Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist
Journalist @baltimoresun writer artist runner #amwriting Md Troopers Assoc #20 & Westminster Md Fire Dept Chaplain PIO #partylikeajournalist

Friday, March 02, 2007

20070301 The Present Winter Union Bridge Pilot Feb 27 1920

The Present Winter Union Bridge Pilot Feb 27 1920

March 1st, 2007

A colleague recently shared with me a quote for whom she could not remember who to credit, “February is the Monday of the year.”

February has never been my favorite month. I so dislike the short days, the cold, ice, and snow.

An old long defunct Carroll County newspaper, the Union Bridge Pilot wrote on February 27th, 1920, “‘If March comes in like a lamb, it will go out like a lion,’ is another weather legend that has been handed down from early times, and is still believed by many.”

Well, let’s hope. For me, spring cannot come soon enough.

The rest of the article reads as follows. I have re-paragraphed it for easier reading. For some reason old newspapers rarely believed in paragraphs…

The Present Winter

Union Bridge Pilot, February 27, 1920.

In commenting on the weather conditions which we have just experienced the Frederick News says the following: "Three weeks of the ground-hog's reign closed Monday. During that time, it has rained 9 times, snowed five times and hailed twice. There were cold, clear and cloudy days and a few warm days.

Yesterday was St. Matthias' day, and having found plenty of ice, according to tradition he broke, and spring is at hand. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of this week are emberdays which rule the weather, for three months.

"If March comes in like a lamb, it will go out like a lion," is another weather legend that has been handed down from early times, and is still believed by many.

During the past 12 years, this prophesy has never failed, said one resident yesterday, in speaking about weather legends. "Still another prediction calls for a wintery March. The caterpillar was black at the tail, and this signifies that the latter part of the winter will be the hardest. The only question raised is to decide whether February is to be considered the last of winter. February is really the last winter month, as spring begins the third week in March. The chickens were heavily feathered which called for a hard winter. "

People in discussing the weather predictions for the next month differ on the question as to whether the end of the winter is at hand or whether March must be considered.

According to time worn predictions March of 1920 will be considered a part of this winter, and the hardest part of the winter is ahead. A late spring is looked for, but this is merely supposition on the part of ones making the prophesy."

Thursday, March 01, 2007

20070301 Fix your ceiling tiles or this gecko will die

Fix your ceiling tiles, or this gecko will die

March 1st, 2007

Copious amounts of Dr. Pepper were lost when I watched this ad earlier today on “”

The latest winner of the Dayhoff Dr. Pepper Award is this ad from Thailand: “Fix your ceiling tiles, or this gecko will die.”

The video is must see and prepare to smile… It was posted by David Kiefaber who said:

“Maybe it’s me readjusting to the North Carolina climate, but I’m honestly too touched by this Thai ceiling-tile ad to make fun of how patently ridiculous it is. Even the obvious Geico gecko reference seems coarse after seeing one teary-eyed gecko reach out to the other and barely missing as it died. Thank God the chess players’ over-emotional response kept it from being another Suicidal Robot. Although I couldn’t help but notice the falling scene’s eerie resemblance to the beginning of Cliffhanger. From Neatorama, via Spare Room.”

Click for other

20070228 An Open Letter to All Rosie O’Donnells

An Open Letter to All Rosie O’Donnells

February 28th, 2007

Many thanks to Charles County Café for calling to our attention: An Open Letter to All Rosie O’Donnells

Perhaps take this opportunity to go this website and check out many of the other great posts…

The Charles County Café also gave credit to “Posted by Tony Penny in Entertainment News, Cultural & Race.”

Charles County Café introduced the YouTube video by saying, “Amazing video…”

I could not agree more. This video is powerful stuff.

The video was loaded on February 22nd, 2007 and the remarks by the creator of the video are just as good at the video…[1] I have posted them below in a footnote because true to form, many of the comments on the YouTube site are truly offensive and I cannot recommend that anyone go to the site – at least to the comment section... I have no clue as to why a site as sophisticated as YouTube allows offensive language. Wouldn’t you think that a site this technologically advanced could screen certain words in the comment section?

Of course one of the lessons we can see reinforced by way of Ms. O’Donnell’s lack of apology is that being a liberal means that you never have to say that you are sorry. I have no quarrel with Ms. O’Donnell or that she made a mistake – that’s simply human. Her personal lifestyle orientation is of no material matter to me, I really don’t care- - it is none of my business. It is her lack of taking personal responsibility and apologizing that has exacerbated the offensiveness of her behavior.

An Open Letter to All Rosie O’Donnells

A video of the offensive incident the “Open Letter” is referring to can be found here.


[1] UPDATE: rosie has given a truly heartfelt response to my work in her blog.after a brief overview of some comments, here's my reply:1) regardless how ya'll felt about the video, i truly appreciate all of you taking the time to provide your honest opinions of it. i believethis can help address where we're really at andimprove everyone communicating with one another2) i understand that rosie was joking. i am actually addressing her defensive reaction upon being told why, "ching chong," might beinappropriate or offensive. 3) i do not hate rosie. this situation is merely a way to frame the discussion of people beingopen to learn from one another, admitting thatthey might be ignorant about some things. iactually believe the sentiment in the piece applies to all groups. hence, "to all..."4) i am currently under the impression that theterms, "queer community," "plus-size," and,"lesbian," are all politcally correct. however,i will research the validity of that belief.5) i am not threatening that asians will punishall the non-asians in the future. i am implyingthat the population of the world is predomi-nantly asian, and that just because in one context she does not interact with asians, doesn't mean that a context will not occur inwhich she will have asians in her life.6) woody fu produced this. ryan ling edited it.thank you to tinnie chow 4 everything.

20070227 African Teen Orphans Visit Maryland For Dance Tour

African Teen Orphans Visit Maryland For Dance Tour

Feb 27, 2007

African Teen Orphans Visit Maryland For Dance Tour

Richard Sher , Reporting

See the video here:

(WJZ) BEL AIR, Md. Ten teenage girls from Namibia in Southern Africa are dancing their way through Maryland.

As Richard Sher reports, they are orphans, living at Children of Zion Village, in Northeastern Namibia, thanks to the wonderful work of Mount Zion United Methodist Church in Bel Air.

Church members Rebecca and Gary Mink are missionaries, who along with the church, bought the land, and built Children of Zion Village.

In all, 55 children, live there. Their parents either died from AIDS, or from the war in Angola.


The girls leave the states March 19th.

They will be giving a free public concert, Friday night, 7 p.m. at Mount Zion United Methodist Church, in Bel Air.

For more information call 410-836-7444 or Click Here to log onto the Children of Zion web site.

Read the entire article and watch the video here: African Teen Orphans Visit Maryland For Dance Tour


Africa Namibia Children of Mount Zion Village

20070228 Volkmann Watch

Volkmann Watch

February 28th, 2007

Please note that in the photo above that Ms. Volkmann is fully compliant with: 20060330 Always Dress better than expected


Westminster wants flexible zoning process - 02/28/2007
Westminster plans to review zoning that allows stores near houses after discovering the process needs work sessions to solve residents’ concerns.

County growth opens common ground - 02/28/2007
Residents and the government can agree after all.

Carroll looks to Harford for help in solving problems with garbage, jail - 02/27/2007
Harford could be a picture of Carroll in the future.

Committee chairman: Campaign finance bill is ‘onerous’ - 02/27/2007
Legislation clarifying campaign finance activity would push residents out of the political process, a committee chairman says.

Committees formed to find water - 02/27/2007
Carroll has named the subcommittees of a new task force charged with finding more water, while activists launched public education efforts about conservation.

Community growth meetings delayed - 02/26/2007
The ice storm earlier this month delayed community meetings scheduled to give residents an opportunity to share their opinions on how Carroll should grow.

Area buffeted, not bruised by snow storm - 02/26/2007
The Baltimore region may have had a winter-weather flashback Sunday as more snow started falling just as ice from last week’s storm finally disappeared.

Carroll divided over global warming issue - 02/26/2007
Yes. No. Maybe.

Orthodox Jewish women 'get' divorce support - 02/23/2007
A wife testified Thursday that a bill would free women “trapped” in Jewish marriages, but her husband blasted it as a constitutional and religious violation.

Route 32 may get new name, look - 02/22/2007
Carroll’s road task force decided Wednesday to continue investigating the advantages of renaming highways and pushing for the widening of Maryland Route 32.

Group: Warfield needs professional promotion - 02/21/2007
Carroll should hire a developer soon to promote the Warfield complex so it can flourish into one of the county’s largest business hubs, a commissioner-appointed group says.


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

House Vote Tomorrow on H.R. 800 that would eliminate the right to secret ballot elections for workers

House Vote Tomorrow on H.R. 800 that would eliminate the right to secret ballot elections for workers
February 28th, 2007

I received this in an e-mail just a moment ago and I felt strongly that it was worth passing along and it is definitely worth the time to read and then - be in touch with your representative...


More supporters of H.R. 800, the Employee Free Choice Act or Worker Intimidation Act who are being hypocritical about the right to secret ballot elections. H.R. 800 will come to a vote on the House floor on Thursday, March 1.

Congressman Bartlett opposes H.R. 800 and is an original co-sponsor of the Secret Ballot Protection Act, H.R. 866. Please note that this was one of the late Congressman Charlie Norwood's bills.

SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI - Pelosi owns a vineyard in Napa where workers have the right under California law to a private secret ballot. So the rights her workers have she wants to strip away from other workers. By the way, workers in Pelosi's vineyard have chosen not to organize a union. (Wine Spectator, 12/6/06)

REP. SANCHEZ, REP. SOLIS, REP. SANCHEZ AND REP. VELASQUEZ - All four of these members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus sent a joint letter to Caucus leader Rep. Napolitano asking for a fair and proper election within their committee. The four politicians requested that the leadership elections held last November be revisited so that everyone may participate, especially a member who had not been able to participate due to a run-off election (won and settled by, obviously, a secret ballot). They write, "We therefore believe that we need to follow proper rules of procedure and hold a vote by secret ballot." (Letter to CHC, Jan. 5, 2007)

My favorite two reasons of the top 10 in this Dear Colleague letter below to oppose H.R. 800.

1. Its sponsors in Congress are hypocritical. A 2001 letter sent by the lead sponsor and other current co-sponsors of "Employee Free Choice Act" to Mexican - yes, Mexican - officials, stated, "We understand that the secret ballot is allowed for, but not required by Mexican labor law. However, we feel that the secret ballot is absolutely necessary in order to ensure workers are not intimidated into voting for a union they may otherwise not choose." This rare instance of Members weighing-in on election between two competing Mexican labor unions underscores the fact that card checks - in any scenario - are prone to intimidation.

2. Its supporters in organized labor are hypocritical. Organized labor leaders have expressed strong support for secret ballot elections when workers are presented the opportunity to decertify a union at their workplace. Unions have argued passionately to the National Labor Relations Board that private ballots "provide the surest means for avoiding decisions which are the result of group pressures and not individual decisions."


February 28, 2007

Top Ten Reasons How the So-Called "Employee Free Choice Act"
Undermines Democracy, Workers' Rights

Dear Colleague:

In a recent poll, nearly 80 percent of Americans opposed the deceptively-titled "Employee Free Choice Act" (H.R. 800), which would strip away workers' rights to private ballot voting and replace it with a highly-controversial public voting or "card check" system.

Tomorrow, the House will consider this flawed legislation that threatens the very democratic process that - ironically - allowed its very authors to be elected to public office. As we prepare for debate, below you will find merely ten of the countless reasons why the card check bill is a threat to democracy and the American workers the sponsors of the bill purportedly protect...reasons why nearly eight in ten Americans agree the card check bill should die in Congress:

1. It kills the secret ballot in the workplace. Members of Congress rely upon, treasure, and would fight to defend the secret ballot process to preserve when it comes to their own political careers...but apparently for some, not when it comes to the rights of workers. Under current law, unions may organize through either a federally-supervised private ballot election or a "card check" system. The so-called "Employee Free Choice Act," however, would kill private voting rights altogether and make workers' votes public through a mandatory card check, in which union bosses gather authorization cards purportedly signed by workers expressing their desire for a union to represent them.

2. It leaves workers vulnerable to coercion and intimidation. Mandatory card checks can strip workers of the right to choose - freely and anonymously - whether to unionize, and card checks notoriously leave workers open to coercion, pressure, and outright intimidation and threats. Such an instance of intimidation was highlighted in testimony provided earlier this month to a U.S. House labor subcommittee by Karen M., an employee who described tactics used in a card check campaign at her company in Oregon. During that card check drive, she told the subcommittee she and her colleagues were "subjected to badgering and immense peer pressure" and that she "exercised [her] free choice not to be in the union and [her] work life became miserable because of it."

3. It strips workers of their right to privacy in the workplace. Mandatory card checks make workers' union organization votes completely and utterly public. In other words, their co-workers, their employers, their union organizers, and union bosses themselves will know exactly how they voted. How is that free choice?

4. Its sponsors in Congress are hypocritical. A 2001 letter sent by the lead sponsor and other current co-sponsors of "Employee Free Choice Act" to Mexican - yes, Mexican - officials, stated, "We understand that the secret ballot is allowed for, but not required by Mexican labor law. However, we feel that the secret ballot is absolutely necessary in order to ensure workers are not intimidated into voting for a union they may otherwise not choose." This rare instance of Members weighing-in on election between two competing Mexican labor unions underscores the fact that card checks - in any scenario - are prone to intimidation.

5. Its supporters in organized labor are hypocritical. Organized labor leaders have expressed strong support for secret ballot elections when workers are presented the opportunity to decertify a union at their workplace. Unions have argued passionately to the National Labor Relations Board that private ballots "provide the surest means for avoiding decisions which are the result of group pressures and not individual decisions."

6. The bill simply amounts to Big Labor's Big Payback. Organized labor has seen its best days. It's hemorrhaging members at a steady pace - losing 325,000 members last year, down to 12 percent nationwide and 7.4 percent in the private sector. Faced with this reality, union bosses have reverted to full panic mode. And after they helped usher into Congress a new Majority - giving nearly $60 million in hard-dollar PAC contributions to them in the last election cycle, with tens of millions more for "get out the vote" efforts piled on top - they see a small window of opportunity; one final, desperate attempt to stop the bleeding.

7. When it comes to union coercion, its supporters look the other way. The bill would levy new civil penalties upon employers if they coerce an employee during a card check campaign. However, the bill remains silent on coercion from unions, choosing instead to stay silent and tacitly allow unions to participate in coercive tactics already well-documented in card check campaigns.

8. It strips away a worker's right to vote on contracts. The so-called "Employee Free Choice Act" is well-known for chipping away at a worker's right to vote in union organization elections, but it doesn't stop there. It also would strip a worker of his or her ability to vote on contracts as well. That means, by instituting mandatory arbitration, the bill would take away an employee's right to vote on a contract that controls work rules, pay, and benefits. Instead, by government fiat, that right would be given to a third-party mediator.

9. Americans support a federally-supervised private ballot election. According to a January 2007 McLaughlin & Associates poll, 87 percent of Americans agree that "every worker should continue to have the right to a federally supervised secret ballot election when deciding whether to organize a union." 89 percent believe a worker's ballot should remain private, rather than making it public through the card check. And 89 percent believe the secret ballot is the surest way to prevent intimidation from either employers or unions. As a result, 79 percent of those polled explicitly oppose the so-called "Employee Free Choice Act."

10. Union members support a federally-supervised private ballot election. In July 2004, Zogby International conducted a survey of more than 700 union members, in which 71 percent of union members agreed that the current secret-ballot process is fair. Zogby also found that 78 percent of union members said that Congress should keep the existing secret ballot election process in place and not replace it with another process.

Join us in voting YES for the democratic rights of workers by voting NO on the so-called "Employee Free Choice Act." For more information on the bill, please contact the Education and Labor Committee Republican staff at x5-7101.


/s/ /s/

Howard P. "Buck" McKeon (R-CA) John Kline (R-MN)
Senior Republican Member Ranking Republican Member
Education and Labor Committee Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee

20070228 Best Shoes of the Day

Best Shoes of the Day – The Daily Shoe Watch

February 28th, 2007

I found this wonderful pair of shoes at a local frame shop in WestminsterGizmos Art, Lyndi McNulty's. Aren’t they just divine?

If you ever been in Gizmos during the day the place is regular bee hive of activity and here at “Soundtrack” we were really appreciative that this nice young lady stopped for two seconds to let us capture an image of her shoes for everyone to admire.

For more on Shoes – go here.

For more on Gizmos Art, Lyndi McNulty's – go here.


20070228 February 2007 Maryland Governor O’Malley press releases

February 2007 Maryland Governor O’Malley press releases

Press Releases

February 28, 2007

February 28 Governor O'Malley Rededicates Historic Martin Luther King, Jr. Plaque and Tree

February 22 O'Malley / Brown Administration Releases Transition Report

February 16 Governor O'Malley Announces Nominees for Maryland's Public Service Commission

February 16 Governor Martin O'Malley Submits "Green Bag" Appointments to Maryland Senate

Februray 15 Statement on Walter Sondheim, Jr.

February 14 Governor O'Malley Announces Plans to Host 2007 Bay Bridge Walk

February 11 Governor O'Malley Visits Maryland Correctional Training Center in Hagerstown

February 8 Governor O'Malley Announces Appointment of Lt. Governor Anthony G. Brown to the East Baltimore Development, Inc. Board of Directors

February 7 Governor O'Malley, State of Maryland, Urges FERC to Deny Sparrow's Point LNG Project

February 7 Governor O'Malley Announces Nominees for Department of Business and Economic Development, Juvenile Justice, Aging, and General Services

February 6 Governor O'Malley Announces Transportation Veteran To Lead The Maryland Transportation Authority

Maryland Governor O’Malley press releases on "Soundtrack"


20070228 Remember the Maine

Online Images of USS Maine

USS Maine (ACR-1), the first ship of the United States Navy to be named for the state of Maine, was a 6682-ton second-class pre-dreadnought battleship originally designated as Armored Cruiser #1.

El USS Maine (ACR-1) fue un acorazado de la marina de los Estados Unidos que zozobró en el puerto de La Habana en febrero de 1898 a causa de una explosión.

"Remember the Maine"

February 28th, 2007

My latest Tentacle column is up on the web: "Remember the Maine."
It’s a piece that has been in my head for quite sometime. Many folks are eager to compare the war in Iraq with the Vietnam War. To be certain, there are parallels available; however for the student of history, comparisons abound with the Spanish-American War. Read on – see what you think…

February 28, 2007

"Remember the Maine"

Kevin E. Dayhoff

Essentially unnoticed a couple of weeks ago was the anniversary of a dark day in American history that in its day was considered by our great grandparents as horrific as Pearl Harbor or 9/11.

It was on February 15, 1898, that a mysterious explosion sunk the USS Maine in the harbor of Havana, Cuba. Of its approximately 400 American seamen, 260 died.

The events of 1898 provide many instructive parallels to the events of the past several years and - at a minimum - to "Remember the Maine" gives us great insight from where we have come and why we are where we are today.

Go here to read the rest of the column.

The Sampson Board meets aboard the Lighthouse Tender MANGROVE. At the table from left to right, the men are Capt. French Chadwick, Capt. William Sampson, Lt. Cmdr. William Potter, Ens. Powelson, and Lt. Cmdr. Adolph Marix (judge advocate). Powelson was present to provide testimony based on the findings of the divers working aboard the wreckage of the MAINE

To read the “Sampson Board Report” (U.S.S. IOWA, First Rate, Key West, Fla., Monday, March 21, 1898. After full and mature consideration of all the testimony before it, the court finds as follows:…) go here.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

20070226 The Happy Shoveler

The Happy Shoveler

(Too) early Monday February 26th, 2007

20070226 Monday morning it snowed

Monday morning it snowed

Monday morning it snowed – the “Wonder Of It All.”

February 26th, 2007

For a Lauren” January 2006 interview with the band – go here. She quizzed “the band's vocalist Derek Stipe on their name, their origin, and where they're headed…”

The band’s web site is here: Good for some tunes while working away at the keyboard.


20070226 Monday Morning Squirrel

Monday Morning Squirrel
February 26th, 2007

Monday, February 26, 2007

20070226 A twelve-year old sets the Washington Post straight

A twelve-year old sets the Washington Post straight.

February 26th, 2007

Fishbowl DC had an interesting post today in which it called to our attention a letter from a 12 year old who says that she does too read the newspaper.

Not only can she read – but she can write also.

Well, I gotta tell ya. I teach an after school class at a middle school. This semester we are using the “Newspapers in Education” curriculum because I also worried that young adults are not reading the newspaper.

Oh how wrong was I.

I have been pleasantly surprised at how much that age group is reading the newspaper… Of course much of it is determined by what they observe at home.

When asked why such-and-such was their favorite section, often the response was because a parent liked that section…

Find the Fishbowl post here: Monday, Feb 26 Little Kids With Big News Appetites


20070225 Timothy Noah of Slate is being Wiki-Whacked

Timothy Noah of Slate is being Wiki-Whacked

I'm Being Wiki-Whacked -

February 25th, 2007

H/t: “”

OMG – Way too funny. This is the winner of this week’s Dayhoff Dr. Pepper Award.

Apparently, Timothy Noah, who writes the "Chatterbox" column for Slate, the online magazine at, “is facing wiki-deletion on the basis of lack of notability.”

But ya can be sure that Anna Nicole Smith is in Wikipedia. Yep, sure thing – find her here. On second thought, why bother. (By the way, Tom McLaughlin is the real father of her baby…)

I now feel so much better that I am not listed. At least I don’t think that I am in Wikipedia? Phew: “No results found (for “Kevin Dayhoff”.) For help on searching within…”

Recently one of my editors issued an edict that he will not accept any cite or reference to Wikipedia in any of our columns. Well, this broke my heart… Okay, I’m over it, moving on here…

In the case of Mr. Noah, “” called to our attention, Timothy Noah of Slate pokes fun at Wikipedia's "notability" requirement by, among other things, calling it rococo (ridiculously elaborate). Note: The writer is facing wiki-deletion on the basis of lack of notability...

“Wikipedia already maintains rules concerning verifiability and privacy. Why does it need separate rules governing 'notability'? Wikipedia's attempt to define who or what is notable is so rococo that it even has elaborate notability criteria for porn stars. A former Playboy Playmate of the Month is notable; a hot girlfriend to a famous rock star is not. Wikipedia's stubborn enforcement of its notability standard suggests that... we limit entry to the club not because we need to, but because we want to.”

Writing in the Washington Post, Sunday, February 25, 2007, on page B02, Mr. Noah remarks, “Pardon me if I seem a little blue. My Wikipedia bio is about to disappear because I fail to satisfy the ‘notability guideline.’ ”

What follows is a fun read, find it here: “I'm Being Wiki-Whacked

Mr. Noah, we feel your pain.


Sunday, February 25, 2007

20070224 Benjamin’s Krider’s United Church of Christ

Benjamin’s Krider’s United Church of Christ and Cemetery

Krider’s Church Road in Westminster, MD

Established 1761

I looked for a web site for the church and I was not able to find one. I did however find a list of the folks buried in the cemetery as of October 25th, 1889 here: Krider's Cemetery, Carroll Co., MD List of interments” or

“Krider's (St Benjamin's) Lutheran & Reformed Cemetery is located on

Krider's Church Road near Westminster, Carroll County, Maryland. This

list of interments taken October 25, 1889, was found in The Democratic

Advocate, a local newspaper, and was published the first of February 1890.”

I also found a list of cemeteries in Carroll County that appear to have had an inventory completed of the names of the folks interred:

Maryland Cemeteries -


Bachman's Cemetery

Harney - Piney Creek Presbyterian Cemetery

New Windsor - Winter / St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery

Silver Run - St. Mary's Lutheran / Reformed Cemetery

Taneytown - Trinity Lutheran Cemetery

Tyrone - Baust's Lutheran / Reformed Cemetery

Union Bridge - Wolf Cemetery

Uniontown - Runnymeade Cemetery

Westminster - Krider's Lutheran & Reformed / St. Benjamin's Cemetery

Westminster - Leister / St. John's Cemetery

Westminster - Old Leister's Church Cemetery

Westminster - St. John's Catholic Cemetery

Westminster - Westminster Cemetery

That’s as far as I took it…

Daily Photoblog, Genealogy, Carroll County Churches


20070224 The Cornfields of Winter

The Carroll County Cornfields of Winter
February 24th, 2007

20070225 Weather Carroll County

Winter Storm Warning Remains In Effect Until 4 AM EST Monday.

Significant Ice Accumulation Is Likely.

-----Original Message-----

From: EmergencyEmail.ORG

Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2007 4:21 AM

Subject: WeatherMD - Carroll County

Severe Weather Map Link

Business Continuity Resources Sponsors

Salmonella - peanut butter update:

Wa-Frederick Md-Carroll-Northern Baltimore-Harford-Montgomery-Howard-Southern Baltimore-Extreme Western Allegany-Cntl & Eastern Allegany-Highland-Augusta-Rockingham-Shenandoah-Frederick Va-Page-Warren-Clarke-Loudoun-Hampshire-Morgan-Berkeley-Jefferson-Pendleton-Hardy-Western Grant-Eastern Grant-Western Mineral-Eastern Mineral-Including The Cities Of Hagerstown, Frederick, Westminster, Gaithersburg, Columbia, Baltimore, Frostburg, Cumberland, Staunton, Waynesboro, Harrisonburg, Winchester, Front Royal, Leesburg, Martinsburg, Charles Town, Bayard, Petersburg, Emoryville, Hartmansville, Keyser, Fort Ashby

A Strong Storm System Located Over The Cntl Plains Will Move East & Spread Moisture Across The Mid Atlantic Region Today Into Tonight.

Precipitation Will Initially Begin As A Mix Of Snow & Sleet Early This Morning. But A Transition To Freezing Rain Is Expected By Afternoon. An Inch Or Two Of Snow Accumulation Is Possible Before The Change To Freezing Rain.

Once The Change Over Occurs, Freezing Rain Is Expected To Continue Into The Early Afternoon Hrs. A Change To Rain Is Possible Over Cntl Md. The Wa Metro Area. & N. And Cntl Va During The Afternoon. Ice Accumulations Between One-Quarter To One-Half Inch Are Expected In The Warning Area. The Areas Most Susceptible For Higher Amounts & Widespread Icing Problems Will Be The N. Shenandoah Valley Of Va. Northeastern West Va.& N. & Western Md.

The Bulk Of The Freezing Precipitation Is Expected To Taper Off Later Tonight.

A Winter Storm Warning Means Significant Amounts Of Snow. Sleet.& Ice Are Expected Or Occurring. This Amount Of Glaze Could Cause Widespread Downed Trees & Power Lines Resulting In Power Outages & Hazardous Travel.


20070224 Old Hoff Barn off Old Westminster Pike

Old Hoff Barn off Old Westminster Pike
February 24th, 2007 Daily Photoblog

Looking at the old Hoff Barn[1] from Locust Avenue in the Buckingham View - “Tree Street” Development off Old Westminster Pike.

Buckingham View is a pre-World War Two development just outside the Westminster, MD city limits that was developed 1938. The date of the plan is October 1st, 1938.

I spent most of my childhood – from 1961 – 1971 working and playing on the old Hoff Farm. The farm is slated for development.[2] The barn, no doubt, will be torn down. I did not take a picture of the old farmhouse, although I wish I had.

The farmhouse is in a state of disrepair and is undoubtedly also slated for demolition – although it very well may be one of the oldest in Carroll County. The barn and the farmhouse are located right off Old Westminster Pike.

What we now know as the Old Westminster Pike – just east of Westminster, was built between 1804 and 1807. Growing up we called it “Old Baltimore Boulevard. That name (Baltimore Boulevard) seems to have been assigned to Rte 140 in Westminster now.

In 1804 the Maryland legislature chartered the “Baltimore and Reisterstown Turnpike Company” to build a “macadam road” to the Mason-Dixon Line. The road was completed in 1807 at a cost of $1.5 million dollars. It was built to replace an old wagon trail that pre-dated the French and Indian War.

The main reason was to facilitate the better transportation of agricultural goods and commodities to markets outside the county. In those days, Baltimore was the third largest city in the United States and the terminus of seven turnpikes. The turnpike to the Mason Dixon line was built to bring goods and products from southern Pennsylvania to Baltimore instead of Philadelphia.

There have been many farms developed in Carroll County that have made me very sad. The day this barn and farmhouse are torn down will be a life-event sad day for me.


[1] Not to confused with “this” Hoff Barn: “20060926 Kelsey Volkmann on the Hoff Barn or “20060830 Marlin K. Hoff Memorial Barn” located here or here.

[2] For more information about the story of this development see – “20050121 The Hoff Naganna Annexation – the rest of the story.” or find it here:

20070224 Saturday Dinner this evening at Salsarita’s in Westminster

The address in Westminster, MD is:

Dinner this evening was at Salsarita’s in Westminster, MD
Saturday, February 24th, 2007


Saturday, February 24, 2007

20070224 The Happy Burrito Maker

(c) The Happy Burrito Maker

February 24th, 2007

Kevin Dayhoff

20070224 My Daddy the Danser

My Daddy the Dancer

February 24th, 2007

H/t: E-mailed to me by Analog

One day a fourth-grade teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living.

All the typical answers came up -- fireman, mechanic, businessman, salesman, doctor, lawyer, and so forth.

However, little Justin was being uncharacteristically quiet, so when the teacher prodded him about his father, he replied, "My father's an exotic dancer in a gay cabaret and takes off all his clothes in front of other men and they put money in his underwear. Sometimes, if the offer is really good, he will go home with some guy and stay with him all night for money."

The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some exercises and then took little Justin aside to ask him, "Is that really true about your father?"

"No," the boy said, “He works for the Democratic National Committee and is helping to get Hillary Clinton to be our next President, but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the rest of the class.


20070224 The Old Man

20070223 Daily Photoblog All The Leaves Are Brown

All The Leaves Are Brown

Daily Photoblog

February 23rd, 2007

All The Leaves Are Brown

California Dreamin'

Written by John and Michelle Phillips, © 1966

All the leaves are brown

And the sky is grey

I went for a walk

On a winter's day

I'd be safe and warm

If I was in L.A.

California dreamin'

On such a winter's day

I stopped into a church (stopped into a church)

I passed along the way (passed along the way)

You know, I got down on my knees (got down on my knees)

And I pretend to pray (I pretend to pray)

Oh, the preacher likes the cold (preacher likes the cold)

He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)

Oh, California dreamin' (California dreamin')

On such a winter's day

All the leaves are brown (the leaves are brown)

And the sky is grey (and the sky is grey)

I went for a walk (I went for a walk)

On a winter's day (on a winter's day)

If I didn't tell her (if I didn't tell her)

I could leave today (I could leave today)

Oh, California dreamin' (California dreamin')

On such a winter's day (California dreamin')

On such a winter's day (California dreamin')

On such a winter's day (California dreamin')

On such a winter's day
