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Minutes of City of
August 13, 2007
A meeting of The Mayor and Common Council was held in the John Street Quarters of the Westminster Fire Company,
Council President Chiavacci introduced Steve Powell, Chief of Staff for the Carroll County Board of Commissioners; Cindy Parr, Chief of Administrative Services for Carroll County; and Ashish J. Solanki, Director of the Office of Regional Aviation Assistance for the Maryland Aviation Administration. Mr. Powell, Ms. Parr, and Mr. Solanki gave a presentation on proposed expansion of the runway at the Carroll County Regional Airport ..
Mr. Powell began by reviewing the history of the airport from the 1960’s to the present. On June 12, 2007, the Commissioners voted to move forward with an environmental assessment of the proposed expansion. Ms. Parr summarized a tentative schedule for the study.
In response to questions from Mayor Ferguson, Mr. Powell described current plans to ensure adequate emergency services, to create an additional ingress and egress to the airport, and to make other road improvements. Mr. Powell added that the County does not plan to allow scheduled commercial flights.
Mr. Solanki spoke concerning several aspects of the project. He observed that the project would be funded by the federal government at 95 percent, by the State government at 2 ½ percent, and by the County at 2 ½ percent. He explained that the runway would be moved west approximately 350 – 400 feet, that the existing runway would become a taxiway, and that the types of aircraft using the airport would remain the same.
In response to questions from the Mayor and Council members, Mr. Solanki explained that the term “reliever airport” does not mean an airport becomes a backup for commercial jet traffic, but provides another location for smaller aircraft so they do not have to use major airports. He further described several expansion projects at other airports in the state.
Mr. Pecoraro recommended that the County consider establishing an airport advisory committee comprising representatives from all stakeholders, including, but not limited to, the City and local residents. Mr. Powell indicated that he would convey the suggestion to the
Council President Chiavacci thanked Ms. Parr, Mr. Powell, and Mr. Solanki for their presentation.
Mayor Ferguson summarized the qualifications of Elizabeth Trescott and Kevin Beaver to serve on the Historic District Commission and the Planning and Zoning Commission, respectively. Upon Motion of Mr. Pecoraro, seconded by Mr. Utz and unanimously passed, Ms. Trescott’s appointment was confirmed. Upon Motion of Mrs. Albert, seconded by Mr. Utz and unanimously passed, Mr. Beaver’s appointment was confirmed.
Mrs. Albert moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 9, 2007. Doctor Wack seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.
Council President Chiavacci noted that the Consent Calendar consisted of the approval of the June Departmental Operating Reports and approval of an Employee Assistance Program contract with GHE HealthCare, Inc. Mr. Utz moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Dr. Wack seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Pecoraro remarked that representatives from the State Department of Housing and Community Development recently visited several City projects that the State helped fund.
Mr. Utz reported on his recent meeting with the Executive Committee of the Westminster Fire Company.
Council President Chiavacci complimented Chief Spaulding for achieving many of the Police Department’s strategic planning goals.
Manager of Planning and Development Davis summarized Good Cause Waiver GCW 07-8, which would permit the occupants of
Mr. Glass summarized the terms of a new lease for T-Mobile to use space on the Sawgrass Water Tower for its wireless communications business. The lease provides for an initial term of ten years at a rent of $2,000.00 per month for the first year. Thereafter, unless terminated, the rent increases by three percent per year. Dr. Wack moved to approve the lease. Mr. Pecoraro seconded and the Motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Wolf reported further on the walking tour with the representatives of the Department of Housing and Community Development. She thanked City residents Rebekah Orenstein, Darcel Harris, and Alissa Derr for assisting and summarized the locations visited.
Ms. Wolf announced that the State Highway Administration would present its study and recommendations concerning the Route 31 corridor on Monday, August 20, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. in Room 003-004 of the
Mr. Unger reported that training on the Eden Systems software was continuing.
Mr. Glass noted that mosquito surveillance would begin on August 20, 2007.
Council President Chiavacci introduced Chief Alexander, Assistant Chief Bangert, and President Cull of the Westminster Fire Company. Mr. Cull advised that the company has been complying with the code yellow voluntary water conservation measures.
Several City and County residents spoke against the proposed expansion of the runway at the
Ms. Orenstein observed that truck traffic on
City resident Anna Deveney commented on the recent death of a sixteen-year old City resident.
Council President Chiavacci adjourned the meeting at 9:37 P.M.
Laurell E. Taylor
City Clerk
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