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Friday, April 02, 2010

Truth Out: Meet the Toxic 100 Corporate Air Polluters - and more

t r u t h o u t

Friday 02 April 2010

Meet the Toxic 100 Corporate Air Polluters
Michael Ash and James K. Boyce, Political Economy Research Institute: "Researchers at the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst today released the Toxic 100 Air Polluters, an updated list of the top corporate air polluters in the United States."
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Economy Adds 162,000 Jobs in March, Unemployment Steady at 9.7 Percent
Dean Baker, The Center for Economic and Policy Research: "The establishment survey (CES) showed the economy adding 162,000 jobs in March, the biggest increase since March of 2007. The household survey (CPS) showed the unemployment rate remaining steady at 9.7 percent with the employment to population ratio edging up to 58.6 percent, an increase of 0.4 percentage points from its low last November."
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Mentally Ill Immigrants Neglected in Detention System
Yana Kunichoff, Truthout: "A new report finds the care of mentally disabled immigrants in the detention system sorely lacking, leading to neglect and miscarriages of justice throughout the adjudication, detention, release and repatriation processes."
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Robert Reich | The Fed in Hot Water
Robert Reich, "The Fed has finally came clean. It now admits it bailed out Bear Stearns - taking on tens of billions of dollars of the bank's bad loans - in order to smooth Bear Stearns' takeover by JPMorgan Chase. The secret Fed bailout came months before Congress authorized the government to spend up to $700 billion of taxpayer dollars bailing out the banks, even months before Lehman Brothers collapsed. The Fed also took on billions of dollars worth of AIG securities, also before the official government-sanctioned bailout."
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Robert Parry | How Republicans Win
Robert Parry, Consortium News: "Washington's conventional wisdom for explaining the intensity of Republican obstructionism toward President Barack Obama breaks down one of two ways: either it's a philosophical disagreement over the role of government or a desperate need to stay in line with a radicalized right-wing base."
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Power Outages Dim Future of Gaza Refugees
Max Ajl, Truthout: "At night in Gaza, the narrow alleyways of the refugee camps echo loudly with clatter amidst the darkness. The clatter is the sound of small generators. Families in the camps, and many stores in the camps and in the cities, rely on such portable units for electricity during the rolling blackouts that now afflict the Gaza Strip."
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Eugene Robinson | Penance Demands Action
Eugene Robinson: "At its holiest time of the year, the Roman Catholic Church is being forced to confront not only the central mystery of the faith - life after death - but also a more worldly riddle: What did the Holy Father know, and when did he know it?"
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What's Driving Up Oil Prices Again? Wall Street, of Course
Kevin G. Hall, McClatchy Newspapers: "Oil consumption has fallen, demand from U.S. motorists for gasoline is flat at best and refiners that turn crude into fuel are operating well below capacity. Yet oil prices keep marching toward $90 a barrel, pushing gasoline toward $3 a gallon in many markets, and prompting American drivers to ask, 'What gives?'"
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States Sue EPA Over a Misquote: The Fight Over Climate Change Gets More Ridiculous
Christine Shearer, Truthout: "A few weeks ago, 12 states joined in an ongoing lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to block regulation of carbon dioxide, citing faulty scientific data. If we are to judge by an All Headline News report, the faulty data amounts to a misquote in a scientific report and a deliberate misreading of 'statistically significant' as 'no significant warming.' Unfortunately, drawing upon fabricated and exaggerated data to 'disprove' climate change is just the latest in a long history of corporate attacks on scientific research to avoid regulation."
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Rubber Soul: Iraq Veteran Turns to Running to Heal Brain Injury
Mary Susan Littlepage, Truthout: "Ever since Eric Keller returned from serving in Iraq, he has faced one challenge after another. One doctor told him he had a stroke and that he might be wheelchair-bound. Then, later, doctors told him that he suffered traumatic brain injury (TBI) in Iraq. Then, he had a seizure, and he accumulated thousands in medical bills and wound up with $10,000 in credit card debt because of medical bills, and he also got $3,000 behind in payments on his home."
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Obama Blasts "Fear Mongering" on Health Care Reform
Colin Woodard, The Christian Science Monitor: "President Obama touted the benefits of the new healthcare reform law in a public speech here Thursday, using the friendly atmosphere of a state that has been a national leader on bipartisan healthcare reform to push back at 'fear mongering' critics who say it will undermine the country."
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Will Legalized Marijuana Keep California in the Green?
Sam Kornell, Miller-McCune: "While a legalized marijuana crop wouldn't solve all of California's agricultural woes, it might still keep the state in the green. The three-hour Northern California drive from San Francisco to Nevada County passes through some of the cream of the state's agriculture industry: dairy, alfalfa, rice, almonds, grapes. On both sides of the freeway stretch enormous crop rows, interrupted only by the state capital of Sacramento and a number of small towns."
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Crisis: The Motor of Capitalism
Economist Andre Orlean writes for Le Monde: "The idea of market self-regulation appears inadequate. To understand how capitalism manages its excesses, it seems that the alternative theory of regulation through crises does not lack for arguments. If one needs proof, one need only consider those crises we call 'great' or structural crises. Since they are periods of deep transformation, their role in the historic development of capitalism is crucial. The most famous of these great crises is the Great Depression (1929-1939)."
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Agent Orange and Vietnam's Forgotten Victims
Geoffrey Cain, GlobalPost: "At 46, each year of misery seems to have etched new wrinkles around Tran Thanh Dung's angry gaze. When he was child in the early 1970s, Tran says he witnessed U.S. soldiers shoot his parents - both of whom were communist Viet Cong soldiers during the Vietnam War. Bent on revenge, he joined the guerrilla group within hours."
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Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

American Public Media Marketplace Newsletter: FAA OKs pilots on antidepressants, Job boost in March, and more

American Public MediaMarketplace

American Public Media Marketplace Newsletter: FAA OKs pilots on antidepressants, Job boost in March, and more

THE NUMBERS as of 2:40 EDT
Markets closed for public holiday.


This week: East Coast drilling, gas mileage, Toyota sales, and relentless iPad yearning. Marketplace Morning Report host Bill Radke crams it all into a 60-second poem.



Time's almost up for jobless benefits
This is the last week of benefit checks for people who've been receiving extended unemployment benefits. Alisa Roth reports.

Arenas seek to fill seats
The Arena Football League season is starting, and that's good news if you work at one of those arenas. Amy Scott explains.

Teen break-ups: No money, no dating
Unemployment is putting a crimp in the dating lives of teens. Summer Sewell from Youth Radio reports.


  • More people are filing for personal bankruptcy than ever before, but some filers might be gaming the system. Marketplace host Kai Ryssdal talks to reporter Mitchell Hartman about what’s going on behind the increase.
  • Easter used to be a good time for egg sellers, but that may no longer be the case. Jeremy Hobson explains.
  • Malls are preparing for a big weekend, but not because of the Easter holiday. Sally Herships explains.

Missed yesterday's show? Listen online or tune in to your local broadcast


To listen and read the rest of Marketplace Money's stories, go here.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

What a train wreck…

What a train wreck…

It’s a political analogy of sorts…

April 2, 2010

[20060620 Train Wreck]

Train tangles with Tornado

Train tangles with Tornado



Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Thursday, April 01, 2010

April 1, 1974: Community Reporter Is The Mt Airy Newspaper

Community Reporter Is The Paper With The Most News Of Mt. Airy

The Community Reporter, April 1, 1974

NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS MAY CLAIM: Community Reporter Is The Paper With The Most News Of Mt. Airy—

Quite recently a neighboring newspaper, the County Courier, carried a statement that their paper had 61% more Mt. Airy news than any other newspaper, including the Community Reporter.

A close comparison with that paper, measuring inch by inch, indicates what we already knew, and that is that the statement made in the Courier is not only grossly unfair, it is definitely untrue.

It is truly quite difficult to understand why the County (Montgomery) Courier is so interested in news in Mt. Airy when it really is outside of their area and the news is already in print in the Community Reporter.

Do we really need this duplication?

The Community Reporter, April 1, 1974.

19740401 Community Reporter Is The Mt Airy Newspaper


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

City to annex Dundalk-Edgemere

City to annex Dundalk-Edgemere

Wednesday, 31 March 2010 12:17

Expects to add tax revenue, population

Dundalk and Edgemere will become part of Baltimore City as part of a multijurisdictional attempt to improve efficiency and attract more federal dollars.
The news was announced Tuesday in a press release in which Baltimore County revealed that it was giving up its southeastern section for $25,000.


Read a statement from the editor about this story.

About our April Fool’s Day story

Thursday, 01 April 2010 15:30 Baltimore City’s annexation of Dundalk-Edgemere – touted elsewhere on this home page and on the front page of this week’s Eagle – is not going to happen. Because the whole thing was made up for the April 1 edition.



Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Media Research Center CyberAlert Newsletter Latest Notable Quotables

Media Research Center CyberAlert Newsletter

April 01, 2010 13:47 ET

Latest Notable Quotables

As a bonus for CyberAlert subscribers, below is the text of the April 1 edition of Notable Quotables, the MRC's bi-weekly compilation of the latest outrageous, sometimes humorous, quotes in the liberal media. It was compiled by the MRC's Rich Noyes.

Topics this week include media vitriol unleashed against the Tea Party; a Newsweek reporter suggesting ObamaCare’s passage should earn the President two more Nobel prizes; and a CBS News anchor gets a radical make-over.

To read it online, posted with four videos with matching MP3 audio:

Quotes marked with [VIDEO] have accompanying audio and/or video that you can access by visiting the online version.

The three-page PDF which matches the hard copy version:

Now the quotes from recent weeks, as featured in the April 1 Notable Quotables, Volume 23, No. 7:

Those Ignorant, Racist Tea-Baggers

"The collective IQ of Searchlight, Nevada plunged over the weekend as the Tea Party Tart, Sarah Palin, brought her flannel-and-flapjacks followers to Harry Reid's hometown. ‘Send Obuma (sic) Back to Kenya,' read one T-shirt, suggesting that Palin's staunchest supporters attempt to make up for their lack of intelligence with white-hot, visceral race hatred. The hot saliva launched in the face of Rep. Emanuel Cleaver on Capitol Hill is a fitting metaphor for the entire Tea Party, a movement that not only aerobically hates government, but drives across the country for the chance to spit in the face of a black man trying to lead."
— Time's Joe Klein writing on the magazine's "Swampland" blog, April 1.

"By now, there should be no disputing the racist and Nazi elements that signify the tea-baggers, but the wing-nuts still try to dress up their bigotry as public policy — ‘government health care,' ‘too much spending,' ‘cap and tax,' yada, yada, yada. As if these clowns wouldn't have been the first in line to support Ronald Reagan if he'd come out for socialist health care or the feds taking over General Motors. But, because now the President happens to be black, suddenly conservatives think these things are big no-nos...."
— MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan on The Dylan Ratigan Show, April 1.

Meredith Shakes Her Broomstick

Co-host Meredith Vieira: "Now Senator DeMint, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was walking into the Capitol, I noticed one of the Tea Party protesters was brandishing a broom in her direction. Was he calling the Speaker a witch? And by-"
Sen. Jim DeMint: "Oh, c'mon Meredith. I saw that protester, too. He was chanting ‘Sweep the bums out!'"
Vieira: "-and, and no Senator, as I was going to say, by implication aren't the protesters implying that they want to burn Nancy Pelosi at the stake? Like they did at the Salem Witch Trials? And if so, will you, sir, condemn this kind of atrocious language? And if this happens again, will you have these protesters arrested?"
— NBC Today show, April 1.

"Ugly" Tea Partiers "Swarming" the Streets Again?

"Now, as many of you know, the health care debate turned ugly when too many citizens still not over how African-Americans earned equal rights in this country set their sites on denying all of us access to health care. Now, in what some see as another ugly turn, those same so-called ‘Tea Party' activists have turned their sites on President Obama's noble dream of providing a free college education to all. So, Jake, should we fear more protesters swarming the streets of D.C., yelling racial slurs and gay epithets, trying, once again, to slow social progress?"
— Anchor Diane Sawyer to White House correspondent Jake Tapper, ABC's World News, April 1.

Decoding Palin's Right-Wing Threats

[VIDEO] "Richard, is this something that's going to backfire on the Republicans? I mean, when Sarah Palin says that she wants to ‘beat' Democratic Representative Gerry Connolly in the fall, and that supporting ObamaCare will ‘pull him down,' is she not calling for the dragging death of the Congressman? And wouldn't this be comparable to the racist murder of James Byrd in Texas? Something that, I believe, former President George W. Bush supported?"
— Anchor David Shuster to contributor Richard Wolffe during the 10am ET hour of MSNBC Live, April 1.

And the Nobel Prize in Idiocy Goes to....

"You know, Keith, I really think Barack Obama could finish the year with not just one Nobel Prize, but three. This health care bill is bound to save literally millions of lives, and the legislative language itself is a masterpiece. Given the good sense of the Norwegians, I think the President could easily win the Nobels for medicine and literature this year."
— Newsweek's Howard Fineman to MSNBC's Keith Olbermann during live coverage of the health care bill signing, April 1.

Imagining "Giant, Empathetic Ears of Granite"

"Remember when right-wingers talked about putting Ronald Reagan's likeness on Mount Rushmore? Now with health care reform passed and conservatism in the dustbin of history, I propose the commemoration on Rushmore of none other than Barack Obama. Imagine a future Black Hills eagle, perched atop giant, empathetic ears of granite, approvingly surveying a land our 44th President did so much to heal."
— Eleanor Clift, April 1 Newsweek.

Chris Doesn't Want to Stop at First Base

[VIDEO] MSNBC's Ed Schultz: "[Mississippi Governor] Haley Barbour is attacking the media for giving Obama a big wet kiss over health care. As if that's a bad thing!...I've said it before and I'll say it again, Chris, President Obama really does deserve a big wet kiss for this health care bill — from all 40 million Americans who are uninsured right now and stand to gain from this historic legislation."
Host Chris Matthews: "Well, I'd go a lot further than that, Ed, but a sloppy wet kiss is a good start."
— MSNBC's Hardball, April 1.

Obama Creates the Perfect Jobs Program

"Tonight on World News, Helping Hand. The President acts to get paychecks to thousands of young people caught in recession....For 50 years, the federal government has helped college students who want to make a difference overseas — the Peace Corps. Now, the Obama administration has unveiled a new plan to help young people here at home, by using up to $3 billion in re-paid TARP money to fund the Democrats' 2010 and 2012 campaigns, ensuring a living wage for thousands of youthful activists who are already signing up in droves."
— Diane Sawyer on the April 1 World News.

Scalded in Hot Tub of Their Own Bigotry

"In Hot Tub Time Machine, four old friends spend a drunken night of revelry in a ski resort hot tub and find themselves hurled back in time — back to Reagan's America — only to find that returning to the supposed good old days only makes their lives worse. Similarly, Tea Party activists, drunk on ideology and simmering in their own soothing bath of grievance, wished for an improbable return to that same blessed era, before such travesties as Internet porn or a black president. But as they learned last month, you can't stop history on the march...."
— New York Times critic A. O. Scott, April 1.

Amanpour Wants to Help "Ugly Drunk" America Sober Up

Host Howard Kurtz: "How will your experience as an international correspondent help you as you take over hosting ABC's This Week in August?"
CNN's Christiane Amanpour: "You learn a lot by hearing how others view America from outside the country. We tend to think of ourselves as on a shining white horse saving the day, but the rest of the world sees America's ugly side, like a drunken cowboy — second only to Israel in notoriety. So I hope to do for America some of what Barack Obama is doing — by being willing to level with the American people about our shortcomings."
— Exchange on CNN's Reliable Sources, April 1.

Rick Needs Help

"We're receiving word of an impromptu demonstration in San Francisco's Castro district. They're carrying flags with rainbow patterns on them. Do we know which political cause is being represented here?"
— CNN's Rick Sanchez on his Rick's List, April 1, asking his executive producer about a protest against California's Proposition 8, which ruled out same-sex marriage.

"I'm hearing that the latest CBO estimate is that the health care legislation will cost, approximately, $940 billion. Help out our audience — do we know how much that is in American money? Just a rough guess?"
— Sanchez to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius a few minutes later on the same program.

Church in Your Palm Better than the Real Thing

Barack Obama: "I get a daily devotional on my BlackBerry, which only takes me a few seconds to read."
Matt Lauer: "One could quip, ‘it's spirituality meets high-tech.' But, I think I can speak for a lot of Americans, Mr. President, when I say that in a time of such meanness and vitriol aimed at derailing your great efforts on so many fronts, it's very reassuring to hear you don't waste your time in church."
— From an interview at the White House aired on the April 1 Today show.

Let's Try to Remember Who Really Walks on Water

[VIDEO] Newsweek editor Jon Meacham: "Now that he's gotten health care through, President Obama's approval rating is up five points, and this really could save his presidency. You know, it's fitting that this happened so close to Easter, the time of resurrection, and with John Boehner and Mitch McConnell trying to play the part of Pontius Pilate and Caiaphas."
Host Bill Maher: "Except I wouldn't want to insult Obama by comparing him to Jesus."
— Bill Maher on his Real Time HBO show, April 1.

Mrs. Smith Goes to Washington

[VIDEO] "After making television history by having a colonoscopy live on the air, Harry Smith will now do it again by having a sex change operation live this morning. Harry is hoping to fully experience what it's like to be a woman in America's patriarchal society."
— CBS Early Show co-host Maggie Rodriguez opening the April 1 broadcast.

"The operation was a complete success and now here's Harry — I mean, Harriet — with some cooking tips."
— Rodriguez at the start of the program's 8:30am ET segment.

ABC's Salute to Mr. Objectivity

Co-host Robin Roberts: "The thing I like most about George Stephanopoulos is his infectious smile. George is never happier than when I pop in his dressing room and see him talking to his White House source, furiously scribbling notes."
Weatherman Sam Champion: "He is such an unflappable journalist. I remember walking into the shower room at the ABC gym. There was George and Rahm [Emanuel], naked, of course, and discussing the next day's GMA. And George says, ‘Hey, Sam. Up for a tickle fight?' That is so George."
— ABC's Good Morning America, April 1, part of a series of features designed to make Stephanopoulos more likeable.

PAY CZAR for CBS NEWS: Katie Couric






April Fools!

END Reprint of April 1 Notable Quotables

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Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Vatican Responds to NYT Accusations Against Pope Benedict XVI

Vatican Responds to NYT Accusations Against Pope Benedict XVI

Vatican Responds to NYT Accusations Against Pope Benedict XVI
Cardinal William Levada, a top Vatican official, issues a rare plea in response to Times coverage of how the Church handled several cases of alleged sexual abuse by priests, and what Joseph Ratzinger (who became Pope Benedict XVI) knew about the Church's response:

In an unusual move, last night the Vatican responded to several stories in the Times alleging that Joseph Ratzinger mishandled several sex abuse cases before he became Pope Benedict XVI, coverage that has thrown the international Church into turmoil.

The essay was penned by Cardinal William Levada, who succeeded the pope as head of the Vatican's doctrinal department. Levada made a plea for fairness for Pope Benedict under the headline “The New York Times and Pope Benedict XVI: how it looks to an American in the Vatican,” accusing Times religion reporter Laurie Goodstein “of anachronistic conflation” and of “rushing to a guilty verdict” against the Pope. Levada concluded:

As a full-time member of the Roman Curia, the governing structure that carries out the Holy See’s tasks, I do not have time to deal with the Times’s subsequent almost daily articles by Rachel Donadio and others, much less with Maureen Dowd’s silly parroting of Goodstein’s “disturbing report.” But about a man with and for whom I have the privilege of working, as his “successor” Prefect, a pope whose encyclicals on love and hope and economic virtue have both surprised us and made us think, whose weekly catecheses and Holy Week homilies inspire us, and yes, whose pro-active work to help the Church deal effectively with the sexual abuse of minors continues to enable us today, I ask the Times to reconsider its attack mode about Pope Benedict XVI and give the world a more balanced view of a leader it can and should count on.

The Times reacted to Levada's post in a story by Rachel Donadio in Thursday's edition.

Cardinal Levada singled out several Times reporters and columnists for criticism, focusing particularly on an article describing failed efforts by Wisconsin church officials to persuade the Vatican to defrock a priest who had abused as many as 200 deaf boys from 1950 to 1974. The pope, then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, was head of the Vatican’s doctrinal office when the case was referred there, in 1996.

He said the article wrongly “attributed the failure to accomplish this dismissal to Pope Benedict, instead of diocesan decisions at the time.” On Wednesday, the archbishop of Milwaukee said the pope should not be held responsible for mistakes that were made in Wisconsin, according to The Associated Press.


News coverage of the abuse has clearly touched a nerve in the Vatican. As the church grapples with abuse cases that have come to light in several European countries, Benedict has come under scrutiny for how he and his subordinates handled sexual abuse allegations against priests while he served as an archbishop in Germany as well as when he was the Vatican’s top doctrinal enforcer.

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Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

April 1, 1899: Friday night Westminster to Baltimore train discontinued

Democratic Advocate, April 1, 1899.

Friday night Westminster to Baltimore train discontinued

The Friday night train to Westminster from Baltimore, to accommodate persons desiring to attend the theatre, has been discontinued, because of lack of sufficient patronage.

The Railroad Company did not give the train a fair trial. Many persons do not attend places of amusement during Lent, and the train was started at the very beginning of Lent. Had the train been started the first of December the result would have been different.

Or, if the train had been continued during April, we believe the patronage would pay more than the cost.

Democratic Advocate, April 1, 1899.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

MRC Alert: MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Rants Over Drilling: Is President Obama 'Nothing More Than a Democrat in Name Only?

visit today!

MRC CyberAlert

A daily compilation edited by Brent H. Baker, CyberAlert items are drawn from daily BiasAlert posts and distributed by the Media Research Center's News Analysis Division, the leader since 1987 in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias.

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Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996
Thursday April 01, 2010 @ 09:27 AM EDT

MRC Alert: MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Rants Over Drilling: Is President Obama 'Nothing More Than a Democrat in Name Only?

1. MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Rants Over Drilling: Is President Obama 'Nothing More Than a Democrat in Name Only?'

According to MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan, Barack Obama is nothing more than a shill for the Republican Party. The liberal anchor on Wednesday railed against the President's plan to allow limited offshore oil drilling: "This is a fraud...Is a pattern emerging? Is President Obama nothing more than a Democrat in name only? Dare we say it? A DINO?"

2. On Day of Michelle Obama Garden Photo-Op, CBS Trumpets: 'One Thing That is Already Growing' is Her 'Popularity'
ABC and NBC on Wednesday night managed to contain to a brief item their enthusiasm for First Lady Michelle Obama planting her garden for the season, but not CBS which dedicated a full story to how the hula-hooping First Lady “is enjoying the kind of popularity her husband would jump through hoops for.” Employing some creative puns playing off the gardening theme, CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric plugged the upcoming topic: “The First Lady planting a garden and harvesting a bumper crop of good will.” And on “Michelle Obama Blooms in the White House; Back in the White House Garden, the First Lady's Popularity is Already Growing by the Bushel.” On air, Couric set up the story: "It is spring and Michelle Obama was back in her White House garden today. Nancy Cordes tells us one thing that is already growing is the First Lady's popularity."

3. Washington Post Front Page Gushes: 'A Letter to Obama, and a Life Touched in Return'
The Washington Post rendered itself indistinguishable from the White House publicity effort on Wednesday. At top center of its front page was an article by reporter Eli Saslow - the man who hailed Obama's "glistening pectorals" in 2008 - on the letters President Obama reads from, and writes to, average Americans. Under a photo of unemployed Michigan woman (and Obama voter) Jennifer Cline, the gooey headline was "Dear Mr. President...A Michigan woman wrote to Obama about her life. And he responded." In later editions, the top of the front page headline was changed to an even more of Obama as savior theme: “A letter to Obama, and a life touched in return.”

4. MSNBC's Ratigan Cites Left-Wing Blog to Bash Drudge Report
Near the end of Wednesday's Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC, host Dylan Ratigan led his 'Busted' segment by claiming that The Drudge Report did "not let facts get in the way of a good headline" on Tuesday, by featuring one which read: "CIA: Iran Moving Closer to Nuclear Weapon." Ratigan remarked: "That'll get the ratings up." Ratigan eventually revealed where he received his liberal taking points: "the truth, why would you let that get in the way of ratings? As our friend Glenn Greenwald from points out on his blog, false reporting on Iran could be ultimately be far more dangerous than the perceived threat itself. Let's try to stick to the facts."

5. Maher Credits 'Tea Baggers' for Health Care Passage, Palin First to Know About Killing 'Useless' People
Bringing his belittling commentary toward conservatives - disguised as comedy - to a wider audience, on Wednesday’s Tonight Show on NBC Bill Maher repeated some of the lines he’s spewed in recent weeks on his HBO show. Maher used the sexually-derogatory “tea baggers” term as he credited Tea Party activists for getting the health care bill passed: "I'm sure they're saying, 'What are you talking about, Bill? I was so against the health care bill, I marched on Washington with tea bags hanging from my hat, dressed up in my founding fathers costume with a picture of Hitler, you know, and Obama's face on him and, you know, screaming about his birth certificate.' And America saw that and said: 'What loons. We're going with the calm black man.'” On Palin: “Sarah Palin screaming about death panels? You know what, Sarah, if we were killing off useless people, you'd be the first to know.”

6. CBS's Schieffer Grills GOP Pols on Violence; Asks DNC Chair About 'Safety' of Dems
Host Bob Schieffer led Sunday's Face the Nation by fretting over opposition to the passage of ObamaCare: "What about the violence in the wake of the congressional action? Isolated incidents or signs of a dangerous anger?" He told viewers that he would talk to "Republican firebrands, South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint and Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann" about the issue. Schieffer pressed DeMint on some of the threats against members of Congress: "Senator, we saw some pretty scary stuff last week....We saw members' offices that were trashed. We saw death threats....Do you think the parties have an obligation to try to tone down some of this runaway rhetoric? Is it, in fact, dangerous?"

7. The Media's Public Enemy No. 1: Critics of ObamaCare (Video Compilation)
Since the passage of ObamaCare on March 21, the liberal media have been working hard to crack down on dissidents, painting the tea party movement, talk radio, and Republicans as dangerous radicals inciting violence against Democrats. The three broadcast networks and the cable channels all jumped on board the bandwagon of smearing conservatives as angry hate-mongers, in order to discredit broad-based legitimate opposition to the unpopular legislation.

8. Behar Claims Liberals More Intelligent and Open-Minded Than Conservatives
The latest edition of CBS’s “Sunday Morning” featured a glowing profile of “The View” co-host Joy Behar in which the stand-up comic implied that conservatives are not intelligent and insisted that liberals are more open-minded. Interviewer Russ Mitchell asked Behar how she developed a liberal worldview, to which Behar responded: “It comes from, uh, being smart.”


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Baltimore Brew to join Sarah Palin, Zig Ziglar, Michael Phelps and Michael Oher for Motivational Seminar

Baltimore Brew has posted a new item, 'Brew to join Sarah Palin, Zig Ziglar,
Michael Phelps and Michael Oher for Motivational Seminar'

by Brew Intern Sheila Dixon

Acknowledging that their flagging energy levels are hampering their ability to
cover Baltimore's pressing issues, the entire Brew staff today signed up for a
May 4 motivational seminar at 1st Mariner Arena.

Featured speakers include "America's Mayor," Rudolpoh Giuliani, former Redskins
coach Joe Gibbs, General Colin Powell, billionaire-publisher Steve Forbes,
Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps and former Alaska Governor and vice presidential
hopeful Sarah Palin.

"We need inspiration! It's beyond belief around here! We've got buildings
collapsing in Fells Point, sewage spilling all over downtown, oil rigs coming
to Ocean City and a Baltimore city council member showing reporters his
underwear drawer," said editor Fern Shen.

"And don't get me started on the lesbian-themed strip-club parties the
Republicans funded under the watch of our own former Lieutenant Governor," she
added. "We're talking about a club where the women have horse-bits in their
mouths and the patrons have cucumber sandwiches in theirs. Yuck!"

Shen acknowledged that today's date may have something to do with this post, but
pointed out that 90 percent of it is fact-based.

You may view the latest post at


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

New York Times: Federal Judge Finds N.S.A. Wiretapping Program Illegal

Federal Judge Finds N.S.A. Wiretapping Program Illegal
A judge ruled that the government had violated a 1978
statute requiring court approval for domestic surveillance
when it intercepted phone calls of a now-defunct charity.


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny at the Westminster Fire Department

Come enjoy all you can eat breakfast with the Easter Bunny to benefit The Westminster Fire Department

Saturday, April 3, 2010 6:00 am - 11:00 am

Location: Westminster Fire Department, 28 John Street, Westminster, MD

View Map

20100401 sdsom Breakfast with the Easter Bunny Labels: Annual Easter, Carroll Co Community Events, Fire CC Depts 03 Westminster

What part of ‘no parking in front of a fire hydrant’ is it that you did not understand?

[20001128 What Part of No Prkg Dont You Understand]


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Red Maryland: Media Watch in the Race for Maryland's Governorship ...

Red Maryland: Media Watch in the Race for Maryland's Governorship ...
By Vatz
Governor Robert L. Ehrlich has officially announced his candidacy for Maryland's governorship, and there may be no more interesting question than whether The Baltimore Sun will cover the race fairly. The biggest Maryland media scandal ...
Red Maryland -


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:



Útsýni frá Fimmvörðuhálsi

Hat Tip: Zzzzz

20100331 sdosm Iceland Volcano cam!


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

I may be lost, but I am making good time

I may be lost, but I am making good time.

[20100401 skatebrdOwl]


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

Murphy the “Don” in surprise bid for the Maryland Statehouse

Murphy makes a surprise announcement just after midnight on April 1, 2010 that he will run against former Maryland Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, who had just announced on March 30, 2010 that he will be seeking his old office back.

Photo caption: Murphy is pictured in front of the NH State Capitol after testifying for a GPS client. Murphy, who is also known to have made recent trips to New Hampshire, is rumored to be a presidential contender in 2012. Photo courtesy of Genn & Murphy. Click here for a larger image:

April 1, 2010 by Kevin Dayhoff for Soundtrack

In a surprise announcement, former Maryland Delegate Donald E. Murphy (R) has announced that he will be running for governor of Maryland in the September 14, 2010 Republican Primary.

Many political insiders had speculated privately that Murphy, known as the “Don,” in political circles, may toss his hat in the ring.

Murphy, who is also known to have made recent trips to New Hampshire, is also rumored to be a presidential contender in 2012.

Recently, noted political analyst Joe Steffen wryly wrote, “Murphy told me last night that a potential run for governor on his part was ‘in the mix.’ As MD point man for the 2008 McCain Presidential campaign and Senior Advisor to MD GOP U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Eric Wargotz to go with his other credentials, Murphy undoubtedly has a set of...bona fides.

“While discussing a possible gubernatorial run, Don Murphy did joke, however, that he ‘didn’t want to split the Murphy (primary) vote,’ a reference to young GOP businessman and upstart candidate, Brian Murphy, who is already running for governor in the GOP primary,” continued Steffen.

“Who knows? Maybe an actual Ehrlich run will entice Don Murphy into the campaign, concerns over splitting the Murphy vote be damned,” wrote Steffen.

Opening shot across the bow…

Steffen noted, “Beyond then-Governor Ehrlich's 2006 taxpayer-dollar-spending-spree-for-votes, THAT brings us back to the libertarian leaning conservative Don Murphy, who when talking about Mr. Ehrlich in the context of being conservative with the tax dollars offered this priceless observation:

“‘Saying Bob Ehrlich is a fiscal conservative is like saying Ocean Gallery ( is an art museum.’

“That wasn't the beer and bravado talking - but it was the best line of the night. And, hey, isn't the best humor always rooted in the truth?”

Are you experienced?

Murphy is experienced and known to be comfortable in his own skin and in the political arena.

Murphy previously represented District 12A, which covered portions of Baltimore and Howard County Maryland in the Maryland General Assembly from January 1995 to January 2003.

He is a graduate of Andover High School in Linthicum Maryland and graduated from the University of Baltimore with a degree in real estate in 1983.

In recent years, Murphy has been affiliated with the lobbying firm of Genn & Murphy and is a well known and popular GOP Strategist and advisor to U.S. Senate Candidate Dr. Eric Wargotz of Maryland.

In 1994, Murphy defeated the House Majority Leader in a legislative district that had never elected a Republican, according to the Genn & Murphy web site.

While a member of the Maryland House of Delegates, Murphy was a member of the Judiciary Committee and the Civil Law & Procedure Subcommittee. He served as Deputy Minority Whip from 2002 until 2003. Murphy did not seek reelection in 2002.

The Gunn & Murphy web site also reveals “After his reelection in 1998, he became an unlikely advocate for Medical Marijuana legislation as a result of being approached by a Green Beret constituent who was dying of cancer.

“The passage of the Darrell Putman Compassionate Use Act in 2003 placed Mr. Murphy in exclusive company with substantial national media recognition.

“When The Washington Post, The Baltimore Sun and The Gazette listed their “winners and losers” for the Legislative Session, he was one of three, and the only non-incumbent legislator, named to the “winners” list in all three publications.”

“Murphy, a nationally-known campaign advisor, travels extensively at the request of candidates and focus groups who seek his advice,” according to his web site, Genn & Murphy.

Well-liked, well dressed and handsome.

The handsome, well-dressed Murphy is well-liked on both sides of the political aisle and many keen political observers, speaking on background noted, that he has the best chance of anyone to garner the vote in the General Election this November in the heavily Democrat cobalt-blue state of the Maryland.

“Murphy’s congeniality and work-ethic make him a favorite with members of both Maryland Legislative Houses controlled by Democrats,” notes his web site.

“During Mr. Murphy’s first term, the Guidebook of Maryland Legislators called him ‘the nicest Delegate in Annapolis.’ Near the end of his second term, the Montgomery Gazette concluded in its analysis of legislators that Mr. Murphy was unquestionably ‘liked by everyone,’” according to the Genn & Murphy web site.

“Mr. Murphy’s congeniality and work-ethic make him a favorite with members of both Maryland Legislative Houses controlled by Democrats, in addition to the new Republican Administration that has many of his former colleagues and friends in key policy and decision-maker roles,” notes the web site.

Most of the folks in Maryland tend to be more moderate

In a 2008 interview with MSNBC, Murphy, a political moderate, observed, “Most of the folks in Maryland tend to be more moderate,” said Don Murphy, who is the chairman of the Maryland delegation at the (Republican National) convention.”

The web site also notes that “Prior to running for office, Mr. Murphy held key positions in the commercial real estate field, including real estate analyst for Baltimore City’s Economic Development office and as Director of Leasing for a million square foot office and industrial park….”

Murphy is a life-long resident of Maryland with his wife, Gloria, who will be just as surprised as the “Don” and the rest of us that he is running for governor.

Then again, how could they have known – after all it is April Fools’ Day.

20100401 sdosmked Murphy in surprise run for the Maryland Statehouse Labels: Annual April Fools Day, Gov Ehrlich-Robert, People Murphy Don, People Steffen Joe

Murphy the “Don” in surprise bid for the Maryland Statehouse


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle: