Too funny. Sadly, the links for most of 1,000 stories I
wrote in the Carroll Eagle Section, all its predecessors, the Westminster Eagle
et al; from the years before The Baltimore Sun purchased the Carroll County
Times – are now all dead. Really bums me out.
However, I cross-posted a link to many of the stories on my
websites, and …
May 10, 2010 by Kevin Dayhoff
The BBC is reporting that archivists in New York’s
oldest library have uncovered a surprising borrower with overdue books.
It has been recently revealed that on October 5, 1789, our
nation’s first president, George Washington, borrowed two books from what was
then the only library in Manhattan,
the New York Society Library.
According to the BBC, on October 5, 1789, a time when New York City was serving as our nation’s capital, President
Washington borrowed the “Law of Nations,” a dissertation on international
relations, and volume 12 of a collection of transcripts of debate transcripts
from Britain's
House of Commons.
Now this in itself may not be earth-shattering news. However there is a catch. It appears that the books were due a month
later but they were never returned.
At the moment, the overdue fines for this lapse, by the
president who never told a lie, have grown to $300,000.00 in the ensuing 220
The BBC reports that although the library is willing to
excuse the fine from the first president, it does, however, want the books
back. “Sadly for fans of 18th-Century political literature, they appear to have
vanished,” laments the BBC.
Locally, in Carroll County, the first library did not open
until 1863, so that rules-out the opportunity for President Washington to have
any overdue library fines in Carroll County.
Furthermore, the Carroll County Public Library is not aware
of any president who has any overdue library books, according to Gregor Becker,
an information specialist with the local library.
nation's first president may not have told a lie, but he was not without his
faults Posted 5/10/10 by Carroll Eagle – Updated Dec. 14, 2016 - the link
to the Carroll Eagle is now dead. For a while, the Baltimore Sun picked-up the
stories, but alas, all the links are now dead – the link simply takes you to
the Baltimore Sun…. It was updated in response to a colleague’s (CAMK) confession
on Facebook that she owes the library late-fees. Too funny.