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Thursday, October 26, 2006

20061026 ScrappleFace strikes again

ScrappleFace strikes again

October 26th, 2006

Michael J. Embryo

I’ve been avoiding the Michael J. Fox controversy in regards to yet another Hollywood-type getting involved with politics.

Hollywood limousine liberals getting involved in politics is not one of my favorite things - - see: “20061015 Streisand performed last Friday at Verizon Center in DC” and “20061010 Streisand goes emo at Madison Square Garden concert.” Or see my Tentacle column from October 18th, 2006, “Barbra! Shut Up and Sing.”

For a great commentary for politicians pandering a hope for a cure…; please read: Charles Krauthammer’s column from October 15th, 2004. It appeared on page A23 of the Washington Post: “An Edwards Outrage.”

I have no interest in criticizing Mr. Fox personally. For that matter, I have no interest in criticizing anyone personally. He has Parkinson’s and to be certain it is a terrible disease – so he certainly has some legitimacy, for me anyway, to speak out on the issues. He remains in my prayers, not only in a hope for a cure, but that he personally is able to lead as productive life as possible with this dreaded disease.

Nevertheless, ScrappleFace has chosen to weigh-in on the issue with a post on YouTube: “Serious parody of Michael J. Fox ad for Democrat Claire McCaskill promoting stem cell research and opposing Sen. Jim Talent. Produced by Scott Ott, editor,”

It can be found here.

Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin.

Of course, most Hollywood-types are so thin-skinned. They wish to weigh-in on issues and then get all huffy when someone has the audacity to respond.

I guess I choose not to respond as I respect the fact that Mr. Fox has the disease and I reckon, if I, or a loved one, or a close friend had the disease. I certainly hope that they would take every responsible opportunity to lobby for a cure.

READ my Tentacle column from August 31, 2005: “Respect for Conscience.” The column begins with:

“U. S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R., TN) is currently the target of an advertising campaign in Iowa criticizing him for voting his conscience and backing expanded embryonic stem cell research.

If you will recall Senator Frist, took to the Senate floor and delivered a thoughtful statement detailing his support for legislation to remove some of the Bush administration's limitations on embryonic stem cell research.

This angered many social conservatives.

Senator Frist is a heart-lung transplant surgeon who opposes abortion. He has been widely suggested as a presidential candidate in 2008.

A bill to ease stem cell restrictions passed the House of Representatives in May and Senate approval is expected after Labor Day even in the face of President Bush's veto threat.

The president's reaction: "You've got to vote your conscience." Many who desperately want a civil, reasoned and intelligent debate on important issues in our lives have applauded the president's reaction and have respected Senator Frist's differing views.”

Read the rest here.

The challenge with respect to the Maryland ads is that Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele’s position has been misrepresented.

No. Can’t be. Say it ain’t so.

Well so.

Read the following press release from the Steele campaign:


October 24, 2006

CONTACT: Melissa Sellers, Doug Heye

443-481-0650, 443-603-1288


Cardin Voted Against Stem Cell Research for Pure Political Gain

TEMPLE HILLS, MD – Today, Michael Steele released the following statement setting the record straight on stem cell research:

Michael Steele said, “There is only one candidate in this race who voted against stem cell research and it’s Congressman Ben Cardin. Ben Cardin had a chance to support stem cell research that would not destroy human embryos, and he voted against it – not because of his beliefs on the issue, but as a transparent political stunt. Both Senators Barbara Mikulski and Paul Sarbanes voted for this legislation. Ben Cardin wanted to politicize the issue instead of getting something done, so he voted against it. Marylanders deserve better than Congressman Cardin’s continued Washington double-talk, mistruths and sheer political gamesmanship on an issue as important as stem cell research.”

On September 2, 2006, the Frederick News Post reported: “[Cardin] opposes suggestions that stem cell research is acceptable if the embryo isn't destroyed. (Liam Farrell, “Pursuing Change,” Frederick News Post, September 2, 2006)

Michael Steele added, “I am an enthusiastic supporter of cord blood, adult stem cell and embryonic stem cell research that does not destroy the embryo, and I fully support expanding innovations in technology that make it possible to treat and prevent disease without the willful destruction of human embryos.”

Cardin Voted AGAINST Expanded Research On Stem Cells That Do Not Destroy Embryos.

Alternate Stem Cell Research Methods – Passage. “Barton, R-Texas, motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill that would require the National Institutes of Health to conduct and support research on the isolation, derivation and production of pluripotent stem cells that do not destroy human embryos. It would require the Health and Human Services secretary to issue final guidelines for additional stem cell research, with priority for research with the greatest potential to yield benefits in the near future, within 90 days of the bill's enactment.” (S. 2754, CQ Vote #380: Motion rejected. July 18, 2006, Cardin voted Nay)

The Senate Voted Unanimously To Pass the Same Bill that Cardin voted AGAINST. Both Senators Mikulski and Sarbanes Voted In Favor Of The Bill.

Alternate Stem Cell Research Methods – Passage. Passage of the bill that would require the National Institutes of Health to conduct and support research to develop techniques for the isolation, derivation and production of pluripotent stem cells that do not destroy human embryos. It would require the Health and Human Services secretary to issue final guidelines for additional stem cell research, including a prioritization of research with the greatest potential to yield benefits in the near future, within 90 days of the bill's enactment.” (S. 2754, CQ Vote #205: July 18, 2006, Sarbanes voted Yea; Mikulski voted Yea)


Of course, a little civility would go a long way before we start playing politics with the hope for a cure… q.v.: “Ben Cardin to cure cancer.” For other posts pertaining to the Steele – Cardin campaign, see: “20060701 Spin slander distort and repeat” and “20060915 Democratic National Party reserves $1Million in Steele attack ads."

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. E-mail him at: kdayhoff AT Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report has moved to

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