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Monday, June 20, 2011

Lulzsec and Anonymous Declare Open War Against All Governments and Fat Cats

Lulzsec and Anonymous Declare Open War Against All Governments and Fat Cats

Lulzsec and Anonymous have just declared full open war against all governments, banks and big corporations in the world. They are calling all hackers in the world to unite. Their objective is to fully expose all corruption and dark secrets:


"This is not going to end well. Or perhaps it will end well. Could this movement help change the world for the better? " ...


Jay Hancock Baltimore Sun: Groupon: Baltimore restaurants hot and cold on deals

Editors note:

Until very recently, I was only vaguely aware of Groupon.  And then what little I knew was in the context that Groupon is about to issue an IPO.

One wonders if Wall Street will be begin to address some of its difficulty of late in valuating Internet-driven tech initiatives?  I guess that is fodder for another moment. 

Meanwhile, just last week, some tech-savvy, cutting-edge family members bought it up and my curiosity heightened – more from the consumer, and vendor point of view.

I also had many questions; of which Mr. Jay Hancock does a good job answering.  Questions like how vendors could afford to discount their prices in an environment of rising cost factors, demand obstruction – read, lack of business demand, and competitive pressures that do not allow vendors, shopkeepers, business restaurant owners to raise prices to keep up the profit margin contraction.

Kevin Dayhoff


Groupon: Baltimore restaurants hot and cold on deals

Jay Hancock originally published in the Baltimore Sun 7:57 p.m. EDT, June 6, 2011,0,650886.column

Has The Prime Rib, which requires waiters to wear tuxes and exudes "the intoxicating aroma of old money," according to Esquire magazine, got a deep discount deal for you.

Eat $100 of the restaurant's haute chow and pay just $50 under its wildly successful Groupon promotion, which was pitched last month. (Diners have all summer to use the offer.) Order The Prime Rib's signature dish, which normally costs $47.95, and pay only a little more than you would at Outback.

The Rib sold 5,000 coupons within a few hours on What's next for the Calvert Street shrine? Tank tops on Saturday night? An all-you-can-eat fish fry for $14.95?

"We certainly don't want to dilute our brand," says general manager David Derewicz. But, he said, the restaurant likes using online coupons "to drive business in our direction during typically slower, hotter months. It's worked out fine."

Maybe he'll still feel that way after Groupon bargain scroungers descend, order $500,000 in food and pay for only half of it. (Less than half, actually, because Groupon takes a cut of the coupon proceeds.) The Groupon fad is in full bubble, but Baltimore restaurateurs say the Groupon experience is sweet and sour.

Investors, who will get a crack at Groupon stock in the initial public offering announced last week, are likely to have similarly mixed results. Restaurants are a key industry for Groupon, but many want nothing to do with the company. To try to win them over, Groupon is already sharply cutting the percentage that it takes from each coupon sale, according to eatery proprietors. That will hurt its revenue…,0,650886.column

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People on the move

Submit photos and info for employees who have recently been promoted, hired or honored at local businesses
Hot and cold on Groupon

Hot and cold on Groupon

Jay Hancock: Restaurants are a key industry for Groupon, but many want nothing to do with the company
Pictures: Most and least stressful jobs for 2011

Most and least stressful jobs

Did your job make the list of most and least stressful careers?
Turnover at the workplace is on the rise

Workplace turnover

Increasingly, employees have an eye on their next career move
• What Baltimore-area workers earn


North Baltimore Patch's Stories of the Week and more from North Baltimore Patch

Today s 83° 69° Tomorrow s 92° 76°

June 20, 2011

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North Baltimore Patch's Stories of the Week

Adam Bednar | Jun 19, 2011 | 0 Comments

imageCheck out what happened at North Baltimore's Patch this week.

Things to Do


Time to Register for Martial Arts Summer Camp

Register now for summer camp at Joe Palanzo's Worldwide Kenpo Karate. Joe Palanzo's offers martial arts lessons and activities as …


Sinai Hospital Offers Volunteer Opportunities

    Sinai Hospital seeks customer service volunteers for the gift shop and throughout the hospital.  Flexible times are available. …
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Investigative Voice: Mayor to clamp down on pension board travel, actvivist enters crowded race for mayor

Investigative Voice: Mayor to clamp down on pension board travel, actvivist enters crowded race for mayor






Washington Examiner: Don't make ATF director a scapegoat for 'gunwalker' scandal

Credible media reports have it that Kenneth Melson, acting director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, will get his walking papers this week as a result of his approval of Operation Fast and Furious, aka "Gunwalker." That's the program in which ATF purposely allowed as many as 2,000 lethal weapons, including assault rifles such as the infamous AK-47, to be sold to representatives of Mexican drug cartels.

Memo to media: Palin isn't Kardashian

Because I am a simple man, allow me to pose a simple question: What the deuce were 30 reporters doing in Juneau last week sifting through 24,000 pages of emails written by then-Gov. Sarah Palin? Why did a bunch of news agencies spend money to send their people north to Alaska after the state government released the correspondence? 

START exposes Obama's half-truth national security talk

By: James Carafano 
"I never let my right hand know what my left hand is doing." - President Franklin Delano Roosevelt In the run-up to World War II, FDR's penchant for playing fast and loose with the truth in pursuit of political ends spawned a climate of distrust in Washington. 

NATO is America's obsolete European alliance

Defense Secretary Robert Gates went to Europe recently to announce that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization may have a "dismal future" and that before long, American leaders "may not consider the return on America's investment in NATO worth the cost." Why does he make that sound like a bad thing? "Watch out! We may have to stop spending so much money protecting countries that can protect themselves!" 

Time for government attorneys to stand up to Obama

President Nixon ordered Archibald Cox fired from the job of "special prosecutor" on Oct. 20, 1973. 

Weiner is gone but issues remain the same

Before conservatives and Republicans engage in too much schadenfreude about Rep. Anthony Weiner's resignation from Congress, a word of caution might be in order. Let's not get too happy over Weiner's departure, and by all means let's not jump to the conclusion that his conduct is an indicator that all Democrats are like him. 

Conn Carroll: How a no-tax-hike pledge makes K Street even richer

Conn Carroll
Thirty-three Republicans voted last week to end the federal tax credit for ethanol production. From a conservative perspective, the vote should have been a no-brainer: the federal government has no business picking winners and losers in the energy sector, and the tax credit was a direct subsidy to ethanol producers. 


Maryland ranks last in pace of job creation

Maryland ranks last in pace of job creation

Hampered by a slowdown in federal spending, Maryland came in dead last in the nation for its pace of job creation over the past year, shedding almost 1 percent of its employment base — nearly 20,000 positions — the U.S. Department of Labor reported.

The figures released Friday show declines in Maryland in eight of the past 12 months. Twenty-two states added jobs during the past year...,0,1598236.story


Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: = Kevin Dayhoff Art: or = Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: or = Twitter: Twitpic: Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: = Explore Carroll: The Tentacle:

In an instant by Steve Berryman in the Frederick News-Post

In an instant
| Steve Berryman | By: | 06/17/11 | 516 words

The two vehicles accidentally approached each other; both swerved to avoid, unfortunately in the same direction. Some estimates are that the combined impact of a car going 25 mph and a scooter going 15 would be similar to hitting a cement wall at 40....


Alex "Big Al" Bodroghy's life changed in an instant on the Sunday of the Wegmans grand opening. The community was buzzing over gorgeous weather; a hot air balloon lofted over Dearbought toward Ceresville Mansion, and in Waterside a motor scooter collided head-on with a car.

The two vehicles accidentally approached each other; both swerved to avoid, unfortunately in the same direction. Some estimates are that the combined impact of a car going 25 mph and a scooter going 15 would be similar to hitting a cement wall at 40.

The scooter was a mangled mess; no helmet had been worn.

Later, doctors said it was only "by the grace of God" that his neck had not snapped, but worse, Al suffered severe head trauma...

See also: June 20, 2011 Promised to No Man Steven R. Berryman in The Tentacle:
