies from 7 percent to 14 percent.

Also, retirees’ health care benefits will be modified, and employees hired after July 1 of this year will not be eligible for this benefit, the press release stated.

“This has been a challenging year for the city as revenues have declined and expenditures have continued to increase,” said Ferguson in the release.

“Our three-year operating projections do not indicate this situation will improve significantly in the immediate future,” he addded. “Accordingly, I am reluctantly outlining the steps we have taken to adapt to this financial situation.”

Borrowing $3.5 million

The job cuts were not discussed at Monday’s meeting of the mayor and council.At the meeting, though, city officials did discuss how they would spend the $3.5 million loan that the council authorized in a special session July 9.

The bond money is targeted at road overlay projects, and Jeff Glass, director of public works, briefed the council on which streets would be slated for repairs and the possible order of completion.

Glass said that while his office has organized 11 groupings of streets for “some orderly fashion,” the future contractor of the project may have their own suggestions on how the work should proceed.

Glass noted that while plans are to complete all 11 groups, the rising cost of asphalt could prevent all from completion.

At the special session on July 9, Ferguson had noted that if asphalt prices continue to rise, the city may opt to stall the road repair program and return some of the $3.5 million without using it.

Prices, he said at last week’s meeting, are “going due north,” and will already affect the number of projects the city thinks it can accomplish.

The general obligation bond will be with BB&T Bank and is structured for nine years, with a two-year interest-only component. If the city chooses not to use the full amount, there is no penalty for early repayment, officials said.

At Monday’s session, the council agreed to put the overlay project out to bid instead of extending an existing order with C.J. Miller. While this will delay the project, it is necessary, Ferguson said, to get “the best price we can.”

That process will take 30 days, which Glass described as “the fast track.”

“It has to be advertised and the companies have to put their bids together,” he said. “Thirty days is cutting it.”

While Glass was fairly confident that the first two groups of streets would proceed as planned, Ferguson reminded everyone that the proposal was a “plan.”

“This is a plan and it is subject to modifications and change,” he said.

Jim Joyner contributed to this story.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

20080716 This week in The Tentacle

20080716 This week in The Tentacle

This week in The Tentacle

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

R.I.P. Tony Snow
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Last Saturday former White House press secretary, Fox News commentator and well-known columnist, Tony Snow, died of cancer at Georgetown University Hospital in Washington. He was but 53 years old.

The Good Reverends
Tom McLaughlin
Sen. Barack Obama sure is having problems with preachers. First it was the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and now the Rev. Jesse Jackson. Both have added a sense of amusement to the campaign.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Killing the Messenger
Roy Meachum
In the 25 years my writings have appeared in local media, I have become accustomed to being measured for a virtual coffin. My publisher for most of the time, George Delaplaine, put up a strong shield around the News-Post's right to print diverse opinions, including mine.

A Beautiful Friendship?
Farrell Keough
So many interesting events have taken place since my last entry here that it was difficult to decide what to write about. But, a Herculean accomplishment is taking place within this county, and it needs to touted.

Monday, July 14, 2008
Obama's Dilemma
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Presidential campaigns are fraught with challenges and obstacles. One of the biggest is how, in a national race in the cable television age, can a candidate define himself and his opponent in a way that highlights differences without alienating too many voters.

From The Desk of the Publisher!
John W. Ashbury
Steve Berryman, whose column usually appears in this space every Monday, is on vacation. His unique views will return next week.

Friday, July 11, 2008
Iraq Poleaxed Political Debate
Roy Meachum
The New York Times reported early this week:
BAGHDAD – Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Malikli publicly confirmed Monday his government was leaning toward a short-term security pact with the United States instead of a broader agreement that would last for years.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
If the Truth Be Known…
Tony Soltero
One of the great unknowns of this year's presidential campaign is the impact the newer online media will have on the narratives that define Barack Obama and John McCain, as well as on the dynamics of the race itself.

Resilience, recovering from adversity…
Patricia A. Kelly
We all know people who have it. We all know it’s a life-affirming quality. It’s one of the attributes significant in high achievement, in finding happiness and even in longevity.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The Path of History
Kevin E. Dayhoff
Hidden away in plain sight, in a storybook setting in northern Frederick County’s Catoctin Mountains, sits Eyler’s Valley Chapel, like a silent stone tribute to a Ralph Waldo Emerson essay.

Writing a Book
Tom McLaughlin
Everybody wants to write a book, including me. A recent survey revealed that 87% of all Americans want to take pen in hand or fingers to keyboard. There are three reasons experts have cited; and they include a person having a message to share, ego and money.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Ike Was the Man!
Roy Meachum
No one gets bored faster with the nitty-gritty of politics. My frequently criticized "impatience" comes into play. Once a candidate captures my approval, the game is over. There was one exception I recall.

Christmas in the Summertime
Nick Diaz
I just rode home from Lewiston, Maine, on my new Yamaha Venture. Rode Amtrak to Portland and met the seller at the station. A half hour later we were at the seller’s place, where the Venture was waiting for me.

Monday, July 7, 2008
Political Street Gossip – The Final Chapter
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
In an effort to run the table, and to affirm that I really have no idea what I'm talking about, I thought I'd weigh in on the 2010 gubernatorial race.

Firearms Clutching in Maryland
Steven R. Berryman
Having grown up with guns, little did I know that the politics surrounding them packed more energy than a .44 Magnum “wheel-gun.” Of course, that was when television came in over an antenna, was black and white, and afforded four stations of programming.

20080716 This week in The Tentacle

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Westminster City Government Memo: Westminster cutting 9 jobs

Westminster City Government Memo: Westminster cutting 9 jobs

Date of Release: July 14, 2009
Contact: Marge Wolf
City Administrator

After the July 14 Common Council meeting. Mayor Thomas K. Ferguson announced a series of personnel and other actions required for the FY2009 fiscal year to facilitate a balanced budget.

"As I have cautioned during the budget deliberations, this has been a challenging year for the City as revenues have declined and expenditures have continued to increase. Our three year operating projections do not indicate this situation will improve significantly in the immediate future. Accordingly, I am reluctantly outlining the steps we have taken to adapt to this financial situation."

Among those changes is the following personnel restructuring. These changes in no way reflect on the performance of the employees but reflect a reorganization of the delivery of services.

1. Two vacant positions in Finance and the Mayor's Office have not been funded.

2. Instead of serving as our own general contractor for affordable housing projects, the City will partner with non-profit housing agencies or for profit developers to undertake these projects. The Housing Rehabilitation Coordinator position will be eliminated.

3. The Code Enforcement Officer and the Section 8 Housing Inspector will bemerged into one position under one property maintenance code. To achieve thischange, the Code Enforcement Officer and Section 8 Housing Inspector positions will be eliminated. A new Code Inspector position will be created.

4. The managerial functions of the Planning Department will be combined with the Director of Planning, Zoning and Development and the Manager of Planningposition will be eliminated.

5. Two certified Administrative Assistant positions (Department of Planning, Zoning and Development and Finance) will be eliminated and one certifiedAdministrative Assistant will be reassigned.

6. The central telephone Operator will be relocated from the Recreation Department to the Administrative Offices at 56 West Main Street.

7. Two Staff Assistant positions will be created.

8. The City Clerk position will be transitioned from a full-time position to a part-time position.

The City has developed a uniform severance package, including pay and insurance benefits, for those employees whose positions have been eliminated. They will also receive support in transitioning to other employment and will be given the information and the opportunity to apply for any of the newly created positions for which they are qualified.

Further, the City of Westminster has instituted a number of changes to the employee benefit package. The employees will be asked to double their contribution to the health care policies from 7% to 14%. The retirees health care benefit package will be modified and employees hired after July 1, 2008, would not be eligible for this benefit. In light of the continuing increases the City is facing for basic utilities and materials, task forces will focus on the following areas to meet these challenges:

• Gasoline consumption will be reviewed and modifications will be made to thetake home vehicle policy, the use of pool cars and reimbursement for the use ofprivate vehicles.

• An energy coordinator will be appointed in each City facility to develop anenergy policy and monitor compliance with that policy.

• By centralizing office supply purchasing and distribution, modifying utilization patterns, and identifying waste patterns the City will reduce our consumption of office supplies.

• The cost of providing employee benefits has been increasing every year. TheHealth Care Committee will a develop a long-term strategy to maintain anemployee benefit package at a reasonable cost both to the City and the employee.

• As was indicated in Mike Evan's presentation to the Mayor and Common
Council, the City needs to increase the recycling rate to decrease our landfill and hauling costs.

20080614 Westminster City Government Memo: Westminster cutting 9 jobs

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mayor: Westminster cutting 9 positions Posted by the Carroll County Times at 4:27 p.m.

Mayor: Westminster cutting 9 positions Posted by the Carroll County Times at 4:27 p.m.

By Bryan Schutt, Times Staff Writer

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mayor Thomas Ferguson confirmed that Westminster will be eliminating nine city government positions and creating three new jobs.

The following positions are being eliminated:

two administrative assistant positions;

the manager of planning position;

the housing rehabilitation coordinator position;

the Section Eight housing inspector position;

and the code enforcement Officer position.

Two vacant positions, one in the finance department and one in the mayor’s office, won’t be funded.

He also confirmed that the city clerk position will be reduced to a part-time position, one administrative assistant will be reassigned and, unrelated to the personnel moves, another administrative assistant position will be retiring and that position will not be filled.

Two staff assistant positions and a Code Inspector position will be created, Ferguson said.

The mayor and Common Council will discuss the personnel actions more
during tonight’s council meeting at 7 p.m. in City Hall, 1838 Emerald Hill Lane.

See Tuesday’s Times (
Carroll County Times) for more.

20080614 Westminster cutting 9 jobs

20080714 Westminster Common Council meeting agenda for July 14 2008

Westminster Common Council meeting agenda for July 14 2008

Home City Government

City Council

City Council Members Minutes of City Council Meetings


Mayor and Common Council Meeting of July 14, 2008

Westminster City Hall- 1838 Emerald Hill Lane


1. CALL TO ORDER — 7:00 P.M.

Mayoral Proclamation — Recreation and Parks Month — July 2008

Reappointment of Barbara Schmidt, Lisa Aughenbaugh, and Chris Ambrose to the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board

Reappointment of Dean Camlin and Laurie Walters to the Historic District Commission


Community Media Center Update on Strategic Plan— Marion Ware

Solid Waste Disposal Discussion — J. Michael Evans

3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF June 9, 2008 (Open and Closed Sessions) AND JULY 9, 2008


Change Order for C.J. Miller Contract — Jeffery Glass

Extension of Vehicle Maintenance and Service Agreement with the County — Chief Spaulding

Dell Inc. — Reconfiguration of Contract for Financial Accounting System - Gary Ehlers

Revisions to Personnel Plan

Revision to Employee Handbook Retirees Healthcare Benefit Policy




Adoption of Ordinance No. 783 — Uninhabitable Buildings — Thomas Beyard

Adoption of Ordinance No. 784 — Disorderly House Nuisances - Thomas Beyard

Adoption of Ordinance No. 785 — Underground Facilities — Thomas Beyard


None as of July 10, 2008


None as of July 10, 2008





20080714 Westminster Common Council meeting agenda for July 14 2008

Sunday, July 13, 2008

President and Mrs Bush saddened by Death of Tony Snow

20080712 President and Mrs Bush saddened by Death of Tony Snow

President and Mrs. Bush Saddened by Death of Tony Snow

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 12, 2008

White House News


Laura and I are deeply saddened by the death of our dear friend, Tony Snow. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Jill, and their children, Kendall, Robbie, and Kristi. The Snow family has lost a beloved husband and father. And America has lost a devoted public servant and a man of character.

Tony was one of our Nation's finest writers and commentators. He earned a loyal following with incisive radio and television broadcasts. He was a gifted speechwriter who served in my father's Administration. And I was thrilled when he agreed to return to the White House to serve as my Press Secretary. It was a joy to watch Tony at the podium each day. He brought wit, grace, and a great love of country to his work. His colleagues will cherish memories of his energetic personality and relentless good humor.

All of us here at the White House will miss Tony, as will the millions of Americans he inspired with his brave struggle against cancer. One of the things that sustained Tony Snow was his faith - and Laura and I join people across our country in praying that this good man has now found comfort in the arms of his Creator.

# # #

Photo: “Tony Snow becomes animated” by Colby Ware July 11 2006

Photo: “Tony Snow becomes animated” by Colby Ware July 11 2006
July 12, 2008
Tony Snow becomes animated during an interview about his job as White House press secretary. (Sun photo by Colby Ware) Jul 11, 2006

Although the unfortunately canned – somewhat snarky, if not disrespectful - Associated Press editorial – err, article that the Baltimore Sun ran on Saturday, July 12, 2008 about the death of Tony Snow was regrettable; the Baltimore Sun did run one of my all-time favorite photos of Tony Snow just two years ago on July 11, 2006.

The photo above seems to capture the animated, vibrant, expansive energy the late Tony Snow had for life.

It was infectious to watch.

When I learned of his death, on Saturday, it was if a friend had passed away.

Whether I agreed with him or disagreed with him, whatever his point of view, he never seemed to alienate or annoy. As the White House press secretary, he brought life to a job that had become listless, plastic, and lifeless.

God Bless him and his family. Let’s keep them in our prayers in the days ahead.

20080712 20060711 Photo: “Tony Snow becomes animated” by Colby Ware July 11 2006

Friday, July 11, 2008

Explore Carroll: Westminster approves borrowing up to $3.5 million by Jim Joyner

Explore Carroll: Westminster approves borrowing up to $3.5 million by Jim Joyner

City approves borrowing up to $3.5 million

Jim Joyner, 7/10/08

Westminster’s Common Council this week approved an ordinance authorizing the city to take out a general obligation bond of up to $3.5 million for road overlay projects.

The city called a special meeting on Wednesday, July 9, and voted to introduce and approve the ordinance. The votes were unanimous.

Mayor Tom Ferguson said the money will pay for road repairs that are needed, but he cautioned the council that the city may decide not to employ the full bond amount — if asphalt prices keep rising. Prices, he said, are “going due north,” and will already affect the number of projects the city thinks it can accomplish.

“$3.5 million isn’t going to buy us as much road repair as we thought when we first started talking about this,” he said. If that impact becomes too great, he said, the city could put the projects on hold and simply not borrow as much.

The mayor and council will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, July 14, and discuss potential projects to tackle. For details, call the mayor’s office at 410-848-2522.The general obligation bond will be with BB&T Bank and is structured for nine years, with a two-year interest-only component.

If the city chooses not to use the full amount, there is no penalty for early repayment, officials said.

20080710 Explore Carroll: City approves borrowing up to $3.5 million by Jim Joyner

Westminster Dept Public Works Street Dept road overlay program, Westminster Dept Finance Budget 2008 – 2009 FY,

What is happening at the Westminster Shopping Center?

What is happening at the Westminster Shopping Center?

July 11, 2008

Update: photo – October 28, 2008

Many folks have asked what is happening with the portion of the Westminster Shopping Center at the corner of Englar Road and Rte 140.

Sometime ago, the two back-to-back gas stations, that were located there, were torn down.

Then the area was fenced off and nothing has happened since.

Now anyone who knows anything about shopping centers knows that things often happen at break-neck glacier speed; so many of us thought nothing of it for a while.

I asked around and no one seemed to know anything. I thought of calling the owners, the Washington Real Estate Investment Trust (WRIT) – and well - I lost track of it. There are only so many hours in the day.

My experience with the WRIT is that they are usually very accessible – I just never got around to calling them.

And then the other night I was rummaging around the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) website researching another matter and there it was: “Facts about Westminster Citgo and Shopping Center Voluntary Cleanup Program.”

Apparently they are cleaning-up the site before they move forward… Which is a good thing.

I’ll paste the information from the MDE website below, but first some very brief reference material on the shopping center: “StoreTrax” deck sheet on the Westminster Shopping Center (retrieved July 10th, 2008):

Westminster Shopping Center, Route 140 & Englar Road, Westminster, MD
Details: County: Carroll, Type: Community, Built: 1958, Renovated: 2000: Westminster Shopping Center went through a complete redevelopment in 2000. Medium Boxes and Small Sites available for National Tenants. Total Square Feet: 176,692

Washington Real Estate Investment Trust 6110 Executive Blvd. Suite 800 Rockville, MD 20852

Leasing Agent(s) Steve Krupinski, 301-255-0846 phone, 301-984-9612

MDE Facts about Westminster Citgo and Shopping Center Voluntary Cleanup Program

October 30, 2007

Page 1
Maryland Department of the Enviroment
1800 Washington Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21230-1718
410-537-3000 800-633-6101 TTY Users: 800-735-2258

Facts About…

Department of the Environment

Site Location

The Westminster Citgo and Shopping Center property consists of two parcels totaling 10.84-acres located at the southeast corner of Route 140 and Englar Road in Westminster, Carroll County, Maryland. The property is a strip mall shopping center with several stand-alone buildings and paved parking areas. Overland flow from the property discharges to the southeast. The Town of Westminster supplies water and sanitary sewer services to the property and the vicinity. The Town of Westminster derives the majority of their potable water from groundwater and the Westminster Citgo property is located in the wellhead protection area. The property is zoned business. Other commercial properties surround the property.

Site History

Prior to 1958, the property was used for agricultural purposes, and in 1958, the property was developed into a shopping center. A dual operator service station was located on the property as early as 1959 and the associated building was demolished in 2006.

The current owner, Washington Real Estate Investment Trust, purchased the property from Westminster Shopping Center, Inc. in 1972.

In 1957, Westminster Shopping Center, Inc. purchased the property from Scott and Anita Bair who purchased it in 1955. Prior to 1955, the Albaugh and Babylon Grocery Company owned the property.

Environmental Investigations and Actions

Two service stations operated at the property from 1959 until 2006. Numerous underground storage tanks have historically been associated with the service stations. These tanks have all been removed from the property with the exception of one 8,000-gallon tank that was abandoned in place in 1989. During tank removal in 2006, petroleum contamination was noted in the soil and groundwater. Contaminated soils, totaling 322 tons, were also removed during the tank excavations. A Phase II investigation was conducted subsequently and revealed additional petroleum soil impacts and contamination of groundwater at the property.

An Oil Control Program (OCP) case was opened for the property (#2005-0945-CL). In November 2006, the OCP approved a work plan for the property that required additional sampling. In April 2007, the OCP requested an interim corrective action plan be developed to address the petroleum contamination at the property. The request also includes quarterly sampling of the groundwater from the existing monitoring wells.
Page 2

1800 Washington Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21230-1718
410-537-3000 800-633-6101 TTY Users: 800-735-2258

Current Status

On August 20, 2007, Washington Real Estate Investment Trust submitted two Voluntary Cleanup Program applications for the property seeking a restricted no further requirements determination for the shopping center and certificate of completion for the service station for commercial future uses of the property.
Planned or Potential Future Action

The proposed future use of the property will be commercial.


Jim Carroll
Maryland Department of the Environment
(410) 537-3437
Land Restoration Program
Last Update: October 30, 2007

20080711 What is happening at the Westminster Shopping Center?

Kevin Dayhoff

Democratic Advocate: July 11, 1947 - FLOOD LIGHTS FOR PLAY GROUND

Democratic Advocate: July 11, 1947 - FLOOD LIGHTS FOR PLAY GROUND


Democratic Advocate, July 11, 1947.

Lions Club To Present Latest Improvement To Mayor And Council Tonight - The Westminster Lions Club announced plans for the formal presentation of the play ground night lighting system for this evening.

The club members sponsored the recent carnival for the purpose of devoting the proceeds towards a lighting system on the Municipal Playground.

The club will formally present the system, which has been completed and will illuminate the entire playground.

It will be presented to the mayor and common council.

The electricity light will be furnished by the City and not by the Lions Club as was mentioned last week. The presentation ceremony will take place on the playgrounds at 9 p.m., just prior to the commencement of the first night game to be played under them.

From 8:30 to 9 p.m., there will be a short band concert. The music will be furnished by William F. Myers Son's band.

Democratic Advocate, July 11, 1947.

Labels: Westminster Dept Recreation and Parks Westminster Playground, History Westminster 1940s, History This Day in History Westminster Dept Recreation and Parks, History Westminster,

19470711 Flood Lights For Westminster Play Ground

Westminster Eagle editorial: Corbit's Charge has a growing role in Westminster's civic, commercial calendar

Westminster Eagle editorial: Corbit's Charge has a growing role in Westminster's civic, commercial calendar

Posted on and on July 11. 2008

I had an opportunity to talk with Civil War historian Tom LeGore (pictured here to the left) this evening (Thursday evening) and he said that the Corbit’s Charge commemorative events in Westminster the last weekend in June were quite successful.

Hat’s off to everyone involved… /Kevin Dayhoff, July 11, 2008

History Carroll Co. 18630629 Corbit's Charge June 29 1863

History Westminster 18630629 Corbit's Charge June 29 1863

Corbit rides again for city's weekend events

6/25/08 Editorial

Westminster's place in history gets revisited this week as the city and local history enthusiasts commemorate Corbit's Charge with events in and around the downtown area.

Events are scheduled from Friday to Sunday, June 27-29, on Main Street and also along North Center Street, where an encampment will take place (see schedule, page 2).

For those new to the scene, Corbit's Charge notes the skirmish that occurred in June 1863 when J.E.B. Stuart and the Confederate cavalry division of the Army of Northern Virginia came into Westminster on their way to Gettysburg.

They were met by Capt. Charles Corbit and his vastly outnumbered men of the Delaware cavalry. A brief fight ensued at the corner of Main Street and the Washington Road. The Union forces were defeated, but the Confederates lost two men. The legend of Corbit's Charge was born.

Whether or not the event had any great military significance is a matter of some debate, but the commemoration of Westminster's moment in the Civil War is one that swells pride in historians and calls residents to learn more about the past -- and those are most certainly good things.

It's also a good thing that, during the early part of the summer, Westminster has occasion to host the events that draw local residents and visitors to Main Street for a weekend of education, festivity, music and family gatherings.

City officials and the Pipe Creek Civil War Roundtable, who collaborate to plan and host the Corbit's Charge commemoration, always offer a great variety of events, from music on the 1860s to a tent church service on Sunday morning.

It's also no small matter that every year the festivities seem to draw more people to Main Street, and that helps local merchants.

By many accounts, Corbit's Charge, lasted but a few minutes on the streets of Westminster, but it has become a celebration of local lore, community spirit and, in a way, Main Street commerce.

We wonder what Capt. Corbit would think of it all.


20080625 Westminster Eagle editorial: Corbit's Charge has a growing role in Westminster's civic, commercial calendar

Celebrating Corbit and Carroll
Published July 2, 2008 by Westminster Eagle
As military actions go, Corbit's Charge was a minor footnote in the epochal three-day Battle of Gettysburg in 1863 and the larger backdrop of the...

10 Days
Published June 29, 2008 by Sunday Carroll Eagle
Sunday, 6/29 Corbit's Last Stand The final day of the annual commemoration of Corbit's Charge, also known as "The Battle of Westminster," will...

Sunday, 6/29

Corbit's Last Stand The final day of the annual commemoration of Corbit's Charge, also known as "The Battle of Westminster," will be held Sunday with activities in downtown Westminster. A Living History Encampment will be held on the grounds of the Multi-Service Center on North Center Street, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a tent-style Civil War church service at 10 a.m. The encampment will feature demonstrations, exhibits, camp scenes and drills. All events are open to the public.

20080625 Westminster Eagle editorial: Corbit's Charge has a growing role in Westminster's civic, commercial calendar

Columna magnífica del águila de David Westminster: ¿Cuánto sabemos realmente sobre nuestro país?

Viernes 11 de julio de 2008

Columna magnífica del águila de David Westminster: ¿Cuánto sabemos realmente sobre nuestro país?

Columna magnífica del águila de David Westminster: ¿Cuánto sabemos realmente sobre nuestro país?

Leyendo a través de la sección de la opinión del nuevo Web site para la Westminster, el Eldersburg y los periódicos del águila de domingo Carroll, parecí otra más gema magnífica de David. Debo admitir vergonzosamente que me conseguí todos correcto sin embargo soy un historia-friki. Vea cómo usted lo hace:

¿Cuánto sabemos realmente sobre nuestro país?

2 de julio de 2008 publicado de Eldersburg Eagle, águila de Westminster

EL DESFILE DE PASO en lugar de una columna, pensé que pasaría a lo largo de un pequeño enigma, cortesía del servicio de inmigración y de naturalización de los E.E.U.U.….

¿Cuánto sabemos realmente sobre nuestro país?

Por David Grand



En lugar de una columna, pensé que pasaría a lo largo de un pequeño enigma, cortesía del servicio de inmigración y de naturalización de los E.E.U.U. Llamémoslo un concurso del Día de la Independencia, viendo como cómo el cumpleaños de la nación es esta semana.

El concurso consiste en las preguntas que son elegibles para la nueva prueba de la ciudadanía que, comenzando en octubre, será dada a la gente que intenta ganar ciudadanía. La vieja prueba se está revisando, supuesto para agregar en un poco una historia más contemporánea.

Déjenos tan ven cómo usted lo hace.

Las respuestas están en la parte inferior -- pero no haga furtivamente una ojeada en ellas.


1. ¿Por qué la bandera tiene 13 rayas?
a) Representan el número de firmantes de la Declaración de Independencia.
b) Representan a las colonias originales.
c) Uno para cada batalla de combate para la independencia.

2. ¿Cuántas enmiendas la constitución tiene?
a) 23
b) 19
c) 27

3. ¿Cuándo nuestra constitución fue escrita?
a) 1776
b) 1773
c) 1787

4. ¿Elegimos a representantes de los E.E.U.U. a un término de cuántos años?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) 6

5. ¿Cuáles de las derechas o de las libertades siguientes son establecidas por la Primera Enmienda?
a) Libertad de expresión.
b) Libertad de prensa.
c) Libertad.
d) Todo el arriba.

6. ¿Cuántas justicias están en el Tribunal Supremo de los E.E.U.U.?
a) 7
b) 9
c) 6
d) 11

7. ¿Cuántos senadores de los E.E.U.U. hay?
a) 50
b) 435
c) 100
d) Dependen de poblaciones del estado.

8. ¿Si el presidente y el vice presidente mueren o pueden servir no más, que hace presidente?
a) Secretario de Estado.
b) Procurador General de la República.
c) Altavoz de la cámara de representantes.

9. ¿Qué Susan B. Anthony hizo?
a) Ella cosió la primera bandera.
b) Ella abogó para las derechas de las mujeres y las derechas civiles.
c) Ella era el primer tesorero de los E.E.U.U. de la mujer.

10. ¿Cuáles son los dos cuerpos del congreso de los E.E.U.U.?
a) Ejecutivo y legislativo.
b) Judicial y federal.
c) Cámaras y Senado.
d) Federal y estado.


No se sienta mal si usted “falló.” El ser un patriota es obras en fase de creación. Le todavía dan derecho a expresar su orgullo en América el viernes… y le dan derecho a tener un cuarto feliz de julio.

(Respuestas: 1 b, 2 c, 3 c, 4 b, 5 d, 6 b, 7 c, 8 c, 9 b, 10 c)

Columna magnífica del águila de 20080702 David Westminster: ¿Cuánto sabemos realmente sobre nuestro país?

David Grand Westminster Eagle column: How much do we really know about our country?

David Grand Westminster Eagle column: How much do we really know about our country?

Reading through the
opinion section of the new website for the Westminster, Eldersburg and Sunday Carroll Eagle newspapers, I came across yet another David Grand gem. I must admit sheepishly that I got all of them correct but then again I am a history-geek. See how you do:

How much do we really know about our country?

Published July 2, 2008 by Eldersburg Eagle, Westminster Eagle

THE PASSING PARADE In lieu of a column, I thought I'd pass along a little brain teaser, courtesy of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service....

How much do we really know about our country?

By David Grand



In lieu of a column, I thought I'd pass along a little brain teaser, courtesy of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. Let's call it an Independence Day Quiz, seeing as how the nation's birthday is this week.

The quiz consists of questions that are eligible for the new citizenship test which, beginning in October, will be given to people seeking to gain citizenship. The old test is being revised, supposedly to add in a bit more contemporary history.

So let's see how you do.

The answers are at the bottom -- but don't sneak a peek at 'em.


1. Why does the flag have 13 stripes?
a) They represent the number of signers of the Declaration of Independence.
b) They represent the original colonies.
c) One for each battle fought for Independence.

2. How many amendments does the Constitution have?
a) 23
b) 19
c) 27

3. When was our Constitution written?
a) 1776
b) 1773
c) 1787

4. We elect U.S. Representatives to a term of how many years?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) 6

5. Which of the following rights or freedoms is established by the first amendment?
a) Freedom of speech.
b) Freedom of the press.
c) Freedom of religion.
d) All of the above.

6. How many justices are on the U.S. Supreme Court?
a) 7
b) 9
c) 6
d) 11

7. How many U.S. Senators are there?
a) 50
b) 435
c) 100
d) It depends on state populations.

8. If both the president and vice president die or can no longer serve, who becomes president?
a) Secretary of State.
b) Attorney General.
c) Speaker of the House of Representatives.

9. What did Susan B. Anthony do?
a) She sewed the first flag.
b) She advocated for women's rights and civil rights.
c) She was the first woman U.S. Treasurer.

10. What are the two bodies of the U.S. Congress?
a) Executive and Legislative.
b) Judicial and Federal.
c) House and Senate.
d) Federal and State.


Don't feel bad if you "failed." Being a patriot is a work in progress. You're still entitled to express your pride in America on Friday ... and you're entitled to have a happy Fourth of July.

(Answers: 1-b, 2-c, 3-c, 4-b, 5-d, 6-b, 7-c, 8-c, 9-b, 10-c)

20080702 David Grand Westminster Eagle column: How much do we really know about our country?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

20080709 22 ways to be a good Democrat

20080709 22 ways to be a good Democrat


July 9th, 2008

1. You have to be against capital punishment, but support abortion on demand.

2. You have to believe that businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity.

3. You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans are more of a threat than nuclear weapons technology in the hands of the Iranians, Chinese and North Korea.

4. You have to believe that there was no art before Federal funding.

5. You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected by cyclical documented changes in the earth's climate and more affected by soccer moms driving SUV's.

6. You have to believe that gender roles are artificial but being homosexual is natural.

7. You have to believe that the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding.

8. You have to believe that the same teacher who can't teach fourth graders how to read is somehow qualified to teach those same kids about sex.

9. You have to believe that hunters don't care about nature, but loony activists who have never been outside of San Francisco do.

10. You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.

11. You have to believe that Mel Gibson spent $25 million of his own money to make "The Passion of the Christ" for financial gain only.

12. You have to believe the NRA is bad because it supports certain parts of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good because it supports certain parts of the Constitution.

13. You have to believe that taxes are too low, but ATM fees are too high.

14.. You have to believe that Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinem are more important to American history than Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison, and A.G. Bell.

15. You have to believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas and set-asides are not.

16. You have to believe that Hillary Clinton is normal and is a very nice person.

17. You have to believe that the only reason Socialism hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried is because the right people haven't been in charge.

18. You have to believe conservatives telling the truth belong in jail, but a liar and a sex offender belonged in the White House.

19. You have to believe that homosexual parades displaying drag, transvestites, and bestiality should be constitutionally protected, and manger scenes at Christmas should be illegal.

20. You have to believe that illegal Democrat Party funding by the Chinese Government is somehow in the best interest to the United States.

21. You have to believe that this message is a part of a vast, right wing conspiracy.

22. You have to believe that it's okay to give Federal workers the day off on Christmas Day ..........but it's not okay to say "Merry Christmas."

Ready to vote???

Humor Political, Politics Democrats and Liberals, Politics Liberal double standards

20080709 Excavation for historic Hoff Memorial Log Barn will begin next week

Excavation for the relocated historic Marlin K. Hoff Memorial Log Barn will begin next week

Agriculture History Hoff Memorial Log Barn Carroll Co. MD

Below is a press release on behalf of the Hoff Memorial Barn Steering Committee:

News Release
For Immediate Release

July 9, 2008 – Excavation for the relocated historic Marlin K. Hoff Memorial Log Barn will begin next week, weather permitting, at the Carroll County Farm Museum.

Excavation and site preparation by C. J. Miller will be followed by construction of the stone foundation approximately a week later.

An observation area has been set up for interested people who want to view the work between the hours of 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to 2 p.m. daily, weather permitted. Observers are asked to stay in the designated area, which is posted with signs. Parking will be in the regular museum parking lot.

There may be a delay between the completion of the site preparation and the beginning of the stone foundation, due to contractor schedules.

The circa 1794 barn is made of hand-hewn log beams joined without nails or attachments. It is being dismantled at its original location outside of New Windsor, Maryland, and rebuilt as part of a permanent historic exhibit at the Carroll County Farm Museum. The Farm Museum is located at 500 South Center Street in Westminster, Maryland.

For more information, contact Bob Jones at 410-848-7687.
# # #

20080709 Excavation for historic Hoff Memorial Log Barn will begin next week

American Sentinel: Manchester 4th of July, 1897

American Sentinel: Manchester 4th of July, 1897

American Sentinel, July 10, 1897.

Manchester — The glorious 4th was pretty generally observed in our town. The stores were closed and work of all kinds generally suspended, while young America, with toy pistol and fire cracker, made all the noise possible.

A pleasant feature of the morning was a parade of juveniles, with horn and drum, marshalled by Mr. C. Miller. The paper cap and tin sword, with plenty of bunting, made a good display.

Master Ross Shower represented Uncle Sam and Hirst Handley the Goddess of Liberty, both with good effect.

A family picnic, in the afternoon, in Miller's woods, north of town, was indulged in by 59 persons and a general good time enjoyed by all.

At night the street was ablaze for quite a time with rockets, wheels and numerous other explosives, which were enjoyed by the crowds, while the Junior Band discoursed some good music in their open air concert.

American Sentinel, July 10, 1897.

18970710 American Sentinel Manchester 4th of July 1897

Carroll County Election Dist. municipality Manchester

Annual events holidays July 4th

History This Day in History