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Thursday, October 26, 2006

20061026 Blogospheric recognition from George Washington’s IPDI

Blogospheric recognition from George Washington University’s “Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet”

October 26th, 2006


Grazing through my fellow Maryland Blogger Alliance member’s web sites yesterday, I noticed a post by my colleague Bruce Godfrey at Crablaw’s Maryland Weekly that caught my attention.

He wrote in a post titled “Congratulations to Maryland Blogger Alliance Member Kevin Dayhoff” :

Maryland Blogger Alliance member Kevin Dayhoff was recognized by the Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet for his coverage of the Maryland elections as a "must read" - I concur totally. Congrats, Kevin! posted by Bruce Godfrey at 10/24/2006 03:08:00 AM PERMALINK

Holy Cow! That’s me.

Thanks a bunch Mr. Godfrey for calling it to my attention.

What an honor, especially since I look up to my colleagues with the Maryland Bloggers Alliance for what a great job they all do.

And it was not lost on me; after I followed the links graciously provided by Crablaw, that another MBA member, Free State Politics was also recognized. Congratulations.

So I humbly accept the recognition on behalf of all my colleagues with the Maryland Blogger Alliance and all the bloggers out there who slave away for long hours trying to make a difference and a contribution to our greater community by promoting facts and information, discussion and dialogue.

I am well aware of Dave Wissing’s excellent work at the Hedgehog Report. For all political junkies who appreciate numbers and commentary, there is no one better. And the work that the “Gang of Four” are doing with the elections in Howard County is cutting edge.

I finally had a chance this afternoon to take a cruise of all the sites and it is an impressive compendium of work. I got lots of value going through the Virginia bloggers’ sites and I recommend that you also find the time for that virtual cruise.

Congratulations to everyone who made the list.

Anyway, Here’s the skinny:

George Washington University’s “Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet” top 12 Maryland and Virginia political blogs.


Labor Day marks the official start of the political season, and the Institute has turned its attention to local and state races. This month, we look at who's blogging about Maryland and Virginia politics.

Below is our shortlist of six must-read blogs in Maryland and six in Virginia:


Free State Politics –
Montgomery Public Schools –
Maryland Politics Now –
The Hedgehog Report –
Blog Arundel –
Kevin Dayhoff


Not Larry Sabato –
Raising Kaine –
Commonwealth Conservative –
The Virginia Progressive –
Two Conservatives –
Skeptical Observer –

LEARN MORE and view our complete list HERE.

Whoa. Okay, talk with ya later. I’ve now gotta take out the trash, get dinner ready for my wife and do the dishes.

PS: Also please see:

Thanks to George Washington University’s Institute for Politics,

Internet Accolade

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

20061025 Who is blogging Virginia politics

Who is blogging Virginia politics

October 25, 2006

I’ve been looking for some analysis on the Senator Allen vs. Jim Webb Virginia Senatorial race and I came across a column post by ”Not Gretchen Bulova” on “Not Larry Sabato.” It would appear after a quick glance that “Not Larry Sabato” supports Mr. Webb. Whatever.

Exploring the Who's Blogging The 2006 Maryland And Virginia Elections? list a little further I found some conservative commentary on “Commonwealth Conservative - by the CA in Wise County, Virginia.”

Two Conservatives - Two Prince William Conservatives posting about Virginia Politics” was a great read – and closer geographically (if not politically) to some other family members…

Okay, Okay – time out. First things first. I want to be sure to congratulate all my blogger colleagues in Virginia who were one of the top must-read blogs in Virginia, according to George Washington University’s “Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet”

I have family in Virginia and spend quite a bit of time in that great state and I’ve been looking for some Virginia blogs - from all points of view.

Please see: Who's Blogging The 2006 Maryland And Virginia Elections?

The rest of the Virginia blogs mentioned by George Washington University’s “Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet” are:


Not Larry Sabato –
Raising Kaine –
Commonwealth Conservative –
The Virginia Progressive –
Two Conservatives –
Skeptical Observer –

LEARN MORE and view our complete list HERE.

I spent a good bit of time grazing the Virginia blog sites and learned a great deal. I spent a week down at Williamsburg recently and I came home with more questions than answers about Virginia politics. I must add, that I was quite surprised at the level of unpleasantness in the TV ads. I thought that Maryland had a lock on unpleasant politics.

My Maryland colleagues would get value out of also grazing the Virginia sites to see how remarkable it is that the geography and names may be different, but politics in this mid-term election seem just as unpleasant and contentious, no matter where you live and work…

I was happy to read several posts by “Not Larry Sabato” that called for civility.

Keep up the good work.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

20061026 ScrappleFace strikes again

ScrappleFace strikes again

October 26th, 2006

Michael J. Embryo

I’ve been avoiding the Michael J. Fox controversy in regards to yet another Hollywood-type getting involved with politics.

Hollywood limousine liberals getting involved in politics is not one of my favorite things - - see: “20061015 Streisand performed last Friday at Verizon Center in DC” and “20061010 Streisand goes emo at Madison Square Garden concert.” Or see my Tentacle column from October 18th, 2006, “Barbra! Shut Up and Sing.”

For a great commentary for politicians pandering a hope for a cure…; please read: Charles Krauthammer’s column from October 15th, 2004. It appeared on page A23 of the Washington Post: “An Edwards Outrage.”

I have no interest in criticizing Mr. Fox personally. For that matter, I have no interest in criticizing anyone personally. He has Parkinson’s and to be certain it is a terrible disease – so he certainly has some legitimacy, for me anyway, to speak out on the issues. He remains in my prayers, not only in a hope for a cure, but that he personally is able to lead as productive life as possible with this dreaded disease.

Nevertheless, ScrappleFace has chosen to weigh-in on the issue with a post on YouTube: “Serious parody of Michael J. Fox ad for Democrat Claire McCaskill promoting stem cell research and opposing Sen. Jim Talent. Produced by Scott Ott, editor,”

It can be found here.

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin.

Of course, most Hollywood-types are so thin-skinned. They wish to weigh-in on issues and then get all huffy when someone has the audacity to respond.

I guess I choose not to respond as I respect the fact that Mr. Fox has the disease and I reckon, if I, or a loved one, or a close friend had the disease. I certainly hope that they would take every responsible opportunity to lobby for a cure.

READ my Tentacle column from August 31, 2005: “Respect for Conscience.” The column begins with:

“U. S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R., TN) is currently the target of an advertising campaign in Iowa criticizing him for voting his conscience and backing expanded embryonic stem cell research.

If you will recall Senator Frist, took to the Senate floor and delivered a thoughtful statement detailing his support for legislation to remove some of the Bush administration's limitations on embryonic stem cell research.

This angered many social conservatives.

Senator Frist is a heart-lung transplant surgeon who opposes abortion. He has been widely suggested as a presidential candidate in 2008.

A bill to ease stem cell restrictions passed the House of Representatives in May and Senate approval is expected after Labor Day even in the face of President Bush's veto threat.

The president's reaction: "You've got to vote your conscience." Many who desperately want a civil, reasoned and intelligent debate on important issues in our lives have applauded the president's reaction and have respected Senator Frist's differing views.”

Read the rest here.

The challenge with respect to the Maryland ads is that Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele’s position has been misrepresented.

No. Can’t be. Say it ain’t so.

Well so.

Read the following press release from the Steele campaign:


October 24, 2006

CONTACT: Melissa Sellers, Doug Heye

443-481-0650, 443-603-1288


Cardin Voted Against Stem Cell Research for Pure Political Gain

TEMPLE HILLS, MD – Today, Michael Steele released the following statement setting the record straight on stem cell research:

Michael Steele said, “There is only one candidate in this race who voted against stem cell research and it’s Congressman Ben Cardin. Ben Cardin had a chance to support stem cell research that would not destroy human embryos, and he voted against it – not because of his beliefs on the issue, but as a transparent political stunt. Both Senators Barbara Mikulski and Paul Sarbanes voted for this legislation. Ben Cardin wanted to politicize the issue instead of getting something done, so he voted against it. Marylanders deserve better than Congressman Cardin’s continued Washington double-talk, mistruths and sheer political gamesmanship on an issue as important as stem cell research.”

On September 2, 2006, the Frederick News Post reported: “[Cardin] opposes suggestions that stem cell research is acceptable if the embryo isn't destroyed. (Liam Farrell, “Pursuing Change,” Frederick News Post, September 2, 2006)

Michael Steele added, “I am an enthusiastic supporter of cord blood, adult stem cell and embryonic stem cell research that does not destroy the embryo, and I fully support expanding innovations in technology that make it possible to treat and prevent disease without the willful destruction of human embryos.”

Cardin Voted AGAINST Expanded Research On Stem Cells That Do Not Destroy Embryos.

Alternate Stem Cell Research Methods – Passage. “Barton, R-Texas, motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill that would require the National Institutes of Health to conduct and support research on the isolation, derivation and production of pluripotent stem cells that do not destroy human embryos. It would require the Health and Human Services secretary to issue final guidelines for additional stem cell research, with priority for research with the greatest potential to yield benefits in the near future, within 90 days of the bill's enactment.” (S. 2754, CQ Vote #380: Motion rejected. July 18, 2006, Cardin voted Nay)

The Senate Voted Unanimously To Pass the Same Bill that Cardin voted AGAINST. Both Senators Mikulski and Sarbanes Voted In Favor Of The Bill.

Alternate Stem Cell Research Methods – Passage. Passage of the bill that would require the National Institutes of Health to conduct and support research to develop techniques for the isolation, derivation and production of pluripotent stem cells that do not destroy human embryos. It would require the Health and Human Services secretary to issue final guidelines for additional stem cell research, including a prioritization of research with the greatest potential to yield benefits in the near future, within 90 days of the bill's enactment.” (S. 2754, CQ Vote #205: July 18, 2006, Sarbanes voted Yea; Mikulski voted Yea)


Of course, a little civility would go a long way before we start playing politics with the hope for a cure… q.v.: “Ben Cardin to cure cancer.” For other posts pertaining to the Steele – Cardin campaign, see: “20060701 Spin slander distort and repeat” and “20060915 Democratic National Party reserves $1Million in Steele attack ads."

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: kdayhoff AT Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

20061025 A parody of President Bush saluting Randall Duke Cunningham

A parody of President Bush saluting Randall Duke Cunningham

Look - - before anyone even views the video, I will say right up front that I usually do not enjoy items such as this that skewer the president. However, I do enjoy shows such as the “Capitol Steps”… and it is their work of which this video reminded me.

“A rising tide drowns all boats.”

I laughed at the video for which I am about to call to your attention. It’s a little over the top and I certainly am conflicted on Vietnam ace Duke Cunningham.

I recognize and admire his service to our country, but something happened on his way to the Capitol and he is now serving time in prison. To be candid, his offences were so egregious that I have often wondered why he didn’t plead guilty by reason of insanity. His crimes were insane. No sane person could’ve ever thought that would get away from the blatant manner in which he betrayed our trust and took bribes…

To refresh my memory - and yours; according to Wikipedia, “Randall Harold "Duke" Cunningham (born December 8, 1941), usually known as Randy or Duke, is a Vietnam veteran and a former Republican member of the United States House of Representatives from California's 50th Congressional District from 1991 to 2005.

Cunningham resigned from the House on November 28, 2005 after pleading guilty to accepting at least $2.4 million in bribes and underreporting his income for 2004. He pleaded guilty to federal charges of conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud, and tax evasion. On March 3, 2006, he received a sentence of eight years and four months in prison and an order to pay $1.8 million in restitution.”

At this point, it is folks like Representative Cunningham, to whom I refer when I said in my latest Tentacle column, "When It Rains Frogs" - - - “And yes, in many ways the Republicans in Congress deserve to lose the majority. The 109th Congress has been a waste and all of us deserve a refund… Lost in all the talk of conservatives staying home because of justified discontent over the obscene spending by this administration, lack of immigration reform, and the steady stream of members of Congress betraying our trust…”

So anyway, my fellow Maryland Blogger Alliance colleague, Crablaw, calls to our attention: “"It's like Christmas" - a salute to Randal Cunningham.”

I had Dr. Pepper coming out of my nose I laughed so hard. This is way over the top and I thank my colleague Bruce Godfrey for calling it to our attention.

While you are on his site, graze around a bit. This is a well written blog and I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate his insights…

What a hoot.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

20061025 The Washington Post and the future of journalism

The Washington Post and the future of journalism

Posted by Kevin Dayhoff October 25th, 2006

I awakened this morning to an e-mail which called to my attention that the Washington Post has endorsed Maryland Governor Robert L. Ehrlich for another four years in the Maryland State House.

From a quick review of other e-mails, it seems that many are surprised. I, on the other hand, am not surprised.

In an era when so many folks are quick to paint much of the “old-guard” of the main stream media with the same brush as being knee-jerk liberal: here or here - - just for quick examples. Or of Howard Kurtz??? – for some irony, … here and here. Go figure.

It is not my assessment of the Washington Post that it is knee jerk sycophant liberal; as I have witnessed it evolve into attempting to report on the news “straight down the middle.”

To be certain, there have been fits and starts and the transition has not been smooth, however, it is important that credit be given where it is merited – and the Washington Post, for me, has entered territory where I am willing to give it some benefit of doubt.

I had an opportunity to talk with Mr. Jim Brady, the Executive Editor of Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive at a Maryland Delaware DC Press Association seminar several months ago. Granted, it was a brief conversation, but it came on the heels of an excellent presentation by him (Newspapers & New Media) and whatever doubts that I had about the Washington Post trying to let go of it’s elitist liberal past before had a chance to talk with Mr. Brady during a later break, during the Maryland Delaware, DC Press Association seminar, “New Media Day,” May 11, 2006 were answered.

For more on this go to: “Post Editors Discuss Their Craft,” from September 28, 2006. It’s an audio of a conversation with “The Washington Post Executive Editor Len Downie, Executive Editor Jim Brady and Post columnist Howard Kurtz (Howard Kurtz's Media Notes) talk about the paper and future of journalism.” Listening to this audio is well worth your time, for anyone who is interested in the multi-platform approach to delivering the news.

Yes, I am one of those folks who grew-up addicted to newspapers and can still enjoy actually holding a newspaper as I read it. However, for the most part, I read (scan) perhaps as many as 10 newspapers a day – all on-line. At this point, I would almost rather read a manuscript, a memo – and the newspaper on the computer screen.

For more commentary on the Washington Post and the virtual world of blogging, see my Tentacle column on January 25th, 2006: “How is Internet media held accountable?

And yes, before your itching fingers reach for the keyboard, the Washington Post still has some political writers that have not read “the memo,” but old habits die hard for some.

I continue to be encouraged by what the Washington Post is doing these days and endorsing Governor Ehrlich for another term even raises further their standing with me. Hopefully many of the folks at the Washington Post can take credit for the transformation of the paper - - I credit Jim Brady.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

20061026 Blogospheric recognition from George Washington’s IPDI

Blogospheric recognition from George Washington’s IPDI

Blogospheric recognition from
George Washington University’s “Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet”


October 26th, 2006


Grazing through my fellow Maryland Blogger Alliance member’s web sites yesterday, I noticed a post by my colleague
Bruce Godfrey at Crablaw’s Maryland Weekly that caught my attention.

He wrote in a post titled “
Congratulations to Maryland Blogger Alliance Member Kevin Dayhoff” :

“Maryland Blogger Alliance member Kevin Dayhoff was recognized by the
Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet for his coverage of the Maryland elections as a "must read" - I concur totally. Congrats, Kevin! posted by Bruce Godfrey at 10/24/2006 03:08:00 AM PERMALINK

Holy Cow! That’s me.

Thanks a bunch
Mr. Godfrey for calling it to my attention.

What an honor, especially since I look up to my colleagues with the Maryland Bloggers Alliance for what a great job they all do.

And it was not lost on me; after I followed the links graciously provided by
Crablaw, that another MBA member, Free State Politics was also recognized. Congratulations.

So I humbly accept the recognition on behalf of all my colleagues with the Maryland Blogger Alliance and all the bloggers out there who slave away for long hours trying to make a difference and a contribution to our greater community by promoting facts and information, discussion and dialogue.

I am well aware of
Dave Wissing’s excellent work at the Hedgehog Report. For all political junkies who appreciate numbers and commentary, there is no one better. And the work that the “Gang of Four” are doing with the elections in Howard County is cutting edge.

I finally had a chance this afternoon to take a cruise of all the sites and it is an impressive compendium of work. I got lots of value
going through the Virginia bloggers’ sites and I recommend that you also find the time for that virtual cruise.

Congratulations to everyone who made the list.

Anyway, Here’s the skinny:

George Washington University’s “Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet” top 12 Maryland and Virginia political blogs.


Labor Day marks the official start of the political season, and the Institute has turned its attention to local and state races. This month, we look at who's blogging about Maryland and Virginia politics.

Below is our shortlist of six must-read blogs in Maryland and six in Virginia:


Free State Politics – Public Schools – Politics Now – Hedgehog Report – Arundel – Dayhoff –


Not Larry Sabato – Kaine – Conservative – Virginia Progressive – Conservatives – Observer –

LEARN MORE and view our complete list

Whoa. Okay, talk with ya later. I’ve now gotta take out the trash, get dinner ready for my wife and do the dishes.

PS: Also please see:
Thanks to George Washington University’s Institute for Politics,
Internet Accolade

Soundtrack” Labels: Blogosphere, Elections 2006 MD, Erratum, Maryland Bloggers Alliance, Personal, Recognition, Virginia Issues

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

20061024 ScrappleFace says Drop the course

ScrappleFace says “Drop the course

October 25th, 2006 by Kevin Dayhoff

For those who do not read ScrappleFace, (“News fairly unbalanced. We report. You decipher.,”) Mr. Scott Ott has an uncanny ability of encapsulating a complex issue in several short paragraphs. ScrappleFace should be on the must read list for political junkies – who know the issues AND have a sense of humor.

I happen to be one of the “critics who say Democrat war policy consists of little more than attacks on President George Bush…”

To be certain, I happen to NOT feel that to criticize the president is un-American or unpatriotic. Quite to the contrary. It is a cherished right and we should all defend the rights of critics to say what they want to say.

However, their rights are our rights also – and I reserve the right to criticize folks who are criticizing the president for purely superficial political reasons. Such criticism lacks integrity and creditability.

In an era when everyone wants to talk about their rights, no one seems to talking about the responsibilities that are a critical part of those “rights.”

When a national leader or even a local community leader or columnist offers-up criticism on such a basic national security issue; please offer a reality-based thoughtful plan.

Criticisms which personally attack the president’s character uttered in the same paragraph are usually automatically dismissed as cheap partisan-politics of the worst order and are never mistaken for statespersonship; which is the hallmark of venerable leaders, who words, deeds and actions easily transcend the moral relativism and situational ethics that pervades much of such criticism. (Read: when President Bill Clinton did the same thing or failed to do what the critics say President Bush should do…that’s okay…)

In the month before our mid-term elections, the violence in Iraq has reached unbearable proportions. Why? Because the jihadists are aware that if the advocates of “cut and run” in Iraq prevail in the upcoming US elections, the US will perhaps leave the country and Iraq will be the Afghanistan after the Soviet forces vacated in 1989. Instead of helping the country re-build, we ignored it. In 1994, 10,000 people were killed in Kabul alone.

One example which makes me bristle is the thought that we need to engage in multi-lateral talks with countries such as Syria and Iran, about the future of Iraq.

Please tell me such suggestions are a joke. Syria and Iran have no interest in democracy in Iraq. To be sure, they would like to see a stable Iraq. A stable extreme Islamic Republic that is.

The concept of a stable Iraq for Iran and Syria would resemble the Taliban government which took over in Afghanistan in 1996. So, please tell, just what, pray tell, are going to talk with Syria and Iran about?

In my latest Tentacle column, “When It Rains Frogs,” I said: “And, let's be clear, the war in Iraq is getting old and increasingly looking like a never-ending quagmire. It is time for the Iraqis to assume responsibility for their future and it needs to happen yesterday. But the alternative is not to cut and run and leave Iraq to become like Afghanistan was in the 1990s after the Soviets withdrew. It then became a terrorist training ground, with results that we continue to confront. At this point, most everyone, liberal or conservative can agree that it is time to be looking for a defined exit strategy.”

To “stay the course,” is no longer tenable, as it has been defined as continuing our current approach until hell freezes over or the jihadists give up. The conflict has evolved into something never considered when we first when in to do away with the murderous regime of Saddam Hussein. Now that the conflict has evolved, our approach needs to evolve.

But “dropping the course” is not an option.

Democrats Unveil Iraq War Strategy: ‘Drop the Course’

by Scott Ott

(2006-10-24) — Just two weeks out from national elections, Democrats today unveiled the Iraq war strategy they will force the president to implement when they control Congress.

In an effort to answer critics who say Democrat war policy consists of little more than attacks on President George Bush, presumptive House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, held a news conference to explain the new strategy, dubbed “Drop the Course” as a counterpoint to the president’s often-maligned “Stay the Course.”

“Victory isn’t always about winning,” said Rep. Pelosi. “Those of us who went to college know that sometimes when the going gets tough, the tough drop out. Who among us hasn’t experienced the exhilaration of walking out of the registrar’s office after dropping a course you were failing. America deserves to have that feeling again.”

Asked to respond to the Democrats “Drop the Course” plan, Mr. Bush said, “I guess if you see freedom and national security as electives, that make sense.”

The president added that the new plan didn’t surprise him, “since the Democrats so often cut the class, it was inevitable they’d drop the course.”


20061025 Washington Post endorsement of Gov Ehrlich

Washington Post endorsement of Gov Ehrlich

A colleague wrote the following preface on the Washington Post endorsement, when he called it to my attention first thing this morning. An excellent writer – he said it better than I:

This morning’s Washington Post carries their endorsement for Governor and the Post editorial board, after interviewing both candidates, selected Governor Bob Ehrlich as their choice for Governor. The Post references Ehrlich’s accomplishments with education, environment and transportation and, while describing Ehrlich as a executive who is still maturing, gives the Governor a high grade for leadership. They note that O’Malley, with a lead in the polls, has been unwilling to engage on issues during the campaign and describe his style as “insular.”

On WBAL this morning, political analyst Blair Lee stated that a Washington Post endorsement is “huge” in the Washington metropolitan region. To paraphrase, Lee said that unlike in Baltimore where the Sun has little influence, in the DC area the Post is well respected and especially the Montgomery County readers give a Post endorsement considerable credibility.

Washington Post editorial:

For Governor in Maryland

A second term for Mr. Ehrlich

Wednesday, October 25, 2006; A16

WHEN HE RAN for governor of Maryland four years ago, Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.'s claim to the job seemed to rest on little more than a sense of entitlement and a telegenic, genial personality. In fits and starts, though, he has grown in the role to become a generally proficient, pragmatic governor, if not always a disciplined or mature one. He has chalked up successes on transportation, the environment and education, among other things. For Mr. Ehrlich, the state's first Republican governor in a generation, those are real achievements -- particularly when weighed against the monolith of Democratic dominance in the state legislature. His opponent in the gubernatorial race, Democrat Martin O'Malley, is a smart, adroit politician who has compiled a creditable record as mayor of Baltimore for the past seven years, but he has not made a compelling case for toppling the incumbent. Our choice is Mr. Ehrlich.

No doubt Mr. Ehrlich has had the good fortune to govern during good times. Having inherited a crushing deficit upon taking office in 2003, he benefited over the next three years from a muscular national economy that lifted Maryland, as it did most states, and pumped up the public coffers in Annapolis. Still, Mr. Ehrlich helped his own cause by raising funds through higher taxes and fees, breaking with his party's knee-jerk anti-tax orthodoxy and using the proceeds constructively. Despite having squandered time, energy and political capital in pushing fruitlessly to expand state-sanctioned gambling in Maryland, the governor did manage a number of victories.

Mr. Ehrlich was able to revive, accelerate and push through approval of a highway to connect interstates 270 and 95 north of the District, which would be the first major road to be built in the Maryland suburbs in years and one that is badly needed. Though it had been on the state's drawing board for decades, the intercounty connector was a dead letter when Mr. Ehrlich took office. On the environment, Mr. Ehrlich rightly claims authorship of the "flush tax" bill, under which households pay a $30 annual fee to finance upgrades in sewage plants that pollute the Chesapeake Bay; it represents an important step toward cleaning the state's waterways.

On education, Mr. Ehrlich pushed through a law to allow charter schools in Maryland, providing more options for parents and students despite the opposition of some local school boards. We have also noted Mr. Ehrlich's courage in issuing more pardons and commutations for convicted criminals than his two predecessors together managed in 16 years in office. In an era when most governors are more preoccupied with punishment and establishing their bona fides as tough guys, Mr. Ehrlich's practice of dispensing mercy is exemplary.

There have been disappointments and dithering during Mr. Ehrlich's term as well, mostly of his own making. Relishing battle and cherishing his status as a besieged underdog, he picked fights needlessly, as in the childish blacklisting of two journalists from the Baltimore Sun. Likewise, his tiresome quarrels with the leaders of the General Assembly look more like clashes of puffed-up egos than hard legislative bargaining. Mr. Ehrlich could be a more effective governor if he applied himself more to the mechanics of governing and less to the skewering of his enemies on talk radio.

Mr. O'Malley, who has run a carefully scripted campaign for governor, has put his plentiful ambition to good use in one of the toughest big-city mayor's jobs in the nation. He made progress in stanching Baltimore's outflow of population, reviving some of its more blighted neighborhoods, reducing its level of violent crime, and adapting corporate methods of efficiency and accountability to the functions of government. Mr. O'Malley did not solve the problems of rampant crime and rough schools in Baltimore, but he put a dent in them.

As a candidate, however, Mr. O'Malley, nursing a lead, has been cautious, at times excessively so. He has balked at grappling with the tough budgetary choices he would be likely to face as state spending soars for education and health care. He favors slot-machine gambling, though only at racetracks, and so presents little advantage on that score. He has remained Baltimore-centric, offering little of substance about the Washington area's problems, especially its choked roads and transit systems. While it is easy to admire Mr. O'Malley's fluency as a public speaker and his winning ways on the stump, his campaign is seen by some of his own allies as insular -- a worrisome trait in a governor.

More worrisome yet is the fact that an O'Malley victory would herald a return to the brand of one-party Democratic rule that has served the state poorly in the past. Mr. Ehrlich, for all his faults, has shaken up the old guard in Maryland politics -- while appointing plenty of Democrats to his cabinet and judgeships. If he were wise, he would use a second term to start anew with the legislature and build on his record of achievement.

© 2006 The Washington Post Company

20061024 Mozilla today released Firefox® 2

I have certainly come to prefer to use Mozilla Firefox as my Internet browser. Many of us geeks have been looking forward to the release of Firefox 2...
Read the press release pasted below.

Mozilla Releases Major Update to Firefox and Raises the Bar for Online Experience

Enhancements to usability, security and customization make Firefox 2 a must-have upgrade for all Web users

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIF. – Oct. 24, 2006 – - Mozilla today released Firefox® 2, a major update to its popular and acclaimed free, open source Web browser. Firefox is developed by an international community of contributors working together under the umbrella of the Mozilla Foundation, a non-profit, public-benefit organization dedicated to improving the Internet experience for people everywhere.

In less than two years, tens of millions of people worldwide have discovered the easier, faster and safer online experience that Firefox provides. Translated into more than 35 languages at its release, Firefox 2 is available in a native language version for more people around the world than any other Web browser.

Firefox 2 is immediately available for Windows, Mac or Linux operating systems as a free download from

“Firefox 2 delivers the best possible online experience for people today,” said Mitchell Baker, CEO, Mozilla. “The improvements Mozilla has made to the ease of use, performance, and security in Firefox 2 reflect our ongoing, singular focus on meeting the needs of Web users all over the world.”

What’s New in Firefox 2

Improvements to the user interface, security tools and options for customization, combine to deliver a rich, engaging, safer and more productive Web browsing experience for all.

Tabbed browsing. Firefox popularized tabbed browsing, enabling multiple Web sites to be viewed as separate tabs contained within a single browser window, and improving people’s efficiency by helping them better organize their desktops. In Firefox 2, tabbed browsing has been further improved with the addition of individual close buttons on each tab, enhanced tab navigation features, and a session restore system that automatically restores previously-open windows and tabs when a new browsing session is started.

Spell checking. Modern Web sites are increasingly complex with the rollout of new, rich Internet applications, such as word processors, spreadsheets and blogging tools. Inline spell checking in Firefox 2 automatically checks for spelling errors and suggests corrections as users interact with Web sites, bringing a common desktop feature to the Web.

Search. Search is one of the most frequently used features of the Web. With Firefox 2, Mozilla improves the browser’s integrated search capabilities, making it even easier for users to find the information they are looking for. The new Search Suggestions feature dynamically updates a drop-down list of suggested search terms as users enter text into the search bar for Google, Yahoo! or search engines.

Web feeds. Firefox users can now take better advantage of the frequently updated content offered by Web sites, with increased options for handling Web feeds. Users now see a preview of the content being offered and are given the option to subscribe to a feed as a Live Bookmark, using a Web service such as Bloglines, My Yahoo!, or Google Reader, or with a desktop application.

Identity theft protection. In addition to its award-winning safeguards for blocking drive-by installation of spyware and unwanted pop-up windows, Firefox 2 helps protect users from identity theft by quickly informing them when they surf to a questionable Web site. To protect users’ privacy, Phishing Protection is active by default with a local blacklist that updates hourly, rather than sending information to an external online service. An enhanced mode is available where users may optionally elect to have Firefox check the validity of Web sites with a third-party Web service, such as Google, prior to loading the site. Phishing Protection provides warnings, advice and guidance when Firefox encounters a Web site that appears to be fraudulent or malicious.

Proven security model. Mozilla’s open and transparent community-driven security model helps ensure Firefox provides the safest possible online experience. Thousands of security experts and technical contributors from around the world examine and analyze the Firefox source code, uncover potential threats and vulnerabilities, and work together to quickly identify and address emerging threats. This open, distributed, innovative approach to security puts people’s interests first and delivers the safest Web experience possible.

Customization. No other browser can be customized like Firefox 2. With thousands of add-ons that enhance the browser’s functionality and features, Firefox lets users personalize their Web browsers to fit their interests and style.

For more information on Mozilla Firefox 2 and how it delivers an easier, faster and safer online experience, visit

Mozilla Firefox 2 is available now as a free download from

About Mozilla Corporation

Mozilla is a global community dedicated to building free, open source products and technologies that improve the online experience for people everywhere. We work in the open with a highly disciplined, transparent and cooperative development process, under the umbrella of the non-profit Mozilla Foundation. As a wholly owned subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation organizes the development and marketing of Mozilla products on behalf of the Mozilla Foundation. This unique structure has enabled Mozilla to financially support and cultivate competitive, viable community innovation.

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

20061023 Washington Times endorsement of Ehrlich

Washington Times endorsement of Ehrlich

The Washington Times

Re-elect Gov. Robert Ehrlich

Published October 23, 2006

On many occasions during the past four years, it has seemed like Gov. Robert Ehrlich has been one of the few leaders in Annapolis providing a measure of adult supervision over state government. In particular, we admire Mr. Ehrlich's willingness to challenge the class-warfare demagoguery and reflexive support for higher taxes that has long dominated Maryland politics.

Although we've disagreed with him from time to time, Mr. Ehrlich, who in 2003 became the first Republican elected governor of Maryland since Spiro Agnew's resignation 34 years earlier, deserves high praise for his willingness to stand up to Senate President Mike Miller, House Speaker Michael Busch and the rest of the liberal ideologues that dominate the state Democratic Party. Time and again, the governor has done the right (if sometimes politically unpopular) thing, vetoing bad legislation, only to see the General Assembly override him. This occurred on bills which included a punitive, discriminatory tax on Wal-Mart pushed by organized labor and Giant Food, a corporate rival; a minimum-wage increase; a bill firing members of the Maryland Public Service Commission; a "medical malpractice reform" bill that featured a new tax on health-maintenance organizations and an early-voting bill that raised serious concerns about electoral fraud.

The Washington Times is proud to endorse Mr. Ehrlich's re-election, with an addendum: It is no less important to elect more moderate and conservative Republicans and Democrats to the General Assembly in order to help the governor sustain his necessary vetoes and go on the political offense as well. Six months ago, Mr. Ehrlich demonstrated how the latter could work, as he successfully pressed Mr. Busch to allow legislation increasing penalties for sex offenders to become law.

In three instances this year, the General Assembly's overrides of Mr. Ehrlich's vetoes were struck down in court -- the Public Service Commission and early-voting bills by state courts (mostly by judges who were appointed by previous Democratic governors of Maryland) and the Wal-Mart bill by a federal judge. But Marylanders should not have to be dependent on the courts to rein in an irresponsible General Assembly time and again. Instead of relying upon the judiciary to clean up the mess made by Messrs. Busch and Miller's minions, they need to elect a higher-caliber General Assembly.

One of the many reasons we oppose Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley's election as governor is his cozy relationship with the liberals who run the legislature. Whether the issue is Wal-Mart, tax increases, drivers licenses or in-state tuition for illegal aliens or questionable early-voting scheme, Mr. O'Malley and Messrs. Busch and Miller and the overwhelming majority of General Assembly Democrats have routinely lined up against Mr. Ehrlich. (We also commend the governor's work for money to clean up the Chesapeake Bay, and his effort to persuade the legislature to approve legislation putting slot machines at race tracks. Unfortunately, this effort to come up with another revenue source was blocked by Mr. Busch, who prefers higher taxes.)

The disgraceful episode involving the state takeover of 11 failing Baltimore public schools that took place earlier this year illustrates the perverse relationship between Mr. O'Malley and the liberal Democratic Party leadership in Maryland. Last year, the Maryland Board of Education moved to take control of the schools, which had been on a state "watch list" since 1997. One of the schools was Baltimore's Douglass High, where just 3 percent of students managed to pass a geometry proficiency test and just one percent passed a similar biology test. But in order to spare Mr. O'Malley the indignity of a state takeover, the General Assembly this year overrode Mr. Ehrlich's veto of legislation keeping Douglass High and the other failing schools under the mayor's control. Mr. Ehrlich has spent much of the last four years fighting in essence to minimize the damage that such irresponsible politicians have been doing. But if Mr. O'Malley wins on Nov. 7, it means that Messrs. Miller, Busch and the teachers unions that are heavily invested in the status quo will have more opportunities for such mischief.

Marylanders deserve better. That's why The Washington Times strongly endorses Gov. Robert Ehrlich for re-election -- along with the election of a more responsible, conservative General Assembly.

Copyright © 2006 News World Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

Monday, October 23, 2006

20061022 Delegate Rick Weldon falls breaks arm

Delegate Rick Weldon falls breaks arm

Weldon Jr., Richard B., (R), District 3B, Frederick & Washington Cos.

Rick fell in the Windsor Knolls subdivision in Frederick County while campaigning for re-election as a Delegate in District 3-B on Saturday morning, October 21st, 2006 and broke his left arm at the elbow.

Rick wrote, “The combination of a steep driveway and soapy water resulted in a broken arm. For George and Tony's sake, I finished distributing flyers before I went to FMH urgent care. Talk about working for every vote. Since it's my left arm, and I'm left handed, I'm going to work with my voice recognition software this week.”

Rick is opposed by Democrat Paul Gilligan in the general election November 7th, 2006.

Delegate Weldon’s Maryland General Assembly web site bio says Rick has been a “Member of House of Delegates since January 8, 2003. Member, Health and Government Operations Committee, 2003- (government operations subcommittee, 2003-; health occupations subcommittee, 2003-04; public health subcommittee, 2003-04; pharmaceuticals subcommittee, 2005-). Vice-Chair, Frederick County Delegation, 2003-. Parliamentarian, and Chair, Rules Committee, Republican House Caucus, 2003-. Member, Maryland Rural Caucus, 2003-; Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus, 2003-; Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2005-.

City administrator, City of Brunswick, 1994-99. Chief operations officer, City of Frederick, 1999-2001. Member, Board of County Commissioners, Frederick County, 2001-02. Board liaison, Tourism Council of Frederick County, 2001-02; Board of Trustees, Frederick Community College, 2001-02. Member, Forvm for Rural Maryland, 2003; Task Force to Study Efficiency in Procurement, 2003.

Born in Wilmington, Delaware, September 26, 1958. Served in U.S. Navy (submarine service), 1976-80. Civilian employee, Navy Department, 1982-94. Attended University of Maryland (part time, public administration), 1989-91. Board member, Brunswick Medical Center, 1994-; Frederick County Business Development Advisory Council, 2001-02. Member, Steering Committee for Potomac River American Heritage River Nomination, 1996-98. Member, U.S. Submarine Veterans, Inc., TriState Base, 1999-. Member, Cancer Coalition of Frederick County, 2000-02. Board member, Weinberg Center for the Performing Arts, 2001-02. Member, Republican Clubs of Frederick and Washington Counties; National Rifle Association. Valedictorian, Leadership Frederick County Class of 1998-99.


Sunday, October 22, 2006

20061021 A warm welcome is extended to The New Windsor Word

A warm welcome is extended to The New Windsor Word

A big hearty welcome to Carroll County’s virtual world is extended to The New Windsor Word.

Why not take a quick look, the next chance ya get?

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to