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Monday, September 25, 2000

20000925 Ord 638 Neighborhood Commercial Zone My Thoughts

Ord 638 Neighborhood Commercial Zone My Thoughts

Internal Memo to file - I don't think that I ever mailed it out to anyone….

Ord 638 Neighborhood Commercial Zone My Thoughts

September 25, 2000

Re: Ordinance #638 Adopted by the Westminster City Council on September 25, 2000 which established a Neighborhood Commercial Zone by enacting Text Amendment TA99-1 (Section 164-8 of Chapter 164 of the Westminster City Code).

My Thoughts on the Neighborhood Commercial Zone (Ordinance #638) adopted by the Westminster City Council on September 25th, 2000

I grew up in Westminster (and just outside of Westminster) within walking distance of commercial and industrial employment. Many of my neighbors in my old neighborhood walked to work.

I believe that now more than ever is the appropriate time for the City of Westminster to get away from Euclidean zoning. Born in 1927/1928, Euclidean zoning is 70 years old and really showing its age. This old tired cookie-cutter compartmentalization approach to zoning is causing communities such a Westminster environmental problems, revenue stream problems, quality of life problems and progressive congestive heart disease.

I am a strong proponent of floating zones. Whereas a property can only be re-zoned in the Euclidean zoning approach upon a finding of change or mistake, floating zones can be implemented by elected officials upon a finding of compatibility with a purpose clause accompanied by a development plan.

It is possible to develop commercial and industrial tax base next to existing residential development with very high design and architectural standards that I suggest to you will raise the value of the adjoining residential development. I have toured many such developments in Baltimore, Montgomery and Calvert Counties.

The solution to pollution is dilution. I think it is absolutely absurd to have to drive all the way out to Route 140 to get a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk or pick up a pizza. This is the result of 33 years of Euclidean zoning in the City of Westminster (as zoning was only adopted as a management tool in 1967 for the City of Westminster).

I think that it is extremely important to thank everyone so much for their meaningful participation in the debate about the Neighborhood Commercial Zone.

I think the mark of a successful person is the ability to make the difficult decision. I also believe that it is necessary to collaborate with other meaningful players in an attempt to arrive at conclusions that have the best of the greater common good of the community in mind.

This legislation is a result of a collaborative effort with Damian and Greg, Ed and Suzanne, Ken, the GWDC, the P&Z Commission, many citizens who took the time to give me feedback – pro and con, in a pleasant and rewarding manner - and the Citizens Advisory Group.

I cannot say publicly how uncomfortable I am with the 55,000 square foot component to this legislation. My reconciliation is that anything over 5 acres is really a commercial development anyway and I want to have the opportunity to perpetuate the highest in architectural and design standards to such commercial developments. It is important to me that the text be changed so that it be a floating zone and not tied to the Comprehensive plan but could be applied to a property based upon merit, not change or mistake.

I have labored and labored, and studied and studied, and argued and argued for this Neighborhood Convenience approach for 15 years. It is time to give it a chance to succeed or fail in the real world rather than the intellectual or conceptual world.

Along that line of thought - I'm never reticent to make a mistake – admit it and address the mistake later. Often we can learn more from failure than we can by success. Abraham Lincoln lost 7 elections before he was elected President in 1860. Failure is not fatal…should be part of the education process. Babe Ruth struck out 1330 times. “Democracy means government by discussion but it is only effective if you can stop people talking.” CLEMENT ATTLEE, Anatomy of Britain (1962).

After 15 years of debate, study and analysis, I felt it was critical that we make a decision and move forward. We are on the cutting edge of re-defining the future of zoning – and our community. A future of non-Euclidean zoning that will hopefully bring back grocers and shops into our neighborhoods as it was in the Westminster where I grew up.

Interestingly, contemporary zoning and planning will not allow us to re-create the very communities that gave us our current success and high quality of life. There are going to be some bumps along the road, some disputes and a lot of dialogue. What is important is that we keep talking in a friendly, constructive and productive manner and move forward.

If I had voted against this, it would have killed this issue and this opportunity. It would have died of exhaustion. I would have lost my opportunity to see to fruition a zoning approach other than Euclidean and I would have lost my attempt at changing the municipal cityscape to a more family oriented, family friendly, Neighborhood Convenience approach. An approach that made this community what it is today.

Why people believe that they can promote their agenda or further their cause by being as excruciatingly unpleasant is beyond me! If someone really cares about a particular issue and is polite and pleasant in their discussion - I will listen! - and hopefully learn. I'm always willing to go in what ever the direction that is required, that is in the greater best interest of the greatest number of people in my community.

As always, your thoughtful consideration is appreciated regardless of the outcome on any particular issue. As usual, whether you agree or disagree with me, always find my door open for constructive dialogue.

Best regards

Kevin E. Dayhoff
Westminster City Councilman

Friday, September 22, 2000

20000427 Carroll County Chapter MML Meeting at Union Bridge

20000427 Carroll County Chapter MML Meeting at Union Bridge

Carroll County Chapter

Maryland Municipal League Meeting

April 27, 2000


Union Bridge Community Center

4770 Ladiesburg Road

Union Bridge, Maryland

6:00 p.m. Social hour

7:00 p.m. Welcome by Mayor Perry Jones

Pledge to the Flag

Invocation by New Windsor Councilmember Becky Harman


There were 22 in attendance:

Taneytown Mayor Henry Heine, City Councilmembers Jackie Boisvert and Jim McCarron, City Manager Chip Boyles, and Master Municipal Clerk Linda Hess,

New Windsor Mayor Jay Gullo, Councilmembers Becky Harman, Ronnie Blacksten, and Neil Roop

Westminster City Council Member Kevin Dayhoff,

Sykesville Mayor Jonathan Herman, Councilmembers Debby Ellis and Jeannie Nichols,

Mt. Airy Mayor Jerry Johnson

Union Bridge Mayor Perry Jones, Councilmembers Karen Kotarski, Kathy Kriemer and Don Wilson, Town Clerk Violet Hobb,

Manchester Councilmember Mary Minderlein,

Hampstead was not represented.

Maryland Municipal League Director of Research and Information Management Jim Peck, E3 Energy Services, LLC Principal Christopher Cook, Esq.,

Electric Deregulation – Chris Cook. Mr. Cook is a Principal with E3 Energy Service LLC. Taneytown Mayor Henry Heine introduced him. Mr. Cook gave us an overview on the restructured electric industry; bulk purchasing, municipal pooling, municipal aggregation, Carnegie Morgan/ Baltimore City pooling effort, State of Maryland Pool, and BGE price freeze service.

Carroll County Chapter MML Representation to EAAB. There was a presentation by Westminster City Councilmember Kevin Dayhoff on the history and present status of the Carroll County Environmental Affairs Advisory Board (EAAB). It was moved by Taneytown Councilmember Jim McCarron, seconded by New Windsor Councilmember Neil Roop that each municipality present will consult with our respective municipal councils and see if someone will step forward to be a representative to the EAAB. The motion was carried.

Carroll County Chapter MML Representation to EDC. It was discussed that currently, Hampstead Mayor Chris Nevin and Sykesville Town Manager Matt Candland represent the Carroll County Chapter of the MML with the Economic Development Commission (EDC). It was further decided that Mayor Nevin and Mr. Candland will be consulted to see if they wish to continue in that capacity. Taneytown City Manager Chip Boyles and Westminster City Councilmember Kevin Dayhoff were selected as replacements if either Mayor Nevin or Mr. Candland do not wish to serve.

Election of Officers.

President: Mt. Airy Mayor Jerry Johnson

Vice President: Taneytown Mayor Henry Heine

Secretary/Treasurer: Westminster City Councilmember Kevin Dayhoff

Treasurer's Report. Secretary/Treasurer Kevin Dayhoff reported that there is $2,605.40 in the checking account.

Dues: There was some discussion as to whether or not to levy dues from each municipality. If was decided that there would be no dues levied at this time. That the Treasury had enough money in it and it was purposeless to collect money simply for the sake of collecting money.

MML Scholarship Levy: It was discussed that the $2,500 needed for the MML academic scholarship was funded: $1,000 from the MML's statewide office and $1,500 raised from the County Chapter's coffers. It was decided that we would levy each Carroll County town a percentage portion of the $1,500. Mr. Dayhoff asked if it would be acceptable to simply use the formula developed by Sykesville Town Manager Matt Candland in his January 17, 2000 Carroll County Census Committee budget. That was accepted.

Carroll County Municipal Population Percentages (January 17, 2000)

April 27, 2000 Carroll County Chapter MML Scholarship Award Levy

Pro rata share

Mt. Airy (Carroll only)



$ 117.75




$ 638.54




$ 179.74

Union Bridge



$ 43.37




$ 142.55

New Windsor



$ 49.57




$ 130.15




$ 198.33

Municipal Total



$ 1,500.00

Carroll County


Grand total


Communications Committee Report: Taneytown City Councilmember Jim McCarron presented the upcoming unveiling of the MML's new book, Maryland's 157, in Annapolis May 5, 2000. He also discussed Arbor Day and Municipal Week.

MML Time – MML Director of Research and Information Management Jim Peck. Mr. Peck discussed the MML Board of Directors Member at Large election at the MML Summer Convention in Ocean City on June 13, 2000.

He also discussed Senate Bill 626 and House Bill 1309: Truth in Taxation – Real Estate Property Tax Assessments.

MML League President Jay Gullo: President Gullo presented Certificates of Appreciation to:

Taneytown City Councilmember Jim McCarron – Communication Committee

Taneytown City Manager Chip Boyles – Communications Committee

Taneytown Mayor Henry Heine – Convention Planning Committee

Taneytown City Councilmember Jackie Boisvert – Convention Planning Committee

Westminster City Councilmember Kevin Dayhoff – Legislative Committee

Union Bridge City Councilmember Karen Kotarski – Elections Committee

Union Bridge Mayor Perry Jones – District Vice President

Sunday, September 17, 2000

20000900 Humor in the Hebrew Bible by Hershey H. Friedman

20000900 Humor in the Hebrew Bible by Hershey H. Friedman

This paper appeared in Humor: International Journal of Humor Research, Vol. 13:3, Sept. 2000, 258-285. ©2000

Humor in the Hebrew Bible
By Hershey H. Friedman, Ph.D.
Professor of Business and Marketing
Bernard H. Stern Professor of Humor 1997-1999
Brooklyn College of the City University of New York
x.friedman AT

This paper demonstrates that the Hebrew Bible contains much humor, albeit mainly subtle and much of it requiring a knowledge of the original language of the Bible, Hebrew. The purpose of this article is not to exhaustively enumerate all instances of humor in the Bible but, rather, to demonstrate that humor permeates the Holy Scriptures. The humorous verses and situations collected in this paper are characterized as belonging to one of the following categories of humor: sarcasm, irony, wordplay, humorous names, humorous imagery and exaggeration, and humorous situations. An examination of the collection in this paper makes evident at least one important purpose of this humor: Humor brings God closer to humankind. For instance, God seems more understandable and less aloof when he is sarcastic. We mortals note that even omniscience and omnipotence do not prevent one from being hurt by straying children. Humorous stories and exaggerations make the moral lessons of the Hebrew Bible more memorable, and the irony behind punishments that are "measure for measure" hints at a world in which justice does truly prevail.

Humor in the Hebrew Bible

Many individuals believe that the Bible, in particular the Hebrew Bible, is without any humor. For example, Alfred North Whitehead was of the opinion that there is no humor in the Old Testament. He claimed that "the total absence of humour from the Bible is one of the most singular things in all of literature" (Price 1954: 199). Whitehead attributed the humorlessness of the Bible to the fact that the ancient Jews were a "depressed people" because of their situation, i.e., continually attacked and overrun by foreign powers. Others, such as Knox (1969), claim that there is much humor in the Hebrew Bible, although it consists mainly of irony. Knox points out that the prophets, in particular, used irony to warn the Jews against the "allurements of pagan civilization." Jemielty (1992) demonstrates that Hebrew prophecy makes use of satire. A major purpose of the satire and sarcasm was to ridicule the evildoer and idolater. Bonham (1988: 38-51) also feels that examining the Bible proves that "God has a sense of humor." Jonsson (1985: 41-50) rejects the opinion that there is no humor in the Hebrew Bible and discusses several examples of Biblical humor, e.g., the story of Jacob and Laban.

There are many different types of humor. These include: puns, wordplays, riddles, jokes, satires, lampoons, sarcasm, irony, wit, black humor, comedy, slapstick, farce, burlesques, caricatures, parody, and travesty. The differences among these different humor types is not always great. In particular, burlesque, caricature, parody, and travesty are very much alike and refer to literary or dramatic works that mimic serious works in order to achieve a humorous or satiric effect. Likewise, the difference between satire and lampoon is not that great. The bottom line is that humor has the ability to make people laugh, smile, or chuckle, at least inwardly. Perhaps it does the same for a divine being.

The idea that even God laughs is mentioned several times in Psalms. In Psalms (2:4), the Psalmist says: "He who sits in heaven will laugh, the Lord will mock them." In Psalms (37:13): "My Lord laughs at him for He sees that his day is coming." In Psalms (59:9): "But as for You, God, You laugh at them; You mock all nations." These verses all indicate that one day the Lord will laugh at evildoers. Of course, the type of laughter described here is not a happy, fun-loving laugh, but a sarcastic, derisive one. The Psalmist is describing a contemptuous, sardonic laugh aimed at the wicked who do not realize the futility of their plots if God does not approve.

Jewish tradition (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 14b) organizes the Hebrew Scriptures into three categories of the canon. The Five Books of Moses, also called the Pentateuch or the Torah, are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The Prophets consists of eight books, including Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and the Twelve Minor Prophets (e.g., Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi). The Writings is comprised of eleven books, including Ruth, Psalms, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Lamentations, Daniel, Esther, Ezra (and Nehemiah), and Chronicles.

The Hebrew Bible employs many sorts of humor, but its purpose is not to entertain. The major goal of the Hebrew Bible is to teach humanity how to live the ideal life. Much of the humor found in the Hebrew Bible has a purpose: To demonstrate that evil is wrong and even ludicrous, at times. The punishments meted out to wrongdoers are often designed to mock them and to hoist them by their own petards.

This paper will demonstrate that the Hebrew Bible contains much humor, albeit mainly subtle and much of it requiring a knowledge of the original language of the Bible, Hebrew. The purpose of this article is not to exhaustively enumerate all instances of humor in the Bible but, rather, to demonstrate that humor permeates the Holy Scriptures. The humorous verses and situations collected in this paper are characterized as belonging to one of several broad categories of humor: sarcasm, irony, wordplay, humorous names, humorous imagery, and humorous situations.

Read the entire paper here: Humor in the Hebrew Bible by Hershey H. Friedman

Tuesday, September 05, 2000

20000904 Cardboard Clergy

Cardboard Clergy

E-mailed to me September 4th, 2000

Dear Sirs,

We are sure you have come across our extremely successful products. We make cardboard police cars to discourage speeding and cardboard security men to deter shoplifters and other standard lines. Following the success of these, we are pleased to announce the introduction of our latest line in cardboard clergy.


The cardboard Parish Priest is invaluable to the hard-pressed clergy who need a holiday. It is life sized, made to measure and comes in traditional (pre - Vatican 2), progressive, and middle of the road models. It is especially effective when stood in the pulpit or at the lectern.

Field trials have shown that when the cardboard PP is installed without the congregation knowing, 40% of those later questioned had noticed no difference, while 25% thought there had been a considerable improvement. The rest said they had slept through the homily as usual.


The cardboard Bishop will be available soon. It can be placed anywhere in a diocese while the real Bishop is away in Rome or elsewhere at a meeting, or just on holiday. Trial models have been installed here and there for some time with great success, so much so in one case, when the real Bishop returned unexpectedly, there were rumours he had developed powers of bi-location.

Work on the cardboard Canon and Monsignor models has been abandoned since market research demonstrated that no one actually wanted the real thing, so there would be little demand for a cardboard substitute.

However, our cardboard congregation is another matter and is now selling well in view of falling Mass attendance. Its response to homilies is indistinguishable from the real thing and it has the positive advantage that when volunteers are asked for, nobody makes a dash for the door. In some churches there has been a marked improvement in the singing.

We commend our quality products for your consideration and hope we can be of assistance to you and your Parish.

Yours sincerely,

Justin Jest -Managing Director.


See other posts on "

Friday, August 25, 2000

Learn the Difference Between AFFECT and EFFECT

Learn the Difference Between AFFECT and EFFECT

by Tina Blue August 11, 2000

Confusion between the words affect and effect is so common that I almost never see either of the words used correctly. Since I read anything that doesn't move fast enough to get away from me, and since I read hundreds of essays by college students each semester, I have reason to believe that this error is not just a misspelling, but an actual misapprehension of the two words and how they are used.

Generally speaking, affect is a verb and effect is a noun. When you affect something, you produce an effect on it. Even in the passive voice, something would be affected, not effected.


Read Ms. Blue’s entire article and see what effect it has on you: Learn the Difference Between AFFECT and EFFECT

20000811 Learn the Difference Between AFFECT and EFFECT
Kevin Dayhoff

Saturday, July 01, 2000

20000701 Mike Evans, Carroll County Public Works Director asked to resign

Mike Evans, Carroll County Public Works Director asked to resign

Jul 1 2000 12:00 AM By Patrick Walters, Times Staff Writer.

The Board of Carroll County Commissioners has told county public works director Mike Evans that they will fire him if he does not resign, according to two local officials.

The 57-year-old Evans, who has worked for the county since 1988, the past five years as director of the county's Department of Public Works, declined to comment on the issue Friday.

County department heads are appointed by the commissioners. The public works department, which has an operating budget of $9.95 million for fiscal year 2000, is responsible for roads operations, water and sewer projects, snow removal and other jobs.

Commissioners Julia Walsh Gouge, Robin Bartlett Frazier and Donald I. Dell did not return phone calls Friday regarding why the board is forcing Evans out.

Gouge and Dell were in their offices at the County Office Building Friday morning, but they apparently left through a private exit while a reporter sat in their office waiting room. Gouge's secretary said Gouge did not want to talk Friday morning.

It was not known when Evans needed to make his decision. The commissioners' schedule for Monday includes a closed session scheduled for 11 a.m.

According to the state's Open Meetings Law, the commissioners do not have to discuss personnel matters in open sessions.

Sykesville Town Manager Matthew Candland and Westminster City Councilman Kevin Dayhoff both said that the commissioners earlier this week told Evans he could either resign or have his employment with the county terminated.

Both declined to say who told them.

Dayhoff estimated he has worked with Evans since the late 1980s.

``I think it's an incredible loss to the county; this is a guy who has an incredible reputation for competence,'' Dayhoff said. ``I think they're shooting themselves in the foot.''

Candland and Dayhoff both said they were surprised when they learned that the commissioners were asking Evans to leave.

``There was no indication to me that there were any problems or rumblings,'' Candland said. ``I've always been very impressed with his work.''

Evans first started working for the county on Feb. 22, 1988, beginning his career as the director of permits and regulations. In 1995, the Board of Commissioners at the time Dell, Benjamin Brown and Richard T. Yates - appointed Evans to the position of public works director.

Before coming to Carroll, Evans worked in Anne Arundel County government from 1971 to 1987, in public works and permits and inspections. He also served in the United States Army from 1962 to 1965, and spent part of that time in Korea as a member of post-war peace-keeping forces.

Evans' education includes both a bachelor's degree in business and a master's in business administration from the University of Baltimore.

Candland said he usually works with Evans several times a month, including on recent public works projects such as the Fairhaven well and the realignment of Obrecht Road.

Taneytown City Manager Chip Boyles also said Friday he had not heard that Evans' job was in jeopardy.

He said he has worked with Evans' department on city takeovers of two roads, Stumptown and Trevanion, in recent years.

``He was just real understanding of what our concerns were,'' Boyles said. ``All my relations with him have been positive.''


Saturday, June 17, 2000

20000615 David Harrington elected MML 1st VP by Jeremy Brengstall Hyattsville Gazette

Hyattsville Gazette: Area mayor makes history at League conference

Hyattsville Gazette

by Jeremy Breningstall Staff Writer

June 15, 2000

Tuesday marked a historic first for the Maryland Municipal League (MML) and Bladensburg Mayor David Harrington.

Harrington was elected MML first vice-president, representing the only African American to ever hold the post.

Selected by the more than 100 municipalities attending this week's convention in Ocean City, Harrington was chosen over Thomas Dillingham, a commissioner from Poolesville, by a 74-35 vote.

In explaining his decision to run, Harrington emphasized the symbolic importance of having an African-American as first vice-president.

"Diversity is very important to me," Harrington said after being sworn in. "As we build [a unified] Maryland, I want it to be as inclusive as possible."

Gov. Parris Glendening (D) of University Park commended the municipal representatives for their choice, describing Harrington as a "leader" and a "go-getter."

"I'm really pleased to be able to swear [Harrington] in tonight," Glendening said in an interview after the election. "I think it's tremendous. It not only reflects the great diversity of state, but the large number of municipalities that are majority African American. I think this is a big step for [the municipalities] as well."

Bladensburg Councilwoman Helen Robinson said, "[Harrington] is a great man. He's really done a lot for Bladensburg."

In particular, she mentioned his efforts to decrease traffic disruptions from CSX, and his role in the Historic Bladensburg Waterfront Port, a multi-million dollar project scheduled to open Sept. 16.

Harrington has been a member of the MML Board of Directors for two-and-a-half years. Current First Vice President W. Glenn Steckman III, Ocean City Councilman, was elected as president for the coming year. He will succeed Jack Gullo, mayor of New Windsor. Presidents cannot run for immediate re-election.

Glendening noted that if tradition holds true, Harrington will be elected president of MML next year.

Speaking before the Prince George's County Municipal Association (PGMA) on Monday, Harrington thanked the community for their support. He expressed special thanks to his council and New Carrollton Mayor Andy Hanko.

"It meant a lot to me to have a former [MML] president support my nomination," Harrington said.

Many Prince George's County officials showed their support of Harrington during the convention by wearing stickers supporting his nomination.

The annual MML Convention took place from Sunday through Wednesday, and included a series of training workshops and social opportunities for mayors, council members, police chiefs and administrators.

One hundred and fifteen out of 157 municipalities in Maryland were represented at this year's convention. The convention's networking opportunities did not fail to attract notables.

Lt. Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (D), Prince George's County Executive Wayne Curry, and Montgomery County Executive Douglas Duncan were among those in attendance at numerous functions.

Speaking just before the swearing in of MML's new board, Glendening said, "I always take pride that [working as a Councilman] is where I started."

Prince George's County will be well-represented in the members-at-large positions of the MML Board of Directors.

Bowie Councilman Dennis Brady, Greenbelt Mayor Judith Davis, and Laurel Councilman Craig Moe were among the 10 new members-at-large elected on Tuesday. Also serving on the board are District 9 President Vivian Dodson, mayor of Capitol Heights; Prince George's County Municipal Clerks Association President Sue Page, clerk of Hyattsville; and Prince George's County Municipal Public Works Association President Frank Bigdeli, director of public works of Hyattsville.


20000615 David Harrington elected MML 1st VP by Jeremy Brengstall Hyattsville Gazette

Wednesday, March 22, 2000

20000322 President Clinton State Dept. Fact Sheet on Global Warming

President Clinton’s March 22, 2000 State Department Fact Sheet on Global Warming

Office of the Press Secretary
(Agra, India)

March 22, 2000


Today, in a visit to Agra, India, site of the Taj Mahal, President Clinton will announce several new initiatives to strengthen Indo-American efforts to protect the environment, develop clean energy resources and combat global climate change.

There is broad scientific consensus that greenhouse gas emissions -- primarily in the form of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels -- are at least partly responsible for an increase in global temperatures over the last century. Many developing nations are especially vulnerable to the projected impacts of global warming, particularly coastal flooding, increased incidence and severity of storms and drought, and increased incidence of disease.

The Clinton Administration is taking aggressive steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In the past year, President Clinton has issued directives to reduce energy use in federal buildings to 30% below 1990 levels by 2010, and to target tripling of the use of bio-energy in the U.S. over the next decade.

With greenhouse gas emissions from developing nations projected to surpass those of the industrialized world within a few decades, the United States is committed to ensuring broader developing country participation in global efforts to combat climate change. One of the principal goals of the President's climate change policy is to encourage developing nations to adopt clean energy technologies that can help them achieve their development goals while alleviating local air pollution and avoiding greenhouse gas emissions.

The new initiatives that will be announced today include:

Joint Statement on Cooperation in Energy and Environment: Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Minister of External Affairs Jaswant Singh signed a joint statement on cooperation on energy and environment issues on behalf of the United States and India. The statement outlines a common agenda on clean energy development and environmental protection, including:

-- Two ambitious national Indian environmental goals:

-- 10% of new electric power will come from renewable energy sources by 2012;

-- and approximately 15% improvements in energy efficiency in power production will be made by 2007-08.

Creation of a binational 'Joint Consultative Group' on Clean Energy and the Environment that will focus on clean energy projects and policy, commercial development of clean energy, and, enhanced cooperation on global climate change;

Promotion of a shared vision that countries can achieve robust economic growth while protecting the environment and taking action to combat climate change;

A reaffirmation of the urgent need for international dialogue on ways both developed and developing countries can participate in actions to combat climate change, consistent with treaty obligations under the Framework Convention on Climate Change;

Agreement to work in closer partnership on the further elaboration of mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol, such as the Clean Development Mechanism; and

Acknowledgement of the essential role of the private sector and reference to new initiatives.

South Asia Regional Initiative (SARI) Energy Program: The SARI Energy Program is a new $50 million USAID program designed to accelerate investment and trade in clean energy among South Asian nations, including India, Bangladesh and Nepal, which the President announced in Bangladesh on Monday. Program support will help countries foster regional cooperation and develop the appropriate policy, regulatory, and investment environments to encourage private investment. The program will promote the use of clean energy technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help stimulate economic growth.

U.S. Export-Import Bank Line of Credit: The Ex-Im Bank will provide a $200 million specialized line of credit targeted for clean energy development projects through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Indian Power Finance Corporation.

Clean Energy Trade Mission: To further the goals of President Clinton's International Clean Energy initiative, the Department of Commerce will lead a trade mission to India focused on clean energy projects by the end of the year.

Greenhouse Gas Pollution Prevention Project (GEP): USAID will provide $20 million for a three-year extension of this program to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency and cleaner fuel use. GEP will:

-- expand the efforts of India's National Thermal Power Corporation to increase efficiency in its power generation plants;

-- help increase use of clean energy technology in power production;

-- build local institutional capacity, and increase public/private partnerships for climate change abatement efforts; and

-- design and demonstrate climate change abatement initiatives in cities.

Energy Conservation and Commercialization (ECO) Project: USAID will provide $25 million for ECO, a program to help promote commercialization of energy efficient technologies and services. ECO will provide technical assistance and training to the Ministry of Power, electric utilities, and regulatory commissions on policy reforms and will work to address market constraints to greater use of energy efficiency products and services.

Resumption of Bilateral Energy Consultations and Technical Assistance: DOE will resume its cooperative efforts on non-nuclear power sector policy reforms, and on public and private collaborative projects related to clean energy, renewable energy and energy efficiency. DOE programs were suspended in 1998 in the context of policy-based restrictions on U.S. assistance to India.

Resumption of EPA Technical Assistance: EPA will re-establish its environmental cooperation program in India with proposals to address air quality management, strengthening implementation of environmental policies and regulations, risk assessment and management of priority pollutants, and greenhouse gas reduction projects. EPA programs were suspended in 1998 in the context of policy-based restrictions on U.S. assistance to India.

Joint Private Sector Statement: The Confederation on Indian Industry and the U.S. Energy Association announced a joint statement to cooperate on trade and investment for clean energy development in India. The parties announced creation of a new 'green business center' in Hyderabad and a 'matchmaker' initiative to help bring investors in contact with business/project opportunities.

[End of Document]

Thursday, February 03, 2000

20000203 Chief Keeney LEOPS MGA Testimony

Chief Keeney LEOPS MGA Testimony


February 3, 2000

Good morning madam chair and members of the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee. My name is Fred Keeney and I am currently the Chief of Police for the City of District Heights. I am here representing the Police Executive Committee of the Maryland Municipal League. The Police Executives applaud the efforts of Senator Exum and the remaining Prince George’s County Senators, especially Senator Currie, whom represents District Heights, for bringing forward SB 175. This bill will make it more attractive for local government to participate in the Law Enforcement Officers Pension System known as LEOPS.

Currently, municipal law enforcement officers participate in one of three state pension plans; the traditional State Retirement Plan, Police and Fire Enhanced Plan and LEOPS. While not all local governments participate in one of the state’s pension systems, we believe that by allowing employee contributions to LEOPS, this plan becomes more attractive to participating local governments and will encourage them to make LEOPS available to the employee.

In Prince George’s County for example, more than twenty municipal agencies employee in excess of 300 police officers. Of these agencies, a mere handful participates in the state pension system because of the cost to local government. These costs range anywhere from approximately 18% to 24 % of the employee’s salary. With the authorization of an employee contribution of 5%, this reduces local government cost to approximately 13% to 19%, a much more attractive cost. LEOPS is not only an issue in Prince George’s County, but statewide.

I have heard from elected officials and police chief’s from Western Maryland and our Eastern Shore, all acknowledging recruitment and retention of police officers is a problem. In unison, we know that something must be done to enhance the benefits of municipal law enforcement. While many local governments do what they can to accomplish this, few have the ability to have their own pension system and rely upon the state to provide this benefit. The recruitment and retention of municipal law enforcement officers is a concern statewide!

Though this legislation only amends LEOPS, I would suggest that the committee evaluate amending all three pension systems that municipal law enforcement officers participate in to allow employee contributions. This will allow local governments in the system to move up to an enhanced program and perhaps encourage participation from non-participating local governments. The ability to participate in LEOPS or the state’s other pension system’s will greatly assist us with recruitment and retention of officers.

Sunday, January 02, 2000

20000102 SDOSM 17770000 2000 Archives of Maryland Historical List Senate Legislative District Key

17770000 2000 Archives of Maryland Historical List Senate Legislative District Key

For researching past Maryland State Senators,

first review the list below and then go to:

Return to Maryland Government, Historical List


Archives of Maryland Historical List Maryland Government

Return to Maryland Government, Historical List

Maryland State Archives

Also see: Archives of Maryland Historical List General Assembly Introduction


(As referred from:

See also the key to Senate Legislative Districts OR:




WS - Western Shore: Allegany, Anne Arundel, Baltimore County, Calvert, Cecil, Charles, Frederick, Garrett, Harford, Montgomery, Prince George’s, St. Mary’s, Washington
ES - Eastern Shore: Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Somerset, Talbot, Worcester


Allegany County - AL
For 1967-1974 see Legislative Districts 1B & 1C
For 1975-2000 see Legislative Districts 1 & 2

Anne Arundel County - AA
For 1967-1974 see Legislative Districts 6A, 6B, & 6C
For 1975-1982 see Legislative Districts 30, 31, 32, & 33
For 1983-1990 see Legislative Districts 29, 30, 32, & 33
For 1992-2000 see Legislative Districts 27, 30, 31, 32, 33

Baltimore City - BC
For 1865-1902 see Baltimore City - Districts 1, 2, & 3
For 1904-1922 see Baltimore City - Districts 1, 2, 3, & 4
For 1924-1966 see Baltimore City - Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6
For 1967-1974 see Legislative Districts 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12
For 1975-1982 see Legislative Districts 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, & 47
For 1983-1992 see Legislative Districts 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, & 47
For 1992-2000 see Legislative Districts 8, 10, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, & 47

Baltimore County - BA
For 1967-1974 see Legislative District 13
For 1975-1982 see Legislative Districts 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, & 13
For 1983-1992 see Legislative Districts 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12
For 1992-2000 see Legislative Districts 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 42, 46 & 47

Calvert County - CV
For 1967-1974 see Legislative District 6C
For 1975-1982 see Legislative District 30
For 1983-1990 see Legislative District 29
For 1992-2000 see Legislative Districts 27 & 29

Caroline County - CA
For 1967-1974 see Legislative District 15
For 1975-1982 see Legislative District 35
For 1983-2000 see Legislative Districts 36 & 37

Carroll County - CR
For 1967-1974 see Legislative District 2
For 1975-2000 see Legislative Districts 4 & 5

Cecil County - CE
For 1967-1974 see Legislative District 15
For 1975-1982 see Legislative District 34
For 1983-2000 see Legislative Districts 35 & 36

Charles County - CH
For 1967-1974 see Legislative District 5
For 1975-1982 see Legislative Districts 28 & 29
For 1983-2000 see Legislative District 28

Dorchester County - DO
For 1967-1974 see Legislative District 16
For 1975-1982 see Legislative District 35
For 1983-2000 see Legislative District 37

Frederick County - FR
For 1967-1974 see Legislative District 2
For 1975-2000 see Legislative District 3 & 4

Garrett County - GA
For 1967-1974 see Legislative District 1C
For 1975-2000 see Legislative District 1

Harford County - HA
For 1967-1974 see Legislative District 14
For 1975-1982 see Legislative Districts 5 & 6
For 1983-1992 see Legislative Districts 34 & 35
For 1992-2000 see Legislative Districts 6, 34 & 35

Howard County - HO
For 1967-1974 see Legislative District 3C
For 1975-1982 see Legislative District 14
For 1983-1992 see Legislative Districts 4, 13, & 14
For 1992-2000 see Legislative Districts 12, 13 & 14

Kent County - KE
For 1967-1974 see Legislative District 15
For 1975-1982 see Legislative District 34
For 1983-2000 see Legislative District 36

Montgomery County - MO
For 1967-1974 see Legislative Districts 3A, 3B, & 3C
For 1975-1992 see Legislative Districts 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, & 20
For 1992-2000 see Legislative Districts 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, & 21 & 39

Prince George’s County - PG
For 1967-1974 see Legislative Districts 4A, 4B, & 4C
For 1975-1982 see Legislative Districts 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, & 28
For 1983-2000 see Legislative Districts 13, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, & 27

Queen Anne’s County - QA
For 1967-1974 see Legislative District 15
For 1975-1982 see Legislative District 34
For 1983-2000 see Legislative District 36

St. Mary’s County - SM
For 1967-1974 see Senate, Legislative District 5
For 1975-1982 see Senate, Legislative District 29
For 1983-1992 see Senate, Legislative Districts 28 & 29
For 1992-2000 see Senate, Legislative District 29

Somerset County - SO
For 1967-1974 see Senate, Legislative District 16
For 1975-1982 see Senate, Legislative District 36
For 1983-2000 see Senate, Legislative District 38

Talbot County - TA
For 1967-1974 see Senate, Legislative District 15
For 1975-1982 see Senate, Legislative District 35
For 1983-2000 see Senate, Legislative Districts 36 & 37

Washington County - WA
For 1967-1974 see Legislative Districts 1A & 1B
For 1975-2000 see Legislative Districts 2 & 3

Wicomico County - WI
For 1967-1974 see Senate, Legislative District 16
For 1975-1982 see Senate, Legislative Districts 35 & 36
For 1983-2000 see Senate, Legislative Districts 37 & 38

Worcester County - WO
For 1967-1974 see Senate, Legislative District 16
For 1975-1982 see Senate, Legislative District 36
For 1983-2000 see Senate, Legislative District 38

Legislative Districts


District 1A - Part of Washington County
District 1B - Part of Allegany County & part of Washington County
District 1C - Garrett County & part of Allegany County
District 2 - Carroll & Frederick counties
District 3A - Part of Montgomery County
District 3B - Part of Montgomery County
District 3C - Howard County & part of Montgomery County
District 4A - Part of Prince George’s County
District 4B - Part of Prince George’s County
District 4C - Part of Prince George’s County
District 5 - Charles & St. Mary’s counties
District 6A- Part of Anne Arundel County
District 6B- Part of Anne Arundel County
District 6C - Calvert County & part of Anne Arundel County
District 7 - Part of Baltimore City
District 8 - Part of Baltimore City
District 9 - Part of Baltimore City
District 10 - Part of Baltimore City
District 11 - Part of Baltimore City
District 12 - Part of Baltimore City
District 13 - Baltimore County
District 14 - Harford County
District 15 - Caroline, Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne’s & Talbot Counties
District 16 - Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico & Worcester Counties


District 1 - Garrett County & part of Allegany County
District 2 - Part of Allegany County & part of Washington County
District 3 - Part of Frederick County & part of Washington County
District 4 - Part of Carroll County & part of Frederick County
District 5 - Part of Baltimore County, part of Carroll County & part of Harford County
District 6 - Part of Harford County
District 7 - Part of Baltimore County
District 8 - Part of Baltimore County
District 9 - Part of Baltimore County
District 10 - Part of Baltimore County
District 11 - Part of Baltimore County
District 12 - Part of Baltimore County
District 13 - Part of Baltimore County
District 14 - Howard County & part of Montgomery County
District 15 - Part of Montgomery County
District 16 - Part of Montgomery County
District 17 - Part of Montgomery County
District 18 - Part of Montgomery County
District 19 - Part of Montgomery County
District 20 - Part of Montgomery County
District 21 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 22 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 23 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 24 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 25 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 26 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 27 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 28 - Part of Charles County & part of Prince George’s County
District 29 - St. Mary’s County & part of Charles County
District 30 - Calvert County & part of Anne Arundel County
District 31 - Part of Anne Arundel County
District 32 - Part of Anne Arundel County
District 33 - Part of Anne Arundel County
District 34 - Cecil, Kent & Queen Anne’s Counties
District 35 - Caroline, Dorchester & Talbot Counties & part of Wicomico County
District 36 - Somerset & Worcester Counties & part of Wicomico County
District 37 - Part of Baltimore City
District 38 - Part of Baltimore City
District 39 - Part of Baltimore City
District 40 - Part of Baltimore City
District 41 - Part of Baltimore City
District 42 - Part of Baltimore City
District 43 - Part of Baltimore City
District 44 - Part of Baltimore City
District 45 - Part of Baltimore City
District 46 - Part of Baltimore City
District 47 - Part of Baltimore City


District 1 - Garrett County & part of Allegany County
District 2 - Part of Allegany County & part of Washington County
District 3 - Part of Frederick County & part of Washington County
District 4 - Part of Carroll County, part of Frederick County & part of Howard County
District 5 - Part of Baltimore County & part of Carroll County
District 6 - Part of Baltimore County
District 7 - Part of Baltimore County
District 8 - Part of Baltimore County
District 9 - Part of Baltimore County
District 10 - Part of Baltimore County
District 11 - Part of Baltimore County
District 12 - Part of Baltimore County
District 13 - Part of Howard County & part of Prince George’s County
District 14 - Part of Howard County & part of Montgomery County
District 15 - Part of Montgomery County
District 16 - Part of Montgomery County
District 17 - Part of Montgomery County
District 18 - Part of Montgomery County
District 19 - Part of Montgomery County
District 20 - Part of Montgomery County
District 21 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 22 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 23 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 24 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 25 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 26 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 27 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 28 - Charles County & part of St. Mary’s County
District 29 - Calvert County, part of Anne Arundel County & part of St. Mary’s County
District 30 - Part of Anne Arundel County
District 31 - Part of Anne Arundel County
District 32 - Part of Anne Arundel County
District 33 - Part of Anne Arundel County
District 34 - Part of Harford County
District 35 - Part of Cecil County & part of Harford County
District 36 - Kent & Queen Anne’s Counties, part of Cecil County & part of Talbot County
District 37 - Dorchester County, part of Caroline County, part of Talbot County & part of Wicomico County
District 38 - Somerset & Worcester Counties & part of Wicomico County
District 39 - Part of Baltimore City
District 40 - Part of Baltimore City
District 41 - Part of Baltimore City
District 42 - Part of Baltimore City
District 43 - Part of Baltimore City
District 44 - Part of Baltimore City
District 45 - Part of Baltimore City
District 46 - Part of Baltimore City
District 47 - Part of Baltimore City


District 1 - Garrett County & part of Allegany County
District 2 - Part of Washington County
District 3 - Parts of Washington & Frederick Counties
District 4 - Parts of Frederick & Carroll Counties
District 5 - Part of Carroll County
District 6 - Parts of Baltimore County & Harford County
District 7 - Part of Baltimore County
District 8 - Parts of Baltimore County & Baltimore City
District 9 - Part of Baltimore County
District 10 - Parts of Baltimore County & Baltimore City
District 11 - Part of Baltimore County
District 12 - Parts of Baltimore County & Howard County
District 13 - Parts of Howard & Prince George’s Counties
District 14 - Parts of Montgomery & Howard Counties
District 15 - Part of Montgomery County
District 16 - Part of Montgomery County
District 17 - Part of Montgomery County
District 18 - Part of Montgomery County
District 19 - Part of Montgomery County
District 20 - Part of Montgomery County
District 21 - Parts of Montgomery & Prince George’s Counties
District 22 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 23 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 24 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 25 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 26 - Part of Prince George’s County
District 27 - Parts of Prince George’s, Anne Arundel & Calvert Counties
District 28 - Charles County
District 29 - Parts of Calvert & St. Mary’s Counties
District 30 - Part of Anne Arundel County
District 31 - Part of Anne Arundel County
District 32 - Part of Anne Arundel County
District 33 - Part of Anne Arundel County
District 34 - Part of Harford County
District 35 - Parts of Harford & Cecil Counties
District 36 - Kent County & Queen Anne’s County; & parts of Cecil, Caroline & Talbot Counties
District 37 - Parts of Caroline, Dorchester, Talbot & Wicomico Counties
District 38 - Somerset & Worcester Counties; & part of Wicomico County
District 39 - Part of Montgomery County
District 40 - Part of Baltimore City
District 41 - Part of Baltimore City
District 42 - Parts of Baltimore City & Baltimore County
District 43 - Part of Baltimore City
District 44 - Part of Baltimore City
District 45 - Part of Baltimore City
District 46 - Parts of Baltimore City & Baltimore County
District 47 - Parts of Baltimore City & Baltimore County