“Dayhoff Westminster Soundtrack:” Kevin Dayhoff – “Soundtrack Division of Old Silent Movies” - https://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/ combined with “Dayhoff Westminster” – Writer, artist, fire and police chaplain. For art, writing and travel see https://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ Authority Caroline Babylon, Treasurer
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Friday, May 29, 2015
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Quinoa and Edamame for dinner
Quinoa and Edamame for dinner at Frank and Rosa’s May 1, 2010 by Kevin Dayhoff
[20100501 Quinoa and Edamame for dinner]
Kevin Dayhoff Soundtrack: http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/ = http://www.kevindayhoff.net/ Kevin Dayhoff Art: http://kevindayhoffart.blogspot.com/ or http://kevindayhoffart.com/ = http://www.kevindayhoff.com/ Kevin Dayhoff Westminster: http://kevindayhoffwestgov-net.blogspot.com/ or http://www.westgov.net/ = www.kevindayhoff.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/kevindayhoff Twitpic: http://twitpic.com/photos/kevindayhoff Kevin Dayhoff's The New Bedford Herald: http://kbetrue.livejournal.com/ = www.newbedfordherald.net Explore Carroll: www.explorecarroll.com The Tentacle: www.thetentacle.com
Thursday, November 05, 2009
The tricyclers
Click here for a larger image: http://twitpic.com/ocd84 or here: http://kevindayhoff.tumblr.com/post/233763344/the-tricyclers-http-tinyurl-com-ykrnzqy
They are now scientists, stockbrokers, rock climbers, extreme hikers and triathletes now, but once upon a time…
19880000c ftb mr2 bikes Babylon Family, Babylon Family Mr. Smurf, Babylon Family MR2, Smurf family
The tricyclers http://tinyurl.com/ykrnzqy http://twitpic.com/ocd84
http://kevindayhoff.blogspot.com/2009/11/tricyclers.html http://tinyurl.com/ykrnzqy
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Frank keeps his eye on the boat in Wanchese harbor
July 20, 2009 by Kevin Dayhoff
Frank keeps his eye on the boat in the harbor in Wanchese, Roanoke Island, Outer Banks, North Carolina.
20090720 sdosm Frank keeps his eye on the boat in Wanchese harbor
Friday, June 01, 2007
20070531 This cartoon is for Mr. and Mrs. Smurf
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Friday, September 15, 2006
20060914 Klingon Wedding
Klingon Wedding
Several really neat members of my family are getting married next spring. And me – the artist uncle, has been making some really helpful suggestions throughout the wedding preparations…
I mean, advancing age allows me the wisdom of having the memories of a number of memorable weddings.
(One of the most memorable was at the top of the World Trade Twin Towers in New York…)
Anyway, I came across a great idea for a thematic wedding. What better than a Klingon Wedding.
Whadda ya think. I mean it’s just a really helpful suggestion.
Ah - - you wouldn’t have to do the actual ceremony in the Klingon language. Then again, that might be a great idea.
Anyone know of a pastor or a rabbi who speaks Klingon?
OoooKaaay. I’ll just get back to work here now that I have been so helpful.
Oh, don’t mention it. Anytime.
Love you guys.
Uncle Kevin
Babylon Family Mr. Smurf, Dayhoff personal, Erratum Klingon(s), Humor