Westminster sewer, water rates to rise July 1
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
By Marc Shapiro, Times Staff Write 0 comments
After an increase that nearly doubled water rates for many residents inside and outside the city's limits last year, Westminster residents will see another small increase in water and sewer rates July 1.
Those living inside city limits using 22,500 gallons of water per quarter, an average use figure provided by the Maryland Department of the Environment, will see water bills increase from $133.60 to $137.70 and sewer bills increase from $119.82 to $123.30.
Residents living outside the city using the same amount of water and sewer will see their water bill increase from $169.34 to $179.51 but will not see an increase in their sewer bill, which would be $182.80.
Acting City Treasurer Gary Ehlers said the revenue in both the water and sewer funds from residential customers is coming as expected and staying on budget. The nonresidential revenue for both funds is significantly down from where it should be, he said.
"Businesses are hurting, and they're probably not producing as much, so they're not consuming as much," Ehlers said. "A lot of it's going to be waiting for the economy to come back."
Read the rest here: http://www.carrollcountytimes.com/news/local/article_6f51c366-7d9d-11df-a38a-001cc4c002e0.html
20100622 Shapiro Westminster sewer water rates to rise July 1
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