City To Have Xmas Lighting
Democratic Advocate, December 6, 1946.
CITY TO HAVE XMAS LIGHTING, Retail Merchants Assoc. Secured Necessary Generators For Lghting Decorations—Due to the untiring efforts of the Retail Merchants Association, Westminster will be able to have their Xmas Lighting as planned.
The Association appointed a special committee, composed of F. Kale Mathias, and Paul Bonsack, who made the proper contacts with the Sheppard Diesel Engine Co., Hanover, Pa., through the Maryland Supply and Equipment Co., of Baltimore, who are the distributors for the state of Maryland.
The generators will be set up and operated at three different sections, being placed on the pavements.
Adequate shelter and a maintenance crew for the operation will be taken care of by the Mayor and City Council of Westminster.
Plans are to have them installed by December 11 and they will be in operation by December 13.
Democratic Advocate, December 6, 1946.
19461206 City To Have Xmas LightingCity To Have Xmas Lighting
Democratic Advocate, December 6, 1946.
CITY TO HAVE XMAS LIGHTING, Retail Merchants Assoc. Secured Necessary Generators For Lghting Decorations—Due to the untiring efforts of the Retail Merchants Association, Westminster will be able to have their Xmas Lighting as planned.
The Association appointed a special committee, composed of F. Kale Mathias, and Paul Bonsack, who made the proper contacts with the Sheppard Diesel Engine Co., Hanover, Pa., through the Maryland Supply and Equipment Co., of Baltimore, who are the distributors for the state of Maryland.
The generators will be set up and operated at three different sections, being placed on the pavements.
Adequate shelter and a maintenance crew for the operation will be taken care of by the Mayor and City Council of Westminster.
Plans are to have them installed by December 11 and they will be in operation by December 13.
Democratic Advocate, December 6, 1946.
19461206 City To Have Xmas Lighting