This week in The Tentacle
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Pulling The Plug
Kevin E. Dayhoff
One of the key talking points of the new Obama Administration is its commitment to lead our nation by maximizing technology. Yet within a few scant weeks, the new kids in the Oval Office have endured their fair share of glitches, error boxes and system crashes.
The Longhouse – Up The River – Part 4
Tom McLaughlin
Kapit, Sarawak – We disembarked from our long, green low boat with a 60hp out board motor. Climbing up the crumbling concrete steps, (we’re always climbing here) and reaching the top, we noticed six fighting cocks staked to sticks. They were far enough apart so they didn’t seem to notice each other. I guess they were waiting for their next battle.
Homeowners Stability Initiative
Michael Kurtianyk
On February 18, President Obama unveiled his administration’s plan to address our continuing housing crisis. President Obama’s $75 billion Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan would help struggling homeowners by providing incentives to lenders, servicers, mortgage holders and borrowers to help modify mortgage loans.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The 2009 Oscars
Roy Meachum
What the audience got Sunday night was the most focused Oscar presentations I can recall. That's said with a straight face, although I suffered through a paean montage of romantic movies and other bits I flatly did not understand.
Random Thoughts
Farrell Keough
Last time we were together, we discussed the plan by the Frederick County Board of Education to continue on its path to build their Taj Mahal in downtown Frederick. Since that time, I have received a copy of a soil analysis on the property. The levels of arsenic and mercury were well beyond acceptable health standards.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Incumbent Dumping
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Let me perfectly clear: my thinking on the subject of today’s column has evolved over the course of the last 30 years, and was clearly influenced by my experience in the Maryland House of Delegates over the last six years.
On Writing
Steven R. Berryman
Having many writers in the family, both close and distant, I have begun to wonder whether the urge to put pen to paper is an inherited trait, or a learned one.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Haves vs. Have-Nots
Roy Meachum
Does no one now remember that the out-going Bush Administration extracted $700 billion to pour into banks? The Democrats had the numbers to block. They didn't. They recognized the nation was in financial crises. There were questions, of course. There should have been more.
In the Best Tradition of Scouting
Joe Charlebois
For those not familiar with the Boy Scout program, there is a reason that those who participate stay with it and become Eagle Scouts. They tend to go on and lead very successful lives (president, astronaut, corporate CEOs, great fathers and husbands).
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Future of News
Tony Soltero
When President Barack Obama held his first formal news conference of his young administration, he turned it into a historical moment. No, it wasn't the fact that at long last we have a president capable of speaking in complete sentences and providing nuanced, thoughtful answers to questions.
Through the Porthole…Brightly
Patricia A. Kelly
I’m a veteran now. I’m hardly alone. On our ship, Adventure of the Seas, attendance was 3,600, not counting a crew of approximately 1,800.
PLUCK: The Titanic Show
Roy Meachum
Executive Director Ray Cullom first spotted "Pluck: The Titanic Show" at the annual Edinborough Comedy Festival last summer. The three-"man" show opened at his Bethesda Theatre over the weekend and will hang around until March 7, three Saturdays away.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Repackaged Isn’t Change
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In the end, the economic stimulus legislation signed yesterday by President Barack Obama, only garnered a total of three Republican votes from all of Congress, and, while traveling the yellow brick road on the way to Oz, the legislation lost the vast majority of public support.
Up The River – Part 3
Tom McLaughlin
Kapit, Sarawak – Located atop a bluff on the Rajang River, and just above the first set of rapids and below a major bend in the river, the eco-lodge backs into the beginnings of a tropical rain forest protected area. Dwarfed by high jungle covered hills, it is constructed of deep and darkly stained rain forest timber with an open, airy décor. The dining area, on a veranda, overlooks the river.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Funny Frederick Politics
Roy Meachum
This city holds elections this autumn. At that realization, many registered voters went back to sleep. They are not kept awake by the various and sundry rumors and gossips floating around. Most simply will not show up at polling places.
Reform Indeed; Improvement Missing
Nick Diaz
Millions and billions have been poured into thousands of school systems around the country in the last 20 years; even so, much of it has essentially failed to make a difference in the quality of mathematics education. Programs had become so bogged down by politics and bureaucracy that they have failed to create any significant change.
Monday, February 16, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Part 6
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Another whirlwind week in Annapolis. From helicopter trauma transport to expensive steak lobbying dinners, the range of topics spans the important to the ridiculous.
What’s in it for me?
Steven R. Berryman
In my efforts at ever expanding personal open-mindedness, the other morning I went straight for The Washington Post to learn the well-camouflaged details of the final $787 billion dollar spending package, called “The Porkulus” by Rush Limbaugh, and “The Spendulus” by Laura Ingraham.
20090225 This week in The Tentacle
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kevindayhoff:
My latest column http://tinyurl.com/8vjaaq in The Tentacle http://www.thetentacle.com/: Pulling the Plug #Dayhoff http://tinyurl.com/csa9na
Kevin Dayhoff
E-mail him at: kevindayhoff AT gmail.com
His columns appear in The Tentacle, www.thetentacle.com;
The Westminster Eagle /Eldersburg Eagle The Sunday Carroll Eagle - Opinion: http://explorecarroll.com/opinion-talk/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kevindayhoff
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Pulling The Plug
Kevin E. Dayhoff
One of the key talking points of the new Obama Administration is its commitment to lead our nation by maximizing technology. Yet within a few scant weeks, the new kids in the Oval Office have endured their fair share of glitches, error boxes and system crashes.
The Longhouse – Up The River – Part 4
Tom McLaughlin
Kapit, Sarawak – We disembarked from our long, green low boat with a 60hp out board motor. Climbing up the crumbling concrete steps, (we’re always climbing here) and reaching the top, we noticed six fighting cocks staked to sticks. They were far enough apart so they didn’t seem to notice each other. I guess they were waiting for their next battle.
Homeowners Stability Initiative
Michael Kurtianyk
On February 18, President Obama unveiled his administration’s plan to address our continuing housing crisis. President Obama’s $75 billion Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan would help struggling homeowners by providing incentives to lenders, servicers, mortgage holders and borrowers to help modify mortgage loans.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The 2009 Oscars
Roy Meachum
What the audience got Sunday night was the most focused Oscar presentations I can recall. That's said with a straight face, although I suffered through a paean montage of romantic movies and other bits I flatly did not understand.
Random Thoughts
Farrell Keough
Last time we were together, we discussed the plan by the Frederick County Board of Education to continue on its path to build their Taj Mahal in downtown Frederick. Since that time, I have received a copy of a soil analysis on the property. The levels of arsenic and mercury were well beyond acceptable health standards.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Incumbent Dumping
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Let me perfectly clear: my thinking on the subject of today’s column has evolved over the course of the last 30 years, and was clearly influenced by my experience in the Maryland House of Delegates over the last six years.
On Writing
Steven R. Berryman
Having many writers in the family, both close and distant, I have begun to wonder whether the urge to put pen to paper is an inherited trait, or a learned one.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Haves vs. Have-Nots
Roy Meachum
Does no one now remember that the out-going Bush Administration extracted $700 billion to pour into banks? The Democrats had the numbers to block. They didn't. They recognized the nation was in financial crises. There were questions, of course. There should have been more.
In the Best Tradition of Scouting
Joe Charlebois
For those not familiar with the Boy Scout program, there is a reason that those who participate stay with it and become Eagle Scouts. They tend to go on and lead very successful lives (president, astronaut, corporate CEOs, great fathers and husbands).
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The Future of News
Tony Soltero
When President Barack Obama held his first formal news conference of his young administration, he turned it into a historical moment. No, it wasn't the fact that at long last we have a president capable of speaking in complete sentences and providing nuanced, thoughtful answers to questions.
Through the Porthole…Brightly
Patricia A. Kelly
I’m a veteran now. I’m hardly alone. On our ship, Adventure of the Seas, attendance was 3,600, not counting a crew of approximately 1,800.
PLUCK: The Titanic Show
Roy Meachum
Executive Director Ray Cullom first spotted "Pluck: The Titanic Show" at the annual Edinborough Comedy Festival last summer. The three-"man" show opened at his Bethesda Theatre over the weekend and will hang around until March 7, three Saturdays away.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Repackaged Isn’t Change
Kevin E. Dayhoff
In the end, the economic stimulus legislation signed yesterday by President Barack Obama, only garnered a total of three Republican votes from all of Congress, and, while traveling the yellow brick road on the way to Oz, the legislation lost the vast majority of public support.
Up The River – Part 3
Tom McLaughlin
Kapit, Sarawak – Located atop a bluff on the Rajang River, and just above the first set of rapids and below a major bend in the river, the eco-lodge backs into the beginnings of a tropical rain forest protected area. Dwarfed by high jungle covered hills, it is constructed of deep and darkly stained rain forest timber with an open, airy décor. The dining area, on a veranda, overlooks the river.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Funny Frederick Politics
Roy Meachum
This city holds elections this autumn. At that realization, many registered voters went back to sleep. They are not kept awake by the various and sundry rumors and gossips floating around. Most simply will not show up at polling places.
Reform Indeed; Improvement Missing
Nick Diaz
Millions and billions have been poured into thousands of school systems around the country in the last 20 years; even so, much of it has essentially failed to make a difference in the quality of mathematics education. Programs had become so bogged down by politics and bureaucracy that they have failed to create any significant change.
Monday, February 16, 2009
General Assembly Journal 2009 – Part 6
Richard B. Weldon Jr.
Another whirlwind week in Annapolis. From helicopter trauma transport to expensive steak lobbying dinners, the range of topics spans the important to the ridiculous.
What’s in it for me?
Steven R. Berryman
In my efforts at ever expanding personal open-mindedness, the other morning I went straight for The Washington Post to learn the well-camouflaged details of the final $787 billion dollar spending package, called “The Porkulus” by Rush Limbaugh, and “The Spendulus” by Laura Ingraham.
20090225 This week in The Tentacle
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kevindayhoff:
My latest column http://tinyurl.com/8vjaaq in The Tentacle http://www.thetentacle.com/: Pulling the Plug #Dayhoff http://tinyurl.com/csa9na
Kevin Dayhoff
E-mail him at: kevindayhoff AT gmail.com
His columns appear in The Tentacle, www.thetentacle.com;
The Westminster Eagle /Eldersburg Eagle The Sunday Carroll Eagle - Opinion: http://explorecarroll.com/opinion-talk/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kevindayhoff
Kevin Dayhoff www.kevindayhoff.net http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/
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