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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

20070327 Community Rallies behind Bowling Brook

“Community Rallies behind Bowling Brook”

The high cost of twin tragedies at Bowling Brook

Bowling Brook: A Sad Tale

Bowling Brook

March 13th, 2007 – March 27, 2007

Re: 20070324 More questions than answers persist about Bowling Brook

UPDATE: I’m certainly encouraged by the thoughtful and responsible feedback I have received about Bowling Brook... I have written several other columns on Bowling Brook if folks would like to have more information.

For more information on “Soundtrack” please click here: Bowling Brook

Pictures needed:

I have scoured through my files and unfortunately I have not been able to locate any of my photos showing the young men from Bowling Brook in action.

As often as I was around these young men and saw them on action; for whatever reason, either I failed to take any pictures or I have filed them “in a really good place…”

If you have any photos of these young men at Carroll or Frederick County events, would you please consider e-mailing them to me at and giving me permission to post them on

As of March 13th, 2007, “Community Rallies behind Bowling Brook” is on my blog, “The Winchester Report” on the Westminster Eagle’s web site.

Another post is on here: 20070305 Bowling Brook student death ruled a homicide.

On March 14th, 2007 my column on The Tentacle and in The Westminster Eagle will be on Bowling Brook. (It should be on the front page of the web site – or scroll down the left hand sidebar and click on “Opinion” and then click on my name. Or click here.)

The March 13th, 2007 Winchester Report blog post – “Community Rallies behind Bowling Brook features quotes from Delegates Nancy Stocksdale and Donald Elliott; Tom Welliver, the Carroll County Ag Center’s Larry Collins, Perry Jones, and The Junior Woman’s Club of Westminster.

It begins:

“On March 2, Bowling Brook Preparatory Academy in Keymar announced that after 50 years in operation, it would close on March 9.

“The closing comes in the wake of the death of one of the students on January 23.

“Since the closing was announced, many Carroll Countians have rallied in support of the academy suggesting that it would be better to meaningfully address and correct what precipitated the tragedy than close the academy.”

It ends:

“It is rare that a community rallies to have a juvenile facility in their own back yard. But all of us have a stake in saving young men for a productive future and in those efforts; Bowling Brook is part of the answer.

What is now necessary is for Maryland Juvenile Services Secretary Donald W. DeVore and Gov. Martin O’Malley to hear from Carroll County citizens who care about Bowling Brook and the future of the young men this facility worked so hard to help. Encourage them to take fresh look at re-opening Bowling Brook.

Please review the letters from the Delegate Nancy Stocksdale and the Junior Woman’s Club of Westminster and then find a moment of your time to write to: Governor Martin O’Malley, Office of the Governor, 100 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401-1925, and Maryland Juvenile Services Secretary Donald W. DeVore, One Center Plaza, 120 W. Fayette Street, Baltimore, MD 21201.

Delegate Stocksdale’s and the Junior Women’s Club of Westminster’s advocacy letters are posted at the end of the Winchester Report blog post.

Letters to editor are very important in addition to letters to Governor O’Malley and Secretary DeVore.

Letters to the editor can be e-mailed to:

Mr. Jim Joyner, Editor

The Westminster Eagle

121 East Main Street

Westminster, MD 21157

I would love for The Westminster Eagle to have a page or several pages of letters to the editor …

Please pass the word. We need as many thoughtful, respectful, and polite letters as possible to go to Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley and Maryland Juvenile Services Secretary Donald W. DeVore.

I have assured many folks that the letters need not to be long. Push comes to shove, a hand written note with several sentences expressing support is really all that is needed.

On another note, the electronic geek in me loves letters transmitted by e-mail but I gotta tell ya, from my experience as an elected official, nothing beats a stack of polite, well-written and legible – and short, (I can’t stress the short part enough,) letters delivered by mail.

The addresses once again:

The Honorable Governor Martin O’Malley

Office of the Governor

100 State Circle

Annapolis, MD 21401-1925

The Honorable Secretary Donald W. DeVore

Maryland Juvenile Services

One Center Plaza, 120 W. Fayette Street

Baltimore, MD 21201.

Thanks to everyone who was so patient and helpful with me as I was constructing the columns. Thanks in advance for everyone circulating this information.

Kevin Dayhoff

The writer is the former mayor of Westminster 2001-2005.

Kevin Dayhoff writes from Westminster Maryland USA. and

E-mail him at: kdayhoff AT carr DOT org or kevindayhoff AT gmail DOT com

His columns appear in The Tentacle,; Westminster Eagle Opinion and Winchester Report.

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