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Sunday, January 23, 2005

20050121 Baltimore Sun: Democrats see budget retaliation

General Assembly: Democrats see budget retaliation

Some cuts in the governor's spending plan may be punishment for special-session votes, leaders of the majority party say.

By David Nitkin, Andrew A. Green and Ivan Penn, Sun Staff

January 21, 2005

Launching a review of the governor's budget proposal with eyes that may be jaundiced by recent battles, Democrats in the General Assembly say they see signs of retaliation in the $25.9 billion spending plan released this week.

Lawmakers are wondering aloud whether Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. is trying to punish them for votes cast during last week's special session by eliminating programs that they favor, withholding money from jurisdictions where leaders live and abolishing patronage long enjoyed by legislators.


Maryland governors have long used their budgetary authority - considered by experts to be the strongest in the nation - to reward friends and punish enemies. Ehrlich's predecessor, Gov. Parris N. Glendening, was considered a master at using the tool to maximum advantage.

"I'm certain that some members are feeling the power of the executive, as many of us [Republicans] did under Glendening," said Sen. David R. Brinkley of Frederick County. "The sword cuts both ways."

It is not clear whether the proposals are intended to inflict real harm or are more a negotiating tool that could soon disappear through compromises. Ehrlich can ill afford to alienate the Assembly, where Democrats hold veto-proof majorities in both chambers, if he hopes to secure passage of his slot-machine plan or other priorities.

Others say Democrats are being too sensitive, and deny that Ehrlich is trying to punish the opposing party. "They are looking at the bogeyman that doesn't exist. Or to put another way, maybe they are running a little scared and overreacting," said Del. Anthony J. O'Donnell, the House minority whip, whose Southern Maryland district includes parts of Calvert County.


Read the rest here: Democrats see budget retaliation

Friday, January 21, 2005

Muslims celebrate holiday - Carroll County Times Jan. 21, 2005

Muslims celebrate holiday - Carroll County Times Jan. 21, 2005

Muslims celebrate holiday By Jaime Bloss, Times Staff Writer
Friday, January 21, 2005 updated 15Mar2019 due to a link that no longer works…

BRENDAN BUSH/STAFF PHOTO Muslims kneel in prayer as they meet for a community gathering to commemorate the holiday of Eid al-Adha at the Best Western in Westminster.

About 50 Muslim men, women, and children assembled in Westminster Thursday morning for the first community gathering for holiday prayers to commemorate Eid al-Adha.


Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff spoke after the prayers Thursday morning.

"We all share a common belief in our families, we all share a common belief in our community, and we all share a common belief in God," Dayhoff said.


After removing their shoes, attendees sat or knelt on sheets laid out on one side of the room. The people sat in rows, with the men in front and women and children in the back.

Before the start of the holiday prayers, which were spoken in Arabic, some male attendees focused on traditional holiday chants, said only twice a year.

Mohamed Esa, who helped to organize the prayer event at the Best Western Catering and Conference Center, addressed the group before the imam, or prayer leader, began the prayers.

"We are truly making history today .... Today, we are truly a Muslim community in the making," Esa said.

Eid al-Adha, or Festival of the Sacrifice, commemorates Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Ishmael, his first son, as commanded by God, known as Allah in Arabic.

After seeing Abraham's dedication to him, God sent a sheep to be sacrificed in Ishmael's place.

The feast of sacrifice is part of the annual pilgrimage, or hajj, to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, where the prophet Mohammed first received the Quran holy book.

Muslims try to this make this pilgrimage once in their lifetimes. During the hajj, the pilgrims focus on prayer and meditation.

Eid al-Adha is celebrated worldwide with the sacrifice of a sheep or goat, a portion of which is given to the poor.

"In addition to, or instead of, sacrificing an animal, this year, many Muslims opted to donate money to the tsunami victims," Esa said.

Members of the Carroll County Islamic community have donated more than $5,000 in the past two weeks for tsunami relief in Sumatra and Sri Lanka, he said.

Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff spoke after the prayers Thursday morning.

"We all share a common belief in our families, we all share a common belief in our community, and we all share a common belief in God," Dayhoff said.

Some of those gathered for the holiday prayers were meeting other Muslims in the area for the first time, said Sohail Mahmood of Westminster, who attended with his wife and children.

In previous years, Muslims in Carroll had to travel to Washington, D.C., or the Baltimore area to worship.

"We've never had this before," said Mahmood. "We made history."

Waqar Ahmed, who helped plan the event, hoped misunderstandings about their religion could be cleared up through this event and similar events in the future.

"We are a very peaceful, loving people," said Ahmed, of Westminster.

A group of doctors in Westminster began gathering in one of their offices in August to participate in prayers, according to Dr. Syed Hosain, an event organizer.

Other Muslims found out about the gathering and began attending.

The group moved from meeting in the offices to a room in a local hotel.

After outgrowing that space, pastors at the Westminster Church of the Brethren agreed to let them use the church's basement to gather, he said.

The church's pastors have been supportive in allowing them to use the space, Hosain said.

"I think we've been very blessed," Hosain said.

Now 25 to 30 people get together for Friday prayers in the basement of the Westminster Church of the Brethren, he said.

"I never realized there were so many Muslims in Westminster," Hosain said. "It was wonderful to find out."
Kevin Dayhoff for Westminster Common Council
Westminster Municipal election May 14, 2019
Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer.

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20050121 The Hoff Naganna Annexation – the rest of the story

20050121 The Hoff Naganna Annexation – the rest of the story

January 21, 2005

In light of the comments made by the County in the January 21st newspaper articles in the Baltimore Sun and the Carroll County Times
[i], it would be to our mutual advantage to further review the record and documentation pertaining to the development in the year 2002.

The Hoff-Naganna development was forced upon the City by the actions of County Staff and the Carroll County Panning and Zoning Commission (CCP&Z) in a series of concerted actions in 2002. What is particular troubling and egregious about the County’s actions in 2002, is that this all occurred in the context of one of the worse droughts in Westminster history.

Now, to add insult to injury, the County expresses its dismay in the press about a development that the County forced upon the municipality. A development that the City did not want and will constitute a pronounced strain on our ability to provide adequate public services.

Pertinent details of the Hoff Naganna Farm Development. The site is 146 acres in three different zoning classifications. 117 acres is R-10,000, 7.45 acres is R-20,000 and 21.4 acres is Conservation. The site is in W-1 and W-3 for water and S-1, S-3 (formerly S-5 and S-7) for sewer. The number of units is 300 - 350 units. This would involve about 100,000 gpd for water at full build-out.

Where is the 100,000 gpd for water at full build-out, going to come from?

Current Zoning: The property is currently zoned R-10,000 Residential, R-20,000 Residential and C Conservation Zone - - (so no waiver of Zoning will be required from the County under Article 23A, Section 9?). What this means is that this development will go forward, whether or not it is in the Westminster city Limits, whether or not it is annexed by the City of Westminster. The County cannot easily block either annexation or development.

The development is not consistent with our 1998 Comprehensive Plan. The development represents a strain on the municipalities ability to provide future water and sewer service, and it’s lack of continuity would constitute a strain on future ability to provide fire and EMS, police, and public works administration.

I personally have no interest in annexations for residential development unless, the residential development is impossible to stop for reasons of property rights exercised under current law. In such a situation, I will, of course, respect the law and want to do everything possible to ensure that the residential development be in the City limits, so that Westminster may govern the impact on our community.

That stated, now that the development has been enabled, if not encouraged (read: forced upon Westminster), by the County, the municipality is the best governing body to oversee its development. It is critical that any and all development in the Westminster environs, which will impact the quality of life of our municipality, be governed by our municipality.

If the property is not annexed by the City, will the County guarantee the City a revenue stream for the purpose of finding additional water to service the development and fund the necessary fire, EMS protection?

1. Westminster tried to remove this property from the Westminster water and sewer service, in 2002 and County staff approached city staff about not removing it in its entirety in light of the January 28th, 2002 action by the Westminster Mayor and Council; but rather reclassify 86 acres of S-5 (7 – 10 years) and 10.30 acres of S-7” No Planned Sewer Service” to S-3 (0-6 years), which would have severely limited the development opportunity.

As I understand the position of the County Staff, the Hoff-Naganna Development would enable the County to Segment F of the Westminster Area Roadway Planning initiative, as presented to the Westminster Mayor and Council on August 27th, 2001, paid for by the developer.

1a. On December 11th, 2001, Naganwest LLC made a request to amend the Carroll County Water and Sewer Master Plan.

1b. On page 4 of the January 24th, 2002 Westminster Final Report for the Carroll County Triennial Update provided to the CCP&Z, Westminster denied the amendment request to reclassify 86 acres of the s-5 (7-10) and 10.30 acres of S-7 “No Planned Sewer Service” of the Naganna Property to S-3 (0-6 years), thereby terminating this application, as it was inconsistent with the 1998 Comprehensive Plan.

1c. At the January 28th, 2002 Westminster Common Council Meeting, Mr. Beyard presented the triennial update of the Carroll County Master Plan for Water and Sewerage. The following specific recommendations to amend the Plan were accepted, on Motion of Mrs. Albert, seconded by Mr. Ferguson and unanimously passed: “Naganna Property

Request: Reclassify 86 acres of S-5 (7 – 10 years) and 10.30 acres of S-7” No Planned Sewer Service” to S-3 (0-6 years).

Location: South side of Old Westminster Pike, approximately ¼ mile west of MD Route 97.

Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends denial of the amendment

request to reclassify 86 acres of S-5 (7-10 years) and 10.30 acres of S-7 “no Planed Sewer Service” of the Naganna Property to S-3 (0-6 years), thereby terminating this application. This proposal is inconsistent with the recommendation of the planning and Zoning Commission and the goals of the 1998 City of Westminster comprehensive Plan.”

1d. On January 30th, 2002, Ms. Moser was advised that the City denied the reclassification request as inconsistent with our 1998 Master Plan.

1e. At the June 18th, 2002, CCP&Z Meeting, Mr. Preston asked the CCP&Z to overturn the January 28th, 2002 decision of the Westminster Mayor and Common Council. Mr. Preston’s request was granted on July 16th, 2002.

1f. In a July 3rd, 2002 letter to Ms. Moser and the CCP&Z, Westminster advised the CCP&Z that under Section 2 of Carroll County Procedures for amending the CC Master Plan for Water and Sewer, if the City did not certify that the requested amendment as being consistent with the municipality’s Master plan, the request for amendment was to be denied. Westminster once again, reminded the County that Westminster denied the reclassification on January 28th, 2002.

1g. At the July 16th, 2002 meeting of the CCP&Z, the CCP&Z recommended approval of the Draft 2002 Carroll County Water And Sewerage Master Plan, accepting the December 11th, 2001 application for amending the Triennial Water and Sewer plan to include the S-3 designation for the Hoff-Naganna Farm over the objections of Westminster Staff and over-ruling the vote of the Westminster Common Council of January 28th, 2002.

2. August 29th, 2002 Two alternate petitions for annexation were filed.

2a. On December 9th, 2002, the Westminster Common Council accepted introduction of Resolution No. R02-15 and Resolution No. R02-16 – Annexations No. 48 and 51, respectively, of the Naganna property.

2b. Annexation Petition/Consent

Section 19 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of MD deals with the Annexation procedure. Section 19(c) of Article 23A causes the petition to be introduced by resolution. An annexation petition signed by at least 25% of the qualified voters along with 25% of the owners of assessed property in the area to be annexed may be filed with the municipal legislative body.

Under subsection (d) of Section 19, Westminster government will conduct an advertised public hearing prior to any decision with respect to the proposed annexation.

(d) Notice and hearing—After the introduction of the resolution into the legislative body of the municipal corporation, the chief executive and administrative officer of the municipal corporation shall cause a public notice thereof to be published not fewer than four times at not less than weekly intervals in a newspaper or newspapers of general circulation in the municipal corporation and the area to be annexed, briefly and accurately describing the proposed change and the conditions and circumstances applicable. The public notices shall specify a time and place at which a public hearing will be held by the legislative body on the resolution; the hearing shall be set for not less than 15 days after the fourth publication of the notices and shall be held either within the boundaries of the municipal corporation or within the area to be annexed.

The public hearing may be continued or rescheduled for a subsequent time not to exceed 30 days from the day for which the meeting was originally scheduled, or the day on which the hearing commenced but was not completed. In the event of a continuation or rescheduling, a single public notice shall be given at least seven days prior to the continued or rescheduled date in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipal corporation and in the area whose annexation is to be discussed, briefly and accurately describing the property whose annexation is to be discussed, and specifying the day, time, and place of the public hearing.

Immediately upon the first publication of the public notice, a copy of the public notice shall be provided to the governing body of the county and any regional and State planning agencies having jurisdiction within the county. Each of these agencies and jurisdictions shall have the first right to be heard at the scheduled public hearing, after which the hearing shall be open to the general public.

After conducting the required hearing, the municipal elected body may pass (or reject) the resolution which becomes effective 45 days after its passage unless it is petitioned to referendum.

Annexation Zoning—The Five-Year Rule

Cities and towns authorized to exercise and exercising planning and zoning powers under Article 66B of the Annotated Code of Maryland have exclusive authority over planning and zoning in newly annexed areas. However, Article 23A, Section 9 of the Annotated Code (see page 21) provides that no city or town may for five years following an annexation place newly annexed land in a zoning category that permits a substantially different land use from that contained in the current county.
20050121 Commissioners likely to oppose annexation sun,1,2782676.story?coll=bal-local-carroll

Westminster: Commissioners likely to oppose annexation

300-home plan raises traffic, resource concerns

By Athima Chansanchai, Sun Staff, January 21, 2005

Carroll County commissioners said yesterday they probably would not support Westminster's plans to annex about 146 acres for a new housing development because adding up to 300 homes would drain resources and bring increased traffic to a mostly rural area.

The commissioners said that annexing the unincorporated area of the county into Westminster hinged on a questionable assumption - that a single connecting road was enough to declare the property contiguous to the city limits.

"We're talking about a significant increase in the density of the city of Westminster without being contiguous to the city of Westminster," Commissioner Dean L. Minnich said. "It's a surgical strike without touching the people on the county's side of the annexation. It's a crafty little strategy by whoever thought of it, and I object to it here, on the record."

Before the property can be annexed, the county commissioners have to approve the plan.

Westminster planning officials introduced the proposal for annexing the Hoff/Naganna property in September, but plans for the development have dragged since mid-2002.

The developers of the property, located just outside the southeast city limits, asked the city for annexation to gain access to water and sewer lines. Future homeowners would also be entitled to other city resources such as police and fire protection, as well as trash pickup.

Westminster will provide those services only to properties already within city limits or to those the city approves for annexation. The minimum requirement for an annexation is that the property be contiguous to city limits.

That's where the problem begins, county officials said.

"This annexation will look a lot like a lollipop," Steven D. Powell, county chief of staff, told the commissioners.

Powell was referring to the fact that the only thing connecting the development area to Westminster is a single street, Willow Avenue.

The proposed development is bordered by Old Westminster Pike to the north, Mark Drive to the west, Poole Road to the south and Woodside Drive to the east.

A public hearing on the annexation is scheduled for Monday night. Momentum has been building among county residents to oppose the development.

"The city is bulldozing through," said county resident Michelle Jefferson, who lives in a neighborhood adjacent to the proposed development. "There are way too many subdivisions that will be affected by this."

She gave commissioners a copy of a petition that she and more than 270 other residents have signed, opposing the annexation.

"I don't know how much can be preserved at this point. I know there's going to be growth, but 300 homes is too many to stick in there," said John Everett, a county resident who has lived on Willow Avenue with his wife for a decade. "Maybe we could live with half that amount, but still you end up with traffic, school and water problems."

He worried about the addition of up to 600 cars - two per household - because there are already too many commuters using side streets like his, he said, trying to get around congested major arteries.

Everett also wondered how nearby schools at or near capacity could accommodate the influx of children from such a development.

Westminster's planning staff maintains that the city can absorb the demand on its water resources and emergency services. Staff members said the development "will not have an adverse impact on public schools in the Westminster area."

But some city council members expressed reservations.

"Water resources were a major issue on that property. Expectations were high at first to find a major water source, but they couldn't find a well to produce enough gallons," said council President Damian L. Halstad. "With all the development today, resources become an issue - and not just natural, but also our police and fire resources and infrastructure. They're obviously going to be some difficult questions for the developer on this project. I personally think the commissioners' concerns are legitimate."

City officials estimate that up to $275,000 a year could be generated in tax revenues on the proposed development.

County residents said property taxes for city coffers would come at their expense, with the loss of their quality of life.

In meetings with Westminster's Planning and Zoning Commission, city planners said the developer was willing to pay $1.5 million to help offset the project's effect on water and sewer facilities. In planning documents, the money is called a capital utility improvements contribution.

After the public hearing, city council members will set a date to discuss the proposal and consider its adoption.

Copyright © 2005,
The Baltimore Sun

20050121 Hoff annexation challenged cctk

Hoff annexation challenged
By Greg Guenthner, Times Staff Writer

Friday, January 21, 2005

County officials are asking the city of Westminster to allow time for additional comments on an annexation proposal for 146 acres near the intersection of Md. 97 South and Md. 140.

County planners raised questions at Thursday's Board of Carroll County commissioners meeting involving the ownership of Willow Avenue, part of the proposed annexation.

It is unclear whether the county or the original owner of the land on which Willow Avenue sits - owns the road, said county comprehensive planner Scott Graf. The county maintains Willow Avenue, he said.

If a private interest owned the road, permission would be required before it could be officially annexed, Graf said.

Westminster needs to annex Willow Avenue because the 146-acre Hoff property, which fronts the south side of Old Westminster Pike, is not contiguous to Westminster's corporate boundary. City planners have proposed the annexation of Willow Avenue to connect the 146-acre property to the city. The annexation proposal does not include any of the homes on either side of Willow Avenue.

County Commissioner Dean Minnich called the Willow Avenue connection a surgical strike by Westminster and said he is concerned about the potential increase in residential density in the city.

City planners estimate nearly 300 homes could be developed on the property. Tentative plans have been made for residential development on the property, according to city planners.

Minnich also said he would like to see county staff meet with the appropriate Westminster officials to take a look at the annexation process. The city has scheduled a public hearing for 7 p.m. Monday to allow for public comment on the proposal.

The city's Planning and Zoning Commission granted the plan a favorable recommendation on Oct. 14.

Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff said the city is not opposed to the county's suggestion of keeping the public record open longer.

"We're going to be very deliberative about this," he said.

Westminster Council President Damian Halstad said he is concerned about how far the annexation would stretch city resources. The council will need to assess whether the city can adequately provide water, sewer and emergency response services to the parcel once it is developed, he said.

Halstad also said the council will need to consult with the city's attorney to find out if the Willow Avenue right-of-way is a large enough parcel to connect the Hoff property to the city to support the annexation.

Some residents are preparing to fight the annexation at Monday's public hearing.

"With them not establishing ownership [of Willow Avenue], I don't see how they can move forward," said county resident Michelle Jefferson.

Jefferson, who lives on Sycamore Street across from the city line, near the Hoff property, said she and other county residents who live nearby should have been notified of the public hearing directly.

The public hearing has been advertised, Dayhoff said, and it is not city policy to send individual letters to adjacent property owners. It is difficult for planners to gauge which residents will think they are affected by an annexation, he said.

Willow Avenue resident Elaine Everett said she has circulated a petition to help raise awareness of other residents who might be affected by the annexation. Everett said she has more than 270 signatures of residents who oppose the move.

She said she plans to present the petition to city officials on Monday evening.

Reach staff writer Greg Guenthner at 410-857-7886 or


What: Public hearing on the Hoff property annexation

When: 7 p.m., Monday

Where: Westminster City Hall, 1838 Emerald Hill Lane


Monday, January 17, 2005

Remarks at Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration by Allan H. Kittleman January 16, 2005

Remarks at Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration
Allan H. Kittleman
January 16, 2005

Senator Kittleman honors his father, the late Senator Robert Kittleman, in his keynote address at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration.

MLK Jr Day Celebration Remarks

Sunday, January 16, 2005

I want to thank the Martin Luther King, Jr. Howard County Holiday Commission for inviting me to speak this afternoon.   It is a great honor to be with all of you today to celebrate the life of a great American, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

As many of you may know, the Commission was created in 1985 by an Executive Order issued by the County Executive.  This year marks the 20th anniversary of the annual celebration to honor Martin Luther King Jr.  

I especially want to commend the Commission for motivating young people.  During the past four years, over $2,700 has been presented to middle and high school students who were selected as winners for participating in the Martin Luther King, Jr. “Living the Dream Essay” contest.

When I was considering this year’s theme – “A Day to Dream – A Lifetime to Act”, I thought of my father, Bob Kittleman.  As many of you may know, my father passed away on September 11, 2004.  After his death, there were many kind words said about my father.  He would have probably been embarrassed by the attention paid to him.  That was just the kind of person he was.

My family moved to Howard County in the mid-1950s. My father was transferred to this area by Westinghouse. They bought a new home in Allview Estates [just off Route 29]. My father was a strong Republican and he quickly sought to get involved in the Howard County Republican Party. He got the names of two Republican activists in Howard County who lived in the 6th election district [his district] and he went to meet them. Their names were Remus and Leola Dorsey. My father often told me that Remus and Leola Dorsey were the first African Americans that he shook hands with in his life.  He always loved going to see the Dorseys – he especially loved Mrs. Dorsey’s chocolate chip cookies. Mrs. Dorsey is with us this afternoon.

Mrs. Dorsey can correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the conversation went something like this: My father said that he was there to work with the Republican Party and wanted to know if they would help him. Mr. Dorsey responded, yes and we are wondering if you would help us with civil rights issues in Howard County. My father said yes. And a lifetime relationship began.

My father joined the Howard County Branch of the NAACP. He later became the Chairman of the Education Committee. When my parents divorced in the early 1960s, my father got custody of the three children [quite unusual for the time].  He did not stop his work with the NAACP. As you can imagine, at that time in Howard County, it was not the most popular thing for a white person to be an active member of the NAACP.

Although I was fairly young at the time, my father told me that he would receive threats because of his involvement with the NAACP. He told me that he would come home and move my sister’s, my brother’s and my bed away from the windows just in case someone threw something through the window.  There was always a lot of rumors going around the community concerning my father’s activities.  People wondered why so many African Americans were coming to our house.  There were concerns that my father was going to sell our house to an African American.  Can you imagine such a terrible thing?  Despite all this, my father did not stop his efforts.

As the Chair of the Education Committee, he focused on the desegregation of the public schools.  He worked very closely with Silas Craft and Elhart Flurry.  Two of the great “triumvirate” – as my father would call Mr. Craft, Mr. Flurry and Morris Woodson.  All three were great civil rights leaders in Howard County.

My father spent many evenings meeting with school officials in an effort to get them to desegregate the public schools.  He wrote letters to, and met with, the superintendent of schools.  The superintendent and the Board of Education continued to hamper all the efforts to push desegregation.

My father loved to tell the story of when he and Mr. Craft [the President of the Howard County Branch of the NAACP] went to meet with Dr. Edward Cochran.  Dr. Cochran had just been appointed to the Howard County Board of Education.  Prior to that time, the Board of Education had voted consistently 3 to 2 to avoid desegregation.  With Dr. Cochran’s appointment, my father and Mr. Craft thought that there was a real opportunity to get a majority of the Board to push to desegregate the schools.  

They set up an appointment to meet with Dr. Cochran at his home in January.  There happened to be a large snowfall that day and no one in their right mind would have traveled out on the roads.  I recall Dr. Cochran saying that he did not expect them to be able to keep the appointment. 

In the evening, Dr. Cochran heard a knock at the door.  There was Mr. Craft and my father.  They had parked their car at the bottom of Dr. Cochran’s driveway [a fairly long uphill driveway] and walked up to meet with him.  The meeting was historic because Dr. Cochran indeed became the deciding vote to once and for all desegregate the Howard County Public Schools.  

When Mr. Craft resigned from the NAACP to accept employment outside Howard County, my father was appointed to replace him.  Later, when he was asked to run for the position, my father responded that he did not think it was right for a white person to be the President of the Howard County Branch of the NAACP.  To this day, he is the only white person to hold that office.

My father also told me stories of when he would go to a restaurant with his friends and being told to leave because the restaurant would not serve African Americans. 

He told me that lawsuits would be filed against the restaurant and the owner would be forced to serve African Americans.  My father told about one restaurant owner, who told my father and his friends, “I may have to serve you dinner, but I do not have to be in the restaurant when you eat.”  And the owner would leave until they were finished with their dinner.

After his work in the civil rights movement, my father continued to work for what he believed was right by serving in the State Legislature.  He served 19 years in the House of Delegates [becoming the Minority Leader in 1995.  He served 3 years in the State Senate until his death last September.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once stated:

“Cowardice asks the question – is it safe? 

Expediency asks the question – is it politic?
Vanity asks the question – is it popular?  

But conscience asks the question – is it right?  

And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe,nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is right.” 

In a 1963 speech, Dr. King also said:

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in the moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”  

My father stood for what was right during the times of challenge and controversy.  He did not ask if it was safe, politic or popular.  He only asked “is this right?”

I was talking with someone the other day about my father’s life.  She told me that she did not know about my father’s involvement in the civil rights movement.  I told her that many, many people came up to me after reading about my father’s life and said that they also did not know about his work in the 1960s.  I told her that the reason people did not know, was because my father didn’t talk about it.  My father saw his work as being the right thing to do.  He didn’t think that he deserved any recognition for doing the right  thing.  He didn’t consider himself a hero.  He considered himself simply a person who wanted to make sure that everyone was treated equally.

My father used his lifetime to make a difference for the good.  The question to us becomes, are we willing to do the same?  As Dr. King said, “Life’s most urgent question is:  What are you doing for others?”

Are we willing to go the route that is not safe, politic or popular?  Are we willing to stand for what is right and just? Are we willing to serve others?
If you think that you are not able to serve – let me close with these words of Dr. King:

“Everybody can be great …. because anybody can serve.  You don’t have to have a college degree to serve.  You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve.  You only need a heart full of grace.  A soul generated by love.”

20050116 Remarks at MLK Jr Celebration kittleman


Friday, December 31, 2004

20003010 20041231 Coverage of Kevin Dayhoff by Benjamin Demers for the Carroll County Times for 2003 and 2004

20003010 20041231 Coverage of Kevin Dayhoff by Benjamin Demers for the Carroll County Times for 2003 and 2004

January 1, 2003 – December 31, 2004

Future of Even Start program in doubt as funds are cut, despite success

Without the Even Start program, Westminster resident Misty Miley said she wouldn't have the confidence needed to try and get her GED. While Miley has yet to receive the results of her high school equivalency test, which she took two weeks ago, she sa...
Mar. 19, 2004

Roundabout planned to ease traffic

Carroll County's Commissioners have awarded a contract for the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Center Street and Gorsuch Road in Westminster to help deal with potential traffic problems from Winter Mills High School. The commissio...
Jul. 13, 2004

No rush to commit to build new school in North Carroll
In spite of public demand for a quick decision to construct a new school, Carroll County Board of Education members will not rush into deciding how to address overcrowding at North Carroll High School. At a March 11 public hearing and an April 14 boa...
Apr. 27, 2004

Carroll News BriefsBurnett named new higher ed secretary Former Coppin State College President Calvin W. Burnett was named acting secretary of higher education Monday by Gov. Robert Ehrlich. Burnett, a Westminster resident, spent 32 years as president of Coppin State b...
Dec. 9, 2003

'Lights On' lets kids shine
If it wasn't for the Lights On Afterschool program, East Middle School eighth-grader Crystal Bell claims she would be on the streets. Bell, like hundreds of students in Carroll County, says she has been positively affected by the program, which provi...
Oct. 10, 2003

20003010 20041231 Coverage of Kevin Dayhoff by Benjamin Demers for the Carroll County Times for 2003 and 2004

Sunday, December 26, 2004

20041226 Black Oak Associates plans to reacquire mall

Black Oak Associates plans to reacquire mall

Business Notes – Baltimore Sun

December 26, 2004

Black Oak Associates, owned by Dixon Harvey, has formed a new investment group to reacquire Carrolltown Center in Eldersburg.

Harvey first bought the mall in 1993 under Black Rock Associates, then sold it in 1999 to Equity Investment Group of Ft. Wayne, Ind.

Harvey said Black Oak Associates plans to redevelop the mall to complement surrounding shopping and dining options in the area.

Planning may take up to a year.

Black Oak Associates is based in Owings Mills.


Thursday, December 02, 2004

20041201 Baugher’s and Diabetes

Westminster Advocate

Baugher’s and Diabetes

Labels: Restaurants, Baugher’s

December 1st, 2004 by Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff (528 words)

November was National Diabetes Month, and I recently had the honor of recognizing Baugher’s Restaurant and its Manager John Jordan for their work raising awareness and funds in the fight against diabetes.

I take diabetes seriously, for just like many folks in Carroll County, diabetes is a part of my family history of over six generations in Carroll County. In my family, it was known as having the “sugar” problem. I have a nephew who has Type I diabetes. (It used to be called juvenile diabetes.) Several adults in my family have Type 2 diabetes. I know we are not the only folks with a personal experience with this disease.

As I grow older, like many folks in Carroll County, I need to start learning more about “the problem with sugar.” Right now, what little I do know is from the American Diabetes Association (ADA), which says that 6.3% of Americans have diabetes, but nearly one third are unaware that they have the disease. This means that out of 160,000 Carroll Countians, as many as 10,080 could have this disease, but 3,360 may not know it. Some diabetes symptoms include: frequent urination, excessive thirst, extreme hunger, unusual weight loss, increased fatigue, irritability, and blurry vision. If you have one or more of these diabetes symptoms, see your doctor right away.

John Jordan, Baugher’s Restaurant and its employees have worked tirelessly to raise awareness about the dangers of diabetes and have raised money towards research for the prevention and cure of diabetes. It has been a privilege to watch Baugher’s Restaurant as they have organized walks, pie eating contests, and other fundraisers. Last March, patrons “voted” for their favorite Baugher’s employee by donating money to the ADA. The employee who collected the most money kissed the pig's snout while the loser kissed the other end. (Yes, you read that correctly, you get to kiss a pig whether you win or lose.)

The Baugher family has a 100-year history of leadership (and risk-taking) in our community, so such involvement is not a surprise. Baugher’s Restaurant is one Westminster landmark easily recognized by folks throughout the state.

Ed and Romaine Baugher were married in 1932. Their son, Allan was born in 1935, delivered at home by Dr. Bare for $12.50. In 1947, they built Baugher’s Restaurant for approximately $75,000. According to a family history, when the restaurant opened in January 1948, public opinion was that the restaurant would fail. Indeed, the restaurant did not make money until the 1960’s. In the late 1960’s, I would go to Baugher’s with Tom Senseney, Bobby Warner and Scott Bair, Jr. Then, Baugher’s for Breakfast was where community leaders would meet and discuss the pressing issues of the day. As a child, I would watch with rapt attention, consumed in observing the intense discussions. Particularly impressive to me was, no matter how much they disagreed, they were always friendly, respectful and courteous.

So if you are excessive thirsty and hungry, or irritable with blurry vision; don’t just assume that you are having a temporary reaction to holiday guests – see a doctor just to be sure, you’ll win and you won’t have to kiss a pig.

20041202 Youth Service Bureau Support Letter from Carroll County Chapter Maryland Municipal League

20041202 Youth Service Bureau Support Letter from Carroll County Chapter Maryland Municipal League


Maryland Municipal League, Inc.

Kevin E. Dayhoff, Westminster Mayor, Secretary – Treasurer, Carroll Co. MML Chapter

P. O. Box 1245, Westminster, MD 21158

The Honorable Robert Ehrlich

Governor of the State of Maryland

State House

Annapolis, MD 21401

The Honorable Michael Steele

Lt. Governor of the State of Maryland

State House

Annapolis, MD 21401

December 2nd, 2004

Re: Request that the State increase the funding of the 21 Youth Services Bureaus by $2.1 million, or $100,000 for each existing youth Services Bureau. This request is in line with the State’s and local governments’ priority goals of positive youth development and creating communities where families thrive.

Dear Governor Ehrlich:

I have spoken with my fellow Mayors in Carroll County about requesting that the State increase the funding of the 21 Youth Services Bureaus by $2.1 million, or $100,000 for each existing youth Services Bureau. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read why we feel this increased funding will aid in our shared vision of comprehensive and results-based solutions to the problems of the young adult population in our communities.

Youth Services Bureaus provide our communities with a great strategy to address juvenile crime. Youth Services Bureaus help expand access to mental health and substance abuse services, and to address the factors in each young person's life that inhibit them from reaching their potential as productive members of our community, thereby saving our cities and towns untold amounts of money should our communities have to address the results of their unproductive behavior.

As Mayors of cities who benefit from the important services of Youth Services Bureaus, we ask for your support in future funding of these important community resources. State statute mandates that Youth Services Bureaus provide counseling and community outreach services. These services are designed to prevent juvenile delinquency, minimize family disruption while promoting positive youth development. Ultimately, these services divert youth from the more costly juvenile and criminal justice system.

In our cities, Youth Services Bureaus are often the first resource for troubled youth and families. Their strong connection to local schools, law enforcement, and community agencies means they work with youth facing multiple problems such as substance abuse, domestic violence, child abuse, chronic family conflict, teen pregnancy, and school problems. Without places to address these issues, youth often spiral out of control and become involved in delinquent behaviors. When youth are identified early and diverted from future problems, they become assets to our communities rather than liabilities.

Youth Services Bureaus consistently evaluate their services to ensure quality. They have impressed both local leadership and the state legislature with their proven outcomes. The most recent study found 93% of youth who had completed formal counseling had not been adjudicated delinquent two years later.

In recognition of the cost effective success of existing Youth Services Bureaus and their potential for replication in other counties, the Joint Chairmen of the Budget and Taxation and Appropriations Committees requested that by October 1, 2004, the Office of Children, Youth and Families report its plan to expand the services of Youth Services Bureaus throughout the State.

Since 1990, $2.1 million State dollars annually have been allocated to Youth Services Bureaus to provide extensive unique programming in 21 areas of the state aimed at improved youth and family functioning and diversion from the more costly Juvenile Justice System.

In fiscal year 2003 Youth Services Bureaus generated $7.6 million additional funds from local governments, grants, fees and donations, increasing the $1.2 million annual investment to over $9 million dollars. Despite their ability to raise these additional funds, many Bureaus have waitlists and are unable to serve all youth and families in need of their services. Appropriate State funding is now necessary to strengthen existing Bureaus’ capability to provide needed services in their communities and allow the development of new Bureaus in unserved areas.

We ask that the State increase the funding of the 21 Youth Services Bureaus by $2.1 million, or $100,000 for each existing youth Services Bureau. This additional funding will achieve two outcomes: First, it will increase the number of youth and their families receiving counseling, decreasing the likelihood of their involvement in the more costly juvenile Justice system. Second, it will increase the provision of more community specific services, such as truancy prevention or substance abuse assessment and treatment by agencies with established relationships and reputations in their communities

These outcomes are in line with the State’s and local governments’ priority goals of positive youth development and creating communities where families thrive.

In addition, we support the proposal to expand the number of bureaus and suggest that over the upcoming three years, six new Youth services Bureaus be established in rural areas of the State, which are (1) currently unserved and (2) reflect the greatest unmet need. To effectively establish these Bureaus in their communities, a minimum of $200,000 new state funding per new Bureau would be required.

Additional Bureaus can be modeled after existing bureaus that serve a similar rural community. This will allow new Bureaus to utilize existing models to creatively access other funding sources to maximize the State appropriations.

Our vision is a State where each and every child has the opportunity to grow into a healthy and productive adult who in turn, will serve to benefit our future generations. Guaranteeing that all our children can access these valued services will help insure this aim.


Kevin E. Dayhoff, Westminster Mayor

Secretary – Treasurer, Carroll Co. MML Chapter

P. O. Box 1245, Westminster, MD 21158


Carroll County Delegation to Annapolis

Carroll County Board of Commissioners

Carroll County Municipal Mayors

Members - Carroll Co. MML Chapter

Ms. Lynn Davis, LCPC, Exe. Director, Carroll Co. Youth Service Bureau

*Hampstead Mayor Haven Shoemaker President CC Chapter MML

*New Windsor Mayor Sam Pierce Vice President CC Chapter MML

*Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff Secretary - Treasurer CC Chapter MML


Wednesday, December 01, 2004

20041201 Westminster Town Hall Ticker

December 1st, 2004 Westminster Town Hall Ticker

By Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff

The Downtown Westminster Main Street Program and the City of Westminster cordially invites you to celebrate the 2004 Holiday Season in historic downtown Westminster by attending any the following community holiday events. Ample parking is available throughout downtown and parking is FREE after 5 PM and on Weekends.

Santa’s House

Santa will be in his Workshop at East Main Street and Locust Lane every Saturday in December until the Big Day from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Santa will also greet children and shoppers in the downtown shopping area for Starlight Shopping 5 PM to 10 PM on Saturday, December 4th, 2004.

Westminster Holiday House Tour

The Westminster Historic District Commission will hold a Holiday House Tour from 3 PM to 8 PM this Saturday, December 4th, 2004. This year the proceeds will benefit Carroll Hospice. Many of the eight houses featured along Willis and Court Streets were built between the 1890s and 1920s. Also open will be Ascension Episcopal Church, the historic Carroll County Court House and City Hall, all adorned for the holidays.

Refreshments will be served in Ascension Episcopal's Holy Cross Hall. Antique cars and holiday music performed by local groups, will be featured along Willis Street. Tickets are $12 and include offers at several downtown restaurants. Tickets are available through Friday at Westminster area florists, Locust Books, the Hickory Stick, Inspirations and Westminster Antique Mall. Tickets are available the day of the tour at City Hall and the church. For more information, call (410) 848-7967.

Ladies Night Out & Starlight Shopping

Join your friends and neighbors in Downtown Westminster for Ladies Night Out and Starlight shopping. Ladies Night Out is on Thursday, December 2nd from 5 PM to 9 PM and Starlight Shopping is on December 4th from 5 PM to 10 PM. Enjoy 2 magical evenings of shopping, Santa, holiday music and treats at the many unique shops and eateries that only Downtown Westminster has to offer! Several restaurants, including Johansson's, Harry's, Rafael's, the Pour House, Giulianova and Main Street Deli, will participate. In the spirit of the season, Lady Luck Cards will be available at a number of participating downtown merchants and can be validated December 2nd-4th, along with 3 separate drawings for a 25.00 gift certificate to celebrate the holidays. For more information on these two great nights, call Kathy Gilmore at (410) 848-7116.

The 7th Annual Festival of Wreaths

The seventh annual Festival of Wreaths will hold its silent auction Wednesday December 1st through December 5th, 2004. Hours are Wednesday through Saturday: 10 AM – 8 PM and Sunday: 10 AM – 4 PM at the Carroll County Arts Council at 91 West Main Street in Westminster with more than 200 wreath-related works of art. Come view uniquely decorated theme wreaths and participate in an auction to benefit the Carroll County Arts Council. Winning bidders need not be present. Admission is free. Information: 410-848-7272.

Free holiday classic movies at the Carroll Arts Center

During the Carroll County Arts Council’s upcoming Festival of Wreaths, they will be showing several holiday classic movies on the big screen at the Carroll Arts Center. All films are free. Advance reservations are not required and tickets will not be distributed. Call (410) 848-7272 for a movie listing and times.

Friends of Carroll Lutheran Village Auxiliary will hold its holiday bazaar Saturday, December 4th, 2004 from 7 AM to 11:30 AM at Carroll Lutheran Village on St. Luke Circle. Poinsettias and other holiday flowers, baked goods, jewelry and handmade gift items by the Village Crafters will be on sale. A pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage breakfast will be served from 7 AM to 10 AM. The cost is $5 for adults and $2.25 for children. For more information, call (410) 848-0090

The 5th Annual Walt Michael & Co. Holiday Concert will be held at the Carroll Arts center - 91 West Main Street Michael, Mike Chapelaine and Tom Wetmore. Admission Fee. For tickets, call (410) 857-2771. on December 4th starting at 8 p.m. Catch the spirit of the season with an enchanting evening of music from Walt

For more information on Westminster activities and contacts, check our Web site at This information was gathered and prepared by Westminster Mayor Kevin Dayhoff. If you would like to see any additional or different information in this column - please contact me at


Friday, November 26, 2004

Baltimore Sun Op-ed: Righting the CIA by Melvin A Goodman

Baltimore Sun Op-ed: Righting the CIA by Melvin A Goodman

Righting the CIA by Melvin A. Goodman Published on Friday, November 19, 2004 by the Baltimore Sun

President Harry S. Truman created the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947 to coordinate the various assessments of the intelligence community and to place the CIA outside the policy community. In this way, Mr. Truman wanted to encourage competitive analysis within the intelligence community and to make sure that policy-makers did not tailor intelligence to suit their interests.

Over the years, there have been many attempts to politicize intelligence. But no government has been so blatant as the Bush administration, which used phony intelligence to justify the war against Iraq and has introduced a new director of central intelligence, Porter J. Goss, to conduct a political housecleaning at the highest levels of the agency.

I joined the CIA in 1966 during the Vietnam War and witnessed a major campaign to ensure that intelligence supported the Johnson administration's troop buildup in Southeast Asia. Working-level analysts correctly estimated the size of the Viet Cong forces and even predicted the Tet offensive in 1966, but time and again, senior officials caved in to Pentagon demands to limit the order of battle for irregular forces and to downplay the strength of Vietnam's military capabilities. After Tet in 1968, the CIA made honest efforts to accurately assess the capabilities and strengths of the enemy.

We are witnessing a similar phenomenon today, with agency analysts trying to improve their Iraqi intelligence reporting after tailoring intelligence on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and links to terrorism prior to the war.


I resigned from the CIA in 1990 because of the politicization of intelligence on the Soviet Union, which was championed by CIA Director William J. Casey and his deputy for intelligence, Robert M. Gates. The overestimates of the strength of the Soviet Union in the 1980s meant that the policy community was completely surprised by the Soviet collapse and missed numerous negotiating opportunities with Moscow.


Read the entire opinion piece here: Righting the CIA by Melvin A. Goodman Published on Friday, November 19, 2004 by the Baltimore Sun

20041119 Baltimore Sun Op ed Righting the CIA by Melvin A Goodman